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tv   Eyewitness News at 530  CBS  October 7, 2014 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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almost 100 people forced out of their home after a fire rips through an apartment building. delaware county fire including some injuries resulting from the fire. also, here is heart-warming story that will bring smiles to your face. how that little boy there ended up stealing the show with his favorite nba basketball players. first, there, so cute. first, we check on weather and traffic with katie and jess. >> his feet had to be 2 feet from the ground. so cute. what a sweetheart. dealing with warm and cold front, combo, and as that moves through, our latest round every wet weather which we have to track this morning as well as tonight. and then we see drop on the thermometer. so lots going on with the system. we break all of the details down coming up. jess? >> relatively quiet start so far for this morning, we go outside right now, show you our cameras on 20 it, just at
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the schuylkill expressway. so, headed northbound, or the taillights are moving on through, that's headed toward the king every prussia area currently no problems there. we check in with mass transit and the airport coming up in the next couple every minutes. erika, back over to you. >> jess, thank you, back to developing story. fire investigators are trying to determine what exactly sparked flames inside delaware county apartment building. >> "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo, she is live at the scene this morning, in folcroft, where more than 100 people are now displaced. good morning, jan. >> reporter: that the tasha, erika, good morning, definitely, not a way anyway wants to spends their night outside of their home on a wet, damp morning, and that's exactly what close to 100 people are doing this morning because of the fire. also, three people had to be taken to the hospital as a result of this fire. we're told by the fire department, two of those people were elderly, taken to the hospital just to be evaluated. one woman, who was inside of this apartment, when it caught fire, she was taken for smoke inhalation. and now, that the fire is out, the big remaining concern is just how many people are displaced, we're told, close
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to 100 people in more than 70 units, to find another place to stay, because of the fire, and high levels of carbon monoxide. the fire department tells me those levels are likely down by now. but, number of other issues have to be addressed before folks can move back in. now this fire started here, around 10:30 last night, in a first floor unit at the glenn croft club apartments, here on the 100 block of folcroft avenue. the fire was contained to that one apartment, but the smoke and co forced evacuation of this entire building, told there are roughly 72 units here, again close to 100 people that had to find other accommodations overnight. the red cross is assisting and close to two dozen of those people are at a shelter that has been set up at the folcroft fire station. but some folks are sticking it out here on scene, waiting for the okay, to go back inside. >> when they get back, we get back in, there we can get in our beds and sleep for good couple of hours. because that's what i would like to do. >> she said she wishes she had a cup of coffee, as well this
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morning, they decided to stay here until they got word. no exact word just yet. resident say they're hearing around 8:00, 9:00 this morning, the fire department still has to conduct its cause and investigation, they also some quod violations, by the fire department, as well as to turn the fire alarm system back on. this is a continuing developing story, we will continue to bring you the latest, for now, live in folcroft, jan carabeo, cbs news. >> twenty-nine year old suspect charged with sexually assaulting assault one in chinatown awaiting april rainment this morning. brandon menially is the man seen here attacking the 45 year old victim in this surveillance video. according to police, he may have specifically targeted that woman sunday morning. he is charged with rape, robbery, attempted murder among other charges. 5:33, we want to get back to kate way check on the forecast, good morning. >> good morning, everybody, today's the day really where we see the most active weather of the next few days, comes
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courtesy of warm and then cold front crossing through. so the warmfront actually starting to make its retreat already. and you can see, still few little signs of life here on storm scan3, so, i've seen couple, got damp roads out, there you have got couple of spots where you might have to flick the windshield wipers once, twice, but through the day you don't need the umbrella then you can see that, when we put things into motion, last three hours, even tail end of the warmfront, really fizz link away nicely, the problem is, once this gets out of here, not totally done with wet weather for the day. tonight, we start to seymour moving in. and meantime we sit in the warm sector after storm right now, the winds are starting to kick in little bit. your current gusts, as high as the 20's, in bethlehem, new castle, malvern, so it is casino of a cross the board here, where you have got a noticeable breeze, but temperatures are way milder. 64 degrees currently at the airport, still in the 50's allentown, mount pocono. but yesterday were you into the 30's. so you've eaked out anything from 15 to 25 plus degrees more warmth here this morning
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because of a warmfront and b the cloud cover that's out there. now, along the way, you should see some sunshine. this won't be as bright and sunny as yesterday was, however. mid 70s expected, in philly, down the shore, up in the poconos, as is typical, little bit cooler, but still overall very pleasant day. tonight the rain starts to move in, and it likely, jess, will be some heavy rain that comes our way, too. >> we'll have to definitely pay attention to the roadways little later on, too, katie. good morning, just 5:35, we have relatively great start so far to the morning. we head outside to our cameras, on route 202, you can see, everything moving along perfectly fine so far. so whether you are headed southbound, and where the headlights are coming in, or headed northbound toward the king of prussia area, just 202 just at the schuylkill expressway, everything moving along great still so far. elsewhere on 95, around the penn's landing area, still headed northbound where headlights are coming in, southbound where the taillights are going, still moving along great there as well. rest of the majors still not a lot of problems to talk
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becomes blue route northbound 95 into the schuylkill, only still about 18 minute trip. and, everything moving along great ahead eastbound oaks into 202, only about seven minute trip there. still, building fire out in north philadelphia. dolphin street at ninth street. alternate to get around just take diamond street. that the tasha, back to you. >> philadelphia's largest teachers union says it was surprised that the school reform commission canceled their contracts with the school district. union representatives say this newspaper ad was the only notice given about the meeting where that step was approved. now, union members will have to pay into their healthcare plan for the very first time. and that cost will run between five and 13% of their premiums. >> total disrespect for the teachers and other school employees who worked in the school district of philadelphia. >> the concept that they are surprised by this is laughable. when i was first appointed to the src in february, i said that we would take unilateral
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action, if we could not reach an agreement. >> well the changes to the teachers union benefits will go into effect on december 15th. right now, 5:37. and in business news this morning, which tv hit is making a come back. >> manhattan store the latest targeted by identity thieves. money watch's jill wagner joins us from the new york stock exchange, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, this holiday shopping season could be a happy one for retailers. the national retail federation says it expects sales during november and december to climb 4.1% this year, that's the highest rate in three years. but, analysts cents do say, stores will need to lure in shoppers with deep discounts. well, here on wall street, investors will be watching as companies start releasing earnings for the last few months. yesterday the dow fell 18 points, the nasdaq lost 20. well, law enforcement officials here in new york city craft an identity theft
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ring involving hundreds of thousands of dollars in designer merchandise from sacks' fifth avenue. that includes, bags and shoes, from brands like gucci, valentino. investigators call it an inside job. they say four store employees may be involved. they say the scam remembers planning to sell the items on the black market. experts say sacks fifth avenue customers should check their credit states. the tv classic twin peaks is making come back. original ran for two seasons back in 1990. this time, it will be a limited run on show time which is a division of cbs. crow ate or david lynch will direct all nine episodes. it is expected to run in 2016. no word though on who will be starring in it. i've never seen it, erika, natasha. >> yes, i haven't either. i guess i'll watch it for the first time. >> got to watch it together. >> supreme court refuses to hear almost a dozen appeals on same sex marriage effectively legalizing that same sex marriage in 11 more states.
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now there is move does pave the way for marriages in virginia, utah, indianna, oklahoma and wisconsin. it also impacts six other states governed by the same lower court. same sex marriage is now legal in more than half of all us states including pennsylvania, delaware, and new jersey. right now, it is 5:39. before you walk out the door, we're updating today's top stories. >> hat sin very old and tricky language. township in new jersey is learning the hard way. tell you what a phrase cut into the side after new library says, what it should say, what the township is planning on doing, to fix it. >> ♪ god bless america ♪ >> even the best of us mess up sometimes. do you have hear how tony bennett flubbed god bless nerve. >> he doses it beautifully, though. >> also, a lot of activity on storm scan3, check out your
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screen, more rain returns to the area. katie lets you know when you will need that umbrella whether we do traffic and weather together on the 3's. >> tonight at 11:00 grieving mother's final wish for her son is rejected by the church. but did she go too far with her plan for his gravestone? you decide, cemetery controversy tonight on "eyewitness news" at 11:00. thnot tonight. introducing longhorn's steaks that sizzle for $12.99. smoky double bacon sirloin. parmesan crusted sirloin. only at longhorn steakhouse.
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you can't fake steak. i can't get this place it's such a peaceful place. it's so full of life. a place where the artisic beat of the big city, but the flavor of a traditional mexican town. ♪ imagine being on the green in the middle of the sea. some things can't be explained, you have to experience them. vallarta-nayarit, live it to believe it.
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>> waiting for arraignment in suspect of this week's brutal attack in art studio. brandon menially faces rape and robbery charges. the bid here lost the bankruptcy auction for atlantic city revel casino wants new auction. florida developer says, the auction was improperly conducted. the company called book field assets management won the auction with a bid of $110 million. the revel cost more than 2 billion to build. >> funeral plans being finalized now for philadelphia sports broadcasting legend, bill campbell, after he died yesterday. >> the game's over. the game's over. >> the eagles are the champions of the worlds. >> campbell called some of the city's most memorable sports moments, including the eagles, 1960nfl championship, and equipment chamberlain 100-point game. he served as the voice of the eagles, sixers and the phillies during his remarkable
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career. we caught up with the current voice of the eagles, merrill reese, to talk about campbell's legacy. >> his passion, and love of eagles football, came through, and was contagious, i think, to all of his listeners. he was cents a great, great eloquent broadcaster. but he was versatile. >> the hall of fame broadcaster was also cents a fixture on our sister radio station "kyw news radio 1060", as well. bill campbell was 91 years old. >> lost after legends. >> yes. right now 5:43. there is a new player having an impact on the nba. we have the video to prove. this will make you smile. this is five year old jp gibson, salting up for the jazz. he is diagnosissed when cancer. the jazz are his favorite team. so he is getting a chance to play for the squad. see him dribbling there, making his way down the court? won contract as a result of the anything can beat project. oh, that's great. so adorable.
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look, his shorts are bigger than he is. so cute. >> he is a doll. >> all right, to the latest on the forecast katie, i doesn't love all of that green we're seeing. >> latest storm system rolling on through, first comes the warmfront, then comes the cold front, then we actually start to clear out. but will be pretty brief dry period that we see before our next system is already here. so we will get to that eventually. but let's deal with the here and now, shall we? a lot of different little pockets of wet weather going on here. but basically, here's your warmfront. and then the cold front extends back here. so that cold front has to actually roll through before we can say we're totally done with the system. much wider zoom on storm scan3, look, way, oh, what just happened? let me click forward. slow you the wide zoom real quickly. i got ahead of myself and hit the button too many times. here we go. off across baja, still tracking what's left now of simon, than is eventually going to draw more moisture in, it will eventually be drawn out through our area. so, by friday we end up with another round of rain that
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could be locally heavy. again, back to the here and now, we actually have severe weather threat, if you can believe it here, across portions of eastern new jersey, brinking in potential for gusty wind, heavy rain, thunder, of course thunderstorm, you will have thunder and lightning, but that's mainly into tonight. that's when the cold front is set to arrive. meantime, yes, little damp out, there but any of the showers have been around this morning are starting to actually retreat or fizzle out. so not too bad. it is breezy, but milder than yesterday. it just feels a lot different out there when you have the difference in the air masses taking over. so, school day for cents cast, not bad either as a result. other than the lingering shower this morning, we should dry out. that does mean we get some sunshine later today, little milder at 75 degrees, so we gave you a solid b for the day. meanwhile, by tonight, heavier rain and thunderstorms rumble in, early tomorrow morning, it starts to quickly clear, the breeze kicks in, but the sun returns, and then that cool air will catch up. friday, again, tracking more rain. here in the delaware valley, jess, over to you. >> thank you, katie. good morning, everyone, still
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great morning for commuters, just coming up on 6:00 a.m. we go outside to our cameras here on the ben franklin bridge, toll plaza, actually still missing out those two right hand lanes, due to ongoing construction, sass things get little more serious in the morning commute. we go down to one, one lane only lost. still headed westbound into the city still moving along great. on 422, at trooper road, you can see this trooper road right here kind of wraps around, and heads eastbound on 422 right there. so headed eastbound toward the king of prussia area, still moving along great. there, we can always expect that to back up just little bit later on in the morning commute, as well. still that building fire on dolphin street at ninth street. alternate to get around there as they do clean up just take diamond street. we just want you to not to forget when you're on the road, you can get updated information about traffic backups with the new your drive app. download the app for iphone and android devices by going to drive. natasha, back over to you. >> thank you, new jersey library makes embarrassing
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motto mistake. "eyewitness news" reporter steve patterson explanation, the new slogan set in concrete got losses in translation. >> (speaking span -- latin). >> pour fill statement fit for higher learning until you translate t what if i told if you means we second guess all? >> ugh -- >> after nearly decade building multi-million dollar moorestown township library, the architect and town leadership wanted to aimed alien on the walls to represent all that hard work. they thought they came up with we confirm things twice. but with that mantra, residents started doing little google translating, and came up with we second guess all. next to it, the date in rome and numerals says 1653, whether it should say 1853. the date the friends of the library group were formed. >> that's funny. >> it even looks like that is
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ipad in the diamond shape. >> sound like they could have used a ipad? >> definitely. >> oh, yes, it does say we second guess all behind me. but people who live here say this place is not about ignoring your problems, it is about confronting and fixing them. that's exactly what the architect who designed these said she will do for free. architect rick reagan in charge of the project. his firm is not solid on what the fix; but here is a option. >> we will pay to remove the entire medalian, and reset a new one. >> and because we at "eyewitness news" confirmed things twice, i contacted the university of pennsylvania's for most authority on the language, who added another wrinkle saying, quote, it is not real latin, but a kind of suit owe latin called dog latin, in which you just translate each individual english word into a latin equivalent without worrying whether the result makes censor not. good intentions, lost in translation. in moorestown, steve patterson, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". oh, of all places, the library.
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>> i know, well, glad we got that cleared up. >> right now 5:48. one of the world's most beautiful couples, expecting a baby. they now have shared the news with their fans. we'll tell you how coming up. >> plus, vampire in philly? oh, well you have to see the hilarious reaction to this halloween stunt. first though here is a look at what's coming up tonight on cbs-3.
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>> reality couple speaking out since sentenced to jail. theresa and joe are charged with fraud and con syrupy. last week judge sentenced theresa to 15 months in prison, her husband will spend
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41 months behind bars. judge staggered their sentences so one could be at home with their four daughters. >> she is like, mommy, don't worry about it, i'll be there, i'll be there, you know, i'll help daddy with the girls. >> the couple pled guilty to federal fraud charges back in march. theresa reports to the prison in january. and, also, the word is pregnant. actors blake lively and ryan reynolds are expecting a baby. the former gossip girl actress post add picture confirming the news on her blog. lively and reynolds were married in 2012. this is the first baby for both. >> oh, nice picture right there. >> lovely. >> that's going to be one attractive kid. can you imagine? >> yes, beautiful. >> and tall, too. >> i know. beautiful. singing ledge edge tony bennett sang god bless america during the seventh inning stretch of game three of the nlds. unfortunately the 88 year old had little mishap with the lyrics. >> ♪ to the ocean bright
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with gold ♪ >> oh, a tear after he said that, even. supposed to be white with foam, not right with gold. but hey, he is tony bennett, man, go with t the crowd still loved bennett's performance, giving him a standing ovation, when he was done, and i love the response after he said. that will you heard like whistles and cheers. you know why, because it was tony, it was tony bennett. you got to show love. >> oh, yes. katie, good morning. >> you got to give the guy credit for enunciate g. we know exactly what he said. it was wrong, but we need it. it sounded good. >> sure did. >> storm scan3, look at how things have fizzled out. we have warmfront still moving through, but at this point, other than just a lingering sprinkle, i think basically done with any showers here this morning, and most of the day, features at least some sunshine, we're warmer, as result, that was warmfront, so really has climbed. i mean, we've eaked out an additional 15, 20 plus degrees out there, so shooting for 75
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today, once these showers are done, expect some sun, tomorrow, expect sun, as well, inbetween, though, tonight rain rolls through. jess? >> thank you, katie. good morning, everybody, starting off the morning, just exactly how we would like to, not a loft problems real toy talk about. we go outside, check out our cameras, right outside of the platt bridge. you can see, everything moving along nicely, that's pretty much been the story so far this entire morning. so, headlights coming westbound, toward the airport, eastbound, moving along great there, as well. but out in northeast philadelphia, still that building fire, dolphin street at ninth street. alternate to get around it just take diamond street. stay there, "eyewitness news" will be right back.
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with tom corbett, things keep getting worse. september 16th. budget deficits force pennsylvania to borrow $1.5 billion dollars just to keep the lights on. three days later, pennsylvania's unemployment rate goes up for the second straight month. under tom corbett, we've fallen from 9th to 47th in job creation. and on september 25th, pennsylvania's credit is downgraded for the fifth time in two years. why would we give tom corbett four more years? >> vanpires popular specially with halloween coming up. >> apparently they have one, check out this guy. >> quite the prankster right there. oops, oops, yes.
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safety first. all right, he hangs out in center city and vampire, at least pretending to be one. frightening pedestrians, bub has not bitten anyone to date. i could watch this for hours. >> where is he? just so i know not to go in that area. >> i'm trying to figure out where he is so i can stay clear of the area. >> oh, my gosh. >> we don't want to -- yes, finds out where he is, somebody? >> we'll get on that. >> coming up in the next hour, live with the latest on apartment fire that forced nearly 100 people out of their homes over night. >> and whether you are drinking juice or soda, even cocktail, your cup could be counting calories. the smart cup that helps dieters shed some pounds. that's coming up.
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>> dozens of people forced out of their homes after apartment fire in delaware count. >> i "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo, joins us now, in folcroft, for almost 100 people still waiting to go back home. jan, good morning. >> reporter: that the tasha, erika, good morning. a couple of people are actually here on scene, wrapped up in blankets, awaiting words that they can return to their homes, the others are either staying with family and friends for the night. a group actually also staying at the folcroft fire station,, where the red cross has set up tomorrow poor area shelter. here on scene, some crews have started to board up parts of this property, as other people just itch to get back inside. >> close to 100 people out in the street, folcroft, after a fire smoke, and high levels of carbon monoxide force evacuation of this apartment building in the middle of the night. >> with all of the tenants out, and it went very smoothly. >> more than 70