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tv   Eyewitness News at 11  CBS  October 19, 2014 11:00pm-11:36pm EDT

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skippy!! yippee!! fun fun fun! shiny! you never listen! what? is someone talking? ♪ skippy!! ♪ yippee!! i'm bored. hashtag bored. skippy!! yippee!! look a ride! (vo) made with the funnest peanuts ever! skippy. yippee!! ♪
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>> right now at 11:00 o'clock brazen robbery. two masked gunmen enter a popular delaware county sports bar force employees inside the freezer and take off with thousands of dollars. we begin tonight with a drastic drop in temperatures. parts of the region could see the first frost of the season. good evening, everyone, i'm natasha brown. thanks for joining us. it is going to be a pretty chilly night out there. both a frost advisory and a freeze warning will go into
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effect overnight. meteorologist justin drabick is live on the cbs-3 sky deck with more on how cold it's going get later and what we can expect in the morning. justin? >> natasha, already feeling that chill outside on the sky deck right now. the good news the wind has calmed down it's not too bad if you do have to head outdoors. today's high temperatures only in the 50s typical for the middle of november. and now we're dealing with clear skies, calmer winds that sets the stage for temperatures to drop into the 30s to night. so check this out. we have some freeze warnings that will go in effect overnight for the lehigh valley and poconos. for the counties shaded in purple also tear your south jersey has a shot at hitting freezing temperatures. also, surrounding suburb of philadelphia you see the counties shade in there blue that's a frost advisory temperatures there could drop into the mid 30s we could see hour first widespread frost. these advisory go in effect at 2am until 8am monday morning talking about freeze warnings and frosts advisories. temperatures dropping into the low to mid 30s outside of the city. so this could put an end to the growing season.
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so you may want to protect any plants you do have outside try to bring them in or cover them if you can. 48 degrees currently at the airport in philadelphia. not terribly cold right now but suburbs are dropping. 41 in trenton. 40 in allentown check out quakertown this hour at 36 degrees. it's 38 in pottstown and 37 in mt. holly just a few high thin cirrus clouds moving through on corm scan three. dry tonight. tomorrow morning again for the city 40 degrees for the low temperature. all the suburbs down into the 30s possibly the lower 30s. here in philadelphia forecasted low is 40. if we hit that number it will be coldest night since april 21st but a record low is 27 so it can get a lot colder this time of year and you can track these cold temperatures and the threat for more showers later this week. just download the cbs philly weather app it's available now on android and for the iphone. we'll have more on that seven day forecast coming up in a few minutes. natasha? >> thanks, justin. two armed robbery suspects meantime target a delaware county chickie's and pete's just hours before the doors open for
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a busy if the ball sunday. tonight those two suspects are still on the loose. "eyewitness news" reporter noel mcclaren joins us live with surveillance video that shows exactly how they pulled it off. noel? >> reporter: natasha, this popular sports bar opened about two hours late because of this horrifying incident. but business is now back to normal as police continue to search for these two armed men. police say the gunmen new exactly where to go to rob thousands of dollars from chickie's and pete's crab house and sports bar in drexel hill. watch as two gunmen one dressed in what appears to be chickie's and pete's sweatshirt slip in a side bar then barge into a manager's officer. police say one held her at gun point demanding money from the safe while the other takes a three other prep staff members that same manager and locks them all in the freezer. investigators say the duo took off with thousands of dollars in night receipts but managers feel blessed nobody was found
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seriously harm. >> money means nothing. everybody is safe. that's the important thing. >> reporter: shortly after, staff was found by a kitchen manager and released from the freezer. some even stayed to complete their shift. >> it shows their commitment great company and their commit tom what we do on a daily basis. we've got a lot of great employees here. i got the best staff in all of delaware conte. >> reporter: if you dined at chick keats and pete's you wouldn't guess there was an armed robbery hours earlier. >> perfectly normal as if nothing happen. >> reporter: the search is on for these two masked men and police are seeking any clues to aid them in their investigation. police say they are searching through that surveillance video we just showed you as well as other surveillance footage they captured from other nearby businesses. we'll bring you more information as soon as we get it ourselves. but for now we're live in drexel hill, noel mcclaren cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> thanks, know wl. new at 11:00 o'clock tonight arc home invasion in north philadelphia and right now
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police are still looking for two gunmen. it happened at around 8:30 tonight on north 18th street. the neighborhood is mostly off cam russ housing for students from temple university. police tell us six victims were tied up and one of them was beaten with a gun. they told investigators the suspects are both male and one was wearing a bucks county community college sweatshirt. also a man is savagely beaten his body discovered near a church on a sunday. it happened this morning near the intersection of post road and pennsylvania avenue in morrisville bucks county. "eyewitness news" reporter steve patterson tells us where the investigation stands right now. >> reporter: it didn't happen in the woods or an alley or home, it happened on the street in broad daylight across from a church. murder in suburban buck county. >> obviously they had something on them. really encased badly. >> the police chief says the man in this 30s was beaten to death with an object sometime sunday morning around 8:30 at the
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corner of post road and ohio. police recovered a screwdriver they say was used to stab the victim but believe the beating is what caused death. mc clay says a witness saw part of the beating in progress and called police. >> we get here very quickly. and my officers were able to apprehend two of the people. >> reporter: police say those two men are being questioned while they search for a possible third. investigators believe the victim was riding with the suspects in this white van and the attack was pre med date. >> this is personal. this isn't a random act. they didn't just grab this guy off the industry. >> it's a quiet neighbor. i never have anything happen around here. >> reporter: often a cliche with neighbors near crime. the chief says here it's justified. >> this is the only homicide this eighty three for the year. >> reporter: now lab work based on leg work. question the suspect. process surveillance video from the church get a warrant for the van. charges expected before monday morning. >> i'll be surprised it's not stupid they killed this poor guy over. >> the search continues for a
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third suspect that. van was traveling from trenton, new jersey, so it likely ended in this community. he says didn't start in this community. reporting from buck county, i'm steve patterson cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> the quarantine is ending for those who had close contact with liberian national who died from ebola at a texas hospital. cbs news correspondent don champion tells us what's changed since the very patient way diagnosed here in the us. >> reporter: the last time anyone saw family members of thomas erin duncan in dallas was three weeks ago when they were leaving their home for an undisclosed location. monday, the uncertainty they've been living in will end when their mandatory quarantine gets lifted. >> not only have they been isolated from the wider public and their own families, they've been isolated from each other even in the house. >> reporter: duncan's family was put in quarantine after the liberian national was diagnosed with ebola.
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weeks later he became the first person to die from the disease in america. two nurses who contracted the virus from him are still hospitalized. >> we want to make sure we go a step further. >> reporter: sunday the head the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases offered insight on new ebola safety protocols to help protect health professional also. >> the guidelines did have some exposure of skin in the sense you had a mask but there was some skin that was exposed and some hair that was exposed. we want to make sure that that's no longer the case. that you have essentially everything covered. >> reporter: meantime the pentagon is readying a new military medical team that will help contain ebola if new cases are diagnose. made up of 30 people the team will include five doctors and 20 critical care nurses trained in infectious diseases. as needed they'll deploy anywhere in the us within 72 hours. dawn champion for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> the crews ship carrying a hospital employee who handled
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thomas duncan's specimens returned to texas this morning. she put herself in isolation while on board the carnival magic cruise ship out of abundance of caution. but did test negative for ebola. a pedestrian meantime is struck by a car in burlington county and rushed to the hospital. think happened about sick their this morning at route 130 and chester avenue in delran, new jersey. the victim's condition is still unknown. police are investigating but so far no charges have been filed. >> also shots are fired in west philly hitting a man in the eye the neglect and the chest. the 33 year old was rushed from west girard avenue in north 38th street to the hospital just before midnight but died a short time later. it's unclear who fired the shots and why. and authorities are also still trying to figure out what started a fire that sent six people to the hospital overnig overnight. this was the scene at north seventh street and west, in olney. the first call came in about 2:15am. crews had it under control about half an hour later.
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there's no word on the condition of the victims just yet. >> local church it is helping a philadelphia community that was devastated by a deadly fire just three months ago. last july, four children lost their lives in more than a dozen homes were destroyed on gesner street. since that day the first baptist church of paschall began raising funds for the victims much this morning they presented checks to two families who lost everything in the fire. >> now new tonight, archbishop shall chaput celebrates the work of missionaries at a special mass today. he told those gathered at the cathedral basilica of saints peter and paul in philadelphia that missionary work around the world is possible. thanks to the sacrifice of the faithful. >> a raging fire and a mysterious rescue. still ahead on "eyewitness news", a stranger runs into a burning home and saves a man's live and now a community is trying to figure out who is this hero? >> plus, brick by brick
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emergency crews dismantle a chimney after neighbors call 911. what they found inside. justin. >> temperatures are dropping fast as we have our potential to see our first frost of the season. i'll let you know when milder temperatures return in the seven day coming up. >> just ahead in sports eagles lose ground in the division. beasley reece has the details when we come at the bottom in job creation. massive cuts to education. and higher property taxes.
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under governor corbett, pennsylvania's been heading in the wrong direction. there's been no leadership and no vision. that's gotta change. as your governor, i will lead. and we'll move pennsylvania forward. we'll restore manufacturing jobs. close corporate tax loopholes. and make the gas companies pay up to fund our schools. after all, it's time to get pennsylvania moving again.
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>> police investigating the disappearance of university of virginia student hannah graham are combing the area around charlottesville virginia researchers found human remain. investigators interviewed residents in the area. it has not been confirm the remains of those of graham but police did notify her parents of the discovery. graham disappeared septembe september 13th. jesse in a matthew charged with her abduction. a pumpkin festival turns to
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mayhem in a new hampshire town. police used tear gas in an evident to crowley crowds around keen state college. officers arrested more than a dozen people. the parties around the school coincided with the annual community pumpkin festival. many students spent the day cleaning up the mess behind le left. >> rescue in southern california woman got stuck in chimney while a iteming to break into a house. residents heard crying in the area. they called police. they found the woman trapped. fire and rescue crews had to dismantle the chimney get her out. they then used dish soap to slide her through the chimney. crews took her to the hospital for evaluation and then police took her immediately to jail. a driver meantime pulls over outside of a burning home and is the first to call 911. >> everybody out of there? >> just moments later, an
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unknown man runs out of the house with a victim in his arms. officials in fresno california say he was still hooked up to an oxygen tank when he was found. he was taken to the hospital and treated for smoke inhalation. as for the hero neighbors say he just appeared to come out of nowhere. >> some walk and some ran but they all had one thing in common. the determination to make a big difference. today thousands of people took to the streets of philadelphia for the city's annual aids walk and run. "eyewitness news" reporter syma choudhry was there inside this special event. >> reporter: with each step thousands are helping the fight against hiv/aids. the 28th annual aids walk philly kicked off at the steps of the art museum sunday morning. 10,000 people participated in the 5k raising awareness and funds. the event was previously a 12k. >> we made the route shorter. it's a 5k. so it's a little shorter, fewer steps for greater impact. >> reporter: some participants
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walked to honor a loved one who died from the disease. >> my brother and his partner both died of aids in 1996. so for the first 10 years, we walked together. and now my family walks in memory of them. >> reporter: several organizations benefit from the event including the aids law project which provides legal help to those affected. >> somebody is fired from a job, denied access to health care, the neighbors kids won't play with my kids. >> reporter: organizers have getting youth involve. statistics show 60% of those living with hiv between the ages of 13 to 24 don't even know they have it. >> definitely stigma and miss information play as huge role in it. >> reporter: organizers say the event will bring in $300,0 $300,000. that money somebody slit with different organizes that help with prevention, education and medical care in our area. syma choudhry cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> big turn out to support
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another great cause in new jersey this morning. the lauren rose albert foundation hosted their fourth annual mothers matter 5k at washington lake park in sewell. the mothers matter program benefits mothers in need all throughout south jersey. some are those in cancer units and nursing homes as well. we spoke to organizers and they say today's event raised about $45,000. >> and cooper university hospital it is glowing pink tonight. it's one of the many local buildings turning pink this month for lights for the cure. this joint effort between cbs-3 and susan komen for the cure is a reminder for women to schedule a mammogram. good sunday night everyone. hope awed great weekend and you may need that extra blanket tonight with these chilly temperatures and grab that winter coat for tomorrow because we're talking widespread 30s across delaware valley and the potential for the first widespread frost and freeze in some spots in the delaware valley. now, is this uncommon this time
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of year? not really check out our average first frost. typically around philadelphia and surrounding suburbs we get it in late october pretty much on point there. farther south into extreme southern new jersey at the shore and delaware you see it later in early november those areas are not under any advisory overnight tonight. up in the poconos we had our first frost typical to see early in the month. so here we go. cooling down nicely compared to this time yesterday. we were talking about highs yesterday in the 70s. today only in the 50s and now we're eight to 18 degrees colder compared to this time yesterday. we have the core of the coldest air right on top of us. the winds are starting to go calm. mainly clear skies allowing the temperatures to drop quickly. already down to 36 degrees this hour in millville. 48 still at airport in philadelphia. unp 44 wilmington. the atlantic city airport also at 37 degrees. now it look like the coldest air is on top us right now because you look farther north and west cleveland it's 45 december. so again this is short lived cool down. we'll start to see bit of a
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warmup coming up over the neck 24 to 48 hours. we do have some high thin clouds rolling through the delaware valley right now. no threat of any rain overnight. there are the winds they've gone wal calm. they were gusty this afternoon making it feel colder autonyms. clear skies and calm winds which allow those temperatures to really drop. there is a change though coming in our winds. they'll shift more out of the south during the day monday. and that trend of southerly winds continues into tuesday much that's what's going to help our temperatures climb back to near average also the jet stream will be very active this week. right now we have that cold pocket of air over us. tomorrow kind of levels out. monday and tuesday's highs back to where they should be for this time of year. another jet stream develops. that will slow down a storm system will give us a few days of showers and also keep our temperature cooler than average for this time of year. let's time things out for you again. through the overnight hours, mainly clear skies, tomorrow morning's commute looks good at 7:00 a.m. clouds to start to move on in
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through the afternoon. so skies will go partly sunny. and then overnight, monday after midnight we'll start to see a few showers breaking out through some parts of the delaware valley. this could impact the morning commute in some areas. that leadin leading of that stom system moving on through. it slows down over the region. will there be the threat for off and on showers through the day tuesday. scattered so it's not going to be all day wash out. same deal wednesday with that storm on top of us, clouds, a few fawn showers through the d day. temperatures cold start tomorrow, 30s to about 40 degrees for center city. we rebound up to about 60 for the afternoon high. that's still below average for this time of year but check out tuesday. tuesday look to be the warmest day of the work week approaching the upper 60s in some spots. however we'll have dodge a few showers around. here's the forecast overnight. mostly clear, watch out for areas of frost early tomorrow morning. low of about 40 for center city. 30s in the suburbs. still a cool day for this time year on monday partly sunny skies up to about 60 for the afternoon high temperature.
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here we got extended forecast 66 on tuesday. clouds a few showers. more showers around wednesday. wednesday looks to be the wettest day still some showers thursday by the end of the week sunshine returns temperatures back where they should be. you can be a part of the "eyewitness weather" team by joining the "eyewitness weather" watcher program. you can send us updates and pictures. you can just check it out stay with us. more news a [anncr:]making jackets that are built to is hard work.ere and at l.l.bean, we take our job, very seriously.
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my one word to describe ac would relaxing getaway fun unique beautiful serenity shenanigans refreshing shopping surprising happy place you know what i mean? i want to say friendly. exhilarating adventure the boardwalk #nosleep it's a great weekend. there is so much to do here.
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it's so great to have it so close. it's just a great location, a great place to be. we love atlantic city. >> the birds with the day off hoping the giants would recover from last week's defeat at the link license and beat the cowboys. that would give the eagles solo possession of first place in the division. here we go. third quarter, game tied, tony romo was all day to throw.
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found gavin escobar down the middle. 26-yard touchdown and cowboys took the lead. demarco mur rye ran for 128 yards and set an nfl record becoming the first running back to open a season with seven straight, 100-yard games breaking hall of famer jim brown's record. cowboys have won six in a row now. 31-21 the final today. and they lead the eagles by a half game in the division. >> all right. next week the birds head to the desert to face the cardinals today. phoenix took on the raiders first carlson palmer to taylor. later palmer to floyd. the cardinals move to five and one on the season. the final score 24-13. all right. coming up in the zone, we'll be handing out grades for the birds at the bye with with physicall jimmy chem ski and sheil today pad ya and rake
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down the flyers win with the hockey author russ cohen coming up in a few minutes
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>> battle of the leading men at the box office and brad pitt came out on top. >> it will end soon. but before it does, a lot of more people got to die. >> pitt's world war ii furry passed gone girl. he took in $23.5 million in its opening weekend. gone girl starring ben affleck slipped to second place with 17 million book of life was third followed by alexander and the terrible horrible no good very bad day and the best of me round out the top five. we're back with
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in cases of rape,pposes aborin cases of incest,ions. and in cases where the mother's health is in danger. no woman should be forced to carry a pregnancy from a rape. mario scavello sponsored a bill to force women to have unnecessary and invasive ultrasounds. it's horrifying. women need to know that mario scavello wants to stand between them and their doctors in making decisions that aren't his to make.
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>> that's "eyewitness news" tonight. thank you so much joining us. wee always on at now we're handing things over to the cbs-3 sports zone. have a great night, everyone. ♪
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♪ this is the cbs-3 sports zone presented by nissan. >> eagles get a weekend off. well deserved one. five wins unone loss we're grading the birds with a bye. >> the flyers get it done on the road. a come from behind victory puts the orange and black in the win column. >> hello and welcome everyone to the nissan sports zone. i'm cbs-3 sports director beasley reece. >> i'm lesley van arsdall. the eagles not on tv today the birds had bye week but entered the break on a high note with that prime time shut out win over the giants. >> now the birds are five and one. how did they get here in week one they overcame a slow start to beat jacksonville 34-17 at home. week two they out loved the colts on monday night football. week