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tv   First Look  MSNBC  May 13, 2014 2:00am-2:31am PDT

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this is what has actually happened under president obama. the deficit dropping faster than at any time since the end of world war ii. good tuesday morning. right now on "first look," unstoppable. nasa says glaciers are melting at record speeds. it's an irreversible fall causing the world's oceans to rise many feet for this generation and the next. home explosion. a police officer is shot and killed right before that inferno. details ahead. negotiating with terrorists. the kidnapped nigeria girls used as bargaining chips as the u.s. used aircraft to search for them. also incredible details of america's spy operation. plus where is casey kasam? and help wanted. candid caretaker. good morning, everybody.
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rising ocean waters. now that a large section of the ar antarctic glaciers seemed to have fallen. and that the sea level could rise ten feet or more in the coming centuries. now, if this glacier seen right here melted, it alone would cause the sea level to rise two feet. this glacier acts as a linchpin to the rest of the antarctic ice sheet. to put this in perspective, here is lower manhattan. this is a projection for areas flooded if water levels reach ten feet above high tide. areas in dark blue are inundated areas. the white is still on ground. if we look at southern florida,
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here it is absolutely flooded if water levels surge by just ten feet as projected. the nigerian government is finally allowing the u.s. to fly manned surveillance planes to search for the girls. this comes after boko haram released a new video which shows many of the girls praying. the girls are seen wearing muslim dress and reciting the koran. i want to bring in tracie potts now. good morning to you. what is the latest in the search for these girls? >> reporter: the latest is we're learning more based on this video. and u.s. sources are analyzing the video. we learned a um couple of thing. they use these girls as a bargaining chip. but as we've seen them, it's likely they're still inside nigeria. the u.s. now has manned
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surveillance aircraft flying over nigeria sharing satellite images to help find the girls. >> we are providing surveillance and reconnaissance support. >> reporter: this video is the first hard evidence that the girls are still alive. >> our intelligence experts are combing over every detail of it to find clues that might help in the efforts. >> reporter: the kidnappers boko haram offers a trade. some 200 girls for the release of its prisoners. in the past boko haram has been paid millions for the release of hostages. experts disagree whether nigeria will negotiate. >> nigeria has no desire to pay rans ransom. >> a negotiation which keeps them safe which gives more time to identify where the vast majority are and potentially some sort of rescue. >> reporter: right now the u.s.
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has about 50 people there from the state department and the pentagon. communication, security, and medical experts, and fbi hostage negotiators. now, this may surprise you, but the parents, the families of these girls, many of them have yet to see that video that we just showed you because they're in villages where there's no electricity. they were trying to get a generator going so they can see the video. today many of them are traveling to the capital. some are already there so they can watch it there and try to identify their daughters. >> thank you. police officer steven arkell was shot and killed responding to this home. the home burst into flames and exploded. the force was so powerful, it blew off the front of the house and just leveled it within an hour. the suspected gunman is michael noland. he is presumed dead from that blaze.
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the investigation continues. now to the new allegations of widespread -- it's all from the journalist who first broke the story. kate snow has the shocking details. >> an international manhunt is on tonight -- >> the most wanted man in the world -- >> reporter: edward snowden may go down as the most famous whistle blower of our time. now the man he leaked secrets to has a new book revealing more allegations of surveillance by the nsa employees. >> they both talk about the fact they collect all forms of communication between everybody on the planet. >> reporter: this never before seen power point slide from the book says know it all, collect it all. and with this form, any nsa employee can search a giant data base. >> all they need to do is enter the e-mail address, pick from a pull-down menu, a justification
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that entitles them to do it and then hit search. >> reporter: greenwald writes they've been able to tap into skype chats, facebook data, even e-mails sent on wi-fi on an airplane. no knowing how widespread it is. >> beknow it's systemic. that there are teams in the nsa devoted to doing this. >> reporter: the nsa says the implications is arbitrary is false. they are focused on valid foreign intelligence target. greenwald says he still has thousands of documents and plans to reveal more on the intercept, a digital magazine. >> several of the top say five or ten have stories that will really shock the world. hip hop couple beyonce and jay z don't seem to be bothered by all the buzz surrounding
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video of sister solange attacking jay z in an elevator in new york. the couple seems just fine last night while they were taking in the brooklyn/miami game. the internet exploded after video was released that reportedly shows solange kicking and hitting jay z following a met gala afterparty. a bodyguard pulled her off jay z. the couple has not responded to questions about the altercation. sports from craig melvin. good morning. >> i don't think we're ever going to know exactly what was said. >> they don't talk about that stuff, do they? >> they don't. speaking of that scuffle between them, social media erupted over that but it's still just 99 problems better jay z and beyonce.
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lebron ties his playoff career high with 49 to lead miami over brooklyn 102-96. miami leads that matchup now 3-1. san antonio's team bus collides with a city bus on their way to play in portland. it was symbolic. it was all down hill from there. portland's damian lillard with 25 points. trail blazers beat the spurs 103-92. san antonio leads that series 3-1. to the nhl playoffs now. anaheim dominated los angeles early. the kings mount a comeback. the ducks not so mighty, they lose 4-3. bubbling over with excitement to get that opportunity. has that come up this year and it's stuck in his pants. >> went right in his shirt. >> it seemed clean.
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>> what are the odds of that? >> slim to none. doesn't make the play on the team ground ball. but he did do that. that was his first career home run. the rangers downed the astros 4-0. here's another incredible feat at an nba promotional event. no room for error there. >> that is perfect. >> with the help of a trampoline, one guy pulls off an acrobatic feat. too bad they don't allow that in the all star dunk contest. meet this guy. this he has still managed to gain worldwide attention for his table tennis. he scared off with the world best players and wowed them with his ability and inspiring story
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as well. man. >> that is truly incredible. >> yes, yes, it is. >> all right. thank you, craig. >> see you soon. bill kairns is here with details on a slow-moving storm. >> it's good and bad. if it's raining where you are and it's slow moving, it's going to take a long time to leave. but if it's sunny, it's going to take that way. texas is in the area of heavy rain. we got heavy rain in dallas. now corpus christi getting drenched. almost 6 inches of rain now being reported in the last hours. that's enough rainfall to get some flooding out there. we'll watch the flash flood potential today. the weather maps are really interesting. we have all that cold air, remember all the snow in colorado, that's behind the storm. warm ahead of it. back door cold front is going to significantly cool off new york city today. that warm air is gone. over the next five days, slow mover to the east. everyone will get drenched
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eventually, and our friends in the west, it's going to be 96 in l.a. today. >> heat wave. >> west is hot and middle is cold and we're right in the middle. >> all right. pope francis comments on baptizing creatures from outer space. plus a case of road rage caught on tape. you're watching "first look" on msnbc.
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let's get right to cnbc. good morning. >> good morning. at&t, reportedly in active talks to buy directv in a deal that could be worth $50 billion. a merger would create a media giant close in size to where comcast would be if it completes its sale of time warner cable. meantime, bank of america and wells fargo surveys show small businesses are cautiously optimistic about the future. while many companies are willing to hire, they're not going to do so at the explosive pace we saw
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a decade ago. >> thank you, jackie. stories making news this morning for you, health officials have confirmed a second case of middle east respiratory syndrome or mers in the u.s. the patient is a saudi resident who is visiting florida and is now in isolation. but investigators are now scrambling to contact 500 people who shared a flight with him. while there are 538 cases confirmed worldwide with 145 deaths, the cdc says the risk to the public is low. the only other patient in the u.s. with a confirmed case was released in indiana late last week. the man running against former "american idol" stall clay aiken in the north carolina primary has actually died after an apparent fall. clay aiken tweeted, i am stunned and deeply saddened by keith crisco's death. he was a gentle man, a good and honorable man and extraordinary public servant. he went on to say he would be
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suspending all campaign activities. a judge in l.a. wants to know just where is casey kasem. an attorney for his wife jean says the top 40 host had been moved from l.a. without his children's knowledge. this is the latest chapter in a dispute between his children and their stepmother over kasem who suffers from advanced parkins parkinson parkinson's. dramatic video of two cars that collide and veer off the road. watch as you saw there the truck actually flipped over. a recent study found among the 25 largest cities in the u.s., san diego drivers rank second most likely to acknowledge purposefully bumping other drivers who they think did something wrong. just behind atlanta. pope francis is becoming famous for his sense of inclusion which now apparently includes aliens. that's right. the pope said yesterday if a martian came to him seeking baptism, he would not turn it
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away. that would be an interesting sight, wouldn't it? well, on to the must-do list. an issue for republicans to accomplish now or not even bother putting up a candidate in 2016. that's one one of their bigger supporters says. scrambled politics is next. with ink plus from chase gen like 60,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards even cash back. and my rewards points won't expire. so you can make owning business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can. you wouldn't have it she any other way.our toes. but your erectile dysfunction - it could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved
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now here's your first look at this morning's dish of scrambled politics. during a public q & a question,
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john boehner weighed in on jeb bush's presidency. he said historically the best candidates have come from the ranks of former governors. and yes jeb bush is my friend. i think he'd make a great president and i've been nudging him for some time. meanwhile, former new york city mayor michael bloomberg is defending hillary clinton on benghazi in a new interview with politico saying, quote, i think most of the criticisms of hillary are totally unfounded. you can maybe disagree with her policies, but what do you expect her to do in benghazi? it's that type of cheap politics which i don't like. she's very competent. at a vote on chamber of commerce, issued a joke saying this about immigration reform. >> if republicans don't do it, they shouldn't have bought and run a candidate in 2016. >> wow. >> i mean, think about that. think about who the voters are.
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and i just did that to get everybody's attention, but -- >> republican governor brian sandoval is up for re-election in nevada. he sent out a campaign mailer that would not have attracted much attention except for the fact the mailer spells the state's name wrong. neveda. your morning reminder to always use spell check. that'll do it for today's edition of scrambled politics. i'm joined in studio be ellis hitican. thank you for joining us. >> how are you? >> i want to get to the serious topic of keith crisco. it's really just kind of shocking that he died suddenly after a fall. he was in a tight primary race there in north carolina with clay aiken of "american idol" fame. what happens now to that race?
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>> well, the local party officials will make a decision by thursday confirms that clay aiken will be the democratic candidate. i think that's highly likely to happen at this point. then he still has a rough race. i think probably the republican has the easier chance to win in november. but clay is going to fight hard. he's hoping he's going to be more than the runner up this time. that's what he was in "american idol." >> i got you there. that was good, ellis. i want to move on to presidential politics. republicans really had a lot of criticism of candidate barack obama, you know, back in the day saying he was too green, he lacked executive experience. but if you really look at the top three potential republican contenders, couldn't you say something similar about them? >> well, yeah. there's some first-term senators in the group just like barack obama. ted cruz, rand paul, marco
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rubio. all of those not a lot of deep executive experience. people with ideas and enthusiasm and some supporters. but one of the toughest republican raps on barack obama was he didn't have enough experience. you know who this is good for? someone like jeb bush. >> john boehner is all for him. >> yeah. you know, you could imagine paul ryan and some others trying to make that case, but it really, i think, is the jeb bush people saying these newbies might be fine, these enthusiastic young people, but you know republicans in the end often like to go with the tried and the true and the guy who's been around awhile. >> thanks for waiting around this morning and speaking with us. we appreciate it. coming up, bill kairns and craig melvin will be back for first buzz and we'll tell you what caught our eyes today. [ female announcer ] who are we?
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all right. time for some first buzz. you hear the laughter right now because we are talking about what everybody's going to be talking about today. >> we can't say that on television. >> no, no, no. we've got to edit ourselves. if you haven't seen by now, there has been sop video released of an attack on jay z by his sister-in-law solange. we don't have that video, but trust me, it is out there. and it is pretty vicious. and beyonce has responded in a sense, in a cryptic message on her instagram, she put put up this prayer saying, lord i lift up every one of my relationships to you and ask you to bless them. help me choose my friends wisely. i won't will led astray. give me discernment and strength
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to lead myself away from anyone who's not a good influence. i pray that your will will be done in each one of my relationships. so the question is who is she talking about? jay z or solange here? >> i don't know. if you haven't seen the video, you should watch it. >> she goes after him. >> when a sister is in an elevator and goes off on the brother-in-law like that, some brother-in-law has done something or said something that might warrant such a beatdown. >> exactly. and the fact that beyonce didn't get involved at all, she let it play out -- >> we're all just drooling to know what happened. >> what happened? what's it all about? >> we'll never know because they are insanely private. >> that picture is worse than it is. >> i don't know. that fight was pretty bad. >> i'm going to try to get to this quickly.
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a robotic arm? >> i thought i'd have flying cars by now and have a robot servant. but this is closer. they have a robot arm that can catch objects. >> what good is that going to do? >> technology, folks. thanks for watching this morning. "way too early" starts right now. the only one i talk to that i know is magic johnson. he's a good person and he -- what am i going to say? has he done everything he can do to help minorities? i don't think so. >> i love that moment where sterling is clearly thinking, should i say something awful again? you know what? why not? what the hell? [ bleep ] magic johnson. >> man, oh, man. the shock and awe.
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the interview that scorches the earth between him and magic johnson. look here. one of these two people is accusing the other of having brain damage. why it might be the accuser who actually has it. and the u.s. is involved in finding the nigerian girls. are they any closer? this is "way too early." ♪ hey, hey, everybody. good morning. i'm thomas roberts. it is tuesday, may 13th. welcome to "way too early," the show that's always in a good mood for good apology especially when that apology needs another apology. wait until you hear more about sterling. then we'll get to solange and jay z, the elevator video everybody is talking about this. we don't understand. but let me get to the serious news of the morning. we begin with the latest updates on the search from the nearly 300 missing school girls that are held


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