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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  March 8, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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>> i'm sure they're comfortable. >> now what do you think about, because this is casual ayman. we showed him doing the real work out there, and when he anchors he's often a little more dressed up. we got the kicks. okay. all right. teamwork there. we got you. >> my personal fashion, as my daddy said, early to bed, early to rise, work like hell and advertise. independent film, bro. >> i don't have an ayman mug or anything. >> we got a lighter. >> i want to thank our veteran returning customer, ayman mohyeldin, and mario van peebles. outlaw posse, check it out. what a week. that does it for us. "the reidout" starts now. tonight on "the reidout" -- >> now, maga republicans and donald trump want to pass a
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national ban on the right to choose, period. well, take it seriously, folks. that's what they're heading for. hear me loud and clear, this will not happen on my watch. >> after giving him hell, harry truman style last night, an energized president biden takes his message on the road, delivering a strong defense of freedom, democracy, and reproductive rights. biden also shamed republicans for trying to bury the truth about january 6th. two heroes of that day, former officers michael fanone and harry dunn join me tonight. plus, as biden talks about saving democracy, what's trump up to? while his daughter-in-law is turning the rnc into the new family business, he's hosting a live action episode of the apprentice with hungary's anti-immigrant fearmonger, and
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would be prime minister for life viktor orban, only in this dystopian series, donald trump is the apprentice. >> but we begin tonight with the gloves off version of president joe biden, who used his state of the union address to stand up for freedom and democracy at home and abroad. in what was likely his most important speech as he runs for re-election, biden was forceful and coherent. opening with a riff on the u.s. standing up to hitler in the 1940s and ronald reagan facing down the ussr, and then putting a primetime spotlight on reproductive rights, including calling out the supreme court to their faces for ending the federal right to abortion. biden issued a wake-up call on the threats to democracy we're facing, ripping the republican party over january 6th. while using frequent ad-libs to draw battle lines with donald trump, whom he referred to 13 times during the speech as my
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predecessor. >> i see a future where defending democracy, you don't diminish it. i see a future restoring the right to choose and protect our freedoms, not take them away. i know it might not look like it, but i have been around a while. when you get to be my age, certain things become clearer than ever. my lifetime has taught me to embrace freedom and democracy. a future based on core values that define america, honestly, decency, dignity, equality. to respect everyone. to give everyone a fair shot, to give hate no safe harbor. other people my age see it differently. i will always be president for all americans because i believe in america. >> the president energized dems in the chamber, amped them up really, so much so the reverend
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raphael warnock complimented biden afterward for preaching. >> i'm a preacher, i know a sermon when i hear one. i heard one tonight. >> it's helpful to remember that biden, who was a senator for decades, was on his home turf. he enjoyed himself so much, he stayed until the lights went out, literally, taking husband time exiting the house chamber as he caught up with lawmakers and chatted about policy. he also got a standing ovation and fist bump from united autoworkers president shawn fain emerging as a top surrogate for biden's re-election bid in michigan. quite a split screen with the assembled republicans who were for the most part silly, obnoxious, performative. like troy nehls, who wore without irony a shirt with trump's mugshot printed on it along with the words, never surrender. even though the photo is of trump literally surrendering. as for marjorie taylor greene, let's say you can't elect your way to class or dignity. she put herself in violation of
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house rules by donning a trump campaign hat from his past failed election bid. the contrast with the other side couldn't be clearer, but the most damning split screen of all wasn't the maga clowns who were there but rather the ring master in florida, who spent the night fuming over biden's success by using snapchat filters to turn biden into a pinocchio and a dog. as if he's a petulant middle schooler with a phone and not enough homework. but the tomfoolery aside, the truly terrifying contrast has to do with what trump reportedly did today. which was to meet with viktor orban, hungary's autocratic prime minister. the dictator play date was to occur at mar-a-lago, home of trump and quite possibly our national secrets. or bon champions what he calls illiberal democracy. after losing his bid for re-election in 2002, he plotted a comeback that would insure he
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never lost again. had he was elected again in 2010, he got to work quickly. his crackdown on the media and judiciary in the country, his loyalists rewrote the hungarian constitution and wrote hundreds of laws to keep his party in power and render elections no more than a formality. trump has an affinity for men like orban and putin and kim jong-un, it's an infatuation he shares with the american right. away we go. after cowing nearly every elected republican as of today, trump has now officially taken over the republican national committee. with the installation of loyalist michael whatly, the former head of the north carolina republican party and lara trump, donald trump's daughter-in-law. whatly is a proud election denier, while lara claims republican voters want the rnc to pay her father-in-law's massive legal bills. she could be right. after all, it's a cult.
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it's also a viktor orban style playbook, seizing control of first a major political party and then any institution that stands in his way. we are now in a political reality where the age and experience of people like joe biden are viewed as a political liability. while cult-like fandom matters more. have a listen to beth block, the rnc member who officially nominated lara trump this morning as she invokes nothing less than god all mighty in making her nomination of the new and unqualified leader. >> in a world where qualifications are often measured by titles and years of experience, we are reminded of a powerful truth. god does not call the qualified. he qualifies the called. lara trump is the embodiment of this truth. >> joining me now is tom nichols, staff writer for the atlantic. and michael beschloss. thank you both for being here.
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there's a combination of it being frightening and just deeply unserious. last night, i thought that republicans put on a show that would have been embarrassing if middle schoolers did it. it wasn't dignified. it wasn't adult. it was silly. at the same time, it did also show that they truly have drunk the authoritarian kool-aid. they're all autocrat enablers and sycophants and they wanted it to be displayed. your thoughts. >> the word you left out is opportunists. many are doing this because they like being in congress. i mean, look, george santos showed up. you know, once they have been in the chamber, they don't want to go home. and if, you know, wearing silly t-shirts and funky bow ties and flouting the house rules by wearing hats is what keeps you living in washington, that's what they're going to do. but it is a weird double-edged sword on the one hand, you say this is just a clown show. on the other hand, there are
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clowns with flame throwers are not funny. and so, you know, it's both laughable but also deeply dangerous, and it's damaging to our democracy to have that kind of spectacle in the people's house. these used to be serious events. and they're just not right now. >> indeed. you wonder what the world is thinking when they're watching. i'm going to do something i don't normally do. i'm going to play you to you. this is you when we were talking about what we were expecting. >> all biden needs to do, i think, is to make it clear, you know, yo, americans, a lot of people have risked and given their lives over centuries to protect your rights and to expand your rights. are you willing to give all of that up by voting for a gambling opponent, someone who is an ex-president, who loves dictators and wants dictatorship here? >> michael, how did he do? >> i think he did great.
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because see, this is the thing. what i was really worried about is you have a majority of the american people, i believe, and i'm optimistic about this, who love democracy. they don't want to give up their rights. they don't want someone arriving in their town square and sending their sister to a labor camp. i mean, that's the kind of thing that happens as the three of us know, under dictatorships. so on the issues, joe biden should actually have a fairly easy year. i believe in a definite majority of americans love democracy and hate dictatorship. at the same time, think of that speech last night, he showed vitality and all of the things we have been talking about. but he also unveiled position after position that are with an american majority, on things like reproductive health and tax rates for billionaires. he's against helping them in the way they are right now, that
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8.2% rate he talked about. ukraine, he's against a candidate, donald trump, who says to putin, under certain circumstances, do whatever the hell you want. gun safety. so on paper, this should be an easy winnable race for joe biden, especially with an amazingly strong record over the last three years. what i was worried about until last night was that people would be distracted by the illusion and the untruth that joe biden is not able to be president, couldn't have that record unless you had this wisdom and skill over the last three years that comes from a half century working in a democracy. so to the extent that last night that truman esque performance dispelled those doubts, last night could be a turning point. >> i think it was. i think he definitely changed, i think, the perceptions, and he's pushed the media off their narrative of he's old and feeble. clearly not. but and tom, i want to come back
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to you on this. what i have found remarkable, the other day, i treated myself to about ten straight minutes of listening to donald trump, just straight. and i was -- what was remarkable to me was how utterly -- >> poor joy. >> i did it so you don't have to. and what i found remarkable was how utterly incoherent he was. it sounded like his brain was mush. i said to my team, look, we have to play a little of it. i don't like playing donald trump much. what's remarkable is the perception of biden is that he's old and feeble and his cognitives aren't good. when he actually speaks, he sounds perfectly normal, vigorous, and he sounds in control. let me let you listen to a little bit of donald trump. i'm only going to make you listen to 35 seconds. >> this is an incredible group of people. so many celebrities that i'm not going to introduce any because i'm going to get myself in trouble if i do because i'll leave out most of you. a tragic thing happened during the election, a tragedy, because
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you wouldn't have, think of all, all of the problems that you have today, i don't think you would have had any of them. we're a third world country at our borders and a third world country at our elections. and we have to stop that. >> our cities are choking to death, our states are dying. and frankly, our country is dying. right now, our country is known as a joke. it's a joke. >> tom, not only is none of that even close to true, it's ridiculous, honestly. i wonder what does one say about a country where adults listen to that and then listen to biden and say no, i want that. that is what should be the president. that's how the president should sound. >> and those weren't the worst clips you could have played. >> no, they're not. >> there are much worse. you know, it's been an unfair double standard against his opponents, where joe biden has to lay to rest the age issue.
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but donald trump never has to lay to rest the mental instability issue. that, you know, joe biden is old. okay, we get it. he's 81. he doesn't spring up the stairs like a man of 35. donald trump is unhinged. you know, i'm not going to diagnose him, but there's clearly something wrong with the man. and the question, you know, that you raise, how do people look at that and say that's what i want, i think there's a couple answers. first, his base doesn't care. his base thinks of him -- the worst he is, the more they love him because they think of him as revenge on all of their other fellow voters, and the more uncomfortable he maks everyone, they think that's great because they don't care about passing legislation, protecting the country, who is holding the codes to 1500 nuclear weapons that are on station right now. they just don't care about that. the rest of the country, i think, says we have been seeing
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this guy on tv and he's kind of a weirdo and that's his act. that's his schtick. and they either don't know or they wave it off. it's really disturbing how often you'll have a conversation with something and bring up this behavior and they'll say i have never seen that, i don't know that, it didn't matter to me. i think it's because that's just priced in. they think he's a tv character. and this is a tv show. and they forget that every single day, every morning, someone is going to hand that guy a little card that has the codes to america's nuclear arsenal on it. and they're not thinking twice about that because it just doesn't impinge on that reality tv mentality that too many americans have. >> and so, i come back to you, michael beschloss, because i can't find an analog for it. we have had presidents who were venal, we had presidents who were not super bright. we had all kinds of types of presidents. we haven't had this type. this type is a viktor orban who
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wants to literally do what viktor orban did, come back into office after having lost re-election, and then rewrite the constitution with the help of his project 2025 friends. they already have the playbook down. they want to follow viktor orban's model, change things about our laws and our constitution and judiciary so he'll never lose again. he wants to do that because he's afraid of going to prison and because he's a child and because he's a narcissist, and because he can't admit he lost an election. people are willing to let him do it. i wonder if there's an analog for that anywhere in our history. >> the sad thing is there really isn't, joy. and tom, you know, can we think of a major party nominee who has ever talked this way about being a dictator for a day? or pitting the police and the u.s. armed forces against this guy's political enemies or suspending the constitution? this is way off anything we have seen in american history. and tom, you were talking about
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the tv show he was on for over a decade, which a lot of people saw, for a lot of time, that was a popular show. it had a romanticized view of donald trump. tough, effective businessman with a heart of gold. none of those things were true. but for people who were watching that week after week for over a decade, they were brainwashed to some extent, some were, in a way that we're still suffering from. so all i'm saying is that it's the job of the three of us and people who feel as we do to make sure that the real issues this year are discussed, and that is do americans want a dictatorship and give away your rights? no, americans don't. do you want to agree with these crazy policy positions that we were just alluding to? the polls say that isn't the case either. so if donald trump loses or wins this year, it's going to be because our system did not work, let's all make it work.
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>> amen to that. tom and michael, thank you, friends. and here's to what you said, michael. hopefully that is what happens. up next on "the reidout," president biden called out maga republicans hailing the violent january 6th insurrectionists as heroes. two real heroes of that day, michael fanone and harry dunn, join me next. stay with us.
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. during last night's state of
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the union address, president biden did not shy away from calling out republicans on the need to defend democracy at home and abroad. he highlighted the violent events of january 6th which took place in that very chamber where as the president described it, trump supporters placed a dagger to the heart of american democracy and then biden took donald trump and far right republicans to task for whitewashing those events. >> we must be honest. the threat to democracy must be defended. my predecessor and some of you here seek to bury the truth about january 6th. i will not do that. this is a moment to speak the truth and not to bury the lies. here's the simple truth. you can't love your country only when you win. >> joining me now are two of the heroes of january 6th. former d.c. metropolitan police officer michael fanone and former capitol police officer
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harry dunn, who by the way, is running for congress in maryland. thank you for being here. michael, i want to start with you. we have talked a lot about just you having to process kind of the events of that day in real time as things are still happening in that chamber. i wonder, if you watched the state of the union last night and what you made of it if you watched it, seeing president biden call out those members their faces. >> obviously, i thought that the president's words were appropriate. i'm glad to see that his re-election team is starting to take the threat of democracy seriously and that they are allotting appropriate time for the president to address that threat to the american people. unfortunately, i feel as though many of the institutions that are in place in this country to protect us from an insurrectionist like the former
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president are failing us. or simply not in position to save us from ourselves. i think eventually, it is going to come down to the american people at the ballot box voting to place president biden in office again and keep donald trump out of office. >> i think there's a consensus that you're absolutely correct. harry dunn, we had that same conversation. how about you? you worked in that space, in that place. i know when i was watching it, i did have an eerie feeling seeing regular business being done essentially at the scene of the crime. i wonder how you felt watching it and what you thought of president biden's remarks. >> thanks. good to be on with you. mike, what's up, buddy. this is the first time in 15 years i haven't been working in a law enforcement capacity for the state of the union. to be able to sit down and watch
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it, i'll jump back real quick, the last segment you talked about troy nehls who had on the trump mugshot shirt. never surrender. troy nehls is the former sheriff or a former law enforcement official. for him to say something about never surrender, it's kind of gross to policing and law enforcement as it is. i think the speech by president biden was right on the money and not letting people forget about what happened. that's honestly partially part of the reason why i'm running for congress right now. we need people to continue not just the president, but it's great when the president does it, but people to stand up and push back against the lies that are continually, continually three years later being spread about what happened that day. i applaud michael fanone, i'm encouraged by the work he's doing with so many people, so many people are still showing up and not letting this go away. michael fanone testified last week before one of the
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weaponization committees. we need to continue to show up. like mike said, it's gnaw about these institutions, but they are run by the people. and the supreme court, with their ruling about colorado clearly shows that it's going to be on us american people to save democracy. >> yeah. i mean, and that ruling, you know, this is how axios described it. justices in their concurring opinion monday, the ruling you're talking about allowing trump to stay on the ballot, that it went too far because it could be applied beyond trump. the majority attempts to insulate all insurrectionists to holding future office. i want to ask you first, harry, because you're running. what do you make of the fact the supreme court has cleared the way for insurrectionists to do what you're doing, run for congress? >> i think it goes -- think back real quick when impeachment happens.
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mitch mcconnell and a lot of republicans' arguments is it is the court's decision. let the court decide if he should be fit to or eligible to hold office again. it's not congress' place. but literally, whatever you call the ruling, it literally said that it's congress' job, and colorado did not have the authority do so. but that's why i think it all goes back to people being engaged and involved and educated about these issues, because if you're tuned in to just one thing and you're hearing the maga right say that january 6th, it wasn't bad, it wasn't bad, then they're going to believe that. the people on january 6th were fed lies and they believed it. so we need to continue to fight loud, fight hard, and push back against that. >> no one is doing that, spreading those lies more than donald trump himself, michael. i want to briefly listen to what he's doing. he's doing this at every single rally he holds.
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here is donald trump. >> you heard the j-6 hostages, you saw the spirit, the spirit these people have. you would think they wouldn't have any spirit left, but they have tremendous spirit. what's happened to them is probably to that extent never happened in our country before. >> the idea of the former president referring to those people who are incarcerated for doing violence against people like yourself as hostages and playing a song, their version of the national anthem at his rallies, what do you think of that? >> i mean, it's outrageous, but it's to be expected. donald trump is the insurrectionist leader of this insurrectionist band of violent individuals who attacked law enforcement officers on january 6th. so the fact that he would
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continue to ingratiate himself amongst his supporters by using terms like hostages and political prisoners comes as no surprise to me. that's exactly who donald trump is. and that's what his presidency is all about. >> yeah. unfortunately. and we hope that it does not continue. michael fanone, harry dunn, thank you both. we appreciate you and thank you for all you did on january 6th. and still ahead, more on last night's remarkable address, as joe biden offers up a new plan for delivering desperately needed food aid to gaza. we'll be right back. oooh! i can't wait for this family getaway! shingles doesn't care. shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. ahhh, there's nothing like a day out with friends.
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. one of president biden's biggest challenges when it comes to his progressive base is his handling of the sprawling humanitarian crisis in gaza. here is how he addressed the crisis last night. >> tonight, i'm directing the u.s. military to lead an emergency mission to establish a temporary pier in the mediterranean on the coast of gaza that can receive large shipments carrying food, water, medicine, and temporary shelter. the leadership of israel, i say this, humanitarian assistance cannot be a secondary
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consideration or a bargaining chip. protecting and saving innocent lives has to be a priority. >> joining me now is dean obeidallah, host of the dean obeidallah show on sirius xm and our friend. ee have talked many times about president biden's challenges when it comes to states like michigan and the muslim and arab american community when it comes to gaza. how did he do last night. and you just heard what he said. what do you make of his proposal? for that proposal can save lives. he had great words first, informing america about thousands, as he said, innocent palestinians were killed. thousands of women and children have been killed. rubble of the cities, schools gone, mosques gone, churches gone. i'm glad americans heard it. and he backs it up with policy, which is important. it's a humanitarian catastrophe. i have to say, the people who voted on committee, the more than 1,000 black pastors who sent letters to president biden, the young people who protest, the jewish brothers and sisters
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in the streets protesting, you changed president biden's policy, and you're saving lives because this policy will save lives. the world health organization over the weekend, ten palestinian children, children, starved to death. you know, senator van holland has called this a textbook war crime, what netanyahu is doing. but the base and the coalition of people beyond the muslim american community have changed policy. you have literally saved lives. >> let me read you the statement from the michigan group that did uncommitted. they said president biden continues, they said, to not hear the voices of the anti-war movement across our country calling for a permanent cease-fire and an end to weapons funding foryahoo. we would have liked for him to call for an end of war. the people of gaza appreciate the bandages from biden opening a port, but they demand an end. we know the pressure from
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uncommitted democratic voters is working as biden continues to give us wholly insufficient messages. i think it is true that these two sets of votes, 13.2% uncommitted in michigan and 19% in minnesota, you know, more than 200,000 votes there, definitely caused him to shift. what do you make of the hot mic moments when he apparently said that he wants to see -- he's expressing displeasure with netanyahu over a hot mic? >> i was glad he did it. look, netanyahu is not a friend of the democratic party. a come to jesus moment, the idea we're going to change policy. that should have happened several months ago, as we saw the carnage in gaza, and netanyahu has long been part of the gop apparatus. he was disrespectful to president biden, there were articles of john lewis criticizing netanyahu for doing
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that. and biden is waking up to that now. earlier in the week, they met with benny gantz. that statement in michigan, i agree with the essence of it. i applaud the step to save lives but we're feeding palestinians to the ocean and given weapons to netanyahu on the land to kill more palestinians. to say it's inconsistent policy at the least, fwhut policy will save lives going forward, and president biden has to stop giving military weapons to netanyahu now where it's clearly war crimes going on, and i say that objectively. collective punishment, that's what president biden described. starvation as a weapon is a war crime. senator van holland said it on the senate floor two weeks ago. this is what is happening and our money is supporting this and we're complicit in this and we have to stop supporting netanyahu completely at this point. >> you are a radio host which i envy because you get to talk to people over the radio. are you hearing if biden as he
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changes can win back some of those who are uncommitted ipplaces like michigan and minnesota and who are angry about this policy, can he win those voters back? >> i think some of them, but look, to be honest, i have friends who have lost 20, 30, 40 family members in gaza. they look at it as weapons provided by biden. biden vetoed u.n. resolutions, even a week and a half ago, to impose an immediate cease-fire. they're never going to vote joe biden. others will. it's going to take time and policy. seven months to do it, and we're part of a coalition of many communities. we can't turn our back on other communities because they stood up for us now. seven months to change this, and president biden has to time. he's showing us he's got the will. let's see if he can make it happen going forward. >> dean obeidallah, thank you very much. i appreciate you always. >> who won the week is still ahead. but first, how republicans are reacting to last night's
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address, and the, shall we say, odd republican response by senate newcomer katie britt. stay with us. sst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills.
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i want to make a direct appeal to the parents out there. and in particular, to my fellow moms. we see you. we hear you.
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and we stand with you. >> well, you might have caught the republican response to president biden's state of the union address delivered by alabama senator katie britt. it, shall we say, is not getting great reviews from republicans. an anonymous strategist said, quote, it's one of our biggest disasters ever, which is something considering bobby jindal's awkward speech. they said what a lot of people thought. farrah griffin tweeted, senator katie britt is a very impressive person. i do not understand the position to put her in a kitchen for one of the most important speeches she's ever given. even maga world wasn't thrilled with senator britt's not so subtle appeal to fans of retrograde america. right wing stroll charlie kirk said, quote, joe biden just declared war on the american right and katie britt is talking like she's hosting a cooking show, whispering how democrats don't get it. pizza gate influencer raged that
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she didn't even mention donald trump. for his part, trump says he loved it. especially the fearmongering about the border. here's a bit of that. >> president biden's border policies are a disgrace. this crisis is despicable. >> although as my friend and colleague rachel maddow noted and others have pointed out, senator britt helped negotiate the bipartisan border security bill, but voted against it after trump told republicans not to take away his pet issue. joining me now is john fugelsang, host of tell me everything, and journalist liz plank, author of airplane mode on subset. thank you for being here. john, i don't -- i mean, a lot of people on the right didn't like the speech. tommy tuberville loved it. he said the following. he said she was picked as a
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housewife, not just a senator. somebody who sees it from a different perspective. she did what she was asked to do. by definition, housewife and senator are two different things. anyway, what did you think? >> i mean, tommy tuberville better like it because he's now the smartest senator in alabama. i was broadcasting live last night so i didn't get to see the end. did katie britt ever get to speak with a manager because that's what i was watching. she put the q in karen last night. no, really, what antidepressant is this at ad for. this is like the scene in the lifetime movie before she loses her job and has to move back home. coming after that speech by president biden which was so impressive which he did at 81 with a stutter. and thehe gives that speech and it was so cynical that the republican party thought their rebuttal should be this lip service to women and younger voters, that they're not actually interested in serving. i think she did her job great. i think she's going to generate
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a lot of votes for the democratic party. >> let me play one more bite. this is katie britt for you, liz, talking really graphic, this is where it went dark where she talks about this cartel rape issue. >> she told me not just that she was raped every day but how many times a day she was raped. the cartels put her on a mattress in a shoebox of a room. and they sent men through that door over and over again. >> liz, she says this story is about when she first took office in the del rio section of texas. she spoke to a woman who said she had been sex trafficked by cartels at age 12. it's a horrific story she told, but the challenge is when i was listening to her tell the story, what i was thinking in part is that this woman is 100% antiabortion. so if that story happened today,
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or even with this young girl who was 12, she would expect if that young woman got pregnant that young girl got pregnant, that child got pregnant, she would force them to have the rapist's child. >> absolutely. >> your thoughts. >> that's a really, really important point. and she was doing her speech from alabama, where yeah, abortion is illegal. and makes no exceptions for rape or incest. and watching katie britt's rebuttal, it feels like that's probably what it felt like watching the titanic sink, where you're seeing a tragedy unfold and there's just nothing you can really do about it. and to your point, i think people are saying that this really didn't go well, but i think this went
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>> reporter: micah johnson, he did not seem to know what to do with his body or face or when to clap. there was one time he stood up and vice president harris looked at him like oh, you are up? >> the entire thing is awkward.
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he couldn't stand up for ending cancer, he couldn't stand up for fighting fascism, he can foul and meek putin happy or not his head and held his caucus. whatever was on his mind he has earned it. he has deserved it and then today matt gaetz will probably call for his removal. >> now the return of george santos apparently running for office and showed up here. your thoughts? >> just wants attention. just using their time in office or the privileges they have
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because of their time in office to elevate their brand when they are supposed to be public servants. i was not surprised to see him there. he needs to sell more of his videos that he does or fans and whatnot and he has legal bills to pay too. >> yes, quite a few. let me play sean hannity's take. here it is. >> tonight america saw a very different joe biden. i might call him jacked up joe and that is being charitable. he sounded like a hyper caffeinated angry old man. >> it sounded like joe biden was cognitively impaired before and now he is amped up.
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>> it is fitting that he said he is on drugs because that is the only way i can watch sean hannity. joe biden has dementia and he is a mastermind as well. this is sean hannity who is more responsible than any other country who is the number one bursar in america push that racist smear for years with no evidence. i would be shocked if he told the truth. >> you really need to come out of your shell. you are just so shy and retiring and you just won't tell us how you feel. in during the break we will have john work on coming out of his shell and don and liz will stick around with us.
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>> breath >> breath
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♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪
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well friends we have made it to the end of another week which means it is time to play our favorite game. who won the week? >> i will have to give a shout out to my home country of canada. this week prime minister justin trudeau announced a new form care program which gives universal contraceptive coverage to all canadian women. free oral contraceptives, free iuds.
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that should give inspiration for lawmakers in the u.s. >> why can't we be canada? >> women who came forward about on campus sexual assault won the week for me. jerry falwell started this to push ideas that had nothing to do with jesus's teachings. we know they were systemically covering up sexual assault. thank you to the women and journalists who broke with the story. >> amen, amen, amen. joe biden i think won the week but in addition to that leisure won the week and our good friend robert lyon we will now embarrass who is one of our incredible team members, our line producer, this is his last day and we will miss you. don't forget us and we will now call you and bother you and text you. we love you.


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