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tv   Politics Nation With Al Sharpton  MSNBC  January 1, 2017 5:00am-6:01am PST

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ffice and take on whatever comes next. find out how american express cards and services can help prepare you for growth at hello, i'm al sharpton. it is the time of year when we hold our annual awards. this year, i'm not so sure it feels right. 2016 was so divisive the presidential race was so ugly. i just don't kno whether we should even have the revvies. >> let me weigh in here. it's me, al. i think you should scrap the revvies. who wants to celebrate after a year like this? let's forget about it and move on. >> yeah. you think so? >> you're not going to listen to that debbie downer, are you?
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>> now, who's that? >> it's me, sharpton. don't pay little al any mind. he's just feeling a little down. >> it's true. i am. it's been a rough year. >> it hasn't been easy. but people love the revvies, the good times, the bad and everything in between. you can't let it go, rev. >> well, when you put it like that. >> hmm. you know what, sharpton, i think you're right. i know you're worried, little al. but we'll get through this. we can come together. the show must go on. are you guys ready to do this? >> i am. >> count me in. >> all right then. cue the music, because here come the revvies. ♪ >> it is the sixth annual revvie
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awards, from rockefeller center, here is your host al sharpton. >> good morning. and welcome to our sixth annual revvie awards. it is where we celebrate the best and the worst in 2016. let's bring in our distinguished panel of judges. jimy williams, and maria theresa kumar, annalise jordan and kareem jean pierre. the first revvie, the worst political move in 2016. it is a crowded field. will hillary clinton walk away with it for her failures in the rust belt? not visiting wisconsin even once. or does it go to chris christie, who swallowed had his pride to embrace trump, only to be can kicked to the curb during the
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transition? or does the award go to all 17 gop primary candidates, they couldn't stop trump early on, they shouldn't be forgotten for their failure. and often they didn't even seem interested in trying. >> i'm a big fan of donald trump's. i think donald trump is bringing a bold, brash voice to this presidential race. >> he struck a nerve with people. he's sort of unfiltered in a way that is refreshing. >> i like the fact he's focused on a very important issue for american workers and particularly illegal immigrants in this country. >> i think donald trump has many admirable qualities and traits and i would think that he would find a very good spot in our administration. >> one of the things he was right about was to say nonsense to the d.c. establishment. it is time to fire all of them. >> and the revvie for worst
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political move goes to the republican primary candidates. so do you agree or do you think clinton was robbed? >> i would agree that hillary clinton did not run a very good campaign. i think that had her failure to be for something instead of just being against donald trump, i think that was the worst political move of the year and ultimately cost her the election. >> jimmy, what do you say? you have been in recovery since election day. we're glad you're out. >> i disagree with all of you. look, winners and losers come and go. but i think of anybody that we didn't think was going to lose, the north carolina outgoing governor pat mccrory, he became a -- of hate, that hillary clinton run the best campaign, i agree, not so much. did the other 17 republican wanna-bes run great campaigns? clearly not because donald trump beat them all in a massive way.
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>> one by one. >> one by one, absolutely. slayed them all, donald trump slayed them all. but, again, if you're the face of hate and lose in a state like north carolina, that's not good for a brand and not a smart way of going about it. to me, patccrory was the biggest loser of the ar. >> maria? >> i think that it was, in this case, both the republican and democratic party because they didn't hear the wave of what the american people wanted. and as a result, they lost their eye on the ball. i would say specifically on the republican side, they didn't do a basic google search when it came to opposition research on donald trump. all you needed to do was find transcript after transcript of howard stern and that would have given them enough ammunition to really question who he was. on the hillary side, she decided not to double down on her -- there is a girl scout saying, keep your friends, make new ones, but keep the old ones, she didn't do either really. she left african-american votes on the table. she didn't dig down and say i'm
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going to make sure we -- she had a chance to solidify the progressive agenda. >> you know, on that point, the republicans did an autopsy that they never really used at all. and i -- maria raises mrs. clinton didn't deal with her friends, didn't make new ones. in some close states like michigan, her old friends could have made the difference and it was, like, you were in the middle of a void there for people that are so skilled. >> i totally agree. i agree with what maria laid out. i think something that adds to it, speaking of debates, talking about the republican debates, the democrats only had half a dozen debates and ty were o the weekends. and hillary clinton is a good bater. and the beauty about debates is that it could have allowed the democrats to put forth the vision for the american country. and because we hid them, because the democrats were afraid of, you know, not, you know, of how
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hillary clinton may be or of the stamina, whatever the excuse was, it hurt us. meanwhile, the republicans had a dozen debates and they were out there, on primetime. >> a dozen debates with 17 candidates. >> but the thing is, and but also what it did though was it allowed trump a platform, it gave him -- people saw him really for the first time. and call him a politician, don't call him a politician, he became a politician five years ago when he went after president obama. >> and donald trump, having center stage, in that very first debate, based on polls, and dividing into two groups of republican candidates and an undercard which no one paid attention to. carly fiorina managed to get out of -- >> we have a lot to that. what could hillary clinton have done differently? >> we all touched on it. that is you can't leave behind working class families. the democratic party is the, quote, party of working class
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america. this election proved that was not the case to be quite honest with you. i agree 1,000% that the democratic party should go after and put together a big coalition, lgbt, hispanic women, african-americans, et cetera, et cetera. what you cannot do whe you put together that coalition is seem like you're forgetting everybody else. joeiden said this -- >> andeally forgetting a lot of memory because they said identity politics is dead. they really didn't do identity politics. they didn't identify with anybody. >> not at all. if you recall last year, my biggest concern on this election was the fact that we weren't going to pay enough attention to voting rights. and what that was going to do. in north carolina -- >> big on this show. >> in north carolina alone, in north carolina alone, there were 200 polling places absent from the last election. and they didn't -- >> which is why mccrory's defeat is more -- >> right. don't forget scsin, like 300,000 people who because of -- >> no one wanted to dealith the fact that the voting
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suppression, which we championed on this show, as a nonpartisan issue, was a key factor here. everyone wants to keep avoiding it and now the incoming attorney general is one that you would expect to have a real problem dealing with this. >> he considers it intrusive. the fact that as the demographics keep changing, that's the biggest issue. georgia, 2% of the electoral is latino today. >> now i have to move to the revvie for the best political move of 2016. obviously it has to go to donald trump for his upset victory. but how did he win? was it his rallies? was it his twitter account? his celebrity? did he win because of working class white voters? did he win because of russian hackers? karine, what was the move that made trump the great political move winner of the revvies this
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year? >> there awere so many, but the one that sticks out to me the most is the way he manipulated the media. he's able to read the room and put out a shiny object, misdirect, and really lead the media. and we go after it, you know, all of us go after it, go down a rabbit hole and then there is something new and we come out of the rabbit hole and go into another one. and he perfected that. >> i think you're absolutely right. and i think that by putting out the shiny objects constantly, he also had the charisma to draw people in. he really does have political charisma, just out the wazu. i think people responded to that this year and also authority. he really projected authority, even when he was saying something that was just blatantly wrong and probably knows it, i think he has the ability to convince -- he would own it, never back down about anything. >> that's a challenge is that the media for a long time they thought he was the side show. so they never fact checked him, never held him under scrutiny.
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and when you start looking at the picks he's doing now for his cabinet, incredibly astute. the fact he's putting linda mcmahon, giving credity to a basis, look, see, i'm smart and that person is too. >> the wwe -- that crowd won. >> i agree with all of this. there is a bigger pick, we all gave him exactly what he wanted, we gave him millions and millions of dollars of free press. >> and eyeballs. ratings. >> exactly. and at every single one of the rallies that karine mentioned, he turned around, pointed at us, and said, they're the bad guys, and at no point in time in american history has the press ever been looked down more upon than right now. the press is all lying, we're all bad, we're all evil. >> you know what i think, i said once during two weeks after the election that he was an out of borough guy who had a chip on his shoulder who came along,
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grew up as a millionaire, real estate guy, selling people land, selling people whatever, condos. so he was a salesman. people forget he knew how to sell. and most of his opponents never sold anybody anything. >> right. and the thing to don't forget about donald trump is he's a showman first. right. just in the way he's picking his cabinet. it is all about show. it is all about the misdirection. it is all about how many eyeballs can i get on me and then divert it in the way that i want to. >> what about james comey effect? what about the comey effect? >> republicans will tell me, you know, all over the place, yes, the comey timing did not help hillary clinton and had that not happened, she may have carried wisconsin. i don't know the answer to that. i'm not a magician. >> she needed more than wisconsin to win. >> hillary clinton needed florida. if she had just won florida, we wouldn't be having a
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conversation about donald trump at all. but we're now going to be having a conversation about president-elect donald trump. >> for a long time. >> back to this issue on the media stuff, if anyone has watched donald trump over the last 30 years, manipulate the new york tabloids like he is doing -- >> i have. >> be prepared to understand that's going to be his mo. >> the point is, jimmy's point, i think comey had an effect, but look at all of the stuff that they threw at trump. and he got past all of that stuff. i mean, this man got past his own videos on women. >> even most recently, after -- >> he knew how to play it. >> when he went after the hamilton cast, the same day that he was basically having to fork over $25 million in fraud charges. so he knows how to kill a story. and for whatever reason, the media still is seduced by the shiny object instead of saying let's move over and take -- >> such a conundrum because how
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do you not cover what the president-elect is tweeting? it is a horrible -- you're dammed if you do, dammed if you don't. i think this is why it is more important than ever for mainstream media and for journalism to focus in on investigative journalism. >> i think that's all right. can i get back on comey for one second. he did something in july that was so unprecedented that really just changed the protocol of the fbi for generations and when he did that press conference, it led to him being able to do those letters, right? he changed -- he changed the dynamic. then the letters come out. here is what i think happened. 11 days out, letter comes out, and two days out, the second letter comes out. what happened, it reinvigorated his base. so all of the people that we kept talking about, this rural working america, they got more excited. and there was a slither of undecideds who have not made their decision. >> and depressed the turnout. >> we got to go for a second. we'll be back.
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this has been the hottest revvies. we're making people wm up. we're just getting started. more revvies are on the way. >> but first, the revvie for the best monologue, to the person who spoke about the concerns of donald trump, here are the nominees. first, gold star parent keyeser khan, father of a muslim american soldier killed in action. >> donald trump consistently smears the character of muslims. he vows to build walls and ban us from this country. >> comedian dave chappelle for his "snl" monologue after the election. >> i'm wishing donald trump luck. and i'm going to give him a chance. and we, the historically disenfranchised demand that he give us one too. thank you very much. >> and senator marco rubio, who voted for trump instead of
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following his own words to their logical conclusion. >> i will go anywhere to speak to anyone before i let a con artist get a hold of the republican party. so thin skinned, so erratic. to think you're going to make someone like that the commander in chief. >> the revvie goes to -- keyeser khan. >> have you even read the united states constituti? i will gladly lend you my copy. when heartburn hits, fight back fast with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum -tum -tum -tum smoothies! only from tums
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welcome back to the sixth annual revvie awards, broadcast from rockefeller center in the heart of new york city. here's your host, al sharpton. >> we're back with our panel.
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we turn now to the year in social justice and civil rights, with a lot of courageous americans taking a stand. we saw the mothers of the movement, out on the campaign trail, turning their grief into action. protesters marching against the discrimination of north carolina's so-called bathroom bill. and standing rock demonstrators braving frigid temperatures and violent clashes with police to protest a pipeline. this year, congressman john louis earned the honor. at the age of 76, he led a sit-in on the house floor to protest the failure to pass gun legislation. >> the time for silence and patience is long gone. >> maria, what was the big issue
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for you this year? >> i have to say it was that moment, and followed up by senator chris murphy did a 15-hour filibuster and demonstrated that all of a sudden the progressive movement, the democrats had their guts back, they were listening to the protests that were happening in the last ten years, whether immigration reform, whether it was black lives matter, whether it was a fair wage for 15, they were finally listening and that's the guts that they're going to need for next four years to demonstrate to the american people they are listening. >> i wish they had taken it out on the trail. >> for me, i'm going to say something totally different that is going to seem a little odd. i think -- >> surprise, surprise. >> shocker. in the moments after the "access hollywood," i think a lot of battle lines were drawn with gender in this country. republican women got to see who supported them and where men stood on the issues of predatory behavior. i think that the conversation on gender did move along this year, maybe in a way that wasn't
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necessarily so great and it revealed a lot of the work that still needs to be done. but also i think it did raise important points going forward. >> karine. >> i agree. i think watching the -- one of our civil rights icons there and making that moving speech, it got emotional watching john louis. i do have to say that i think the lesson that comes out of this election is that change is not going to come from washington. it is going to come from outside of d.c. and with the president-elect, our soon to be president, it is now move imperative. it is more -- we need to be much more vigilant. the movement will be key in getting anything -- any changes -- >> jimmy, hasn't change always come outside of washington because the civil rights movement under dr. king started under eisenhower. i think maybe a lot of us were seduced because president obama
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was -- but it never came from washington. and even under obama, whether it was trade or with michael brown, we brought that to the president. he didn't bring that to us. what stands out for you? >> the journalists will figure out washington, d.c., it is always proactive, not reactive. the president doesn't need to do something unless he or sheeeds to. off of karine point outside of d.c., i look at what reverend barber did with the moral monday movement as something that could be replicated. that is not a partisan issue. that is a moral issue. and if one takes that, and replicates that in all 50 states, don't leave out democratic battlegrounds and don't forget that utah is a state where people have high moral values. go into those states. talk about what it means when you take kids off of snap, off of food stamps, which is going to happen in this coming march.
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go and have a conversation about what policies out of washington do to real people, on moral mondays, and replicate that in all 50 states. >> there is a march in january 14th, many of us around the king weekend, what will justice be like under president obama? president trump, rather, and attorney general sessions? >> that's the fear, right? there is the unknown and the known. when president obama became president, he was the unknown. he was the first black president, people didn't know what to expect. the thing about donald trumps that he is the known, right? he is -- it is very reminiscent of, you know, cross burning in front of your house, right? of the kkk, hey, david duke praised sessions and praised bannon and -- >> he said he wasn't too familiar with who duke was. >> meanwhile, he's retweeting -- he spent the election retweeting
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white nationalists. >> -- more time decrying new york times reporter than these white supremacists who are going out and committing horrible acts of -- >> let me wrap it up had here. we have a lot more revvies to come. first, a look at some of those we lost in this past year. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (vo) what's your dog food's first ingredient?
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welcome back to the revvies. up next, politics nation favorite. it is the alfred c. sharpton blueberry pie lifetime achievement award. every year we look around and ask who has the most blueberry pie on their face. this year, it doesn't go to one person. it goes to a group of people whose work led to reporting like this that turned out to be wrong. >> presidential candidate hillary clinton is enjoying a wave of strong poll numbers. >> national poll from fairly dickinson university finds hillary clinton with a ten point lead over donald trump. >> clinton is leading in the polls nationally. >> hillary clinton is getting a big boost. new abc news poll shows the democratic nominee's path to winning the white house growing wider. >> that's right.
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this year the pollsters get a big serving of beberry pie. 99% of americans hope they do better next time. the sixth annual revvie awards will be right back.
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welcome back to world famous rockefeller center in new york city. and the sixth annual revvie awards. here again is your host, the reverend al sharpton. >> it is time to reintroduce our judges, jimmy williams and maria theresa kumar and elise jordan and karine jean-pierre. now to the award for the best leading man or woman for the democratic party, in 2020. will it be elizabeth warren, a rising star like cory booker,
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what about a big state governor like andrew cuomo, or even vice president joe biden or someone else entirely? jimmy, who will emerge as the democratic party's next leader for 2020 and beyond? >> hell if i know. >> that's what the pollsters should have said. >> they got it wrong and i'm not going to get it wrong because i got it wrong about trump. i learned my lesson. i'm not so much wore bride wrie who we're going to put up in 2020. i look at 2018. i look at what the congress is doing. who are going to be the rising stars ming up in the congress. in maryland, jamie raskin is now elected to replace chris van holland. at the senate, a law professor, smart, amiable and a genuinely nice person, a prolific fund-raiser on the house side, joe kennedy iii, that guy, he's -- i think he's like 12.
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i'm not joking. wife, new kid. raises tens of millions of dollars for democrats. watch what he does if there are any openings for -- >> new people in camilla harris. >> you took it out of -- that's what i was going to say. i think kamala harris will be someone to watch, most certainly. senator elect from california, attorney general, progressive. she's a second african-american woman to be a u.s. senator, also of indian descent. and i would keep my eye on her, especially as we get -- head into 2020. >> and republicans got lucky that -- >> in the who lholiday spirit, are the republicans afraid of? >> i would say jason candor of missouri who lost to blunt, but he's an afghanistan war vet, had had a best ad of this season by far, where he put together an m-16 in 30 seconds. blindfolded. it was incredible. and so i feel like republicans
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really dodged a literal bullet by winning that race and avoiding elevating his profile more. i feel like young up and comers like kamala harris, people who are outside of known quantities, the problem with the election is everyone rejected people who had been in the game for so long. >> for the democratic party, they, for someone to run the dnc, they need someone that understands the demographic shifts that are coming. they need to understand how to build the party on a 50-state strategy. and they also -- >> got to remember, the youth leader of 2016 was bernie sanders, who said -- >> that's exactly right. and we start -- >> kamala harris is coming from -- she has a political machine behind her. we have the castro brothers who in texas for the first time, she lost by less than double digits. that's historic. if the democrats can figure out texas, who has the lowest participation rate, but hungry for leadership, you don't have to worry about florida, don't
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have to worry about it. my concern is what the democrats often do is they go after the next shiny ball. so there is, like, oh, shoot, we need to focus on white working class. you also need to -- workers, but you also need to understand where the demographics are going. and the demographics are increasingly diverse and increasingly african-american, latino, asian and single women. talk to them. take a playbook out of what bernie sanders did, but make sure you understand the infrastructure. cory booker, because he understands the digital aspect of communication, but he also understands the groundswell, and i've been with cory booker in different rooms and he understand house to talk to different types of audiences and see the future. it is amazing. >> amazing thing about cory he is talks to different people and says the same message. a lot of people go different -- >> that's exactly right. that's exactly right. that's key. that's really important to be able to do that, like, understand your audience. yes, it is key, but being able to deliver the message that you want to deliver. >> right. all right, our next award is for
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this year's breakout performance in a supporting role. and the revvie goes to first lady michelle obama, making a splash on the trail with what may have been the two best speeches of the campaign. >> i wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves. and i watch my daughters, two beautiful intelligent black young women, playing with their dogs on the white house lawn. doesn't matter what party you belong to. democrat, republican, independent, no woman deserves to be treated this way. none of us deserves this kind of abuse. >> congratulations to the first lady. many wonder if she'll take on a leading role in the future. karine, what does the future hold for mrs. obama?
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>> that's a good question. i have to tell you, i'm going to miss her as much as i'm going to miss president obama. she's going to leave the white house as one of the -- as the most popular figure in american politics right now. i don't see her having a future in politics. she's never given any kind of notion that she even, you know, cares to be -- to play in that world. but it remains to be seen. i think she'll are a strong -- >> i think she can become the mother of the party, she doesn't need an official role, but the guiding light, the voice of reason, that bridges again this idea of not only gender and race, but party as well. and that is right now the country is looking for a conscience, for a guiding light. i think she plays it because she doesn't -- she doesn't want a political position. >> i think the treatment of her at the beginning especially was so sexist and racist when she entered in the white house. i think that it is credit to her power and her strength that today she is the most popar
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political figure and she had such a command and presence and conscience in all of those speeches. >> they go low, we go high. >> that's it. every senator and member of the house of representatives should have the following bumper sticker on their car, wwmd, what would michelle do. what would my held do. >> hash tag. >> that's what it needs to be. i can't think of a single person that doesn't look at her, whether they like her or not, she's a good mother, she's a good wife, she was a good first lady, she cared about that our kids ate in school and cared about whether or not people eat -- come on. that's -- that's what a mom is supposed to do. >> everybody stay with us. some big awards on the way. >> earlier this evening, we awarded the revvie for best political impression. here are the nominees. >> i have a fantastic relationship with mexico, okay. i have personally met with the mexican president, i forget his name. i think it was something like mr. guacamole or -- i'm sorry.
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excuse me, senor guacamole. >> he's spent his life cheating middle class laborers. laborers like my own human father, who made -- i guess drapes or printed drapes or sold drapes or something with drapes. he was relatable. and i am also relatable. >> remember when i told everyone to stop talking about your e-mails. when what a schmuck. >> i know. >> i know, i know. so stupid. so stupid. >> sasha and i are, like, don't get him started. he's, like, well, i'm glad you asked that. let me just -- let me just answer that in three points. one -- and then one a and then one a and b and sasha and i are,
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like, oh! >> the revvie goes to first lady michelle obama for her flawless take on the president. she's had 27 years to perfect that impression. congratulations, first lady. we'll be right back. ♪ look at you, saving money on your medicare part d prescriptions. at walgreens we make it easy for you to seize the day by helping you get more out of life and medicare part d. now with zero-dollar copays on select plans...
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we have covered a lot of ground here at the revvies. now it is time to look at what got too much coverage in 2016. we're turning to the most overcovered stories of the year. and the nominees are hillary clinton's e-mails, donald trump's twitter account, the mannequin challenge. how did that become a thing? and, of course, pokemon go. so, maria, what got too much coverage this year?
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>> i would say donald trump in general. the fact that he saved hundreds of millions of dollars on free media by simply calling in to radio stations, tv stations all of a sudden, the conversation was lost of what is the policy issue that you stand on, and instead it was let's make this aboume a make sure i'm in everybody's living room, consistently. >> elise, stress the word calling in. >> phoning it in. >> i tried it, i couldn't call in to "politicsnation." >> at this recent harvard forum with all the campaign managers, there was a fiery exchange with network executives and republican campaign operatives saying, oh, well, our candidates weren't allowed to phone in, but trump was, why was trump the anomaly and why did he get special treatment? it really is egregious, i think, it is part of the reason that we're stuck with the result that we have. >> do we hear too much about the e-mails, about the twitter account of donald trump or -- >> i think the thing when it
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comes to -- the thing that got too much coverage is the clinton foundation. especially in light of the conflict of interest that we see with trump's organization. and it was -- it was just not -- it wasn't fair coverage at all. you would hear so much about clinton foundation, and you would learn, okay, they're actually doing good work and then learn about trump foundation, and you would hear, oh, he used, you know, $25,000 to, you know, pay into the attorney general -- it was -- >> to buy paintings of himself. >> and it just didn't -- it wasn't equal. it was not -- >> as you noted -- >> what did we overcover? >> i agree with you, the clinton foundation was covered, however they are breaking new york state law by not identifying who their donors are, i will have to push back on that. the e-mails to me are the bigger problem here. i'm going to set up a scenario for you. millions of e-mails are housed onervert the republican national committee, and they're all e-mails from top white house
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staff from 2001 to 2009, all of whom have top secret security clearance and most of the work that was done by those staffers at the white house, all the e-mails were done on private e-mails on that server at the rnc and millions of those e-mails were lost. we're not talking about the clinton e-mails at foggy bottom. we're talking about the bush white house. and no one cared. now, if i ever heard of a double standard in my entire life, this is it. both were wrong for using private servers and both should be admonished for it. but at no point is it -- listen, if our national secrets are so important under hillary clinton's tenure, why weren't they that important under george w. bush. i hate hypocrisy more than anything and the press absolute flailed in pointing that out this cycle. >> the question becomes as i think both of you stated, the press really has to wrestle with this and deal with this. this is for real. everybody, stay with us.
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earlier, we handed out the last laugh revvie to the person who talk trump seriously when almost no one else did. and the award went to minnesota congressman keith ellison who sounded at larm on trump before republicans even had the first debate. >> anybody from the democratic side of the fence who thinks that -- who is terrified of the possibility of president trump better vote, better get active, better get involved, because this man has got some momentum. and we better be ready for the fact that he might be leading the republican ticket next year. >> i know you don't believe that. but i want to go on. >> but he who laughs last laughs best, right, congressman? >> we had jesse ventura in minnesota win governorship. nobody thought he was going to win. stranger things have happened. >> this might be one award the congressman wishes he hadn't won. we'll be right back.
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welcome back. we're wrapping things up here at the revvies. we're ending with the look at our judge's great expectations, their predictions for 2017. we'll be saving this tape to embarrass all of you in the revvies next year. so predict wisely. elise, let's start with you. what is in store for us in the new year? >> since i predicted the election wrong, i'm going to go safe with my prediction and say that donald trump is going to tweet something that is going to cause chaos and people are going to get really upset. >> really? yoare a conservative, aren't you? that was the safest position i
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heard. >> i would s tt this is an opportunity for media, specically msnbc, 64 million people voted for hillary clinton. and they're going to be looking for news to help navigate where america is going. i think just like fox -- 2008 was a great year for fox and their rise. i think it is msnbc. >> karine. >> i thought about the same thing too, the world that msnbc can play now with a trump in the administration. i feel very similar to elise. i guesed this whole thing wrong. i'm sheepish here. i think the thing to watch is the trump kids. it goes -- it plays into the whole conflict of interest that trump has. where will the trump kids be and what will they do? and let's not forget jared can kushner, his son-in-law, they can't do both. they can't be doing -- being ceos and also advising donald trump, their father, so it will be interesting to see -- >> ivanka is now house hunting
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in washington, d.c. >> right. and talk about her getting a chief of staff. >> what the kids do care about is this legacy because it is their legacy. i think it is important. and donald trump really cares about his legacy. >> he cares about himself. >> my prediction is that donald trump isn't dumb and donald trump is going to strike deals with democrats. chuck schumer is going to be the democratic leader in the senate, fellow new yorker, they have a relationship, whether one or either of them wants to admit it or not. but the bottom line is, if trump wants to win re-election, he's going to have to sign legislation. you cannot sign legislation that is being filibustered in the senate unless it is not. therefore, he will strike deals. >> i think you're right. i think he will be a transactional president because -- >> absolutely. >> that's right. >> we may have thought a lot about president obama desiring and i think he became a transformative president. that's not trump. i think you raise about msnbc, i think those of us that have been
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involved in civil rights and protesmoveme a going to have it deal with him differently because he wants the radical element. because he plays against him. we have to be more strategic. >> you got to be strategic. got to protest, but got to protest in a way that is doesn't boomerang because he's -- he wants that. >> that's what they want. by doing that, you shut down this idea of dialogue and conversation. and that's why if you have this idea you're going in as a mandate, what he's doing, and you see a counter of conversation saying you do not have the mandate, a popular vote, we're going to be diligent -- >> gets under his skin. >> can't engage americans. you got to engage in americans. that's why i started the show with little al arguing with sharpton. that does it for us. we had a lot of fun. i would like to thank our panel this year. they all have been terrific. here's to a happy and safe 2017.
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you've been watching the 2016 revvie awards brought to you by "politicstion" and al sharpton. thanks for watching. a safe and happy holiday season. ♪ 'cause there's a million things to be ♪ ♪ you know that there are ♪ and if you want to be me, be me ♪ ♪ and if you want to be you, be you ♪ ♪ 'cause there's a million things to do ♪ ♪ you know that there are ♪ i want my tax software too charge me at the last second. i'm totally fine paying extra for something i could get for free. there is nothing i can do with an extra $50. said no one ever. file your taxes for free with credit karma tax.
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but when we brought our daughter home,
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that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how. behind a horrific attack at a nightclub in turkey still on the loose this morning. an act of terror at the dawn of a new year leaving at least three dozen dead. good to be with you on this new year. i'm frances rivera at msnbc world headquarters in new york. and here are the headlines. on the first day of 2017, turkish officials are describing the scene inside that nightclub as a massacre. eyewitness footage captures the immediate aftermath of at tack and the panic that follows. some bodies seen laying on the ground, at least 39 people were killed, 70 others injured. the attack happened around


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