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tv   Alex Wagner Tonight  MSNBC  April 2, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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here on the 11th hour. and when we make mistakes, you can call us out on it. and we will correct the mistakes because we are human. but telling lies, pushing lies on public platforms meant to help people get better and smarter? that is wrong. and not something we will be participating in. and on that note, i wish you a very good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late with me. i'll see you at the end of tomorrow. thanks to you at home for joining me this hour. do you remember this moment in may of 2021? >> what will be different about florida's election in 2022, what are you about to sign? >> so, right now, i have what
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we think is the strongest election integrity measures in the country. i'm going to sign it right here. it takes effect. so there you go. >> governor ron desantis, nearly three years ago, signing florida's voter suppression bill and doing it live on fox and friends. he turned his state into a maga wonderland. desantis signed the stop woke app that banned the teaching of race and racism in the state of florida if it made white people uncomfortable. he supported the idea slavery benefited enslaved people suggesting it was sort of a skills training program. he signed the don't say gay bill which banned any teaching about homosexuality or gender identity in florida public
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schools and all of this was supposed to transform florida into a conservative utopia that then would put ron desantis directly on a glide path to be the next president of the united states. it was highlighted in speeches and broadcast live on fox news. all of it, except for one thing. there was one agenda item so toxic, so unpopular with so many people including republicans that governor desantis decided he would sign off on it very quietly in a closed door ceremony under the cloak of night. it was florida's six week abortion ban. since governor desantis signed that law, florida's abortion bans have been stalled in the courts. but yesterday, the florida supreme court gave governor desantis exactly what he wanted. mostly. the court upheld florida's abortion ban allowing desantis'
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six week ban to take effect. at the same time, though, florida's highest court also decided to allow florida voters the chance to amend their state's constitution this november and enshrine the right to an abortion. putting abortion on the ballot in a presidential election year is the last thing republicans wanted to happen. the last time abortion rights were on the ballot in florida during a presidential election was the year 2012. that year, voters soundly rejected new abortion restrictions by a 10-point margin. and that in turn almost certainly helped president barack obama narrowly carry the state over republican mitt romney. that marks the last time a democratic presidential candidate won florida. yesterday, nbc news was first to report on a new memo from president biden's campaign outlining how it believes democrats might win back that state this november. today a group of house
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democrats traveled to florida for a field hearing about the restrictive abortion bans. among the witnesses was debra doorburg, a woman forced by state law to carry her baby to term despite doctor's assessments would not survive long after birth and carrying that pregnancy to term could risk her life. >> so florida law forced you to carry the baby until 37 week withs no amniotic fluid and a certainty that he would not survive. >> yeah. yes. the next few months were the toughest times of my life. as i continued to grow and experience horrible pain, from the baby pushing up on different body parts, i struggled with my mental health, experienced depression and anxiety. >> debra joins the chorus of woman speaking out in states across the country about the
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absolutely appalling and dehumanizing experiences they have had to have while trying to end pregnancies in states with new abortion bans on their books. and those stories have reshaped traditional battle lines. in california and vermont, it is one thing, but in red states like kansas and montana and kentucky and ohio, in bellwether states like michigan and virginia and wisconsin, literally everywhere abortion rights have been on the ballot or been a central issue in the election, the side favoring access to abortion has won. because the war on women's bodies is a very real menace here. republicans have already banned abortion in 21 states. and that is something that joe biden and the democrats are going to speak about unceasingly until election day. it is an issue that has the potential to change political reality. the biden campaign is running this ad as part of an ad buy on
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several swing states. >> because for 54 years they were trying to get roe v. wade terminated and i did it. and i'm proud to have done it. >> in 2016, donald trump ran to overturn roe v. wade. now, in 2024, he is running to pass a national ban on a woman's right to choose. i'm running to make roe v. wade the law of the land again so women have a federal guarantee to the right to choose. donald trump doesn't trust women. i do. i'm joe biden. and i approve this message. >> today, donald trump told nbc news that his campaign plans to make a statement about abortion next week. we will see what that statement says, if it even happens, if it is even a statement. now trump has sought to avoid any discussion about abortion and what he actually supports throughout his campaign thus far. instead, he would prefer to drum up fear about phantom menaces. today, trump held a campaign event in michigan focused on
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the issue of border security. while michigan is technically a border state, he was not there to fear monger about our canadian neighbors. he is hoping to drum up his own brand of rage, hurt, and shock around the issue of immigration. >> the 22-year-old nursing student in georgia who was barbarically murdered by an illegal alien animal. the democrats say please don't call them humans. i said no, they're not humans. they're animals. and nancy pelosi told me she said please don't use the word animal, sir, when talking about these people. i said i will use the word animal because that's what they are. >> to be clear, migrants are not driving any sort of violent crime wave in america. violent crime is on whole down in the united states. multiple studies have found that migrants commit crime at a much lower rate than u.s. born citizens. an analysis by nbc news found that crime rates are actually
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dropping in the big cities where conservatives have been busing migrants from the southern border but the truth has never constrained donald trump in places where it might benefit him. so that is his strategy to win in michigan and we see what president biden has his sights onto win florida. the question is which of these candidates can run a stronger campaign on threats, both real and imagined. joining me now is congresswoman alyssa from michigan. it is great to see you. thanks for being here tonight. let me get your response to former president trump calling undocumented migrants animals. >> you know, look, i think it is deeply, deeply inappropriate for anyone who is a leader to set that kind of tone. i think it falls on deaf ears, he obviously was making fun of people asking him not to refer
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to immigrants as animals. we are a nation of immigrants right? he had family members who emigrated here from somewhere. it just is, and it is sadly a tale as old as time in the united states. there were times where italian immigrants and irish immigrants and name it immigrants were called animals in the past. we have seen this movie. it is meant to divide us. it falls on deaf ears to say anything about it. he is proud of it. his it is a pretty sad state of affairs over there right now. >> setting aside the poisonous rhetoric here. i wonder about trump and the republican party's efforts to drum up fear about the border and the southern border, not the canadian border in a state like michiganment if they feel they are playing some kind of winning strategy here, is there any credibility to that?
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>> well look, in michigan, we are a border state so we know what a healthy functioning border looks like and we need to acknowledge that no one thinks the southern border is, you know, great right now. no one says that this is how business should be running at our southern border and as someone who was a former cia officer and pentagon official spent my entire time in homeland security. the question is why is it that donald trump isn't letting republicans negotiate on some sort of bill so we can deal with the southern border. i think this is what drives many of us crazy is that he comes in. he will do a big rally, he will donald drum up all this energy and stop republicans from negotiating on a deal. we had a bipartisan deal. i come from the pentagon and national security. if i said to any of my bosses here is the number one national security issue, with we have
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to take care of it, we are vulnerable, but let's not do anything for the next nine months because i need to make some political hay out of it, i would be fired. my republican colleagues, get in a room with us. i'll listen to anybody and negotiate anything. but, they are refusing to meet with us on it. this guy is not serious about doing anything in the southern border. he is serious about winning the election. it is frankly a little disturbing. >> yeah. and i mean, in addition to the lack of sort of seriousness about policy and fixing the problem on a policy level, he is trying to divide the country right? i do wonder if democrats are not leaving some money on the table if you were. by not going harder after trump on the race piece. the racism is embedded in the message. trump has seen gains among latinos and black voters in
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this country and i just wonder if there is not some sort of way for democrats to carve out that support and bring it back across their side of the aisle. an inherently bigoted message central to trump's campaign. >> he is bigoted, he knows that. he is proud of it. he talked about it today in this rally. so, it is just, the problem is, you know, we are used to a world where people feel shame. where people do something wrong, they feel shame. and they are embarrassed. donald trump does not feel shame. it is a difficult thing to highlight when he keeps doing it. keeps repeating it. yes, of course, i think it is the job of all of us who care about the country to highlight what he is saying in his own words. he will do if he becomes president again. you don't have to make up
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scenarios for what he will do. he is telling us. today in the same rally in michigan, he said if i don't win this election, it will probably be our last election in this country. so, we don't have to make it up. and it is our job to help shine a light on that. >> what do you make of president biden's outreach? he is focused intently on michigan. he was on the picket line with striking uaw workers. he has the endorsement of the uaw. there has been some real retail politicking on the part of the president. does that work get outshined by the fear and loathing that trump conveys and brings with him when he arrives in town? or do you think biden has a good operation there, structurally and rhetorically? >> yeah. i definitely think the biden operation has come in, enforce in the state. they are there, they are hiring and opening offices. they are visible which i think is important. but look, i don't think it is
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any one visit. i don't think it is any one thing. if you are in michigan or the midwest, you have to be speaking to people's pocketbooks and their kids. you have to talk about what you will do for their pocketbooks and kids particularly with the economy right now. you need to make the case. and for me, i always think of michiganers in particular as being practical people. we know what we can see with our own eyes, right now in michigan, we have a manufacturing renaissance going on. we have an electric vehicle battery plant going up in my district. 40 plus new factories in the state of michigan after 40 years of not building a new one. so, people can see dirt moving and i think that matters to people. but it is not any one visit. it is making the case every single day in ways that compel people. and they are connected to what they really care about. their pocketbooks and their kids. >> congresswoman alyssa, thanks so much for your time. we will be following this race
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intently. appreciate it. >> thanks. joining me now is nikki fried. it is great to see you. we began the show talking about the six week abortion ban that is going to soon be in place in your state. and i wonder on the biggest macro level, how much hope should democrats pin on this ballot measure. carrying democrats in november? >> first of all, the opening sets the stage of exactly what we are here in florida having to live under. you know, i was actually sleeping outside protesting the six week abortion ban when desantis signed in the cloak of darkness. had a helicopter around where we are sleeping. the week before, i had been arrested for protesting abortion. so you are seeing just four plus years of just suffocation from ron desantis. so when we have abortion on the ballot in november, what this
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will do is not only galvanize the democrats but it is not just democrats. it is republicans and independents. almost one-third of our state is independents at this point. who were tired of this extremism. so this is an opportunity for us to be able to get out our message, hold ron desantis, donald trump, rick scott and the rest of the republicans here in florida finally accountable for what they have done to this state. >> that is the political reality. and then there is the on the ground reality for people in the state seeking reproductive choice. and in neighboring states. i believe florida, over 84,000 abortions were reported in the state of florida in 2023, an increase from 2022. there are states like georgia that has a six week abortion ban. you have people coming from elsewhere in the south that have become choice deserts. flocking to florida. can you talk a little bit about what this means for the people of florida who may need abortions either life saving or otherwise and what, the immediate future for them in the next few weeks. >> this will be devastating.
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as to your point, not just for floridians but the entire south. we are all seeing the maps with red all over the south with access to abortion. so florida was the last opportunity with so many women across the entire south. now we have 15 week abortion ban that was held up in the courts yesterday. which triggers the six week abortion ban that will go into effect in 29 days. over the course of the next seven months you will hear stories like you are hearing earlier in the top of your show. these heartbreaking stories of women having to make these ultimate decisions. decision so private and intimate, it should only be between the woman, her doctor, and anybody else she allows into that space. certainly not politicians. but you will see women having to make these life altering decisions that will put
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themselves at risk. potentially future opportunity to have children. and these will be drastic ramifications here in the state of florida and the entire south. >> yeah. and just the unusual nature of all of this. the abortion ban comes down in a matter of weeks. so florida women will live in the florida version of the hand maid's tail. all will have an option to pull the state back to the 21st century and go back to protected reprotective choice. which i would imagine is going to actually help the cause of choice to be able to see what the alternative is in a very concrete way before being given this choice on the actual ballot. >> yeah. and that is the point. you will have the stories coming out of what happens. a six week abortion ban is an all-out ban. most women don't know they are pregnant at six weeks. and so now, you'll have a state
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which is for all intents and purposes, libertarian in nature, 77% of floridians did not want the six week abortion ban. now it will bring to light the clear choice floridians had come november. do you want access to reproductive health care? that is what will be the issue on the ballot. and i said, consistently don't count florida out. we are fighting, carrying this message making sure people across the nation understand that florida and our floridians are hungry for change and will put in the work. we will work to get health care back in our constitutions and win the seats up and down the ballot. holding rick scott who would have signed that six week abortion ban if he was governor and donald trump who want to take a national abortion ban to dc.
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that is a clear choice on the november ballot in florida. protect reproductive health and democracy. send rick scott packing and make sure that we reelect joe biden and kamala harris in november of 24. >> well, donald trump won the state by a little over three points this ballot measure needs a 60% threshold to pass. it is hard to see if it passes. nikki fried, thank you so much for your time tonight. >> thanks for having me on. there is a lot of news to get to, tonight. this guy went from marching with white supremacists at charlottesville to elected office. and just a few minutes ago, his past caught up with him. we'll have more on that coming up next. and the budge overseeing the prosecution of donald trump and his classified documents case makes yet another in a series of inexplicable moves. that is next. licable moves. that is next.
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on march 1, judge aileen cannon who is overseeing donald trump's prosecution over the handling of classified documents held a hearing onsetting a new trial date. now we still don't have that trial date. in the meantime, judge cannon has asked lawyers on both sides of this case to do some fairly inexplicable homework. one assignment requires them to write a set of hypothetical instructions for a hypothetical jury that may or may not meet on a hypothetical trial date she has yet to set. the other assignment is due on friday and it involves the so- called speedy trial act but don't let the name fool you. the likelihood is that it will do quite the opposite. joining me now is david, a former federal prosecutor. author of the sub stack newsletter original jurisdiction which has been
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scooping scoops in the recent weeks. great to have you on the program here. okay, why is the speedy trial assignment a misnomer according to some legal experts? >> because this trial has been anything but speedy. so the speedy trial act comes from the sixth amendment of the constitution which provides defendants the right to a speedy and public trial and sets various deadlines and timetables and this trial as we know has been going very, very slowly. and judge cannon has asked the defenses, tell me why i'm actually not that slow. basically. >> tell me why you don't need a speedy trial donald trump. >> it is interesting because it is supposed to protect the right of a defendant. donald trump does not want a speedy trial. >> she is saying look i have gone super slow thus far and could be in violation of the speedy trial act. help me tell myself and the law why i'm not in violation of it and you want this.
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>> that's basically it. >> it feels this is not only instance of her looking for cover. she is giving herself kind of a crib sheet you can use to roll. we will talk about her motivations in a second. but she also has this weird request for jury instructions. they require both the prosecution, the special council's office, and the defense, trump's team, to tell jurors that trump actually has the authority to keep these classified documents under the presidential records act. i mean, if jurors were told that trump had the authority to keep these classifies documents, he would be found not guilty here. it is not that complicated is it? >> this order is bizarre. it is a choose your own
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adventure order. i don't know what jack smith is going to do. the instructions were due today and i have been checking, you know, news and twitter and whatnot. and we haven't seen them yet. and, it is a very strange assignment because the special council can't agree to her premises. basically, the instructions are either scenario a, kind of jury find that i made these documents personal rather than presidential. scenario b, nobody can review that. but, the special council's position is it is irrelevant whether they are personal or presidential. these documents are governed by espionage act. there is the presidential records act. there is the espionage act. they are separate statutes with separate classifications. she has kind of made a royal mess of this. >> you had some scoops earlier in the week about the staff
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departures inside cannon's chambers if you will. and, without getting to too much detail on who left when, one of the conclusions you draw is that cannon is intelligent, in theory, could have been capable of this. but sounds like she is very overwhelmed. overworked. very anxious and terrified of the scrutiny under which she is under. can you talk a little more about how you see or what you have learned about how this case is playing out behind closed doors which may inform the decisions she is making publicly? >> so federal judges have these law clerks, really bright hard working people. the judges cannot do their work without these clerks. and judge cannon has had a massive amount of turnover in her chambers. typically, clerks have two or three of them. and they stay for a year or two years. in the past couple of months, she lost two of them and had another clerk who is going to come and basically said thanks but no thanks so she has to find new clerks. this really delays everything. everybody has to get up to speed.
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the new clerks on what is going on. so i think that some of the delays in the case are not just because she is inexperienced but a function of her dysfunctional chambers. >> i do think there is a moment and it may be face approaching when don't you think jack smith will ask for another judge on this case? given the missteps and the decisions overridden by the 11th circuit, does he just need one more strike before he says we have to get rid of this judge? >> he is like we are between a rock and a hard place. usually you get them booted because of bias. she is biased but doesn't have a personal relationship with trump or owns stock in a company with the litigation. so, she is just garden variety messing up the case. and that happens all the time. >> isn't that enough? messing up? when you say the judge is
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messing up the case, is that not sufficient? >> unfortunately, in our legal system, smith, he is in a tough position. i'm sure he would love to get a new judge. but, it doesn't, it is kind of like going defcon3. it is a big escalation to say give me a new judge. is he just going to go to the 11th circuit? >> tick tock. it is 9:30 p.m. on the east coast. florida is in our time zone. you have a great article i suggest everyone read about why we may want to put more stock in the civil cases rather than the criminal ones and the discussion we have had tonight only proves your point. great to see you. coming up, the politics of white grievant came to a head tonight in oklahoma. we will bring you the results of a recall election targeting a city commissioner who attended the deadly 2017 white supremacist rally in charlottesville. that breaking news is up next. .
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when did racism against white people become okay? joe biden put white people last in line for covid relief funds. kamala harris said disaster aid should go to non-white citizens first. liberal politicians block access based on skin cover. progressive corporations, airlines, universities, all openly discriminate against white americans. racism is always wrong.
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the left's anti-white bigotry must stop. >> believe it or not, that was a real ad that actually ran on television. now the claims that ad makes are so false and misleading it got a brutal three pinocchio rating from the facts checker. but the facts are not the point. the white grievance is the point. this came by a group run by former trump adviser steven miller. it describes itself as the long awaited answer to the aclu: i guess that depends on what you have been waiting for. they are pushing the idea that white americans are actually the ones being discriminated against. not the other way around. and they are not the only ones making that argument. >> every institution in america is under attack from this marxist concept of equity. instead of treating everyone equally, making decisions based
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on merit or qualifications, equity means benefits are awarded and policies are enforced based on skin color and sexual identity. >> yes. yes. the marxist concept of equity. the logic of this conservative anti-equity argument is we should ignore inequities that exist throughout american life, because trying to right those historic institutional wrongs would be reverse racism. as illogical as that is, it is politically potent. and the groups pushes this argument are gaining ground. in the past few years republicans across the country have introduced anti-diversity equity and inclusion laws in more than 30 states. yesterday, axios reported if trump gets a second term, his allies are already laying the legal groundwork for the justice department to eliminate or up end programs in government and corporate america that are designed to
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counter racism. so now the question is well how potent is white grievance at the battle box? tonight, we just got election results in oklahoma. for a recall election of local candidate who could serve as somewhat of a litmus test here, these are photos from the white nationalist i torch rally in charlottesville in 2017. they are pointing at a man named judd blevins. he chanted jews will not replace us, that day. now he is a city commissioner of enid, oklahoma. not only was he an active leader from 2017 to 2019 in the white nationalist group identity europa, but he made online posts under the pseudonym conway including hitler never would have allowed this [bleep]. last year, he won his election by 36 votes. tonight, the city of enid voted again on whether to recall him and make no mistake, this
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election was about his beliefs. that white people are the real victims of racism. this was mr. blevin's response to the first question asked of him at a city forum when he was asked what his goal was when he worked with white nationalist groups like identity europa. >> what were you trying to achieve or what was your purpose? >> bringing attention to the same issues that got donald trump elected in 2016. securing america's borders, reforming our legal immigration system. and frankly, pushing back on this anti-white hatred so common in media and entertainment. >> we will be joined by nbc news' brandy who is live from oklahoma with the stunning results of that recall coming up next. up next. that's a different story. with the chase ink card, we got up and running in no time. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. make more of what's yours.
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we have been following the campaign and there have been reports object possible connections with white supremacy. could you tell us about that? she was so, this isn't you? and then his face turned beet red. and he goes, oh, so that's what this is about. >> that is connie vickers and nancy pressnal who worked to recall judd blevins after showing him marching at the white nationalist rally in
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charlottesville. they worked to recall blevins. they organized a signature drive that secured hundreds of signatures more than necessary to spark the recall vote. now thanks to the vote, judd blevins is out of the enid city council and he will be replaced by republican cheryl patterson. thanks for joining me, live from the recall watch party, brandy, thank you for just putting this on our radar ago band-aid live on the scene. can you give us a picture of the grass roots effort to oust a white supremacist from the city council? >> yeah. i mean, you can take a look around in this room. i'm at the watch party of the social justice committee. this is a small group of people who have had a huge effect on their community. especially in terms of white supremacy and extremism. now, the folks around me are all very different. they have different ideas. some of them are t das.
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some of them are very progressive leftists but they came together in 2013 when judd blevins was elected. we knew a little bit about his past, some stuff was on the internet, but these are the folks like you just showed, connie and nancy, these are the folks who really just wouldn't let go. they kept going to city council meetings holding the picture of judd blevins up at unite the right. they kept having protests and they wouldn't let it go. now, to me, and all the people here, it just shows the power of what a small group of organized people with a goal can do. >> so just to be clear, i think you said 2013, but he has only been in office since 2023 i believe. and, enid is like, i believe, republicans have a 4-1 advantage in voter registration. white grievance is a central plank of the republican party platform at this stage and i wonder if you have gotten a sense this kind of white
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supremacy and the great replacement theory that is something mr. blevins embraced, whether that didn't find favor when the republicans, the republican community or whether this was largely a democratic progressive grass roots effort. >> that is the second part of this story that you are not seeing in this room. but very much is a part of this win for progressives here at least. and it is that they couldn't have done it alone. there are conservative republicans including cheryl patterson who are conservative republicans. but who could recognize extremism when they saw it and said this is a bridge too far. we don't want nazis in our city council. it is worth saying blevins lost this race. he lost it handily by a 20- point margin.
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but 1400 people voted right? there was 30 something percent of people that still did vote for blevins knowing all of this stuff. so when you talk white grievance and they have mainstream support, you are not wrong. but again, it does show what can happen when some progressive folks, when democrats and when republicans who can say this is a bridge too far can come together and draw a line. >> yeah. i mean it is worth noting this is happening on the same night that donald trump in michigan is calling undocumented migrants animals. suggesting that a whole subsection of the american society are subhuman. and i just wonder is there any connection toward that sort of poison rhetoric and what blevins stands for or did they see these things as apples and oranges? this sort of nativist platform on which trump is running? >> i can only talk about enid,
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oklahoma, but in enid, i have been talking to conservative republicans at the polls all day. most of the people on the city council are all conservative republicans. for those folks i do think they definitely can draw a line between the things that they saw from this council member who was a white supremacist to what they see in mainstream politics. they see there is something poisonous in a section of the republican party. and at least in enid, they are able to cut it out. >> so maybe enid will be a bellwether for the republican side of things. when we come back, when we come back, what the deaths of seven aid workers killed by an israeli air strike in gaza means for growing humanitarian crisis in the region. that's coming up next. that's coming up next. urance cl?
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from a hunger point of view, how do you see the situation in gaza right now? >> the situation in gaza is incredibly bad. it will require all of us working together. any way possible to bring meals into gaza. >> the woman in that video from a month ago was in australian humanitarian working with the world central kitchen. the non-profit founded by chef jose andres whose mission is to provide meals for people in need in disaster zones all over the world. francon helped operate 68 community kitchens in gaza providing food to some of the hundreds of thousands of civilians on the brink of famine there. last night, she and six of her fellow workers including an american citizen were killed been an israeli air strike.
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despite coordinating in vehicles marked with the world central kitchen logo, multiple vehicles in the group's convoy were hit after leaving a food warehouse in central gaza. the israeli prime minister said the israeli military unintentionally hit innocent people in the gaza strip, this happens in war. so we do everything so this doesn't happen again. world central kitchened an other aid groups have suspended operation in gaza at a time when the u.n. says half of all palestinians in gaza, 1.1 million people have completely exhausted their food supplies. joining me now is karen donnelly with crisis response, recover and development at the international rescue committee. thank you for joining me. i want to get your reaction from this statement. this happens in war. is that a sufficient
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explanation for what happened? >> let me start by offering my sincere condolences to those killed yesterday and the world kitchen family. what happened yesterday was a horrific and appalling incident, but didn't happen in isolation. the total number of aid workers killed in gaza has been brought to over 200 in addition to 350 health care workers killed. so what we have seen, palestinian aid workers and health care workers. what we have seen over the month ins gaza and the conduct of this war is a systematic pattern of targeting attacking on aid agency operations. humanitarian operations and medical facilities.
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things happen in war. >> you talk about systematic attacks. can you talk about the precautions aid organizations take in crisis zones and war zones? it sounds like world central kitchen went out of their way to try to mark their staff as non-combatants. how unusual is it to get targeted in a moment like this? >> across the world, we take great care to separate ourselves from military actors. to serve people affected by the wars. distinguishing our vehicles. sharing details of our location so they can take all necessary precautions.
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despite the precautions which agencies in gaza have been taking for months, we have seen this continued repetition of attacks against humanitarian operation. we call it the deconfliction system. with israeli forces. and that system isfectively broken in gaza. >> my next question is what is the broader effect? >> it is important to know, we are already operating at a much lower level of capacity than we would want to be given th security situation on the ground. it makes it difficult and dangerous for our staff. continues attacks like i saw yesterday are only going to have a further negative impact
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on our ability to help gaza. >> this comes as thousands of gazans have died since october 7th. ken, thank you so much. that is our show. it is time for the last word with ali velshi who is in for lawrence. >> not your biggest fan tonight. i was trying to get ready for the show. then you did this thing about the councilman in enid, oklahoma. and then i was like hey, i got a show to do, but i was glued to that and you did it and had that conversation with brandy. most would not know that stuff like this happened. >> it is important to know that other people in deeply red states see some of this white supremacy and replacements


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