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tv   Eyewitness News at 530  CBS  September 26, 2014 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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>> deadly crash on the blue route is causing major issues, as you head out the door in that area. this is live look near the scene near the exit f the schuylkill expressway. torrey is here with what you need to know, that's coming up. also, a close call at the pumps. new this morning, a cashing goes speeding out every control crashing and causing a fire. we have the details. and, flames badly burned a woman who just was filling up her tank. we're live with the latest. is it a suit or pajamas? wait until you hear more about the suit onesie. got to get me one of those. first, we check in with traffic and weather together. carol, good morning. >> carol is here, hello, hello. i am here. we are looking at great
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weather today. there, you see, great wetter. >> let's go to tory? >> we are looking at great weather today. not so great on the roads. >> definitely not great on the roads at all. traveling on 476, we are still experiencing some activity, as aeroflot earlier fatal accident. let's get you outside. give you brief overview of what you are dealing with. so this is the accident scene, 476 northbound, approaching the area of the schuylkill expressway. as you will notice, one lane of traffic is getting by that's the improvement. you are going to find a delay, all of the headlights merging together, trying get by this incident scene. yep, that would be the delay. so, the best thing to do is just give yourself more time out there. we will continue to provide more details on this, as they become available for us, but, for right now, we head it back over to the desk with ukee. >> thank you, torrey.
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new this morning, crash at kensington gas station, sends woman to the hospital. >> impact sparks fire also at that gas pump. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo joins us now at the scene to bring us to up date. jan, good morning. erika, ukee, good morning. i was just able to speak with the victim's family, they tell me, she is now in the hospital in the intensive care unit. with severe burns, second degree burns, and third agree burns, from this part of her body, down, so very serious accident here, this morning. and they tell me, she had got mean this accident right behind me here, at the sunoco gas station right after she took off her gas cap. that's when one car hit her car, and overturned the gas pump, and get there is she was with her three year old daughter. >> banked up, burned out. the wreckage of two car crash and fire here at this kensington gas station, and an accident that sent one person to the hospital, a woman, just trying to fill up. >> it is insane. you never know what is going to happen to you when you wake up in the morning. >> fire officials say the
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crash happened at this sunoco at the corner of somerset street and aramingo avenue just before 11:30 thursday night. woman was getting ready to p.m. up when an out of control car slammed into her car. t bone it. we're told the driver misstook the gas pedal to the brake. it is a mistake that took out the pump and sparked big fire. both cars were burned, and so was the woman standing outside. she suffered second agree burns, on her hands, and leg, and taken to temple university hospital. she in stable condition this morning. a relief for folks in the neighborhood, all it be a scene that still has them shaken. >> scary thing to know, that at any moment that could be it. >> this woman's family has identified her 21 year old jacqueline lopez of northeast philadelphia, they tell me, she is a single mother, goes to school, she works as well, they are just relieved she alive this morning, they realize that this accident could have been a whole lot worse, we will hear much more from them coming up in next half hour. reporting live in kensington,
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jan carabeo, "eyewitness news". 5:33, carol, the forecast for today and the week end. >> yes, looks like great forecast for today, maybe even better one by the time we get to the weekend if you are longing for summer, i think it is back for little while. storm scan3, in the a problem at all. our problem is gone. our problem was yesterday. but it is pulling away quickly and we're just left with some sunshine, perfect looking weather conditions coming up today. cool start though. fifty-six in philadelphia, 53 trenton, 55 degrees in wilmington, poconos, 51, wildwood, 57. so you get the idea. future weather, not a care in the world in the weather department. by 4:00 p.m. we are still looking at clear skies, and as we go through this evening, we are still looking at clear skies. temperatures today 57 in philadelphia, at the shore, 75 degrees, just completely different day than it was yesterday. in the poconos, very nice day. 72 degrees, with sunshine, coming up, lots of things
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going on tonight, it is cents friday, and that's reason enough to celebrate. and here is another reason. our friday football game frenzy, game of the week, archbishop ryan against archbishop wood at 7:00. cool evening, temperatures get to go 62 degrees. we have got nice looking week ahead with temperatures this weekend, vet tore crashes getting into the 80s with sunshine. let's check on some troublesome roads right now. >> thanks, carol. at least we have the weather to look forward tonight but the good news is that earlier accident on 476 is finally been put to rest. let's head outside and take a look, 476 schuylkill, if you are traveling, 476 northbound approaching the schuylkill we had the very serious fatal crash, unfortunately, traveling in this area. you will notice that we still have lingering flare on the roadway, but, they have reopened the northbound side of the blue route approaching 76. so you can now use this as your means of your commute. earlier i was given the alternate to take the schuylkill to 22 to main street. you can still do. that will you can now access the northbound side of the blue route from conshohocken, if you are traveling on the
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southbound side of 202, approaching 422 westbound, you will still have a disable tractor-trailer situation, police as well as pendot are still on scene. you can access 422 but still that is going to set you back this morning. also, which may set you back, would be northeast philadelphia on the roosevelt boulevard at welsh rd. the traffic light malfunction here, definately sticky situation, make sure come to complete stop at the intersection, take a look at the wide, still speed censors are in the 50's, still very quiet. as soon as the sun comes up, rush will comes in, things will change. as of now overall real nice start to your morning. ukee, erika? >> tour, thank you. 5:36. in business news this morning, how low will gas prices go? >> also, what's next for apple's iphone software upgrade? money watch's jericka duncan joins us now from the new york stock exchange with those stories and more, jericka, good morning. good morning, ukee, erika. apple is at it again with yet another update for its mobile devices. some users reported phone glitches after installing an update to apple's latest
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operating systems ios8. users said the update kept them from making calls and using the very important fingerprint id. now, apple released a update, we'll see if that one fixes cents cents the problem. the tech giant also responds today claims its new iphones bends. a spokeswoman from the company says with normal use, a bend in the iphone is extremely rare, and she also says only nine customers have contacted apple about a bent iphone six plus. apple has take answer huge hit shares closed down almost 4%, wiping out nearly $23 billion in market value. today invest letters wait to see if the market improve from its steepest decline since the ends of july. the dow jones closed 264 points lower yesterday, the nasdaq lost more than 88. while many of you, many of us, are used to paying $3 or more, for gallon of gas, there is word we could be paying much less than that. well, maybe not much less, but talking in the 2-dollar range, analysts cents say that by the end of the year, to up 30
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states could have average gasoline price of less than three bucks per gallon. >> gas prices cents decline in the fall. >> this year being pulled even lower by falling global oil prices fast-food battles continue. wendy's hoping its new barbeque options will move the chain to the front of the pack. , wendy's offering pulled pork product that include pulled pork sandwich, cheeseburger, even pulled pork cheese fries. that is fries topped with barbeque pork, cheese sauce, and on johns. they're only offering these items until november. i know you can't wait to try it, ukee. >> you know what? >> erika, not sure if you're a pulled pork girl, but i'm sure ukee will try it. >> oh, with the coal shaw right on top? >> i was just wiping the drool from my mouth, excuse me, but that looks good. >> never too early for little pulled pork. thanks, jericka, see you later this morning. >> you guys go right a had i head. >> we'll let you know how it is, talk to you soon. time now 5:38. philadelphia man fight to go clear his name after violent
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altercation with some atlantic city security guards after it leaves him with a criminal record. >> "eyewitness news" reporter matt rivers shows us the surprising video of this ordeal. >> have i lent video ends with him lying unconscious in his own blood. >> the lowest point of my life. >> twenty-five year old sat down with "eyewitness news", and re watched the scene that he says changed his life. it was last september at people after darkment said security guard asked him to leave saying he had already left, and wasn't allowed to re-enter. he told her that wasn't true. another guard started arguing with cone i, attracting a lot of attention. >> guy started getting in my face, pushing me, cursing at me in my face. >> that guy, offer duty atlantic city police officer working part time security for harrah's. outside the pool club, coney and the officer clashed again. that officer responds, and as the video shows, smashes coney over the head with a baton,
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coney runs away and falls. >> while i'm on the ground, face-down, i'm getting struck in the head, struck in the back, getting punched, kicked, everything. >> coney said the group hitting him also included another off duty atlantic city officer and several security guards, eventually it stops, and coney now handcuffed is walked toward the detention cell at the casino. >> i can barely stand. and i am just done. i'm out. >> at that time, coney said he passed out, blood clearly stream interesting his head, as officers and employees drag him several feet through a door, and then leave him. >> just watching myself pretty much lay lifeless on the ground, and nobody cares. these are police officers and security guards, and nobody cares. >> coney eventually taken to ament who, later charged with aggravated assault and resisting arrest, charges he pleaded down to a misdemeanor, a decision coney now regrets, saying his new criminal history has cost him two jobs. >> i can't be the person that i had inspired and work so hard to be.
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>> so he and his lawyer have filed to get his record expunged, while he waits for his lawsuit against harrah's and the officers to go to court. >> i'm just embarrased. i've been humiliated by this. no excuse for t i want to clear this up. i want what's right to be proven to be right. >> and we did reach out to both atlantic city and to harrah's officials, but received no word back. that will previous statement, harrah's had said that they do not comment on pending litigation, but they did say that they take customer safety very seriously. in the sat center, matt rivers, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". right now, 5:41. and we have a terrific update this morning, for a heartwarming viral video with a philly connection. devon still of the cincinnati bengals posted this video on his instagram page. driving his four year old daughter lea to children's hospital of philadelphia, to have a cancerous tumor removed from her abdomen. now the post went viral just in seconds. last night, still posted picture of lea resting and recuperating in the hospital.
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still said the philadelphia doctors were able to remove all of lea's tumor. >> oh, that's great. that's great. i saw a bigger piece on espn not too long bag that, it was conned err full. god bless them both. >> wish her well. well it, may be one of the strange he is packages fed ex has ever had to make a very special delivery coming up. >> they real dow ship everything. >> they do. >> fellows also getting ready for work could be a lot easier. how that suit is different than any casino you have. details coming up. carol? >> erika, you and i will get in on that, as well. >> oh, i would invest in this. >> exactly. we have wonderful easy day, maybe swimsuit weather for you. we'll check out the forecast coming up. >> i'm health reporter stephanie stahl. you're supposed to save monday which generic prescription drugs, right? maybe not any more. >> we've always been used to three, 4% increases every year, but now talking about a thousand percent increase, 5,000 percent increases cents.
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it doesn't make sense. >> it is happening to all kind of generic medications cents with no warning. many co-pay's are expected to go up too. >> we don't have that casino of money to buy this casino of medicine. >> why is it happening? and how you can avoid having to pay more for your drugs. coming up tonight at 11:00 on cbs-3 "eyewitness news".
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good morning to you. i want to show you a great time lapse. this is at the palmyra cove nature park. you can see, as the skies change, as we move into the nighttime hours, and skies start to clear out, beautiful look. we love nature. and we love nature when it is behaving itself. and it is cents going to be doing today. 54 degrees is the temperature right now out in palmyra at the nature cove. we have temperatures every place that are pretty comfortable in the 50's, and if you are head today any kind of a watery destination today, maybe the shore, temperature of 75 degrees, this afternoon, the water temperature still pretty mild at 69 degrees. so, much better beach day today. yesterday, was not beach day at all. unless you wanted to get some very frightening pictures of winds and rain and surf. we have clear skies, over us right now, the storm system from yesterday, getting even farther and farther away, every moment we speak, and every moment we don't speak. 56 degrees the temperature in philadelphia right now. we have 55 wilmington,
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53 degrees in trenton this morning. so nice start to the day. temperatures will be in the 70s, and well up into the 70s, today, yesterday we stopped at 64 degrees. high pressure builds in here this weekend, it is in the 80s, both days, both saturday, and sunday. future weather, not even going to really bother to stop this. because it is clear skies, from today, tonight, and tomorrow. so the weather conditions look like they're calming down, greatly. here is the seven day forecast, i think you will like, we have 77 degrees for our temperature today, 55 tonight, over the weekend, 82, both saturday, sunday, monday, 78, we finish out with real nice day. looks like maybe tuesday chance of shower, but that should be it, vittoria. >> i think we will take t i think overall the good outweighing the bad. if you're traveling on any of the majors, the good news is, well, the one piece of good news that i can finally share with you, i said in my last report, 476 now reopened at the schuylkill expressway. that's totally an improvement. if you are traveling elsewhere there is would be 202
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southbound approaching 422 west t does seem to be that this overturned or not overturned, excuse me there is tractor-trailer situation is still in the process of being cleared out of the way. blocking the right lane. you can still access 422 westbound, but it will be just bit of squeeze. as we take a look at 95 here, traveling in the southbound direction, now starting to see just touch of that rush, form, as we approach 6:00. so maneuvering through girard avenue right through the construction zone, i would say that's where we will see just little bit after dip in the speed censors. so many, going to start in northeast around 55, the big end, going to jump into the 40's, making your way around girard. fifty on the schuylkill, 55, 476, northeast extension, pa turnpike, all moving real well this morning. as we take a look into the northeast section every philadelphia, for all of the nor'easter, roosevelt at welsh, traffic light malfunction. so make sure you're taking it easy out there, and make sure you come to complete stop, just assess the situation. new jersey looking great. no problems in delaware. mass transit even better. we head back toutiesting. >> thank you, a look at today's headlines on cbs-3. one woman in the hospital with
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second agree burns, after a crash and fire at a gas station in kensington. police are investigating the crash right now. also, a law end foesment official tells the associated press he sent copy of this ray rice elevator video to the nfl back in april. the nfl denies it. it is in the clear what happened to the video, once it arrived at league offices. and investigators searching for the cause of row home fire in chester. two homes were damaged, one person is being assisted by the red cross right now. right now, 5:48. big honors tonight on the campus of temple university. we will tell you which local rock-and-roll is her going into their hall of fame. >> but first, here is a look at what's coming up tonight during evening prime time viewing right here on cbs-3.
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>> theme song back in the day. yes, indeed. >> you know it, has local connection. >> sure does. >> congratulations going out to phillies own john, going to be inducted into temple university's school of media, and communication hall of fame tonight. i hear carol got special invitation. >> graduated back in 1970 with agree in journalism. big congrats going out to all of tonight's un duck tees and carol the inspiration foreman
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eater. >> oh, get to the title later ya, that's all right. >> stole it from me. >> hey, look out snuggy, here comes the suitsie. >> brain child of san francisco based entrepreneur. check out josey's creation, here it is, with some stitching anacine err look like a pro in 30 seconds or left. zip it up. hidden behind the butts ons, came up with the idea for the suit suitsie6 months ago. >> san francisco appreciates convenience, and comfort, but also little bit of class, too, this is a combination every of all of those things. >> i thought wouldn't it be great to have a way to look professional, also feel like i'm in my pajamas? >> isn't that the dream? >> that would be great for this shift. >> oh, no kidding. >> oh! >> sinus up. now the suitsie not available in stores just yet, sorry, ukee, jesse is marketing his product to fashion focus crowd funding web side called beta brands t in designers like his idea, just may end up on the
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production line. >> how about that? thirty seconds, and zip you're there. >> can't beat t i would love that. hi, carol? >> no coincidence, my outfit is just the reverse, the woman's version, already prototyping t66 degrees if philadelphia, everybody in the 50's right now, including allentown, you have gained an agree. school day forecast, i think we get a. just perfect weather, 16 yeast at 8:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m., 77 degrees, and let's stamp that star on everybody's paper today. temperatures 77 this afternoon, 82, yes, 82 saturday, sunday, monday, 78, tuesday, maybe a chance of a shower. wednesday 73, thursday, 57 degrees, vittoria? >> carol, the suitsie really? like i can't. can't we just put a pair of pants on people? you need full zip? i mean -- >> apparently so. >> geez. >> anyway. let's get outside. let's continue to gave you a idea whatever you are dealing with this morning, because,
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earlier we had a few incidents that were setting us back, closure of 476, disable tractor-trailer on the southbound side of 202 approaching 422, all of those have been cleared, which means, headed ought out and about, things are f free and clear, like the vine st. expressway, speed censors in the 60s, things will change when the sun comes up, the rush comes in, so
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>> sugarhouse casino, lapping today, today is the day, folks, be there between noon and 3:00 to try out, two win letters fly out to los angeles for taping of the show. one of them, guaranteed spot on contestant row. >> nice. >> details coming up for you on look therefore more information. >> last year the line was around the block. >> oh, good time if you go out. quick way to his new home in southern california.
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>> yes, sapphire, 130-pound loggerhead turtle, a condition that prevented her from driving underwater hearing has been at florida animal hospital for about 16 months, and now, she is head today san diego by fed ex. wow. officials say sapphire could live another 80 years with the proper care. >> oh, worse place trip to go from florida to san diego, rough flight for sapphire. >> sapphire got it going on, for sure. coming up in the next hour, live with new information about the close call for woman who was just pumping gas when out of control car slammed into the pump. good morning, family, see you in a bit.
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thnot tonight. introducing longhorn's steaks that sizzle for $12.99. smoky double bacon sirloin. parmesan crusted sirloin. only at longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak. i've lived hewith my mother, forty--four who is ninety--nine. people who do not live in delaware county need to know that tom mcgarrigle raised our taxes five times. five times in seven years. meanwhile tom mcgarrigle gave a million dollar subsidy to an energy company. tom mcgarrigle is not looking out
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for regular families or seniors at all. we need john kane in the senate. he gets regular families. >> reopened following deadly early morning crash.
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box truck collide wad sedan just after 4:00 this morning near the exit four # six. the scene may be cleared, but the investigation is ongoing. also, breaking this morning, we now noah early morning fire in chester, was fatal. "eyewitness news" has confirmed, that one woman died when flames broke out on the 2800 block of tenth street around midnight. firefighters worked for an hour to gain the upper hasn't. we've also just learned when treated dollars at the hospital and is expected to be okay. still no word on a cause. well, new this morning, fiery accident at kensington gas station. driver hit the woman getting gas in her tank and now severe burns. jan carabeo joins us at the scene with the latest information, jan, good morning. >> reporter: erika, ukee, good morning. i was cents just able to speak with the victims family here, who identify her as 21 year old jacqueline lopez of northeast philadelphia.