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tv   Alex Wagner Tonight  MSNBC  March 14, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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that his story makes more sens than any other story i do you think that given th facts here, the ultimate stories are somewhat - and it seems much more likel that the story is actually the truth. >> the other stories that ou of nowhere, a guy that has bee famously cheap decides to writ enormous checks in the stretch campaign of a campaign that he has already endangered because of revelations about the way that he is treated women and talked about women in the past that's the story in the checks corroborated, basically th case rebecca, always good to have you on thank you very much. >> nice to see you >> that is all in on thi tuesday night. alex wagner tonight starts right now. good evening, alex >> you don't think he just wanted to protect his wife tha he had loved so much >> i thought his question ther is great it's an impossible question to answer when you say as a lawyer, wa there hashmi, it happens all the time i can tell you about them. >> exactly
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thank you, my friend, as always, and thank you to you at home for joining us this hour the battle to be the standar bearer for the america far-right has officially begun >> run desantis, as anybod ever heard of him? he was very bad on ethanol, he fought it all the way, and h actually fight against socia security he wanted to decimated, he wanted the minimum retiremen age to be lifted to people tha are 70 years old he also voted to severely cu medicare, i will not be cuttin medicare, and i will not b cutting social security. ron was a disciple of paul ryan he is a rhino loser wh currently is destroying fox. we constantly vote against entitlements he reminds me a lot of mit romney >> reminds me a lot of mit romney that is the most epic burn the eu can lead into this gop.
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that was donald trump in iow last night, taking away florid governor ron desantis in front of the 2024 presidential primary. he's not stopping there. he also had some truly uniqu things to say about some potential rivals, and hi former vice president, mik pence. in an interview with reporters this week, he said this abou pence and the role that he played on january 6th. had he sent the boats back t the legislators, but they woul not have had a problem wit january 6th. in many ways, you can blame hi for january 6th. wow. blame mike pence for january 6th? i didn't think trump had it in him, but okay. while a lot of this might look like the traditional and unbridled characte assassination that is basicall a trump calling card at this point, there happens to be something bigger going on unde this he's been saying all of this a the same time that he has been attempting to position himself as a leader in the republica culture wars if elected, trump said that he would and all federal fundin
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to schools that taught critica race theories, schools tha allowed transgender students t play on sports teams that matc their gender identity, and t teach -- and political content. trump also said that he will not give any - the development of which, hi administration fast-tracked. anyways. there is that. it's not as if attacking trans youth or covid safety is exactly new for trump. all of the things came under attack at one point or another during his administration. what is new here is that trump has focused on all of this he wasn't really campaigning o anti crt book bans until ran desantis emerged as a politica rival. what they have now and in th process, moving his own policy decisions even further to th right. at the same time, ron desantis
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is on his own mission to out trump donald trump, and it's having a similar effect. i'll show you what i mean. here's ron desantis when he wa back as a member of congress talking about the issue of russian aggression in ukraine. >> when putin sees that he can gain an inch, he's going t take a mile. basically, if america won' give him any pushback, i think they will continue to expand russian influence. >> if we had a policy that was firm, that armed ukraine wit defensive and offensive weapon so that they can defen themselves, i think that putin would make different calculations if he had a reagan-esque policy of strength, i think you would see people like putin not wanting to mess with us. >> that was then, but now in his latest attempt to out-trum trump, he's come out against supporting ukraine and the war against putin's invasion in response to a surve question from fox news hos tucker carlson, ron desantis wrote that while they have man national interests, becoming further entangled in a
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territorial dispute betwee ukraine and russia is not on of them. those comments from him have already started to dra criticism today from republicans on the capitol hill. >> it's not a territoria dispute in the sense tha anymore you would be a territorial dispute, maybe i canada, or taking over the bahamas. just because somebody clai something doesn't mean that it belongs to them. that's not a thing >> do you agree with him whe he says that defending ukraine is not a national security interest for the united states >> i would not agree with hi on that. >> he's one of the individuals that have an interest in working as an ex president o the united states. he really needs to get befor any think that they decide t make up their minds on thi particular issue >> i think that is a misunderstanding of th situation. this is not a territoria conflict it's a war of aggression he's been a great governor, bu in my opinion, if you don't ge ukraine right, this is going t
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be a bigger war. china is watching. >> texas republican senato john cornyn also felt the need to distance himself from desantis's comments. he told reporters, i'm disturbed by it. i think he's a smart guy, an so i want to find out more about it i hope that he feels like he does not need to take that tucker carlson lied to b competitive in the primary trump and desantis are pushing each other further and further right, and pushing the consensus among republican primary voters to the right as well it is only march of the year 2023 joining us now are donovan martin, politics bureau chief, and jen psaki, former whit house press secretary fo president biden. by the, way the new show inside with jen psaki, premier next sunday right here o msnbc. we're very excited for that, and we will start with you, my friend you can almost see the establishment wing of th republican party watch its platform fly off into the ai
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like a balloon that has been let go as they hear what trump an desantis are now saying, specifically about major issue about foreign policy my question to you is, is this how the republican platform is now going to be shaped doesn't matter what anybody in congress actually thinks is it actually desantis an trump who will decide where th goalposts lie on the fields. >> congress still has th ability to pass legislation in funding for ukraine, and thing like that. that is important. ron desantis and donald trum are currently the two leadin contenders for the republica nomination they've decided, trump a lon time ago decided this, they ar going to do america first. the trump motto from when he ran. that means that we don't wan to get engaged in conflicts an we don't want to get engaged i pace making, or foreign policy much at all. we saw those clips that yo played were from six years ago
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for ron desantis they were not that long ago, which is so important to remember it is a repositioning of the current leaders of the republican party, of who the want to be that is a pretty rapid shift in terms of political shifts where the republican party wit john mccain, or even mit romney were leading it >> i guess i wonder, jonathan, do they understand if there's general election that come after you become the party nominee? it seems like, and let's b more broad than foreign policy but some of these position that they are taking on cultur war issues, social issues, issues about education, an quote unquote, parents rights, they don't pull well with th vast majority of americans it seems like there's no clear path to actually winning a general election if you stak out these positions in primary season >> i'll take the broad questio first. like we saw in the midterm last year, a lot of th republicans learned all of the
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wrong lessons from donald trump, which is to say that you don't have to ever face a genera election, and you can foreve live in a primary bubble they learned the hard way that that's not the case. on a more narrow issue o ukraine, i think that trump an desantis, and especially desantis, they're chasing th voters more than they ar actually leading them. look, the polling data i pretty clear on this that as the months have gone on, mor and more, in the gop base, and kind of grown uneasy about our continued intervention many like the governor o florida sees that, and doesn't want to get on the wrong sid of the primary voters. and yes, that is what they'r focused on right now it's winning that primary. they are not thinking about th broader audience and decide in the election i 2024 >> i guess i wonder, i mean, you seem to be saying that the
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genesis of this is the base, he's responding to the base. i wonder if there is not a mor creative political calculation here maybe rhonda santa's here' donald trump compares him to mitt romney. he knows what he said, as je points out, where he was not the general and culture wa that he had proposed to be i this day and age how much of this do you thin is him trying to issue a preemptive salvo for the attacks that are going to come his way, courtesy of trump >> there's no question tha desantis is consumed wit insulating himself on his maga flank. i wouldn't even call it a righ flank, because i think those phrases have already gotte bundled in the trump era, what is right, what is left certainly, he's fixated on wha is guarding his maga flag. you see it on his stance i ukraine, you see it with the folks that he surrounds himsel with, bringing some of the hard-line members of the house down to palm beach for his big donor retreat.
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social media influencers on th right, people that he ha cultivated in tallahassee, trying to make them allies i think he's doing all of that because he doesn't want to giv trump any opening to attack hi on the kind of maggot styl issues the issue is, is he hurtin himself with the other wing of the party? call it the reagan wing. >> that's exactly the question as you sure up the base, you lose the general public. at there is a piece in the atlantic, which is a very soli analysis of th pseudo-candidacy he points this out, which think a lot of people have missed in the focus to the culture war stuff. more dangerous than th unpopular positions that desantis holds at the popula positions that he does not hold what is his view on health care? he doesn't seem to have one. president joe biden ha delivered cheap insulin to u.s users. good idea or not
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silence from desantis. there is no desantis job policy, he hardly speaks about inflation. homelessness, the environment, nothing. even on crime, desantis must avoid specifics becaus specifics might undermine hi audience floyd's are worse than new yor in california. that is something that the white house is probably well aware of, am i right >> salivating. chomping at the bit. i have a lot of analogie there. but that's how we got here he ran in effectiv communication strategy basically on twitter, and by giving a set of predetermine's remarks where he was the strongman, pounding his ches about how but she was not goin to abide by restrictions o covid, the vaccines terrible i'm returning sanity here, screw disney a lot of these things were being this strongmen - i mean, the strongman. and so that's how he got here.
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that is not going to get worke with through the course of a competitive primary. it should work, people are going to ask him questions he's going to have to debate he's going to have to have positions. certainly, he will in a genera election that strategy is probably wh he's here today. >> are you worried about the establishment freaking out about a desantis candidacy i wonder if your sources giv you any indication about the alarm bells they are ringing at least behind closed-door. are they having any effect o the campaign proper? he's meeting with wealth donors, he certainly here' what's being heard in othe corners of congress, whether o not he is acting on any of them do you think that he is awar of how much he might b compromising his own shot, and by the way, the republican platform as a whole. this stuff, as you point out it is a very close relationshi between trump and desantis, an the republican base. what they say shapes opinion i the party. the last thing that th
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establishment wants to have hi being at odds with the base. >> and it's not just the sor of challenges that he's goin to have to have the balancing, the base of the party versus the general election but it's actually with the party itself, alex there is still a robus internationalist wing in the republican party you play clips of a number o senators, certainly from tha faction of the party, and this is the important point the donor class of the party i overwhelmingly tilted toward hawkish, interventionist whatever you want to call it that faction you can be assured that thos folks noticed that comment tha he made yesterday about hi view on ukraine. it contradicts where a lot o the money, folks in the party, the contributors are i know from talking to some of them that they are not happy where he is coming down on the ukrainian issue. their view of that issue i much more in line with the
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reagan and bush approach t national security politics it is going to be fascinatin to see in the months to come what desantis does on this ukrainian issue. does he stick where he is now, growing even more isolationist or kind of making and somewhat moderating his view to appease the kind of donors that are no going to like it at all. >> jen, how does the white house calibrate the response i the ukraine issue? once you don't want to mak this a contrast with the mag win of the party, you don' actually want them to become a political football if you're in the white house right now, how are you managin this >> you really don't want t become a political problem for republicans in congress, who are inclined to suppor funding. it's true, the establishment republicans, the donor class they are also porters and ar continuing to fund ukraine it can be a narrow vote on these kinds of things. this is part of the reason why president biden just went to ukraine, trying to shore u support, reminding the publi of how important this is
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if there are a few wiggler's i there in the republican caucus that are not going to suppor them because they feel lik they might want to be in the trump and desantis wing, that' a challenge for them politically, if you get to a general election, biden is going to be talking abou values, and who we are as country, with part of that being standing up agains dictators and authoritarians that is a stronger argument in a general election, but he might have some shorter term challenges on continuing to ge the funding through. >> just one quick question we haven't talked about this much since the show began 15 minutes ago, but if there is a trump indictment, how does desantis react to that he needs to court trump voters but he also has to make clea that he's not the guy with criminal charges >> really fast, what genera saying about the short ter challenges, this support comin out as sort of very dovish o ukraine, it's the resident i
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the house. this could really save gop fro getting in the house, an create challenges for bide getting funding for ukrainians at the house this year on the larger issue, alex, about trump in the indictments if you are ron desantis, i don't think you take a swing a that pitch i think you just let that go by trump will use that to fire up his core, raising money of that over small givers it's just not something that h wants to get at. if anything, i think it woul be an oblique reference abou focusing on the future focusing on attacking democrat rather than litigating the past beyond that kind of a vagu reference, i can't see desanti or any of the other would-be gop candidates take that crack on trump over indictments. >> maybe he will just blam mike pence for january 6th jonathan martin and jen psaki, my colleagues, my friends, thank you for both being here. we appreciate it >> thanks, alex. >> we have much more ahead thi
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evening as we await a ruling that could change access t abortions nationwide but first, what do republicans mean exactly when they tal about woke making? the answer is coming up next stay with us oh! it's daylight saving time. what's the big deal? gasp! what's the big deal? what's the big deal? what's the big deal? what's the big deal? ♪marching band music♪ ♪marching band music♪ i'll get a cart. get two! scotts daylawn saving is the biggest deal of the year. stock up early and save up to $20 dollars on the best scotts products. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® and savtri-zone.20 dollars in my ozempic® tri-zone, i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it.
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falling into financial crisi after the 16th largest bank in the country, silicon valle bank, and another bank signature bank, collapse within days of each other. we are still not entirely ou of the woods here, but already this has shifted from an economic crisis to a series of political attacks. the central debate here is how to regulate the american economy so a crisis like thi does not happen again. instead of focusing on policy, or what actually happened here republicans are doing this >> they're one of the most wok banks. >> this bank is so concerned with the ei, politics, all kinds of stuff, i think that really diverted from the focusing on their core mission >> they swooped in and imposed -- on the entire financial second they're increasingly
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incompetent. >> it's a woke biden bank an they were holding seminars and lesbian visibility day, an national pride month you have to be able to chew gu at the same time keep an eye on the balance sheet. >> this is the first ban failure that was caused -- it's not a hypothetica question republicans are making new talking point about working -- and there's somehow what happened that silicon valley bank nobody seems to say what the actually got by that what does that have to do with this for example, this is for eithe coop, a note local national -- open in 2017, now they have 17 locations. on friday, none of their workers got paid
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they're making close to minimu wage, and they are paid ever two weeks on fridays 227 of those employees wor like they normally do, but o friday, they didn't get paid because of the silicon valle bank collapse. fry the coop does not bank wit silicon valley bank, but it' payroll company, patriot software does. the ceo that payroll company hatred software, put out a statement saying he was, checked, quote, take about thi banking debacle. it's probably something abou the most polite reaction i can imagine. the ceo on to explain that the valley bank failure wa prevented patriot southwar from processing the peril of their mother than 8000 clients that doesn't mean 8000 workers that means clients with an untold number of workers, al just not getting paid. this was not woke liberals melting down a tech sector ban because they'd over invested and woke companies and causes. patriots after is a payrol company that keeps the books for a fried chicken chain in chicago.
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if it wasn't the actua clientele, the businesses that they invested, and was the closest explanation that we've had to explain that it was a woke bank? we saw it in this wall stree journal opinion column o sunday quote, silicon valley bank notes that besides 91% of thei board being independent, and 45% women, they also have on black, no when lgbtq+, and two veterans >> i'm not saying the 12 white men would've avoided this mess but the company might have bee distracted by diversit demands. >> wow, okay i'm not saying if white men ha been in charge of the financia collapse, it would've happened but you kind of our. the idea that, quote, one black, when lgbtq+, and a bunch o women are the reason this bank collapsed now seems to be th new republican party line. joining us now is sheila kohat
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are, stiffs -- writer at the new yorker, wher she writes about economics and politics she sits right in th intersection of all of the things that are happening here for people that don' understand where wokeness sits and where the collapse of sv silicon valley bank happened is there an intersection between wokeness and their collapse >> to put it bluntly, the idea that there is a collection between diversity policies a this bank, and the bank' collapse, it's complet nonsense anybody that says that is bein totally unserious. the bank was run by capitalists, capitalist businessman who wanted to make a lot of money. they wanted the bank to grow very fast, which is never great idea for a bank. banks are supposed to be kin of boring. they did all kinds of things t rapidly increase the amount of
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money that they had on deposit at the bank, it catered to silicon valley companies in th midst, frankly, of a bubble. they're getting tons of cash from investors because interes rates were very low, and there is all this easy money they simply did not look carefully at the risks tha their company had taken on through this business model. that's why this had happened pure and simple. >> they want to frame this as woke versus not woke issue it's because it avoids havin to answer the more fundamental questions about what we do i terms of bank regulation do you see it that way, and do you have a sense of what the republican party platform migh be on the question o regulation and deregulation, given his past history >> the gop is in the middle of an identity crisis, to put i mildly right now they're trying to figure out what their relationship is i terms of their brand
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the business world, business world, big money, interests, because traditionally th republicans favor policies tha drove the rewards of society towards wealthier people executives and ceos, companies wanted to cut their taxes, implement the policies benefiting them, because now all of a sudden it can politically be a liability president trump and others sho them that this business ca help with certain voters i think that a lot of this rhetoric now, which has again, been unserious, not engage with the matter at hand in thi tough problems that we have to sort out it's just pandering to the voters >> and to some degree, it' probably the realization tha so much of the grassroots base of the gop is fired up on th issue of economic populism, an has been since 2008. they were not in governance at
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this point, but understand the trend lines. in 2008, it gave rise to donal trump in a way, the sense that you need somebody that was a truth tucker, and didn't give damn about what the libera elites wanted. at this point, you can't forsake that voter, it's a voter that's going to go out and pull the lever for the gop at this point. at the same time, they're also the party in the chamber o commerce squaring those two in a moment like this seems damn nea impossible i wonder what you think happen here in terms of it having thi push in 2018 to deregulate these kinds of banks, and ther is now democrats with kati porter, saying that things bring back that regulation do you think that -- >> i think the collapse of these two banks certainly give valuable emission to the elizabeth warren's of the world. she can say, look at thi disaster, it could've been avoided possibly if we require
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this bank to be more conservative that would basically mean that the bank is required to have more cash available if thing get a little bit tight it's not just maxing out the risk profile, assuming tha everything will be wonderful forever. and it plan for a rainy day, they didn't do that. i do think it will be a good time to revisit those issues but you can never say for sure that a lot of these republican lawmakers when it comes to these financial regulatory issues, that they will fli flap depending on which way th wind is blowing. we've seen this with other issues, and you trust reform and the tech sector fo example. some of them are against, it for, it they don't know what they think i think they are going to have a little bit of that now i think it's a good moment t go in there and at least try rolling back those regulations is clearly not a great idea. what of dei? ron desantis has made this going up against disney, those policies, the inf it is across the country.
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it's become a banner under which a lot of republica conservatives want to march. can they be effective it's forcing companies to adopt mor retrograde policies in terms o staffing and inclusion >> they used to be a party o small government, laissez-fair economics, want everybody to make their money, in a fre capitalist market. now they want to tell companie what to do, what they can to use their own employees. can they even give the diversity training it is a little bit of flip-flop for them however, i do think that the reason they have glommed ont this anti woke agenda is tha they feel it is working at least in some small sector o their voter rolls. you have to remember, they are all trying to create content and talking points for the media channels that is so obvious this is all just meant to kind of go viral on right-win social media, and as long as
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they think it's working fo them, i think they wil continue to do it, even though it's clearly insincere and completely unhelpful in term of actually addressing the underlying problems, which could, yes, continue to lead t bank failures in the future. there could be more seriou ones, where not just the fried chicken payroll companies ge hit, but it could really lea to problems in the future. it would be great if they woul focus on actually addressing that problem >> as long as there is a democrat in the white house to clean it up, they can continue making their viral videos. at some point, they need to be called on to actually do something about the financia crisis sheila, it's great to meet you and have you on the program, thank you for your tim tonight. still ahead this hour, we have the transcripts from a secre conference meeting in a majo abortion case out of texas stick around for that. ♪ this feels so right... ♪ adt systems now feature google products like the nest cam with floodlight, with intelligent alerts when a person or familiar face is detected.
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watching a federal case in texas that has nationa implications for reproductiv rights if trump appointed texas judge matthew kaz merrick, rules for the plaintiffs in his case, he could undo fda approval of mifepristone, which is bee used and safely medication abortions for more than 20 years. now, late last week, judge has merrick scheduled a hearing in
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this case. for this week, he tried to kee it a secret. the washington post caught win of text merrick's clandestin moves, specifically, that he planned to keep any mention of that public hearing until th night before he even held a secre conference meeting last friday discussing his decision to delay public notice of his plans. all of this secrecy in a federal case with national public health implications all the secrecy is highl irregular. so, when media organizations like nbc in the washington pos discovered the judges plants then raised concerns about elective transparency, judge techs merrick decided yesterda to announce this week's hearin in the public to get today, he also made th transcript for friday's weirdl conflicts meeting publicly available again. reports say this judge never wanted any of this information out until the very last minute now, we have the transcrip that reveals why here's the judge the purpose of the statu
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conferences to announce th hearing that will be set in th pending motion for the preliminary injunction the court will hold a hearin on plaintiffs pending motion for a preliminary injunction a 9:30 am central daylight tim on wednesday, march 15th, 2023 because of limited securit resources and staffing, i will ask that the parties avoid further publicizing the date o the hearing. this is not a gag order, but just a request for courtesy, given the death threats an harassing phone calls an voicemails that this divisio has received we want a fluid hearing with all parties being heard. i think less advertisement o this hearing is better so, i'm not ordering under any gag order doctrine that you ar gagged i'm just requesting it as courtesy to the court in court stuff. we will have standard security protocols in place, but i'll just ask as a courtesy, that you not further advertise or tweet any of the details o this hearing, so that al parties can be heard and w don't have any unnecessary circus like atmosphere of what should be more of an appellate style proceeding
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there will be an order sitting the hearing on tuesday >> here is the justice department defense attorney, will that order be publicl available on the docket? it will. it will. but you minimize some of the unnecessary death threats an voicemails and harassment this division has received from the start of the case, we're going to post that later in the day. so, it maybe even afte business hours, but that wil be publicly filed. despite the judge is not a gag order gag order, the cat is no out of the bag and protesters are planning to show up at the courthous tomorrow morning, somewhere in kangaroo costume is to protest what they call a kangaro court. others plan to dress as clowns which is a clear reference t the judges worry about a circu like atmosphere. the peery hearing will b public, it will be livestreamed you can only watch the liv stream if you physically a another federal courthouse i texas. and also it can't be recorded. just, okay
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so, that's how things ar playing out in the publi courtroom that will decide whether access to abortion medication may be disrupte across these united states meanwhile, down in galveston county, texas, we're seeing novel court case that coul scare not only people who need abortions, but also anybody wh would dare to help them. last week, a man sued thre women for helping his ex-wif get abortion medication. the man's attorneys, by the way, including republican state legislator in the former texas solicitor general, who designe the state bounty hunter styl abortion ban together, they claim that unde texas law, the three defendant existed the plaintiffs ex-wife in murdering her fertilized egg, by helping to get access to, wait for it, abortio medication so, the ex husband is suing th three friends for wrongful death in conspiracy. his complaint includes tex messages from his ex-wife phone, that show the woman's concerns that her pregnancy would mak it difficult for her to escape her ex and that he would use it against her. this is reportedly the first
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lawsuit of its kind since ro was overturned, we will have more on this case and exactl how it is or isn't legal coming right up, forme prosecutor tally - weinstein joins us next. ayst with us ing sugar in your family's diet, the more choices, the better. that's why america's beverage companies are working together to deliver more great tasting options with less sugar or no sugar at all. in fact, today, nearly 60% of beverages sold contain zero sugar. different sizes? check. clear calorie labels? just check. with so many options, it's easier than ever to find the balance that's right for you. more choices. less sugar. oh! it's daylight saving time. what's the big deal? gasp! what's the big deal? what's the big deal? what's the big deal? what's the big deal? ♪marching band music♪ ♪marching band music♪
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with paycom, employees do their own payroll. no problems, no surprises. [narrator] schedule a demo at and make the unnecessary, unnecessary. one batch of texts in a grou chat reads, from brittany, appealing to the pills for sure, she knows how to get them to houston? jacqui, yes. brittani, what i need to d that jacqui, are you sure
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we can talk about when you back brittani, yeah, let's talk about. i read over that option to, don't actually go to the state to get it. i read that it's similar to miscarriage and can be don more at home generally jacqui, yeah brittani, if i don't have to travel that would make thing so much easier amy, dude, yeah. it was part of a conversatio among a group of text of women is now being used as evidenc in a first of its kind lawsuit in texas since the passage o the states near total abortion ban in the overturning of roe. the lawsuit is being brought b a man who alleges that three women helped his ex-wife get access to medication abortion. his lawsuit claims, under texa law, a person who exists a pregnant woman a obtaining a self managed abortion ha committed the crime of murde and can be sued for wrongful death. joining me now to discuss al this is tally -- weinstein former federal state prosecutor in new york thank you for being here t understand how in the worl this can actually be happening legally speaking, what are the
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merits of this case? >> right, i think that thi case was inevitable, i think it's where the anti-choice movement has wanted to go in court for a long time. which is to actually go past any statutes that specifically prohibit abortion, or make people liable for helpin someone get an abortion, and just say, murder is murder in a fetus is a person so, it invokes interestingly just the murder statute in texas. and wrongful death in texas. and the language of it is baby silver was murdered, and someone needs to be held t account for doing that >> this is the movement toward fetal personhood is somethin you hear about in stat legislatures among far-right conservative members, with increasing frequency could this be, could the endgame of this case really be that to establish feta personhood and then get it worked through the court system for nationa policy
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>> well, i think it's a long game part of it is laying the conceptual groundwork, remember, his lawyer, one of his lawyers is the person who wrote sva, the texas law that introduce this idea that the people wh help with the abortion are als on the hook for something. and we'll see how far he can get here, but i think it's not just about the suit, one of th things that jumped out at me how much of the language o prosecution was in here, and what they might be trying to d is trying to go to prosecutors into bringing this case. who's really supposed to b holding people to account fo murder >> right, you're saying th husband is suing, but hey, da, shouldn't you in texas b taking this case of murder up? because baby silva was murdered? never mind that baby silva was a fertilized embryo and a fe weeks? old >> exactly this da, in the next day i texas, then the next da in texas. or the da in some other state.
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i think that sort of the maste plan >> wow in the meantime, you read thos text message chains, it is a group of women who see their friend, i mean, first of all the sense that they ar offering her support in a time of crisis is so abundantly clear. i'll read another excerpt from it amy says, mistakes happen, you can't spiral hopefully this is a slap in th body that you need to remove yourself from him. >> yeah, it is, for sure can't risk something like that generally. especially with him. i just worry about your motion state and will be able to snea his way into your head then another one says, delet all conversations from today you don't want him looking through it brittani, got. it will do for sure. here's another friend, and get rid of the test and rapper, no at home. >> first of all, the environment in which this woma is feeling the clear pressur to carry through with this pregnancy, despite what is clearly not a good situation for her at home, i think leave anybody is reading that in distress she's trying to not have thi
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pregnancy, carry this pregnanc through to term, she wants t get away from this men number one, the fact that he has access to these text messages, and that these women now are being charged with sue for wrongful death the actual effects of that are profound >> indeed, alex, there's s many red flags here. we were just learning about th silva family, we were just looking at what you read, i' reminded of when sva first wen into effect. so many advocates who work o domestic violence were worried that this could be another instrument of what we call power in control over th person in your house tha you're abusing you could say, if you're tryin to get an abortion, i'm gonn sue your sister and your mom and your friend and whoever is in your circle of support. so, the whole tone of it raise that, and one when i was a prosecutor, one of the thing
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that we would look for i domestic violence cases, whe they take your phone we don't know, mabel and tha he got these messages some other way, i do worry that h was tracking her phone, that h was taking her phone out of he hands, which is her way of connecting to the outsid world. so, -- >> she talked about not wantin to leave the state, she ca have the pregnancy test, she's talking about basically just trying to keep as low a profil she possibly can around this and her friends clearly thin he's a bad actor in her life >> indeed. and we know that now they're actually divorced. this was a relationship that ultimately did fall apart. we're seeing some of the history of that here, and ho it intersects with abortio regulation in a really terrifying way >> in terms of - you talk about autonomy here it's not just bodily autonomy, it's emotional autonomy, it' economic, financial autonomy things that are being infringe upon in texas when you tal about women under the auspices of pregnancy, it is th
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handmaid's tale. >> it's amazing. she's talking about taking a day off of work, in order to manage this abortion, really kind of gives you a window int what the abortion pill, as opposed to a surgical abortion really means in the lives of women who are in dire straits. >> such an important point, as we await a cataclysmic decisio in that case down with the judge kaczmarak in amarillo, towards, it's a joy to talk to you about really distressing things we'lbel right back. system. [alarm] >> instructor: veer right. [ringing] >> instructor: and slow down. >> tech: so when he got a cracked windshield, he turned to safelite. we're the experts at replacing glass and recalibrating your vehicle's camera, so automatic emergency braking and lane departure warning work properly to get you back on the road safely.
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we go tonight, america's most, let's say, fascinating freshma congressman, has officiall filed papers with the fcc, the federal election commission, indicating that he intends t run for reelection in 2024 that, of course, is embattle
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prolific liar, new york public republican george santos, who' embroiled in a list of scandal that is so long, that listin every single one would tak more time than we have in this program. the republican congressman i also reportedly bein scrutinized by a brigade of la enforcement agencies, includin prosecutors from the local state, federal and eve international level. not to mention, an ethic investigation by his own colleagues in congress against that backdrop, georg santos responded to a deadline set by the fcc, to indicat whether or not he is incline to run in 2024 and today, he is indicating, yes, he plans to run for reelection cnn points out, santos indicated in the filing, h does not expect to use his own funds for his reelection which is significant he's facing campaign finance scrutiny for mysterious seve or 50,000 dollar loan he len his 2022 campaign. today's filing with the fe does not one hunted percen mean that george santos is running for reelection it is not beneficial
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declaration, it sure is a very strong indication. in a surprise move last week the freshman congressman offered to cosponsor a republican bill, literally aimed at making sure peopl like george santos, congressman, cannot profit off of stuff the made up. if they have been convicted of certain crimes the bill is titled, and i quote, the no fortune for fraud act one of the republica cosponsors of that bill, not on his website, the bill is, quote, inspired by georg santos the generous offer to have santos co-sponsor that bill wa denied the controversies that - keep finding george santos last week, we learn the latest one, which accuses him of bein involved in a 2017 credit card fraud scam the congressman santos was vehemently denied thos allegations. that is the show for tonight we'll see you again tomorrow now it's time for the last wor with lawrence o'donnell. good evening, lawrence >> good evening, alex. i got my earpiece in just time to hear you say, the word embroiled. and i knew the w


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