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tv   Chris Jansing Reports  MSNBC  March 24, 2023 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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good day, i'm chris jansing live at msnbc headquarters in new york city. donald trump's attorney now calling for an investigation intojf the investigators, the latest attemptçó to smear manhattan d.a. alvin bragg and derail the hushñi money probe. it comes afq÷i posted three dozen times in the lf,xd repeatedly gy(uáacking br
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human scumw3 and a danger to th country. the former president with noi] shortage of things ÷:oxd say, b are his supporters still listening? meanmeanwhile, theçó bigger danger forfá trump may not be i $eh! new york but in e1d.c., what mit have been told about documents that trump had stashed at mar-a-lago. and the usñ senti]t(i]q f 1 syria after a dead americans at a localñi military base, one ogñ two attacks in th past 36 hours.e1 a live update from the pentagon is just an hour away.:e"5 video, that's manuel oliver, the father of one of the teenagers killed in the fápark we'll tell you why and% lkt( to himqfritáájjt up. but wexd start with donald trump, squeezed in the vice of multiple criminal investigations and las ■9
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he even re-tweeted this article showing him with a bat next to another photo of bragg's head. but all of this isq als÷h■ seám asçó rallying cry to his base a a plea for donations ahead of trump's first major campaign rally tomorrow night in waco, texas. i want to bringlr' nbc'si]lp va hillyard live outside mar-a-lago in west palm beach, tim miller is writer at large for the bulwark and an msnbcxd politica analyst. tim, what is all this? is trump just venting? is he money raising? is he just whipping up the base? is the pressure getting to him? what do you think is goinglp on ? >> reporter: qyeah, well, ifá h but this is a deranged person.
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we can look at the politics, but also just the reality for a second. if you were reading these bleeps that he's been sending out for the past 24 hours out loudq in coffee shop, people would be running away
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>> right, his te%1■ counsel not only in manhattan but we saw a>c similar type of a letter, an for donald trump this is an effort to essentially sayñqe1 t republicans either you're with
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me or you're against me. as tim outlined here, we have seen time and again donald trump z on those within the republican party to have his back, and that is why when he goes w■■ south carolina on a campaign stop,z#-■ñ@ht'sq notabn youw3nb■ see the li)qáhjsr'dsey graham and governor mcmaster standing busi."cs his side. that pressure is only going to in a general election, it's a whole different conversation. we are talking about a republican nomination process, and what you see over theaëuzçó of these last especially 12 hours in which he is suggesting that there could b-v; quote, potential death and destruction if he were charged, he's warning his supporters that thereq coul ñurmoil, hatred, and he is suggesting that this is he is sending outg
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do you think there is worth extrapolating anything out of do his posts have the same impact theyé@■ >> a million and a half dollars is not nothing. i think he knows this is squeezing money, and his team knows they're squeezing money out of xdfolks.
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i don't know if it was an intentional plan to leak the, you know, arrest on tuesday onf his fake twitter because it could help them ra■se money, buk they definitely acted likejf it was an intentionalq plan. he began sending out these fund-raising missives after i don't think we can >> well, you bringw3 up ron desantis. let's talk about him, tim. he hadok maybe a li time recently rolling out úi+ ideas on national and
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international issues. ovet republican told "politico" it was, quote, a momentum speed bump for desantis,■óxd partly 3znews cycle but al what arefáxtó perceived as miss on things like ukraine. he denied he had amended his criticized for calling the war a territorial dispute. >> i care more aboutr our own border in the unite) states than i do about the russia/ukraine border. it seems like the establishment, some of the people you mentioned, they ignore the problems that we have here at home as americans. >> so what do you make of this? first of all, is going on with friendlyok journalistsñrlp like morgan and newsmax going to held get him ready for the natio
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you know what this is reminiscent of, what happened when scott walker came out of the gate. remember allt( this -- people might not remember, in may ofxd 2015, scott walker was the hot ticket. a lot ofñi people were saying h like desantist( had this conservative government record in wisconsin. he could ignite the establishment in the base of the party, andxdw3 what happened? you got out of the gate and started getting some questions that he didn't havelp to answern then you backtrack it. what you end upxd doingxdñr is angering both sides. the immigration hawks were mad at him and the establishment. i think desantis is risking that getting more o international side of the party madñi at him while having the ma side of the party start to &/]!
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flamed out. vaughn hillyard, thank you.lp in the meantime, while the new york grand jury investigation intoq donald trump is on hold fr the fáweekend, the one in washington ramped upe1 today bringinr' trump's own testify amidñi reporting that t former preár"ent may have misle1 corcoran and governmente1 officials about the documents at mar-a-lago. corcoran left the courthouse 40 $nutes r roughly three and a half hours. let me bring in ken dilanian, joyce vance is former u.s. attorney and lawçó professor at the university ofq alabama. she is anñilxosnbc legal analys. ken, w$at more do we know about corcoran? what is he going to tell the grand jury, and what aboutp(t%m additional documentation and evidence that he wasq supposed o turn çóover? >> reporter: chris, corcoran's testimony came afte2ñá a federa judge ruled that the department
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of justice has successfully shown that there was evidence that donald trump committed a crime thru,@■ hisçóçóxd attorne q)eforsr!what's known as the crime fraud exception to attorney/client privilege applies here, so you had this remarkable situation where the president's attorney is in the grand jury in that courthouse behind me testifying in this 5qm1ñ and what we thinkok he was testifying abouti] in part is ts question of this document that trump's lawyers executed and that was false because three icç monthsr mar-a-lago andxd found more tha 100 classified documents, including some very significant ones in dona&d trump's office. so theçó questionçó has always who lied to the justice department about classified documents? was it@qmnald trump's lawyers? evan corcoran is a former federal prosecutor.
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or was it donald trump, did he cause that misleading or false statement? that's whate1 we believelp evan corcoran is testifyingç?dabout. there's one report thatfá he haa recording or transcripts of recordings. there's been ae1 lot of speculation. what that is. this isq about the original ruling that corcoran could testify. in a lengthy memorandum of law that accompanied the ruling, judge howell according to two peoplet( briefedb.■ on the matt
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laid out damning assertions that mr. trump knowingly deceived the government and caused mr. corcoran to misstate to prosecutors where the documents were being held at mar-a-lago. so some people might see thatxd and say from a non-legal pe2)aq(ur+ex he's not naive.
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hwó understands that there is a crime called obstruction of justice. the events that we'rejf seeing todayñr suggest that it's entiry possible the former president was nott( truthful with his lawyers and now prosecutors are trying to get the details to determine whether they can brinr charges in that qregard. >> joyce, also according to "th■ times," another trump attorney has also been ordered toçó testify, a woman by the name of mi testimony be significant?fái] >> we don't know a lot abouti] r }ájját(uron to thee1 classified
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so it looks at this point as thougha5■ prosecutors ar,% >> there is a patte)n that may be developing. why one of the radars used toi] detect incoming threats wasqñy town. a ground breaking ruling, what the parents of school shooter will say when they."■ sd trail for5a■ involuntary manslaughter. and ne■ signs of russian aggression in the arctic, the evid(v you're watching ht■"chris jansi reports" only on msnbc. nutes, while other allergy sprays take hours. now with astepro fast allergy relief,
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in retaliation for those air xd strikesjw@&h(lc% no one was hurt in that attack. nbc'sok kelly o'donnell joins u (rráe |■house. i know we are expecting to learn yp at the top of the next hour, but >> reporter: well, as we await getting whatever new details we are able to provide through thaq 1pi%%9 important things that we have already learned. part of thatxd is that presiden biden a■thorized the u.s. military action while he was aboard air force one heading to ottawa,e1i] canada, for thei] ms dtqi (át(tutáhp)e covering righ now. part of what we've also learned
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so there'slp always a risk of things going sideways, and we saw that take place here. here's a bitt( of the exchange between kirbyqlp and andrea mitchell. >> it's prettye1 clear to us an to the intelligence community andñi to the pentagon that this
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was, no kidding, an iranian u one-way drone attack. we've been able to identiñd] tht with certainty, and of course that's what led to the president's decision to retaliatet( against iran-backed militant groups and+■i] theirlp supporters in syria. >> reporter: and the f 15ñit(s carried out the strike from the u.s. side are based inçó qatar the base there, an÷ they were able toi]fá carry out this miss and part of what they're trying to assess now is didfáñi th■ u. action then prompt some otherxd sponsored by thefá iranians. a lot of that needs to be sorted out2@!nd that may well be what we learnq more from from the pet gone as we expect their briefin( to come atnb■ the top of the ho. but another ex■mple of how the presidentç"is getting informatin and having to make realtimefá decisions even while he's in the midst of other important international business. chris. >> kellyfá o'donnell, thank you for that. .
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from a legal standpoint, that phrase, reasonably foreseeable, what could it mean? >>fá e1k=&l, it matters becauses is a very unusual charge. this isn't a murder charge. 'a involved. for involuntary manslaughter there has to be a showing by prosecutors of gross negligence. so establishing that the deaths ñ crumbley's son had made some drawings, school authorities had called the parents in. the parents failed to disclose that he hadx0@(qáj toñrñi a fir
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andt( so this all comes togethe as the prosecution's theory of the case. >> let me give you a little more detail on what you were just mentioning, joyce. the state courtñr said these5a■ murders would not have happened if the parents,i] first of all, did not buyt( him a gun, but al you have to learn not to get caught. so it sounds like this is a bu)s"ing case. this isa5■ a case that far beyo what some people have wanted in
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5a■ which is ju the parents should havelp never provided açó gun. >> it's the facts xere that are1 so extreme. fgun, provi"ed training,q failed to secure it, anda5■ then on the d thatp you're talking u chris, when they're called in by school authorities, not only do they resist taking ethan home, they don't let school authorities know that he had access to a firearm. and so it's unusual to seei] parents chargedc@?t,■ i think this case may just be a one-off, butt( given the fact he ñ that ñ meritorious legal theory, and a ñury can considyñ the evidence and decide whether or not the parents should be convicted. >> is assuming it does go to trial, joyce, and we know that we are a country thatht■ is dee divided on theñi use, the how much of this case might be won or lost inxd jury selection?p]"t won or lost in jury selection to some !ññ1extent, but what the j
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some !ññ1extent, but what the j houseçó republicansiaheadini
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kim miller is back with us. jake, marjorie taylor greene claims and she wrote a big letter she posted on herq websie that she's received reports of abuse in the jail and of conditions that -- these are her
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to keep it in the news. i don't understasw that. kevin mccarthy handed over 42,000 or so hours of video xd f i don't quitet( understand that either. january 6th, according to people who are sane andxd who understa what happened on that day, was an atrocious dayt( in which peoe tried to, as we seei] in these images, storm the capitol to trp to stop the count of the 2020 election becauseñi theye2rht■ fr some reason it was fraudulent. it's no more difficult thançó repo keep it in the news, quite frankly, i don't quitef y understand it. >> we mentioned the two progressive democrats joining what they call theçmaga-ledlp
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tour. at least those democrats have a reform andu >> we'll see what comes out of the democrats. maybe they are just doing this for engagement, thesei]g i think?;■
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this, that is impassioned by whatb.■ they feel is -- and whas rampant in conservative media is this claim that there's a "n■ two-tiered justice system when conservatives are the victims whet marjorie taylor greene wing. they control the speakership, he has such a narrow majority that like marjorie taylor greene jetting, you know, from supporting him might imperil the speakership, and5a■ so i think s allowing this to go along for that reason.
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babbitt's mother said they discussed9■ mccarthy's comments although shet( didn't go into detail ab■ut what that conversation was. what line is mccarthy trying to walk hear by first, defending the police officer and then meeting with ú >> mccarthy was pretty forceful in hisjfñi comments. wh that he thoughá the police didñ( their job and he didn't mince words with that. 1ords with that. mccarthy ñor as long as i have, although he hasn't met with some
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gunse1 on capitol hill yesterda, the father of oneñi of theçó parkland victims was arrested after this exchange with republican congressman pat fallon. take a look. >> is thist( anw3fáçó insurrect? so will they be held to thelp same -- i don't want another january 6th, do we? government, theyi] ought to beq held to the same standard, but i thinkxd they're trying to expre the views. >> does the capitolñr police no do their jobs? what in the hell is goiv8 on? >> manuele1 oliver,q fatherxd o parkland victim joaquin oliver joins uslp nw.6■ thanks so much forxd being here. what were you trying trsay? what did you want members of that committee to hear in that room? evñ9áváhing was axdqçóñixd big
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putting the atf a#f the main problem and not talking about the realfá problem, which is gu you can see these guys joking, laughing, smiling, comparing me with thexd insurrection. that says a lot of our leaders, and if i had two options,v/qq ir raise my kids boysjfñixdçóñiqfá get arrested. >> congressmant( maxwell frost tweeted this fávidey iñi looked it again a couple of hours ago, and it hadfáxp] 1.6 million vie. so would you do that overñi aga just to try to get your message out to draw some attention tot( what happened in thatçó r >> well, let me be veryj8 i did not receive a warning from the d my wife did not receivj] a warningt(t( from theq xdchairma.
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warningt(t( ere pulled from thed immediately after that i wast( ó2tqáuq",ñi i was thrown to the floor. pmerñ weñi mentioned th in the florida legislature, one ofñifá them reversing a legisla win thatq cameçóçó out of the m actually, we were ablee1 -- (
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we're moving backwards, so it's a shame on the state.w3e1ñi i think that ron desantis hasym very evident way of thinkingñi d puttingçóñiq priorities togethed gun violence are not partç"of that. so i hope that we can make things happen+■ before itñ gets right now in denver, all students in the publicñr school system are off for a mental health lpday. it comes aftooting at a
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two world leaders are embroiled in domestic political crises centeredxd on thejf limif executive power. francisñi emmanuel macronr israel's benjamin netanyahu remainingq defiant in the face f widespread and violent demonstrationsi] at home. for macron, the decision to sidestep parliament and force through an unpopular penw8■on reform plan unleashedçó a furio outcry across france,x$$u$oughx survived two no confidence votes. for netanyahu already the focus of anñi ongoing corruption prob a plan to overhaul the israeli judicial system has sparked weeks of protests that show no signs of letting up. i want to bring in david
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ignatius, foreign columnist and associate editor for "the washington post." france where it's estimated a million people took to the streets of paris yesterday alone, and they've reached fare from the capitol. this was the scenexd in bordeau overnight whenq protesters apparently lit city hall% fire. macron is making the hard choice, yesterday he said this reform isn't a luxury, it's a necessity, but do you think he can keep this up? >> well, i have sympathy for macron in trying to deal with the demographic realities in france. but i'm struck in france and israel by the away in which democratic elected leaders are trying to change what's seen as the social contract. change fundamentals of how people live, how the laws work. in france, this retirement issue, it goes to the heart of what people think of as the social deal they have with the government, and they're furious.
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so whether it's necessary or not to align france long-term with demographic realities so, a separate question, i think, from the way it's being done and the degree of public anger, which is extraordinary. >> and it is in israel as well. israel's attorney general said today that netanyahu broke the law with his involvement in overhauling the judiciary. we have seen the weeks of protest, escalating violence with the palestinians. we have seen rare, how do you think that netanyahu's position is right now, and what might the implications be? >> well, what makes it tenuous in my mind is the protests in israel have now spread widely among the community that we think of as being part of israeli military and intelligence life. preservists are refusing to serve their terms. some of the people out on the
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streets, hundreds of thousands of people from the heart of the israeli national security elite. i think it's a warning sign to netanyahu, the essential strength of israel is in some ways implicated in these protests. people have been expecting him to back down, expecting a compromise by senior israeli official. one was coming a week ago but they're not there yet, and, again, i think netanyahu feels that his ability to govern with his coalition is at stake. otherwise i think he would have made a deal a week ago. >> we haven't even mentioned india, david, where there's been something of a political earthquake, leader of the political opposition to prime minister modi has been disqualified as a member of parliament. do you think there's a legitimate worry people have been voicing about the future of india's democracy? >> so i'm troubled to see three great democracies in the israel
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and france, all suffering from fundamental problems in terms of social cohesion, social contract as i said earlier. i think under prime minister modi, india has had some rocky moments that i think modi needs to pay attention to keeping the fabric of consensual aspect of indian democracy solid. but it is striking, isn't it, that in these three countries around the world, we're seeing kind of fundamental challenges to democratic stability. >> we are indeed, david ignatius, always glad to have you on the program. russian military threats are growing in the arctic, the new evidence being shared exclusively with nbc news, next. it disrupts my skin with itch. it disrupts my skin with rash. but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq. rinvoq is not a steroid,
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new claims from norway, a growing russian threat in the arctic. the naval ally releasing a trove of videos exclusively to nbc news. here's tom costello. >> reporter: in the forbidding cold on the north sea, nato is fully armed and on watch. for three days and two nights, we joined a crew of the norwegian navy coast guard ship. >> we are cutting west. >> a new nato mission, standing guard over the massive oil and gas fields here that keep europe and britain warm. it's a high priority. this exclusive video from the norwegian air force shows russian nuclear as you said, ships, and fighter jets moving through and over these highly vulnerable waters between norway and scotland. adrian valonger is the ship's
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officer. what are we seeing out here? >> they are russian missiles with weird sailing patterns that makes me suspicious. >> reporter: and something else that norwegian fast boats are now chasing down. what makes nato and norway awfully suspicious right now is the number of drones that have been flying over norway's oil and gas platforms, even as refineries. if it is russia, they have spent years surveying the landscape, and they know precisely where all of norway's vulnerabilities might be. >> they come and they just disappear and don't necessarily head back home to a mothership. >> nato warship 333, this is whiskey 342, over. >> reporter: we were there as nato moved german, spanish and dutch warships into norway's gas fields. norwegian foreign minister. how critical is norway to the alliance. >> norway to the north, in case
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of a military attack against norway, we are absolutely dependent on reforcement from nato allies. >> reporter: six months after someone blew up the nord stream pipeline that ran from russia to germany, there are plenty of theories about who did it. russia, ukrainian sympathizers, britain, the u.s., even norway. did norway have any role at all in the attack on nord stream? >> no, not at all. >> reporter: vladimir putin has accused the u.s. and the west of the attack, claims the u.s. has dismissed. back on our norwegian patrol ship, heightened vigilance. it's not just the oil and gas platforms, it's also the undersea pipeline to carry oil and gas, and internet, data and telecom lines stretching all the way across the atlantic, and all of it vulnerable to sabotage. the economy vulnerable to attack. tom costello, nbc news. we have a lot to cover in our second hour of "chris
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jansing reports." let's get right to it. >> after this hour, more air strikes in ukraine as new reporting pulls back the curtain on what types of weaponry russia is sending to the front lines and what it tells us about the state of the war. that's next. plus, what lawmakers are saying today about the future of tiktok after the popular app's ceo got an amazing and hard-to-watch-at-times, grilling on capitol hill. president biden, the new deals between the country concerning the border. we are moments away from hearing from the pentagon after the u.s. launched air strikes against iranian linked targets in syria. that happened after a u.s. contractor was killed and others wounded during a drone strike in the country. our nbc reporters are following all ofhe


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