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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  March 31, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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big, big challenge here is that he is going to have to run many points ahead of president biden. certainly not going to win ohio. obviously going to be brown- trump voters. he just needs a lot of them. >> john certainly has a lot on his hands in montana which trump won by six 10 percentage points in 2020. >> again, a guy with a really good personality for the state, got his lab, and he has shown before in 2012 for instance the he cannot run the demo residential nomination. but he's going to have to really exceed expectations. he will probably need as a percentage more of trump's tester voters than even brown
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try to make him out not to be a true 110, a carpet bagger. in his favor, nobody really sees him as anybody -- anything but a true montana in. >> joe manchin, red state, west virginia because he is retiring. will republicans get that seat? >>, certainly. i don't think democrats can put up much of a fight in west virginia. because they have so many other races to put their money behind, i think they will just
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have to let this one go. west virginia is going to turn republican. >> i will look forward to seeing you again. thank you so much for your time. >> the obama effect. how much president biden gained from having president obama fund raise with him. from obama white house, the press secretary robert gibbs joins us in just a few minutes. . the campaign trail. >> reporter: i think so. unity of purpose.
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democracy. >> former president trump meanwhile balancing his campaign in the white house attacking the judge in his up coming hush money trial while staring down a thursday deadline to post the $175 million bond in the fraud judgment today. on the criticism of easter sunday today for selling bibles. here's senator raphael warnock. >> do not need his endorsement in jesus in the very last week of his life. chased the moneychangers out of the temple. >> we will speak to reverend al sharpton coming up in the next hour. the reaction to the biden administration approving the transfer of more bombs and fighter jets to israel. the dissent coming from democrats. >> until the netanyahu government allows more assistance into gaza to help people who are literally starving to death we should not
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be sending more bombs. >> reporters and analysts in place for you. let's go to gary. in the past few hours, the biden campaign released more from the big fundraiser. what can you tell us? >> what we've seen over the past few days since the fundraiser, things coming out little by little. videos and clips in the big $26 million fundraiser that was held at radio city music hall heard resident biden talking about his accomplishments and jerking about former president trump, being self-deprecating about his own age. really getting by with the help of some powerful friends. it helps when your friends are former president obama and former president clinton. here is what he had to say at the thursday night fundraiser. >> at the end of the day, who do you think is actually going to look out for you? or do you think is going to fight on your behalf?
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who's gone through tough financial times? and at the end of the day, what you want, not just out of your president but out of your government is people whose values are rooted in wanting to make sure everybody gets a shot. >> that's a message that the biden campaign has really been trying to get across to the american the folks in michigan and battleground states around the country. maybe nikki haley voters. folks that don't necessarily agree
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with all of biden's policies but don't agree with what is coming out of trump's math either. that's a message we will hear more of throughout the coming months read >> thank you so much for that. joining me right now, former obama white house press secretary and msnbc political analyst robert gibbs. i can see you smiling during president obama. also heard you laughing at me when i suddenly called him president joe biden. today we heard president biden ally congressman james clyburn said expect more of president obama and president benson on the campaign trail this time around and how much magic to the former presidents have left and how much does president biden really need? >> i think they are powerful endorsers of this president. powerful endorsers. you heard it from former president obama there. a lot of issues that this campaign is going to fight over. each side. but i think the binding campaign in a good campaign has an overarching
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economic times and seeing the country through economic downturns that they inherited from republican predecessors. all of those are powerful ways that this president will use the former president to speak to what the administration has a comp list and what they want to do with the second term and all of which is incredibly important as the lead into november. >> 100%. besides raising a record amount of money, in terms of optics, having three former german >> presidents on stage together working cohesively, a level of calm rotary among them, how will orton does that to see? >> i think it's important to
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see if you're part of the democratic base. you see people that you revere, people who are still quite popular in supporting this kind president. also there's a great contrast. you are unlike to see a republican, former republican president do an event with donald trump. the on that stage and lift him up in his battle this on friday. trump posted to true social a very disturbing image of president biden with his hands
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and feet tied together on a passing truck. increasing violent rhetoric against his opponent. what do you think is going on with the campaign on this front? >> it's in many ways unsettling are the people in the biden campaign are used to this sort of thing. i think the real danger for somebody like former president trump in this case is again, this race will be decided by a very small number of people in those seven swings dates that don't have strong allegiances to other side. when they see this type of rhetoric, these types of images when they enter and that the person that they might voting for is the one sharing those images >> going to give them laws, just as it's going to give them pause to see donald trump him of the nominee, spending more time in a courtroom answering charges than on the campaign trail. all of those things, they may
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have been a good thing for donald trump in the republican primary. we are in a very different race now. the general election requires reaching out to people, strongly aligned here. i think those images will be very offputting for voters read >> how about on fundraising? how much of a difference will biden's passion vantage the encountering the constant media attention that donald trump hits? where is it critical that this money gets invested? >> i think it is critical that it gets invested in building the early infrastructure of the campaign, building the field operation. frankly i'm a getting onto the television and digital advertising and the messages that are most important for voters to hear from the biden purse active in front of them. the supreme court did away with a lot of the limits around fundraising. not a lot of big races in particular have been decided by money. both sides have had enough of it. the challenge i think for
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donald trump here is he has a real cash this is vantage and he's had a hard time raising money. this mall dollar donors are tired and the big money donors are worried that the contributions are not going to go to the support of the campaign but instead to pay a burgeoning cadre of lawyers. i think the real challenge here for trump is he's got to catch up because right now the biden campaign is a serious structural advantage in the longer it goes on him of the longer it's going to bleed into the things like advertising and field campaigns that will ultimately decide what will be a very nice race. >> they've been making new outreach to nikki haley voters with ads showing trump's remarks about haley and those who voted for her in the gop primary. how important is it that biden reach out to the entire trunk faction of the gop? will he get their votes?
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>> it's a great question. if you are sitting the biting can then, one of the things that you watched in january and february is the primary has gone on, even after nikki haley suspended her campaign, there were still -- her candidacy and her name on the ballot were still four republicans who were not ready to sign up for donald trump. that to me is a battleground group of people. that's the part of the campaign, the biden campaign has to be reaching out to, studying, understanding what issues could potentially move them to biden. i don't inc. in their wildest dreams they think all those people are going to go vote for joe biden. but maybe they don't vote for donald trump. maybe they set this race out and maybe a few of them peel off to vote for biden. we know this is going to be a close race. if anything like that can make a big difference in a state with just a small number of people deciding the outcome. >> i'm serious if you have
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of an inflection point. you're going to have a huge audience to listen to and react to that speech. but more importantly, i think the campaign has understood that we will have a long general election. maybe the longest in our country's history. the general election candidates have been decided so early. you've seen the cadence of biden being out there. i think it is important for >> rats to see, for swing voters to see. i think it really demonstrates the concern that joe biden has about making sure this. i think it is important in showing the energy that this president has
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and what he is going to fight about between now and election day. i think that cadence of stepped- up travel, stepped up fundraising, campaign events has been very important. >> okay. your voice is always very important on the show. thank you. thanks for joining on the holiday. i appreciate that to rid coming up, reverend al sharpton will tell -- i need to talk about trump selling bibles, the controversy that wasn't and the divided country. and baltimore, the coast guard confirms that yours have successfully removed a major section of the key bridge from the river. julia jester joins me from baltimore. how much progress of the crews made to clear this debris, julia? >> we've all been waiting for this first articles that, the official lifting and removal of a section of the bridge. we are told by the governor's
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office that it was 200 tons, that's no small feat. and looking over my shoulder, this does not mean that the work has dropped. they're doing a grounding survey to figure out how far the bottom is to remove the dolly vessel and take one step forward and opening a temporary channel somewhere ships and barges can come through to accelerate this process. the coast guard has said that they are operating 24/7. it's an easter holiday. >> i'm curious what kind of political fight we can expect. paying for the cleanup and then of course, the rebuilding effort. >> her to hearing from some lame is. outrage is in the biden almost two fund the entirety of the
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bridge. governor, his on the lot to make the case for financially helping baltimore in this moment. here's what he had to say. >> this is something where people say with the delegation on it? the entire amount are in support of us being able to ensure that congress can move with the speed and intentionality that will be her wired in this seri. getting the port open and the channel opened up on we're talking about the economic impact of our nation.
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>> alex, governor moore has been strategic in the examples that he is using the national implications and the farmers and kentucky, autoworkers in ohio, restaurant owner in tennessee all red and purple states really underscoring that it just about maryland, not just about baltimore. it's about -- we had transportation secretary pete buttigieg making the case that this could be your district. your district could be next. let's quit the games and help out the state and you could argue that baltimore needs support more than the port needs baltimore, where thousands of workers and
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livelihood take here in maryland every day that the port is closed and shipments are not coming in. there is a sense of urgency. the insurance money will be a long drawn out fight. as to who pays for this under maritime law. but they need the money now and the government should provide that according to them. >> yeah. i think this at 8000 workers in the port. thank you for that. >> how on paper the former president has gained a big windfall. not all that matters is gold. maybe it's fools gold. we will be back in 62nd. 62nd. that goes places a regular mop just can't. ♪♪ mop smarter with the swiffer powermop. >> tech: at safelite, we'll take care of fixing your windshield. but did you know we can take care of your insurance claim? mop smarter that means less stress for you. >> woman: thanks. >> tech: my pleasure. have a good one. >> woman: you too. >> tech: schedule today at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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matches and breaking news. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu undergoing surgery under full and asia tonight. this coming at a critical time with thousands of israelis taken to the streets today to protest the handling of the war. meghan fitzgerald is in london for us. what can you tell us about netanyahu's house and what he said about it a short time ago? >> right. what we know is that the prime minister went in for a routine checkup today where the hernia
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was discovered. the decision was made for him to come back and undergo a surgery on the hernia. asked if he got his schedule. he would later undergo full and asia. he did speak about this just a little while ago at a press conference. i want you to listen to what he had to say. >> i would like to thank everyone who was so worried about my health that i would like to thank them for the other promise you that i will see this treatment successfully and i will be back very soon. >> we are talking about thousands of people all across the country taking to the streets in protest, calling for resignation and release of the edges. a deal to be made so that these men and women and children can be safely returned home. he said that he did speak with the families of the hostages
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again today. he understands he's dealing with. the negotiations are picked back up. this is important here. he says there is no victory without securing rafah as i know . he went on to say that the idf has approved plans for grand vision and they are preparing to evacuate civilians. that's the southernmost tip of the enclave of gaza where people are in shelter. the parameters around us, this will be happening, when this is going to be happening. international condemnation. to avoid trying to stop israel. reiterated tonight that they don't believe they have victories without the grand
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mitch mcconnell says the border deal with democrats is now -- with democrats is now --
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as you know i love the bible but it's my favorite book. definitely read it and i'm not doing this for the money. i'm doing this for the area of garden for rendering and mostly for money. >> saturday night live perfect the poking fun at translate this moneymaking venture, selling bibles. the opportunistic timing during the most sacred time in the christian calendar is facing backlash. let's listen to senator raphael warnock this morning. >> trump is doing what he's always done and this time it's a risky bet. because the folks who buy those bibles might actually open them up. where it says things like thou shalt not lie. thou shalt not bear false witness.
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i think that announcing he was selling the bible and he announces it during holy week is like spitting in the face of those that believe in easter and what good friday is all about. he's already now, selling pieces of his suit that he was arraigned in being charged with crimes. then he comes out selling sneakers with gold. now in the middle of holy week for those of us that are western you're going to sell
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bibles for $60 and say this is the only bible endorsed by donald trump. first of all if we then believe the bible is the word of god, it's the height of arrogance, not narcissism -- if not narcissism to say that you can address the bible. your bible is all right. what about other bibles? what are you saying? i think there is nothing more insulting to anyone for the scriptures they believe them to and found to be guilty of sexual harassment.
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>> not a thing to challenge there. what president biden said friday, marking march 31 as transgender day of visibility. this happens to fall on easter sunday. house leadership as well as the trump campaign have voiced outrage. listen to what senator warnock had to say about that this morning. >> apparently, the speaker finds trans people aboard. the fact of the matter is as you said, march 31st has been a day to lift up transgender people who endure violence and bigotry. this is the opposite. >> let's remind folks that he wears two hats. at the historic ebenezer baptist church, as well. what he is talking about, is this just another attempt at igniting the culture wars?
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>> first of all, morality here, of being loyal or faithful to what they claim is a holiday, which is a christian holiday that i believe in. because where they not upset with the behavior of donald trump that is out right hocking bibles, but for a date but just happened to be dealing with transgender celebration and recognition. when you have much more obvious insult that's much closer to home for them and that's a
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nominee of their own party. >> you know, some see religion, general religion as a facet of our common humanity. shouldn't there be kind of a coming together, not an attempt to tear people apart? >> you would think that if there is any day that we would try to come together, it would be religious holidays. whatever the religion may be, because what kind of religion do you have if you are with me in paradise, meaning no matter how low we go in life, o
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no matter what mistakes we make it, there is the opportunity for redemption. and then that is what the resurrection represents. no matter what the world does, no matter how you crucify, you can rise again. that's what easter should mean and what we should be doing in this country today, those of us that are christian, is preaching that message. no matter what mistakes people have made, there is a chance for redemption. let's redeem them. and no matter what we have faced as a nation in the world. that's what we ought to be talking about today whether -- rather than skip coding and trying to make profit. >> amen to that. a resounding one. thank you, reverend al sharp and. endure the holiday. you can watch more weekdays right here on msnbc.
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sounds like a broadway show. the former president, the former pornstar and the former fixer coming to a new york state court room. the new name for donald trump's defense next. or donald trump's defense next.
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more on to big deadlines in the trials of donald trump. tuesday we will find out if jack smith will comply with judge cannons demand of writing jury instructions that could lead to trump's acquittal in
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the classified documents case. thursday is trump's chance to post the 170 million dollar bond in the new york drug judgment. he spent easter morning on a social media bender. posting 71 times about various cases. absolutely extraordinary. 43 now. 71. joining me now, palm beach county florida dave, welcome back to the broadcast. trump is claiming that the trial should be delayed because of pretrial publicity. i do think calvin bragg will come complied the claim considering his fighting -- attacking his daughter. could he be the one causing the issue in getting it delayed based on his actions? >> i think calvin bragg is going to say get real. you're the one causing all the fuss and now you're worried about pretrial publicity. if there is an issue, the
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remedy is to move the case to another jurisdiction or there is not as much publicity. there is no other jurisdiction where people don't know about this matter. at not a remedy to delay this whole matter. so much publicity. we have to end the case or delay it. very tentative about sanctioning trump as you tax the judges daughter because he wants to avoid looking political. by standing on the sidelines and letting trump attack your family, you are looking political. they would often be wearing an orange jump suit by now. or at the very least the gag order would be suspended, sanctioned. hope fully judge marchand will respond the way that is appropriate. i do believe this case is going to go as scheduled because it is trump's strategy not necessarily to defend himself in court to delay matters and that's his top already.
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>> also mentioned public comments from michael cohen and stormy daniels. what is he most worried about if they take the stand? >> michael cohen is trump's former lawyer. he knows where all the bodies are buried. he worries about him more than anyone else. michael cohen gets under his skin and he mocks him. causing these crazy names. i will not repeat them here. that he has a pot past and he reaches a lot of people. he really bothers trump. he will try to use it in a way to delay matters. saying it not fair, all the pretrial publicity. in the end, the only way to remedy is to expand the gag order. michael cohen has first amendment rights. as a defendant, donald trump is your first amendment rights here than michael cohen does read he cannot say to do this but leave me alone so i can continue to attack the judges
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daughter. one way to delay matters or to rile up his base. they are feeding off of it. >> looking to tuesday, that is the deadline for jack smith to comply with judge cannons request for the jury instructions that could lead to trump's acquittal in the classified documents case. do you, dave, expecting to go along with that or other actions he could take it? >> there is no way that jack smith is going to succeed to the jury instructions. if he does, the case is over. secondly, it's a head, trump wins, tells, his losing. there is no way he will let that happen. the problem is judge cannon did not issue an order here of jury instructions. just said parties, i want you to engage in the following scenarios. it's loose enough that i think it's not enough for jack smith
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to go directly to the 11th circuit yet. what will happen is jack smith is going to push back and say hey, what you are doing here is really erroneous. your interpretation under the presidential records act is wrong and you need to think about this again. rethink what you just did. if she won't, we will take the extraordinary step. i do think the 11th circuit going to reverse, repudiate. dropped the case entirely. >> you are there in palm beach. what are you hearing from folks about judge cannons case in the handling of donald trump? >> people think it's appalling, what has been happening. they're very anti-cannon. trump's biggest supporters silent about it or they want cannon to be appointed to the u.s. supreme court. if elected again could be for her future.
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regardless, she is alone in the courthouse and she is by his love. a relatively new judge. no one to help supervise her. she lost a couple of her clerks which judges will rely on to do the heavy lift thing. is a tough situation for jack's myth. an inexperienced judge. i'm not going to say that what i do think if she continues to roll the way she is that jack smith has no other choice for the 11th circuit. >> moving through the neighborhood, how to gauge people's reaction from these cases. are they cheering them on, are they tired of the ongoing saga of donald trump? >> so divided. if you're a trump supporter, you see things the way he does, that this is a weapon as the department of just this. even though merrick garland has intended if anything.
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allowing hunter biden to be prosecuted and the broadside of the president. there are very few undecided voters anymore. if you're a trump supporter, you will see it the way he does. part of the base and you think he is railroaded. this will be about the fact and of money off the stock even though he is not sold it for six months. that's ahead. that's ahead.
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so. the markets work for good friday. it now known as a mean sock based not on the market that emotion. if you are looking for stable returns i would not touch this with a 10 foot pole. what is your prediction for what happens next and if and when it crashes, who is on the hug? >> from a company that had virtually no revenues. a loss of about 49 million. no way to support the lens of dollars in stock market value. what donald is likely to do is go to a financial house, ledge his stock to them because he cannot sell it and they will loan him money again to. they will go out and short the stock and sell shares they do not own. that's called shortselling. the price goes to zero. the investment has to get its money because they will replace the shares that zero or close
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to it with donald's shares and then both donald and the investment house will walk away well off and the people who bought the stock and hold onto it support donald get wiped out. >> let me ask you -- i'm curious how you can make money off the stock because he cannot sell it for six months, right? >> no. and he cannot short the stock himself as chief executive of the company. by pledging his shares to an investment house, he can remove the economic interest. if the shares should go up and down, investment house gets the thirst -- first 35% increase. they would get the first 350 million. above that would be his money. if it falls because they short the stock, they are at no risk and this is what is known as
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hedging. corporate executives have been doing this for more than 30 years. >> okay. this is a means dock. that's what they are calling it. do they have to be trans parent with all of this? can investors know? can the average mom more pop who says i want to support donald trump, the things they're doing so with this, can they read between the lines and understand what is at stake? >> no. this has to be one of the worst aspects of the sick vertes and exchange commission law or rules. if the executive sells shares, they have to disclose it. you do not have to disclose it. people who buy shares in the company sing well, so and so that all this money. taking him to the cleaners. no real financial interest in the welfare and the future of the company. >> okay. sue talked about how much money
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it's made. truth social and $3.4 million in the first nine months of 2023. but it lost 49 million. it has not reported its actual user metrics. something we are just talking about now. right now it's market value is totally separate from its actual financial reality. eventually, with that reality come back to haunt it and what does that mean for trump? >> absolutely. ultimately, stock prices are to the expected future value of the earnings of the company. while there are distortions are sometimes underpriced, overpriced. eventually, the market comes around to recognizing the intrinsic value of the enterprise. and truth social just does not have the resources. with the company that took in probably the full year's numbers less than $5 million of revenue, why would you pay $8
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billion for all the stock in that company. that's just crazy. >> can i ask you why would anyone play $60 for the god bless the usa bible that he is hawking right now ask how much money can he make from this? >> is selling this through a company that has previously sold a bible commemorating 9/11. there are lots of people out there who may well by this bible. we don't know what his share of the revenue is. actual billionaires hog tennis shoes and bibles. people desperate for money to pay the lawyers do the kind of thing. >> david johnson telling it like it is. thank you so much. have a good day. thanks for joining us on anks fthat features an disturbing image of resident
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