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tv   Ayman  MSNBC  March 23, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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this new hour, tick, tick boom. trump faces a bond deadline. and i will speak to a doctor about what he saw during a five week medical mission in gaza. and two of the most cringe worthy comments made by members of the trump family making them contenders for tonight's worst of the week. let's do it. all right, the clock is ticking fast for donald trump who has until monday to post a nearly half a billion dollar bond in the new york civil fraud case. letitia james is set to start collecting his assets if he fails to put up the money. the judge ordered trump to pay his steep price after ruling that he and his codefendants including two of his eldest suns carried out a year's long scheme to use false financial
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data to borrow money at lower rates and build the real estate empire that catapulted him to fame. now he is having trouble rounding up the money as his legal fees pile on. he claimed he had almost $500 million in cash. trump's lawyers have still attempted to secure a bond at least from at least 30 insurance companies. all of them have said no because they wouldn't accept real estate as collateral which is not what accounts for most of the ex-president's wealth. his lawyers have asked a new york appeals court to reduce, delay, or waive it entirely. but their decision is not likely to come before monday as the court usually issues rulings on tuesdays and thursdays. yesterdayenedwas announced that trump's social media company will go public in a merger that could allow him to acquire $3 billion or more. but the deal comes too little too late to bail him out as lockup agreements for bid him
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from selling his shares at least six months. if he would ask for this provision to be waived, selling his stocks this early on could risk bringing the stock price down. so, this leaves donald trump vulnerable. and potentially a major national security risk. just listen to what his former lawyer and fixer michael cohen said on our network this morning and what his current lawyer had to say on fox. >> it is not about the money. it is not about whether he can or can't. it is how does he get the money. what if hypothetically, it is coming from a foreign entity? what if it is coming from vladimir putin or viktor orban? they could make the payment for him and national security would be on the line because donald would be indebted to that foreign entity. >> is there any effort on the part of your team to secure this money through another
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country. >> well, there's rules and regulation that's are public. i can't speak about strategy that requires certain things and we have to follow those rules. >> and it is important to notice that haba actually refused to answer that question simply even entirely. but this is really nothing new. trump has been a national security threat since 2016 as tim o'brien writes in bloomberg, he has always been willing to sell his name to the highest bidder. in 2017 as president, trump shared highly classified information from israel with the russian foreign minister and ambassador. it was considered so sensitive it was tightly restricted within the u.s. government. and the ex-president faces 37 criminal federal charges in connection with the retention of hundreds of classified documents at mar-a-lago. so what could a second trump presidency mean for the credibility of safety or safety of american intelligence? kicking us off this hour, dave, state attorney for palm beach
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county, florida. and clint watts, the author of messing with the enemy. surviving in the social media world of hackers, russians, and fake news. dave, i'll start with you. trump is saying he is willing to take his appeal in this case all the way to the supreme court. he would have to go through the appeals process. but what is the likelihood we see this happening and what is the constitutional argument that he would be making that would take it to the supreme court? >> as far as donald trump, he is entitled to an appeal. he could appeal the underlying verdict in the case. i don't think he will succeed. the judge was very detailed and meticulous. he allowed trump to give part of his closing argument and he sat there while trump berated the court. that is something you gave deference to prevent. it could eventually an appellate court reduce the amount here?
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perhaps. yeah. but it will not help him get a bond any time soon. especially when he goes online and says i have $500 million in cash at my disposal. what do you think his lawyers are thinking when they are asking appellate court to slow this down to get more time or to lower the bond amount because he has no money? trump is undermining his own lawyers. this is why trump has trouble finding counsel because when they go one way, he goes the other. >> clint, there is another option. to declare bankruptcy. but according to sources close to him he doesn't want to do that because that would damage his image and possibly his campaign against president biden. what route do you envision him taking? >> i really just don't know. this is part of the problem when you are running for president as one thing. and then you have to face realty of another.
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we call that reality horizon. how do you reconcile the two? trump is right. he needs to look wealthy. that is part of his name brand and appeal to a lot of his voters so to do something like declare bankruptcy and that would be also going to the government the way i understand. and, essentially asking for reprieve. that doesn't look good either on the campaign trail. that is essentially begging for forgiveness from a government you are also as a candidate criticizing. it doesn't make sense. we are not just talking one trial, we are talking multiple trials. he has already received some backing for other bonds that are out there and he still faces other trials. so you can imagine as a lender, if he wanted to go ahead and back former president trump for this bond, you also have to look forward and say well there are two trials that are out there right now. what if he doesn't clear those two hurdles? how would he have money to pay me back?
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>> dave, i want to ask you about something the judge said about the trump organization has to provide details about their attempts to obtain a bond to a court appointed monitor. is this normal for a case like this and does this signal the level of distrust the judge has in trump that he just simply can't be trusted and a court appointed monitor has to be in the loop? >> yeah, the judge does not trust donald trump. what is unusual is what the judge just did. he tightened the screws on trump. he gave the monitor, a woman named barbara jones, she is working for the court and donald trump has to pay her. you have a babysitter for her company and you have to pay her so it is a real bad thing for trump. and now, she is supposed to tell the court how he gets the money for the bond. that's a protection for all of us. if he goes to anyone else and gets this money, we should know about it. we already see how
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transactional trump is. he has gone to jeff yass and had a conversation with imh. this billionaire republican donor. that's why it looks like he flip-flopped on the tiktok thing. we could see this with a foreign actor. but we will at least know about it because of the court appointed monitor barbara jones. >> clint, dave brings up an important point. do you see this as a factor into the judge's decision to keep a close eye on where trump's money or bond came from? with the way he has handled national security secrets, it has to be a major cause of concern for the rest of us and down the line as the campaign continues to heat up where he starts receiving classified information and briefings. and has access to more high
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level, highly classified sensitive information. >> that's right. and we talked about it. you know, when you showed that segment on labrov. getting deep secrets while in the oval office. imagine now, former president trump really in need. just for his own financial survival. i think the big question is what do we expect to be minimum level of security clearance if you are going out for a security clearance, you fill out an exhaustive application. one of the things that is always a key question is, is this person financially vulnerable? most spies you see recent arrests related to china, the reason those americans were compromised was due to money. and it was due to finances. so we are talking about the person that would be in charge of all national security potentially and who was in charge of all national security being in a position that could be highly vulnerable. and not just a vulnerable position, but one that could have dramatic effects on policy. the question about byte dance
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just four years ago, it was discussed as we have to get rid of the whole thing. a complete reversal from former president trump. so magnify that out over a four year term. when compromised, what better way to do it? money is always the angle any foreign adversary would take. >> and dave, let me ask you about this judgment in westchester county. home to trump's most valuable assets. a sign that these properties may be the first or at least at risk of being seized. walk us through what that process might look like. >> it shows you letitia james ain't missing around. as of monday, these properties will be encumbered. it will be in court and she is planning to seize them. she doesn't need to do this
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paperwork in manhattan. the execution of the order already happened there. she has to do this in other places like westchest ere county. his brand is his fortune. he has to come up with the cash or she will start seizing things. >> all right dave and clint, gentlemen, thank you. i great you appreciate you helping us to make sense of all this. next up, trump is thinking about bringing back some of the worst people who served in his first term including those who went to prison for him. what is he thinking if anything? ything? moderate ta disrupts my skin, night and day. despite treatment, it's still not under control. but now i have rinvoq. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that reduces the itch and helps clear the rash of eczema—fast. some rinvoq patients felt significant itch relief as early as 2 days.
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join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. donald trump getting his band of merry thugs back together for his third run of the white house. when we say he is getting together with his shadiest collaborators, paul manafort who went to prison. he is also considering corey lewendowski. you may remember when the rnc spent $160,000 to help him pay his legal bills, that was in the runup to his testimony before the house judiciary
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committee. also, this guy, roger stone, whose sentence was commuted by trump after he was convicted for obstructing a congressional probe into his 2016 campaign. with me now, danielle moody. and dean. what do you make of this? these thugs, these cronies, bringing them back into the mix. what does it say about what is in stock and what's ahead? >> the reality is that now for the trump campaign, this is like street cred for them. they love it. if you were willing to go to jail for donald trump, then it is loyalty. he is a mobster. he is a mob boss. this is what he loves. and so, you know that if you have already served two years, if you already paid out in fines, he knows he can count on you so he is scurrying all the
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rats from the sewer coming to knock on the door. >> there are a lot of people staying close to donald trump and trying to get close into the maga world like the south dakota governor who is apparently undergoing a maga- fication with a recent dental procedure. what do you make of that attempt to get into trump's appearance criteria? >> she has gone from someone from the midwest to someone on jersey shore. that's the look. and the look trump likes. she is flashy, she is loyal. everything is about loyalty. it is about loyalty and plus criminality is extra bonus. to be extra clear, if donald trump does win, he will pardon them for crimes they commit in office. they will commit federal crime after federal crime.
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bank fraud, tax fraud, insider trading. at tend, when he leaves, he will pardon all of them. if the crimes help him and he pays them a little tribute, he will be ecstatic. criminality and loyalty equals trump cabinet. >> that's what you have. on the other side, you have people like mike pence who said absolutely no, he will not vote for donald trump. do you think donald trump is, and you have about 40 others i think who have come out and said that. the bill barres of the world. john kelly, do you think this is why trump is turning to such crooked figures? because the others who at one point, the rest of us thought were going to be the adults in the room are abandoning trump. >> he doesn't want adults in the room. he doesn't want guardrails. this is jurassic park, test the fences. he did that. he tested the fences and guess what?
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he now knows where all the weak points are. so you bring in all of the criminals that are going to do your bidding on top of the fact that you have the heritage foundation's project 2025. 20,000 other people waiting to take over these agencies and gut them out from the inside out. this is what this man wants. people have to understand, he is ten times more dangerous than he was in 2016. than he was in 2020. and with all of these people around him, all they have to do is have their little pardon pockets, pocket squares. and they are good to go. they will do whatever he says, knowing that there is a pardon that will come their way. >> absolutely. very good point. let me get your thoughts on something else which is almost a head scratcher. marco rubio potentially being a vice presidential pick for donald trump. he has been gaining a little bit of traction i guess as a potential pick. i'm old enough to remember donald trump wiping the floor with little marco rubio as he always called him in the debates in 2016.
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surprised that he would turn around and potentially have him on a short list. you think that is even realistic? >> i think i have a better chance of being trump's vice president than marco rubio. he called him a con man. this is politics and it is maga politics. you mock your wife, it is fine. you can make fun of rubio being small. it's fine. and he will come back and suck up to trump. it's the pursuit of power. this republican party stands for nothing except for what trump wants. and they are fine with that. that's why the gop is no longer a political party. it is now an authoritarian fascist movement we are dealing with on u.s. soil. >> donald trump jr. says he wants someone who is a little more upstanding so he is thinking, i'm joking, he didn't say that. >> was he looking in the mirror saying pick me, dad? >> he was saying he wants his father to pick someone like jd
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vans, vivek ramaswamy. tucker carlson, a fighter. >> vivek ramaswamy is on the list? >> that's what donald trump jr. apparently said. do you think we could see trump select any of these characters? >> no. i think vivek ramaswamy is too much of a showman and i think he would show donald trump up on his own stage. so i think that is too much. donald trump wants somebody if it is going to be a woman, they have the maga makeover like you saw. and they will be pretty but kitchen worthy. do you know what i'm saying? that's what they like. and if it will be a man, he will be okay. but like, donald trump is going to be the alpha so you are not picking anyone who can hold down the spotlight. >> he doesn't like weakness so he will not go with ron desantis or another mike pence type of guy or a woman. who do you think? >> if he is actually smart, it is nikki haley. to unite the party. but he is not smart. he cares about what is good for
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him. i think he would be fearful of nikki haley. so it could be his daughter. it could be donald trump jr. why not? >> there's no laws on that? >> nothing. >> there are no laws. [ laughter ] >> just like what authoritarians have done in other nations like in egypt grooming his son to be the next leader. you will have donald trump jr. and no one would stop him. he said i want my son to be vice president, the maga convention. >> he got his daughter-in-law as the head of the rnc so why not? anything is possible with this guy. please stick around, don't go anywhere. after this break, you will hear from a doctor's firsthand account of what is going on inside gaza. and what will happen if nothing is done to end this bloodshed. stay with us. oodshed. stay with us. cular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. great. one more thing to worry about. it was all too hard to deal with in the beginning, but making a plan with my doctor to add precision was easy. preservision areds2 contains the exact nei recommended,
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israel's raid has entered its sixth day at al-shifa
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hospital. it is the fifth raid since october 7th. you can see the total damage left behind in this video captured by nbc news. walls blown off. ceilings completely shattered. for months, israel has claimed that hamas uses the hospital as a control center but has no concrete evidence. now they say that hamas has regrouped: the israeli forces have killed more than 150 people they describe as terrorists since the raid began monday and at least 13 people have died from a lack of access to basics such as food and medicine. according to the health ministry. nbc news has not yet independently verified israel or the ministry's claims. this all comes as the world health organization released staggering figures this week documenting more than 400 attacks on health care facilities since october 7th which has resulted in nearly
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700 killed, 902 injured and 99 health facilities and 104 ambulances impacted. joining me to discuss this is a palestinian emergency doctor who returned from a five week medical mission in gaza. doctor, thank you so much for joining me today. i want to start off asking about your experience in gaza. i know you described seeing people unable to live life with dignity. give me an overview of what you saw and witnessed. >> thank you for having me. so, as you mentioned i went on a five week medical mission and we established a field hospital on the border of rafah. as soon as you get there, you realize the level of devastation is magnitudes more than what you expect from watching news footage and social media coverage. nothing i have had in my
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training could prepare me for the level of atrocities that i witnessed. the types of mass casualty incidents that we were managing day in and day out. 60, 70 patients coming in at a time. where we had to color code them. on who we resuscitate. working with depleted medications, supplies, equipment. having to do surgery with limited anesthetics. for the first month we were only using ketamine. we were opening patient's abdomens to fix intestines damaged by shrapnel. the multitude of children i saw. i have never seen so many dead
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children in my entire life and there is a disproportionate effect on the number of children that came through the emergency department. both in terms of shrapnel injuries from missile strikes, but also, direct targets of gunshot wounds, gunshots. i pulled bullets out of three month old's thigh. i pulled bullets out of a young man's shoulder. a 13-year-old boy's shoulder who was sleeping in his tent. an eight-year-old girl shot in the abdomen as she was playing outside her tent. and this became bread and butter for me as an emergency fission, it was not only heartbreaking, we were trained to take care of anyone and everyone and to acknowledge our collective humanity. and it became very clear that what i was witnessing was not indiscriminant, but rather deliberate. and it made the five weeks
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very, very difficult for me to operate. >> let me ask you about the children of gaza for a moment. there is a new piece in the new yorker that draws attention to the thousands of the children in gaza who have become amputees since october. there is another doctor who spent some time in gaza describing the amputees having long term implications. as somebody who saw patients during your five weeks there, what is your long term prognosis on what some of these young children will have to go through in the years ahead, in the decades ahead? >> yeah. you know, the missing statistic that we don't hear about is how many children have lost limbs. how many children are currently with external fixators awaiting definitive treatment to fix. they are missing half their shins. and, not only in terms of what
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are the implications on their ability to function and meet their potential in life, but also, what is the psychological impact on these children as they go through their childhoods, their adolescent years and as they grow into adults, in terms of missing limbs and how they are able to go day-to-day, you know, performing their adls , their activities of daily living and all this to say, also, many of the amputees that i interacted with, the children, have lost either one or both of their parents. and so not having a family to be able to take care of their basic necessities, their needs is going to prove to be very, very difficult. many of these children also unfortunately, we don't have much space in the hospital, our hospital. and as you can imagine, there's a complete destroying of the health care. they are unable to be housed there. many of them go back out to the
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tents and get secondary infections. and oftentimes, those limbs are not viable anymore. and that is not something that is also mentioned or people are not aware of. and so, i think there is a physical impact on each of these children. but also, a huge psychological impact as they go through life. >> we are almost out of time. but i wanted to ask you really quickly. as somebody who went in and came out of gaza, what did the palestinians that you treated or you speak to tell you about their attitudes toward this war and the outside world? what is the message they convey to you about what kind of hellish experience they were surviving and living through? >> great question. i think what the palestinian people are doing is just trying to survive. their faces tell it all. they are trying to find
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whatever ray of hope they can hold onto until the next day. all around the hospital, we have bombings and missile strikes. despite that, children are trying to find the joys in life. flying kites right before sunset. it is also important to remember i think a lot of the conversations i had with people on the ground is people feel like they are not seen and it is important for us to humanize the palestinians on the ground and to hear their stories. they deserve to live with dignity, that deserve every basic human right we enjoy. it is important to realize this is not a war on a particular group. it is a war on palestinians. it is a means to silence and erase palestinians and that is what i witnessed and that is what people feel on the ground there in gaza. >> thank you so much for your
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time. i appreciate you enjoying us this evening. >> thank you for having me. speaking of the conflict in gaza, there are outrageous comments you need to hear from trump's wonder boy jared kushner. why he and his father-in-law are battling for our worst of the week segment. of the week segment. heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms, like carpal tunnel syndrome, shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeat could be something more serious called attr-cm, a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time. sound like you? call your cardiologist, and ask about attr-cm. ya know, if you were cashbacking you could earn on everything with just one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs,
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♪ or dolling herself up to go ♪ ♪ handle all of her care. ♪ ♪ with doctors to nurses ♪ ♪ and all the people in between ♪ ♪ healthier happens in more ways ♪ ♪ than ray's ever seen. ♪ ♪ healthier happens together. ♪ it is time for our worst of the week. the foreign policy edition. both members of the trump family. first, donald trump's son-in- law and middle east peace builder jared kushner. he weighed in on gaza saying its waterfront property was quote very valuable if people would focus on building up livelihoods. he added quote i think from israel's perspective, i would do my best to move the people out and clean it up. many people were not fans of him treating the conflict in gaza as a landlord tenant dispute on one of his
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properties. kushner was forced to clarify his comments saying palestinian lives will only improve if they hold their leaders accountable. and trump who traded in his racist dog whistle for an air horn saying this. >> why do the democrats hate bibi netanyahu? >> i think they hate israel. any jewish person that votes for democrats hates their religion, they hate everything about israel. and they should be ashamed of themselves. >> yes, the same man who peddles george sauros conspiracy theories, and called the neonazis in charlottesville very fine people want to lecture the jewish people on
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anti-semitism. give me a break. so who do you have? the antisemite trump or jared kushner? >> i will go with jared kushner. what he is advocating is members of the israeli cabinet now, ethnic cleansing and building settlements there for israelis. there was a conference in israel where cabinet ministers went and they looked at a settlement building so i'm more concerned about what kushner is saying. it is telling you where the israeli government is and that is deeply concerning. >> and there is a part in that clip we didn't know where he says there is not much left of gaza acknowledging that gaza has been completely leveled. that the people there will not be there any longer so it is an opportunity to be seized by the israeli government. danielle, who are you going with? kush or trump?
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>> i have to go with my all time favorite donald trump. every time a person that is not from any marginalized group whatsoever has the audacity to tell people how they should be ashamed of themselves, if they vote for democrats, and israel, donald trump is a gold antisemite that covers himself with a few jewish folks that are able to stand with him. but, the things that he says are so disgusting and for anybody to look at this man and say he is not a racist, anti, just fill in the blank. they are not paying attention so i hope he continues to blare his air horn. >> jared kushner said his comments were taken out of context, but this guy has ideologically been as far right as you can possibly get within
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the thinking unisize real palestine and he and his family had a personal relationship with benjamin netanyahu. he slept in jared kushner's bed when he came back to new jersey back in the day. >> this bizarre relationship, in that same interview, jared was asked, it will be rewarding terrorism. that is not a new position. the denial of self- determination is part of the gop. what kushner said is consistent with the gop and the netanyahu administration. >> the crazy thing about trump was it was done with sebastian
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on his radio show. this is a guy who i should say has ties to nazi linked parties in hungary. you almost can't make this up in the way they all associate with each other. and yet somehow, republican voters are falling for it. >> it would be easier for you to tell me who doesn't have ties to nazi who is inside of the trump camp. whether he is having dinner with people, shouting them out, lifting them up, that's crazy. that the person who is now leading the republican ticket just dines with nazis and lifts up hitler and we take it as if that was normal because that is what trump has done to american politics the last eight years. >> there is a scary thought. that there is a part of me that believes that if donald trump came back into office, he would
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adopt those positions. whether jared kushner is in the government or not. donald trump would be the guy who would articulate a policy of converting gaza to beach front. >> donald trump, he is an existential threat. meaning if netanyahu said we would ethnically cleanse people for security reasons and build jewish settlements, they would be fine with it. they would say sure. and they would defend it. so to me, donald trump is an existential threat to palestinians and people concerned about palestinians, any support for donald trump is an insult to this very movement you are concerned with. you can't support donald trump. >> all right guys, don't go anywhere. we have a little treat on the back end of this commercial break. a second round of worst of the
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week. a very special one we will tell you about. that's a clue right there. a c.
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when you purchase a pair of bombas socks, tees, or underwear, you also donate one to someone facing homelessness. one purchased equals one donated. 100 million donations and counting. visit and get 20% off your first order. we are back with a special second round of worst of the week. first up, we have a returning and favorite worst of the week alum, george santos who announced he is now running as congress for an independent because he was forced out of his party in part for lying and guess what tipped santos over the edge forcing him to leave
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the gop? after an embarrassing showing in the house. i reflected that i can no longer be a part of the republican party. the republican party continues to lie and swindle its voter base. i in good conscience cannot affiliate myself with a party that stands for nothing and falls for everything. we get it george. it's only okay when you fabricate the truth and your constituents fall for it. basing off against santos is arguably one of the most disliked senators in american history and i mean what sounds better than a hang sesh with the ted cruz? >> go cougs and sign upright now. go to enter who you think the winner will be and if you win, you get a chance to play hoops with me. >> go cougs. all right guys. so do you go with the guy being
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investigateed for using his money for only fans and botox? >> it is personal for me with santos. long islanders are good folks. and he just took them for a ride. but, the audacity to say that he can't stand with the party that lies? it's like sir, what are you saying? >> yeah, exactly. do you think he has a mirror? >> i don't think so. and also, i don't know what name he goes by. >> who do you have in this second round? >> with george santos, he should appreciate his time out of jail just like donald trump should. they are both out on bail and they should appreciate that time now. but i have to go with ted cruz. the audacity, the idea of ted cruz saying if you win this, you get to play basketball with me? playing basketball with ted cruz should be a form of community service. >> a punishment. >> they caught you speeding,
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you have to pay $100 and play basketball with ted cruz. and you have to play chess with marjorie taylor greene. who want to play basketball with ted cruz? he played against jimmy kimmel for charity. they played two hours. jimmy kimmel made fun of the fact he was bad of it and they did it for charity. they kept missing shot after shot. ted cruz says he plays basketball all the time. he is awful. terrible. >> i feel like he got booed once in a sporting event. >> he gets booed a lot. >> at mcdonalds. wherever he is. he gets booed. >> let me ask you about santos quickly. seriously. does this guy seriously have, since you are from long island, does he have a shot at winning
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as an independent? >> no! like, and the fact that george santos has no shame. why was he at the state of the union? there is nobody that will vote for him. and what makes me so tang reintroduce tariffs is that people actually paid for his greeting card business. and like, he is still making six figures because people are like oh it's a joke. you are paying swindlers and making them make more money. the joke is on you. >> i hope he actually runs and peels away some votes from the republicans. john avalon. i guess it is nick lata? so, if santos actually runs, and peels away some of the maga republicans, maybe john can win that race and that would be great to have him in congress.
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i just did a cameo. i just paid for him to do it. help john win to get into congress. >> let me ask you, let me play you this clip of ted cruz back in i think 2016. it was a bit of a cringe moment. but i did not forget this gaffe. >> the amazing thing is that basketball ring here in indiana, it's the same height as it is in new york city. and every other place in this country. >> who knows anything about basketball doesn't call it a ring. it is called a hoop. >> but he is an avid player. >> real man of the people this guy. look at that ring. >> that could pass as a field goal. >> i want to get a touchdown. >> how awkward. it makes me uncomfortable watching him. he makes watchers cringe. >> he makes desantis seem personable. >> the theme is they are desperate politicians and there are people who will fall for
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their gimmicks whether it is george santos telling people don't fall for the republican lie. fall for my lie. ted cruz pretending to be a man of the people, but he is an ivy league educated person who doesn't know the difference between a hoop and a ring. >> cancun cruz. he is not a man of the people. he is a craven politician. he will do anything. he will turn himself and twist himself into anything. the fact there are people that stand behind him and cheer, i assume they are being paid. >> there are politicians who feel comfortable in their own skin. and people could feel that. i remember al franken saying i like ted cruz the most of all the senators and i hate him. and that was the point. all the senators hated ted cruz. even the republicans because of
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his grand standing. it is all about ted cruz. i hate trump, but trump is comfortable in who he is. it is horrible. ted cruz. >> didn't mitch mcconnell say that, oh my god, it was john boehner who said about ted cruz he just absolutely despised him for all the various stunts he would do while he was a senator. it is all about ted cruz. politicians are like that. it is so uncomfortable with him. it is so fake and phony. >> and it is exactly on brand for the republican party we have donald trump who is the leader of the republican party. fake and phony. come back tomorrow, we will be focusing on donald trump's dangerous campaign tactic, hoping revisionist history will distract voters about the truth of january 6th and we will explore over why the supreme court is allowing texas to
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harass every latino person in the state. we'll have that and more tomorrow night 7:00 p.m. eastern only on msnbc. until then, i'm ayman in new york. have a good night. have a good night. ved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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