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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  April 3, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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true anymore. ♪♪ >> we have the actual indictment. >> right now i tell you the ufc. you can get knocked out by kicks, elbows, punches, everything but head butts. ufc but football isn't far behind. >> my best advice in life is mind your business. >> erica ba due gets the last word there on tiktok. i'll see you here tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. eastern. "the reidout" with joy reid starts now. ♪♪ tonight on "the reidout" -- >> what the hell was biden thinking when he declared easter sunday to be trans-visibility day? and november 5th is going to be called something else. you know what it's going to be called? christian visibility day when christians turn out in numbers that nobody has ever seen
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before. >> trump's rhetoric gets even more toxic, not just against the lgbtq community but also against migrants, whom he calls animals who want to crawl through the windows of suburban housewives. also tonight, special counsel jack smith challenges trump-friendly judge aileen cannon. ditch the ridiculous guidelines for jury instructions in the trump classified documents case or he could seek relief from a higher court. but we begin tonight with donald trump's on going normalization of racism and violence. nine years after america's highest profile birther began his first presidential campaign by describing mexican migrants as rapists and criminals, you can no longer be surprised at the pure venom donald trump is capable of spewing about people of color. even though more often than not he's referring to people who are fleeing poverty and violence and who are simply looking for the prospect of a better life,
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through hard, often back-breaking work here in the united states. but compassion is not in the vocabulary of the man who paints himself as the second coming of jesus, while ignoring jesus' own exhortation to welcome the stranger and the immigrant. and in a pair of campaign appearances on tuesday in michigan and wisconsin, donald trump made clear that he intends to continue his hitler-style campaign of dehumanizing migrants of color as he runs for the presidency to keep himself out of prison. unleashing a flood of resentment and fake cultural outrage. city of grand ranlds, flanked by local law enforcement officials who apparently don't mind standing next to a man who sicked his most -- trump unleashed a torrent of malicious, racist vile, repeating his violent, ominous language about a blood bath to attack the biden administration.
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>> blood bath and it's destroying our country. it's a very bad thing happening. we don't want them coming into our country with contagious diseases, and they have it. the suburban housewives actually like donald trump. you know why? i'm going to keep them safe. if you don't want illegal aliens crawling through your windows, stop the rape, slaughter and destruction of our american suburbs, cities and towns. >> in that same speech, trump also defended his repeated use of dehumanizing, degrading language when referring to people who come across our border -- >> democrats said please don't call them animals. they're humans. i said, no, they're not humans. they're not humans. they're animals. nancy pelosi said that, please don't use the word animals, sir, when you're talking about these people. i said i'll use the word animal because that's what they are. >> trump was referring to the man who authorities believe killed georgia nursing student laken riley, one of two recent
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crimes trump exploited to weaponize the issue of the southern border. the tragic murder of 25-year-old ruby garcia in michigan. she was killed last month allegedly by a man she was in a relationship with and who was in the country illegally. he shot her and left her body on the side of a highway. ruby's murder has made the rounds on conservative talk radio in michigan and in his remarks trump used her violent death to whip up his followers. worth noting he couldn't get the basic details of ruby garcia's life right. >> he shot 17-year-old ruby -- actually she was a beautiful, beautiful young woman. ruby's loved ones and community are left grieving for this incredible young woman, remembering what they called her. they said she had just this most contagious laughter. when she walked into a room, she lit up that room. and i've heard that from so many people. i spoke to some of her family.
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>> well, according to ruby garcia's sister, ruby was 25, not 17. all of that is a lie. mavi garcia told the nbc station in grand rapids never spoke with anyone in her family. >> he did not speak with any of us. so it was kind of shocking that he said that he had spoke with us. and you know, saying, well, misinforming people on live tv. >> she added that her family is close so she would know if anyone had spoken with the former president of the united states. mavi garcia also said that the focus should be on her sister right now, and slammed trump for using her death to score political points and to demonize people who share her family's ethnicity. >> it's always been about illegal immigrants. nobody really speaks about what americans do heinous crimes.
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and it's kind of shocking why he would just bring up illegals. what about americans who do heinous crimes like this? >> for its part, the trump campaign declined to comment when asked to confirm if he had ever spoken to garcia's family. and she's got a valid point when it comes to trump's focus on lies, when it comes to migrant crime. nbc news recently reported trump's claims about waves of violent crime tied to migration are not supported by national data. expert analysis and available data from major city police departments show that despite several horrifying, high-profile incidents there is no evidence of a migrant-driven crime wave in the united states. in fact, crime in the u.s. is down nationwide. of course, facts have never gotten in the way of anything for donald trump. now, i should note that he did another appearance tuesday in neighboring wisconsin where he repeated many of the same false and racist claims calling migrants subhuman and he previewed that rhetoric on monday in an interview with the milwaukee talk radio station where he repeated his
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hitler-inspired language. >> it's a very bad thing for our country. they're poisoning our country. you understand that better than anybody, dan. they're literally poisoning our country. >> in addition to be the same kind of disgusting and racist language fuhrer in the 1920s, it's astounding trump would make that comment attending the collapse of the frances scott key bridge in baltimore exposed the kind of people that donald trump is poisoning the blood of our country. six men who lost their lives filling potholes in the wee hours of the cold and dark, alejandro, miguel luna, jose lopez, sixth unidentified colleague. the mother of alejandro hernandez fuentes told nbc washington, d.c. d.c. station she had deep pain over her son.
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the remains of the married father of four were found last week in a red pickup truck that was submerged in the river. he was just 35 years old. joining me now is maria comar, president and ceo of -- cornell belcher and rick tyler, republican strategist. thank you. i find it ironic that a man who is an adjudicated sex past, who was found liable civilly for maligning -- raping a woman, sexually molesting a woman in a public place in bloomingdales and 26 sexual accusers who fomented violent insurrection and again, sex past, is worried about migrant men climbing through the walls of suburban housewives. i think they should worry about trump climbing through f he could get up that high. >> thank you for opening up the show and being so succinct what is a clear and present danger should donald trump be voted
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into office. clearly what he is trying to do is not have ownership for all falsities he tried to describe, he is tried to demonize all the americans who happen to be brown in the united states. go down to mar-a-lago, go to his bedminster golf course -- >> in new jersey. >> in new jersey. there are records of him employing undocumented folks to his benefit. so not only is he using this as a way to demonize swath of americans, what he is trying to do is turn everybody against each other so that they can't look at what he didn't do. he never built the wall he was claiming to do. he had an opportunity to pass immigration reform. he chose not to. he had all this. he decided to creating the most unjust grievance among children and trauma they could possibly
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imagine. he doesn't want to improve america. what he wants to do is ensure that we're not paying attention to the grift that he is. >> yeah. it says something to me, somebody who wrote a trump book in the past, he thinks about a young woman who suffered a grievous crime and he sees her as 17. he makes her 17. to me that says something about his psychology is gross and weird. imagines her as a teenager as a 25-year-old woman. doesn't know her age or anything about her and lies about talking to her family. he would never talk to her family. she's a la tina, the kind of person he wants to deport. if they build a wall, to keep american women in, keep american women from living the hand maid's tail. >> donald trump has no relationship he exploits as -- the family testified to that. i believe the family. but what donald trump is doing, he's telling the same lies that
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every wave of migrants in the united states has always been subjected to. when the jews came, germans came, italians came. >> the irish. >> irish. all these different groups we were told the same thing, lose our culture, lose our language, drive down wages, and the crime will go up. exactly the opposite has happened. in fact, we don't all go to mass on sunday. we don't all speak italian or german. we don't drink beer in the pubs every -- i'm irish. i can say this. >> unless we have the time. >> st. patrick's day we all do. >> we do. >> we're not going to be facing mecca saying prayers in spanish three times a day. it's not going to happen. because what happens is all of these -- and i believe that we are not a multiculture society. i think we're a unified multi-cultural society as
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americans what we should be. we have many traditions. the economy has always gotten better. the food has gotten better. >> for real. >> the fact is that without migrant labor. we want legal immigration. i blame both parties for the problem at the border. >> they just did try to do it and trump told them not to. some republicans wanted to do it. >> we do not eat without immigrant labor. you do not have houses without immigrant labor, highways or bridges without immigrant labor. by the way, when you're my age, you start to think about retiring on social security and medicare. and without immigrant labor, there's no social security or medicare. in fact, we need more migrants to come to the united states. >> absolutely. >> and their crime rate is lower than the average american. >> in fact, to make it even more precise, cornell, in the places where greg abbott and ron desantis have been sending migrants to, crime actually has gone down. so crime has gone down in the places where they're sending migrants, right? to rick's point, literally,
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americans -- immigrants come in, right, and you start working in that hard labor. and then eventually people move up. so they are no longer doing the chicken plucking plant. it's these same people, the people on the bridge -- >> we're not allowing legal immigration or immigration as a whole. we now are deciding to lower the child labor laws to work in the factories. >> how do you get that through in a campaign? >> one, you have to actually make it the campaign. and there are so many other issues that everyone wants to talk about, make it a campaign. look, i think for too long we have given america a pass on racism. and let's be clear. middle america won't get a pass on racism, not something they want to deal with or say i have skin in that game. we have to make clear to middle america that you actually do have skin in that game, right? a more divided america, a more racist america is not going to benefit you and your children. right? america is not going to win the
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future. when we're fighting and we're more divided. so, yes, you know, the economy is important. economy is always important, right? i don't know election when economy is not important. yes, economy is important. but it's the racism, too, stupid. and for middle america, they have to make a decision not only sort of from an economic standpoint which candidate is better for me economically. which candidate is better for me around education issues but which candidate is quite frankly better for america when you think about healing. if you want to heal america, want america to be prosperous, your can't vote for someone who calls immigrants poison. you can't vote for someone who talks about clan members and white supremacists as good people. >> that's right. and the reality is most americans, even if they might have a little-ism in them, they want their lawn done and like the guy building their house and want their food and want their cheap food. but europe is the case where you have an ageing european society that desperately needs immigrants in order to survive. do they want to be that?
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>> right, right. >> we won't survive economically without migrants. >> this is the thing, what i like to say is that we believe in the fact that different individuals came to this country because in that they became the essence of the american dream. that they can be self realized here in the united states, not in their home country. that's a beautiful thing. it's also our super power. >> yes. >> you don't have to -- don't take my word for it. during the 2016 election, the russians were meddling around race because they knew that that is our achilles heel. we have to wisen up. our strength in the 21st century is recognizing that our asset is our human capital that come from everywhere. we can't take his bait. >> the reality is the democrats had their turn for a good century of being the clan party. and found a way to work their way out of it once black voters moved in, there was white flight into the republican party. as somebody who has worked in republican politics -- >> i tried -- >> how do you back them off of it? i think to your point, cornell, people will take a little racism
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with their tax cuts, if that's what -- they don't mind. >> it's a loser. see, the thing is i ask people all the time, i'll say, what did nancy pelosi and rudy giuliani have in common, which is not a funny question. but almost never do people say they're italian-americans. they don't think of it. and there will come a time when you say hernandez and rodriguez, well, they are both latino names. i didn't think of that. why? because the latinos in particular -- it's not mexico anymore. it's all central mex. >> venezuela, colombia -- >> they're running for their lives. >> yes. >> escaping from gang violence. >> yes. >> and people don't run with their families and children to come across the country. in fact, the reason they have a lower crime rate is because they are trying to stay out of trouble. >> they're safe. also -- the thing i think people don't talk about is a lot of the migrants coming here are paying people they now owe. they have to work. they're not coming to sit around. they have to work.
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>> their children will be doctors, lawyers and congress men. and tv talk show hosts. >> but isn't that what folks are mad about is their children are going to be doctors, lawyers which is why they're saying no dei. we'll lock them out. it's sort of a whole -- >> again, that's not leveling with the american people. do you know there are parts of arkansas, 60 to 70% of the student body is latino. they're trying to privatize education. there's a thread happening. and if we do not wise up to the future of this country, that is multi-culture or culturally different -- there's something beautiful about it. >> it's our strength. >> it is literally our super power. [ all speaking at once ] >> to that point, hell no. but to that point, look, it was -- i was when reagan said, you know, you can come from anywhere and be an american. >> that's right. >> it shouldn't -- it's not a democratic ideal. but look, here is the thing, no, they're not -- because they're
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afraid of it, right? and we know progressives are afraid to lean. heck, most of our progressive friends much rather talk about a class than race. and like i told one of my progressive friends trying to make a distinction between class and race. i don't care how much money my granddaddy had in north carolina or education he had, he was still in work regardless of how much money he had, right? so, we have to face this head on. it's economy and racism. >> confront or parish. that's our democracy. confront or parish. this looks like america. hate it. get mad. stay mad. coming up next on "the reidout," special counsel jack smith's scathing response of trump-friendly judge aileen cannon over trump favoring jury instruction threatening to take it to a different court if she does not correct. that's up next. fferent court ife does not correct that's up next
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trump has continued to frustrate judges with his groundless motions to try to dismiss or delay his various criminal trials. but never has he had a judge that by all accounts appears to be an accomplice in those delays. that is the only way to describe what judge aileen cannon has been doing with her actions or rather inactions regarding trump's classified documents trial in florida. in a new public -- in a new filing last night, special counsel jack smith fired back
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and basically told her do your job and follow the law or i will need to call on the 11th circuit to force you to do so. that was in response to a request from cannon for jury instructions that entertained trump's claims that he had every right to take the highly classified documents when he left the white house under the presidential records act. smith criticized cannon's request as being based on a fundamentally flawed legal premise that would distort the trial. because among other reasons, trump's presidential records act defense is not based on any facts. and would be irrelevant to the 32 charges trump faces in violating -- for violating the espionage act. meanwhile, trump is continuing to try delay the one criminal scheduled to start on dax ta, hush money case with another groundless motion saying it should be postponed due to the large amount of pre-trial publicity. alvin bragg urged the judge to
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reject the request. his own rhetoric is generating significant publicity and would be perverse to award the defendant with an adjournment based on media attention he is actively seeking. there's been no ruling yet from the judge on that motion, but late today, he did respond to another one of trump's attempts to delay the trial. denying trump's motion for a delay until after the supreme court rules on trump's claim of presidential immunity from his federal election interference trial. it's hard to keep them all straight at this point. joining me now is john butler and msnbc lael analyst. i want to start with aileen cannon. what can jack smith do about it and what we will soon learn -- >> what jack smith can do is to mandamus the judge. mandamus is different from an appeal. appeal is this is a complicated
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legal issue and the judge may be misinterpreted the law. the mandamus is an order from an appeals court to the judge, you need to follow the law right now. mandamus is saying to the judge, you basically don't know how to do your job. maybe you should consider -- reconsider this judging thing. so it's a last resort. it's jack smith signaling he's had it with this judge. he's going to do everything he can to either get her kicked off the case or to make her follow the law. >> yeah. i wonder if a writ of mandamus would help or hurt her supreme court audition this clearly seems to be. donald trump is trying to claim the insurrection -- i mean that the presidential records act gives him the power to take these documents. but he's not being charged under that. he's been charged with a different -- under a different law, the insurrection act. can you then take a whole different law that has nothing to do with it and say this is my defense? >> joy, i'm going to try to explain this. it's not going to make a lot of
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sense. it's not me not making sense. it's judge cannon. so proposed jury instructions they come at the end of the trial after the jury has heard all of the evidence. it's weird that the judge is asking for jury instructions right now. she has not even set a trial date. >> yeah. >> but it's even weirder that she's asking for proposed instructions about something that has nothing to do with the crime that trump is charged with. he's charged with violating the espionage act. >> sorry about that, yes. >> willfully retaining documents that pertain to sensitive military information. >> right. >> but he wants instructions about the presidential records act. that's not a defense to what trump is charged with. but what it does is credits trump's claims that he just magically declassified these documents -- >> with his mind. >> just thought about and all of a sudden they were declassified and they were personal to him. they were like birthday cards. but what the fbi seized from
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mar-a-lago included documents that pertained to the nuclear capabilities of foreign nations. for the judge to even credit that indicates she is just out of her league. >> this is already delayed. it won't happen before the election. but if jack smith was to do this filing to the 11th circuit, how much would it delay everything? >> it shouldn't. >> let's go the trial starting april 15th. trump is now trying to say all this publicity is not going to let me get a fair trial. he is the one doing the publicity. that will get thrown out quickly. >> alvin bragg responds in polite legal language, how dare you have the nerve to complain about publicity when you're the one generating it. he says that, first of all, this is one of the most important high-profile trials in history. everybody knows who donald trump is. don't expect to find a juror who doesn't have an opinion about you. that's why the judge is giving
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both sides extra time. it will be a long, laborious jury selection process. but check this out, trump did a poll, his defense attorneys did a poll, and 70% of potential jurors in manhattan said they could be fair and objective in this case. >> that's not good news for him. he is supposed to say it's all ruined. let me get you to weigh in on this question of the gag order. the expanded gag order. because no one else could threaten the judge's daughter. like this is like a bad rap lyric at this point. how is he not -- jonathan alters said make him mow the lawn in the park, in central park. do something. don't they have to do something if he doesn't stop? he's not stopping. >> they don't have to but they certainly should. it's not just anybody, somebody who is currently being charged with around 80 different felonies in four different criminal trials. any other defendant who was doing things like sending out photos of the judge's daughter, her full name, that person would
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be under the jail awaiting trial right now. again, trump is being treated differently. he's being treated way better than any other criminal defendant would be. >> there are two americas and two systems of justice. it's just not the way he says it. paul butler, thank you very much. sending new reporting that trump's mediocre social platform was only able to go public because it was bailed out by a russian american businessman who is now under investigation. we'll cover it with a reporter who broke that next. with a repr who broke that next. i know what it's like to perform through pain. if you're like me, one of the millions suffering from pain caused by migraine, nurtec odt may help. it's the only medication that can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks. treat and prevent, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were
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♪♪ last week donald trump's truth social network made its wall street debut. the company, which lost $58 million last year and is a money-making vehicle to pay trump's legal fees is so far a loser for the many trump supporters who invested in it. as its valuation wlield fluctuates. short sellers are currently betting that the price of the stock will crater and crater very quickly. exclusive reporting today from the guardian, we learned that the company was previously kept afloat in 2022 by emergency loans in part from a russian-american businessman under scrutiny in a federal insider trading and money laundering investigation. i will note that nbc news has
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not confirmed this reporting and neither trump nor trump media and technology group have been accused of any wrong doing nor is there any indication that they had any idea about the background of the loans they received. but like everything trump attaches his name to, the idea for truth social wasn't even his. it was an idea in part cooked up by two former apprentice contestants, wes moss and andy who suggested that trump launch his own app after he was booted from facebook and twitter for fomenting a violent insurrection. but because no good deed for trump ever goes unpunished, trump is currently suing the two because he wants to keep them from getting the $600 million from their stock holdings that they're entitled to. you can't make it up. joining me now is the guardian who broke the story of the loans from the russian-american businessman. hugo, good to see you. explain. so trump is kept afloat by these loans.
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who is this businessman? >> a russian-american guy called anton. and he's interesting for various reasons. first of all, he owns this bank in the dominica, most well known for servicing the porn industry. >> the porn industry? >> the porn industry. >> okay. so, anton also controls, as far as our reporting shows, the es family trust account. this is this very shadowy trust has an account at his own bank and is the vehicle used to funnel $8 million to trump media in late 2021 and 2022. this time period is very crucial because at that time trump media was facing this big cash crunch. they couldn't get lenders to lend any money to them. it was post january 6th. >> that's because toirg was kicked off more traditional apps he was kicked off. >> as far as we can tell the
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traditional banks are we don't want to attach our name to anything trump. trump's cronies at the special acquisition group that was going to take trump media public, they look around. we really need this financing or we'll go insolvent. around that time siem, $8 million and two tranches magically appears in trump media's accounts. and when you trace it all back it goes back to this russian-american guy who has friends with nonother than michael schwartzman who was indicted on money laundering charges last month in an indictment and today changed his not guilty plea to guilty. >> wow. and another interesting piece, devin nunes runs truth social. they're threatening and being litigious. he did sue a cow, not a real cow, a cow on twitter. a bit litigious. it sounds to me what they're upset about is that you're associating donald trump once again with russia. he is russian-american. does he have connections to vladimir putin? >> he is the nephew of a guy
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called alexander smirnoff. >> the director of fsu, this maritime shipping company. we were discussing if you don't like the reporting about russia, why does trump associate himself with people who have so many connections to russia. es family trust we learned was an cronym for a woman, whose relation is the settler for the trust. there's russian connections all the way through this zes piet them trying to distance themselves. >> i do recall that donald trump's -- the second failed son, eric, previously said that substantial amounts of their money at one point he said that to a golf magazine comes from russia. there is a financial tie that goes way back. other than this investment, was truth social financially viable at any point? there are no other prominent users other than donald trump? >> right. the business fundamentals as far as we can see suggests there is
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no sound business plan. there's no continuous revenue stream from anything other than the fact that trump posts on truth social. there is that element. there's that exclusivity. trump is not going to go post on twitter because so much of his money is now tied up in truth social. he won't lose that bch pu here is the consideration, the moment that trump exits that position or posts on another platform, that is the end of truth social. >> hugo low el, great reporting. thank you very much. watch out there, cows. he doesn't like them when they're making fun of him. hugo lowell, thank you. chef jose andres speaks out in his first interview since the israeli strike that killed seven central world kitchen aid workers. t killed seven ntral world kitchen aid workers. (♪♪) try dietary supplements from voltaren,
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shop etsy until april 15th and get up to so clearly you. 30% off thoughtful pieces made by real people to brighten your home. save on lighting, furniture, gifts and more. when you need 'just the thing' ♪♪ global condemnation is growing over the israeli strike on a marked world central kitchen convoy that killed seven aid workers. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu said the strike was unintentional and that this, quote, happens in war. chef jose andres, founder of world central kitchen, said the group had been coordinating with the israeli military for months and were on a deconflicted route when all three of their vehicles, two marked clearly with the world food kitchen logo, were hit. andres wrote in a "new york
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times" op-ed that the seven people killed represented the best in humanity and told reuters that he believes the trucks were targeted systematically car by car and that this was not a, quote, bad luck situation. he also shared exactly how he feels about netanyahu's war in gaza. >> they were target, systematically, car by car. this was not just bad luck situation where, oops. we dropped the bomb in the wrong place. you cannot be destroying every building. you cannot be destroying every hospital at risk, quote. you cannot be targeting humanitarian, you cannot be targeting children. you cannot be fighting the bases of what humanity should be standing for. >> in the u.s., president biden is facing the consequences of his gaza policy, which includes sending a fresh round of bombs to israel and potentially an $18 billion arms transfer package
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that would include dozens of f-15 aircraft, all while -- all the while saying he's outraged over the deaths of these aid workers. which helps to explain why palestinian emergency physician walked out of a biden meeting in protest. as other muslim leaders declined biden's invitation to the white house for an a meal which muslims break their fast during the holy month of ramadan. joining me now is msnbc political analyst and former state department official. and amed khan, human rights advocate and former biden donor. amed khan, i want to start with you. food is the basis of life. jose andres is a world known hero for providing that sustenance in war zones. he's not new to this. the fact that he is this angry and does not believe this was accidental i think issing shoing the world. what do you make of this situation? >> well, i mean, jose is driven
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by empathy for people who are suffering. and he runs very quickly to serve. he's done it all over the world, natural disasters in wars. so naturally he cares about his staff. they're like family. i worked alongside world central kitchen for years and years. it's a very small, tight-knit organization of family members. and when people join world central kitchen, they don't usually leave. they stay there. and they're very, very close. so jose is devastated. he is angry. he knows what happened and you would expect him to speak truth to what happened. >> yeah. and rick, president biden says he's angry, too. but i think a lot of people can't make sense of the fact that he says the right things but then he turns around and sends more bombs and sends more money and then more bombs and more money, going around congress to insist on sending more money. his spokespeople come out and
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say, we don't see any human rights violations in these actions. make it make sense as somebody who worked in the state department. >> yes, joy. it's complicated. i mean, i think for biden is real special relationship in diplomacy is the relationship between israel and united states. he's been a staunch defender of israel since he was there in 1973. i think it's hard for him to relinquish the feeling that he's a moral supporter of israel. i think we're headed towards something like a break. i mean, people in the white house are outraged by netanyahu's behavior. they feel that things have gone too far. you know, the thing is you have to be able to do two things when you're in government. and the president wants to support israel like he always has, but he also wants to use that leverage to try to get the israelis to perform a cease-fire. he talked about having a
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cease-fire now. he talked about helping -- taking much more care about not only civilians but humanitarian workers. i mean, more than 200 humanitarian workers have been killed in this war. >> but, he talks about that but the leverage he has, rick, to do that is to stop the aid or at least condition the aid and stop sending bombs. that's the leverage. why won't he use it? >> you know, again, i can't speak for the president. i think that he feels that he can't ultimately break that tie. the tie is too strong. he feels that it would be letting israel go. but, i mean, you should ask him about israel go, but i mean, you can ask him about that. >> we have tried. we have continually tried to get someone from the state department to come on the show and answer these questions, we've had no luck with that. you're absolutely right. i will make that invitation to the biden administration. we have been asking and you have not been responding. tell them about humanitarian condition. we are talking about already proceeding than it. we are
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talking about mass starvation. people are eating grass. all of those tips from cyprus from the world kitchen have turned back. this appears to me to be now stopping other age groups from helping the people in gaza. now, there is no food coming in, other than what the u.s. is air dropping, and that is not enough. >> it is not nearly enough. the trucks are backed up all along the route, up-and-down the route from cairo, mt. si no, to offer and there are trucks lining up the entire way. clearly, thousands of trucks lining up. that is a function of the checking system. it is remarkably slow. painfully slow, in fact. on top of it, since the targeting and murder of the world central kitchen employees , world central kitchen has decided to pause operations and another incredible organization based in washington, d.c. that
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has an incredible work in gaza and the middle east has also pause operations. this is coming on the heels of the israeli dismantling of an irreplaceable organization. they serve 1.2 million people. they do shelter, housing, they do direct services, which are the size and scope of 13,000 employees, truly irreplaceable. the israelis now are not working with them at all. not collaborating. they are not approving any imports of medical for them. it is a dire situation already. the ipc was looking at level five famine. now, i have, i don't know, five or six trucks at the moment just waiting, both of food and medicine. there is no end in sight. >> at what point do we reach a point of moral hazard? the u.s. has also defunded and
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got in the eu to defund umrah. they are now gone, essentially. there is no food coming in. now you have an international cast of the dead . this is an issue for canada and the united states, because those are the nationals of people in that convoy. at what point does the u.s. start to lose its moral standing? >> well, some of that is happening now. i am going to switch off my state department hat and put on my hat as the cochair of board of care. we have been in gaza for 50 years and in the west bank as well. it is an unprecedented humanitarian disaster, what is happening. famine level starvation is happening to 83% of the people in northern gaza. we have never seen anything like it. it is a man-made disaster. the u.s., by the way, joy, as you know, is planning on building a port so that food
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can go in, but it is not a replacement for allowing the trucks to come in. again, i would agree, we knew that the biden administration needs to use its leverage to get israel to let in more trucks. that is what will make the difference. >> and they have got leverage, they are just describing-- decided for whatever reason not to use it. thank you both very much. coming up next, an historic speech 56 years ago on this very day. very day. let's be honest... all: cidp sucks! voices of people with cidp: but living with cidp doesn't have to. when you sign up at, you'll find inspiration in real patient stories, helpful tips, reliable information, and more. cidp can be tough. but finding hope just got a little easier. sign up at all: be heard. be hopeful. be you.
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as less than 24 hours later, he was assassinated on the balcony of the lorraine motel. today, however, it is important that we remember dr. king and his message as a growing number of dates are passing laws eviscerating diversity, equity, and inclusion, or dei programs after first targeting black history and banning books by black authors and lgbtq authors. republican states like texas, florida, arkansas, tennessee, the state where king was killed, as well as alabama, whose republican governor just last month signed a bill into law that would not only ban dei programs in public colleges, but also seeks to minimize the teachings of quote, divisive concepts around race. which means, in these states, you are and fewer educators are going to be able to teach about dr. king and what his speeches, like this one, were really about. contrary to what a lot of republicans want you to believe in their whitewashed version of
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black history, king's message was never about colorblindness. this speech, specifically, was actually delivered to and for striking black sanitation workers. dr. king was advocating boycotts, standing up economically as a form of nonviolent resistance to racism and discrimination. he urged those workers to boycott racist brands and instead support black-owned businesses saying that while quote, individually we are poor when you compare us with white society in america, never stop and forget that collectively, that means all of us together, we are richer than all the nations in the world, with the exception of nine. that is power right there, if we know how to pull it. "all in with chris hayes" starts right now. tonight on all in-- >> but donald trump is officially asking them to do is to render the residential records act meaningless. >> an outrageous move by judge cannon and a


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