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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  October 19, 2011 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> but romney couldn't resist hitting perry below the belt. >> this is a tough couple of debates for rick. and i understand that so you will get testy. >> you just don't have credibility, mitt, when it comes to repealing obamacare. >> and santorum has a direct hit with healthcare. >> you're allowed to change -- >> you had your chance, let me speak. >> rick, you had your chance, let me speak. >> you're out of time. >> rick -- >> the state tax is an apple. we are replacing the current tax code with oranges. >> then came a fruit fight over 9-9-9. >> and i'm going to get a bushel basket with apples and oranges in it because i will pay both taxes. >> rick may have won last night but is losing today. trailing cain by 4% and in florida, 42-31 with perry a distant third in both places, which was echoed last night? >> if you start that kind of fight, you have to finish it. i don't think he finished it.
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>> a let's start with the polls then. mark murray is nbc news deputy political director. then we will get to the gop debate performance after this. let's look at how significant it is here, mark, that cain is leading romney in south carolina. what do you think? >> richard, it is important to know these polls, taken before last night's debate. but south carolina and florida will be pivotal contests for the republican primary season since 1980, the winner of the republican primary and south carolina's gone on to win the gop nomination. as we saw in 2008 cycle, john mccain after winning florida, ended up getting that nomination. that was the pivotal contest there. so with cain in the lead in south carolina and running neck and neck with mitt romney, it is further proof with how herman cain has taken off in these polls. >> is the tea party states, if you will, what do you think there, mark? >> there is a fs nating divide
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between herman cain supporters and mitt romney supporters in both states. so according to these polls, herman cain supporters are more likely to be tea party backers. more likely to be more conservative. more likely to be engaged in watching these debates. mitt romney on the other hand is performing very well among the nontea party republicans and also among republicans who either identified themselves as moderate or liberal. so a very striking divide. we saw that in our nbc wall street journal poll too from last week. >> i was watching on the article you had on first read. that interesting dynamic. also looking at florida and numbers there coming from nbc. a close race there. shared values really according to the poll here. important, more important than electability and experience. what do you think here? is that why cain is slightly ahead there? >> it is, richard. all of a sudden, mitt romney's advantages in these debits and throughout the whole season with his message has been, he is more electable an all of the other
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republicans out there. and he has the experience in the private sector and in government. but our polls consistently show that what republican voters care about much more are the positions on the issues and values. so you end up seeing those surveys again that shows while mitt romney has so many things going for him right now, the republican electorate, not necessarily is a pro mitt romney republican field. >> let's go forward to the general. let's get right into the specifics of the match-ups there. you know, he wins across the board in florida according to the the polls but loses to all three top candidates in south carolina. what is your thought there? >> south carolina won't be important in the presidential election. in head it head match-ups with mitt romney, rick perry and herm yan cane, president obama leads. but particularly with that match against mitt romney, just at
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45%. an incumbent president wants to be much closer to 50% than in the mid 40s. so he still has some work to do in a state like florida. so it is good news and bad news for the president there there. >> okay. to the general now. a couple months until we see votes in the primary. thank you, we have a better look in terms of what may happen. let's get to the gop debate last night. it was fight night. might be good for rick perry and people who love ruckus tv. for the answer we turn to our strategist with a 50,000 foot look. msnbc political strategist karen finney. also, matt louis from the daily call in. hello to you both. karen, let's start with you. rick perry showed us the texas fight in him last night. he came out fighting. but the question is, we have been watching, karen, is it enough to reverse a slide. >> it is unclear. here is the problem i think rick
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perry has right now. he has shown he can attack and attack and attack. but he hasn't been able to answer questions or talk positively about what he would do. and when he has tried do that, he really hasn't done so in a way that anybody's walked way feeling like they understand what he is actually talking about. my other thought was, you know, the more you attack and attack and attack and if you listen o to comments post debate, his negatives are going up because people see him as a bully. that may work as strategy to drag romney down, but again, i don't think you see any movement for perry. so i don't think we know yet whether or not it was successful for him other than the fact that he, you know, basically muddied up romney pretty good. >> talking about negatives matt, what was in the air last night? they came out fighting right after the bell rang. >> yeah, it was about time. i mean, i don't know how many debates we have had but finally, rick perry and mitt romney especially decided to get it on. i for one, welcome it. as an observer, i think the more
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fighting the better. this is what i love. i think it is also -- >> it is exciting for you, i guess. >> yes. i think rick perry, what will happen, is we have a couple weeks. i think the next debate is like november 17. so now he goes out on a high note. now he can get on the stump where he actually performs very well. don't forget he has $15 million in the bank. so i think he is in okay shape right now. >> what you are saying there, matt, karen, let's listen to what perry said. the question, did he go too far? he even seemed to get in moderator anderson cooper's face when he said this. >> the 14th amendment allows anybody be a a child of an illegal immigrant, born here, is a citizen. should that change? >> let's get to herman's -- >> i would rather you ask the questions. >> well, i understand that. you get to ask the questions, i get to answer like i want to. herman --
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>> that's actually a response, not an answer. >> well, you hate to hear that when you are a moderator. karen be you have done plenty of those before. he does need it reign it in a bit or will this play well with another debate? >> yes. a lot of testosterone. always hard to tell how voters actually take that. i remember when hillary clinton ran for senate and rick lazio similarly felt he had to show he was tough and take the fight to her. there is a tipping point where voters get turned off. remember at some point, i'm all for having a good fight, but have you to be presidential. people have to be able to look at you and say, i can see a president there. the other thing in the exchange with perry and cain that may be very uncomfortable given all of the unanswered questions about perry and race is when we referred to cain as brother. it just hit my ear the wrong way. >> all said, did it hit the ear well for voters out there, the debate last night, matt, made for some pretty good television
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some might say. but at the end, newt gingrich says maximizing bickering is probably not the road to the white house. what did you think here for the gop? for the republican party? is that what they want to be showing america, the way their leadership is acting right now? >> a couple points. i think care he is not exactly right in the sense that, we don't really know how these things are going to play. so for example, i think when rick lazio invaded hillary clinton's space in that famous debate, his team thought he did great. they were like, excited. but in fact what happened, is that the bottom dropped out. a lot of women watching that debate felt like rick lazio was bullying her. something else happened last night, by the way. mitt romney put his hand on rick perry. i don't know how that will play out. but that picture, is on the cover of a lot of papers. one last element though, i will add, is republicans want a fighter. so i don't necessarily think this bickering is bad as long as it eventually ends because this shows that rick perry for
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example, for the first time, can fight. >> yeah, you know, critics have been saying karen, and you are well aware, there wasn't enough energy on the gop side. this might be good in the end perhaps. >> yes. and rick perry was awake for the whole thing. a huge victory for him. what is interesting with mitt romney is that it shows issue he he had to deal with last time in terms of the flip-flopper or however you want to frame it, that's clearly the line of attack that perry will continue and romney will have to show that he can avoid letting perry get under his skin. >> all right. who won last night, matt? >> look, nobody won. but if you had to assign a winner, you would have to say rick perry because he didn't lose. he finally showed up. that for him, now, is a win. >> thank you both. we will see what happens. as you say, three, four weeks before we see them again go face-to-face on that. appreciate it. all right, prosecution's last witness on the conrad murray trial is on the stand
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right now. what he did to try and disprove the defenses theory. plus a mountain lion, grizzly bear and monkey, those dangerous animals on the loose in ohio. first, wall street, the numbers look okay. it is early in the day. we are only about two and half hours in trading. we will follow the markets throughout the day here on msnbc. [ male announcer ] indulge all you want. now there's no need to hold back. new revolutionary scope dualblast obliterates strong food odors leaving your breath minty fresh. hey. [ male announcer ] so there's no trace of evidence... new scope dualblast. i'm not a line item on a budget. and i'm definitely not a pushover. but i am a voter. so washington... before you even think about cutting my medicare and social security benefits... here's a number you should remember. 50 million. we are 50 million seniors who earned our benefits...
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and you will be hearing from us... today and on election day. ♪ to bring you a low-priced medicare prescription drug plan. ♪ with the lowest national plan premium... ♪ ...and copays as low as one dollar... ♪ ...saving on medicare prescriptions is easy. ♪ so you're free to focus on the things that really matter. call humana at 1-800-808-4003. or go to for details. constipated? phillips' caplets use magnesium, an ingredient that works more naturally with your colon than stimulant laxatives, for effective relief of constipation without cramps. thanks. good morning, students. today we're gonna continue...
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in the trial, michael jackson's personal physician continues today after days of delays. dr. steven shavfer, dr. shafer testified he used himself as a
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beginy big to show oral ingestion of propofol is not an appropriate method. defense backed off of their claim that jackson swallowed propofol. joining me from miami, former florida circuit court judge, host of judge alex. judge alex, thanks for being with us today. >> my pleasure. thank you for having me. >> shafer helped fda approval of propofol. does this impact his testimony? >> no. shafer is just the expert. he is the expert on propofol. so the fact that prosecution has him, of course the defense will go after any possible link they can to try to discredit him in any way. but in my book, anybody who is actually willing to test propofol on themselves in order to find out if it really work the way the defense says, has got pretty high marks. >> the prosecution is altering
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its strategy. the defense's new theory is that jackson took eight propofol kills which had a bad reaction from the propofol and that is what killed him at the end. is that a good strategy? >> i don't think is t is. if you were to buy that, which the prosecution is about to tumble it down, if you were to buy that, the defense is left with the monumental problem that dr. maurray, knowing he was an addict, you heard him slurring as a result of the other doctors, left him at his bedside with all of the other bottles of various drugs from all these other doctors within reach. it is like leaving a child with a bunch of candy and saying i'm not responsible for what he did. this is a monumental hurdle, even if the jury believes it was self administered in any way shape or form. >> you are the judge in this case and you see the prosecution finished today, we suspect, how
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have they done, one through ten? >> close to a ten. they've done a fantastic job of how this doctor has been negligent. i think it'll close up today with the testimony of dr. shafer. and we may, i don't know for sure, but we may hear from prince on the rebuttal here. because the defense will try to paint dr. murray as a very compassionate figure who, you know, helped the poor and did all these wonderful things to counter the negative image. if they do that, it is very possible that prince will end up taking the stand to testify about how all of the things that murrayed? that audiotape about how he comforted the children and conversations they had, flar t flat out lies. >> that's interesting. the defense, starting friday, we expect, and from what you know about the witness list and that approach, what would you say they need to do, the defense, right now? >> well, i mean, number one, they definitely need to make dr. murray look more compassionate to the jury.
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because right now, the jury's looking at him as somebody who just killed michael jackson. they have seen the body on the gurney. it brings home the point of his death. and his death at the hands of dr. murray. the problem is it doesn't take a genius to realize that whether you cater to the poor or you do other good acts, it's got nothing to do with whether you were grossly negligent and that resulted in a death. and on top of that, if they put prince on the stand to testify that these statements about him comforting the family were lies, then the jury will be left with this audiotape where all of the negative stuff is true and all of the stuff that is self-serving is a lie. that will be his death nail. >> and ringing in their ears as they listen to it. will conrad murray be found guilty, what's your thought? >> of course at this point my thought is absolutely. however, we are putting the cart before the horse. we haven't heard the defense side. >> absolutely. >> the defense side may sway us the other way. but they have a road to hoe.
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they really do. >> judge alex, as always, thank you. >> my pleasure. thanks for having me. >> take a look at this damage in this video. it hasn't been confirmed yet, but it sure looks like a tornado hit florida. plus a final farewell to steve jobs. the postal service is critical to our economy--
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delivering mail, medicine and packages. yet they're closing thousands of offices, slashing service, and want to lay off over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think. the problem ? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains 5 billion a year from post-office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. congress created this problem, and congress can fix it. [ tires screech ] [ crying ] [ applause ] [ laughs ] [ tires screech ] [ male announcer ] your life will have to flash by even faster.
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autodrive brakes on the cadillac srx activate after rain is detected to help improve braking performance. we don't just make luxury cars. we make cadillacs. (announcer) everything you need to stretch out on long trips. residence inn.
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anyone who missed the gop debate last night missed one of the greatest pyrotechnic displays vegas ever put on pt the night started with attacks on herman cane and 9-9-9 then rick perry an feisty rick santorum taking on mitt romney. >> you expanded the pool of insure without controlling the cost and bomb obamacare will
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blow a hole in the country. >> you hired illegals. in your home. and you knew about it for a year. this is a tough couple of debates for rick, and i understand that, so you will get testy. >> we said it before. gloves were off. here to give us day two analysis. national political reporter for the post, amy, the spit probably hit you on the forehead, they were at it so much screaming at each other. what was in the air, you think. >> a great show, there's no question. i think just to echo what was said on your show a few moments ago, there is no question that the person moving the most in position as a result of his performance in this debate is rick perry. >> did it turn out better than when he entered, you say? >> exactly. i think he improved his position, there's no question. perry had a series of stumbles and weak debate performances. he has, you know, had trouble delivering his lines.
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he has also come under fire in particular for his view on immigration. and he actually took on both of those weaknesses last night. he came out guns a-blazing, no question. obviously against mitt romney, former massachusetts governor. he also muddied the water on immigration which rom nooe has been going after perry on. >> you think that will stay? >> it is an interesting issue. in 2007 the issue is whether romney was responsible for culpable for the fact that he hired a landscaping company that hired illegal immigrants in new england. what is interesting is that romney said last night, something that could haunt him, i was hundreding for office, of course i did not knowingly hire immigrants. that may not be the message he intended to deliver to voters. >> what about cain? leading in the polls, the new poll showing he is doing quite well in south carolina and other places. how did he do? >> cain is in an argument right
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now. in an argument with rivals. in an argument with economists weighing in on his 9-9-9 tax plan. even arguing with republican voters who don't feel like he is giving an answer. he is not ending this argument about whether this plan is a good plan for america. a new analysis came out yesterday, that showing that the vast majority of lower and middle income americans would actually incur a tax increase under that plan. that the vast majority of millionaires would see a tax cut of $5,000 a person. those are details that are not, you know, boding well for the success of that plan. his answer to it is, you're wrong and i'm right and i'm the only one who understands it. i think voters will expect a better answer and more analysis if they stick with him. >> h what about tactically. he was away from the fray. perry and romney going at each other and he was on the side not being attacked. did that not help him in way.
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>> you can look at it both ways. best case for cain was to remain in the hot seat and acquit himself well. if he is not in the hot seat, he is the latest michele bachmann. she was a star at the top of the polls. then as her fortunes faded, she became somewhat less relevant. sort after nonplayer in the debates. she doesn't get as much air time as she used to. that's been a narrative that has not helped her. go ahead. >> since you are talking about bachmann, story to interrupt you, i want to get this in, in the time left. did her hail mary work last night? >> bachmann is having trouble being a part of the conversation. i don't think last night was in different and a really telling piece of evidence is the fact that no one engaged her. not a sixth rival engaged her, questioned her on her campaign. >> it's tough for her is what you are saying. amy gardner, thank you so much, from the washington post. >> my pleasure. >> in the twist after missing
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baby girl. police are executing a search warrant for the irwin family home. and her parents are barred until further notice. a fourth search attempt after wooded area near the home turned up no results. there are inconsistencies in deb bra bradley's time line from the moment her 10-month-old girl disappeared. the possible twister left behind a two-mile trail of damage, tossing car necessities path and damaging several homes. there are no reports of injuries or casualties. it's been raining in south florida since the weekend and more rain is expected today. steve jobs is what we will talk about right now. apple stores across the country going to be very quiet around midday today. they are closing at 1 eastern time for abo90 minutes so emplos can be part of a memorial service. employees can watch a live webcast. steve jobs died on october 5th after a long battle with cancer.
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dozens of dangerous animals running a muck in ohio. like lions and grizzly bears. we will tell you how they all escaped. plus which republican candidate is saying danke schoen for his role in an important race. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] so you think your kids are getting enough vegetables?
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yeah, maybe not. v8 v-fusion juice gives them a full serving of vegetables
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plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. v8. what's your number? whether you're an allstate customer or not. all you have to do is call. [ female announcer ] call allstate now and you'll get a free lifetime membership in good hands roadside assistance. [ dennis ] shop less. get more. make one call to an allstate agent. well, the candidates trying to replace obama as president each had hits and misses last night for an in-depth look for how each of the top tiered performed. on this day after, garrett comes to us by phone. garrett, good afternoon. let's talk mitt romney and rick perry. you are on a plane headed to south dakota for a romney event. so i understand we have to discuss this with you by phone. how are staffers that you are speaking with characterizing his debate performance? what you are hearing?
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>> richard, they were very pleased a tht performance last night. they think that's a good forum for him. the thing that campaign staffers take away from last night is they like the chris christie channel the anger moment with perry and santorum. they see that as an opportunity for romney to show a little bit of his human side, to show backbone, show muscle and push back. they are very pleased with his performance last night. >> i want to play a little bit of sound here. roe romney's response to questions that he knowingly had illegal imgrant work for him. listen and i will get your response. >> so we went to the company and said, look, you can't have illegals working on our property. i'm running for office, for pete's sake, i can't have illegals. >> this doesn't sound right. has the campaign, from what you heard, tried to rephrase what you said? >> well, we went back last night and tried to make clear the time line of how the event played out in 2006. boston globe came to romney and
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said that this company he hired had illegal immigrants and said that he talked to hem and told them to fire people. after a year, they did not. the boston globe came back so he told them again. the dnc, you know, they use this to point out this idea that romney is a creature of political expediency and to point out that he said it is because he is running for office, not because it was wrong or something like that. that may be something he would like to have back. but we will see how much more traction that gets in coming days. >> and coming months. let's switch to perry right now. you know, perry came out swinging, as we all know and from watching the debate and so did romney. is there any reaction to that moment that romney, you know, when he put his hand on perry's shoulder and was element schooling perry in that situation? >> i haven't add chance to go back and check the tapes yet but a rm knee aid told me there is a moment from a another debate where perry put his arm on
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romney so they say he played the personal space card first. i think that's a seminole moment, certainly an image of last night's debate. leaving las vegas, a giant photo on the front page of the las vegas review journal. >> all right. garrett haake. appreciate your time today. i know you got to get on that flight, you are already on that flight, we will talk to you again soon. >> coming to you from seat 10 d. >> well done. then herman cain charging hard in the polls. it could hurt in the end. for more, we go to andrew raverty. good day to you. the debate began with herman cain getting it from all six other candidates on stage, all at once. take a look at this first and i will get your reaction to that. >> herman, i love you brother, but you don't have to have a big analysis to figure this out. go to new hampshire where they don't have a sales tax and you're fixing to give them one. they are not interested in
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9-9-9. >> the state tax is an apple. we are replacing the current tax code with oranges. so it is not correct to mix apples and oranges. >> are you saying the state sales tax will also go way. >> no, that's an apple. we are replacing a bunch of oranges. >> so i have to pay both taxes and people of nevada don't want to pay both taxes. >> a lot of apples an oranges, andrew. how are they rating his performance, the cain campaign. >> they look at that and say it is a sign that other candidate are essentially afraid of 9-9-9 plan. they see how much momentum it has given his campaign and the fact he is being attacked like this solidifies he is a front-runner, top tier candidate wp we saw it in new hampshire. we saw it again last night. but the reality is that for a plan that is so simple, one-page economic revival act, he is having to spend a lot of time
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explaining it. and one thing we learned last night in the spin room is that o on his website, theya -- 9 calculator. so people at home these to do their calculation at home and analysts missed a mark so people at home o can go on to the herman cain website and see how this will affect them in their everyday lives. >> we heard the site was down for a little while too. that was an interesting wrinkle to that statement. andrew, what have staffers been saying? i was asking again, garrett, what was the response from the romney campaign. they were spinning it as a positive performance. was it high-fives in the cain campaign sh. >> again, they feel like as long as they are getting attacked like this that the other candidates are going after them, that it shows this they are really on to something. as long as they have the attention, they are essentially solidifying themselves as a top tier candidate. of course a little bit of that
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was changed by the way the second half of the debate went with romney and perry going after each other, which essentially if you have three top tier candidates and two of them are going after it. the one who is left out, usually benefits the most. on that case, herman cain has benefitted a bit by being left out of the fray toward the second half of the debate. headlines today are against romney and perry as opposed to other candidate piling on the 9-9-plan which has been a common theme since new hampshire. >> nbc news campaigner andrew rafferty. again, herman cain's debate last night, appreciate it. >> michele bachmann joining the president in virginia on the final leg of his three-day bus tour. the first lady announced a program to put veterans back it work. >> today they are committing to hiring 25,000 veterans and
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military spouses in the next two years. they do not want to miss out on your potential. >> all right. nbc's chris ten kristen welker is traveling with the president. she joins me from the bus tour. there is a bit after delay but she is watching that for us. >> hi, richard, that's right. we rp on the bus heading to our next event. as you mentioned, president and first lady just wrapped up that event in hampton, virginia. it was significant because it was the first time we saw the first lady appear with the president during one of his trips to sell his jobs plan. so in addition to the announcement that you just talked about that the first lady made, we also heard the president talk about the part of his american jobs act that would provide tax breaks for companies who hire veterans and their spouses. the event gave him a chance to reach out to some of the 700,000 veterans who live in this community here in virginia and who will be a key part of the
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voting block in 2012 in this key swing state. so right now, we are heading it the president's next event. we are riding on a bus. i want to make it clear, the president is not on our bus. if we can pan over to give you a better sense of what this bus looks like, really a mixture of journalist, white house staffers, as well as secret service agents. we have spent a lot of hours on this bus during this three-day bus tour, eat lunch, filing reports as i'm doing right now. a lost print journalist file report from this very space. so certainly some tight quarters. but we get a lost work done while on this bus. we are heading to north whe chesterfield right now. that's where the president will speak to firefighters, again saying his jobs act will benefit them if it were to pass. wrapping up three-day bus tour in two key swing states, virginia and north carolina. he won both back in 2008. he is trying to hold on to them in 2012. richard? >> kristen, at least the seats
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look larger and more comfortable than normal busses. and again, kristen welker there, live with the president on one of the busses there with a live report with our live bus cam, if you will. >> now a look at other stories making news this hour for you. at least 25 linked to listeria outbreak and 125 others sickened by tainted cantaloupe. it was probably caused by pools of water on the floor and old packing equipment at a colorado farm. social security recipients are getting a raise next year. the first cost of living adjustment since 2009. the price of a stamp is going up by another penny starting january 22nd, it'll cost 45 cents to mail a letter. the first lady of france, is at the hospital. she is expected to give birth to the couple's first child. officials killed dozens of escaped animals in ohio. but there are still animals on the loose. what is being done to try it
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capture them. plus, goldman sachs reported a third quarter lost of $328 million. the second quarterly loss ever. but the company execs will still get big bonus checks. i'm making my money do more. i'm consolidating my assets. i'm not paying hidden fees or high commissions. i'm making the most of my money. and seven-dollar trades are just the start. i'm with scottrade. i'm with scottrade. i'm with scottrade. and i'm loving every minute of it. at scottrade, we give you commission-free etfs, no-fee iras and more. come see why more investors are saying... i'm with scottrade. ♪ ♪ ♪ when the things that you need ♪ ♪ come at just the right speed, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ medicine that can't wait legal briefs there by eight, ♪ ♪ that's logistics. ♪ ♪ freight for you, box for me box that keeps you healthy, ♪
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that really matter. call humana at 1-800-808-4003. or go to for details. [ spectator ] gun it, bro! what's this guy doing? dude. [ laughs ] whoa! whoo! no way! go, go, go, go! are you kidding? [ cheering ] oh, my god. did you guys see that? maniac. [ male announcer ] the midsize nissan frontier with full size horsepower and torque. innovation for doers. innovation for all. ♪ innovation for doers. innovation for all. fresher less processed foods introducing freshpet recipes so fresh the only preservative we use is the fridge freshpet fresh food for fido ♪
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that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm [ male announcer ] for half the calories -- plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. a new study from the national cancer institute projects that population of cancer survivors over age 65 will increase by nearly half over the next decade. breast and prostate cancers have two of the highest survival rates while lung cancer is the deadliest. these results indicate there will be an increasing need for doctors who specialize in both oncology and geriatrics. we have breaking news. we are just learning that u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton has arrived in an unannounced visit to kabul,
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afghanistan. with her at the moment, reporting for us, is mike have a kara. mike, what's the latest? why is she there. >> she had talk with the government here, with hamid karzai. there is high profile attacks, up to an attack on karzai himself. the ongoing situation will be discussed, as well as the withdraw of troops of 2014. that withdraw is under under way. a lot of people have questions now. karzai's chief peace negotiator recently assassinated -- sorry, richard, we are getting ready to get off the plane in a moment. but hillary clinton wheels down in kabul. >> wheels down as you mentioned, mike, thank you for the latest. hillary clinton unannounced visit in afghanistan. well follow that for you here on msnbc.
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at least a hundred thousand people have taken to the street of athens in a massive government rally that turned violent. demonstrators can be seen hurling gas bombs outside parliament. new tax increases and other austerity measures. at least 14 officers had to be hospitalize hized. a two-day strike grounded flights, disrupted public transportation and shut down schools and businesses. here in the united states, occupy wall street protests are still going strong. though they are more peaceful. in boston, protesters camping out in the shadow of the federal reserve bank did not get their wish of chair fed ben ber gann bernanke. they are getting advice from the homeless on how to keep warm. last night's menu, if you wanted to know, included free range
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chicken and roasted beet salad with sheep milk cheese. the movement has raked in nearly $450,000 in donations so far. donald trump, by the waying with weighed in on the moment this morning on "today". >> i think it is bad for obama and he is fuelling it. i believe ultimately it is more dangerous for president obama. but the republican party sees what is going on. i see what is going on. this country, a friend of mine used an expression today, and i'll use it, this country is blowing up. we're blowing up. >> cnbc's melissa francis with us, goldman sachs announcing almost a half billion loss, 428 million, but executives are still getting big bonuses. how are these two things coming together here? >> every time they talk about earnings, they talk about how much has been set aside for bonuses and so far it is $10
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bill million. each would get $333,000. the guys at the top get more. it is a lot of money. to keep it in perspective it is 24% lower than last year, but still a staggering number. the stock price as of last check was down about 34% versus last year. so this is, you know, one of those things that gets a lot of attention. especially from the folks like down on occupy wall street. >> who are absolutely watching the numbers at this moment. let's shift gears, apple, not meeting expectations. >> no. this was a huge surprise for wall street. you know, this never happens. this sh i think the first or second time it's ever happened. but this is another number you have to keep in perspective because revenue at the company was still up 40% versus this quarter of last year. so it is still a huge increase. but basically where the miss came from is sales of iphones. selling 17 million iphones. the street had been looking for them to sell something like 20
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million iphones, which is how many they sold last quarter. but people are waiting for the new i4s. >> with the loss of steve jobs, the 4 s coming out late and now the not meeting of expectations, are people talking about that. >> i was talking to an analyst yesterday. the stock trading about $400. he expects to go to 500 within the next 12 to 16 or 18 months. that's what people are looking for. this is a bit after stumble but i don't know. you really have to put it in perspective. selling twice as many ipads this quarter an last quarter. the real question is how much after blueprint did steve jobs leave or map forward. you know, of product to look forward to down the road. we have to see if apple remains dominant. for now it feels like a small stumble that is probably only
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temporary. only time will tell of course. >> there were several years of plans that steve jobs left. we will see if that is true. >> that's what they are seeing. >> melissa, thank you. >> thanks, richard. ntacids. we're having mexican tonight, so another pill then? unless we eat later, then pill later? if i get a snack now, pill now? skip the snack, pill later... late dinner, pill now? aghh i've got heartburn in my head. [ male announcer ] stop the madness of treating frequent heartburn. it's simple with prilosec otc. one pill a day. twenty-four hours. zero heartburn. no heartburn in the first place. great. the new spark card from capital one. spark miles gives me the most rewards of any small business credit card. the spark card earns double miles... so we really had to up our game. with spark, the boss earns double miles on every purchase, every day. that's setting the bar pretty high. owning my own business has never been more rewarding. coming through! [ male announcer ] introducing spark the small business credit cards from capital one.
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police in ohio are on the hunt for a mountain lion, a grizzly bear and a monkey. still on the loose about 50 miles east of columbus. the animals were set free from an exotic animal preserve. by their owner shortly before he committed suicide. law enforcement spent last night hunting down or killing nearly 30 wild animals, including tigers, wolves and leopards. schools in four districts are now closed and residents are being told to stay inside as authorities hunt for the wild animals that the sheriff calls very large and aggressive. the concern, of course, is public safety, in that area. their concern is where are these animals now and how might they be able to find them if they do? here is a shot of the area where
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those animals were let loose. police in ohio again very concerned of the safety and where these animals, the mountain lion, grizzly bear and monkey as well as many other animals that might be there, 50 miles east of columbus. nbc's allison is live in zanesville for us. what's the latest on this right now? the concerns for most of the folks, the search for these dangerous animals and where they might be. >> that is the concern right now from the beginning the officials are -- their main concern has been with the safety of the public. unfortunately, that has been at the demise of the animals. when officers arrived on the scene yesterday, they were confronted by very aggressive behavior from bears and from tigers and the first officers on the scene, we are told, had to confront the animals with only side arms. then they were able to get rifles.
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. animals were put down right there yesterday. some of them were already as much as 500 yards away the enclosure. so they were very concerned about the animals scattering out even further. this is an area even though the property itself is about 64 acres, the area surrounding that is residential. there are homes and families all over here. that's why today they had four different districts, the school district, close down because they did not want to have children out trying to catch busses or people just out in general. the sheriff's department has asked that all of those people stay indoors because these animals are not afraid of people. even though they are wild, they have been conditioned to be around people. so they don't have that natural fear. which can make them actually even more dangerous. today, they actually tried to save one of the animals, one of the animals still on the loose, all night and today, was what they estimate to be about 300-pound bangle tiger. they found it honkered down in a very thick, thicket. and they tried to get to that
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animal with tranquilizers. they got a vet within 15 yards of it so that they could take a shot at it and unfortunately when they were able to hit it with the tranquilizer dart it took off quickly. they were very afraid they would lose track of it so they today put that animal down. that's been the real tragedy so far, besides the man who owned the animals. they believe he was the one who took his own life and the one responsible for letting them loose. other than that, the tragedy here has been the animals themselves, richard. >> alison, i'm not sure if you can hear me, but is there any skpl nation why he let all of the animals out before he took his own life? >> not at this point, no. no note or any indication to any other people that officials have come across so far. although, they do say that it is early in their investigation and they will try to piece together other things. they were speaking to his wife who was not on the property at the time. there is speculation she might
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have actually left him and they wonder if that might have had some kind of impact. he had just been released from serving a year prison term for illegal weapons violation. >> alison -- thank you for your report. we have to go. so much is happening there in ohio. thank you for the very latest there. i'm richard lui, thank you for watching on this hour. up next, andrea mitchell reports. today's forecast, possible airport delays, boston, new york and d.c. detroit and chicago, winds will pick up late today an all day tomorrow. with expedia. make it work. booking a flight by itself is an uh-oh.
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