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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  August 8, 2019 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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oops, that does it for us tonight. we'll see you again tomorrow. now it's time for "the last word" with lawrence o'donnell. sorry, i'm in your real estate. >> oh, it's been 18 seconds. it's been fascinating to watch the evolution of jerry nadler on the subject of impeachment as you were discussing. i talked to him about it right before the election in november where he was going to be elevated to chairman of the judiciary committee and right here in the studio with me and i said at one point you have
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complete direct control over the impeachment process, it's up to you to begin it, and he knew that was true and kind of didn't want it to be true in that interview at that point. he sort of deflected it a little bit and he was very much on the same page rhetorically as speaker pelosi at the time sigh -- all those talking points, they disappeared rather quickly with jerry nadler and tonight, as i was listening to them with you, he increasingly sounds and he has for months now like a house judiciary committee who understands his place in history and how his work will be judged in history. >> yeah, and it's also, i mean, he's saying listen, everybody is focused on the semantics but this is happening. this is -- >> yes. >> this is underway and we're proceeding yes on the grounds of what's in the mueller report. one of the things that was interesting to hear from him
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tonight is other non-mueller report grounds on which they are considering articles of impeachment against the president right now. and it's not all derived from mueller but a lot of obviously what they want to continue to investigate is and they have now got everything in place to get what they need including the testimony from the various witnesses but they are also steaming in a goal oriented way towards what they want to get done. all the ambiguity and all the discussion about this stuff is now moot. it's on. it's happening. >> yeah, he basically said to me last week in a similar interview that this is it. this is the impeachment process underway. he clarified there is no bright line procedurely in the house judiciary committee that says today is an impeachment process and yesterday wasn't. once they start moving in that direction and asking questions in that direction, it is as you said, it is on.
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>> it's on. once the committee chairman says yes, we're considering articles of impeachment and voting to recommend to remove him from office, we can stop arguing whether they will do this, right? >> and that makes jerry nadler the fourth chairman of the house judiciary committee in history who has said that. >> wow. >> yeah. >> thanks, lawrence. >> thank you. well, in tonight's episode of "meet the freshman" you will meet a freshman member of congress who is a married lesbian mother of four that took a house seat from a republican in a farming district in minnesota, a congressional district donald trump won. if donald trump loses even just a few districts like that next year in the right states, he will lose his reelection campaign. and now donald trump is the worst thing that has happened to farmers in the lifetime of currently working american farmers because of his trade war with china, a war that american
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farmers are definitely losing. congresswoman angie craig will join us at the end of this hour with what might be the key to defeating donald trump's reelection campaign. last night at this hour we refused to show you the propaganda video recorded by the trump white house during the president's visits to hospitals in dayton, ohio and el paso, texas. the news media was not allowed to see what donald trump was actually doing and saying in the hospitals and news media cameras were not allowed and video released today shows why no one should have shown the trump propaganda video yesterday, which was. turned into a trump campaign commercial released on twitter yesterday. we have a slightly better and only slightly better idea of what happened inside those hospitalstwitter yesterday. what happened inside those hospitals because private video is beginning to emerge. perhaps more will emerge. it's exactly the kind of obscenity you had every right to
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expect it to be when donald trump spoke in those hospitals. we see donald trump in el paso speaking to some of the heroes in that hospital, doctors, nurses and others who spent days and continue to spend days trying to save lives and he said not one word to them about what he would try to do to prevent another massacre from sending dozens and dozens of victims to their hospital. instead, he lied to them about their own community. he insulted their intelligence and their dignity by lying to their faces about something they both know, they know is both a lie and they very much do not care about. the lie was about the size of the crowd, yes, the size of the crowd that donald trump attracted when he held a hate-fueled campaign rally in el
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paso six months ago here is that lie. >> that was some crowd. >> thank you. >> we had twice the number outside and then you had this crazy beto. beto had 400 people in a parking lot. they said his crowd was wonderful. >> the laughing first lady and the laughing president. laughing about the trump lies. what we said back then was that the el paso police department estimated that beto o'rourke's crowds between 10,000 and 15,000 people and everyone in that room yesterday knows that. they know that it was not 400 people. but most importantly, no one in that room except donald trump and the third mrs. trump care about that crowd now. no one cares about that this week. no one cared about that in that hospital yesterday except donald trump and that is because donald
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trump's untreatable lifelong preversion is he appears to care about no human being other than himself and he makes that manifest in every public moment that requires a demonstration that he is capable of caring about other people. capable of empathy. the white house propaganda video yesterday was designed to pretend that donald trump cares about other people. a report from says that according to an el paso hospital official, there was a general assessment there was an absence of empathy on trump's part during his visit to the hospital. the president's absence of empathy was also on full vivid display yesterday in his public torture of children. every definition legal and otherwise of torture includes mental torture, none physical torture and that is what president trump engaged in in
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mississippi yesterday on a grand scale while he was pretending to care about people being treated for gunshot wounds at a hospital in el paso where none, none of the patients still being treated at that hospital agreed to meet with the president of the united states, none of them. and so today, none of those patients have to regret that they agreed to meet with a man who was torturing children in mississippi while trying to meet with them in their hospital rooms for a photo op. immigration and customs enforcement arrested approximately 680 people working at their jobs at seven food processing plants in mississippi. none of the people who hired and employ those workers were arrested for the crime of employing those workers because this is of course republican law enforcement at work. this is trump law enforcement at work.
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arrest just the workers, not the employers. local reporters in mississippi did the work of covering the real news that donald trump created yesterday with those arrests. the jackson free press in mississippi said children finished their first day of school with no parents to go home to tonight, babies and toddlers remain at daycare with no guardian to pick them up. a child vainly searched a workplace parking lot for missing parents. alex love of wjtv in mississippi delivered the most important television reporting of the day yesterday in this country far more important than anything television news was capable of capturing about the president's photo op visits to hospitals. alex love and his video crew found the victims of donald trump's torture yesterday in forest, mississippi. >> these children, some who are just toddlers were relying on
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neighbors and strangers to pick them up outside their homes and drive them to a fitness center to keep them calm but many kids kept crying for mom and dad. [crying] >> fighting back tears, 11-year-old magnolia expressed her devastation being alone without her dad. >> government, please with your heart let my parents be with everybody else, please. don't leave the childs with crying and everything. >> this came of i.c.e. agents raided food plants across mississippi arresting 680 people believed to be in the country illegally. those children left behind and families impacted by each raid stress their parents and friends are good people. >> i need my dad with me. [crying] >> my dad didn't do nothing. he's not a criminal. >> that is torture.
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torture. every parent knows what we're looking at when we see that girl shaking and unable to stop crying as she tells donald trump that her father is not a criminal. every descent human being of any age, every child, everyone, any person whether they have children or not knows that is torture. they know what we just saw and that is a torture that will last throughout her childhood and the childhoods of the hundreds of children donald trump tortured yesterday. alex love is reporting tonight that most of the parents arrested yesterday have been released and reunited with their children. only most of them but even those reunited children will never go to sleep again safe in the knowledge their parents will be there when they wake up, the trump torture technique did not end with the return of these parents to their children today. federal law and the army manuel
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defined torture this way. torture is an act committed by a person under the color of law specifically intended to inflict severe physical or mental pain and suffering and yesterday while donald trump was flashing his empty soulless cosmetically enhanced smile in hospitals for a propaganda video, what he was really doing was exercising his physical control over people at their jobs in mississippi and inflicting real mental pain and offering as parents and inflicting severe mental pain and suffering on their children that is what the president of the united states was really doing yesterday and what he will, willfully do again. torture.
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leading off our discussion tonight, former senior ed a vie advisor to president obama and a member of the caucus and chief deputy of the house democratic caucus. congressman, i want to start with you and your reaction to what we saw in mississippi yesterday. >> well, it's terrible, and it's everything you said. you know, i.c.e. comes to us i serve on the appropriations committee. they came to us and told us that they do targeted enforcement. there was nothing targeted about that raid. they even pushed back when you mentioned the term raid but that is exactly what they did, and so they are carrying out the president's wishes to instill fear in the latino community, and it is shocking that on the very day that the president is in el paso that they move
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forward with this. so this is wrong. this is bad policy. we have said this time and time again but this is an agency that is calling the playbook that donald trump himself wrote to instill fear in our communities. >> and i want to once again praise the work of alex love and other reporters in mississippi today that brought us the real images, photograph, video, real print reporting what was really happening and the president of the united states was really doing yesterday and the most important person we heard from about that yesterday was that little girl telling us exactly what the president in effect was doing to her. >> absolutely and, you know, this is a president who formed a policy on family separation which was designed to essentially torture as you said
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torture families or split children away from their parents in order to scare immigrants from coming to our country and scare them away from seeking asylum from the devastation they are seeing in their home countries, so it's really part and parcel of that strategy, which is essentially the president of the united states has an immigration policy that is designed to torture, i mean, as you said, really victimize, victimize children, victimize families and that little girl's voice was just like the children crying that we heard a few years ago at the height of the family separation policy. and it comes on a day where people are mourning the passage of the murder of 22 people in el
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paso who were killed precisely because of the president's racist rhetoric towards immigrants. so i mean, we're seeing his rhetoric have impact on people and we're seeing his policies have impact on children and, you know, essentially it's devastating across the board. >> and congressman, the new york daily news is reporting today that the trump administration tried to do something like this in new york city and failed. they are saying immigration and customs enforcement agents tried to enter a brooklyn homeless shelter tuesday night but were turned away after failing to produce a warrant said christine quinn, the shelter network's director and said the agents lied, they lied about having a search warrant. they declared that they did, they could not produce one. they had absolutely nothing to show, and the people working at that facility were ready for
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this, knew their legal rights, turned them away. i.c.e. spokesman said we cannot confirm or deny because we cannot comment on law enforcement operations. >> the president's comments on law enforcementoperations, they tell us that every time we talk about these in our communities, we put people's lives in danger yet the president goes on twitter and says exactly just that. that this is going to happen. so thankfully, there are individuals across this country who have been spreading the message that we need to know our rights and that our community needs to know our rights and that means unless they have a warrant signed by a judge, not just a phony piece of paper, that they should not open the door and so that's exactly what they should be doing. we've seen them detain u.s. citizens and it happened in my community across this country and we know that. we know that they will use any
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means necessary to instill fear. we know that is their focus. it is exactly what mira said, this is what the president wants them to do and so we encourage folks to continue to know their rights, to continue to become educated on these issues and to make sure that i.c.e. does not demonize our communities. >> i want to localize this point what happens to american citizens. this is the jackson free press reporting. there was a young man working there that protested the arrests because he was an american citizen. and they tased him, knocked him to the ground and put handcuffs on him before they finally figured out that he was an american citizen. that can happen to anyone american citizen or not. that was what was established in mississippi yesterday. >> i mean, what we're seeing with these raids, what they are
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trying to do is not really just pick up undocumented immigrants unfortunately, they have tactics like a raid which are meant to instill fear, just like the family separation policy was meant to instill fear. and the strategy here is to scare undocumented immigrants and scare the latino community and it's a violation of american principles and i hope after the events of this week we hear more just not on how do we protect ourselves from guns but how do we stop immigration tactics really meant to scare and create fear in families. >> thank you both very much for starting off our discussion tonight. really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> thank you. when we come back, thousands of pages of financial documents that donald trump and his family
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are trying to keep secret are now already in the hands of investigators with possibly much more to come. that's next. and also coming up, a member of the house judiciary committee and house intelligence committee. eric swalwell will join us. the weather's perfect... family is all together and we switched to geico; saved money on our boat insurance. how could it get any better than this? dad, i just caught a goldfish! there's no goldfish in this lake. whoa! it's pure gold. we're gonna be rich... we're gonna be rich! it only gets better when you switch and save with geico.
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donald trump said i just watched a world class loser tim o'bryan i haven't seen or spoken to in many years and knowing nothing about me except he wrote a failed hit piece book about me 15 years ago. tim o'bryan wrote a successful book that included a dismantling of donald trump's claim he was a billionaire and lost his liable suit against tim o'bryan about that book. we invited tim o'bryan to discuss more information will be handed over as the banks continue to respond to subpoenas that sent in april and joining us is tim o'brian, the executive editor of bloomberg nation and a former federal prosecutor for
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the eastern southern district of new york. tim, congratulations. it's been years since he attacked you. >> four years. >> that means he really hates you when he doesn't attack you for years because he hates giving you attention but you tripped him last night. >> we talked about rate sis m and that set him off. >> that will do it. let's see if you can get him going tonight. >> now. >> this is what donald trump said was the red line if robert mueller crossed this line and investigated his finances. the red line has been crossed. congress is getting to the finances. >> it's important because robert mueller decided not to go there and i think it's unfortunate he did because i think what is looming over donald trump i
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think there is a lot to be left in the mid 2000s and after they got in trouble for that, the family said no, no, it came from our business. they said some came from bank loans. they had varying explanations but no question that a lot of money came into that organization in the mid 2000s long before he ran for president. i think a good investigation will get it, where did that money come from and did it come from quid pro quo. >> that would explain virtually everything about donald trump's behavior toward russia. the impression is that donald trump is fighting and succeeding at least in delaying the execution of every subpoena out
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there from new york state authorities to congressional authorities going after anything financial but he's slowing down some of it but not all of it. >> right. i think the keyword there is delay because i don't think this is actually going to be a permanent solution. we know at least for a few of the lawsuits that he filed to keep his financial information from coming to light, he lost at least on the lower court level. these have been appealed and we're expecting these decisions to come out relatively soon but at least in new york and in the district of colombia, you had lower court judges say absolutely not, congress has a legitimate purpose for asking for this financial information so the bank should have to give it over. what's interesting about the reporting that came out today is that this, some of this financial information is already coming to congress, right? they are getting documents from other banks probably records relating to other people but they are already getting this information.
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this is only going to make their fight in my opinion easier when it comes to getting this information from deutsche bank and institutions challenging that. >> just to clarify that point, a subpoena may have gone out. we're not exactly sure in the reporting what they have and where they have gotten it but let's say the subpoena, paul manafort's records having to do with purchases he made of his trump tower apartment. that could reveal something about donald trump at the same time. >> absolutely. it's kind of a way of looking at both ends of the transaction, right? there is a concept in the law you have to have standing in order to challenge something in the courts, which just means you have to show some sort of legal injury to that. obviously, trump has claimed that he has standing for the banks not to release financial information about him. however, if the banks have asked for financial information from somebody else that happens to concern financial transactions
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with the president, he would not necessarily have standing to challenge that document request or subpoena which may be how they are getting the documents to congress now. >> tim, he may not also have knowledge of it. there are so many ways he discovered in the trump financial maze, there are so many ways in that they might not necessarily alert trump organization people or donald trump that they are going in that direction. >> wouldn't want to to preserve the integrity of the investigation. to what you were saying whether or not they are looking at oligarchs or wealthy individuals that might have had their claws into him and what barrett said, the banks that compiled with the subpoenas that have the ability to freely do that which would suggestion there is individuals at the bank who cooperate with the investigation or can't get in the way of their financial records being turned over who could be problematic and that's where the names of people like deripaska surface. >> as an expert on the trump
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finances and low points of the trump finances, there appears to be from the outside an increase in his ability to obtain money and he looks to me at that stage like someone who needs co-signers. out there in the world you would say you have too much debt, you can't get a car loan, can somebody sign this for you? he would need big co-signers for the money he wanted. >> particularly like when he bought the golf course in scotland in the 2000s. he said that's self-funded. i'm skeptical that's the case. i think that needs to be closely looked at. >> the modest phrasing of tim o'brien, very skeptical of donald trump's financial cleanse. thank you both very much for joining us tonight and when we come back, 45 years ago on this very day in history, president richard nixon became the first president in history to resign
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announce his resignation because the house of representatives voted for articles of impeachment against him and he was guaranteed he would be impeached by the house and convicted by the senate 45 years ago. what will happen to donald trump's impeachment process, which chairman jerry nadler of the house judiciary committee says is underway. congressman eric swalwell will join us next. re than any other company out there. they give us excellent customer service, every time. our 18 year old was in an accident. usaa took care of her car rental, and getting her car towed. all i had to take care of was making sure that my daughter was ok. if i met another veteran, and they were with another insurance company, i would tell them, you need to join usaa because they have better rates, and better service. we're the gomez family... we're the rivera family... we're the kirby family, and we are usaa members for life. get your auto insurance quote today. i felt i couldn't be at my best for my family.
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on this very day in history 45 years ago with the impeachment process closing in on him, the president of the united states said this.
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>> to continue to fight through the months ahead for my personal vindication with almost totally absorb the time and attention of both the president and the congress in a period when our entire focus should be on the great issues of peace abroad and prosperity without inflation at home. therefore i shall resign the presidency effective at noon tomorrow. >> in the last hour here on msnbc jerry nadler referred to the nixonimpeachment. >> just the fact of with holding opposing congressional subpoenas that article three of the nixon impeachment and here he's gone way further even to the extent of saying we'll oppose all subpoenas that, which is another way of saying we don't recognize the separation of powers and we were going to aggrandize power to the executive branch, which
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is core impeachable. >> chairman jerry nadler will be only the fourth chairman of the house judiciary committee in history to consider an impeachment investigation and possible articles of impeachment against the president of the united states. congressman eric swalwell is a member of the house judiciary committee and may take his place if called upon to vote of articles of impeachment after a break congressman swalwell will join us. i've always been excited for what's next.
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judiciary committee is engaged now in an impeachment inquiry? >> yes, i believe we are undergoing i would call it an impeachment investigation. i don't think there is really a difference and what the chairman has said is that there is a number of remedies for the president's conduct, of course, the most extraordinary is impeachment and we are considering that and as we make our case to the court about why all these witnesses and evidence is necessary, we are telling them we need this evidence, we need these witnesses because one of the considerations is impeachment. >> i want to read the language that you're referring to and this is in the pursuit of don mcgahn's testimony to the court. the committee said the judiciary committee is determining whether to recommend articles of impeachment with the president based on the obstructive conduct described by the special counsel and let's now listen to what chairman nadler said to rachel in the last hour about the
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importance of this mcgahn subpoena. >> it seems to me that through this lawsuit you were essentially trying to unlock what has been blocking other witnesses from testifying. >> that's exactly right. the legal issues in the mcgahn are the same legal issues for hope hicks and donaldson and other witnesses. when he hopefully win the mcgahn lawsuit, all the others will follow. >> so the dominos will fall you believe if the mcgahn lawsuit is successful? >> mcgahn is the most critical witness for us to hear from and as we laid out in the complaint to the court for having mcgahn come in, it's not just for impeachment. that's important and holds the president accountable but lawrence, we are also considering what new laws we need to put in place to stop future presidents from doing something like this and the only way for us to consider that is a committee is to hear from mcgahn.
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what this is ultimately about is to not let donald trump again get away with a crime because he's obstructing. i think if you look at what mueller laid out, mueller said in his report that because witnesses including the president obstructed because they lied, because they tampered with evidence and destroyed evidence, because they refused to testify, they were not able to fully understand what happened in the russian investigation because the president is shielded from obstruction of justice charge. he wasn't held accountable there, either. we're the backstop here so we can't let his obstruction of congress go without him being held to account. >> congressman jerry connolly, a loyal leadership follower of the house of representatives came out in favor of impeachment and said we cannot allowdesensitized no consequences. he continues to debase the office he holds. he has fear and insighted
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violence and called american communities infested and told members of congress to go back to where he came from and stokes flames by referring to an invasion of foreigners and questioned the allegiance of fellow americans at every moment whether in the aftermath of charlottesville or el paso or dayton and failed to hear our country and call us to our better angels and sustained the oval office with racism, xenophobia and bigotry. >> roll into the commercial break with the impeachment offenses there. >> but he's not referring in that passage to anything in the mueller report. he's not relying exclusively on mueller report evidence for possible articles of impeachment. everything he's talking about there, he believes could be a potential article of impeachment. >> i agree that those also could be included but i think the mueller report, again, you have a two-year investigation
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thousands of subpoenas that, hundreds of witnesses interviewed and the credibility of bob mueller and so i think that is the surest way to impeach this president but members of congress will continue to add their names to the list of wanting an impeachment investigation. i just had a town hall last night and almost every single person who stood up and spoke wanted to know when this president is going to be held accountable and i imagine that is true across america right now. >> congressman, what do they say to you about the subsequent trial in the senate? they are demanding action from you in the house of representatives to impeach. many i'm sure of your constituents believe that even if impeachment occurs, when it goes to trial in the senate, mitch mcconnell will save donald trump in the senate. >> they know the reality but they don't want the senate to be as one person told me let off the hook. meaning don't prejudge what the senate is going to do and just
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give them a pass and then corey gardener and martha mcelderry -- mcsally don't have to go on record and say how they will hold this president accountable or not. we shouldn't prejudge what they do. we should put the case forward. if you put the case forward, donald trump doesn't look better. you don't walk away from a house impeachment and say he should be nominated for the noble peace prize. he's going to look like a corrupted president. >> thank you very much for joining our discussion tonight. >> thank you. when we come back tonight's episode of meet the freshman, the freshman member of congress we will meet tonight may hold winning rural seats in the house of representatives and the presidency. hmm. exactly. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. nice. but, uh... what's up with your... partner? not again. limu that's your reflection. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪
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donald trump came in second with the voters in the 2016 presidential election but he came in first in the electoral college by fooling enough rural voters in some swing states to win the presidency. rural voters still approve of donald trump much more than the national average. 54% of rural voters approve of donald trump's job performance compared to a national approval rating of only 42%. donald trump is now literally trying to buy rural votes after his trade war with china has devastated the rural economy's that are dependent on agricultural exports to china. donald trump claims he's making
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up farmer's losses of income by handing them government checks, government handouts that republicans would condemn if given to anyone other than farmers but the cash handouts are not big enough to make up for the loss of farm income, which is now half, yes, half of what it was during the obama administration. the trump agricultural secretary sunny purdue was in minnesota yesterday where the president of the minnesota farmers union attacked trump trade policies and trump administration deficit spending policies, but this has been a soda so he was very poll -- polite we can only see gary's flawlessly polite hat while he was speaking. >> we disagree with the president's go it alone approach, especially referring to china. china's recent announce in the last couple of days, they're not going to buy any ago products in
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the united states at all. this is causing devastating not only to farmers but rural communities. the payments we appreciate them but that also is going to cause us long-term political damage. it's going to be hard as future things to get future farm bills, future funding when we need. it's being referred to by the public as a welfare payments to the farmers as bailouts. what other industries, when does it start, when does did stop. in the last two and a half years, the federal deficit has ballooned by 2 to $3 billion, the taxpayer is not going to stand for this. we need our markets back, we need prices. if the farmer goes to see his lender in the fall and says he's sorry, doesn't have enough, he can't make it, the banker doesn't tell him you're a patriot, you don't have to pay your bill.
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>> donald trump is the worst thing that has happened to american agriculture in the lifetimes of currently working farmers and you could hear that in the applause that we just cut off of that video after the president of the farmers union spoke to the trump agricultural secretary. they don't all have to turn on him. all of those rural voters in a presidential election to defeat him. even if just 10% of those voters do turn on donald trump, donald trump has no chance, no chance of being reelected. after this break, we will be joined by freshman minnesota congressman angie craig who won her seat from last year in a district that donald trump won, if the democratic candidate does as well as angie craig does, donald trump will not be reelected, cannot be reelected, angie craig joins us next. at f, we've seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything.
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even a "three-ring fender bender." (clown 1) sorry about that... (clown 2) apologies. (clown 1) ...didn't mean it. (clown 3) whoops. (stilts) sorry! (clowns) we're sorry! (scary) hey, we're sorry! [man screams] [scary screams] (burke) quite the circus. but we covered it. at farmers, we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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in tonight's episode of meet the freshman, here's how angie craig beat an incumbent member of the house of representatives to deliver the house majority to the democrats. >> angie craig is my wife and we've been married for nine years. >> thank you so much for having us. >> i have to give her up to the public and that's okay because behind this all, i truly feel like i want to see a world where
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people respect each other again. >> i believe the difference in this race in 2018 is going to come down to young people being involved. we will win this seat. and we will change the course of this country together. so thank you so so much. >> joining us now is freshman minnesota congresswoman angie craig a proud member of the house agriculture committee. congressman craig, thank you very much for joining us tonight. really appreciate it. >>st it an honor, lawrence -- it's an honor, lawrence, thank you. >> you were at the meeting with congressman perdue, what have you seen change with your voters in their districts in their attitude toward the trump tariffs. the trump tariffs were in place when you were running for office and they have taken a bigger bite out of the agricultural economy every week of those tariffs. >> minnesota farmers want what american farmers want, they don't want a handout, they want
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a fair price and they want the opportunity to have open markets and so as i approach my job in congress, you know, i talk to farmers every single day and i listen to them based on the policy and if it's a policy that the administration has put forward that i can support, i support it, if it's something i need to fight the administration on because it's going to be bad for minnesota farmers, then i stand up and fight the administration on it. >> what was in your case, in your district, the number one issue when you were running last year? >> the number one issue was health care and that's still, after open markets the number two issues that farmers talk to me about every single day. it's the price of health care in the individual marketplace, because most of them have to get their health care in the individual market or a spouse works off farm. and it's the high price of prescription drugs in this country, and so as i fight for
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family farmers, you know, my background of working for 25 years in health care, comes in handy, i promise. >> well, it may be that senator lindsey graham did everything he could today to help your reelection campaign. let's listen to what he said on tuesday about health care. >> if we can get the house back and keep our majority in the senate, and president trump wins reelection, i can promise you not only are we going to repeal obama, we're going to do it in a smart way where south carolina would be the winner. >> how would that play with your voters in minnesota. >> i have one of the highest congressional districts in the country of nonelderly folks that have a preexisting condition at 51%, and that was one of the things i said is i will fight the administration tooth and nail to make sure that
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preexisting conditions continue to be covered. look, the first priority, i believe, is to make sure we protect the things that we got out of the aca, which is by the way, now, a decade's old law. that's been one of the most frustrating things to me about being a member of congress is republicans won't help us stabilize american health care. if they do it, they feel like show they are supporting the affordable care act, and you know, this is beyond that. the people of my district can't wait for us to step up. farmers in my district can't wait for us to step up and stabilize health care or for the next big idea on how we reform health care. we've got to, as a first step, protect the advances that we have achieved over the last decade. >> congresswoman angie craig gets the last word. thank you so much for joining us tonight. >> thank you, it's an honor. >> that is tonight's last word on what is the last night of service of our summer interns
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adrian lesser of wheaten college of massachusetts and addison cleaver of the university of oklahoma. the 11th hour with brian williams starts now. tonight with domestic terrorism top of mind as the nation mourns 31 dead, a further shake up at the top of our national intelligence structure, the number two official is out, a new acting head has been named. we'll talk to a former director of the cia. mitch mcconnell says some gun control measures will be front and center after the summer break. house democrats are moving ahead with what they call formal impeachment proceed and in slow motion, it appears to be happening in plain sight, like the iowa state fair, this weekend's temporary headquarters of the presidential campaigns as "the 11th hour" gets underway on a thursday night.