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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  April 15, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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professor butler from u penn, who is amazing, saturday fourth, in kingston, new york and then june 13th i will be in houston texas at the houston progressive foreign. may 4th in kingston, new york, june 13th in houston texas, details online at that does it for me for now, now it is time for the last word with lawrence o'donnell. good evening. expected evening, rachel. i went out on my morning stroll as usual, this morning, and what i got near the courthouse, you know, as you know, my morning stroll is very contemplative, i'm not looking at social media, i'm not checking tweets as i'm crossing streets and stuff, so i get down to the courthouse, and i literally see sleeping babies in the shadow of the courthouse and i think, did they cancel the thing today, is there nothing today? is there does nothing?
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and then i come around the corner to the sunny spot and there they are, i want to overestimate this. maybe two dozen trump supporters there, and then at least two dozen or more could not be on the trump jury because they would vote to convict before testimony, you know those people are there. and way more news media, then, you know, pro or con trump people there. it was as quiet and peaceful version of foley square and the campus courthouse area as he could ask for. >> which is weird, because trump promised, on friday, that we were 72 hours away from all hell breaking loose. maybe the hell mouth open somewhere else and we haven't stumbled into it, because there does not appear to have been an outpouring of trump supporters of the courthouse for day one
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and if they would have been there on any day it would presumably be day one. right? >> day one is usually your maximum interest day for these things and when they drag on, people at home start to fall asleep, nevermind the question of whether donald trump fell asleep in the courtroom today or not. but yeah, the country is not at risk of any great uprisings, and let's remember, protesting this is legal in all 50 states. if you want to say, there's only 85,000 voters in manhattan, which there are, that's how many you got, and they were all busy, so no one could come down, well okay, what about the entire state of utah or alabama? it was legal to protest. you could have a little march in alabama or a giant one. all those trumpeters in alabama or idaho, nowhere. not one place in the country
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was there a trumpeter who decided to say, i will get up from my desk or my sofa and get out there publicly, and protest this outrage in manhattan. >> and i mean, i feel like this is an important news moment, and i saw your post, the picture you took of this today, i was very happy that you posted, i feel like there is a bias like a law of physics, it's not even a political thing at all, but in the news business, you never report on the dog that didn't bark. right? you never report on the thing didn't happen but in this case, there is something observable which did happen, which is, trump spending the last year, promising that the country would be brought to its knees by trump supporters turning out in numbers, with militants that you had never seen before from the american people in this country would be torn apart if he were ever indicted, and never had to go to court and if you were ever put on trial.
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he has asked his supporters to do it, and he has promised, over and over again, that they would at every step of his legal jeopardy, and they, over and over and over again, have not. and that dog not barking is a story here. >> yeah, and it's a good story for where we are. in this country, now. trump voters will vote for him but that is all they were willing to do. there were some real nuts willing to do more than that, violent people willing to do more than that on january 6th, a lot of them are in prison right now, but, if a lesson needed to be learned, it was, but you know, they are just not going to get in their cars and drive to the courthouse, and certainly, you know, they did not do that in atlanta, they didn't do it in florida, they are not going to do it in washington, d.c. washington, d.c., we know, there will be
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many more anti-trump protesters at the washington, d.c. courthouse, then possible pro trump supporters there. and so, it is really, the most disappointed person in the country for all of us, of course, is donald trump, who really really wanted to hear some noise out there today. >> he may console himself by thinking, maybe they were all at home trading trump media stock. maybe that's what it was, saving for the bibles or whatever but other than that he did not get what he asked for here. when you ask for something and you don't get it, that is embarrassing. >> adam was there and he will join us tonight, he will be at the courthouse every day of this trial, and he will be reporting for us on what he got there and of course, andrew weissman will be joining us with his wisdom on what happened there and we will get straight to that. >> thanks. >> thank you, rachel. thank you. civil war was number one at the box office this weekend,
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and we proved, once again, today, that the only place we are ever going to have a civil war is on the screens in the movie theaters, where that film is playing. donald trump would love to have a civil war, of sorts, over the criminal prosecution he is facing, now, in manhattan. he would probably love to have what he would call his term, a bloodbath, or something like what we saw on january 6, an uprising which could shut down the courthouse, and stop the proceedings, maybe, but once again, today, as i just said, donald trump got nothing. and he knew he was going to get nothing from his supporters, which is why he didn't make the public mistake of summoning them to manhattan, together outside the courthouse, a mistake that he did make one year ago, when he was arraigned at that same courthouse, and no
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one showed up. to try to block that proceeding. the way that they tried to block this advocation of joe biden's electoral college win on genera six. a year ago, april 4th, 2023, donald trump pleaded not guilty and that courthouse, he pleaded with his followers to be there, but i walked out of the courthouse to see the crowd that gathered to support donald trump, it was a smaller crowd than i expected. i expected a small crowd, it was still smaller than that. the news media far outnumbered trump testers, all of whom were well behaved, the protesters i mean, as i expected, and i said, then, on this program, that you had nothing to worry about with trump supporters trying to cause trouble or violence at trump trials. and we have more proof of that today, the criminal court were donald trump is being tried is in a campus of courthouses that
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improve federal courts and state courts all kind of close together. and in roaming the campus today, i found no more than a couple dozen trump supporters, and maybe more anti-trump demonstrators, all of whom were very peaceful and usually very quiet but so peaceful and quiet, that babies were sleeping in the shadow of the courthouse, literally. baby sleeping. that was the first photo i took this morning, on my morning walk to the trump courthouse, the sleeping babies. the reporting in the "new york times" and "washington post" tonight, these were not the only sleepers in the neighborhood. maggie haberman, in the courtroom, reporting for the "new york times" under the headline, a weary trump appears to doze off in courtroom. former president trump donald j trump seemed, alternately irritated and exhausted by monday morning, as his lawyers and prosecutors passed out
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pretrial motions before jury selection in his criminal case. is to trump appeared to nod off a few times, his mouth going slackened his head dripping onto his chest. the former president's lead lawyer, todd blanche past him notes, for several minutes, before trump appeared to jolt awake and notice them. under the headline, trump seems to not off, briefly, as prospective jurors get instructions, the "washington post" reports, quote, former president trump closed his eyes , and appeared to nod off at times in a monday courtroom as prospective jurors were instructed on what they would need to do to serve on the jury in his hush money criminal trial. trump closed his eyes several times, he then abruptly caught himself and stiffened his posture.'s attorneys, todd blanche and bully refilled his drink and gave each other and awkward look at the defense table.
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awkward indeed. unfortunately, the trial is not televised, so we don't have a video confirmation of the 77-year-old criminal defendant falling asleep in court. the trial will not be televised, and the revolutionized will not be televised, because they didn't show up. not only are trump voters no longer willing to violently revolt for donald trump, they will not even show up at his committal trials. there are actually 85,000 trump voters living, just on the island of manhattan, and none of them bothered to go down to the courthouse today. none of the trump supporters i spoke to, there, are from new york. other press accounts include pennsylvania's review include pennsylvania and driving distances of 90 minutes from the courthouse, there are several million trump voters who live on long island, connecticut and new york state in new jersey and pennsylvania who could easily have been at
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that courthouse today. millions of them. but they don't care that much about donald trump. will vote for him, but they want revolt for him, they won't even show up for him. answer, donald trump has given up asking them to even show up at his trials, and instead, today, he just asked them for money. money he told him he would never need when he began running to president, as he promised to pay for his campaign himself, because as he said, then, quote, i am very rich. today, he asked for what he called 1 million patriots to send him money, because he desperately needs it, because he is not rich enough. but, he didn't ask for any patriots to come to his courthouse, because he knows they won't come. they just won't come, and that is a very good sign, about just how stable this country actually is tonight.
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the first words donald trump heard in the courtroom today were from the clerk, saying, this is the people of the state of new york versus donald j trump. the judge immediately denied the latest trump motion, asking him -- asking the judge to recuse himself, he then moved onto some scheduling issues, saying he was not yet sure about his scheduling request, quote, regarding counsel's request that the court adjourn on friday, may 17th, for mr. trump to attend his son's high school graduation, and friday, june the third two allow a member of the defense team to attend their son's graduation, i cannot rule on those to request at this time. it really depends on how we are doing on time and where we are in the trial. if everything is going according to schedule without unnecessary delays, i am sure we will be able to adjourn for one or both of those days, but if we are
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running behind schedule, we will not be able to. of course, if donald trump had been more interested in spending time with his son in the first months of his son's life, instead of spending time with stormy daniels in those days, donald trump would definitely be available for his son's high school graduation. donald trump's son was four months old when donald trump spent an evening with stormy daniels, which he just is easily could have spent with his four month old baby, if he cared enough about that baby. in 1982, the new york state supreme court ruled on the case of, people versus parker, which established what has become known as the parker warnings that the judge must give the defendant, before potential jurors were called into the courtroom, donald trump was
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given the parker warnings that he gave him when he was actually arraigned in that courtroom one year ago. the judge said, although you have already had the parker warnings, i am going to repeat them at this time, now, that we are at a different stage in the proceedings. today, we are going to begin to pick a jury, so these parker warnings take on special significance. you have the right to be present during the trial. that is an important right. it permits you to assist in your defense, to assist your diff attorneys in their defense of you. do you understand? trump, yes, sir. the judge, you can, however, on your conduct, lose your right to be president if you disrupt the proceedings in any way, the law permits the court to exclude you to the courtroom, to commit you to jail and continue the trial in your absence, do you understand? trump, yes. the judge, if you deliberately failed to appear here for trial, that will constitute a forfeiture of your right to be present, a warrant will be issued for your arrest, the
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trial will continue in your absence, and if there is a verdict of guilty, and you again failed to appear for sentence, you will be sentenced in absentia, and upon your arrest, the sentence will be executed, and you will be subject to separate prosecution and separate punishment for bail jumping, no matter what happens in the trial. do you understand that? trump, yes, sir. the judge, thank you. 96 potential jurors were called to the courtroom, more than half of them were immediately excused after saying that they could not be impartial in the case of the 34 potential jurors who remained, in the courtroom, nine completed answering every question on the judges 42 question list, leading off our discussion, adam crespo was in the courtroom today and will be there every day at the trump trial, he is a fellow at
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justice and security, also amanda wiseman, is an msnbc legal animist analyst and co- author of the "new york times" best-selling book, the trump indictments, the historic charging documents, with commentary. adam, on this day, when things are just cranking up, we saw a bunch of rulings before any jurors were brought into the room to go through those 42 questions, but was established by the judge in those rulings, before those jurors came in? >> one of the very interesting things about those rulings, lawrence, was that of course, trump has spent the lead up to this trial trying to discredit the judge and has been saying how unfair he is, how compromised he is, and what the judge did was create a very provisional ruling which in many instances were favorable to trump. he ruled that trump at least at this stage, prosecutors cannot
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mention one of the fact that you mentioned in your opening, that he had to conduct this affair while his wife was pregnant, the prosecutors cannot mention also, that with the affair with karen mcdougal, which took place before the pregnancy with stormy daniels, it was after the pregnancy. another ruling, the justice so that trump can -- that prosecutors cannot show the access hollywood tape which precipitated the campaign entering a tailspin, but the prosecutors can describe it. these were very detailed rulings, the judge is very clear to observe the due process rights of the accused, and also, giving the prosecutors a lot of runway to expand on their broad theory of the case, which is that this was an effort to influence the 2016
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election, showing that this is not only about one payment, that this is about an effort, with the release of the access hollywood tape, to put out a bunch of scandals, and he really threaded that line carefully, and in detailed form. >> just to go to one of these rulings that the judge made at the pretrial stage, to show how tentative they actually are, this is the ruling he made about , not mentioning, the prosecution should not mention when melania trump was pregnant, while the karen mcdougal affair was going on, for example, and so, the judge says, at this moment, i think that the present prejudicial value of that definitely exceeds any probative value. as you know, we never know what will happen on cross-examination or as evidence comes in, if any doors will open, but for the
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purposes of why we are here today, at this moment, i don't believe that is necessary and andrew, that seems to be the note on many of these evidentiary rulings, that, at this moment, we don't anticipate allowing that, but then he makes the point that hey come on cross-examination, who knows. things can happen. >> yeah, that is very standard. in these sorts of pretrial motions, or a judge will say what both sides can do and what they cannot do, for the moment, but then, depending on what arguments, and what evidence each side decides to bring out, they can, as adam said, open the door to evidence that was previously held to be unduly prejudicial. it can become relevant, because it is unfair
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for one side to the make an argument that could be responded to by the other side, but for that pretrial ruling. so, for instance, if they were to say, the transcript of the tape, where the tape itself is not being allowed to be played, if the defense were for some reason making argument that the transcript is inaccurate or did not reflect what donald trump actually said on the tape, that would open the door. i suspect that the defense lawyers here are going to do that, it will open the door to it, but it is really typical to have these kinds of preliminary rulings to set the ground rules for both sides. >> andrew, now that we have a transcript, we have our hands of this transcript for an hour or so, of every word said in the courtroom today, is there anything in the transcript now that we actually know every word said in the courtroom, that jumps out at you? >> well, i think adams point that the judge is being fair,
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and has made rulings that were favorable to one side or the other, depending on what the particular facts are, that struck me as a very good sign. i think that he is no-nonsense. for instance, the government made the argument that they have still not received discovery from the defense. the defense has to produce any documents that they intend to use in the case, to defend themselves. and if they don't do that, they should be precluded, and what the judge did is say, you know what, you have 24 hours to produce them but no more games. if you do not produce every piece of evidence that you intend to use, it is precluded. so i thought that was a very strong definitive ruling by the judge, so i think that he is going to run a very tight ship. he strikes me as somebody in the mold of judge kaplan, the judge who had the two aging
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carol cases. i think that we will see a very efficient trial, conducted here. >> adam, i have been in courtrooms where every minute of the day, when i finally see the transcript and it is something that i didn't notice in the room, because it moves at different speeds and sometimes you don't hear every word, was there anything in the transcript of the to review it that it underlined or added to your understanding of what you were hearing? >> i would say that proximity of those parker warnings that you showed viewers a bit earlier. as you noted, these are warnings of the judge must give, and in most instances when the defendant is not the former president of the united states, it would be quite mundane, but it is extraordinary in this instance and two things stuck out to me when i was reading it in the transcript, it was around the time that trump reportedly fell asleep. this is towards the end of the
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morning session, this is the time when most reporters were observing him nodding off. it is a striking thing to see the proximity between that moment and the former president of the united states being read these extraordinary things, warning that he could be tried in absentia if he is disruptive, and that he could -- warning about bail jumping, that this followed -- it is extraordinary and totally mundane. and that was what jumped out at me, from reading the transcript. >> i agree with you. in any other case i would not have bothered to read the parker warnings. i wouldn't even bother. but he is saying this to a former president, and all these references to, we will, rest you for this or that kept going, we have to squeeze in a break right here and we will be back. we will be right back. back. [ metal groans]
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so, they got through nine jurors, and is not mean they have been accepted as jurors, but mine have gotten through the entire 42 question questionnaire. it is more than 42 questions because of the sub questions, how does the judge feel about getting through nine today? >> he said toward the end of the proceedings that they are running behind and he even warned that, for example, the court has taken off wednesdays to deal with other things on his docket because this is not his only case, but today, toward the end of the day, there was an exchange with trump's lawyers and he did say that they are falling behind. no, i don't know if he was saying that specifically in relation to the pace of jury selection and voir dire, or if the morning proceedings held them up, but there is definitely a sign from the judge -- >> in the way he said it was he holding the trump side
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responsible for that? >> well, in a way that is a valid interpretation, because early in the proceedings he did tell them, when trump's lead attorney, todd blanche, was complaining about seeking pretrial clearance, they need to get clearance from the judge before filing any more motions, and the judge says, the reason we are doing that is because you inundated us with motions that are near frivolous, if not frivolous. so, that might be one of the things that the judge had been saying in the subtext in that moment, between him and todd blanche, saying, we are behind schedule, and she told him, early in the proceedings, there is one reason we are behind schedule. >> he also said if you want to go to the high school graduation, don't delay things. what you make of the progress today, andrew? >> i thought it was fine for
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him to make sure that everyone understands what is going on here. there is is an enormous selection process, where, the first cut is to try to make sure that you have weeded out everyone, with four cause challenges, people who cannot be fair and impartial, or say they have such strongly held views that they really wouldn't be able to put theirs aside. that is one huge group, then, the second part is what is in the law called peremptory challenges, that is where both sides get a certain number of strikes, where they can strike the potential jurors from the pool. and there, that is why there are all these questions, that are not going to, you know, can they be fair and impartial, but just sort of gives the plaintiffs side and the defendants side, that is to say, the state and donald trump, about the jurors. there is just a lot more to go, because there will be these two
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phases, and then finally with respect to that second phase, where both sides are deciding who they want to , who they do not want to have on the jury, there can be some immediate litigation, if one side or the other things that people are being struck because of improper grounds, the supreme court has said that improper grounds are if you try to strike somebody for instance, based on race. so, i have had lots of cases as a prosecutor, where certain defendants will strike as many black jurors, prospective jurors as possible, and that leads to what is called a batson challenge, named after batson v kentucky, which is the case that you cannot use race as a criteria. so, there is a lot more to come in picking this jury, and we will see whether there are any batson challenges, or one side
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of the other accuses one side or the other of using race to form a jury improperly. >> how long does it take to litigate one of those challenges of the prosecution or the defense wants to go after one of those challenges, that this is based on race and we want to fight about it? >> it is litigation it happens immediately and there is no appeal, it happens right then and there. one side makes the argument, they present the data to support it, you can be sure that both sides are keeping track of what prospective jurors, what race, what gender, national origin they are, to see if one side or the other may be violating batson, but that is a quick process. people should not be worried about this taking weeks to litigate, but it is very
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unpleasant litigation because essentially one side or the other is accusing the other side of, essentially, you know, was to say being racist in their conduct. i'm not saying that will happen, but it does -- it is something that is seen, the reason for the supreme court case is because unfortunately, in this country it is something that does happen, and it is printed under the law. >> adam, thank you very much for joining us tonight after your long day. 9:30 a.m. on the court tomorrow. andrew wiseman will hang around for the next discussion. when we come back, tim o'brien will join us on donald trump's mounting money troubles, and the question of, did he post bond in a legitimate way in the civil case in new york. we will be right back. ht back. a treatment that works
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donald trump has a deadline of midnight, tonight, to file with the new york attorney general, proof that he, or his bond issue were is actually capable of paying the $175 million bond that he pretends, at least, to have obtained in his civil fraud case, to prevent the attorney general from seizing his assets, which the attorney general can do if
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that bond is fraudulent. new york attorney general latisha james is demanding more information, to prove to the court that the bond issuer night specialty insurance company, which is not licensed in new york, is qualified to pay the bond of donald trump loses on appeal. the wall street journal reports, if trump does not meet the monday deadline to provide detailed information about the bond, the attorney general could begin enforcing the fraud judgment. the judge will hold a hearing on the issue next week in the "new york times" is reporting today, quote, shares of former president trump's social media company plunged on monday after the company filed to register the potential sale of tens of millions of additional shares. investors reacted to the notion that if a flood of new shares were to hit the market, they
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could depress the company's stock price. tim o'brien's senior executive editor of bloomberg opinion and author of the book, trump nation. he is an msnbc political analyst, andrew wiseman is back with us, this filing should be coming in by midnight, from trump's attorneys, needs to explain whether that $175 million bond really is a guaranteed form of payment. >> in, absolutely. this is just so remarkable. this is somebody who has been found, by two juries, to have defamed somebody, who has been found to have sexually assaulted somebody, the company of which has been found criminally liable for a decade- long tax conspiracy, criminally, and has been found to have committed fraud, asked to post a bond 175 million, is
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on trial, starting today for a criminal case involving 34 felonies, and you can't find a company registered in new york, meaning that they are licensed to do business here, which it appears they are not, and that has the wherewithal to pay the money, because remember, the whole point is, that you either have to put up the money now, or, you have to find a bond company that is sufficiently liquid, that the plaintiff can look to that bond company if, at the end of the day, the judgment is affirmed. so, this may have been a way of delaying the sort of enforcement mechanism, if it turns out that they have -- you know, the donald trump has gone to a company that is simply not qualified and liquid enough to do business, and to post this bond. it is really remarkable, in
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this situation, this is the former president of the united states, and there really seems to be no end to the shenanigans that he will engage in. >> tim, is there any possibility of donald trump's on paper earnings from this stock issue that has just come out that he is a part of, is there any possibility of that intersecting with this and somehow supporting his ability to pay on this bond? >> absolutely not. it has been tanking but you know, this company came public in the merck used ways, it didn't come public through normal ipo process, it brought shares to the public through a vehicle, i won't bore you with the details other than to say that it essentially dodges around the normal transparency and disclosure process, and investors drop into companies that come public this way, supposedly knowing they are in
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for lack of disclosure and lack of transparency. since trump media came public it has dropped about 70% and it is probably going to plunge much further, given its financials, and given the performance of other companies that have made public offerings in this fashion. i will note that i'm not a financial adviser, but if you look at the trajectory of this it is in bad shape and if you look at the price drop in, trump has been able to sell his shares unless the board decides to do something few things, he is locked up for about five months or so but this is all paper money, and in the midst of all of this, we are shocked to discover the donald trump is doing business with people who may not have the financial and business wherewithal to do what they say they are doing.
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the very language of this bond contract indicated that night might not even pony up the money and it would fall back onto trump. that's a problem. the company was not properly vetted in the state of new york, that's a problem. they have 90 minutes or less now to follow the paperwork demonstrating they have the wherewithal and if they don't, new york state attorney general tomorrow will try to find other avenues for collecting the money that residents of new york state will be guaranteed to be paid. the whole thing is a mess and does not have many good financial avenues at this point . >> the clock is ticking on donald trump in so many ways. tim o'donnell and andrew wiseman, thank you very much for joining our discussion tonight. >> thank you, lawrence. while donald trump spent his day as a criminal defendant in a manhattan courtroom, the biden harris campaign was on
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the move today, vice president kamala harris was in the crucial state of nevada, reminding voters there that donald trump is fully responsible for overturning roe versus wade and threatening reproductive rights for women throughout the country. simon rosenberg will join us next.
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today, with 203 days until the november 5th election, donald trump, republican nominee for president of the united states, was sitting at a defense table in a manhattan criminal court, as a criminal defendant. the biden/harris campaign is out moving across the country, talking about the issues that matter the most. vice president kamala harris return to nevada for the fourth time this year, where she told voters the abortion bans that we are seeing in states like arizona came from donald trump. >> let's be clear, then, that when he sits back and most recently says, i believe the states should make these decisions, he says, right? okay. so, you believe that states have a right to reinstate laws from the 1800s, to criminalize healthcare providers, to provide
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up to prison for life, no exception for crimes of violence to someone's body. so, let's all be clear. what we are seeing in these states that we are talking about our trump abortion bans, and he can't get away from that. beaux-arts trump abortion bans. >> trump abortion bans. in las vegas, vice president harris, eva burch spent time canvassing for signatures to get a measure on the november ballot, to codify abortion rights in the nevada constitution. here is what arizona senator burch said last week when the arizona supreme court supported an abortion law written in 1864, long before arizona became a state.
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>> a couple of weeks ago, i had an abortion. is safe and legal abortion, here in arizona, for a pregnancy but i very much wanted. a pregnancy that failed, like many of my pregnancies before it, an embryo that was dying, and a miscarriage destined to happen. somebody took care of me . somebody gave me a procedure, so that i wouldn't have to experience another miscarriage, the pain, the mass, the discomfort, and now we are talking about whether or not we should put that doctor in jail. this is outrageous that we would even dignify the consideration of this type of ban.
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>> here is what senator burch said in nevada, today. >> the decision to choose when and how to start a family belongs to each of us, as individuals, it belongs to you, and it belongs to me. but, they will stop at nothing. they will stop at nothing, to take it away from us. it is about control, and this can happen anywhere. what is happening in arizona is not unique, it is happening all across the country, and it is another hurdle in the fight for reproductive freedoms, but, it will not set us back, if we keep pushing forward, if we keep pushing back. we must re-elect joe biden and kamala harris to protect abortion, not just in arizona, here in nevada, but nationwide. this is the fight of our lives, and i am here for it. >> joining our discussion now, simon rosenberg, democratic strategist, and author of, opium chronicles on sub stack. simon, the fight of our lives, when you listen to senator
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burch, when you listen to the vice president speaking on this, it just could not be a more urgent issue, in the terms that they put it, and there is donald trump, sitting in a criminal courtroom, he has no running mate to be out there, in the way the vice president is out there, donald trump, sitting in a criminal courtroom in manhattan. >> first of all, this is a tough segment to follow. those were amazingly powerful and emotional words that we just heard. and i think, listen, i think that this has been a very bad month for donald trump. not only has he had this trial which he covered very well, today, i think what happened with abortion over the last 10 days might be the thing that broke the camels back, may be the thing that really set trump off, on a path to lose this election, because what he did, in his idiocy, right? his diminished state, is that he believed he was going to come out and send it to moderate, that he was going to
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leave it up to the states, but what he was really doing was affirming, and endorsing the most extreme abortion restrictions in the country. so, he confirmed for all of us that he is the most powerful and avirulent abortion extremist in america. that is something that we do not necessarily know. yes, he ended roe, right, we knew that, but now he is affirmed in front of all of our eyes that he is the most dangerous extremist on this issue in the country, and that is not something that they will be able to wiggle out of, now, because he is for the idaho ban, he is for the arizona 1864 law and if he can be for the laws that he can be for a banning abortion across the country. so i think the election changed. it will take a little while to move through the polling, but i think this was a definitional moment for him, where he made it very clear that if you worried about maga and voted against maga in 2020 and 2022 and 2023, the maga that we are seeing today is far more dangerous and more extreme than
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any earlier version, it is a huge problem for them, and it's another reason why i remain deeply optimistic about what will happen in this election. >> simon rosenberg, thank you so much for joining us. >> think you'll >> we will be right back. when your gut is out of balance, your body gives you signs. so if you're frustrated with occasional bloating... ♪♪ [stomach noises] gas... or abdominal discomfort... help stop the frustration and start taking align every day. align probiotic was specifically designed by gastroenterologists to help relieve your occasional digestive upsets.
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