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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  March 30, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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top of the hour good day to all of you from msnbc headquarters in new york. welcome to "alex witt reports". breaking news out of baltimore where a remarkably complex operation will begin today to clear the channel of debris r from the francis scott key bridge that fell earlier this week. in stamens in the last hour, maryland governor wes moore says it is not just a local disaster, it impacts the national economy as well. julia chester is in baltimore. what else do we hear from the governor today on the discovery efforts?
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>> reporter: alex, there were quite a few bits of news in today's presser, which is still ongoing. first, an update on the ship, which we have heard about in a while. the whole is damaged, but in tact. that is new information. as for the salvage operation, you can see the crane in the distance behind me. governor wes moore broke down the next steps of the action of the operation. spotted the army corps in their partners will begin to move forward with a crane operation today. the north sections of the key bridge are going to be cut up and removed. this will eventually allow us to open up a temporary, t restricted channel that will help us to get more vessels in the water around the site of the collapse. it will take time to clear the section of the collapse. it will take hours. it is not
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going to take days. but once we complete this phase of the work, we can move more tugs and more barges and more boats into the area to accelerate recovery. >> reporter: now, the coast guard leaves the piece set to be lifted has already been cut. they do not have a timeline for how long the action will take. they emphasized it will be done safely. we all want to get the channel cleared. the safety of the crew is the priority. in addition to that, the governor stressed it is a 24/7, around-the-clock operation as of yesterday, 377 people were working on this unified command effort to clear the channel so that more tugboats and barges can come in and accelerate the processte. that is the update o here on the water. as far as economics, there is a little news in terms of making
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sure this local economy and community stays afloat. it involves the small business v administration accepting new requests to approve a disaster declaration. 8000 workers at the port. up to 140,000 other jobs. a lot of ripple effects there is good news that businesses affected by the disaster can apply for loans up to $2 million. we also heard from senator van hollen about the federal funding to help folks more in terms of rebuilding the bridge and helping the committees -- community. insurance money could help pay back the federal government. they are starting to negotiate on capitol hill of how to help her get through this crisis. these updates are good news that the operations are continuing. we are starting to see action. that means once the channel is clear, hopefully debris gets cleared out and they will
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recover the bodies of the four victims believed to be in the water. authorities are emphasizing the scope, the speed and the caleb operation. >> again, has national impact for sure. al we go now to decision 2020 fourth. a new backlash after trump shared images showing president ayden tied up -- president biden tied up in the back of a pickup truck. is the latest example of trump using increasingly violent rhetoric and imagery this campaign season. the "the new york times" says he has employed increasingly violent attacks during the campaign. president biden is at camp david this week and after record-breaking $26 million fundraising swing in new york city. on tuesday, primary voters in connecticut, delaware and wisconsin will get their turn to weigh in on the presidential race. some expected to speak at e
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rallies in michigan. on thursday, he faces a deadline to post a $175 million bail bond here in new york. we have several reporters and analysts ready to unpack the days become lines for us. let's go to gary gorbach and washington d.c.. the biden campaign is courting a surprising voting group now. the nikki haley supporters. how is the president trying to win them over? >> there is no illusion that the policy differences do not exist between joe biden supporters and nikki haley supporters. that is not what the biden campaign is going after. they are going after voters that are unhappy with what is going out of donald trump's mouth. they are doing talking about what is going out of donald trump's mouth. >> nikki haley has made an unholy alliance with never trumpers, americans for no asperity. she has gone crazy. she is a very angry person.
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i do not need their votes. we have all the votes we need. she has gone haywire. i am not sure we need to many. >> there are nikki haley voters . there is another group of people who are outside radio music city hall on thursday ci night outside the fundraiser. the minimum to get in was $250 and some spent over $500,000. people that the biden campaign are worried about voting for president. the people outside of radio city music hall where the voices protesting his appearance and the support of the united states to israel. those of the voices the biden campaign is very concerned about, especially as they are seeing the support continuing to go toward israel. >> joining me right now is
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howard dean, former democratic national committee chairman and former vermont governor. and msnbc political analyst and opinion editor for the russian to post an editor of prompt 2024 newsletter. howard, what do you think about the strategy? do you think biden can't win over haley -- nikki haley supporters? how many are never-trumpers? >> a lot of them. there are a number of democrats that have voted since there is not much of a democratic primary either. donald trump is an incompetent dog. in the ad, it is showing his behavior threatening the judges and jurors. having his people send crank h letters to people threatening violence. this will not fly with the american people. i think it is a smart campaign tactic.
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>> as gary mentioned a few moments ago, today, the president is opening an office in pennsylvania. nothing on the place the camping is setting up shop. there opening up 100 offices across battleground states including michigan, which biden narrowly won in 2020. also, north carolina, which they believe they can flip in november. how do you see it? >> north carolina has a popular outgoing democratic governor and there are signs to suggest that. they have done well and state legislative races. there are signs to say they are moving toward?. what is smart is the swing states are off -- opening offices. the competitive races. that is the case in michigan and pennsylvania and north carolina. as you both know well, both parties like to think presidential race is help their candidates down ticket. again, these are crucial
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rations democratic to win in both the senate and governors races. i get is e smart for biden and his team to do anything they can to help the state parties on the ground there. >> howard, when you are running the dnc you created the 50 state strategy. focused on winning elections at every level in every region, not just highly contested ones. what do you think about the biden swing state strategy? is there anything his campaign e can learn or implement from your perch? >> he is, obviously. he has a very strong gubernatorial candidate north carolina and the republicans have what amounts to a crackpot running. he is way outside the mainstream that most north carolina president are interested in . north carolina is a wise choice. the swing state strategy at the presidential level makes sense. the problem is not that. i never advocated for swing state strategy for the presidential candidate.
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i indicated the 50 state strategy for the democratic party to start winning races in places like alaska and nevada or, but we just did in alabama. if you don't put effort into that and do training on the ground stuff, we will never s make progress at a president level in a place like alabama. you have to do it at the grassroots content to this day, that is the only way democrats will ever get themselves back where they belong. >> can you give me a perspective on the alabama win? is it a bellwether? >> yes. i am not sure it is a bellwether that says we will take over legislature in alabama anytime soon. but it does take a moderate district in alabama, which had been previously won by a republican. on the issue of abortion and an outspoken woman who was run before and picked up a seat in the state legislature. there is not a state in the country we cannot do that in. we just need to be smarter
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about picking candidates and to support those candidates. i think it is great what the president did with the other two presidents and raising a lot of money. we need to put that kind of money into local races, not just the state legislature. the city council. that is what republicans have done. they are a minority party. most people in this country do not agree with the far right republican party and the far right the report. we can take advantage of that, but you cannot do it unless you nurture local people in every single state. >> former gop congresswoman liz cheney is sending a strong message to the supreme court as they are weighing trump's presidential immunity claim. >> it cannot be the case that a president of the united states can attempt to overturn an recollection and seize power and our justice system is incapable of holding a trial. of holding them to account
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before the next election. that cannot be the case. >> first of all, when you hear her put things that way, you agree and are you equally puzzled by the fact that norma trump seems to be escaping responsibility on many fronts? >> i think former congresswoman liz cheney is expressing the frustration a lot of americans feel. they want to see someone who has done a number of potentially illegal things not get away with it. democrats in particular what turned to face accountability. since he came down best later in 2015 announcing his presidential run. i think what is interesting is seeing how trumps legal team has pushed and delayed every trail in every way they can. in less than three weeks trump will face a jersey -- jury in a criminal trial. something he tried to escape at all costs and avoid at all costs. i think it will be a turning moment for folks to see these
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cases. that is when trouble have to answer for himself for the first time instead of continuing to get delays. >> do agree with that howard? especially when lexi says most americans do not like seeing someone, anyone get away with the things he has been getting away with? >> i think that is right. trump is cooking his own goose. put trumpet his own word. he is a disgrace and an embarrassment to a majority of american that is what you had to focus on. you have to folk- even the court. is stacked by the far right and clearly a political operation at this point. even people like roberts and cavanaugh who are right-wing and have been involved in politics. even they realized the court has got to be in step with the american people and it is not.
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i think there is some chance the court may decide to do what is good for the country, not what is good for the republican party. which is not been dead for 20 years. >> liz cheney speaks out and very focal in fact and has not gone as far as stumping for president i didn't. that is what is with your latest op-ed lexi. you pose the question to colleagues at the washington post. should anti-trump republicans um endorsed biden? i am curious what the answer is. what did you gather from the conversations and how much of a difference could that make? >> you would make a huge difference. obviously, not endorsing trump as a republican hurt trump a little bit, but it would not hurt trump as much as a republican going so far as to say, not only am i not voting for donald trump this fall, but i am actively voting for the democratic candidate joe biden. that would signal to their supporters and constituents not only permission to vote for the other side, but giving people direction at the time when
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people are refusing to endorse president trump because they think is a threat to democracy in the country. if you genuinely are not endorsing him because you think he is a threat to the country or he puts himself ahead of the constitution, i do not the any way in which these folks can vote for him in the fall. write in someone else or do anything that would potentially help donald trump won. because it is not enough not -- or to say you would not endorse him. you had to organize your folks to get some sort of electoral outcome otherwise get the party and the country will be in the same situation they are in now that these republicans are complaining about. >> ubokay guys, howard and lexi i will have you back soon. i appreciate the conversation. donald trump's new york trial is two weeks ago and plenty of rallies and protests in the works. the impact it could have an injury we come back in 60 seconds. 60 seconds. that's a different story.
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the latest gag order in the hush money case. the manhattan da is asking judge merchan to clarify the order and have trump stop attacking the judge's family members after launching attacks on the judge's daughter trump is arguing the judge cannot make them do something the gag order does not require trump attacks on judges have been written and his supporters. >>'s goal is to get them to attack these individuals. these critics of him. as frequently as they possibly can. whether it is on social media. whether through phone calls. whether in person. that is his goal. intimidation. it is witness intimidation and harassment. >> join me now is charles
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coleman, former brooklyn prosecutor n.l. civil rights attorney, msnbc analyst and a good friend to us. here is a look at who is protected under the order. it is clear whether the judge excluded- rather, is it clear the judge excluded himself and his family and what can judge merchan do to rain trump in and keep the trial on track? >> it is important to understand who donald trump is at its core. the reason i say that is that it does not matter necessary who the order protects. donald trump is a bully and the worst kind of bully because he has no problem putting other people up to do his dirty work. that is what you saw michael cohen talk about when he spoke to are calling joy reid. in terms of speaking to to his supporters and expecting they will apply the pressure to the appropriate individuals to make his life easier. while the conduit -- contents of the gag order do not allow
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donald trump to do what he has with critiquing the judge's daughter, it is not something that will stop it one way or other because of the type of bully he is. it is something we know about donald trump. he will continue to try to put as much pressure on the judiciary to do something so continues to do what he wants to do or, he can appeal. which will cause further delay. >> look, the trial starts april 15th. hearings will be on monday, tuesday, thursdays and fridays for six weeks. the "the new york times" reports that trump plans to hold weekend events in states near new york. conduct interviews from trump tower potentially. advisers and talked about protesters of trump tower and they discussed holding a local rally in madison square garden. what kind of atmosphere to expect when the trial starts with what effect could it have on the jury? >> and what is the weekend and
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is casual. i will start juggling . that is what we are looking at. a complete circus. that is what we are in for. you're talking about something that is virtually unprecedented in the history of united states of america. that is a former president of the united states that will be standing trial for a criminal offense that is ultimately a felony punishable by up-over a year in jail. these are serious things to be considered. around that, that same person will be trying to solidify himself as the next president of the united states of america. mind you, what he is actually being tried for is hush money payment to a star. it is absurd already, let alone how it plays out. this is going to be a mess. a logistical nightmare. it will break havoc on new york city in terms of logistics around everything that will
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take place. in the courthouse and everywhere else. things will be happening. it will be extremely hard to contain this environment. it is something that judge merchan is already concerned with having to do. >> less head south and focus of the fulton county election racketeering case. you have trump and eight codefendants asking the appeals court to consider booting fani willis, da, from the case. arguing judge mcafee errored by not requiring dismissal and dislocation. can the appeal delay the trial? when do you think judge mcafee will set a trial date? >> i think it will delay the start of the trial. when judge mcafee set a trial date, it is important to understand it may not be the date the trial goes. i do not that we have seen the last of these motions to dismiss from trump and his defense team, as well as his codefendants.
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you had to remember how many different codefendants we have had. you started with 19. you still have 14 other defendants remaining in the case. i imagine that even after judge mcafee set a trial date, it will likely start after that. i do not think that fani willis will get her day in court against donald trump before the election. i know it may not necessarily be welcome news for many of our viewers, but i am thinking this is likely going to be true. especially if they keep up with the motions to dismiss. it is not a surprise. i do not think it will go very far. the grounds upon which they have the motion will not get any traction. they have a right and the ability to do so. even when judge mcafee set a date, which we should probably hear something from him within the next few weeks.
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in terms of setting an actual date. i imagine it will be pushed further out than what it is that for. >> will write it down in pencil would make it the date thank you so much my friend. appreciate you charles. started coming up everybody, a police arrest the likes of which you've never seen. i guarantee it. arantee it. we all need fiber for our digestive health, but less than 10% of us get enough each day. good thing metamucil gummies are an easy way to get prebiotic, plant-based fiber. with the same amount of fiber as 2 cups of broccoli. metamucil gummies the easy way to get your daily fiber. this is patrick's look of pure bliss. and this is his john deere 3 series tractor. it easily connects to every tool he needs, to clear the way, ♪♪ lift heavy loads, ♪♪ and as he puts it,
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i go to today's top stories. incredible bodycam footage. a scene out of the wild wild west. take a look at officers on horseback chasing and alleged shoplifter in albuquerque. police arrested the suspect and he is facing several charges. the operator of this air boat was arrested after overturned and the florida everglades sending passengers into the gator and snake infested waters. police say the driver made a sharp turn before the boat flipped over. no major injuries reported. tonight powerball jackpot
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has jumped to $935 million and the fifth biggest pot in the game's history. my next guest has a c in court for donald trump's hush money trial. what he is looking for, straight ahead. straight ahead. you need verizon. get the new iphone 15 pro with tons of storage. so you can take all the pics! (vo) trade-in any iphone in any condition and get a new iphone 15 pro and an ipad and apple watch se all on us. only on verizon. head & shoulders bare clinically proven dandruff protection with just 9 essential ingredients no sulfates, no silicones, no dyes. dandruff protection, minimal ingredients. job done. [music playing] tiffany: my daughter is mila. she is 19 months old. she is a little ray of sunshine. one of the happiest babies you'll probably ever meet. [giggles] children with down syndrome typically
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donald trump taking to his personal social media outlet overnight targeting president biden. writing, and when these biden
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trials, none of them should be allowed to take place during my campaign. they are all rigged and political election interference. " trump posted a video we choose not to share depicting biden tied up in the back of a pickup truck. this comes as trump faces mounting legal issues codefendants filing an imac application to remove fani willis. in the hush money case, his attorney filed a motion to challenge the judge-imposed gag order. joining us what more is msnbc campaign analyst. was stuck with the latest trump rhetoric in courtroom antics. >> as i saw the truck you referenced, not too far away from where former president trump gave his works earlier this week in long island. the trump campaign said look, it was a picture of a truck debt driving down the road on the highway. it was a picture of biden tied up and it was shared on trumped truth social account to millions of supporters is a gravity to that.
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when it comes to the indictment, this is his bread and butter. election interference. packing it all onto president biden has been the way he has done it from the beginning. the question for the entire election is how will it fare with moderate voters undecided voters who still had not made up their mind yet. do they buy into it? there is a large chunk of the republican party that says they will not support former president trump if he is convicted of any alleged crimes against him. on the gag order, in truth trump fashion, having something to actually places limits on him and he exceeds what it is. a true trump political strategy to have a gag order to go on the offensive and attack anyone loosely associated with the case . we are seeing what we have seen from the start of the trial so far. >> donald trump is expected in florida this week for fundraising. how dire is the financial situation and whatever stops will he make?
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>> we have seen president biden raise around $25 million at a star-studded celebrity new york fundraising event. the dnc is out-raising and out- spending and has more cash on hand than the rnc by significant margins this is former president trump's chance to contest this week by hosting his own fundraising event in maryland. the trump campaign senior adviser say they do not anticipate and expect to be able to out-raise the biden campaign and out-raise the dnc. they say they believe they have enough american people on the side to carry them to victory come 24. decides fundraising on the campaign sign of things, we see trump back on the campaign trail for the first time in over two weeks. making stops in michigan, greene bay, wisconsin and former president trump back to being a candidate. fundraising and out on the campaign trail. >> take as much.
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started next guest wrote this article. the headline is, trump in the dock. it's on, baby. msnbc contributor has covered 11 presidential campaigns and secured a seat at the hush money trial in new york starting april 15th. first of all, congratulations on securing a seat at the first criminal trial of the former american president. i am curious, what is significant to you about this history? >> first of all, people have to understand we once had a former vice president aaron brewer, who was put on trial in a criminal case. he was acquitted of treason in 1806. we have never had a president facing a criminal trial. , that for a second. you could say it is about a -- an adult film star and how much will people care? we do not have an answer to that question. the historical significance of
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this should not be minimized. also, the danger that donald trump is in of being convicted around early june in this case. almost all of the defense motions to the judge, the trump motions, or denied. and almost all of the prosecution motions, the district attorney motions were granted. the table is set here for the manhattan da to prosecute a successful case. there is no sure thing. it is looking pretty good. the other thing is jury selection starts april 15th. this thing is happening. trump tried to appeal and there are no appeals. this thing is happening 100%, starting april 15th. >> there has been back and forth on this show and that the media. this trial is called the hush
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money trial, but many suggest it should be called election interference trial because of what donald trump is trying to do with allegedly covering up a payment and try to keep something he thought may keep them from potentially winning a close election from winning. keeping the information out of the public and being able to digest it before the cast their votes. what do you think it should be called? i do think it should be called the hush money trial because the jack smith case, the big federal case- and this is of course in new york. this is not a federal case. the big federal case is about the coup attempt to interfere in the election and take over the government this case is about 2016 election. by shutting up stormy daniels and paid her off, he prevented a revelation that very likely
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would have cost him that election against hillary clinton. you have to remember the timing of this, which is that there have been "access hollywood" revelation. which sent trump reeling. he recovered from that and the spotlight shifted to hillary and stories about her emails. if the stormy daniels story had come out right on top of the "access hollywood" story, there is nobody in either party that believes donald trump could have survived that. allegedly, if you look at the evidence, he quite clearly broke the law in pretending that he was paying michael cohen was legal services -- for his legal services when michael cohen was pain stormy daniels $130,000 to stay quiet. >> when the scandal broke jonathan, trump this exchange
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in 2018 with reporters on air force one. >> reporter: did you know about the $130,000 payment? [ inaudible question] >> you have to ask michael cohen. i do not know. no. >> what to expect to see in court? what kind of evidence you expect to be featured? >> michael cohen what will be the star witness at that point, trump was trying to keep him down. and he failed. michael cohen will deliver devastating testimony against him. we were hearing recently that hope hicks may be called to testify. another person very close to donald trump of the time. it is very likely that stephanie clifford, whose stage name is
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stormy daniels will take the stand. we do not know whether trump will take the stand in his own defense. it is less likely, given the steamy details of this case that he does. you cannot rule it out. in the meantime, something quite extraordinary happened at the end of last week. judge reggie walton, a federal judge, not connected to the case took extraordinary action. he went on television and announced trump for his comments , which led to the gag order that judge merchan has applied in this case. and judge chutkan applied a gag order in the past. gag orders normally are for hard-core criminals who cannot restrain themselves. the idea that a former president of the
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united states needs a gag order not to attack our judges and system of government and court employees and relatives of the judge, it is shocking and we should not lose our sense of outrage about how horrible former president trump's conduct is in this legal realm. >> you cannot normalize that behavior. it may be normal for donald trump, but is not normal in any realm. jonathan, will talk to during coverage of the trial. we appreciate your front row seat. in just a moment, we will hear from a washington post critic writing about donald trump's idea about fairness she says he sounds like a guy that showed up at a stated cannot believe there is a line for the men's room. he cannot believe that convenience. convenience. -- inconvenience. -- inconvenience.
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because these friends have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. a test or approve a medication. we didn't have to worry about any of those things thanks to the donations. and our family is forever grateful because it's completely changed our lives. on monday, most fast food workers in california are getting a pay bump. a controversial new law is going into effect requiring fast food chains to pay workers at least $20 per hour. david noriega has more from los angeles. >> on monday, some restaurant workers here in california was the a bigger paycheck as the result of a new law raising minimum wage for fast food workers up to $20 per hour from
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the current 16. it is something unions have been fighting for, for years. now, fast food chains say they will pass on some of the cost to customers. she works at mcdonald's to help raise her nine-year-old son. she says she is eager for her first bigger paycheck which will make a big difference in her family's life. california governor gavin newsom signed legislation for the pay increase last labor day. a move that will affect many. >> 557,000 people at 30,000 locations. this is a big deal. $20 per hour. >> the new law applies to any fast food company with more than 60 locations across the country. think of mcdonald, starbucks and aaa. but, it will also affect smaller restaurant owners want to compete with new wages. like this owner who says more money will not solve the cost of living crisis. >> the insurance.
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it is completely different. >> the new law also creates a system to tackle future wage increases and other issues. >> the results on employers and workers unions and the state government to sit down together and work out problems. >> some businesses say the increase will be too much. >> my family and i have lived here 30 years and work really hard to treat our employees fairly and pay them well. >> alex johnson and his family own 10 restaurants. he believes the $20 minimum wage will have real consequences. >> i have to increase prices and i am no longer hiring in california. summer considering selling and i and potentially closing my restaurants. >> estimate will make a difference she says, but it is not the end of the road. is $20 enough? no, she says. they will keep fighting for more. some of the biggest change in
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the country including mcdonald's, starbucks and aaa are on record saying they intend to respond to the rise in labor costs by raising prices. they do not know by how much. after many restaurants of raised prices and aftermath of the pandemic >> david noriega, thank you. my next guest wrote a column about two words donald trump says over and over. not fair. not fair. not fair. jordan's sore nose
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have a lack of accountability. especially with this case. nobody is going to trial. trump suggests he is being singled out and treating -- being treated differently. is being treated better than anybody. the problem is every judge facing him would feel in a high profile case that the thing is to make him a martyr. that is was icy when he is inviting. >> jordan me now is robin givens, senior critic at large for the washington post and writer of this new article, election should be free and fair ; being a candidate should be tough. welcome. i am curious about your reaction to her analysis. do you agree? >> i do. i think trump is using the idea to paint himself who someone, no
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falter actions of his own, is being put in a terrible position. in fact, we have seen his trial delayed. we have seen his bond reduced. we have seen him get any number of changes made to these cases because of who he is. because of the power he has. >> i want to get to the >> that you touched on in your new article . you dismissed trump's complaints he has not been treated fairly as a presidential candidate. you liken him to a guy that showed up at a stadium i cannot believe there is a line for the men's room. he cannot believe that convenience cannot believe nobody is clearing the way for him. explain that. >> to me, it is the idea of listening to him after his bond was reduced in new york.
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he kept repeating the idea that he is being treated unfairly, over and over. when i thought about it, it seemed so lopsided to be thinking about things in this way. the unfairness of it all seem to be couched in the idea that just running for office should be in some way easy. there should be a clear path for him. and it is and make inconvenience , even though the inconveniences are are of his own making. running for office should be tough because the job you are ultimately applying for is incredibly important and difficult and unpredictable. unfairness to me, just means something that was so beside
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the point and in context. >> judge nancy gertner having challenged trump's claims of unfair treatment. saying he is getting special treatment from judges and in over backwards because he is a former president. do you think that is true? politically speaking, is it true of voters letting him get away with more than the average candidate? >> i am honestly not a legal expert and i do not play one on tv either. i do think that judges seem to be treading very carefully. and human nature would have one treading cautiously. i do think he is getting special treatment. i think we also know there is a long history of being two
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different judicial systems, depending on whether one has money and access to a litany of private attorneys. also, based on social status. all of those things. each of the categories, trump comes up in the positive side. >> i am glad to speak to you about this and we will have you back to speak more about what you are writing back there i appreciate it. stephen still -- stephen sills saying that he cannot be with when you love can't be with the one you're with. there interview with the sitting federal judge about donald trump's social media comments. it is worth your time. good day to all of you and welcome to "alex witt reports" . we have breaking news.


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