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tv   Al Jazeera English News Bulletin  LINKTV  August 12, 2019 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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shocked defeat for argentina's president bush's their currency to a record low. president pushes their currency to a record low. coming up, hundreds of protesters defy a security as the regionona, marks a holiday.y. plus -- >> t the threaeat is coming frfe u.s. anchor: an exclusive interview with iran's foreign minister which warns the u.s. on
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deploying more forces to the gulf. i will be telling you why we are here watching these incredible animals. anchor: argentina's currency has collapsed after the president's defeat in the presidential primary. it fell by more than 30% against the dollar, but has since partially recovered by 15 points. the other candidate came in more than 15% in the vote. they have vowed to reverse a result. >> unfortunately, today we had a very bad day. very bad. we are poorer today than before
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what happened. we are going through a very strong impact. anchor: we have more from buenos aires. reporter: after a day of emergency meetings with the central bank chief and the cabinet, the president spoke to the nation, appealing to the electorate to give him more time to implement the policies that he has been pushing for the last 3.5 years. policies he said will get argentina back on the economic track. these are policies that the electorate rejected in the primaries by more than 15%. they are pushing their support behind their opposition, alberto formerez and the president, cristina fernandez. they are scared of her sheementing the policies pushed for her eight years in office and her coming back to
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power, policies that they say brought engine tina into this present economic crisis, high ambulation -- high inflation, poverty. they are left with to start choices between the economic policy they believe doesn't work and the economic policy of the opposition, which the financial markets have made perfectly clear they do not want to work with. anchor: protesters defined a security lockdown in india as residents of the disputed enditory mark the march to the imposition of direct rule. we have more from new delhi. holiday int is the the biggest city of india.
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under the tightest security in a week. worshipers attend prayers, but only in neighborhood mosques. followed. protest these individuals are angry at the government's decision to revoke their autonomy. muslims, there are today's that are festive and sacred. this is not our eve. sayster: the government jurisdictions are being eased in areas of the valley. >> our policy is greater relaxation and easing so people can come out and read each other but at the same time, we are keeping a watch on the situation. if there are any mischievous elements that want to disturb these, we will be tough with them.
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delhi, thesenew individuals make the best of the holiday far away from home. they have not been able to speak to their families for over a week. feast, but for a their minds are on the event unfolding by,. -- events unfolding back home. >> we have not been able to go home or back to our parents on this important day. it is not only religiously important, but culturally important, as well. i have not spoken to my family for seven days. activistssome gathered at the heart of the capital determined to get there voices heard. -- their voices heard. >> there is anger and frustration. especially during the muslim holiday.
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they say restrictions are temporary. reporter: but, the impact can be felt on the daily lives of those from the outside world -- of those cut off from the outside world. anchor: pakistan's government suggested people turn down their celebrations in solidarity with them. we have more from islamabad. in pakistan, it is on a somber note, most of the television networks that would normally be showing entertainment programs are concentrating on the issue of the pakistani foreign minister in kashmir. holiday it is a grave crisis. the biggest concern here in pakistan right now is not just a political factors and the wars
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going on between new delhi and islamabad, or the humanitarian , ands, the people in india kashmir, have been in a state of lockdown for seven days now. they are running out of food and medicine. reports indicate from that area that the situation is indeed grave and the apprehension, once these people come out, and the restrictions are lifted, there is anger on the streets, which would lead to more bloodshed. that is something the pakistani foreign minister has been , and alsobout the fact that the military chief, the general also spent time with his troops celebrating, or rather, controlg on the line of that the indian and pakistani military forces, his message is the people of pakistan stood strong with the kashmiri
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brothers and sisters. anchor: in and those of interview with al jazeera, they say more warships in the strait of hormuz will only need to mourn security. we have reports. reporter: as the u.s. maintains the pressure on iran, tension is on the rise. american and british vessels have been deployed, and it calls for a military coalition to secure the strait of hormuz, one of the world's busiest shipping routes. buildupra has told the could destabilize the entire region. >> this is a tiny body of water. navalre foreign vessels you have, the less secure it is for everybody.
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based on experience, the -- the persian gulf has never reduce security. >> america will not be held hostage. putrter: president trump out in the nuclear agreement it was a bading deal and reinstated sanctions targeting iran and countries trading with it. the sanctions were soon felt in iran. the economy is struggling and inflation is soaring. iranian officials remain defiant , accusing the u.s. and allies in the middle east of plotting to undermine their country. $16ran spent last year billion on all of its military. with almost one million people under arms, we paid $16 billion. with a total of one
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billion population spent $22 billion. saudi arabia spent $87 billion. if they are talking about threats coming from countries in the region, the threat is coming from the united states and the allies were pouring weapons into this region making it a box ready to blow up. reporter: worries of a nuclear deal that may not hold, the u.s. established a mechanism to bypass the sanctions, but iran is calling for more. leaders warn that if the sanctions continue, they will resume enriching iran beyond the limit a great beyond the 2015 deal. deal.eed beyond the 2015 it is a move some see as an attempt to give diplomacy a chance. anchor: you can watch the full interview with iran's foreign minister on tuesday at 0030 gmt.
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saudi arabia is offering its full support to yemen's government after separatists took effect of control in the port city. salman met leaders from the uae, urging dialogue despite backing separatists. the coalition has been fighting yemen's houthi rebels for more than four years. peace talks with the afghan taliban have ended without an agreement. the talks began earlier this month. a key speaking point has been washington's demand that the taliban share power with afghanistan's u.s.-backed the government and to commit to a cease-fire. when american troops withdraw, try tolo taliban will overthrow the government.
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still to come, flights resume at one of asia's busiest airports after it is halted by protesters. andng the bald eagle grizzly bear, why the u.s. is stripping back on the endangered species act. >> we saw a lot of stormy weather here across the southeastern part of australia this past weekend. a lot of the activity is moving to the east. better weather across much of the area. temperatures are going to be rebounding on tuesday across much of the area. brisbane, 21 degrees. melbourne, 11 degrees. towards the u.s., we see temperatures dropping. a storm system comes out of the indian ocean. 19 degrees here.
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rain as welleing as winds and temperatures dropping maybe five degrees down to about 14 degrees here on wednesday. for the north and south new zealand, we are looking at a lot of clouds, wind, and rain. you can see the clouds here on the satellite image. towards tuesday, we are going to be seeing rain showers and wins winds across the south island. christchurch, eight degrees. of china, we will be seeing rain across much of the northern part ofof the koreaean peninsula a as well as intnto c. expect to see a nice day with ha temperature of 25 here. -- here in sapporo.
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argentina's currency collapse after the president's defeat in sunday's presidential primary. it fell by more than 30% against the dollar but since actually recovered by 15 points. hundreds of protesters have to fight a security lockdown in kashmir. residents of the territory mark the holiday. in and in an is of interview with al jazeera, iran's foreign minister accuse the u.s. of military buildup in the strait of hormuz that could destabilize the region. the trump administration has rolled out another attempt to reduce the amount of people coming into the u.s. it will be harder for illegal immigrants to rely on food stamps or housing to attain permanent legal status. we have reports. reporter: as migrants come to
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the united states seeking a better life, those who come legally sometimes rely on government benefits. food and housing. that assistance may now, the cost of obtaining full citizenship. on monday, u.s. officials announced those who come to the u.s. must be financially independent. immigrants who need help from social programs s may be denied so-called green cards or the ability to obtain work permits and even permanent residency. >> president trump's administration is reinforcing the ideals of self-sufficiency and personal responsibility. ensuring that immigrants are able to support themselves and become successful here in america. comeser: the announcement just days after officials arrested hundreds of people in the u.s. state of mississippi, accused of working illegally in food processing plants. the u.s. government says it also
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is targeting employers who hire such workers, but so far, none of the employers in the mississippi rate have been fined or arrested. >> we just finished an investigation similar in tennessee with over 150 arrests 18 months ago where we now have an individual employer with a 1.5 year sentence in federal prison. we are in the middle of the criminal investigation in this case. reporter: it sparked protests in the u.s., with critics saying it is part of president trump's effort to my -- demonize minority populations. >> dhs is conducting these rates as part of what i believe is this administration's campaign of terror, which is to make all populations of people afraid to go to work. reporter: the white house argues congress passed bipartisan legislation in 1996 to prevent immigrants from exploiting public benefits. but the laws were not enforced. congress has been unable to reform immigration law and the
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trump administration says it is seeking to attract only the most self-reliant applicants. >> the benefit for the taxpayers is a long-term benefit, of seeking to ensure our immigration system is bringing people to join us as american citizens, as legal permanent residents first, who can stand on their own two feet and will not be reliant on the welfare system, especially in the age of the modern welfare state which is so expansive. and expensive, frankly. reporter: the new immigration policy will take effect in october, but it is almost certain to face legal challenges in the courts. al jazeera, the white house. anchor: a step closer to finding a cure for the ebola virus. two experimental drugs drastically improved survival rates. democratic ofe congo in a clinical trial.
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the treatments will now be offered to all ebola patients in the drc. the virus has been spreading in the central african country since august of 2018 and has now become the world's second largest outbreak. flights are resuming at hong kong international airport after departure's were suspended due to protests on monday. are checking their flights less than 24 hours after protesters flooded the terminal, forcing officials to shut down operations. it is the most serious crisis in decades. we have more from hong kong. reporter: as word spreads on social media to target hong kong's airport, thousands answered the call. buildingsal quickly became jammed with protesters completing the journey on foot. as they swarmed inside, this was
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a result. both departure and arrivals, completely overrun. protesters have been enraged when a brutal. once -- by the brutal clearance of demonstrators by police and the wounding of a young woman, shot in the eye with a so-called being background. >> police shut the female protester in the eye. this made everybody angry. we don't understand why the police would be so brutal. >> shame on police. justice for hong kong people. reporter: as part of their 10 week campaign against the now suspended extradition bill, the protesters have been staging and airports it-in for visitors -- to tell visitors about their movement. but their numbers on monday flights to a standstill, and arriving passengers were left to find whatever transport they could through the chaotic crowds. >> this is the airport express, the train that runs from the terminal into hong kong.
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there is a real rush of people here now. tourists in this chaos, and the number of demonstrators trying to leave the terminal with rumors circulating that the police are about to move in. reporter: as the evening arrived, the crowds of protesters thinned out, but still no sign of police. despite being warned to stay away from the terminal, hundreds of passengers seemed to have nowhere else to go, and no one behind the checking counters to tell them. airline flighty is still going, but i know it's not. >> we can't walk. where going to get killed. it's ridiculous. reporter: as hong kong slips further into crisis, the government is following events closely. shown a lot of
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restraint, but at some point, people start dying on either side, or on the protest site, and order cannot be restored, and the city cannot function, then you have a breakdown of civil society. reporter: and china has promised not to let the city spiral out of control with a further warning on monday that the critical moment has been reached. al jazeera, hong kong. anchor: 180 people have died in monsoon flooding in southern and western india. nearly half of the deaths occurred in the state that was worst hit. one million people are now an emergency camps. fuel shortages are widespread in districts that have been cut off from larger cities. the death toll from a thai phone that battered much of eastern china has risen to 45. rescue efforts are underway with more than one dozen people still missing after the storm that
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moved through shanghai towards the capital, beijing. torrential downpours triggered mudslides and heavy flooding while hundreds of homes and crops have been damaged. the economic toll from the typhoon is set to cost already more than $2 billion. the italian senate will meet tuesday to set a date for a vote of no-confidence in the government. the minister, material slovenia, was seen relaxed after declaring last week that it has broken down. the leader is hoping to capitalize on his popularity with an early election. at the moment, he shares power with the five-star movement, which he accuses of holding up plans to reach autonomy and new infrastructure. that he from the fact ran away quickly and did not leave a declaration of parliament, he started a government crisis outside
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parliament. the constitution foresees any kind of crisis inside parliament because all the citizens have the right to know. for this reason, there are debates in the chamber. get the interior prime minister back into the chamber. anchor: the trump administration is weakening u.s. conservation laws, likely clearing the way for mining and oil and breast drilling -- gas drilling. is not taking into cut the cost of protecting species. the love brings several iconic species back from the brink of extinction. it is an iconic american symbol, the bird for its great strength and majesty could now be on -- be under threat. the bald eagle was under protection and has been -- and the law has
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been described as the most important piece of legislation. it saved the manatee from extinction. donald trump wants to expand oil and gas drilling, and to do that means opening up areas that some species,. the endangered species act says it will these the burden on land owners and make economic growth easier. economic factors will also play a part. >> what i would hope is that , each community, h state in the u.s. take their own independent action to protect the endangered species found in their locality. in a sense, bypassing the federal system just as they are doing with the climate change situation where cities and companies and communities have
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taken climate change seriously even though the u.s. government appears not to be. reporter: the change will be launched in the federal register and will take 30 days before it becomes policy. onen pressure can push million species into extinction worldwide. protecting land and biodiversity is critical to keep greenhouse gas emissions under control. polar bears and arctic seals could be at risk from these new u.s. regulations. the guerrillas of central africa are one of the species,ost endangered and they are making a slow and fragile return from the brink of extinction. the population has increased by a quarter from 2010 to just over 1000. we are in a center of conservation efforts. reporter: we are at the foot of the mountains getting a briefing
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on how to behave around the mountain gorilla. that is what everyone here has come to see. they paid $1500 each to spend one hour with the great apes and their habitat. >> are you excited? >> i am beyond excited. this is an international treasure that is being protected in rwanda. i am so looking to be able to experience it. i can't wait. >> and they put the cost up. >> i think that is fair. it limits access to some people who can't afford it, but by talking about what the mountain gorillas are providing for the communities, that makes a lot of sense. reporter: this hike is not for the faint of heart. it is beautiful, but challenging terrain. we tracked uphill for over one hour. our guide showed us how the gorillas live and
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keeps the energy high. >> then, a display of power. we walk around to get another view. >> it is incredible how close we are to these mountain gorillas. they are very relaxed. watching us. these great apes were facing extension. their numbers are now on the increase. reporter: before we know it, the hour is up and it is time to trackback down. -- trek back down.
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>> we are surrounded. my heart is going like this. reporter: rwanda's tourism policy is one of low volume and high value. numbers are restricted and the price is high, translating to $25 per minute for the hour spent for the guerrillas. tourists who come to see the gorillas understand white we have done this -- why we have done this. it is about conservation of the species. is showing the right way to do this. we have seen an increase in the number of individual gorillas. it is working on the conservation site and tourism site. reporter: it is a fragile success story. now, the status has been adjusted to endanger.
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there are just over 1000 gorillas spanning rwanda, uganda, and the drc. up from just 200 if you decades ago. that still does not seem a large number when you see it is the whole world's entire population of these incredible animals.
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