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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  April 14, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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her uncle's unhappy. vision changes, o i'm sensing anr. underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. the dates all of you from msnbc headquarters in new york. we begin with breaking news, israel saying it will respond
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to the unprecedented airstrikes by iran but not providing any further details and this is the by demonstration officials are telling nbc news that all of iranian drones and missiles were aimed at a military base and officials did not know whether over 100 missiles have been intercepted or had struck. and in the last hour the military spokesperson said it had successfully intercepted over 350 drones, missiles and rockets overnight. >> the threat from iran was met with aerial operational technology -- technological and intelligence and a united offensive coalition of international allies led by the united states together with great britain, france and other partners and together we intercepted 99% of the threats towards israel and together we
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thwarted the attack. >> iran signaling it would not launch any further strikes unless tax. today president biden holding a meeting for g7 leaders to discuss the response with all members unanimously condemning the attack and biting earlier telling benjamin netanyahu to take the win and avoid retaliation. white house official saying that the u.s. will not take part in any offensive operations against iran. we have reporters and analysts in place breaking it down and we begin with raf sanchez from israel. what is the latest we are hearing from israeli officials? >> in the last few minutes israel defense ministry said the defense ministry here spoke to lloyd austin the u.s. secretary of defense and it is the third phone call between
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these two man in a little over 25 hours and were speaking as the attack was underway. the israeli defense minister expressing appreciation to the united states for the role that american forces played in intercepting the drones and missiles on their way towards israel but you can bet that the secretary of defense also raising the same point that president biden did to prime minister netanyahu that the u.s. does not want to see further escalation beyond what has already happened. the war cabinet concluded this evening after several hours of deliberation about what israel will do next and israeli official tells me that israel will respond but no final decisions were made at the meeting about the timing of that response or the scale of that response. it could be a military response or it could
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be some kind of cyber response but it's not clear that israel feels it needs to retaliate immediately and there is a little bit of breathing room for israeli decision-makers because the scale of the damage was so limited and in just the last hour or so, the military has put out what it says are images of damage to the airbase in the south and that is the base were several ballistic missiles got through the israeli air defenses and it looks like relatively minor damage judging by what the military put out. they are saying there was no interruption to operational activity at the base which is home to a big part of the israeli f 35 fleet but the biden administration and the world will be very closely watching to see what decisions israel comes to in the coming
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hours and days and it's worth noting that we have not heard from prime minister benjamin netanyahu public since the attack last night in anything other than the form of a very short suite. >> as you talk about the airbase that was attacked, it did not do anything to hinder the operations and its ability to defend itself, correct? >> that's with the israeli military is saying. they have put up footage of f 30 thighs taking off from the base and put out images that show what appears to be a crater off to the side of the runway and some damage to the runway itself or some sort of paved surface and they say there was some structural damage but they say no damage to any of the of 35s or other aircraft. >> thank you for that. let's go to monica alba at the white house. with a rehearing from the administration today?
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>> we have seen president biden participate in key meetings and calls today and really there is around combination of the attack against israel with the president meeting with the g7 leaders and talking about the unprecedented aerial attack but pointing out that they want iran and the proxies to cease any future attacks and hinting that should there be war, something that's more destabilizing to the region that the g7 and other world leaders could take other steps to respond and that is what they are closely monitoring and of course the president was huddling with the national security team yesterday and today and is also making calls to leaders in the region like king abdullah of jordan and also make -- made calls to those that were key in the interception as u.s. forces did
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aid israel in shooting down dozens of drones and missiles and that is something he wanted to personally command and thank them for their skill in being able to do that. we are also hearing that they do not want this to escalate and the present was very clear he said in his call with the prime minister last night that while he applauded the israel defense he did convey that if israel is going to respond that the u.s. is not expected to be a part of that counteroffensive because they don't want to see the u.s. get dragged into a broader conflict. this morning we did see the national security spokesperson making the rounds and was responding on all of the points and specifically talking about whether the is any risk to any u.s. troops or personnel in the region with our colleague on meet the press. >> we are staying vigilant to that exact potential threat that have not seen any attacks
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on u.s. trooper personnel and nothing to report this morning but we will obviously watch it. i just go back to what the president has said time and time again, do not seek an escalation or wider war. >> that is a point that has been repeated from every kind of senior administration official. they will continue to make that point and there is what's known as a lid here at the white house so we don't expect the president to give formal remarks or make any other movements or statements that he is still being monitored and briefed on any potential development that comes out of the middle east. >> thank you, so much. let's bring in our national security analyst. the details of what we saw last night, where and how did iran attack and how are israel and allies able to successfully intercept so much of it?
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>> three different methods, drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles number in the hundreds seeking targets that would would appear to be primarily inside israel and many were also struck over jordan and parts of -- part of the missiles did landon jordan and we saw many different countries that were mentioned by the idf, israeli defense forces and the u.s. took a big part in this but the israeli air defense system was really built for this sort of situation and it was the first time it was ever tested in any sort of scale represented here. multiple attack factors and looking across the board whether they are short and long- range working with u.s. military, they eliminated nearly all of them and that is an incredible thing that that can happen and usually you will see
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a number of missiles get through and we talked about russia and ukraine where they don't have air defenses, israel and ukraine, many missiles make it through so here is a testament to the air defense system and to the u.s. with the navy and likely naval air assets interjecting many of those in the comprehensive effort protecting the israeli people overnight for what could've been a disastrous consequence and if you can imagine many hundreds of missiles landing and targets inside israel and there could've been a very different scenario. >> the last part you just brought up conversations that you and i have had about hezbollah and its ability from lebanon to launch just that, hundreds if not thousands of missiles being that it is a major proxy of iran, iran supports and funds and provides a missiles to them. would israel be able to
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withstand an attack by hezbollah to the successful attempt that it was able to do so last night? >> it would be more difficult if there were many missiles coming through and particularly after a massive missile strike that we saw for iran and there is depletion so they have to be reloaded and the missiles have to come back in from the iron dome. those all have to be repacked so going all the way back to october, the question had been when will hezbollah jump into the fight and will it become a large regional war and you would've thought with the major iranian effort and with hezbollah to the north that they might have jumped in last night but they did not. it doesn't mean it won't happen but that's always been the open question and i think there are some questions as to why we have not seen that. you would think they would coordinate all
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pile onto other efforts that we have not seen it in that scale. >> the fact that iran telegraphed pretty much exactly what they were going to do and gave leeway and time to do that, what does that tell you? >> it was remarkable the market selloff in many ways with oil going up on friday and it seemed everyone knew it was going to happen and it is curious, are they actually trying to show something domestically that they're doing something knowing that maybe they will not have that significant of an impact. you may remember after soleimani was killed at the start of 2020, i'll have to check that but the belief was that iran would immediately retaliate or it would lead to a giant school at torrey war and there were u.s. servicemembers hit but it was not followed through in a very deliberate way and it was an unexpected
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retaliation. the question is will it follow a similar pattern if iran does not follow up in much of a significant way and that's probably the calculus in terms of the defense of support. >> president biden took part in the virtual meeting with the g7 leaders in the president of the european council set all this exercise restraint and how important is international solidarity here and how far will he go to influence benjamin netanyahu's actions? >> they are all trying to show solidarity but also not provide the signal to let that yahoo or others escalate and that's what they want to try to avoid. the other thing is keeping a close eye on is the economy. the sorts of things can create a mouthful -- mess of trickle- down effect when you see things like oil going up quickly and
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maybe tying up shipping lanes in the persian gulf and you at the houthis in the red sea and you can see catastrophic economic consequences. >> always appreciate you. as donald trump heads to court tomorrow he will be mindful of the jury selected but what about the other jury, the jury of millions outside of court and how trump is already planted them. we are back in 90 seconds.
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now to donald trump's trial of the century. tomorrow he becomes the first former american president to be tried by a jury of his peers and is a trial looms he placed two millions expected to pay attention to news coverage and it features the former adult film actress, former playboy model, former fixer who says he facilitated the events to keep voters from learning about trump's alleged affairs. the lawyer say it's about more than just hush money. >> the space -- case is about impairing democracy and allowing wealthy people to prevent information to the american people that they need to vote
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and it's what happened here and it's that democracy but not about hush money. >> joining me now is the former u.s. attorney and former deputy assistant attorney general and now la times legal affairs columnist and host of the podcast and the journalist and author of several books about trump and also professor and distinguished visiting lecturer at the college of law and founder of dc the best guys to have on right now. we want to ask you what your thoughts are less than 24 hours away from the start of the historic trial? >> it's a game changer when a jury comes in and he just contrasted a jury of 12 that will be selected with the jury of millions but they are really very conflicting juries for trump to the millions. he wants to continue to rail at the process and say how he is being cheated and victimized at every
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turn and that is the kind of message that if it gets to a jury you will have an irate judge shutting it down because that poisoned the well, as it were and also makes them resentful in a way that a judge is trained to keep his cool juries hearing this from the defendant don't take it well so the big question is can he actually converts and start to play nice and not just for a couple of hours but for four long eight hour days a week as juror after juror is selected and it seems like a very tall order for donald trump. >> can he do that? you've written several books about him and what you think is on his mind right now is he is preparing to camp out for the next three weeks in the city that he abandoned?
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>> he's terrified and that's very clear from the things he's posting on truth social and elsewhere. i think the most interesting thing to watch will be whether donald allowed his lawyers to practice law or as in the practice to >> persistent fraud case if he tries to direct what they are going to do and ends up hurting himself and i suspect it's highly likely that he will start telling his lawyers what to do and whether they do or not will be another matter but he will have an a hard time containing himself if they do not do as instructed. for what are your expectations and if the judge who could be pressed into action if trump breaches the gag order? >> or you could just expand the gag order if things are tacked onto it nevertheless threatened to pollute or prejudice the jury , the mayor will come down very hard and what i expect inside the courtroom, an interesting
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battle is trump, he has no chance of an acquittal and the hope is for a hung jury with one holdout so he will be looking hard for a sort of maverick, not go along with the crowd maybe less educated kind of juror and the other side will be looking for more well educated types and it will be very interesting as there's all kinds of information they will be gathering behind the scenes and the strategy because they have certain ability to strike jurors for no reason but they can only do that so often and it will be when you play your gold ticket and that will be the strategic centerpiece. >> give me a sense of what you think the jurors will experience when they look and see a former president to the united states who may be glaring at them and maybe throwing his eyes and
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trying to assess them, what is that going to be like for them? >> the juries watch the defendant and people sitting around them, no question about that. the jurors are going to be paying close attention to trump's body language and he conveys a lot to his body language and whether he expresses his utter contempt for the proceedings which i think is highly likely to do because that is donald. >> what about what ty cobb told me yesterday about one thing that trump could do to help his lawyer, todd blanche. let's watch. >> one of the things that hampers todd blanche is trump's unwillingness to acknowledge he had the two affairs and if he would acknowledge it would make it much easier for him to try the case and challenge the
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witnesses and it's a very heavy lift if karen mcdougal and stormy daniels testify to suggest that these events never happens. i don't think that you -- a jury will believe it. >> i believe what his intervening which is it won't happen and it's pretty interesting but i do not think trump will testify which means there's hardly anything to his defense so everything they will have to do will be on cross- examination of the different witnesses and you take mcdougal and daniels, to go after them and accuse them of lying. jurors recoil from that kind of treatment and think about other witnesses, hope hicks comes to mind, no reason to lie, very credible and has some killer things to say and it will be
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very hard to cross-examine and the things he would like to say he would need to say through his own testimony but i don't think we will see that so i think it will actually be a dramatic three weeks and end with a whimper when we don't see much on defense. he doesn't have that many cards to play if he doesn't testify and i think he will not testify. >> heidi expect him to react to former members of his inner circle same potentially damaging things. people like hope hicks and how is he going to react to the women making the allegations? can you get a sense of the body language, do you think he will be scribbling notes and trying to speak with his attorney or staring them down? >> some of that will defend on the instructions of todd blanche gives him and whether donald can follow them but certainly the prosecution will make a great deal on the fact that these are members of the
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other party or people close to trump the people in his inner circle with the no doubt the defense will try to paint michael cohen as a liar but the problem with that is everybody lies. you tell the four-year-old there really is a santa claus so he went to prison for this very crime and that is very difficult for the trump team to overcome. watching this go forward, pay attention to the effort here to dirty up the other witnesses to somehow denigrate them how heavily they go after stormy daniels because of her occupation but this is also a documents case, we have the checks and transmittals and there's no question that what took place and the only question will be is this a crime and that is one of the reasons in this case that there are going to be six alternate jurors. if somebody tries to give trump
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a hunk jury the trump district judge can remove them and have them start over. >> as we get ready for jury selection, the new york times said the trump team will prefer specific jurors with profiles like younger black man, white working-class men, what is their strategy and how unusual and crazy could the selection process get? >> it will get crazy only in the sense that we will see trump rollover what he has been doing the last few weeks and railing at the judge and railing at the fairness of the process when what has been laid out there it is conventional and he is a guy that wants a holdout and when you're 11-1 there is a lot of pressure on you to go with your colleagues and listen to them and there are certain personality types and a lot of social science to
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bear in jury selection of who is likely, i don't care what you say, i'm sticking with my man, donald trump the so-called jury nullification, that's the guy they want and the sort of opposite female, older, college educated heart of a kind of corporate use to being collegial and that is who the prosecution wants and even though they only have names and addresses, they will fan out across the city, a phalanx of private detectives to get every little shred of information from where they live , what does the block look like, et cetera and that is the really high strategy which a lot think is the most important stage of the entire trial. >> we are watching all of that
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unfolds. thank you and i look forward to seeing you again soon. the view from inside iran to its attack on israel. l. bladder leak underwear has one job. i just want to feel protected! especially for those sudden gush moments. always discreet protects like no other. with a rapid dry core that locks in your heaviest gush quickly
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crest saves the day. breaking news, new details about iran's unprecedented attack on israel with the assault using more than 300 drones and missiles and nearly all intercepted by israel as well as american, british and french forces. today we learned israel is planning to respond in some form the israeli president said his country is not looking for war with iran. >> this is a declaration of war. because we are restrained and we know there are repercussions and because we have declarations with our partners and we are considering all options and i am quite confident that we will take the necessary steps that are necessary to do protect and defend our people.
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>> joining me now is that iranian american writer and msnbc contributor do you have any indication of how this is being seen inside of iran because israel is trying to betray the race -- portrayed this as a failure but is that getting through to iran? >> in iran some people may consider it a failure i have spoken to various people in iran since last night but i think the ronnie's do not see it as a failure and certainly the regime supporters and right now they may be a minority given what's going on, the regime supporters certainly consider it a success and are able to pinpoint a missile right onto the airbase that was used by israel in attacking the iranian consulate building into damascus. they consider that a huge success. they also note that having
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telegraphed the fact that they were going to do this attack over a period of 12 days that it gave the u.s. and other allies chance of opportunity to bring the forces to the region and be able to intercept most of the missiles and drones but the one they really wanted to get through was the one at the airbase and that did get through so the iranians consider it a success. some people will consider it a failure and they do not want to see war. i think the regime supporters don't want to see war either but are willing to take that risk as is obviously the iranian government at this point given what it did in terms of the massive retaliation for the attack on the consular section in damascus. >> the iranian analyst called it a major milestone and is
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excited to how much pressure they feel to responding to the attacks and will the hardliners in iran be satisfied or where they continue to push for axon -- action against israel? >> he was considered one of the hardliners and they consider this episode to be finished. it really depends on what israel does. if israel reacts in a way and the indications are based on the biting demonstration has asked israel to not retaliate to this attack and if israel does indeed retaliate in a big way, the hardliners will absolutely insist on going full on with more attacks and more precision or maybe even attacks that are not telegraphed in advance which would be much more difficult for the u.s. and its allies, france, jordan and
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the uk to stop 99% of the munitions. yes, the supreme leader of iran has always said whenever israel has attacked a renewed interest killing 15 irc generals that he has engaged in strategic patience and that is over now and that is the signal from iran, strategic patients is over and there will be a for tat if it continues and it appears by all reports at the biting demonstration does not want to see that and neither do the europeans and iran has indicated it does not want to either let it depends on what israel does if israel bombs a facility in syria that i think that iran would probably react but if it attacks iranian soil again and embassies and buildings considered as her soil
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then yes i think they will insist on going after them. >> two senior air officials tell nbc news that they worry that netanyahu could use this as an opportunity to start a wider war and some republicans are urging the u.s. to conduct strikes in retaliation despite the president advising restraint. do you think there needs to be extreme and clear caution from u.s. lawmakers to avoid emboldening israel? >> i think that would be wise and the biden in menstruation is correct in trying to convince the israeli government to not move forward with retaliation. it would necessitate iranian retaliation. and if israel attacks iran on iranian soil it will probably be attacking iranian military bases in a way that it claimed it did not target and only targeted with its missiles
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military bases and the nuclear sites in iran and that would be where israel would be most likely to attack and that would lead to either war, full out war between iran and israel and in many other countries in the region and probably would end up with iran having a nuclear weapon which it so far has not made. it has not made that decision to build a weapon that if there is were i could see the iranian leadership deciding to build a weapon as a deterrence. >> thank you so much. i appreciate your time. we are hours away from the start of donald trump's first critical trial and who's who of the key players, next. mop smarter
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get connected on the day of your move with the xfinity app. can i sleep over at your new place? can katie sleep over tonight? sure, honey! this generation is so dramatic! move with xfinity. donald trump's first day in criminal court is tomorrow and while americans will be listening for any order from inside the new york courtroom, there's been a lot of build up to the moment. we have all the background on who's who in the historic trial. >> the trumpless many cases the 1st to 4 criminal cases to move to trial. former president trump was charged with 34 counts of falsifying records in the first degree but trump is not the only one involved. michael cohen will likely be
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the star witness in hush money case. he was donald trump's lawyer and fixer and august 21, 2018 he pled guilty to eight counts in manhattan federal court. michael cohen alleged a court of law that donald trump directed him to make illegal payments to influence the 2016 election which trump denies. >> i did it at the direction of and benefit of donald trump. >> michael cohen was sentenced to three years in prison and that he orchestrated payment strategic women who said he had affairs with donald trump including stormy daniels. he said he sought reimbursement from trump and even recorded one of their conversations about it the fbi seized that tape during a raid of his residence and office. stormy daniels says she met donald trump in 2006 at a celebrity golf tournament and he was the host of the apprentice. stormy daniels said they had sex that night and he offered to castor in the apprentice
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which he denies. in 2011 the three leaked. stormy daniels that she gave an interview for $15,000 and it remained unpublished until 2018 but two years earlier when donald trump is running for president, a tape from access hollywood leaked which prosecutors say caused panic within the trump campaign. two weeks later, stormy daniels was paid $130,000 itron's attorney, michael cohen karen mcdougal on ex-playboy model said she had an affair with donald trump and they allegedly met in 2006 at the playboy mansion and she says they dated for nearly one year. donald trump denies they had a relationship and in 2016 when donald trump received the republican nomination story leaked. the owner of the national enquirer offered her $150,000. and michael cohen says that he
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orchestrated the deal for ami to buy the story but never publish it, to help trump in the 2016 election. allegations that trump denies. allen weisselberg was the chief financial officer for the trump organization and was mentioned several times in michael cohen's recording as being a part of the plot. >> i have spoken to allen weisselberg. >> in july 2021, allen weisselberg and the trump organization worse indicted for scheming for tax fraud and was sentenced to five months in prison and a plead -- agreed to plead guilty. >> they are looking to squeeze him again to get to donald trump. >> on march 2024 allen weisselberg pled guilty to perjury and lying under oath in the fraud case, a deal that sends him back to prison but
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does not require him to testify in the hush money case. the manhattan district attorney and his team are the prosecutors. harvard educated democrat and former assistant attorney general of new york and on december 6 2022, the da secure the conviction of the trump corporation and the payroll corporation for conspiracy, criminal tax fraud and falsifying business records. on march 30, 2023, donald trump was indicted by the da and the manhattan court. days later, he was arraigned. republicans are selling it but who's buying it? why some are calling for the u.s. to attack iran, next.
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we condemned the attack and it's great to see bipartisan leadership. >> clearly israel has been attacked by iran and we and
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others including the president said israel has the right to protect itself. >> it demonstrates how it is astonishing that we are not standing firmly with israel and there should never be any kinds of conditions. >> what's important is that we stand with israel. it has never been more important. >> you see that break and let news as lawmakers on both sides of i also support for israel. this just in, president biden holding the call with the congressional leaders a short time ago. let's get right to capitol hill with more reaction. congress has yet to agree on an aid bill for israel. yesterday the strike, could you speed up the process? >> reporter: that's a good question. republicans and democrats have been calling on speaker johnson to do something. some republicans especially those with the national security credentials and those with leadership in the senate have called on johnson to
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specifically ask for an aid package that the chamber cleared in february that would approve funds for israel, ukraine, indo-pacific and humanitarian relief for gaza. speaker johnson this morning hurt a little bit about what he said. he said the house plans with their own foreign aid bill on the floor indicating it will not take up the package and at least not at first or next week with the details and what they plan to put forward is far from clear. take a listen to what went -- what one senate democrats had to say and it sounds like they are on the same page for a path forward. >> what really has to happen is congress has got to finally pass the supplemental bill that the senate passed two months ago. if we could do that then we can provide aid for israel to defend itself against iran. >> the speaker has been very clear and supports ukraine funding and funding for israel.
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he says the path for that to come to the house for this week and i think it will have overwhelming support, ukraine, israel, not just because whitted has happened with iran escalating the conflict but because these are allies that need and deserve our support. >> reporter: i'm looking at a transcript sent from office of chuck schumer and he held a press conference moments ago in new york where he shared details about the phone call between president biden and the 4 congressional leaders including speaker johnson and said in part there was a consensus on the phone among all leaders that we had to help israel and help ukraine and and now hopefully we can work that out and get this done. we will see if they can get there when congress returns tomorrow. >> thank you so much. joining me now is the illinois congresswoman -- congressman. always good to see you. president biden telling
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benjamin netanyahu that the u.s. will not participate in any offensive operations against iran, urging him to take the win and not to retaliate. if netanyahu decides to strike back against iran, what kind of position does that put the united states in? >> we have sworn that we are going to defend israel and this would be an escalator a matter. at this point in time i know the majority of leaders in the area are asking him to show some restraint. take the big three and understand in iran's mind it was retaliation. i disagree with that but do you really want the u.s. to become involved in a major war in the middle east again? that is inevitably where this leads if you continue to escalate. >> some republicans including lindsey graham and marsha blackburn are calling for tell your sister -- retaliatory strikes against iran and hear
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what john bolton said this morning. >> israel has a wide range of potential targets, start by flattening a run's defense capabilities and next to michael after headquarters, the revolutionary guard and could consider going after the oil infrastructure in the oil fields, distribution pipeline and the export facilities and most importantly i think israel should be looking at this as an opportunity to destroy iran's nuclear weapons program which is the existential threat that israel faces. >> john bolton and other senators potentially seen this as a reason for and an opportunity to attack a random. what kind of pressure does this gop hawkishness put on the biting demonstration as it is trying to avoid a wider war? >> i think they want to avoid the war and they don't necessarily need to listen to
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the farthest extreme talks. mr. bolton talking about wiping out their nuclear weapons program, that is a mouthful because it simply is not going to happen without massive strikes and troops on the ground. it won't happen otherwise. let's remember that if we want to support israel and we do, escalating right now is possibly the worst time. there are threats not just for iran but the militia groups, hezbollah, houthis and others. they are also trying to dismantle hamas at this point in time. you're going to put israel at a very untenable position if you're talking about a full- fledged war. right now, the first task at hand for the u.s. congress is to pass the senate bill which will help two international crisis with both have strategic and more reasons for our support.
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>> do you expect speaker johnson to bring that particular bill or perhaps when the focuses exclusively right now the timing of his real to the house this week for a vote? how would you feel about that exclusive one, just focusing on israel? i know you have spent a lot of time in ukraine. >> i just came back from ukraine and this is my third trip there during the war and the time has passed for inaction. it's a war that's about to turn if we don't do what's necessary. ukrainian, polish and u.s. military officials there briefed us extensively and this war will turn. ukraine can still win and ukraine can still lose this. we could have a sovereign democratic country wiped off the face of the earth. there is no moral or strategic reason for speaker johnson not to include the ukrainian aid in this package and there is purely political reasons and if he thinks he is going to
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appease the far right and he thinks i will ever support him he should listen and pay attention to what happened to speaker mccarthy. >> can i ask you quickly if you think that that just what transpired over the weekend will compel more republicans to support a bill for israel, at least israel, i will speak to ukraine because they were not involved in this weekend's actions but will he get all republicans and democrats on the same page and will we see support for israel by the end of this week with the bill passed? >> i don't think we will ever get all because there is a far right that are listening to for president trump. i do think we will have bills on the floor but let's just remember if you want to help israel and ukraine, there is one bill that has already passed the senate. by this time next week, president biden could happen would have been able to sign the bill. if you want to play ping-pong with the senate with the
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vagaries there. >> thank you so much for your time. and for all of you, that will do it for me. we will be back next saturday and sunday at 1:00 pm eastern in the meantime we continue our coverage at the top of the hour. my mental health was better. but uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia, started disrupting my day. td felt embarrassing. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td, and learned about ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ ingrezza is clinically proven for reducing td. most people saw results in just two weeks. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. only number-one prescribed ingrezza has simple dosing for td: always one pill, once daily.
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