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tv   Pot Barons of Colorado  MSNBC  December 14, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm PST

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applications july 1st for recreational marijuana and keeping an eye on the other states. we are looking in to san diego, las vegas, so we are exploring every option right now to expand. >> the marijuana industry is having a remarkable run. but there's no guarantee that this is the next dotcom boon and as fast as it's growing, the barons have to grow faster. if you don't keep growing you'll be crushed. i'm richard lui with breaking news this hour out of us a stral yachlt a possible hostage situation at a lint chocolate store in downtown sydney where many as 50 people are being held. prime minister abbott just spoke
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saying they havent confirmed whether it is politically motivated. a number of people have been waving a black flag with arabic text on it. police evacuated the busy central business district. many roads closed off there where it is midday right now. more on this developing situation as we have it. right now more "pot barons of colorado." welcome to colorado. >> the jungle, baby. >> land of the legal weed. >> yeah! >> and home to america's latest billion dollar industry, marijuana. >> this is part of history because what did the end of alcohol prohibition mean to that generation? dynasties, right? >> i took everything i had, 401s iras and dropped it in to this. >> we're in a once in a lifetime position right now. >> the demand is higher than the supply. >> we grew close to a thousand percent.
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>> this year we'll do 12 million. >> i'm talking all chips in. >> i hate to fail. >> we want to be the costco of marijuana. in this episode you will see a marijuana land rush where the land opens up and the barons race to stake their claims. is jamie racing too fast for her own good. >> they are gunning to be first to open in aurora and millions of cash to the winner. it's marijuana and it's all legal.
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the grass is always greening in colorado and the grass in denver has been growing especially rich during the first few months of 2014. so rich that the neighbors are starting to get, well, a little green with envy. aurora is the gold mine. it's the state's third largest city. it sits on the eastern border of denver, virgin territory. for the pot barons, it's ripe for the taking. so when the city announced it was awarding 24 dispensary licenses, the race was on. >> we just got back from brazil. as soon as i got on the plane i made a list of things that needed to be done. and people that need to be called. i'm excited to get back. >> hi, how are you? >> okay. we know the applications came out july 1 st for aurora. >> yes. so we have to write that business plan still in place. operational plan, which is going
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to take, like, about a week to write. >> here is a huge opportunity in aurora. there's a limited amount of applications there. we have to make sure we have our is dotted and ts crossed. if you don't get an application in because of something silly it would be disappointing. everybody is trying to get into the industry. it's not uncommon anymore. yeah. right. >> okay. now me and my general manager pete will drive around in aurora looking for a new location for the medicine man. >> havana and sixth? >> that's a good starting point. we have to have a location before we apply for a license. competition is tough, and the deadline for application is coming up fast. this where i used to work right after the army. all the white buildings there.
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they are low-income apartments and i was security there. a lot of nice people that lived there, but they were infested with gangs. those were crazy times, i got to tell you. >> the applications came out yesterday, so realistically what do you think? >> from what i heard there's probably going to be about 150 applications, like, every dispensary is trying to go to aurora. >> wow. >> here's what i wanted to show you. there's map. there's six ports in the aurora. what they're going to be doing is giving out six licenses. >> for each ward? >> yeah. so we have one, ward six. that's the one we want. because it has a lot of high-income residents. great for business. the other one is four. >> ward four is the ward i targeted from the start. i like the area. i like the high traffic.
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it's about middle in terms of income. the restaurants and shopping centers. look at this housing over there. >> holy cow! that's a good spot. >> yeah. i want to pull demographic reports. >> i made a note of that. it's assisted living. yep. and take aurora was late in adopting marijuana, but i think it's going to help in terms of keeping the tax money in our city. aurora residents going to denver or glendale or whenever they're close to spend the money. >> exactly. >> it will stay in aurora. >> once we get the locations ready that we want to go, then we can turn in the application and they're going let us know by september 1st how many licenses we got. >> we just opened in april and within eight months we might go from one store to three and next summer have a fourth or fifth one. it's mind blowing. within a year we will possibly be this big. because we are new kids on the block doesn't mean we can't play with the big dogs.
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aurora, the city of lights is probably best known for a tragic shooting at the local theater in 2012. it used to be a down scale suburb of denver, but over the last decade aurora has moved slowly upscale. not the pot barons are coming and the city requires secure locations before applying. landlords see dollar signs, prices have doubled and tripled for long empty buildings. >> right now we're heading to aurora to look at the potential property. we've been looking at a ton of locations and this is literally the only one so far that has said, yes, we will accept a marijuana company. it's an old restaurant with a drive through. so the first thing, of course, andy wants to do check it to see if we can have drive through marijuana. it's certainly not exactly what we want, but if this is what we have to work with, then this is what we have to work with. because we don't get it, we could be left behind.
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>> oh, that's it right there. cross your fingers. here we are! maybe the new home of medicine man aurora. all right. what do you think? >> i think it's really nice. it's got really high traffic area. >> it does. >> as you can see. it's a nice area. >> is there anyone else coming? >> yeah. another marijuana group. let's find out who is coming in, too. >> yeah, we'll try. look at this place. >> yeah! >> it's nice. >> yeah. look what we have in here. so if this is zoned industrial, which i have a feeling it might be, we could gate license to manufacture our own edibles. the refrigerated units look operable. >> refrigerated edibles. turn this in to a vault. >> here is a drive in window, we'll have to check the state laws. >> we did check the state laws. we can't do it. >> darn it! >> i know. wouldn't it be fun? >> yeah. >> i'll call sharon and i'll put
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in the letter of intent. i don't know how we got so lucky. there's not a single play in aurora available. >> yeah. it's last minute. >> yeah. >> falls into place. >> but what i like about this place is the size. >> yep. >> i like it's stand alone parking is phenomenal. i like the windows, right. it's airy. i have an appointment at four. >> who is coming in? >> i don't know. nobody really talks about these things. >> yeah. let's walk the outside. there's a child care place right there. >> it looks closed. >> okay. we'll check it out. >> 1,000 feet? >> from front door to front door. child care is different than a school. >> uh-huh. >> it's not? >> yep, that's screaming children in there. so we need to have -- one, call the city. is that okay to be zoned that way. it would be a deal breaker. we'll be back to square zero in aurora.
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i'm going to check inside and see how much damage has been done. i immediately grabbed my phone and it's the security alarm company and they say there's somebody there. people with type 2 diabetes come from all walks of life. if you have high blood sugar, ask your doctor about farxiga. it's a different kind of medicine that works by removing some sugar from your body. along with diet and exercise, farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults
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with type 2 diabetes. with one pill a day, farxiga helps lower your a1c. and, although it's not a weight-loss or blood-pressure drug, farxiga may help you lose weight and may even lower blood pressure when used with certain diabetes medicines. do not take if allergic to farxiga or its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash, swelling or difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you have any of these symptoms, stop taking farxiga and seek medical help right away. do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis, or have bladder cancer. tell your doctor right away if you have blood or red color in your urine or pain while you urinate. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including dehydration, genital yeast infections in women and men, low blood sugar,kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. common side effects include urinary tract infections, changes in urination, and runny nose. ♪do the walk of life ♪yeah, you do the walk of life need to lower your blood sugar?
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ask your doctor about farxiga
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selling weed it's always come with mile high risks and rewards. back in the day, you risked going to jail for or getting shot in exchange for some tax-free money. pot dealers were ambitious. they were restless and a little paranoid, and oddly enough, now that weed is legal, those same personality quirks can be found in the pot barons. [ laughter ] oh, that never gets old! >> i'm brian ruden, 38 years old and i'm the owner of starbuds.
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>> let me call mom and let her know we're running a few minutes late. >> we opened as a medical marijuana center. january went recreational and the sales took off all of a sudden the sales took off. >> hi! >> caller: hi. >> i'm on my way. we'll see you soon. >> i have three stores. multiple grow facilities as well. we put the best bud in there everyone has ever seen. give them the best customer service they could ever have. >> welcome to starbuds. how are you today? >> and we're successful. >> i renewed my licenses today. paid $9,000 in cash. they said, you know, i like you guys. that's why i give you hundreds. anyone else i give $20s. it's sort of sick to think, but i'm working my [ expletive ] off. if i don't do anything i know my income will drop and i'm kind of used to what i'm making. >> here they are. >> hi, bri! how are you? >> i'm good. >> good to see you. >> hi! >> hi! >> how was traffic?
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-- no traffic really. >> oh. 25 was a parking lot. >> so back when i was working at the law firm practicing law and that first time i called you and said, so i got the idea i want to grow pot. what did you think? >> i thought you were crazy. >> when i was at the law firm, i said, you know, there's only person at this law firm who will make money whether they show up or not. and that's the owner. i said i want to be him. >> he figured it out. >> i think you did. >> i had never been allergic to making money as long as it's legal. i love my son. i'm proud to be his partner. i had dream is to have a family business. i love it. i know, star buds in denver is doing well. how do you compare that to the aurora location? >> aurora is just about as big as denver. they're going to have 24 if i can do well and compete with 200 stores.
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star buds aurora, who knows, that could double it. it's going to be potentially $2 million project all in to get two new stores open at this point. >> if you don't get it, do you get any back or it's just gone? >> it's pretty much all gone. >> wow. that's a big gamble. >> yeah. i like to take calculated risk no matter what it's going to take to make a business succeed. i'm going to do it. >> i think it's the holy grail of pot jobs right now. >> you have all the money. what do you guys do? retire and live happily ever after? or move and groove? >> i need a place -- i need something to aggravate me. the only thing we don't have here are grand kids. >> who knows there could be dozens out there we don't even know about. [ laughter ] >> i know we think you're going to aurora, but what happens if you don't? >> i don't know. i would be mad. i think it's going think it's something underhanded going on. i can't see how they wouldn't pick me.
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[ laughter ] >> pot has been worshipped by enthusiasts for a long time. maybe there is a holy grail. and there's no better place to start looking than a strip mall parking lot in aurora. >> it's 1,000 feet? measured what, as the crow flies? >> as a crow flies from property -- i think front door to front door. >> okay. well, look at these kids. [ laughter ] >> what was that address 19 -- >> 1969. >> 1969 is adjacent to us in a strip mall and it's a child care facility. >> he said -- hold on, i'm going put you on speakers. >> okay. >> stores within 1,000 feet of a day care facility, and institutions of post secondary education are not considered -- >> good. yeah! >> that makes us happy. we're happy.
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>> yeah. i've underlined that and daycare -- >> awesome. thank you. all right. problem solved. nice. >> we've been leaders in the industry since day one, however, we're highly concerned about competition and that's why we're interested to see who was coming in. we know there's a land rush in aurora. >> our logo is pretty well recognized in the state. what is green and goes in a bank? how about marijuana? euflora found a vacant bank in ward 6 and moved quickly to buy it. it's a $1.1 million gamble since licenses won't be awarded for another month. if they fail it could be empty for a long time. >> there you go. [ laughter ] >> oh, my god! can you believe this, like, this is all ours. >> this is cool. >> look at this. i know,. i thought i was strong but this
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this is like perfect. >> if the banks won't work with us we'll buy a bank. >> if we don't get a license, we can lease it out to other dispenries. hopefully we need this to store our money. it's a marijuana gold. ♪ >> look at this. it's ready to go. it has all the things we need. >> i know. it has our name written all over it. >> i wish we could use the money drop outside to the drive-thru. >> hopefully we can get that going. >> this is so exciting! >> i know! >> we should go outside. >> yeah. >> that's awesome. >> this is great. oh, my gosh! let's get rid of that. it's no longer for sale! woo hoo! [ laughter ] perfect! now let's go celebrate! we have to christen the new building. yeah! oh, my goodness!
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it's officially ours. if we don't get awarded a license, we still own a bank for $1.1 million for which we are responsible for making payments. this is a huge risk for us. we need to be open october 1st. we need to be open october 1st. before we worry about that, today is a day to celebrate. >> when you're moving so fast, celebrations are quickly displaced by complications. >> i just finished dinner and we were working on our business operation plan for the aurora applications and i get a call. it's the security alarm company they say there's somebody there. >> i'm going check inside and see how much damage has been done. >> i immediately grabbed my phone and look at the cameras. i see firemen. >> it's a itty bitty hole. >> the fire department had to hit the wall so hard they hit the electrical outlet and there's no electricity in here. not something i expected to deal with as a dispensary owner is flooding but --
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>> i need to figure out what product i have in the dark now. >> we'll start with one of these it looks like. >> there's a ton of product not yet ready for sale. we're opening in less than an hour. in this safe is all of the new product. see if you can figure out what is hybrid and and idica and figure it out and bring it out because it is dark in there. last night when they hit the wall, they knocked down about half the glass displays and broke them. not going to work. obviously we have an issue. ♪ >> good morning. >> good morning. every day in this business is a challenge. we're excited about the opportunity of expanding to aurora. running one dispensary is hard enough. it's going to be difficult, i would imagine, to run two. >> i pulled that because we're out.
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how is it going? >> wonderful. >> it seems for every two steps you take forward you get pushed back one. there's a lot of stress on you all the time. >> don't worry, we'll be here when the plumber comes. >> thanks, guys. see you. >> i have to race back to get the aurora applications done. the deadline is just around the corner. >> this guy that was, like, lurking stole the weed out of the jar.
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a gold mine in profits. >> we have chocolates, we have drinks. >> if they survive the mine some of the barren barons are doubling down hoping to score multiple licenses. of course if i you don't get a license you have a lease on an empty building. >> i'm a big gambler. i've gone all in several time i put every single dollar i saved of mine into the business. now with aurora i'm going all in again. i'm driving over to the building on alameda avenue, the
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former dental office. this is a $1 million project. so the price of poker has gone up so to speak. >> it's an all brick building. from a security standpoint. that's beneficial. >> the application is due soon. you get extra points if you go above and beyond the security required by the state. and being so competitive, every point counts. >> lots of traffic. the aurora mall is next door. >> you know the more i look at this building, the more i love it. i'm feeling the clock ticking. we have a few days left to find another location. we're in the southeast ward six area of aurora, and my realtor says he has another building to look at. >> tell us what you've got. >> building size 4,452. what is the asking price? >> $1.3. >> $1.3 million. >> no access to the building le until we go under contract. >> i see the vault in there. i do.
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i see the vault. >> i want do you look out and see all the residents. okay. in is your clientele. there's very little competition. this is a very developing area. >> 7-eleven. that traffic, seeing people coming in and out. it cinches it for me. this is yet another pretty big gamble. because $25 thousand check for ernest money, $15,000 check for the city of aurora application fee, $5,000 for the state, plus the state license fee. then if i win i have to spend another 1.3 million. >> i have been advising you on day one that you have to gamble. >> you want to go for it? i. >> i love it. let's go for it. let's do it. ♪ >> so this is a strip center that just came on. >> what is for sale? the whole building? >> the whole building. they want $600 for it. on top of that you have rental
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income coming from three other units some that could be huge >> i don't know. this place looks awful. >> there is some interest in law firms but that's why i wanted to get out here today and tie it up and go from there. >> i think we try tie it up. >> yep. >> so is ward one competitor? >> it is the most competitive. if we don't love the location and it's the most competitive ward, is it worth the gamble? >> the whole run is a gamble. you're right. are we in love with it? no. but it's crunch time and your back is to the wall. >> i think it's worth pursuing, but if you find that diamond in the rough, you know, that one gem, it's all worthwhile. >> being one of 24 in a city as big as aurora the payoff could be phenomenal. >> i could lose it all, but there would be nothing more fun than i could do with my money than go all in on business.
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♪ >> i just got a call from the landlord a few minutes ago that the alarms are going off again. i'm going run back and make sure there's no leaks. i don't want the fire department coming in and busting through any doors or anything. i don't see any water or hear any leaks. i think everything is okay. we're rushed for time since we're trying to have a nice celebration dinner for three months of successful business so far. i would hate for the alarm to go off and ruin the dinner we have planned for tonight. ♪ >> so? >> oh. this guy that was, like, lurking he totally stole weed out of the jar. >> can you show me? >> is he still here? >> no. he did it and ran out. >> are you kidding? >> it's gone. and there was, [ expletive ] all over the table. >> where were you? >> i was right here. >> somebody seemed to have come in and taken one of the lid off
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the jar and somehow got to the plastic and stole probably 8 to 9 grams of the flower by the security guard. which was ironic that he was ballsy enough to do it there. hopefully it's the end of it for the week. >> he lurked for awhile. >> yeah. he lurked for awhile. >> what happened to the plastic top, did he grab it and run? >> he stuck it in his pocket. >> wow. we have to look at the security footage for this now. >> do you want me to pull it out and write sold out? >> yeah. do that for now. >> normally when we change out the bud for the display, it takes two or three. one holds us, one grabs a tool to take the plastic out and maybe another one to work the edge with a screwdriver knife to work it up. i've never been able to pop one and pull it out. i'm shocked he was able to do it so easily. >> yeah. he lives around here and he's been around. >> that's ten grams that was just stolen. i'm not sure how that happened but -- this has been the week from hell literally.
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yes, it's true. colorado has a marijuana enforcement division as part of the government. it's known as the m.e.d. they grant licenses to the 10,000 people who work in legal marijuana, and approve dispensary applications for the state before the city of aurora will consider it. ♪ >> hey, guys. >> so we just applied for our new license for our aurora retail marijuana shop to the state. >> do you want to take the lease? >> it went really well. everything has to be perfect or they reject it. >> here you go. she did a great job of preparing the documents and this is the last day that you can be guaranteed you'll go through the approval process prior to october 1st, which is the first
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day you can be open in aurora. >> making the aurora deadline is good news for medicine man. the bad news is that pete and sally each received a letter announcing their personal bank accounts would be shut down. >> what is next? are they going to shut down our contractors' accounts because they take money from us? >> or our trimmers. will they used bank because the word "medicine man" is on the check. it is really scary. >> and the whole time the state of colorado is able to bank the tax money gleaned from the sale of marijuana. >> and they asked for a check. >> and federal government can bank the money, too. >> how are we supposed to give them a check and we're not allowed to have a bank account and they require it. it doesn't make sense sometimes. it's frustrating. >> it sounds simple. colorado says marijuana is legal but the u.s. government says it is not. banks are federal institutions, so colorado banks don't handle marijuana accounts. but it's not that simple. what is a marijuana account?
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>> i've had the same bank account for 23 years. personal, this is just for depositing my paychecks and paying my bills and my kids' bank accounts happen to be attached to mine. so my kids' bank accounts are being closed down. we can take a tax on our business of personal tax i will not take. so we immediately contacted a local news station and they are coming out right away to do this story because i think this is news worthy. and once people learn the truth, i think they'll accept it. we know we're fighting a good fight here and we're going continue to fight it. >> this is him right there with the backpack on. you've tried to forget your hepatitis c. it's slow moving, you tell yourself. i have time. after all there may be no symptoms for years.
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i'm richard lui with breaking news out of australia. a possible hostage situation at
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a chocolate store in sydney. prime minister abbott is not confirming in this is politically motivated. people were seen the windows holding a black flag with arabic text. more later as we have it. for now, "pot barons of colorado." for the pot barons the banking crisis is problem number one. whatever colorado might say, the feds say marijuana is illegal and the banks answer to them. so banks don't handle marijuana accounts. and that's not likely to change without an act of congress. >> that's the best you might ever encounter. >> all right. >> yesterday it was crazy.
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get a phone call from someone at the bank saying, i'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but essentially we have to cancel your account. >> ready go? >> yep. >> see the 9 news. let's go. >> what we did was contact our media contacts. so we've got someone coming in from one of the local news agencies today to interview me and peter and get the news out to colorado. >> we've talked, obviously, about the business accounts before. >> right. >> and that caused problems for you. why is this so much different? >> the money that we're receiving and putting into the bank accounts is our salary. we're not -- i'm not putting in $10,000 a day to launder money and write a check on behalf of medicine man. this is my fund. well, then they contact my credit card company and have my credit card shut down because i'm paying with money from the marijuana company. >> if that happens, am i going to have to pay my bills with cash? it's wrong being treated this way. >> about fact of the matter is, it's not like we're still in
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crazy upstart mode. i mean, you have building a pretty -- >> we have a $10 million company. >> we pay a lot of taxes out of that $10 million. >> we know that there is a risk in talking to you about this, right. so if all the banks see it and target our names, there's a risk we may not get a bank account. it's a lot they're asking of us. and i think it will be easy to grant us our own personal accounts. >> sounds good. appreciate it. >> cool. >> pete and sally were told by their bank that their accounts would be closed but ultimately they never were. the intersection of marijuana and banking it can be very confusing. >> there's brian showing up. >> even though i don't have a license yet, i want to get a step ahead it. i called the architect and the designer because in two weeks if
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aurora says you have your license, i want to hit the ground running and i want to one of of the first stores open in aurora. >> this is the new starbuds headquarters conference room, offices, all of the traffic, huge signage. did you see the sign? it's pretty cool. keep the smile and put your name on it. [ laughter ] this is office number two. i would love to get rid of the white walls, too. >> we'll do cool modern wall papers. wall paper sounds funny -- >> no absolutely. >> i met renee the first time the other day. she's coming up with beautiful interior design work. when you walk in, you might not know where you are but you'll know i'm that a starbuds. >> the other location is delmar parkway. with that it's a strip mall. >> so who are the other tenants in the strip mall? >> a hairdresser, a convenience store. >> how do they feel about a
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dispensary potentially coming? >> i'm going own the building so it doesn't matter. [ laughter ] >> in two weeks i'll either get either/or, neither or both. if it is not both i am hoping it is the best one. it's a roller coaster, but i'm riding. ♪ >> my name is jamie, how are you? good thank you. we had somebody come into our store and stole about 8 grams of marijuana from us. we need to call our attorney, first, to see what he recommends we do. we were open. it happened around 6:20 p.m. >> i didn't want to call the cops to begin with. maybe have it made into a bigger story. if there is crime because of a
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marijuana store or theft in the area. we want to down play this as much as we can. >> there's so much going on right now. i'm trying to mitigate this. >> on top of just these little things that seems to be piling up. we have the aurora application drop off. >> we found a new location and i'm doing a last-minute business plan, operating plan. >> thank you for coming. we'll go back here. >> we noticed one of the jars was dumped out and there was remnants on the ground. >> do you have video surveillance? >> of course we do. i have to pull it back up. this is him right there with the backpack on. >> is that the one he takes it from? >> he take it is from right there. the middle one where he's at. 6:02 is when he takes it, i believe. >> i've been working all day on finding a new bank account for aurora. and getting the application in. it's coming down to the wire. >> and there's -- >> because she had her tag on. >> yeah, that's brittany. she grabbed me and told me about it. >> if, for some reason, you see him come back in. give us a call.
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the biggest thing is to try to keep him here as long as you can. you can. >> i don't know if we'll find the guy but at least we have something for future reference. it's going to be a black eye with our application. we're in good standing with the city and state. we made it clear with aurora. >> that means we won't open in >> that means we won't open in october then. the america red cross brings ho and help to people in need every 8 minutes, every day. so this season give something that means something.
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come from all walks of life. if you have high blood sugar, ask your doctor about farxiga. it's a different kind of medicine that works by removing some sugar from your body. along with diet and exercise, farxiga helps lower
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blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. with one pill a day, farxiga helps lower your a1c. and, although it's not a weight-loss or blood-pressure drug, farxiga may help you lose weight and may even lower blood pressure when used with certain diabetes medicines. do not take if allergic to farxiga or its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash, swelling or difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you have any of these symptoms, stop taking farxiga and seek medical help right away. do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis, or have bladder cancer. tell your doctor right away if you have blood or red color in your urine or pain while you urinate. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including dehydration, genital yeast infections in women and men, low blood sugar,kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. common side effects include urinary tract infections, changes in urination, and runny nose. ♪do the walk of life ♪yeah, you do the walk of life
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need to lower your blood sugar? ask your doctor about farxiga and visit our website to learn how you may be able to get every month free. but the comfort it provides is it's justimmeasurable.ece the america red cross brings hope and help to people in need every 8 minutes, every day. so this season give something that means something. it can be exhausting and expensive to find the right location, execute a lease, and secure the resources for an application. jamie is doing it three times. trying for three different licenses. winston churchill said a pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity. and optimism sees the opportunity in every difficulty. jamie is an optimist and she sees the gold.
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♪ >> this morning we're starting out in aurora. we're going to check out the three locations we applied for in the three different wards. we're hoping to find out the cost overall, get the blueprints drawn out. >> this is nice and open. it's like a blank slate. >> that way we can get the licenses, we're ready to turn them in, and hopefully open on october 1st. >> what is the timeline realistically? >> in september when i get back. >> that means we won't open in october then. did you know this? >> no. you just told me he's going out of town. >> for two weeks. how are we going to find another architect? >> opening october 1st in aurora is critical. there's going to be a lot of new businesses out here. we want to be the first. now the architect is saying there's a structure problem with the second location. >> pretty much we're rebuilding >> he's saying not to put in the money pretty much in this one.
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>> and it's tenants and stuff that may not agree to let us do this. >> you'll be in here christmas maybe and $200,000 out of pocket. >> this is not what i anticipated today to go. hopefully the bank has better news. $1.1 million bank. by and far the most expensive purchase i've ever made. if we can't open october 1st, it's going to be a huge blow to us. we're going to start paying the mortgage off september 1st without being open. if something comes back and we're not able to open, it will be devastating. >> what do you think? save the best for last. >> you think you can do this one when you got back or before so we can put in a permit? >> i might be able to do something on this. >> this is our best chance of being open october 1st. >> yeah. >> at least we have one good location. >> i know. i know. all we need is the license. >> so if we're awarded the license, it will be a huge rush to get the demo done, get invin toir in here, get the staffed
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train and open by october 1st. game day. aurora presentations are on. medicine man is applying for the mexican restaurant location. starbuds lost out on the bank. but is applying for the dentist office and the strip mall. euflora is drying for three licenses including the million dollar bank in ward six. >> oh, shoot. all that for three applications. >> i know. it's like 100 things for applications. i feel like i'm missing something. >> you're up until 2:00 a.m. working on it all. i'm sure you checked it. >> and all day. >> do you mind if we bring a pizza in the board room. >> this is our first chance to make a first impression. if everything is perfect we're being graded here. if everything is perfect the first time, it shows how professional we are.
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>> i have 15 grand in here. >> we'll protect you, sally. >> thank you. or andy will protect you. >> i don't usually carry this money. >> andy will protect himself. >> there are two submissions. everything is tab what you need. all put together. >> there's three sections that criteria, the security plan, the operating plan, and the business plan. every t is crossed and i is dotted. >> it's hard to predict how they're going to grade it. >> big ones here the business plan. >> the fact we could have four stores open in less than one year is a huge accomplishment for starting out in this industry. >> and because there are so many other people applying that there might not be a second chance. there might not be another window. >> all right. and then the fun stuff. camera placement on the roof if you're going to do it, which you probably will be required to do. >> there's no entrance to the
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roof. our police will will require. it. >> floor plan. operating agreement security plan. site plan, retail marijuana. the list of changes. proof of -- >> so you're not planning on selling any paraphernalia. >> all right. last thing is payment of fees. >> just cash. here is $15,000. >> just make it out to the city of aurora. >> all right and $15,000, correct? >> correct. for three applications for $45,000. plus each application you have to have assets of $400,000. you have to be able to show as of today to put the applications in. >> months and months of months of work. two huge binders. thousands of pages of documentation. now all i have is a $15,000 paid in cash receipt. oh, i've got an e-mail. >> no, no.
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hang on! >> we got an e-mail. it just popped in. ♪ ♪ we're on a mission, a mission for underwareness, a cause to support the over 65 million people who may need the trusted protection of depend underwear. join us. drop your pants for underwareness and show off a pair of depend. because wearing a different kind of underwear, is no big deal. support the cause and get a free sample of depend
6:53 pm
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as it turns out, applying for a marijuana license is a lot like applying to college. the big search to find the place you wanted. then the arduous application forms, financial statement, and the interviews. of course, the waiting is the hardest part. for the pot barons, today is the day the day the waiting ends. ♪ >> guess what? >> what? >> i heard that aurora is announcing today instead of tomorrow. i don't know why. >> woo hoo! >> it's not confirmed. it's a rumor. >> that's exciting. >> it's pretty cool. >> i i worry because i feel like i'm going jinx myself. >> we'll be informed via e-mail. if you get something that says aurora don't open it. >> why? >> so we can open it together. >> i was like, why.
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>> so i'm at denver international airport this morning and i'm picking up some of my best friends that i used to work with back in the day. i might find out whether i get the aurora license today or tomorrow. so my friends have been warned that we might be celebrating or commiserating. i'm probably going to be checking my phone every two minutes. ♪ >> how is it going, lily? >> it's kind of a rollercoaster ride right now. the thought of having three stores is amazing it would be great, but it's also a little terrifying at the same time. it's aurora. >> this is jamie. hey, wade, how are you? yeah, i'm ready to receive my e-mail any time. okay. i'm going sit here on pins and needles. [ laughter ] all right, thanks. bye. oh! >> let's check in case --
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>> yeah. >> nope. >> oh, i just got a text. let me see. oh, they're on their way. [ laughter ] >> hey! how are you? >> great to be here! >> hi! >> hey, can you check your e-mail? >> i didn't get anything. >> you didn't get anything yet? >> okay. >> how about breakfast and starbuds. follow me. no, i'll follow you. >> pull up the website. >> wait, let's see. nothing, honey. >> oh, come on! don't call me and tell me you're going to send it and, like, not send it. >> oh, i've got an e-mail. let me see this real quick. >> hello? wait, no, hang on! >> sally, we got an e-mail! it just popped in. woo hoo! >> okay, wait.
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>> all right. >> are you ready? >> ready. >> did you open it? >> yes. it's not good news. >> good news aurora! let's go. >> the bank did not get approved. >> no, it did. >> huh? >> we've been awarded one of the 24 retail marijuana stores for the location delmar. it's the strip mall. hold on. i got another one. >> it was not selected. >> okay. i got one. and i got my second choice. the dentist office, for me, was everything. it was going to be the corporate headquarters. conference room, offices, big beautiful brick building. this was the future, but out of 24 licenses in aurora, i was one of the chosen. that is something to be really proud about. >> all right. starbuds does expand.
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we move to aurora now. >> congratulations! >> thanks! [ laughter ] >> congratulations! >> yeah! that's so awesome! yeah! >> that's exciting. >> well, big sigh of relief. we got the license and demo is going to start immediately and just cross our fingers and see if we can do it. i'm really excited. i'm excited to be apart of aurora. it's going to be a great business. >> we've been awarded one of the 24 retail license for the city of aurora. >> you got that one? >> yeah. >> and you've been awarded for the 24 4343 south buck lee. >> we got two licenses! >> i didn't think we got it. >> woo hoo! yeah! >> we are extremely excited
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about ward six because the bank is in fabulous shape 37. it's not going to take much work. given we've been open barely five months tells us that we're doing something right. getting these two licenses out of 24 is absolutely amazing. it speaks volumes. >> now the real fun begins. it's literally hit the ground running now. >> that's fun! >> yeah. now the fun begins, right? remember the 20-hour days we had in april? >> i know. >> they're back! ♪ welcome to colorado. >> it's a ju


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