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tv   Way Too Early  MSNBC  May 7, 2014 2:30am-3:01am PDT

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and center in the news but a blast from the past is back. what monica lewinsky is saying in a new piece for "vanity fair." and north carolina politics gets sticky, and "american idol" weighs supreme. and rob ford, mia, new questions about where exactly is the politician is seek rege has been help. this is "way too early." hey, everybody. good morning, i'm thomas roberts. it is wednesday, may 7th. welcome to "way too early" the show that's informal and fun but knows when to be concise as well. so stay tuned for that. we want to begin in nigeria with reports of a massive kidnapping three weeks after girls were taken from their school by terrorists. according to reuters, at least eight additional girls are being held hostage by members of boko
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haram. officials say that the team which includes the u.s. military and hostage negotiators will get to work right away. >> i think now the complications that have arisen have convinced everybody that there needs to be a greater effort. and it will begin immediately. i think literally. immediately. we are in touch. our embassy is in touch. we've been talking with africa. and we've been talking with various entities. and i think you're going to see a very, very rapid response. >> abduction sparked outrage around the world and triggered rallies in cities. protests are also being held in nigeria where family members are begging for help. nigeria's first lady broke down yesterday when she talked about the abducted girls and said the girls aren't doing enough to find them. back here at home, members held a vigil on the steps of the
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capitol to pray for the girls' safe return. lawmakers say there's a responsibility now to find them safely. >> this is a moral test for the world. this is say moral test for our own country. we know that this human trafficking is going on all over the world. we know that it is now the third biggest criminal enterprise in the world after drugs and guns. it's human trafficking, and that's what's happening to these girls. >> still back here at home, perhaps more closely the watched senate race in the country, in north carolina. last night, thom tillis avoided a costly runoff by avoiding conservatives who had the backing of tea party like senator rand paul and mike huckabee. tillis' win is considered a win for the establishment. >> it's not the end of a primary, it's the end of a primary mission which has been a
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mission all along and to end it for kate hagan. it comes from massive outsuspension from the chamber of commerce and groups like american cross roads. he faces a tough showdown this fall with incumbent kate hagan who won her primary. hagan has raised molls from democratic groups. 90% of money spent on ads in the race, well that comes from outside money. a couple other quick races we want to point out. "american idol" star clay aiken with a lead in congress, 269 votes separate he and kristal. and in ohio, house speaker john boehner, a cruise to victory. and a new report from the white house that climate change is in every area of american life. extreme weather will become more common. and temperatures will increase by 10 degrees this century if nothing is done. nbc's al roker spoke to
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president obama yesterday about those findings. >> it was one of your major policy issues you wanted to tackle in office. it's been an uphill battle. why has it taken so long to get to this point where you're signing this urgency? >> well, we've been signing this urgency for years. it's not a distant problem. it's a problem affecting americans right now. whether it means increased flooding. greater vulnerability to drought. more severe wildfires. all of these things are having impact on americans as we speak. >> report says climate changes will impact every region of the country. and the changes won't just be physical but economic as well. president obama says the report underscores the need for tougher environmental regulations to reduce pollution. well, there are growing questions about the size and scope of the new congressional panel on benghazi. a house resolution says there will be a republican majority with seven republicans and five democrats. speaker john boehner picked
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republican trey goudy to lead the select committee. minority leader nancy pelosi who has not committed democrats to the group objected to the unequal balance. saying in part, quote, the panel should be equally divided between republicans and democrats. it should be require that witnesses are called and interviewed subpoenas are issued and information is shared on a bipartisan basis. congressman jim clyburn of south carolina said democrats should not take part if there is an equal number. he said i'd be dead set against it. i'm not bringing my noose to my hanging. and democrats need republic representation to keep republicans in check. republicans say the house ethics committee is the only committee that has an equal number of democrats and republicans. and congresswoman pelosi select
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committee on global warming had nine democrats and six republicans. so with so much focus on hillary clinton these days there's more proof that political psych is all about the '90s. and you it look no further than the return of monica lewinsky. in a new article for "vanity fair" the one-time white house intern writes about the affair that led to the impeachment of bill clinton. at age 40, lewinsky writes in part, sure, my boss took advantage of me. i will always remain firm, it was a consensual relationship. any abuse came in the aftermath when i was made a scapegoat in order to protect his powerful position. she said she's motivated to come forward after the suicide of the 18-year-old tyler clementi. clemente was seen on his webcam condition another man. lewinsky said the shame, scorn and suicide feelings are all too
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familiar. hillary clinton is weighing in on domestic policy, speaking in maryland yesterday. she told the room of mental health professionals that she was struck by the latest health care polling. >> a small majority of americans don't think they like the affordable care act. but a large majority of americans don't want to do away with the protections that are in the affordable care act. a small majority wants to repeal it. but that is slowly receding as a rising majority says no fixes. well, that's in the tradition of gold old-fashioned american pragmatism. >> still, recent polls from "usa today" shows obamacare is as unpopular as ever. clinton also talked to america's gun culture vauling the availability and recent licensing of firearms in places way out of bounds. >> i think that we have to rein
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in what has become a -- an almost article of faith. that anybody can have a gun anywhere, anytime. i don't believe that. that is in the best interest of the vast majority of people. >> all right, a big question today is where in the world is toronto mayor rob ford? he said he was flying to chicago last week to enter rehab for alcohol abuse but now there's word that mayor ford decided to turn back and not enter into the united states for that treatment. he announced he's taking a leave of absence where new video emerged where he appeared to be smoking a crack pipe. his brother said he's getting treatment but won't say where. >> he's in rehab. that's all anyone cares about. >> obviously, people who care about mayor ford wish him the best for that recovery. the markets were back in the
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red yesterday after the dow and s&p closed near record highs. stocks after quarterly losses, cnbc jeff cutmohr is live in london. and a major mark turnback? >> absolutely, thomas. we started the session looking quite positive and we turned to the day and there are a number of reasons for that, not the least the twitter lockup. we were up 18% to the close there. and the marketing looking now to see what janet yellen might say. that would be where the trade is the focus at the moment. one other story that i think is worth bringing to you, that ear worm, let it go. you know that song "frozen" that just got stuck in everybody's heads. that helped disney blow past expectations. they quadrupled the income -- the operating income. $75 million is what they brought in there. i don't know about you, but i'm
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having trouble shaking that tune out of my head and i just want to go and build a snowman but i'm not sure it's going to help. >> i'm going to blame you for having "let it go" in my head. alibaba news, that's really big. that could mean a difference in relevance of the two in yahoo!'s bottom line? >> yeah, this is going to be a headache for marissa mayer. they got 28% of alibaba. if this business floats and is valued to anything up above $200 million, the windfall for yahoo could be $10.4 billion according to some analysts. but what do do they do with the cash? do they go after google with that fresh injection of money? and what does it mean for alibaba, does it turn into a bigger competitor for yahoo!? in the face of the good news, they get the cash, but it could cause headaches for mariska
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meyer as she tries to work out what to do with it to make yahoo! continue to be relevant for the internet generation. >> geoff, thanks so much. i appreciate it. stale ahead on "way too early," lebron james lights up the court as the heat stays perfect in the playoffs. but for once, it wasn't lebron who stole the show. kevin durant's emotional speech. plus, do you know who your mother was before she was your mom? there's a special jimmy kimmel mother's day preview. that story and "way too early" comes back. the brilliant and beautiful jen. it's her taurus birthday today. back in a moment.
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from neutrogena®. okay. welcome back, everybody. time for some sports. another set of opening series in round two of the nba playoffs last night. in the tip-off with the blazers and spurs in the western conference semifinals. san antonio's tony parker scoring 33 points and the spurs never trail. 162-90 win over portland in game one. being a new dad for tony parker is working out well for him on the court. in miami, with the regular season record against the heat, but none of that matters in the playoffs. lebron james scored 22 points and the heat-e. >> it's over. >> yep. going to remain perfect with the 107-86 game winning one. tonight, the thinned every over the clippers for a pair of game two finals matchup. kevin durant has been named
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league mvp for the first time in his seven-year colleague. the oklahoma city star is the first player to win a scoring title of league mvp in over a decade. he beat out lebron james who has won the award the last two years in a row. and a really emotional kevin durant thanked everybody from his teammates to his mom during that ceremony yesterday. >> i love basketball so much. i love playing it. i just never thought i would make it to college, nba, or stand up in front of you guys today in the nba. as the mvp. it's just a real feeling. i feel so many times -- i've been through the toughest times with my family. but i'm still standing. and last, my mom, i don't think
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you know what you did. you kept us off the streets. you put food on our backs, food on our table, when you didn't eat, you made sure we ate. you went to sleep hungry. you sacrificed for us. you're the real mvp. [ applause ] >> man, that's so heartfelt. >> it's so easy to root to that guy. >> especially his mom, they're cutting away from to her. you just love that. >> lebron was great saying k.g. deserved it. >> and his mom, she's the mvp right there. let's get to baseball right now, cincinnati and boston tying up in the bottom of the 12th. red sox. two men on. >> sizemore drives it deep left center field. schumaker off the wall. off the wall.
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big papi and the red sox walk off with the win at fenley. >> big papi, and agreed sizemore, off the left center field wall. scoring the 4-3 walk-off win in extras. the sox are just a game and a half back in the a.l. east. >> i was really having a good day. everything was going well. >> let's get you excited about the weather. let's focus on one of your loves. what's going on with the weather. >> is mike barnicle, you get all the love in the world. all it be solved with the red sox. >> where's the love from you? >> yeah, exactly. >> bill, you couldn't do it, you had to make contact with barn barnicle. >> toledo and pittsburgh, maybe towards d.c., bring that umbrella today. there's pittsburgh with the showers and storms. we should be relatively dry
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during the daylight hours from new york city, philadelphia, boston, all the way down to i-95. it's very warm in the middle of the country. look at that, it's 73 to start your money in kansas city. windy conditions very dry in the plains. and chance for fires and thunderstorms. i do not expect, thomas, tornado outbreaks for the next couple of days just strong storms. >> okay. bills thanks for that. coming up on the top of the hour, "morning joe," a race that determines who controls the senate, kate hagan has a challenger in north carolina. who is thom tillis? does he have a chance to tip the balance. and steven colbert weighs in on rand paul's big debates over the weekend. that and much more. stick around. scott: hello!
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earlier in the show, we told you about thom tillis' victory in north carolina. the crowded gop senate. if you want to sound smart today, tell your friends according to a study by the american media project across the country spending on ads, it's surpassed the 43 million mark. that's a 45% increase of two years ago. over 109,000 ads have already aired. before we go to "the cooler" i wanted to take a moment here. on monday, cinco de mayo, "way
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too early" made sarcastic comments about the way some americans celebrate the holiday. we sincerely apologize for those references. after 20 years in this business, anybody who knows me, if you felt betraded or let down, i'm sorry. and i know you're contrite as as well. >> thomas, i wanted to express my sincere apologies. it was never my attention to offend anybody and if i did, i'm very sorry. relates go to the cooler, for the past weekend, the kentucky derby, horses and hats weren't the only things that kept people buzzing on the 2014 kentucky derby. with rand paul, even steven colbert couldn't help but join in the speculation. >> kentucky republican senator rand paul and media magnate rubert murdock spent the day together at the kentucky zerbe.
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murdoch said there's if paul runs for president. >> yes, rand pulled out all the stops to impress his date rubert murdock. even pulled out a hat to impress him. i've even give them their own fun nickname, rupaul. >> it's all about the oscars. finally, this sunday mother's day. this is your official early warning. 1-800-flowers. get on that speed dial. we all think of our moms as infallible, many are. and jimmy kimmel let a few come clean for mother's day. >> what's one shocking thing about you that your kids don't know? >> that i like dope.
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>> well, it's not shocking, butter i used to cut all the fingers and those off my barbies. >> like that. >> like what? >> being single for so many years like having so much fun. >> by fun, you mean? >> fun. >> sailors, motorcycle men -- >> no, no, no, sort run-of-the-mill -- >> yeah. >> white color workers. blue collar workers. carpenters, plumbers. >> what's one shocking thing about you that your kids don't know? >> my kids don't know that i adopted them. just kidding. [ laughter ] >> are these your kids over there? >> yeah. >> wow. >> hmm, my kids don't know.
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>> high school. >> she did not know that? >> but she does now. >> what do you think about that? >> that's crazy. >> oh, my gosh. there's just some things, thomas, you don't want to know. just keep them locked up in a vault. >> mom, if you see a jimmy kimmel microphone coming your way, avoid it. >> thank you, sir, appreciate it. coming up next on "way too early," stories that we'll be talking about on "morning joe." stick around for that. my dad has atrial fibrillation, or afib. he has the most common kind...'s not caused by a heart valve problem. dad, it says your afib puts you at 5 times greater risk of a stroke. that's why i take my warfarin every day. but it looks like maybe we should ask your doctor about pradaxa. in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate)... ...was proven superior to warfarin
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at reducing the risk of stroke. and unlike warfarin, with no regular blood tests or dietary restrictions. hey thanks for calling my doctor. sure. pradaxa is not for people with artificial heart valves. don't stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. stopping increases your risk of stroke. ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before surgery or a medical or dental procedure. pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding or have had a heart valve replaced. seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have a bleeding condition or stomach ulcer, take aspirin, nsaids, or blood thinners... ...or if you have kidney problems, especially if you take certain medicines. tell your doctors about all medicines you take. pradaxa side effects include indigestion, stomach pain, upset, or burning. if you or someone you love has afib not caused by a heart valve problem... ...ask your doctor about reducing the risk of stroke with pradaxa. i dbefore i dosearch any projects on my home. i love my contractor,
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from booking to baggage claim. we're raising the bar on flying and tomorrow we will up it yet again. hey, everybody, welcome back. let's do a check on the top stories before we toss it to "morning joe." president obama will travel to arkansas this morning to survey the damage following last month's deadly tornadoes. he's then going to head to california for democratic fund razors. south africa will hold its first general election since the death of nelson mandela.
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the first legislation since voters born after the apartheid will be old enough to vote. let's go now to "morning joe." hillary clinton gave the keynote address at the national council for behavorial health conference in maryland. she also held a q & a session afterwards. i think it's surprisingly personal. >> what is your guilty pleasure? [ laughter ] >> a hcht h, let's see. [ laughter ] >> are there that many? >> well, i'm just trying to think of, you know, the g-rated ones. [ laughter ] >> well, hello, madam secretary. >> good morning. it is wednesday, may 7th. with us on set we have