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tv   Eyewitness News at 11  CBS  January 16, 2017 2:05am-2:36am EST

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>> for scarfo murder was calling card. right out of the gate. that's what you were facing. and that destabilized the organization. >> reporter: scarfo's reign ended in the late 1980's he was convicted and jailed on multiple counts of murder, extortion and other charges. largely in part due to the damaging testimony of some who worked under him who then turned into government witnesses. a jury found scarfo guilty of nine murders and four attempted murders. >> it's not so much the murder . it's about control, power and money always about the money. >> reporter: but that was then. in the wake of scarfo's death, michael riley who represents scarfo's son asked for privacy on behalf of the family. >> losing a parent particularly a father can be very difficult for individual. so if people would just be gracious enough to understand that. >> reporter: i'm anita oh, cbs3 "eyewitness news". scarfo was serving a 55 year prison term and would not have been eligible for parole until 2033. tate at this time there's no word on funeral arrangements.
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also tonight, the search continued today for a missing ocean county fisherman. authorities began their search for 45-year-old christopher hug on friday. after an empty fishing boat was found in little egg harbor. officials say they hope hug found his way somehow to one of the many islands near the area where he disappear. in philadelphia's fishtown neighborhood, crews are still working to try to restore gas and water. officials say the gas could be back on in the next couple of days. while the philadelphia water department hopes to have watery stored by wednesday. a sink hole opened up in the 2300 block of boston street a week ago. swallowing up cars and half the street in the process. now after a sunny sunday, we're in for a warmer week ahead but there will be a couple of wet days in the mix as well. meteorologist lauren casey in the cbs3 weather center. she's describe this week ahead for us. hey, lauren. >> hey, natasha. chillier air settled back in across the delaware valley for this weekend high temperatures yesterday only in the 30s in
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philly. we topped at 41 degrees today in philadelphia. after that mild end to the work week last week our high temperature today about 1 degree above our average chilly in the lehigh valley topping in the 30s only got to 20s in mount pocono with a high temperature of 27 degrees. and right now temperatures are on the cooler side. sin money son their degrees right now. medford lakes down to 29 degre 29 degrees. and doylestown currently reporting 27 degrees as we get a look at your life neighborhood network. storm scan3 showing us quite conditions we did have nice round of sunshine today. just a couple of patchy clouds moving through. more cloud cover over portions of the central and southern delaware and moisture off to our south. it will remain fort day tomorrow. so we do have a good looking martin luther king, jr., day. sunshine to start, increasing clouds. not as chilly. we'll tack on few more threes degrees as to our afternoon high temperature up to 44 degrees. we'll see that gradual warming trend continue into midweek culminating with a day that will try to make a run at 60 degrees. so we'll talk about that, also, when we'll have to break out that umbrella and who could see
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potential freezing rain early tuesday morning. could we have an extended mild stretch as we close out the month of january. i'll have all the details on these weather headlines in your full forecast coming up in just a few. >> lauren thanks so much, see you soon. donald trump heads to washington tomorrow on friday he will become the nation's 45th president. preparations are currently well underway in the nation's capitol for his inauguration. >> ♪ >> with the wave to the crowd the stand in for president-elect donald trump began the dress rehearsal for friday's inauguration. even running through the swearing in ceremony. >> ♪ >> the next time hail to the chief is played here on capitol hill mr. trump will be the 45th president of the united states. trump did not attend sunday's dress rehearsal spent his last weekend before he's inaugurated in new york at his home inside trump tower. it was a quiet weekend with no scheduled meetings. >> in washington, landscapers spent sunday preparing for the
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ceremony. portable toilets stand at the ready for the expected crowd of hundreds of thousands. protest groups are also readying for friday they vow to disrupt the ceremony. >> more protests were held sunday including this one outside of temple hospital in north philadelphia. it was one of 70 rallies nationwide to protest republicans plans to repeal obama care. the rally eighty threes were organized by senator bernie sanders. >> republicans, you are not going to destroy the affordable care act. >> reporter: meantime more than 20 house democrats including 16 term congressman john lewis say they will skip the inauguration. some angry with mr. trump's tweets to lewis saturday that says the representative should spend more time fixing his crime infested district. the president-elect was angered after lewis says he's not a legitimate president. >> again, donald trump will be sworn in as president on friday "eyewitness news" will be there for his inauguration. stay with cbs3 and
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for complete coverage of the event. earlier tonight, right here on cbs3, president obama sat down with steve croft for a final interview on 60 minutes. the two met inside of the state dining room at the white house. tonight's discussion covered many things. many of the president's highs and lows over the last eight years as commander in chief. throughout us all, president obama says he's proud of the fact that he has remained the same person. >> one thing you worry about when you're in the bubble, and there's all this pomp and circumstance and hail to the chief is, do you lose touch with what you thought was important and what brought you here? and i -- i'm proud that i don't think i had lot of touch. >> the president went on to discuss other pressing issues like national security, washington gridlock and president obama's successor president-elect donald trump. worried parents suspect something was terribly wrong and when they noticed burns on their
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toddler's fingers and legs, what they spotte spotted on their nam is disturbing. that story still ahead. plus a reunion 18 years in the making. a teenager who was abducted from the hospital hours after being born meets her biological family for the very first time. also, the show just can't go on. after 146 years it's curtains for the ringling brothers circ circus. we'll take look back at the history under the big top. you're watching "eyewitness news" at 11:00
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everyone borned that plane survived. the plane had just taken off from laguardia airport for charlotte when a flock of geece
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disabled the jen, skully landed it in the frigid water. again, all survived miraculously. a new york nanny is accused of burning a toddler on purpose with a hot curling aaron and hard for her to deny it because the whole incident was captured on the family's nanny cam. this is it footage burning the 2-year-old little boy on his fingers and legs, claims she burned him because he was misbehaving. the boys' parents noticed the burns and rolled back the footage >> there was no way i was going to allow that to happen, i told her i was going to call the police >> she's charged with two counts of assault, criminal possession of a weapon and endangering the welfare of a child fire officials in baltimore say two young boys injured in last week's massive house fire that killed six of their siblings are now doing better. the boys who are ages four and five have been upgraded from
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critical to good condition. official says the mother who also escaped the fire remains in critical condition. the cause of the blaze remains under investigation. an 18-year-old woman is reunited with herby intellectual parents after being abducted from a florida hospital just hours after being born. kamiyah mobley met her put birth parents on saturday in south carolina just 50 miles away from where she was raised under a false name her biological father said he's still in shock but couldn't be happier >> always thought i'd find her. >> mobley was only eight hours old when she was taken from the hospital by a woman posing as a nurse. police have now charged 51-year-old gloria williams with kidnapping in the case it is the end of an era, 146 years, the curtain is closing on the greatest show on earth. the ringling brothers circus announced it will fold up its
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tents. correspond maria takes a rook back at life under the big top >> the premier of the new ringling brothers circus was presented at new york's madison square garden. >> reporter: before tv was in color. and before the internet and smart phones stole our attention. performers with the ringling brothers jumped flew and dazzled their way into fan's hearts. the first female ring master made her debut but despite efforts to update. kenneth feld, the parent company, says financially, the show can't go on. >> it's been through every kind of economic cycle and it's been through a lot of change. it isn't relevant to people in the same way. >> reporter: last year, the company decided to retire elephant show and the circus saw
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a dramatic drop in ticket sales. >> there used to be more animals. didn't seem to be that much >> it was plagued with years of protests from animal activists. >> do you think this will have a bigger impact on other animal shows? >> i do. i think this is going to have nor miss impact. >> the circus is last stop will be in new york on may 21st. fell entertainment says the existing animals will go to suitable homes once they have their final curtain call. cbs news los angeles. i want a lama >> you might want to get in touch. find out if there's one available. >> there's a couple of exotic animals available. >> what is going on? are we going to need the umbrella >> we are going to. tuesday looks like we're
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watching out for the potential for freezing rain to the north and west. but quiet right now and to the weekend. albeit chilly but we had nice sunshine that help warm our january souls up a little bit. getting a live look at center city, 33 right now, winds out of the north around 12 miles per hour making it feel more like 12 degrees at this hour and temperatures are chilly, down to the teens for actual air temperatures in the poconos down to 22 in allentown, 27 degrees in trenton right now. we do have a more mild air mass to our south just -- can we bring that air in 60 in atlanta we're at 56 in birming ton and we may do so temperature outlook as issued by the climate prediction center for the end of january for a large portion of the east coast saying we're not only going to have near average high temperatures but above average. much above average high temperatures, so something to look forward to as we close out the month of january, maybe the most brutal of cold is behind us. overnight it will be little cold, 28, calm winds, partly
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cloudy conditions. as we head to monday, sunshine starting then increase in clouds, quiet day, 44. we tack on few more degrees to today's high temperature, winds stay on the lighter side around five miles per hour. stormscan 3 showing us just a couple of patchy clouds, moisture off to our south where it will remain but we do have this very dynamic storm system rolling through the mid portion of the country bringing strong storms and tornado warnings portions of texas and we have the icy mess across portions of the central plains. you can see the widespread. if you do have travel plans to this area, really for the next day, they have the icing potential into tomorrow and tomorrow night as well. could see up to a half inch of ice in some of these areas but for us, quieter. periods of rain on tuesday. we could see some freezing rain to the far northwest, talking far northwest suburbs, lehigh
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valley, berks county. poconos. could see heavier pockets of rainfall into tuesday night. good news we will have light winds those umbrellas will work not worrying about breezy conditions through tuesday. future weather showing us quiet conditions tomorrow morning, increasing cloud deck from southwest to northeast. 3:00 a.m. on tuesday. seeing precipitation moving in kind of patchy in nature. we could see sleet showers, freezing rain showers up towards the lehigh valley, poconos into tuesday morning. and potentially into tuesday afternoon i think as well into the poconos, we'll see kind of round of rain moving through scattered in nature as we head into tuesday evening. it will be more widespread and we'll see heavier pockets of rain that could make your tuesday evening commute as we head into wednesday, maybe a lingering shower early, otherwise conditions starting to dry out but we do have the potential for some ice accumulation. minimal at this point but could make for slick conditions on
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tuesday. up towards the lehigh valley and poconos some of the highest totals right now expected just about 500ths of an inch. slick roadways tuesday. no problems weather-wise, 38 degrees, increasing clouds at the shore, high temperature at 42. yes, tuesday is the day for the umbrella. 48 we're up in the middle 50's by wednesday with a nice dry afternoon going to be good to get out and about. we're cooler by thursday, sunshine returning but 49 still about ten degrees above average and we don't have a giant roller coaster drop-off, they stay around 50 into next weekend. >> consistent warmth. >> yes. >> i like it. thanks, lauren. you're our new best friend. the cowboys packers game came down to the wire >> great playoff. dallas cowboys jason gar it said aaron rodgers best players ever seen in the nfl we'll show you
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why he made the bold statement. yes. flyers downward spiral continues.
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. flyers dave hextall said they're going to have to refocus. steve mason goal for the flyers had a long afternoon in the nation's capital, flyers down 1-0. caps win the face-off. mason to make it 2-0. later, we have i have an provorov with the turn over with the blue line alexander overcheoverkin.
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5-0 the final. aaron rodgers would not let his team lose, game time 12 seconds left. jared cook down the sideline makes an unbelievable catch both feet down. mason crosby 51-year-old field goal is good. packers advance to the nfc championship game next week against atlanta beating the cowboys. 34-31 rogers 356 yards and two touchdowns all-star will end tomorrow night, will joel embiid be a starter. derek from philly will join us to discuss that plus don bell going one-on-one with dick vermeil. that's going to come up in a few minutes. always good to hear from dick vermeil >> thank you so much, lesley. this is one very thankful little sea lion. this is one very thankful little sea lion. he hopped on
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(male #1) it's a little something i've done every night since i was a kid, empty my pocket change into this old jar. it's never much, just what's left after i break a dollar. and i never thought i could get quality life insurance with my spare change. neither did i. until i saw a commercial for the colonial penn program. imagine people our age getting life insurance at such an affordable rate. it's true. if you're 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance life insurance through the colonial penn program for less than 35 cents a day, just $9.95 a month. there's no medical exam and no health questions. you know, the average cost of a funeral is over $8,300. now that's a big burden to leave your loved ones. as long as you're 50 to 85, you cannot be turned down because of your health. your premium never goes up and your benefit never goes down due to age. plus, your coverage builds cash value over time.
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♪ welcome back, the u.s. coast guard is sharing a cute little photo they took of a happy sea lion. there he is. this little young sea lion was relieved to be rescued. he jumped on to the boat. off of california yesterday and hopped on board and posed for photos. he's quite photogenic. he'll be rehabilitated and ultimately released back into the ocean. so cute. >> and he's a selfie one, two,
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. welcome back, plenty of home decorating ideas are on display at the philly home show. at the pennsylvania convention center, where there's time to go see this year's show. event organizers hope visitors will come to get ideas on their pending home improvements. >> from the projects that you have to do, window siding and roofing to the projects that you
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just really want to do over time from redoing your kitchen and bathroom to fireplaces and, you know, updating your art and different items within your home, everything is here. >> if you want to catch this year's home show, the final day is next sunday. we got some time. >> dare to dream. >> i know. >> i wish somebody could plop it right in there. >> "eyewitness news." lauren got the weekend forecast. 28 degrees, but wind will be light, not too much of a windchill as we head throughout the day. quiet conditions increasing clouds 44, you'll need the umbrella tuesday. but doesn't look like you'll need the gloves any time soon. >> see you tomorrow morning. >> very nice. >> i know. did you hear that >> maybe tomorrow morning. that's "eyewitness news." thank you so much for joining . cbs3 sports zone. ♪ ♪
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this is the hyundai sports zone on cbs3. the flyers with the matinee in dc. it was a good game until the third period. what does dick vermeil think about carson wentz, doug pederson? why our don bell goes one-on-one with the former eagles head coach coming up. welcome to the hyundai sports zone. we're going to talk sixers, don and eric bogner and start with the disappointing afternoon for the flyers in the nation's capitol on their -- off until friday when they return to practice. they play the devils saturday at
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the to center. they lost for the 11th time in the last 14 games. against the capitals. steve mason. long afternoon in the nation's capitol, down 1-0,s caps win the face-off. justice williams beats mason and makes it 2-0. i have an provorov. owe check kin. matt scores and almost right away, it's him again, and into the net. the caps with a four goal advantage. and they are not finished. the flyers can't clear the rebound, williams scores again, mason is done. he's replaced by michael neuvirth. >> got to work on our game, got to work more, guys are working out there. just maybe working wrong.
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>> everybody got to take the next pretty much four, five days here. get away from it. clear their minds and clear our minds. and come back. you know, ready to pull together. at 4:00 on friday afternoon. >> it has been an interesting couple of weeks for the sixers. last weekend, joel embiid was talking about the possibility of the team making the playoffs. this week, the team continued their role. the big highlight of the week came wednesday, tj mcconnell with the game winning shot against the knicks followed with a win against the hornets friday. yesterday, the sixers lost to thes with to the traveled all the way to dc to support us. we appreciate it. #the process, #bus the process
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the sixers beat writer from philadelphia magazine, derek bogner thanks for being here and we're going to start with the obvious, the player everyone is talking about. joel embiid fun to watch. and is actually making this team relevant. >> very relevant. since december 1st, i think they have about the fifth ranked defense in the league, when you look at where they ranked last year, that's an amazing accomplishment. it's on the backs of joel embiid averaging about 22.7 points over last seven games, where they had the five and one stretch. playing great defense. doing it on both ends of the court and he has such a magnetic personality and a guy that really has team believing in themselves, for him to come in and do it as a rookie, it's been incredible to watch >> also i think fans are a little encouraged when he started talking about playoffs. raised a few eyebrows >> then you see him go out there and do it. probably not. most definitely not. it's great.
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to entertain >> you may his big personality and his big push to be an all-star in his rookie season on twitter right now. has some off court ideas as well. but does he deserve to go as a rookie >> it's tough because they took away the center position, he would pick one of the best centers in the league. they took that away. they made it three front core players, you have other guys like jimmy butler and paul georgia and you can make a strong case for them. but if it was a big man you want a traditional center. defensive anchor, he is as deserving as any center in the eastern conference and what he's doing, you just throw away -- he's having 19 and a half points seven and a half rebounds, two and a half blocks as a rookie it's been incredible. i do think he's probably going to make it if for no or reason than the entertainment factor. >> very entertaining >> around the league, the entire league is talking about him. seems like he would be a goo


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