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tv   All In With Chris Hayes  MSNBC  March 15, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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just cold but unexpectedly denying mike johnson a critical seat in that shrinking house majority for republicans and also dealing a double dose of revenge to lauren probert forcing her out of one work -- one race. >> that is so true. now i am so upset i will say my who won the week is the great and glorious miss morley evers williams, her birthday is sunday and she is turning 91. she is fabulous, she is fly and she is still a fierce fighter for justice. thank you very much and be sure
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to join mike on the weekend tomorrow and sunday morning at 8 a.m. eastern and that is to nice reid out. all in with chris hayes starts now. tonight on all in. >> will you be endorsing your former prize and -- president? >> it should come as no surprise i will not be supporting donald trump this year. >> the team here was remarkable and finally gave me a smile that i can be proud of. >> tonight the unbelievable importance of trump's running mate. >> he understands that the devil is in the details so he puts his brilliant daughter-in- law in charge of -- apparatus. indicted ex-president does not get what he is looking for in georgia. >> i just want to find 11,000 780 -- 11,780 votes.
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and why the white house is now openly calling for the maga to give up on impeachment. all in starts now. good evening from new york, i'm chris hayes. say what you will about mike pence and we have on this program. his politics are pandering. even during covid he could be seen gazing into admiration of the boss man, but the one good thing was refusing to sign on to a coup attempted by trump and today we learned he is not on board with coup part to either. >> will you be endorsing your former president? >> well, martha, i appreciate the question and it should come
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as no surprise that i will not be endorsing donald trump this year. >> i mean it comes as something of a surprise to be honest, all it takes to break the cycle of servility is surviving a violent trump mob. despite the risk to life and limb into american democracy there are still lots of people ready to throw their neck into the ring to join donald trump's ticket. >> various names came up. one of them was ron desantis, vivek ramaswany, tim scott. are they all on your short list? >> yeah, sure whatever. i will go out on a limb and say
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it will not be ron desantis. you are getting a very perverse competition taking place on right wing airways and social media although you can apparently take it too far. one contender until last week was alabama senator katie britt but her bizarre widely panned and completely debunked state of the union address to earn her more points with comedy writers than with the trump team. let's focus on those that are bent over backwards to kiss the maga ring. you have to begin with south carolina senator tim scott. started last april when he was testing the waters for a presidential run. >> i am announcing today that i am running for president of the united states of america. >> when i go back to iowa it
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will not be as a presidential candidate, i am suspending my campaign. >> didn't last that long since losing the race in november scott had a very busy couple months finding what he says was the love of his life at church and proposing to her on the beach with a photographer until, something only trump remarked on as he could. >> today was the biggest story, he is engaged to be married. we never thought this was going to happen, what's going on? >> if you win the trump -- tim scott has the inside track. here was his audition tape last night on fox. >> if there is anyone paying attention to the details in 2024 it is donald trump. he understand that the devil is in the details so he puts his
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brilliant daughter-in-law in charge of our orange the apparatus -- of the rnc apparatus. at the end of the day you want the ball in the hands of the best player on the field. that player is donald trump. >> i love everything about that. it is not just scott, there are other senators in contention like jd vance in ohio. vance is campaigning for trump and says the former president has changed his mind. >> would you have certified the election results had you been vice president? >> if i have been vice president i would have told the states that we needed to have multiple slates of electors and i think the u.s. congress should have fought over it from
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there. >> fought over it, that is a great idea. despite that neither vance nor trump nor scott may be his pick. the conventional wisdom suggested trump might look to court women voters by putting one on his ticket. trump says he liked the concept which brings us to south dakota governor christie noem. you remember she ran ads during the presidential debates for herself. >> south dakota state open for business during the pandemic. now we have more jobs than people. so i'm feeling hit -- in until you get here. >> that aired during an issue where she was not participating
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in any elections but that donald trump might have been watching. he is looking for a vice president. noem has been very obviously auditioning for this role but in a strange term it appears she is endorsing a texas dentist on social media doing ads like this. you high, i'm christie noem and i had an opportunity to come to smile texas to fix my teeth. i think i chose the team here because they are the best. i love that my bite is better. >> great, good for you. noem is now being consumed by a consumer group for not declaring the relationship with that dentist. >> i like insoles as much as
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the next guy but at least that company is in her state so it makes sense. not exactly vice presidential unless you are an ex-president who is caught only drifting the public donald trump has a lot of yes women and men vying for his attention but as we learned with mike pence it really matters who the vice president could be especially if the president is going -- david jolly former republican congressman from florida and they both join me now. david, you have served with a number of these people in congress and i'm curious if your assessment of this sort of race to most intensely flatter donald trump and to be the most servile in your performance for him.
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>> yes, fascinating matchup because there is a contrast that comes to mind from the 2016 veepstakes and it shows where the party is today. recall in 2016 donald trump even after clinching the nomination wouldn't get the endorsement of the speaker paul ryan, previous nominees mitt romney, they were not with him. and so mike pence came in as the person who moderated donald trump and was going to be safe and make sure donald trump didn't get the nation in trouble. all of those ideas are out the window now. now it is not just to can enfeeble themselves most two donald trump but who is willing to accelerate and amplify trumpism and the very dangerous things.
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i think the scary thing is the weakness of all the vice president candidates for their willingness to amplify donald trump. i would say among them christie noem is more risk-averse than anyone else and is probably more willing to stand in the shadows and for that there might be some appeal because ultimately the weakest on the stages donald trump looking for one of these candidates and he may indeed be threatened by the big image of some of the other candidates. >> that point that david just made, amanda, i am not a big mike pence fan, his performance in the administration was abysmal, but when the chips were down on this one extremely important question, an existential question he did the right thing and now he is also true to that word and commitment not endorsing trump. it does highlight how important -- the guy is 78 years old. who ends up in the position matters a tremendous amount.
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>> yeah and what mike pence did today is really going to give anyone who is considering being donald trump snacks vice president something to think about and you can kind of see christie noem's reaction, she reacted on twitter or she put out the reaction, what are you thinking? there is a lesson for you to be learned from it only listen to the things in his life that mike pence has lived. i agree that he has a lot to answer for, but today he went and said this, he didn't put out a tweet or statement, he went on fox news on my tv. he also said it after the primaries are effectively over. he didn't do this thing where he said i will support so-and- so for now but eventually support the nominee. i think he means it and i think it is really important because if you look the trajectory of mike pence, who did more to tie
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to polish the ticket and the merits of the accomplishments of the trumpet mike pence legacy in the aftermath of january 6th? he spent a lot of time trying to pick up the part in trying to carve a path forward and for some reason i don't think it was tiktok he woke up today and decided i can't do it anymore. today is a day i am walking away and he is not just walking away from donald trump, he has invested a lot into this project. he has a think tank thing, they go around and try to talk to big donors, their life is trying to breathe life into the next republican administration, whatever that might be in today he said no, that is a huge big deal. >> it is a great point. there was some reporting that tiktok mentioned that they had differing views on a number of issues including the tiktok band and also whether mike pence should be -- also a crucial area of difference
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between them on that argument. tim miller pointed this out which is striking. it is so revealing to me and it sort of -- i can't get my head around how little understood this is, but so many people that have been the closest to him, vice president, chief of staff, this is tim miller's list, vp, chief of staff, defense secretary, to homeland security secretaries, to national security advisers, the guy is unfit and authoritarian, these are not enemies these people were the closest to him. mike pence the most senior of those joining that chorus today, david. >> the next thing they need to say is that is why i am voting for joe biden because what is missing in this coalition is the affirmative support for joe biden and i realize how hard that is but you cannot actually say that donald trump is a
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threat to the country and that he is somehow unfit and the answer is to withhold your vote from him and hope everything works out, that's not good enough if anything that's patting your own legacy and letting you sleep well but the really -- way to really change the direction it's for this coalition of people who know donald trump the best, served closest to him to lead a pro- biden coalition. that doesn't mean you need to turn into a democrat or vote for a democrat in 2028 but in this election the x essential question is biden versus trump and biden protect the country going forward. >> on the people who are not endorsing trump i think it is particularly significant. not only people that were very close with him, but there are people in national security and high-ranking legal roles, that is critical to pay attention to. >> you have the secretary of defense being like he wanted to put troops on the streets and
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shoot at americans. this is not someone writing a blog, it's not an msnbc host, it is the guy who ran the pentagon for drawing -- donald trump -- david carpenter, amanda jolly, thank you very much. jack -- next next it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. okay y'all we got ten orders coming in... big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant...
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big news on two of donald trump's upcoming trials in new york the judge in trump's hush money interference child -- in fulton county georgia one of the prosecutors making the case stepped down as a condition of the case going forward. today the judge came out with his ruling he did not destroy the case, he didn't order willis off the case which was a possibility, instead the judge said the case could proceed but ruled that either wade or willis would have to step aside. willis is staying on the case. even as this hurdle is cleared there is a number of questions about the timing going forward
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and the potential for former appeals. charles coleman served as a prosecutor in new york and now practice -- practices as a civil rights attorney. let me start with you catherine on the judges order out of fulton county today. judge mcafee had a trial to see if the defense attorneys could meet a burden to show a conflict of interest between fahmy willis and nathan wade that would pinch or disqualify her. what did you think of the ruling? >> the standard should have been a natural conflict of interest. i always said if that was the standard there would be a lot of elect to d.a.s qualified. he did find there was significant impropriety and there was. a very stinging decision. he said she testified in an
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unprofessional manager. so she won because she is not disqualified, but it was very critical of her and of course mr. wade had to leave which he should have a long time ago quite frankly and as soon as they start a romantic relationship as soon as the motion was filed but she gets to keep the case. >> one more follow-up to you was about pretrial appeals of this decision again. because the pacing is so important, typically something like this might be brought up postconviction appeals, do they have any avenue? >> they may be able to take in interlocked verdict appeal. this case is not getting tried before the election and even without this it wouldn't have been tried. the appeal could be next year. >> i want to add to that is we don't know whether there has been referrals made to the georgia state bar around ethics because when you talk about the legal professional ramifications of something like
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this the standard around the appearance of impropriety becomes much more relevant in this context. i fully expect that they will try to go after her and him for that matter in a different venue which would be more appropriate then where they did here. >> judge found there was no actual conflict of the relationship. the d.a. required a personal stake -- the defendant's claim of an actual conflict must be denied, that was the finding. let's move to this alvin bragg craziness. you are in that office, right? it appears like they had a huge discovery from the southern district of new york federal prosecutors office that has now delayed them. what are the ramifications of this delay? >> it is shocking. the united states attorney's office knowing how big a case this is, knowing that the trial
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was on march 25th would do this 30,000 page document dump this week, 15,000 more documents today. it is not surprising that this southern district of new york and manhattan d.a.s office do not have a warm and fuzzy relationship. that was my experience there. i think alvin bragg said they would treat him differently. robert walton drop was -- and they didn't treat him differently. the prosecutor in new york have very stringent discovery requirements. they have to give over everything in their file with some exceptions. they also have to show that they were diligent and made good faith effort to get items from an office that is not in their present control, the southern district. did they do that? do they say okay or do they
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take it further and that's what the hearing will be about. >> so there is still a question about when and if this trial goes -- >> what would have been the trial date will now be discussed around the future of this case. ofd is something that has prosecutors you know particularly in new york city, you know you have to deal with. you know that this is not a jurisdiction we are fighting back and forth about what has to be turned over. it is pretty much an agreement between prosecutors and the defense bar. turn it all over. catherine was right. the fact that the u.s. attorney's office waited until this point to deliver such a massive document dump leaves the judge in this case basically with their hands tied to say it is very difficult for me to deny a motion for additional time to go over such
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voluminous amounts of discovery. it is reasonable so this is another example of donald trump getting assistance from out side of his own legal team around moving these delays further and further. >> it has been remarkable when you take the american justice system which operates often in the background of people's imagination or people who are touched by the system because there are a lot of them out there. we have the largest mass incarceration in the developed world, but the version there next to or adjacent to does not look like this. it does go slowly but a lot of times it goes slowly while you are at rikers waiting for your court date so the system we have seen here is this test. can the system actually subject the most powerful private citizen to the normal rule of law and it seems to be straining at every single turn to do just that. >> a lot of times we talk about
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a two-tier justice -- and those things are very relevant factors, but what we see here in the case of donald trump is the notion of how power and privilege influence who has access to real justice. >> this would look different if he was sitting in a jail right now where the time delay question would be different. i'm not saying he should be but that is how it looks for many people. charles coleman, catherine christian, thank you. still ahead after chuck schumer takes a new path chris van hollen joins me on what's next for america's relationship with its longtime -- farxiga can caus e serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection
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one of the most contentious political battles happened in 2015 when the iran nuclear deal was put together. partner countries agreed to lift sanctions and agreement for significant sanctions and monitoring of the nuclear weapons program. the deal was intense. israel and iran had been fighting a proxy war for nearly half a century.
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nearly all congressional democrats five president and back to the deal except for a small handful of local opponent. chuck schumer has been one of israel's fiercest offenders in washington. >> iran is a terrorist state. only one of three that we label a terrorist state and they will get a lot more money over $50 billion. they will use a lot of that money to create more trouble in the middle east and the world. >> senator schumer remains one of the most -- in the country when the now majority leader called for new elections to replace benjamin netanyahu in israel. >> all too frequently bowed to
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the demands of extremists and the settlers in the west bank. benjamin netanyahu has lost his way by allowing his political survival to take precedence over the best interest of israel. >> that speech sends out shockwaves. a strong signal. there is a massive shift happening in the party. it is clear that democratic politicians are at their wits and amid israel's ongoing war in gaza. one of those democrats is senator chris van hollen and he recently visited the border and has repeatedly called for a cease-fire in gaza, senator van hollen joins me now. the speech yesterday obviously chuck schumer speaks for himself but he is also majority leader and so i am just curious
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about the politics here when you do something like that is he talking to members of the caucus? how does that work? >> chris, it is good to be with you and this was a very important and timely speech and we have had ongoing discussions in the senate democratic caucus and he has been listening to a range of voices as to a heads up i don't think anyone had it but i think you can sense over time that senator schumer was more and more troubled with the conduct of the benjamin netanyahu at government and that expressed itself clearly yesterday. >> there are voices saying this especially meddling in a
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country's internal affairs. what do you think of that? >> chris, i focused on the part of senator schumer speech where he number one started with what we all know that the horror of a sober seventh began the war but then he went on to say effectively that even if it is a just war it still must be waged justly and i thought what must be important is that president biden is trying to create light at the end of this tunnel, the palestinian people self-determination and dignity and what senator schumer said is that prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been the obstacle to peace when it comes to finding a way forward. he has slammed the door on president biden's requests and he slammed the door on others
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and really because as he pointed out that extremist vision is one of a greater israel that doesn't have any room or place for a palestinian state. >> you have been very focused and outspoken on the humanitarian situation. you went to the rafah crossing and talked about the difficulties of getting food and ate in. those who went through the trucks and says a truck has dual use, there is also a concerted effort to take away the funding for the main relief and sort of an organization in gaza, this is the you and -- and the israelis have evidence that the employees who precipitated the attacks -- the u.s. suspended funding, what do you think should happen with the u.s. is funding and what
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should be happening in terms of getting more monetary and aid -- humanitarian aid into gaza. >> benjamin netanyahu really has to lift its restrictions on aid into gaza. it is unacceptable that you have starving people who still do not have enough food and the fact that we have to airdrop food aid in and now build a temporary port all of that is good because i support every morsel of food to a starving person but we should not have this problem and the benjamin netanyahu government needs to open up more crossings and it needs to make sure it stops turning around things like maternity kids because they claim that those are dual use items and when they turn around chris one item the whole truck gets sent back to the beginning and it has to start the whole process. this is the essential delivery system within gaza and benjamin netanyahu has wanted to get rid
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of this since 2016. we should hold accountable the actions of up to 14 people who may have been involved but there are 14 people out of an organization of 13 thousand that's entering gaza and those 13,000 are the people who are essential to make sure that innocent civilians get the food and other assistance they need so to shut them down is to shut down the humanitarian delivery system in gaza. it is on expectable -- unacceptable. this is just a recipe for increased stability. >> your level of concern about
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-- there has already been a catastrophic loss of life but your level of concern of like real tens of thousands of more people dying from famine and conditions? >> oh i am very scared about more and more people dying because there is an imminent famine and we have already seen people die of starvation. what really set me off was the first time across that barrier from people on the verge of starvation to kids actually dying from starvation if we don't get more assistance you will see more people dying of famine. i'm also very worried about the fact that benjamin netanyahu is talking about a major invasion of rafah. you know president biden was right to say hey, an invasion of rafah is a redline, it's important that the president now stick to that position and be willing to back it up. >> senator chris van hollen of
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maryland thank you for making time tonight. >> thank you. >> still to come the republican effort to impeach president biden goes out with a whisper how the white house went on the offensive to end it for good, next. next. you can cashback 5% on travel purchased through chase with freedom unlimited and... buy better plane seats. switch to a king suite. or book a silent retreat. silent retreat! oh! hold up! earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment. immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer. but opdivo plus yervoy is the first combination of 2 immunotherapies for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is not chemotherapy, it works differently.
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representative marjorie taylor greene filed articles of impeachment. donald trump of course wants biden impeach. he instructed congress to do it in order to muddy the waters and to create counterprogramming for his multiple criminal trials. house republicans have tried to deliver that for him except for the fact that they do not have the goods. there is no impeachable offense that he committed and in the end even in the crazy maga world we live in that has proved to be a tough thing to work around. it would always be an uphill climb to try to impeach biden about something his son did or what he was have -- but he was allegedly -- but the fact that he sat for deposition, handled it well in the most explosive allegation came from fbi informant who has subsequently been arrested for lying to the
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fbi and charged by the trump appointed special counsel investigating hunter biden and that probably was in retrospect the end of this case. earlier this week congressman troy nehls of texas who wants to impeach biden was also able to concede to the obvious sailing -- saying we don't have the will to impeach joe biden. today the white house counsel sent a letter to speaker mike johnson saying "i write you today because it is clear the house republican impeachment is over." concludes that it is "obviously time to move on. this impeachment is over. there is too much important work for the american people to do." johnson spokesperson fired back the quote white house does not get to decide how impeachment gets resolved, that is for congress but it looks
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in 20 years of current climate change and looking at a whole host of crazy charts, i have to say there is one i have seen recently that might be the most shocking. so, it is the daily surface temperature reading of the earth's oceans. you take a temperature reading of the water across the earth and average them out together.
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most of the earth is covered in water, as we all learned in grade school. you see it right there. the oceans act as a bit of a sink, they help to stabilize the earth's climate. any disruption in the temperature balance of the oceans has long-term ramifications for us on land, not to mention the entire ecosystem underwater. right now, what is happening to our oceans is intensely frightening. i want you to look at this. this is a chart, again, daily ocean temperature between 1991 and 2022. each of those lines represent a year, 1991 to 2022. you can see they fluctuate warmer but they are generally a specific band of variance. here's the data for 2023. that red line -- you see that one, there? it started out in january, but just kept going up, shattering records of the most significantly hot year the ocean has seen.
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there at the top in dark red are the first 2 1/2 months of 2024. way above the record-setting year last year. we are not even starting in the bound of normal anymore. it is almost off the charts. what's going on? here to help us figure that out is david wallace. wallace, an opinion columnist in the new york times and new york magazine on climate change. also author of the birth book, "the understandable earth," so what one level, the answer is climate change. but, things are getting warmer, we see -- this is wild stuff. what is going on? >> i think the short answer is, we left behind the climate we all knew as a species. the climate is warmer than it has ever been when humans walked on it, swim in it, or road in boats in it. it means all the standards we
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used to have our out the window, too. we are going to see the records all the time and that is what we are seeing, not just with the double level, but with the north atlantic, it is crazily off the charts. see i set record lows. we are seeing wild behavior all around the planet and ice charts that are scarier, like you highlighted, but it is also the case that what we do know the underlying trend and underlying story, we actually don't know why things are so hot right now, why the temperature is so hot. some people think it is because we are cutting the sulfur concentration that comes out of ships traveling across the ocean, and we used to have more sulfur in the atmosphere, reflecting sunlight back into outer space and that we don't have it, so more sunlight is being absorbed. >> stay right there. so, removing air pollution is making things warmer because the air pollution is actually blocking some of the sunlight? >> climate activists have called this a bargain because air pollution around the world, depending on who you trust, is killing somewhere between the five and 10 million people a year.
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now, if we remove that it adds additional warming to the planet and we are seeing that -- >> that is an unremittingly bleak sentence. >> and there are new regulations put in place in 2020 that cut the amount of sulfur that big ships traveling across particularly the north atlantic could emit, and even as the oceans are really hot, the north atlantic is exceptionally hot. >> is an el nino, other other things happening that might explain this? >> we are passing out of an el nino cycle, which means the pacific ocean that was really hot last year is going to cool off. it has -- what is it called? >> trickled down. >> trickled down, thank you, the world's oceans. but, that explains some of the craziness of the temperatures right now. there are some other things
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having to do with weather patterns and the way they circulate heat around the world the truth is, most scientists looking at the data are seeing things they can't entirely explain. they can explain parts of it but not all of the anomalies. >> we talk a little bit about oceans, specifically. we tend to think about the effects of -- there is the stuff at the polls, which is the places on land, thinking the most is the poles, and then there is the rest of land, and then there is the oceans. and the oceans, obviously, we don't see them, we don't see the ecosystem, but they are getting affected and see all kinds of ways. >> the oceans accepts 90% of the heat we get from global warming. so on one hand, it is a buffer from the heat we are dealing with, but on the other hand, it means the oceans have gotten hit by nine times as much impact as we have seen on land. nine times as much. that means that they are being
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transformed much more rapidly, which is why we are seeing things like hurricanes developing from tropical storms into category fives in 24 hours. it is why we are seeing noah establish a whole new standard for coral bleaching in the oceans, just this year. >> great, don't go so fast. what is new for coral bleaching? >> they have a scale to measure the risk that coral reefs faced and they established a new category. it is the equivalent of naming a category six hurricane, now they have a category five for coral risk because we are seeing things in the great barrier reef, they have had bleaching events five of the last eight years which is basically unheard of. we think of the ocean of something that helps us with climate change, global warming. it takes up climate, temperature, but it is observing those blows like a boxer, getting pummeled all the time. >> there is also the acidification issue that the ocean gets more acidic as there is more carbon dioxide? >> that is a longer-term problem. it has effects on life in the
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oceans. one of the other things i'm worried about is that they have written papers over the last couple of years about the circulation systems over the oceans. >> this is the one i am pretty obsessed with. >> it is quite scary. the ocean move temperature in a complicated way, it is very finicky, subtle, and changes to the way that fresh water comes into the system, and changes in the ocean can affect these circulation patterns. on a long-term, we are pretty sure that the circulation patterns are going to change significantly, so the temperatures on earth could really dramatically change. we think the chances are pretty slow but they have grown from about 0% to about 5% or 10% in the last few years. >> david wallace-wells. thank you for running us through that creative deal. that is all we have for this week. "alex wagner tonight" starts right now. good evening, what can i say? >> it was a parade of doing, but it is what