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tv   Ayman  MSNBC  March 16, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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a triple murder suspect taken away in handcuffs after a multistate, multihour standoff with police. and trump's tantrum tour. is he angry the fulton county case will carry on despite the hit to the reputation of fani willis.
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also tiktok and free speech. sarah jacobs on why she voted against banning the popular app. and putin will certainly get another term but what does it mean for the world? let's do it. we start this hour with that breaking news out of new jersey we have been following throughout the day on msnbc. police confirming a murder suspect is in custody in the city of trenton, new jersey after killing three people in pennsylvania and then fleeing to jersey in a vehicle he car jacked. george is in new jersey for us. bring us up to speed on what we have learned in the last couple of hours. i know this is a fast moving story. we understand that after hours of police surrounding a home a suspect had managed to slip away but then was found elsewhere. >> reporter: yeah, seemingly walking among the people after
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this hourlong barricade. this 26-year-old suspect who allegedly holed up in this home behind me here and then giving police a run for their money in a sense. s.w.a.t was here, the atf, local and state police thinking he was in the home. there were images of s.w.a.t officers on the roof of the home letting all the people in this duplex, all these hostages and they thought he was alive inside the home. there's images of officers officer trying to get him home only to find out we wasn't there. it's thought he may have slipped out before they set up a boundary. he was taken in without any real incident. it's unclear if he was armed. he will be taken to a facility in trenton and then be sent back to pennsylvania to answer the alleged murders there and so we see now in the last few minutes as police take down the
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barricades that were here and they have a search warrant that was executed to enter the home that this suspect was or may have been in at one point while they try it put this all together to see how all of this kind of played out in the morning hours of this saturday. >> do you know -- are we learning anything more about the victims? what made him leave pennsylvania to get to this specific area in new jersey? what do we know about the family this morning that was targeted? >> reporter: the timeline pretty much goes he has some connections to this trenton area. they -- told us earlier today that he was an unhoused individual but somehow this home is connected to the investigation. he car jacked someone here in the trenton area, crosses the state line into falls township where he enters and breaks into this first home and killed a stepmother, his 13-year-old sister. he then left that home. this is around the 9:00 hour and goes to a second location
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where he allegedly killed his -- the mother of his two children at that home. he left that location and hits dollar general. this is all with in a few minutes, car jacks an individual there. doesn't hurt them and then brings the car back over into new jersey across state lines in. it was called a honda crv type of vehicle and then goes into this home. now the timeline is how long was in that home if he ever was before being caught here in trenton. >> all right. live for us in trenton with the update on that story. we will be in touch with you throughout the evening. thank you so much. we turn now to fulton county georgia where fani willis has accepted the resignation of nathan wade from the racketeering case against donald trump. this hours after the judge presented said that willis
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could go or wade. they were pulling attention away from the case against president trump after they were accused of being in a relationship when she hired him in 2021. they also accused her of financially benefiting from his appointment. willis has acknowledged that she and wade had a romantic relationship and that it started after she appointed him as special prosecutor in this case. though the judge allowed hadder to stay on the case he offered a strong rebuke of her actions writing even if the relationship started after wade was contracted the da chose to continue being a supervisor and paying him while maintaining such a relationship. he added that while neither side was able to offer evidence of when their relationship developed or of a conflict of interest an odor remains itits appearance of a conflict of interest that has
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given trump and his allies what they needed deflect from the charges he is facing as he makes another bid for the white house. of course let's not forget trump and his 18co defendants are still the ones on trial here. all of them facing conspiracy charges related to attempts to overturn the election results back in 2020 and subvert voters. they initially faced a total of 41 counts and while the judge dismissed six of them this week because they lacked sufficient detail this is still the only case against trump where defendants have pleaded guilty. there's also more at stake here because trump would not be able to pardon himself from this case if he were to win the november election because these are state level charges. instead all eyes are now on
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fani willis. a circus like atmosphere had already surrounded the case. we never should have been here asking questions about willis's judgment and whether it undermined the public's faith in our justice system. joining me to unpack this, jill, a former watergate assistant prosecutor. former federal prosecutor and legal affairs writer for politico and jessica. it's great to have you with us. jessica we will start with you. you point out that at the heart of this issue is the public confidence in the legal system. you know the judge said there's no conflict of interest but the damage in the public perception is certainly something we should be concerned of. do you believe this case has been tainted? will it be hard to put together a jury that is not biased if
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you will. >> well let's start with outside the courtroom this is a huge win for the former president. the fact that these hearings happened. the fact that you have the judge saying the odor of mandacity remains, that fani willis used terrible judgment. this ruling really was saying, okay, defense you didn't prove a conflict of interest but something here is such a problem that the appearance remains and an appearance is a problem when it comes to the criminal justice system. to your point, it's not just the jurors or the defendants and the prosecution. we all need to have faith in the system as something that functions because prosecutors go forward with cases not because it's good for them but because the fact and the law indicate they should. now obviously jury selection will be a big deal here. it was always going to have to
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be very carefully picked. show me a juror who has never heard of donald trump and has no opinion. the question isn't do you any views of these people. question for the jury is now you have a different job. it's not your opinion of fani willis or the former president, go in and look at the facts as presented, look at the applied law and make that decision. i do have faith that jurors can do that. >> speaking of the public here. i want to play you a quick sound of voters in fulton county being asked about this yesterday. >> no penalty. i mean why -- she hires him. no real punishment. >> some of those things shouldn't be going on. you are representing people and at the same time people live life. you know, it's just a bad look overall. >> your thoughts on that. it seems like voters might
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actually be for giving and as much as this is a trial for the entire country, fani willis represents fulton county and the people of that district. >> that's right. i actually agree with the prosecute that the jury pool will focus on the instructions that the judge gives them act the law in the case. i don't think this will be a distraction when we get to trial. however, it is obvious from the judge's comments that he really believes that he was misled here. you know he used that term menda city. is he really not happy with fani willis and i really have to wonder if the judge is going to be very careful about how he looks at -- willis and her team as the trial goes on. you know prosecutors normally
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come into a criminal case with a lot of credibility. as a defense counsel, since i left being a federal prosecutor i'm often trying to show the judge that, hey, you shouldn't be putting these prosecutors on a pedestal or crediting them or -- try to knock them down a peg. the defense here really knocked her down a peg and the judge i think will be very careful and look at her statements and her office's statements more carefully. that is the bigger danger to me really than a potential issue on the jury side. >> this has also sparked other investigations and we have seen that already. georgia republicans have already started to investigate willis on accusations of misconduct and misuse of public funds. you have the gop chairman of the senate committee investigating her who is expected to subpoena her in the coming weeks to try to get her to testify at the capitol. how much of this do you see as being politically motivated for
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her case against trump at this moment? republicans pulling on the threads and will run with it and make it a central issue, not just to discredit her and the trial but politically for the re-election of the former president. >> i agree with everything that jessica said but i do firmly believe that jurors can set aside their opinions and judge on the basis of the evidence in the courtroom and the instructions the judge gives. i fear that the judge may be looking at the people's evidence more than if this hadn't happened and it's an unforced error. this didn't have to happen. the relationship between the two has nothing to do with the guilt or innocence of the defendants. it has nothing to do with their getting a completely fair trial under all the due process they are allowed and it should have been one of those things that
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wade and willis admitted to immediately and said, yes, we had a relationship. it has nothing to do with the case and it would have been much better back then. i don't think it's going to affect the outcome at all. politically it is great fodder for trump and his campaign and it is horrible for fani willis who is running for re-election. it'll not help her at all. so it has political consequences but i want to keep those separate from the trial and the facts and the law. >> and that's of course the most important thing in all of this. jessica, speaking of republicans being politically motivated, jim jordon has threatened to hold will willis in contempt of congress if she doesn't comply with a subpoena. what do you make of these lingering investigations, you
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know it's always rich when it's coming republicans given how many defied subpoenas in the last time around when january 6th committee was investigating but here we are. >> here we are. you know it's always interesting to me when we see a subpoena as a dinner invitation and when we see it as a binding legal document and what we see now i think increasingly and maybe it just feels like that but these subpoenas and these investigations are really being weaponized and it's meant to intimidate people and they are largely fishing but it gives subpoenas a bad name. as we know congress has that power for a reason. there is one thing i can mention about this case that you said in the introduction but didn't ask about. you said this is the case that if the former president becomes president again he can't make it go away by saying to his
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attorney general, dismiss the case and he can't try to self pardon. one thing we need to mention i think is that if he does become president he will argue this case can't continue and he will argue that based on the separation of powers and he will say georgia, you can't go forward because you as a separate state can't try to prosecute the head of the executive branch only to say when we look at this georgia case i think we need to be careful to assume there's no way that it could ever go away. >> very important point. thank you as always. we have a lot more to discuss. a quick programming note. we should make here. nathan wade will actually join meet the press for an interview following his resignation from the case in fulton county. that and much more tomorrow morning starting at 9:00 a.m. eastern. you do not want to miss that. after this break the 100,000 reasons behind the delay in trump's hush money
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a judge ruled trump hush money trial will be postponed to april. trump's lawyers and the manhattan unda agreed to the delay after prosecutors turned over more than 100,000 pages of discovery documents. there is a chance the trial could be set back further. the judge said that he would set a new trial date if necessary when he rules on a motion filed by trump's attorneys regarding document production. the criminal trial is still expected to be the first trial before the election in november. trump had sought a 90 day delay. his lawyers are now complaining about thousands of new
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documents of discovery. is it normal to see this much new evidence added to the case and why is this even happening? >> it is not normal but nothing in any of these case is normal. first of all, the government has a responsibility to produce any evidence in its possession. this wasn't in the da's possession. this was in the possession of the united states attorney but the da did make an attempt to get it by subpoena and didn't get it until now and now they are turning it over. they are already assessed it and said most of it is completely irrelevant to the charges it has nothing to do with the case and they have gone through it and so it shouldn't be that hard for the trump team to go through it and that's especially given how much money he is taking from the rnc and other sources to pay for his legal defense. he has very good resources and he should be able to go through
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it quickly and it shouldn't take not only 90 days t shouldn't take 30 days for them to get up to speed on what is in that evidence and to proceed with trial so i still am optimistic that this will go to trial at least sometime in april. >> let me ask you if i can quickly why did he subpoena for the documents if they were not relevant or did he just find out they were not relevant after he subpoenaed and got them from the federal investigators? >> that's a great question. i think it would have been reasonable for his office to say these aren't in our possession. rearen't going to get them so we have given you everything we have. everything that we know. now on the other hand there is -- you know the daily beast just published something that i think may be overly skeptical about what's going on. they suggested that the da didn't really want these documents because they knew somehow that these were hurt
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the honesty of michael cohn who is their major witness and that may be the case t may be true. i would say anyone trying case already has plenty of evidence to cross exam and impeach him on anything he has to say so i don't know. it's very hard to say what's going on and i think we have to be a little calm and wait for the southern district of new york to comment on why they didn't give it when it was subpoenaed and for maybe bragg to answer why he didn't take the position of it's not my obligation. i'm not asking for this. >> yeah. you have mentioned that it's -- that the da is frustrated by this and they had no choice but to agree to this delay and bragg blamed trump for the delay and also the united states attorney saying they requested some of the documents as we were just discussing over a year ago and that the
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prosecutors declined to provide them. you are a former prosecutor. what do you think went wrong here? >> i think there's -- the million dollar question here is why did the southern district of new york take so much time to produce these documents? it's one thing to refuse to produce them. okay. it's another thing over a year later to switch course, you know, literally weeks before trial, you know as you said even at this point ten days before the original trial date, produce just over a hundred thousand pages worth of documents. i think serious questions need to be asked there if -- there's any congressional oversight that might be a significant area i think by congress as so why this matter which is a very significant public concern, why is that being held up by a late production by federal prosecutors? i do think that the da did the right thing by requesting the
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documents. it's not a secret that the da's case -- it -- in many ways relates to the original hush money investigation that the southern district of new york did some years ago. the fact is they did not go forward with charges. he did with a different state charges, obviously different statutes but none the less i can understand why the defense wanted this and i can understand why bragg wanted to deny the argument on appeal. the finger pointing needs to be at the federal prosecutors here because really if they had done this six or eight months ago none of us would be here on television talking about it. >> so do you think we aren't -- near the end of this 30 days trump's team says you know what? 30 days wasn't enough to review the new documents. they could drag their feet on it as much as they want really show up on 29st and the say we need a lot more. is the judge obli ged to grant them more time given the
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circumstances of all this happened or can he be firm and say i get a sense that 30 day is enough time to take this seriously and to do it? >> you know lawyers choose their words carefully. you used the word oblige. the judge isn't obli ged to do that. the judge has very wide discretion over his calendar and how he conducts his courtroom. the question though, i would ask is does -- is there a possibility -- is there a risk that the judge is going to give the defense more time and i think the answer is yes, particularly if the defense finds those documents more compelling than jill does. it's possible that the defense can make some argument and claim that they need more time to go through them or they need to conduct some interviews or something else based on the documents. i'm not saying that is the case but i wouldn't be surprised if they try to make that argument to buy more time. i'm not saying the judge will
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agree. he has been pushing forward pretty quickly but of course there's the risk which is why federal prosecutors really, you know, think -- put -- the entire calendar at risk with their late production. >> jill, real quick how do you see this recent delay impacting trump's other cases if at all? as they continue to get pushed further and further down they are bound to come across -- they are bound to come across scheduling issues. do judges take into, consideration that the defendant has other trials or other obligations or in his own world does he say my trial, my case, is the most important one that i care about for my court. i'm going to tune everything else out? >> yes the judge can do what you are saying but that's not what will happen. they will take it into account but keep in mind there are no other trial dates currently pending. >> that's true. >> the dc case is held off until the supreme court rules
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on immunity. the georgia case has no trial date. we hope it'll be set. it was requested for august. that's not a problem. the mar-a-lago case i think is the biggest problem of all because i personal am very concerned that the judge is going to create death by a thousand cuts. that she is not doing a big dramatic i'm putting it off until after the election but will do it a little at a time and then will wait for the jury and do something that attaches double jeopardy and prevents his being tried for that. i'm worried about all of these. at least one or two of them could happen before the november election and allow the american voter to have the information they need and deserve before they take the voting booth. >> we will wait and see. always a pleasure to have you on. thank you for your insights.
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next with so many issues to address why is congress suddenly and quickly focusing on banning tiktok? we will ask congresswoman sarah jacobs that and more.
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wow! do you have any ottomans without legs. sure. you'll flip for the poof cart. in the wayborhood, there's a place for all of us. ♪ wayfair. every style. every home. ♪ as the country fights with major threats to reproductive rights, the devastation and war in gaza, what's the pressing issue that has lawmakers working together at lighting pace? tiktok. this week the house vote passed bipartisan legislation to ban the video sharing app over concerns the china based company could pose a national security threat. the bill now heads to the senate where lawmakers are signaling that they need more time to deliberate. the president said he would sign it if the tiktok ban reaches his desk. a group of 50 democrats and 15 republicans voted against the
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ban siting a variety of factors including free speech. congresswoman sarah jacob is one of those democrats. she joins us now. it's great it see you again. thank you for coming back on the show. i got to ask you about the -- the speed and the push to get this ban on tiktok as quickly as possible. it didn't just happen overnight. there's been growing momentum for it. it is kind of interesting to see how quickly it happened in the last couple of months. you have had some of your colleagues, wealthy tech investors, they have called to ban it over what they call an anti israel bias and i'm curious to see if you believe there's any connection to that? how concerned are you to ban it over speech they don't like? >> we got briefed on the threats and i'm a member of the house armed services and the house foreign affairs committee. i will say there are very real threats of prc information operations, especially as we
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get closer and closer to the election. now, my concern is that while the threats are real, because the process to get the bill across the finish line was so rushed we weren't able to ask the questions and as a result i don't believe this bill solves the very real problem that we are facing. banning tiktok or changing its ownership is not going to protect americans from targeted misinformation. it's not going to protect americans from their data being misused. foreign groups do not need access to behind the scenes information to be able to manipulate it. we have seen them do it in 2020, in 2016. so, to me what we need to do is looking more broadly at an approach to data privacy and guardrails to all social media instead of taking this very targeted approach that actually doesn't solve the problem. >> so why do you think it passed -- if what you are
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saying is correct and i believe what you are saying is correct, why do you think it got the support that it did? i believe 352 in support, 65 against. >> look. the things that -- that we were told are very concerning as it relates to misinformation and the upcoming election. now, i don't think it's a surprise that's four youngest democrats in the house all voted against this bill. we are the ones who understand how social media really works and understand that while the threats we were briefed on were concerning they are actually not unique or specific to tiktok. they are misinformation that -- and propaganda happening all cross all platforms and we need to take a more complete approach as we look at how to approach foreign interference. >> there's also concern of the potential data sharing from tiktok. have you both lawmakers and white house officials concernd that china could use tiktok to
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gain access to american's data. tiktok has called these concerns baseless. based on what you have seen is that valid criticism? do you think there's merit in this specific concern of accessing private american data? >> there is certainly the possibility that the prc could access private data. however, almost all of this data including very sensitive, like location data, it's all actually very easy for sale by data brokers including data broker that are based in the united states and we have no protections on that data being sold or shared. so, while they could use special back door access in many cases this data is already available and much easier for them to get in other ways. >> let me ask you about this development if you will with the former trump treasury secretary getting into this mix
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saying is he putting together a group to try to buy tiktok if the legislation ultimately passes. do you worry we may see an elon musk style take over where you have the -- the two biggest social media platforms, tiktok and twitter being controlled not just by conservative personalities but right wing wing of musk, all kinds of issues and steve who served in the administration of former president donald trump. does that at all concern you that they would be effectively controlled by two conservative personalities, individuals, groups, what have it. >> absolutely. i think that there are very real concerns over who might buy tiktok whether it's someone who is very conservative or if there are anti trust issues in
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a very consolidated social media space and i think it's important to note that while right now we are talking about foreign groups and their ability to access the data there's also very real concerns about americans being able to access the data. we are seeing right wing prosecutors trying to use this kind of data, location data, website search data, information to prosecute people who are seeking abortions and those trying to help them. that -- would be increasingly a worry as you potentially get, you know, more states and more laws that are anti abortion and criminalizing abortion so so there are a lot of very real concerns and that's why i think it's so important we take a more complete approach to looking at american's data privacy and guardrails for all some app social media sites. >> we have about 45 seconds left and maybe this say long winded question. should we be doing two social media companies owned by foreign governments or
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connected to i should say foreign governments. what those governments do to our social media companies. do we want to go down that road, is that the right approach? >> i think that america's strength around the world is in a large part because we stand for values and democracy and we stand up for that and we have actually called out other countries for banning our social media apps and so i think that the thing that makes us strongest is actually living those values and making sure we are protecting democracy and freedom of speech around the world and here at home. >> all right. congresswoman, it's always a pleasure. thank you for joining us. we will continue to follow this. thank you. next up the appearance of freedom in russia. the presidential election underway with a for gone conclusion. you know who will win it. what will another putin term mean for the world? stay with us.
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in less than 24 hours russians will cast their final votes in an election we know putin will win. surprise, surprise. yesterday russian citizens poured dye into ballot boxes and attempted arsons in acts of protest against this election. several people have been arrested for vandalism at polling stations according to russian officials. the widow of navalny has also called on russians to gather at polling stations tomorrow at noon to express their defiance by either not voting for putin or destroying ballots. protestors would be carrying out navalny's own plan he announced two weeks before he died in prison. we know how russia works under putin's rule. is he expected to cruise into a 5th term remaining in power now for three decades and easy election to win given his political foes are either dead,
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murdered or exiled or barred from running. as putin sees it these are a chance to get a stamp of approv al on his war of ukraine and send a strong message that he isn't going anywhere. joining us is masha, a staff writer. a sham election. putin will hold onto power for a 5th term. what is the significance of the election this weekend, of another six years of putin? does it matter what the turn outlooks like? does it matter what protest we see or expressions of defiance we see tomorrow? >> the turn out no doesn't matter because they are going to doctor the turn out. we can't at this point -- they control the information so completely that it's really a
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wonder they bother with this at all, with any physical election when they could just claim to have held the election. protest does matter. not in the sense that it'll unseat putin. it obviously cannot but it matters to people who want to protest, who -- ability to act politically is so severely curtailed. for them to be brave enough to go to the polling stations at noon tomorrow as navalny asked them and to see other people who go to the polling stations at noon tomorrow i think -- i think the importance of that of just seeing each other and seeing they aren't alone can't be over estimated. >> and i know the rallies as you said expected tomorrow show that people are ready to willing to voice their dissent despite the attempts to completely silence critics in anyway, shape or form. we saw that if you will with the way russians pay tribute to
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navalny and mourning his death in a way people weren't expecting. what do you make of this state of russian opposition now in the absence of navalny. do you agree with his widow that putin's time is coming soon? >> well soon is a relative concept. i think she is saying that she is counting on still being alive when that time comes. i think that's a great slogan. i don't know that i'm counting on still being alive when it happens. i don't think it'll come in putin's lifetime and he is a 71- year-old man with the best health care in the world. i think we are stuck with him for a very, very long time. unless, russia is defeated by ukraine but that's not a question for the opposition. that's a question for the west and in particular for the united states and it's position
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on aiding ukraine in its military effort. >> i know that putin -- repeated early their week that russian is ready for nuclear war. we have heard a few times throughout the course of this invasion that type of rhetoric. that doesn't mean that the world is headed toward nuclear war. it seems that russia is still like the rest of europe, preparing for whatever comes out of ukraine but you astonia officials warn that russian is expanding it's military in anticipation of a conflict with nato which just expanded with the addition of sweden and they are preparing for that in the next ten years. do you share that assessment that there is a collision course headed for russia and nato? >> look. you don't really have to be a military analyst to talk about this or to share this assessment. all you have to do is listen to putin. he doesn't hide his plans.
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he has made it very clear that he sees himself as already being at war with nato. he sees himself as fighting that war in ukraine because he believes it's a proxy war with the united states and with nato in general and he is also made it very clear that he has his sights on poland which is a member of nato. >> yeah. it's true and i guess -- its been a major concern of his ever since nato started to expand eastward. there was an article that argued while the election won't kick start change in russia, defeat for putin in ukraine could. you just suggested that as well. if ukraine defeated russia that may be the end of putin. what do you make of that perspective on the importance of helping ukraine win this war to create dynamic change in russia? >> well i don't like that perspective. i will tell you why. ukraine is fighting for it's
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very existence. so, the point of helping ukraine is to support a country that is being subjected to a genocidal war of aggression and it's the west's moral and legal responsibility to help them protect themselves. not for the purpose of unseating putin but for the purpose of doing what's right. but, if ukraine defeated russia and that is only possible with significant and courageous amounts of western aid, then, yes, that would be the end of putin's rule. that's the only way in which putin's regime will end other than putin actually dying. >> it'll be interesting to see if any republicans on capitol hill holding up off that support to ukraine share that as well. it's always a pleasure. thank you for joining us. greatly appreciate your insights. >> thank you for having me. next a fail for governor
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