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tv   MSNBC Reports  MSNBC  March 17, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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they cheat at scrabble it is amazing. they steal each other's food >> but he did his time and now he's been welcomed back in the art world. he said i might have changed the art world hasn't >> exactly he claims that he's back to his old tricks and so are all his crony's. so be careful when you buy a rembrandt. >> yeah, be very careful next time you buy a rembrandt the new issue of air mail releases tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. i love it. thank you so much for being with us great to see you that does it for us. thank you so much for being with us this week and thank you for your patience. jose deiaz-balart picks up the coverage good morning, it is 10:00 a.m. eastern, 7:00 a.m. pacific. we have a very busy two hours
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ahead this st. patrick's day friday starting with desperate measures on wall street. nearly a dozen banks teaming up to prevent this week's financial turmoil from spreading their $30 billion life line to save another major bank from potential ruin as janet yellen works to sooth the markets and reassure americans that their money is safe. >> i can reassure the members of the committee that our banking system is sound and that americans can feel confident that their deposits will be there when they need them. >> plus major move in china's partnership with russia, announcing this morning that xi jinping will visit russia next week at the invitation of vladimir putin that comes as russia continues to search for the downed u.s. drone intercepted by a russian fire jets. why the pentagon says russia won't find anything useful even if they do track it down and rage on the streets of
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paris, thousands of protestors rise up over an unpopular move by macron raising the age of retirement from 62 to 64 the decision sparking strikes and outrage from lawmakers could it cost macron the presidency and we begin with a mad scram speble on wall street to p the bleeding in the banking industry nearly a dozen of the large institutions have agreed to deposit $30 billion into drummed first republic bank. the move is meant to promote confidence in the institution after its stock plummeted in recent days. it comes after a wild week of financial turmoil and a uncertainty on wall street sparked by the stunning collapse of silicon valley bank and new york signature bank. these are the 11 banks that now have agreed to deposit anywhere between $1 billion to $5 billion
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each into first republic sources tell cnbc that the deposits would be obligated to remain at first republic for at least 120 days starting us off this morning, we have christina and robert with us explain how this plan will help first republic and how the markets are responding to it >> well, it is really just a theme of life lines. you have all these banks stepping in like you said to loan first republic $30 billion to avoid a bank run that we saw happen with silicon valley that is the priority right now and especially as we head into the weekend when markets are closed, last weekend i know we worked throughout the entire weekend with a lot of unexpected news so there is this giant concern of which bank will be next with first republic the stock is down over 20%. and so this is just a fear that is still consistent with investors right now. you are seeing a lot of the
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regional banks lower this morning because they don't know which bank will be next. you have a lifeline that was given to first republic, but there is concern that there is a lot of cracks in the financial system >> and so robin, why do banks like first republic, silicon valley, signature, seem so vulnerable right now and these attempts to shore up regional banks it seems like there are a number of regional banks throughout the country >> reporter: i am looking at this and studying and constantly scratching my head because it was a function of embarrassment of riches in a zero interest rate environment it wasn't hanky-panky subprime slime or anything like that, it was all of these -- very quickly wealthy areafull and flush wit silicon valley and venture capital money shoving all of these deposits into a bank, these zero yielding deposits and the bank wasn't smart.
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and so when you get a whiplashing hike in interest rates like you did in 2022, it was won of the worse years for the bond market on record, suddenly they look like they are blindsided had you told me two weeks ago that bank of this repute and size would be in trouble, i'd be scratching my head but we're talking about billions of dollars in and out of the door and many of these regional banks can't handle >> and we still don't have a full picture of why the bank collapsed so quickly mark to market issues are certainly some of it the rise in interest rates but what are the different bras that the banks have been carrying out that contributed to this >> two-fold for silicon valley bank the fact that the concentration of their customers came from the startup community. so back in 2020, every startup and small business was flush with cash, so they put a lot of their deposits in silicon valley bank but as we've seen over the last
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year and a half, labor fees have gone up. we have to pay our employees a little bit more. costs are more expensive eggs, oil is more expensive, transportation is more expensive. so the deposits in silicon valley bank from those startups started diminish and they diminished dramatically which is why silicon valley bank gotcha worried, they decided that we'll start to sell some of our treasury debt which is considered safe, we'll sell it in the market. but the problem is interest rates made that debt a little bit less valuable. so it was hit from two sides and the reason why silicon valley bank was a target, that they were under the radar, they were number 16 in terms of the largest bank in the united states we focus so much on these mega big banks just since the financial crisis that maybe we overlooked what was going on the smaller players even though silicon valley bank has been around 40 years and still a huge player, but not as big as
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jpmorgan, citigroup, goldman sachs. so the big thing, will there be further regulations in the future >> yeah, and robin, treasury secretary janet yellen promised senators yesterday to take a careful look at what happened to silicon valley bank. but i want to play what she told them about the impact of the rising interest rates. >> the bank to me, liquidity needs, had to sell assets that it expected to hold to maturity. and given the interest rate increasing that have occurred since the assets including treasuries and government backed security -- mortgage backed securities, they had lost market value. >> so that is interesting because it is something that you've been talking about, that many people have been talking about. but is what happened this last week with these two banks and of course we have the regional banks in jeopardy, is this do
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you think going to have any bearing on the fed raising interest rates again next week >> almost certainly. this is at least psychologically it is so deflationary when you are talking about a bank panic in comparisons to other years, continental illinois and subprime even though they are apples to oranges, husbands and wives are talking about, honey, do we put enough in our wells account, do we spread it around. you are not going to buy a boat or take a vacation thisdefinitely has a chilling impact on things and it shows you that you don't have a series of preferred interest rates not like you can hike it for the hospitality industry or real estate speculation and then keep them at a certain level for banks. we're all susceptible to the same main interest rate that the federal reserve controls and it shows you that there is some collateral damage and this will move on beyond first republic the worry is that who else went out and did this kind of
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foolishness, this getting pretty in a period of complacency and to what extent is the fed going to have to backstop the entire system. right now it is limited to a handful of banks, so who else was out there doing something similar. and i think that is why you are seeing a selloff today >> and what impact do you think this turmoil could have on the lingering inflation that we're all feeling? >> it is a little best bit less on inflation and more on whether the federal reserve will continue with drastic interest rate hikes i know robin was just briefly talking about it next week we're anticipating just a quarter percentage increase so that is a little less than previously anticipated and also why you are seeing a lot of tech names that trade on the nasdaq where i am, you are seeing amazon, meta, all of these names much higher. the nasdaq is higher on the week despite what is going on within the financial sector so the fed is in a tough
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position do they continue to raise interest rates in order to lower inflation, or do they address who is happening in the financial sector right now and keep inflation rates -- or i should say interest rates relatively flat until this there is this calm and markets resume and there is less bank runs and not everybody is as worried about what is happening to their money. so the fed is in a tough spot, but the anticipation is that they will still go through with rate hikes next week >> and it is not just interest rates if i might just clarify. the fed has this window where you can come in if you are a bank and you can warehouse assets and get paid 100 cents on the dollar and that is what banks want to hit them up for right now. that is stimulative even if they are hiking by a quarter point in everything this is where their balance sheet is ballooning. so we're really in unchartered waters >> and i was going to say just
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within the last week or so, the balance sheet for the fed did increase, so you are talking about that discount window and that is also a bit of a concern because the fed is supposed to be reducing their balance sheet and it went up within the last week and so i guess that is the concern that you are pointing to too. >> it is indeed. thank you both for being with us let's look at the markets right now as we were discussing. the dow jones down about 230 points s&p 500 down 15. and the nasdaq up about 18 that is as we speak right now. now to a major show of support for vladimir putin's regime chinese leader xi jinping will travel to moscow on monday for a series of meetings with putin. it will be a signal of the growing closer ties between the two countries amid growing tension with the u.s this comes as the pentagon has now signaled that it will be very unlikely that russia will
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recover anything useful from the wreckage of that drone taken down over the black sea. joining us now is courtney kube, erin mclaughlin and colonel mccaffrey. how closely is kyiv watching this visit next week, is that something that they are looking at >> reporter: undoubtedly they will be watching this meeting extremely closely. especially considering the warnings from western officials that beijing is looking at possibly sending moscow lethal aid, something that beijing has denied claiming a position of neutrality when it comes to the ukraine war, a position that has been looked at skeptically here in kyiv considering china does not recognize it as a war. they also do not recognize russia as an aggressor while all
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the while pushing their own peace plan there was a phone conversation between the foreign ministers that took place yesterday. and saying they discussed the significance of the principle of territorial integrity. and also saying that he pointed to president zelenskyy's own peace plan, worth noting that president zelenskyy's peace plan calls for the immediate withdrawal of russian forces from the territory of ukraine. also worth noting, there have been media reports that following this visit to moscow, president zelenskyy and president xi would have some sort of video conversation though that has been unconfirmed right now at least publicly by ukrainian officials. >> general, just wondering your thoughts, we just had recently china making a statement by sending that spy balloon over the united states across most of the country before being shot down and also sent spy balloons over
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latin america. russia just downing that u.s. drone. what do you make of the timing of this visit from the chinese leadership to moscow >> obviously troublesome that knockdown of a u.s. reaper drone over the black sea is actually fairly important event. they are routinely confronting russian provocation sometimes just testing our ability to re react. but in this case russia is essentially saying we want to portray this as a war against nato and we'll claim that the b what b black sea is our area as opposed to six nations sharing responsibility in the background putin is going down the tubes militarily, politically, economically. he is reaching out for help.
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he has these skurl husband char characters, north korea, iran, helping him. t and china has drones and sophisticated military force there is a good argument that china thinks that they are well served by having the west tied up in a war in ukraine if this outcome is unfavorable to the west, freedom, sove sovereignty, then taiwan is at risk so i think this is a big deal, president xi's visit to this criminal despot putin which is what he's turned into. >> courtney, the pentagon says it is very unlikely that russia will recover anything useful from the wreckage of that drone. what is the next move militarily >> that's right. so the u.s. was able to wipe the drone's software so that is any potential
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classified information that was on it was destroyed essentially before the drone itself was destroyed by being crashed in to the black sea. we know according to general milley that it broke up into a bunch of pieces. much of that sunk, it is 4,000 to 5,000 feet on the bottom of black sea. but there is still the propaganda value of it if russians could retrieve pieces big enough and put it back together and take pictures in front of it, there is propaganda value of that and the u.s. would not want that but the hardware itself, they do not believe that that is particularly valuable. so what is the next step neither side has signaled that there is a military piece to the next step. in other words, neither side seems to be indicating that they will have a military response to what has occurred here i think the big question is how does russia react going forward. intercepts over the black sea, in that entire region, are not
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uncommon, but they are generally done in a more safe and professional manner. the question is are these more aggressive intercepts something that we'll see more and more of and how does that end up potentially spiraling into more of a military escalation we don't know the answer to that that is what we're watching. >> and general, it is clear this morning russia presented state awards to those pilots who took down the drones. so this is not something that these two rogue pilots decided to do on their own >> yeah, no question this is clearly sponsored at the highest levels of the russian government these two su-27 fighter planes have a top speed of 1500 miles an hour hot dogging a drone doing 300 miles per hour so it was unsafe, unprofessional hard to imagine that that pilot survived it hitting at that speed. putin is desperate
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he is stuck in a box he has to portray this as more than just a brutal criminal invasion of a sovereign country. he's got to say this is a war against nato so i actually think the knockdown of that reaper drone was a major event and as courtney says, going forward no one wants -- what are we going to do, escort the drones now it is a pause moment to sort out what is our best solution doing forward, meaning with our allies nato allies. >> courtney, erin, general, thank you so much. next the mother of a man who died in custody at a virginia hospital is demanding accountability >> they smothered the breath out
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of my baby >> what the family is saying about video of the incident that led to his death plus whiteout conditions in minnesota, damage in texas, a sinkhole in florida. we're tracking the impacts of wild weather and what we can expect over the weekend. also ahead, after some bad blood between the swifties and ticketmaster, taylor swift's tour is kicking off tonight. we're in arizona where fans' wild dreams are about to come true so it's decided, we'll park even deeper into parking spaces so people think they're open. surprise. [ laughs ] [ horn honks, muffled talking ] -can't hear you, jerry. -sorry. uh, yeah, can we get a system where when someone's bike is in the shop, then we could borrow someone else's? -no! -no! or you can get a quote with america's number-one motorcycle insurer and maybe save some money while you're at it.
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all in favor of that. [ horn honking ] there's a lot of buttons and knobs in here. (vo) with their verizon private 5g network, associated british ports can noworn honking ] precisely orchestrate nearly 600,000 vehicles passing through their uk port every year. don't just connect your business. (dock worker) right on time. (vo) make it even smarter. we call this enterprise intelligence. introducing astepro allergy. now available without a prescription. astepro is the first and only 24-hour steroid-free spray. while flonase takes hours, astepro starts working in 30 minutes. so you can [ spray, spray ] astepro and go. a grieving virginia family is demanding answers after viewing what they say is the brutal video of 28-year-old irvo otieno was smothered to death from being held down by at least
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7 people at a state hospital 10 people including 7 sheriff deputies and 3 hospital employees face charges and now his family is blasting the law enforcement response saying otieno was in the middle of a mental health crisis and was no threat but treated like a dog. joining us is gabe guttierez what else is the family saying this morning >> the man's relatives were just shown surveillance video from inside that state mental hospital and they say it shows him being pinned to the ground by deputies while he was already handcuffed a warning, the details of this incident may be disturbing to some viewers this morning the family of a virginia man who died while in custody at a hospital is demanding answers. >> can someone explain why my brother is not here right now? >> reporter: ten people have been charged with second-degree murder of 28-year-old irvo otieno including three employees of the central state hospital
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and seven sheriff deputies otieno's family says he was in the middle of a mental health crisis when he was handcuffed, shackled and smothered to death after being transported to a state mental hospital. the family furious >> he was smothered, they smothered my baby. >> reporter: on march 3 authorities placed otieno under emergency custody order which is used in cases of mental illness in response to report of a possible burglary. at the hospital police say he assaulted three officers and subsequently arrested and taken to jail where his family's attorney say he was left naked in a cell. three days later he was taken to a state mental facility where he suffered a brutal 11 minute beating. >> you could see his hair being pulled, knees toward his head, it was excruciating to watch >> reporter: prosecutors said in
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court that otieno died of asphyxia due to being smothered to death thanks to having at least acceptseven people on topf him. the police union is standing by the deputies >> i know the sure arsheriff is anxiousry watching it, but our position is that he were doing their job. >> reporter: otieno's family wants justice. >> mental illness should not be your ticket to death >> the surveillance footage the family saw yesterday has not been publicly released they are now calling on the department of justice to intervene in this case saying otieno's constitutional rights were violated. >> gabe guttierez, thank you very much. from california to texas and the midwest, millions are dealing with a mess iy after mah of severe storms thunderstorms in texas brought large hail and heavy rain, more than 30,000 people still don't have power
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meanwhile heavy snow overnight created hazardous road conditions in minnesota where the state patrol reported over 125 car crashes. different parts of california residents near a sinkhole report feeling the ground move beneath them as the constant rain has caused the sinkhole to grow even deeper now it appears to be at least 30 feet deep. joining us now is bill karins. bill, where are these storms headed next? >> sinkholes are fascinating, amazing that the ground could just open up underneath you. and these storms yesterday, we had a tornado warning in effect for ft. worth, all of these little white circles were hail reports. we even had baseball sized, enough to smash windshields and leave big dents on your cars today's threat is mostly wind damage the thunderstorms are still rolling through louisiana. they are about an hour away from new orleans. we think that we could see some wind gusts in excess of 40 to 60 miles per hour so enough do some minor damage
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we have a slight risk of severe weather, maybe an isolate the tornado, but wind damage is the biggest threat that will head along interstate 10, eventual throw panama city and later this evening over towards areas like tallahassee they should weaken by the time get to jacksonville. and we've been talking all winter about the endless snow and rain c in california. when we started in november, reservoirs were 30%, 21% look at how full we've had a constant river goins now we're up to 70%, almost 90% in some of these areas so this is what the state of california looked like before the rainy season in november before all of the state in drought. now it is down to 36% and we don't even have any extreme or exceptional. i know we've had the damage, but as far as water goes, this winter has been a blessing so your weekend forecast, unfortunately one last cold
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blast coming down, it is chilly today and tomorrow not great lakes, some snow showers tomorrow that makes it into the northeast. as we turn our attention to the west coast, you've had a bit of a break. dry sunny conditions on saturday and that next storm comes in on sunday this is not and atmospheric river, but we'll see more rain, more snow and this will start another active week. it looks like we have about three storms next week heading for the west coast >> bill karins, thank you very much coming up, a fiery uproar across france that has led to hundreds of arrests as people take to the streets to protest emmanuel macron's move to raise the retirement age and plus at the white house president biden who has deep irish roots is marking st. patrick's day with the prime minister of ireland. next, why that relationship is so important
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29 past the hour violent protests in paris erupted overnight after french president macron forced through a bill to raise the country's retirement age from 62 to 64 without a vote in parliament thousands of people took to the streets in paris and other cities with some starting fires and smashing windows france's interior minister said 310 people were arrested at different locations. macron has argued that the reform is necessary to avoid default in their pension system. opposition had 24 hours to put forward motions of no-confidence. molly hunter is joining us we have news on that front as far as what is going on politically in the last few minutes? >> reporter: yeah, that 24 hour window you mentioned from the moment the prime minister triggered the constitutional
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tool that forced through the un popular retirement age, two motions of no confidence have been filed politicians thousand have 48 hours to look these over there could be a vote on sunday or monday. motions of no confidence very rarely succeed in france so there will be a vote. if it does succeed, that puts emmanuel macron in a tight spot. he is already facing a democratic crisis, a trust deficit. he can either dissolve his government and choose a new prime minister and name a new government, or he can call for a general election political watchers say that only one vote of no confidence has ever succeeded since 1958. they think it is unlikely. so what happens if it fails is that the pension bill stands in the last couple weeks president macron and his government have been saying that
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they would notuse this constitutional tool. they had the votes they said they would not defy the real public opposition and force this through. well, they did force it through. so what is happening now is that people are hitting the streets there have been eight consecutive national strikes, that is everyone from police to teachers, that has disrupted public transportation. i've been in paris for about 24 hours and the streets are packed with garbage more than 9,000 tons of garbage are on the streets of paris because garbage workers are also striking as far as the protests go, we are expecting more people to hit the streets tonight and the trade unions have said that they will strike again next thursday. >> so just because we're showing these really incredible pictures, i want to get an idea over these 24 hours that you've been there, how widespread is this >> reporter: across the entire country. and the thing about both the strikes or interruptions in public transportation, protestors blocking roads and the protests, basically brought
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most of the major french cities to a complete standstill last night. i was in paris and you had 6,000, 7,000 people making their way up the road. and people burning tires, waving flags, and they say this is their way to put pressure on the government and they will continue to do this. >> molly hunter, i thank you so very much. now to another country, israel tens of thousands of protestors have taken to the streets there in recent weeks pushing back against benjamin netanyahu's controversial plan to overhaul the country's judicial system. the plan would strip the country's supreme court of its ability to strike down legislation and would give the government full control of appointing judges. earlier this week herzog released a compromise proposal but netanyahu immediately r rejected it. and moments ago president biden
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welcomed ireland's prime minister to the white house. the first time biden who often celebrates his irish roots has been able to host the prime minister for the traditional st. patrick's day meeting in person. last two years were virtual due to covid joining us now from outside the white house is mike memoli parts this meeting are meant to be lighthearted but also serious issues at stake. >> reporter: that's right. this is always a lighthearted day no matter who is in the white house, but especially so for president biden who noted this morning that he is the great, great grandson of irish immigrants always proud to highlight his irish roots. i expect that he'll be talking about strong bonds historically. but, yes, there are major substantive issues as well to discuss. one of them has to do with the potential hang-up of a visit of
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president biden to ireland you will remember the good friday peace accords that they brokered 25 years ago have been somewhat at risk because of the consequences of brexit leading to some trade issues between the republic of ireland and northern ireland. they appear to have been resolved just recently, the so-called windsor accord, sunak touted that as he also teased that the president might visit for that next week and then also of course the issue of the inflation reduction act. we've seen this come up in a number of meetings president biden has had with european leader, concerns that those leaders have that these tax credits for clean energy initiatives that the u.s. has implemented into law could hurt the energy market in europe as well so expect that to be an issue. but you will expect to also see these two leaders reaffirm their support for ukraine in their continued fight against russia
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the prime minister speaking this morning at a reception at the vice president's residence saying that russia continues to be a threat to international order. >> mike memoli, thank you so much next, are you ready to it? after shaking off the tick accou account -- ticketmaster chaos, fans getting ready to see swift in person. how excited you may be wondering are the fans >> like off the charts more excited than i've probably been for anything else in my entire life. plus the march madness upset that probably broke your bracket. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. in my ozempic® tri-zone, i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it.
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it is only the second day of march madness but already practically every bracket is busted after some stunning upsets on the court. kaylee hartung has the details >> so thanks to an ivy league upstart and tiny furman university that hadn't won a tournament game in nearly half a century, it took just five hours to completely destroy a lot of brackets so tear them up and enjoy the craziness. right out of the gate, march madness delivering drama an absolute stunner for number
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two seed arizona 15 seed princeton taking the lead for the first time with just two minutes to go playing tough the rest of the way to take down the wild cats. >> it was awesome. >> reporter: improbable upset only 4% of brackets predicted. and 13 seed furman coming up big with a steal and a 3 point shot in the final seconds to send four seed virginia home early. >> they pulled the first round upset. >> i was wrong >> reporter: brackets everywhere busted >> well, furman destroyed some brackets >> reporter: signs of relief for tennessee, san diego state and maryland, all narrowly escaping defeat and a scare for top seeded houston as their leading scorer reaggravated an injury and left the game other number one seeds
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dominated. alabama scoring just four points shy of 100 and defending national champs kansas blowing out howard after the tough loss, getting a locker room visit from a surprise guest, vice president kamala harris >> you played hard, you played to the very last second. you made all of us bisons so proud. >> reporter: the devastation and the excitement of the first day of the ncaa tournament running through living rooms, arenas and bars across the country. >> my bracket is completely busted >> you haven't ripped it up? >> oh, absolutely not. my team won today. go northwestern. >> reporter: and the madness is just getting started so we have another 16 first round games in the men's tournament today and the women's tournament tips off today too. the defending national chamdefe favorite to win it again
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gamecocks are rolling on an impressive 38 game win streak and they show no signs of slowing down >> thanks to kaylee hartung. now to the taylor swift fans whose wildest dreams are coming true the pop superstar is kicking off her new stadium tour with the first of 52 shows tonight in arizona. it comes after a nightmare pre-sale that left many fans frustrated joining us now from glendale, arizona is emily a -- emilie ikeda. what are you seeing there? >> reporter: swift city. officials here officially changed the name of the city to swift city today and tomorrow in honor of the megastar kicking off her first tour in five years, as if we didn't already
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know all-too well that she is one of the most influential artists of this era. again, her first tour in five years and this is pulling from her widespread catalog of work her first album dropping more than a decade ago back in 2006 and state farm stadium here have hosted her kickoff before, but this is the first time that they are seeing any artists hold back to back shows here and that is part of the reason why city officials say the anticipated tourism traffic this weekend is on track to rival that of the super bowl which was held here earlier this year. this all comes on the heels of the ticketmaster meltdown that left many furious fans without tickets and in those hour long queues and they blame it in part on cyberattacks and unprecedented demand but today it seems like the swifties are shaking off that bad blood as some of their wildest dreams come to fruition. take a listen.
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>> what is it like to actually see the open to her tour >> crazy >> yeah, she's literally been counting down the days, the minutes, the hours >> assii'm so excited to see he perform. >> probably more than anything else in my entire life >> reporter: so is there any chance of still getting a ticket this weekend well, you will see some tickets available on some of the secondary sites. i for one who didn't score one in the pre-sale and i'm hoping to snag one, but some tips, you want to keep refreshing those secondary sites. stubhub has reported a 35% decline in the average ticket price since the first week of ticket sales set up notifications, because sometimes we see these artists kind of launch these last minute ticket giveaways throughout their tours. and consider going solo, maybe make some new friends. >> yeah, odds of getting a
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ticket are slim, but i hope you do thank you for being with us and good luck. next the big decision by one drug company that could help millions of people afford life-saving medicines. and investigating a five mile stretch known as cancer alley where epa has says that children are exposed to unsafe levels of a kelily human carcinogen (vo) businesses nationwide are switching to verizon business internet. (woman) it's a perfect fit for my small business. (vo) verizon has business internet solutions nationwide. (man) for our not-so-small business too. (vo) get internet that keeps your business ready for anything. from verizon. when you stay at a vrbo you always get the whole home
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50 past the hour more good news the price of essential medication used by over 8 million americans. sanofi has joined eli lilly and slashing the price of insulin capping it at $35 a month for those with private insurance now with all three drugmakers combined, these cuts will be around 90% of the insulin market now to a community that lies in part called cancer alley that's desperate for change. seven years ago, the epa said kids who attended a local elementary school are being exposed to dangerous chemicals from a synthetic rubber plant just 450 feet away years after that warning, the plant is still operating and the kids are still being sent to that school. cynthia mcfadden has more on
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this nbc news investigation. >> 4-year-old george says he loves going to school at fifth ward elementary in reserve, louisiana. but according to the federal government, going to school here could be shortening his life, as well as the lives of his 400 or so primarily black classmates. one of your neighbors says it's like sending the kids to a gas chamber. >> exactly >> 83-year-old mary hampton is george's great grandmother she lives a few blocks from the school her father bought the land once bought by slaves >> he leaves a legacy. they don't hear about us it's racial. they don't hear. just sit there, inhale and die >> hafmpton and her lifelong friend, robert taylor, had been fighting to have the kids moved from the school. when the air quality improved ever since the epa says seven
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ye years ago, but an unsafe level of kr-- was being emitted they make a rubber used in wet suits and other products >> we've been designated a sacrifice zone i don't understand how they would be allowed to sacrifice the lives of us or anybody we had the highest cancer risk epa informed us of that in 2017. >> the highest cancer risk in the country. >> in the country. >> what was your reaction to that >> i was floored >> though they say they've reduced emissions by 85%, air monitors near the school often register at levels far exceeding the recommended 0.2 level as we saw when he visited with environmental scientist, wilma what's the result? >> higher than 0.2 >> how much higher i mean, i know it varies depending on when and how much the plant is manufacturing, but
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what's the extreme >> i've calculated it here ten times, 20 times. 50 times >> the acceptable level. >> yeah. >> nevertheless, neither the state of louisiana or the epa has forced the plant to comply with the 0.2 recommendation or have the children move nor has the local school board patrick sanders, the recently retired head of school board who's a mortician, grew up next to the plant many of his neighbors died of cancer including his father and sister he's fighting cancer for the second time. >> there are going to be a lot of people sitting at home going hold it a second why wouldn't you at least move them as far as away from that plant as you could >> i would agree with those people for the safety of those kids >> but you didn't do it. >> no, i didn't. >> why >> i didn't. i was one member of 11 takes a majority of the school board. >> but did you stand up and say
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this is wrong. we've got to fix it. >> no, i didn't. >> why not >> there's not a reason as to why not that i can defentively give you >> did i stand up and beat on the table? no >> do you wish you had >> yes >> but a glimmer of hope epa sent us an e-mail. they decided to file a lawsuit in federal court to reduce hazardous emissions from the neoprene manufacturing facility. >> yes, we won, we thankful. >> but robert taylor is not so sure this will change anything. emergency order isn't going to do anything. >> no. not while they're still operating. >> you're saying shut them down. >> this should have been done years ago. >> shut them down. for george and all the other
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people here who just want to breathe clean air. in the two weeks since we've been back from louisiana, the epa has not shut the plant down. though they tell us the community is a priority for them and that they will soon take additional actions danca, the plant, says they are breaking no lies and deny their emissions put their residents at an increased risk of cancer. as for the children, they're still going to the fifth ward elementary school. back to you. >> thanks to cynthia mcfadden. ahead in our next hour, an interview with the president of planned parenthood as we await a court decision on a key abortion drug plus, we'll talk to a texas mom pleading with u.s. officials to help find her son who disappeared in mexico. stay with us
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8:00 am
good morning it is 11:00 a.m. eastern, 8:00 a.m. pacific new overnight, china and russia confirming that xi will visit russia next week while that's expected to affect russia's war with ukraine. we're keeping our eyes on the markets with new details on how wher wall street is coming to the rescue dow jones down about


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