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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  March 16, 2023 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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breathtaking the thing that these protester are angry about is that today, french president, emmanuel macron, raise the retirement age in france from 62 years to 64 years but they're not just mad about that policy change, th protesters are also mad at the way macron did it. they were supposed to be a vot today in france's parliament o this issue it was unclear if macron's sid had enough support so, just minutes before that scheduled vote, presiden macron invoked special constitutional powers to sho horned the changes t parliament without parliaments approval french parliament is incredibl confusing, whether this will lead to a no confidence vote o the vote that just repeals wit the president just did, it's all too early to tell. it might be wise for republicans in this country wh have toyed with the idea o raising the retirement age and have proposed reforming th social safety net in all manne of undemocratic negotiations it might be wise for them to look at what is happenin across the atlantic. that does it for us tonight, i will see you again tomorrow, and now it's time for the last word with lawrence o'donnell good evening, lawrence good evening, alex we have charles blow joining u tonight. the title of his most recent
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new york times op-ed piece it's not hard to follow it all it's donald trump must b prosecuted >> i think he's gonna get hi wish, it sounds like there are charges imminently >> well, i think we know it on charles blow's mind when h joins us he has much to say about it, it's not as obvious an arguments people might think this is a special night for me because david lamy is a member of the british parliament wh have followed on twitter for years. and i recommend. and has been on this program a number of times from london. tonight, in studio, right here in washington d. c., i wil actually meet david let me for the first time >> i am glad, lawrence get his signature. and post it in the office on your autograph wall. >> will. do thank you, alex do thank you, alex
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at 6:12 pm today, donald trump announced he is now in ful panic mode expecting to be indicted by th manhattan district attorney at any moment donald trump did not put it in exactly those words, because donald trump is the most purel reactionary and unintentionall transparent politician we have ever seen, we know exactly wha motivated his 6:12 pm pres release titled, statement from the trump campaign on th manhattan da's witch hunt. imagine how much more difficul and complex in suspenseful i would be to cover donald trump if he were careful and deliberative and calm and knew how to mask what he's thinking and what he's worried about, like, every president who served before he did donald trump's uncontrollabl temper and his unrelenting stupidity make him almost full transparent. donald trump's panicked pres release tonight, begins with the words, president donald trump is completely innocent he did nothing wrong like almost all trum statements, the accurate way t read them is simply th opposite of what the words say one perfectly reasonable
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translation of that first line of the trump press release tonight is, donald trump knows that he's completely guilty, and then he did everything wrong. tonight's press release from donald trump is an attack on the prosecutor who donald trum clearly now expects to be th first prosecutor in american history to charge a former president with a crime trump says, the latest witch hunt is being brought on b george soros backed radica left democrat prosecutor alvin bragg. the press release is a indication that donald trump's criminal defense lawyers i manhattan and donald trump hav reason to believe that alvin bragg could indict donald trum as early as tomorrow if donald trump believes tha is possible, then of course, he's going to issue a rantin press release, aimed at alvi bragg at 6:12 pm this evening. on what could be indictment ev tonight, there is more to know about the man who might ente history tomorrow as the firs prosecutor to ever bring charges against former president. growing up in harlem, i wa repeatedly stopped and frisked by the nypd, including three times at gunpoint. i've seen loved ones arreste and have opened our home t support a close family membe post incarceration alvin bragg wrote that durin his successful campaign fo manhattan district attorney in 2020
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manhattan has never had district attorney like alvin bragg. manhattan has never had district attorney who had been repeatedly stopped and frisked by the new york police department, three times at gunpoint evan bragg's predecessor was the son of president jimmy carter's secretary of state, cyrus vance. and district attorney vance' predecessor, robert morgan thought, was the son o president franklin roosevelt secretary of the treasury. district attorney morgan fal held the office for 34 years i manhattan. there have been only 3 manhattan district attorneys i the 222-year history of that office, and most of them hav been new york aristocrats. then came alvin bragg. elvin brig grew up in harlem on a block known as strive zero, a neighborhood that wa home to black professional like alvin bragg's parents sadie and alvin bragg senior who grew up in the small tow of petersburg, virginia, where they met in eighth grade sadie was valedictorian, in he high school graduating class she went to virginia state university well alvin senior went to syracuse university,
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they married in alvin's senior year of college, and deliberately decided to move t harlem and decided to stay there. when they easily could hav moved to the suburbs because they wanted alvin bragg junior to grow up in that nurturing harlem community of structural. alvin bragg senior worked at the urban league, was wife sadie became a dean at manhattan community college. alvin bragg was a good student who went on to harvard college where he became president of the harvard black students association. during his graduation week, in 1995, harvard's daily newspaper, the harvard crimson, published a profile of alvin bragg titled, the anointed one in her profile of alvin bragg, in a wild said that he is, quote, a smooth and convincing talker and, quote, there is a definit
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sense of the anointed abou him. she saw alvin bragg as someone who could have, quote, all rol on the larger stage of local o national politics. that profile, written 28 years ago by a college student, is correct so far alvin bragg has assumed a role in local politics, and because of the trump investigation national politics, and possibl as early as tomorrow, alvi bragg could assume a role in american history after that profile appeared in his college newspaper, alvin bragg having graduate from harvard college cum laude, wen on to harvard law school, wher he was an editor of the harvar civil rights civil liberties law review alvin bragg still lives in harlem he and his wife have bee married 22 years and have two children. life, as they have known it, will change.
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change utterly if alvin brag brings criminal charges agains donald trump alvin bragg and his family wil be attacked and savaged by donald trump on a daily, possibly hourly, basis more viciously than we hav ever seen donald trump lashe out at anyone. donald trump will lie abou ellenburg. and alvin bragg knows this but there is never been manhattan district attorne better able to face the volley of trump attacks then alvi bragg. this is a tale of two ne yorkers. one who grew up despoiled, ric child of parents who never taught him how to tell the truth or do the right thing. and another kid, who grew up o striver zero, with the bes possible family and communit influences to shape hi experience of the real world
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effects of law enforcement a kid who strive for excellenc in the classroom, and wa taught the scholarly and moral respect for the truth. to put two characters like thi in the same courtroom together would be the work of a great screenwriter if it were not happening right before our eyes. in this dramatic time. if alvin bragg and donald trum find themselves in the sam courtroom on a criminal case they will each be in that room because of the choices each of them made about what to strive for in this life and with them, in that courtroom, will be the unsee tracks that their parents laid for them to follow into th lives that they have chosen. donald trump's very firs encounter with the law came in 1973, when he and his father were accused by the justic
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department of violating th civil rights of people tryin to rent apartments in new york donald trump entered a agreement with the justice department to end his racist practices as a landlord. of course, donald trump' racism lived on. and donald trump will now be hurling his racism directly at alvin bragg, who donald trum has already called a racist. because alvin bragg is black and is investigating donal trump. the trump racist principle appears to be, that blac people should not be allowed t investigate donald trump that's why donald trump ha hurled his racist invective at alvin bragg in it district attorney fani willis, in
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atlanta georgia, who's als very close to indicting donald trump. we've seen donald trump attack a judge in the trump universit fraud case, that he lost because donald trump believe that the judges spanish last name made it impossible fo that judge to be fair. the trump rule is, the onl people allowed to be judges in trump cases, or investigator in donald trump, or whit republicans who love donal trump. tonight, donald trump is on th verge of indictment in manhattan by a distric attorney who was born the same year that donald trump was first accused of racis practices by the justice department by next week, the world coul be watching a courtroom dram
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like we have never seen before the anointed one seems like to exalted a label to tak seriously in the real world. but when the history of this period is written, it might fi alvin bragg. as well as it seems to fit him when he was on his way fro harvard college to harvard law school leading off our discussion tonight, is harry lippman, former u.s. attorney and forme deputy assistant attorne general. he is now senior legal affairs columnist for the los angele times. also with us, charles coleman, former federal prosecutor an former senior assistan district attorney and brooklyn he is now a civil rights attorney at an msnbc legal
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analyst. charles, let me begin with you with your all and importan local knowledge and experience in district attorney proceedings in new york city we seem to be very close to th end here, what is your reading of what where district tierney bragg is in this grand jur process as of this hou tonight. >> lawrence, it does appea that da brig is going to wra up this grand jury presentation, the question is, what are th charges that he is going t present him, and when is h going to present them? after the grand jury takes a vote, it is hopeful that i will vote to indict him and no return - in which the next question is, at what point will that be presented to a judge for unsealing, and ultimately, donald trump's arraignment it does appear that right now, we're at the point that alvi bragg is wrapping up his
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witnesses, in those stormy daniels has yet to testify, do not anticipate that her testimony will be as long as michael cohen's. it is important to add everything to put in front o that grand jury, they will mak that decision based on the charges that are put in fron of them, whether to return and no trouble, or a true bill o the indictment and alvin bragg will then make history by having indicted and moved forward with prosecution of a former united state president. >> according to the practice you're aware of in distric attorneys offices in new yor city, will donald trump' lawyers know about a indictment before we do? >> yes it is very likely that the will receive notice about th indictment from prosecutors in this case, so that they ca make the arrangements to hav their client show up, in court and also turned into be rested and actually formally booked through new york city police >> how much advanced notic that they get for that, th
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trump lawyers? >> that's up to the discretion of the prosecutors and a lot of it is going t depend on the nature of th charges. we are still trying to ascertain what exactly is goin to be put in front of the gran jury, ultimately, in terms o the charges that alvin bragg will seek to move forward on we are all expecting that they will be felonies that ar related to campaign financ violations but at this point, we still do not know, because that was a legal theory that brags office had investigated and dealt wit before but did not choose to move forward on a lot of people are wondering, what's different now that is gotten us to this point? that makes alvin bragg mov
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forward, it seemed as though he was wanting to cool his jets >> harry lippman, this is, o course, just one of the four very serious crimina investigations facing donald trump, two of them being run b federal special prosecutor jack smith, on the governmen documents case and on the january 6th case, then there's fani willis i atlanta. and last night, at this hour we were reporting the latest the new information from a new group of grand jurors, five of them, who spoke without thei names being known, to th atlanta journal-constitution they revealed, as we reporte here last night, another taped phone call donald trump made t georgia, this one to the speaker of the house, th
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republican speaker of the house, and we have some additiona reporting on that today. from nbc news, having contacte one of the jurors, it wa described, the call wa described this way, trum attempted to pressure the then speaker into calling a special legislative session to overtur president joe biden's victor in battleground state in corps who is the four person on th jury, told nbc news, the call, which was then reported in the it atlanta journal-constitution, last about ten minutes, sh recalled the trump asked speaker rolston, who would sto him from holding a special session, according to corps, speaker rawlston responded, federal judge, that to so, with each day, harry, th evidence mounts. >> definitely. recall, when course made her p tour that was a little perplexing, she had said, we heard multiple phone calls and that was one of the most captivating details.
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what multiple phone calls? it looks like there are now tw or three, and that, from a prosecutor's point of view, is just killer evidence it does show, some very good reporting in the atlanta papers, as you mentioned, it showe them to be cohesive, clearly sympathetic to the witnesses that are most hostile, to trump, clearly and vice versa, an they had some real zingers including at the end this is gonna be massive so, recall, this is just the special grand jury that made
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recommendations to fani willis and then a real actual grand jury that sits starting very soon will process the evidence but, based on what not just four person but these five hav now said, it's coming at trump like a freight train, in a freight train with many cars o it this in contrast to the brag indictment, which i think is going to be returned on monday is really a complex sprawlin case involving not just trump, but all the presidents men a well, probably about 15 people >> charles coleman, i want t get into this specific procedurally, of how this migh work in manhattan, if donald trump is indicted in manhattan and if there is distinctions here between him being indicte only for misdemeanor o indicted for felony. for example, is there any la
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that says he must be arrested? can they just a range fo donald trump to show up instea of being technically arrested? >> well, that presents more of a practical question in term of how this will be handled. he absolutely would have to be arrested first in order to b arraigned on this indictment that's just something that's unavoidable. now, whether we will see donal trump actually take a perp walk, put in handcuffs, that's a entirely different space tha we have not seen, obviously, because we're talking abou something that is completely unprecedented. i, for once, have been wondering what is going to happen with respect to secre
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service. he is entitled, as a forme president, to secret service protection so, are they going to be a par of this arrest procedure will they be with him in the holding cell, before he is bor in terms in front of the judge in court what happens subsequently, i he is convicted? will they spend their time wit him as well? there are a number o logistical concerns that hav not necessarily been worked ou as of yet, because we really just have not seen this sort o thing before to answer your question, lawrence, he absolutely will
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have to be arrested before h is arraigned, because that wil make him a part of the crimina justice system, as a defendant moving forward >> harry lippman, this could happen in what will feel lik rapid succession we could for example get a indictment on manhattan, say o a monday, we can have an indictment in atlanta th following monday or by the end of the same week, the way this is moving at this point. >> it's a really important point, we are fixated on what' gonna be the first, but in a few months, it's gonna fee different. there will be two, maybe as yo suggest, from jack smith three cases. and it will just be a whol mine field for trump i think, whoever went firs will recede in importance at that point it will be all low for the national minefield for the former president charles, when will we lear what the nature of the evidenc is against donald? trump in a manhattan case if there are charges?
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>> that's gonna be up to the discretion of the judge, i terms of how to the grand jury proceedings will be released those things are reviewed by the judge once they've turne in and went the indictment i done, the minutes will b reviewed by the judge, and i suspect that alvin bragg, even if he is allowed some level of discretion from the judge is still going to keep a very tight lid on this. as did not prejudice anythin related to this case, because, as you've already pointed out, i fully expect that donald trump is going to go on th advance of an attack the credibility of that office he's going to attack the credibility of the witnesses, fully suspect it is also going to seek to change the venu outside of the five boroughs t try and get a courthouse tha is going to be much more favorable to him then he'l find between what he's facin in manhattan or anywhere els within the five boroughs of ne york city. >> charles coleman and harry lippman, thank you both very much for starting off ou discussion tonight, thank you. coming up, the latest column b our next guest is titled donald trump must be prosecuted charles blow will join us, next only at vanguard, you're more than just an investor you're an owner. that means that your goals are ours too. and vanguard retirement tools and advice can help you get there. that's the value of ownership. i'm feeling better. body pain? headache? nope. all in one and done. cuh-congestion? better. cough? fever? better.
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charles blow, is titled, donal trump must be prosecuted tonight, the new york times is reporting, as former president donald j trump faces likel criminal charges, his campaign is preparing to wage a political war. joining our discussion now charles blow, columnist for th new york times, an msnbc political analyst. charles, thank you very much for joining us tonight one of the factors that's gonn be a condition of donald trump being prosecuted, of course, a external condition of it, th unrelenting attacks he wil mount on prosecutors who bring charges against him. as we were discussing before what is your case for wh donald trump must be prosecuted, i think a lot of people ou there agree with that. or disagree with it. what are the points in favor o prosecution, that you don' think are emphasized enough. >> well, i think the fundamental issue here is th larger one whether or not in america, there is equal justice under the law. i think that is what is bein put on trial here, as much a donald trump, and as much as any of these particula lawsuits that may be brought
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against him. what america has been -- two over the at least the last six years of having had a trum presidency, but also before he even got into the presidency he was an example of rich an powerful men being able to gam the system and not feel th brunt of justice that anyone else would have felt and anyone else does feel. and anyone who is on the lower rungs of the latter, in america, knows that they have to know they have to be a paralegal. you have to know the law backwards and forwards to make sure that you don't run afou of it, if you do, justice will come at you swiftly and it wil be harsh what they have been able t watch with donald trump, someone for whom that has no applied. we have had these crazy, outdated rules about whether o not a president can be charged while he's in office how close to an election committee can be charged, ca you investigate someone? well, donald trump is gonn take advantage of all thos rules and traps, and that' exactly what he's done he continues to do that. either we are a country of law
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or were not. and that is the point here if alvin bragg or prosecutor here in atlanta, or people o the doj, have evidence tha donald trump is committed crime, and are dragging thei feet for any reason, that is itself an assault on the rul of law >> charles, i'm glad you mentioned the rules. they're not laws, they're just these rules within the justice department the justice department made fo itself, invented, out of thi air, to say that a president cannot be prosecuted for crime well in office there is nothing in th constitution about that, thi is just their decision it holds as the operativ
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policy of the justic department none of that applies necessarily, to any district attorney or state prosecutor out there. they don't have similar rule like that. but we're past the presidency, we're now into the pos presidency, we've only had one ex president who could've been subject to criminal prosecution, and he was so vulnerable t criminal prosecution that th republican vice president wh took over for him, jerry ford, pardon him richard nixon was pardoned for all the crimes, literally th pardon's, all crimes committed during his presidency. for all eight years -- not a, one and a half terms. so, that was this notion tha you talk about in your piece this notion that, oh, it would
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be harmful for the country it would somehow be harmful fo the country if we ha prosecuted richard nixon >> right, people talk about it as if prosecuting donald trump risks breaking the country that's a horrible precedent. that we will never be able t walk back to it. actually, donald trump's own has already broken much of the presidency, broken much of the architecture around governance in this country, we are just i the throes of trying to piec that back together, and try to figure out how we can go forward from there he is a threat to do it again. the problem is not prosecuting donald trump the problem is choosing not to prosecute donald trump because what it says is one ma can present enough of a threat that he is not subject to th law. and once you have said that, once you establish that fact what does the rule of law mean at all it is meaningless, it is hollow, it is now exactly what peopl think that it is, which is it's meant to control.
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for people and rich people and powerful people can have their way. that is not the signal that we want to send to america. >> charles blow, thank you ver much for joining us tonight. always appreciated >> thank you >> thank you new video of the russian fighter jet hitting an america drone over the black sea that's next.
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released video of the russia fighter jet that hit a american military drone over the black sea, the video shows two russian fighter jets buzzing the u.s. drone, an dumping fuel on it one of the jets makes contac with the propeller of the rear of the 66 foot drone. general mark milley, chairma of the joint chiefs of staff said this. >> we know where it landed i the black sea, it's probably about four or 5000 feet of water, something like that it's very difficult at tha
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depth. by anyone. it probably broke up, probably not a lot to recover, frankly. as far as the loss of anything of sensitive intelligence, e cetera, as normal, we woul take, and we did, mitigating measures so, we're quite confident that whatever was a value is no longer value >> today, poland became th first country to fulfill ukraine's request for fighte jets poland's president announced the transfer of four fighter jets to ukraine, in the coming days, with plans to send more. today, the united nations huma rights council released a ne report concluding that russia' attacks against ukrainia civilians are not amount to wa crimes and possible crimes against humanity the report, which was released exactly one year after the russian airstrike on a theater in ukraine that killed hundred of civilians says, quote russian authorities have committed numerous violation of international humanitaria law, and violations of international human rights law in addition to a wide range of war crimes, including the wa crime of excessive incidenta death, injury, or damage willful killings, torture, inhuman treatment, unlawfu confinement, rape, as well a unlawful transfers and deportations the commission has also foun that the russian armed force
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waves of attacks, starting the 10th of october, 2022, o ukraine's energy-related infrastructure and the use o torture by russian authorities may amount to crimes against humanity joining us now is michae mcfaul, who served as the u. s ambassador to russia from 2012 to 2013. during the obama administration he's an msnbc internationa affairs analyst. ambassador mcfaul, it is s important to keep coming bac to the exact nature of wha russia is doing in ukraine and those crimes against humanity >> i could not agree more, lawrence it's happening every day these are crimes against humanity russia's a terrorist state it's great that we now have th international community, different parts of it, investigating, preparing materials, for futur indictments in the long term but by doing this today, i also sends a deterrent to russians that may not wan to be on these lists in th future, may not do these kinds of things in the outrageous wa they're doing them so far. >> the video we see of tha contact with the russian fighter jet in the drone, this has played out rather quickl and seems to have the tensio of the situation seems to have dissipated rather quickly. >> it has, i give a lot of
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credit to the bide administration they responded forcefully, i multiple channels, multipl channels, military non-military, diplomatic to make known that this kind o behavior is not acceptable it's outrageous. it can't happen again. they did not overreact lawrence, they did not use thi as a moment that we get some tit-for-tat escalation with th russians i think it's quite remarkabl that were already tragically into the 13th month of thi horrific war, president bide has rightly, in my view give military assistance to the radiance, i think th announcement of the jets today is a good first step, i hope after four, they'll be 40. eventually, they have more yells -- and we're not gonna get into a war with russia. i think that very fine lin he's done it very delicately, give him a whole lot of credit for doing, it that's exactly where i think the policy shoul be >> senator lindsey graham wa in effect advocating war wit russia over what we see in tha video. >> we want to do that. we don't want to go to war wit china over a balloon, we don't want to go to war with russi over an intelligence operation that we are conducting those are different cases, i
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want to be clear, when was a international territoria waters around crimea, which we recognize as ukraine, th chinese balloon, of course violated our sovereignty, yo have to be able to deal with these kinds of moments and not let them get out of control. i think in both instances, the biden responses have been firm but not imprudent. >> what do you believe ukraine needs now? >> you know, i think this is a critical year, i don't - sometimes our leaders say, a long as it takes ukrainians hear the word long. they don't want a long war they want this year to be th end of the war therefore, they need more jets they need attack i'm's, this i this long-range missile system they've been asking the united states for and they think they need those weapons, in order to go on a counter offensive this spring, this summer. not years from now, to try t break up the russian force between the north in the south i think we should be doing mor to help them, achieve thos goals this year. not in the future. >> ambassador michael mcfaul thank you very much for joinin us again tonight >> thanks for having me. >> thank
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you >> coming up, our next guest has joined us before o this program, it's always been from london. so, i'm about to meet him in person for the first time, right here in washington studio, david lamy, ember of the british parliament joins u next to go >> what do you believe ukraine needs now? >> you know, i think this is a critical year, i don't - sometimes our leaders say, a long as it takes ukrainians hear the word long.
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they don't want a long war they want this year to be th end of the war therefore, they need more jets they need attack i'm's, this i this long-range missile system they've been asking the united states for and they think they need those weapons, in order to go on a counter offensive this spring, this summer. not years from now, to try t break up the russian force between the north in the south i think we should be doing mor to help them, achieve thos goals this year. not in the future. >> ambassador michael mcfaul thank you very much for joinin us again tonight >> thanks for having me. >> thank you >> coming up, our next guest has joined us before o this program, it's always been from london. so, i'm about to meet him in person for the first time, right here in washington studio, david lamy, ember of the british parliament joins u next for less than all this.
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special. we would love to have you over >> it is, more than 25 years seems like yesterday seems like us a day, but anyway, thank you. i got to go to norther ireland. >> today, president volodymy zelenskyy announced that h spoke with the uk's prim minister and i had a goo conversation with great britai prime minister rishi sunak i informed him of the situatio but the front, but which defense, exchange views. as always, we have concret results in increasing defens and economic support for ukraine, appreciate grea britain's unwavering position. joining us now is david lammy, the british shuttle foreig secretary minister as, the say. he's a member of the british labour party and represents th district of london and promised thank you very much to join us here in washington, this i great to see you >> great to be here, thank you so much.
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>> i want to begin on that las point that president zelenskyy referred to great brinso wavering position. is the british parliament on waiting on this? is they're basically unanimous agreement in parliament abou supporting ukraine >> i think it was hugely important when president zelenskyy came to parliament last month that there wa bipartisan cross party support that reflects the country. i think it's got something t do with our history and th position that we took in the second world war, particularly britain's a country that's not been invaded since ten 66. we feel very closely related t the baltic nations, to the threat that we are now seein from vladimir putin. that is indivisible righ across the parliamentary system >> you have the experts in you country of having survived wit
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the united states to help similar there in the 1940s and world war ii in this country, there's thi general public discussion an notion that you can't use worl war ii as an example o anything because you're usin hitler as the example. of course, hitler is incomparable, cannot b compared to anybody else, bu what vladimir putin is doing i the 21st century version o what hitler aspired to do an then >> i think that there are tw aspects to this. the first is the great story o the 20th century, is how s many people at the beginning that century had no rights a all, working people, black and
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brown people, women, lgbtq communities. by the end of the 20th century the beginning of this one, hal rights a is under threat when freedom is take it for granted we must stand up t imperialism. we must stand up to a bully an a tyrant that says that he can take another country's sovereignty and enter thei territorial integrity. i think that the united states and the uk understand this well, and it is hugely important tha we stand behind the people o ukraine in their courageous an valiant fight. they got to win. >> as we sit here on the eve o st. patrick's day here in th u.s., it comes as no surpris that joe biden accepts invitations to go to norther island and to arland, as he di from your prime minister accep the invitation so readily. what would you like th president to be thinking about in northern ireland, especiall
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with its complex positio within what is left of thi brexit framework >> look, i think this has been a challenging time because the good friday agreement, which was a huge legacy, really, o tony blair and bill clinton, lots of effort, a very important progressive moment but important win for peac after so many years of trouble in the island of ireland, and think that in a sense, not tha it looks like that has passe because of the windsor framework and the deal that ha been struck, i think that fo joe biden to go and to b alongside a british prim minister and all of the partie and northern ireland, and to see a return to governance i northern iran, particularly bu also to visit arland, as h will, because of his histori relationship, will be importan indeed
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it reminds people of the hug breakthrough that came about for peace and to hold on to th ideal and what has been challenging few years in northern ireland particularly. >> i know you've been visiting with members of congress her in washington. is it your impression that i is more difficult to be in the minority party and the british parliament as you are in the labour party than it is to b in the minority party in the halls of congress? >> i've been in parliament for 23 years i am fortunate to have studied here in the united states at harvard law school, 12 worke here in the u.s. and visited washington in good times and bad for the labour party and britain. for democrats here, in and out of power it's horrible being out of power. whatever political stripe, and
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i've returned to washington on this occasion, and i think tha there is a sense of momentum after the midterms with th successful inflation reduction act. of course, people are lookin to the general election cycl in 2024. there will be elections here i the u.s. but also elections in the uk i hope that there will be progressive moment that ou leader will enter number 10. i think he can do great things if joe biden remains in th white house. >> you'll have to be joining u throughout the campaign. throughout the campaign. the honorable david lammy, for joining us member of parliament, thantoms.
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i said, "yeah, whatever. there's no way this works like this." and threw it to the side. a couple weeks later, i seen it again after getting not so pleasant news from my physician. i was 424 pounds, and my doctor was recommending weight loss surgery. to avoid the surgery, i had to make a change. so i decided to go with golo and it's changed my life. when i first started golo and taking release, my cravings, they went away. and i was so surprised. you feel that your body is working and functioning the way it should be and you feel energized. golo has improved my life in so many ways. i'm able to stand and actually make dinner. i'm able to clean my house. i'm able to do just simple tasks that a lot of people call simple, but when you're extremely heavy they're not so simple. golo is real and when you take release david lamy gets tonight's last and follow the plan, it works.
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word this 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts now >> tonight, the rush t stabilize first republic ban after last week silicon valley bank collapsed a billion dollar rescue plan for another bank what happens now then the latest developments i the many investigation surrounding the former president. that new york a. g. attempts t combat trump's delay tactics and a nbc news