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tv   The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle  MSNBC  April 16, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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tonight's last word. the 11th hour starts now. >> tonight, the trump jury of seven new yorkers have already been seated as the judge signals that the trial could be ahead of schedule. plus, trump has big plans for his media company but is streaming really the thing that will reverse the stock slide?
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republicans are close to firing their house speaker again because they don't have anything better to do? the 11th hour gets underway on this tuesday night. good evening once again. we are live from 30 rock ctr. and we are now 203 days away from the election. donald trump's first criminal trial appears to now be moving at a lot faster pace than anyone expected. this was day two of jury selection and by late this afternoon, seven new york jurors were sworn in. if this piece continues we could actually see opening statements next week. attorneys spent most of the day combing through old social media posts from potential jurors pointing out any signs of potential bias. my colleague has all the latest.
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>> of those selected so far, a salesperson, an oncology nurse, two attorneys, an it consultant, a teacher and a software engineer. the slow-moving vetting process springing into an animated focus group like atmosphere with today's pool of nearly 2 dozen manhattan residents offering their unfurnished views of the presumptive gop nominee to his face under questioning by the prosecution and the defense. one man calling mister trump quote fascinating and mysterious. one revealing he was a big fan of the apprentice in middle school. a woman saying quote president trump speaks his mind and i'd rather that than someone who is in office we you don't know what they are thinking. a fourth prospective juror telling attorneys, i'm a democrat so there you go. i walk in there and he's a defendant and that's all he is. the defense team raising successful objections to a handful by pointing out past social media posts including one who said lock him up. while the judge fumed at mister trump for appearing to mutter something warning i will not
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have any jurors intimidated in this courtroom. jury selection is ongoing until 12 people and six alternates are selected. the former president is accused of falsifying business records, a low-level felony by mischaracterizing a hush money payment he allegedly directed michael cohen make to stormy daniels as legal expenses on his company's books. mister trump pleaded not guilty. >> on the way out of the courtroom the former president had his own words for the judge. >> we have a highly conflicted judge who shouldn't be on the case and who is rushing this trial. >> meanwhile the supreme court heard arguments that could impact another case, the one about election interference in 2020. the justice department has charged hundreds of rioters involved in the capital attack with obstructing an official proceeding. today, the supreme court's conservative majority appeared skeptical about whether that
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charge can be used in these cases. a ruling is expected sometime in june. with that let's get smarter with the help of our panel and we need the help tonight. luckily susan is here, staff writer for the new yorker. mark joseph stearns covering courts and the law, and harry litman joins us, former us attorney and deputy assistant attorney general. harry, you know that i'm going to you first. we already have seven jurors on the second day. that's extraordinary. yesterday i felt we were hearing that it's going to take weeks and weeks. what is your take on where the trial is right now? >> as laura said, it was first kind of slow and then all at once. i think the main reason we have this quickly is because at the beginning they let 48 folks go. anyone who said i don't think i can be fair. in other instances with fewer jurors to choose from that would have prompted retail discussions.
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can you really? what do you think? let's get rid of them now and get down to business with the people who are not trying to say they can't be fair. and pretty quickly you went down to a point where they had to play their cards, the golden ticket of a preemptory challenge or argue challenge for cause and boom we are at seven. and you are right at this pace we could be done in short order. we still need 18 and it's going to get dicey because each side has used six of their 10 challenges which you can use for any reason except if it's racial and they are going to be out of them and have to take some chances. it will be wrenching and we can be sure but still at this pace it could be as soon as tomorrow, or as soon as the end of the week and with opening statements on monday. >> mark, did you expect we would be here this quickly? seven jurors on day number two. i keep thinking that what are those seven people doing
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tonight? >> absolutely not. it's a stunning turnaround from monday's rather slow-paced and a really positive sign that this trial will move forward including me. one of the big gambles with bringing this case to new york is as everyone knows the jury pool is going to lean democratic . we always knew that trump attorneys were going to seize upon that not only to delegitimize the charges but to try to prevent 12 men and women +6 alternates from serving on that jury, to say it's impossible to find enough impartial new yorkers who can sit and judge impartially a former president, a republican president of the united states. the judge in this case has admirably set those concerns aside. i think he has really excelled at differentiating between mere knowledge of donald trump, jurors who say of course i know who he is but i don't have strong feelings, and others who
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come in saying i know him, i don't like him, i don't want to be here. by doing that he was able to nail down a number of clearly impartial and fairly minded new yorkers. they might be registered democrats but that should not matter and in our court system you are allowed to sit on a jury like this with your own views about politics and even about politicians as long as you feel you can enter the court room, set it-- set it all aside and decide whether or not prosecutors have proven these charges beyond a reasonable doubt. >> and a reminder this is happening in the new york courtroom because that is the state where the alleged crimes were committed. i saw-- on tv today saying it was no coincidence. it's pure strategy that this would be happening in new york. >> it's happening in new york because that's for the crimes that he was charged with were allegedly committed. >> von hilliard spoke to one juror after she was dismissed
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and i want to share what she said about the former president. >> i had never seen him in person before. you see someone blown up so larger-than-life on the media for so many years. to see them in person is very jarring and you get the sense that it's like, this is just another guy. i guess when you are on any jury you have elements of that person's future in your hands. so whether it was trump or whether it was some stranger off the street in manhattan who i had never heard of before, if you commit to sitting on the jury, you can change that person's life forever. >> susan, the nation has seen this man, sworn in as the leader of the free world. we've seen him under investigations and through impeachments. we've seen him through seemingly countless political scandals.
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what might be the biggest challenge for these jurors? >> it's an awful lot to ask an ordinary american to step outside of their daily life and basically decide the fate of the free world. there are enormous potential consequences to this case and the three other criminal cases still pending. we don't know if there will be trials but it is a huge burden. our system envisions a bert-- a jury of peers but let's be real that donald trump is not just an average joe citizen in this context. the burden on this case and all of the cases is the credibility of the legal system, of individual jurors, and the question of whether we are going to have someone who's going to be a convict or the president of the united states. generally speaking those are not the choices that we present everyday americans with so i am
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very sympathetic to these folks coming here and inviting scrutiny. all they did was answer a summons from the state of new york to show up for jury duty and then you have donald trump's lawyers combing through years of their social media. in one case i was looking at today one of the jurors, it was their husbands social media accounts from years ago that were being combed over by lawyers for donald trump. that has to be a jarring experience even for the most jaded of new yorkers. there were some of those characters who showed up as well. but it underscores how extraordinary i think this moment really is. >> imagine you are an average new yorker who postpones jury duty three times. vacation, dentist appointment, work assignment and then you get hit with this today. here's what i really want to know. the judge made it very clear that it was his courtroom. he very sternly told donald trump he could not intimidate jurors. donald trump now has to sit there day in and day out in a
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situation he's never in, in a situation he has no control of, where he is not special, he knows all of this is coming out with witnesses that are about to lay it out there under oath. what is this going to do to him? what are we likely going to see from him? >> i think this is a huge factor the people have not really absorbed. he is a guy who goes where he wants, when he wants, does what he wants and says what he wants and he has to stay in that chair. judge merchan came down on him for a little mutter. he cannot go next week to the supreme court argument. taken under advisement, is the judge, whether he can see his son's graduation. he is not in charge. and this is a guy who not only always has been, but a big part of his image is doing exactly what he wants.
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now there are long periods that are boring. we saw him possibly fall asleep a couple of times and he just has to stay there. i think he will be stewing inside and we will see whether things explode in court. i think some of the jury, the final fights over jurors will be more impacted and impassioned. we will see that happen. but in a way this has to be his worst nightmare having to just sit there like a bad student in the corner who hasn't done his homework. that is not donald trump's life and never has been. >> how is he going to handle it? he's never worked for anyone else, he has never obeyed anyone else. you wrote a book on how he operates. what is this going to be like? >> look. donald trump sitting quietly and keeping his mouth shut is going to be an enormous personal challenge for him.
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but criminal defendants, in a way that is a very, not dehumanizing experience, but really you are out of your control as long as you face these charges you are in the control of the state and of the judge in the courtroom. you have to show up by the way when it's a criminal case and not just a civil case. this man is this close according to polls, many show that he's leading in the effort to return to the oval office to have the power over america's vast nuclear arsenal and he has to sit in this courtroom and listen to a judge who doesn't like it when he mutters under his breath? i mean, it strikes me that this is perhaps the most jarring juxtaposition we could imagine in this election year. for me it is summing up the
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tragedy and the absurdity of 2024 in so many ways but will he explode? it is certainly possible but he might also just fall asleep. >> it will be a visual either way. new topic. the supreme court has heard this case about the obstruction charge used in the january 6 prosecution. help us understand what is at stake. what did you hear? walk us through it. >> this is a chart that has been used in 350 prosecutions of january 6 riders and forms the centerpiece of special counsel jack smith's indictment for his own efforts to steal the election. it is a major component of the biden administration's effort to hold people accountable for january 6 and what led up to that. and yet i heard five or six conservative justices sounding very skeptical that this particular law, this particular charge, is not being applied fairly or legally to individuals involved with january 6. i heard a number of justices like al gore such,
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clarence thomas, even brett cavanaugh suggest that the purpose of this law was not really to target the obstruction of a major proceeding in congress but simply to target individuals who destroy or alter evidence which, in my view is really quite an unbelievable reading of the text. this was a lot and acted in the wake of the enron scandal that specifically says it shall be a crime to corruptly obstruct an official proceeding including a congressional proceeding. what we had here was january 6 rioters attempting to obstruct the counting of electoral votes on january 6. i think the case for this application is very plain but the conservative justices kept saying over and over again could this apply to peaceful protesters? could it applied to someone who pulled the fire alarm? you gore such clearly alluded to representative jamaal bowman about a year ago and suggesting that it was either overbroad or
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too vague to be applied to these cases. if the court does hold that, this would be a huge shock to the entire prosecution of january 6 because it would not only mean that hundreds of existing prosecutions and even some convictions are on very shaky ground and perhaps even overturned. it would mean the court would be cutting the heart out of the january 6 indictment. jack smith would have to come back probably adding new charges and probably push the trial if it happens down the road. >> i see harry frantically wanting to respond. i am so sorry that we are out of time but the good news is you know you are coming back next week. >> in other trump news, the trump media stock was down today. after they floated this idea of
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starting a streaming service which to a non-investor may sound compelling. we know donald trump loves tv but watching a streaming service is extremely hard and costs billions of dollars. disney is still trying to figure it out and they have marvel and star wars but what is most more noteworthy is that 7 million shares of this stock traded. that is a very small number. why does it matter? it signals that institutional investors, pension funds, insurance companies, wall street money managers are not buying this stock. they have a responsibility, a fiduciary responsibility to make sound investments and this company, the underlying business is not sound. as we reported yes. donald trump has 80 million shares and he's going to get more. free money for him essentially on paper but eventually one allowed to sell those shares he needs to find big purchasers.
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and with only 7 million trading in the market on a day like this? that is not a good sign. it is easier said than done. we will keep you up on this. when we come back, mike johnston refuses to resign as republicans inch closer to ousting their own speaker. again we get into the never ending gop chaos and later the number one draft pick in the wnba. caitlin clark's salary? it is a fraction of her male counterparts. the 11th hour getting underway on a tuesday night. hellooo clean and comfortable. always. fear no gush.
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i am not resigning. it is in my view an absurd notion that someone would bring a vacate motion. it is not helpful to the cause, it is not helpful to the country, it does not help the house republicans advance the agenda which is in the best interest of the american agenda but i will tell you that i'm not concerned about this. i'm going to do my job. >> it can't be that absurd because the speaker of the house felt the need to respond right there. house speaker mike johnson took the extraordinary step of pledging publicly not to resign from his job. he did that of course because earlier in the day gop congressman thomas massey announced he would join marjorie taylor greens motion to oust johnson.
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he's a republican. they are republicans. speaker of the house. all this is because johnson unveiled plans to introduce separate aid bills to ukraine, israel, and taiwan. this is an absolute mess and come friday house republicans will be left with one single seat majority leaving johnson's speakership at its most vulnerable place since he won the gavel six months ago. for more let's bring in axial's political reporter and my old friend, as well as the writer and editor for protect democracy and senior staff are two republican senators. hans, for weeks it seems like the effort to oust johnson was dead in the water. how do you come back? >> this is matt. his margins are so slim. i don't know how dead it was. this is hanging over him and we can all do the math. even i can do it. that is that he loses two republicans he's going to need
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two democrats. it's a similar dynamic for all three and potentially the fourth bill going forward. for every bit of republican or a lot of republican support that is seeping out from his boat, he has to find more democratic support to make it up and it's not a big margin for error. >> amanda, there's the chance johnson will survive this but how long can the house gop survive being at the mercy of these extremists? every time water leaks out of the boat, the boat gets weaker. >> here's the reality that might johnson faces. if he wants to have a functional house, he's going to have to make deals with the democrats and reality-based republicans because should he choose to not try to get marjorie taylor greens approval for every bill, that is an impossible task and she threatens him every time he makes a move that she doesn't like.
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until he decides actually make a power move and say this is the way i'm going to run this house and have an assertive role which i do not expect them to take it is no republican leader has been able to do this thus far, he will be subject to the demands of marjorie taylor green for the rest of his tenure as long as she sees fit. >> he just went to mar-a-lago last week to hug it out with donald trump. didn't that bring him into the good graces of marjorie taylor green? how did things worsened? >> yeah but you have to look at the power role that she is playing. we don't want to admit this because like donald trump she is this circus -like figure but look what she's doing. she's making the speaker of the house respond to her directly saying i will not resign. she is an impeachment manager walking over articles of impeachment to the senate for alejandro mayorkas. she has a leading role in this house and it's like no one wants to admit this fact
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because it is so embarrassing but that is what is laid bare every single day this goes on. tom cotton is now publicly encouraging drivers to drag gaza cease-fire protesters from blocked roads. what does this accomplish? is tom cotton trying to bait folks on the left? like he hasn't heard from the squad in a while and wants to make sure democrats are still divided and going after president biden? because he knows this is absurd to say something like that. >> well, something reporters probably should not try to do which is to get inside of a politicians head. >> do it. >> one, cotton is basically saying take matters into your own hands. throw them over the bridge right? in arkansas was the suggestion at least if i read the quotes properly. i would look at this more as tom cotton is trying to speak to part of his party that is deeply frustrated with these voters and he is trying to
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align themselves with that. the three of us are all, let's assume we are smart for the evening. none of us know it's going to happen in the future, none of us know who's going to be president in 2025, but i guarantee you that a lot of republican senators that want to kind of carry a trump adjacent mental, and they want to tap into this deep populous anger that amanda well knows from her time with senator ted cruz, there is a populist current that is set up and gets very upset when their-- when there are protesters, and we have the right to protest and i will have to dust off the john stuart mill behind me as to when you're right to protest impedes my right to movement. he's tapping into something and signaling something and that is that he's willing to play the culture wars as mel-- as well but he does it really get it. he's talking about this conservative id and trying to
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address that. >> is he really just trying to trigger the left? >> i don't think he's trying to do or play acting anything and that's because i read the new york times editorial that i wrote during the black lives matter protest in which he called for the insurrection act to be invoked so that president trump could send troops to put down those protests. that was so inflammatory that i believe the new york times took it back and it was a big kerfuffle. when he said this he said it with intention and posted the video that essentially says yes this is how it's done. this is something a little different than populism and more than off there terrien's-- authoritarian strain in which we like to use force to put down political opponents that we do not like and i am certainly not justifying a violent protest. i don't like people shutting down bridges, but this is not
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how it is done, as tom cotton set on social media. this is an open invitation for vigilante is him and the first thing i immediately thought of was on the same day today, kyle rittenhouse, the boy who went to his constant tissue black lives matter protesters is speaking at kent state university at the invitation of turning point usa. that is a really jarring circumstance where he is essentially saying this is how it's done just like tom cotton. >> thank you for the opportunity for the three of us to be smart at least for the night. when we come back, despite her superstar power, caitlin clark's rookie contract is
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slimmer than what the guys make. some people are fired up and we are going to talk about gender and pay disparity in the world of sports but we are also going to talk about the way that the business operates. that is what dictates pay. the 11th hour continues. the 11th hour continues. ok y'all we got ten orders coming in.. big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant.. that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right.
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this is a dream and something i wrote down on a piece of paper when i was in second grade. get a basketball schaller ship, play in the wnba. this was always something i wanted to do. >> well girl, she did it.
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jaylen clark is living her and so many other girls dreams. the university of iowa all-star is heading to the wnba after the indiana fever made her their number one pick in the draft last night. there's a lot of fans out there that are outraged by her salary. she is expected to make $338,000 over four years. the number one pick in the nba signed last year a $55 million a $55,000,000.04 - your contract. on paper, this disparity sounds crazy. but the reality is a lot more complicated than that and i beg you to be patient, pay attention and hang with us please. my dear friend nbc correspondent stephanie gosk interviewed clark ahead of draft day. a contributing writer and the host of the must listen to podcast. she is unbothered. i am so glad you ladies are both here because we are hearing experts, novices and fans serious today. is it fair to compare the nba and the wnba?
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just look at the television rights. the nba makes $2.7 billion a year while the nba-- the wnba so far only makes $60 million a year and this is a business that did tates pay. >> i know. it is totally unfair because i think that-- by the way, welcome people who are just now tuning in to this conversation which, by the way the women in this league have been having for years now. understand you have to throw the nba comparison out the window. the nba had a 50 year head start. if you absolutely insist comparing the two leagues, why don't you compare them at the same stage? the wnba is 27 years in. back and look where the nba was 27 years in. it was not a billion-dollar league and in the 70s before magic johnson and larry bird got it off of life support there was widespread talk that the league would be defunct.
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it took some major star power, continued investment, a lot of things to come into place in order to become the league that it is now. what i hate about this conversation is that people see a quick tweet about salaries and they use it and weapon eyes it against women to denigrate them for something that is not truly their fault. this is still a relatively young league. they also have to understand that the players who have been fighting for better pay equity are not fighting against getting paid with the number one pick in the nba draft is getting. they are fighting to get more of the revenue actually being brought into the wnba. so when people see this they automatically assume that the number one pick, caitlin clark expects to be paid like victor wembanyama. she does not. nor any other number one pick in the history of the wnba. the league is in a healthier place and they want to make more money. it is as simple as that. >> i want to go back to what
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jemele said. the wnba just got there magic johnson and wnba. i was at the draft last night and spoke to the commissioner for the wnba and she said what makes a successful sports league? you have to have household names, rivalries, and games that matter. she thinks that they've got that cocktail and if you look at what's happening right now with tickets for the indiana fever where caitlin clark is going to be playing, they are skyrocketing. beyond that, the other teams in the wnba when the fever comes to town they are moving their venues to bigger places because the demand is higher. that is how you make more money. that is how you get bigger media contracts, that's how you get better corporate contracts, and that is how you go into the next negotiation with leverage. >> people keep saying the draft got more viewers than ever. 3 million viewers. that's game changing. here's the thing.
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it doesn't matter. no one gets a single dollar extra for good ratings last night. but shouldn't this be a moment to celebrate the future? because it is a game changer for these women, for the sport and the league and the contracts of the future. >> yeah, the narrative needs to be flipped. there's a lot of antiquated narratives that people are floating around because this is the downside when you get an influx of casual fans that have not watched or understand the history. this is all very new information they are trying to process. the wnba draft was a huge win. as stephanie alluded to in terms of ticket sales, ticket sales are up over 130%. the success we've just seen in women's basketball is going to translate over but before this even happened, it was the highest rated wnba finals in history.
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the regular-season across all platforms of the wnba regular- season games, what the viewership is for the nhl. there are so many positives to be pointed out and what i would say, if you were outraged when you saw those figures, if you think women deserve more it's really simple. by the merchandise, watch the games, go to the games. that is the best defense that you can give these women by consuming their product because i promise you it is worth it. >> amen, bingo and hallelujah. jemele, i will push back , it's not just new fans or new people getting outraged. i saw a quote today, pat mcafee who has a deep understanding of how media contracts work and how the industry works, caitlin clark's salary is laughable. you've got this groundswell of people that are outraged at the nba or wnba and they are experts so where is the outrage coming from when it should be a moment of joy?
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>> pat mcafee is right. he understands especially being in the media game a long time and he knows how things work. i'm glad the appearance of caitlin clark is galvanized people to actually care about this. when players somewhat recently renegotiated another collective-bargaining agreement and i recall very vividly when they were in the process of negotiations and talking about how they needed to have bigger salaries so that players don't have to play overseas. everyone was wondering why is brittney griner over in russia playing overseas if she's in the wnba? the reason why is because in other countries, and to me this is an indictment of the us. all these other countries, human rights, rights for women are not nearly as far along as the us and russia are paying a healthy six figures and seven figures for women to come play. what does that say about the
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us? the other component and part of that is that people need to understand where the league is and it is in a great place. but, the support needs to continue and for a lot of years women have been undermined by the fact that the gatekeepers just inherently saw value in men's sports because men's sports have struggled before. the nba and major league baseball, too some of these guys had second jobs in the off- season. they are coming off that but they continue to invest, continue to watch and buy into the product and that's what should happen now. >> gatekeepers get blown over when the fans rush the field. >> i would also say that we have a responsibility in the media as well to give the women the support they deserve, the exposure they deserve, and if you had fun watching the final four there is more fun to be had. tune in, buy a ticket, get a jersey. boy you can't find any more caitlin clark jerseys. they are all sold out but maybe they will make some more.
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>> for now. >> ladies, thank you so much. amazing conversation and congratulations to those women last night. it's a great time for women in sports. stephanie, jemele, great to see you both. when we return another woman i adore. they were an extraordinary power couple. doris kearns goodwin is reliving the 1960s with her late husband and their four decades of marriage intertwining between a love story between america and democracy when the 11th hour continues. i'm very excited for this conversation. ed for this conversation. everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun. keep tiktok. you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same.
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our next guest has taken countless honor including a pulitzer prize. her new must read book is different, it is about her own story and the life she shared with her late husband who had been a key advisor to presidents johnson and kennedy. for tonight's special keynote conversation i am honored to welcome back residential historian, her new book, a personal history of the 60s, is out today. i am honored to see you and showcase this book. tell us about him and what was it like to go through his archives to put it together? >> it was the last great
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adventure of our lives together, when he turned 80 he came down the stairs and said okay it is now or never, i better opened the boxes he had been dragging around with us for 40 years and it was a time capsule for the 60s. he did not want to open them since the 60s ended sadly with the death of his friend kennedy. finally he realized if i have wisdom to dispense i better do it now so he started going to the boxes from the beginning to the end without knowing what was going to happen later. that is the way you have to write history, as it happens, not allowing yourself to know what will happen later and superimpose it on the past. >> you have this love for the 60s, it is like you are inspired by it, you look at young people in the 60s and they felt like they could change the world.
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do you see that today? >> i want it to happen today, i think there are pockets of it happening, if people could get a message from the 60s, the only way change happens in the country is when people feel they can make a difference and they gather together and mobilize. tens of thousands joined the peace corps, marches against segregation and the denial of the vote, the women's movement began in the rights movement began helmet they felt collectively we are doing something. systems of discrimination tumbled down, jim crow laws were gone. the voting rights that were denied for all those years and then the women's movement begins. with all of the difficulties and sadness it was a wonderful time to be alive. >> the experience of going to your most precious loved ones belongings, that is a universal experience so many people have, what was it like for you? >> we got a chance to do it
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together before he died. in the last years of his life after he got cancer it, they gave him a sense of purpose, the memories came back. the difficult memories, his break with lyndon johnson and the war, then he eventually began to soften and remembering how extraordinary johnson was, remembering robert kennedy and jackie kennedy, toasting all of these people that were his great friends and my advice would be so often you wait when a loved one is older to go through the stuff and you are left with it and it becomes sad but what if you start the memories before they die and you go back through photos again? what you want from a person is you want to tell their story to their children and grandchildren so they live on through the stories you tell. maybe if you start the process
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and go through the scrapbooks and get the memories told so we can told the story of that loved one. >> going to that history now currently you had to juxtapose that with what is happening in the world today. how does that make you feel? >> it makes me feel heartbroken that we are missing that sense of a positive feeling about where america is. america is a strong country yet it needs to remind itself it can make the changes. the majority of the people in the country want gun safety, the right to choose and climate change action, and it feels frustrating that they cannot see it moving fast enough. it takes time. the civil rights movement started long before the 60s. they were hurt by bull connor's dogs, hurt by people that went after him on the bridge yet voting rights happened because you had people that were active and leaders in congress like lyndon johnson and john kennedy.
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>> the two if you have a love for america but also america's favorite past time. you grew up a enormous jackie robinson fan, you got his autograph. this week we marked jackie robinson day when he broke the color barrier. what was that like for you? >> what i was made to realize when working on the boxes was that he was a true trailblazer. i am not sure i understood that when i was a little girl, i loved that he distracted the pictures and i finally got his autograph. you did not have to pay for them then. i brought my autograph book with me. i thought he would never look down on it and i was embarrassed when he did and then he wrote, keep your smile a long while, jackie robinson. i'd do not know if i knew what
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it meant for him to have that burden of being a trailblazer. the first black american to be in the coast guard academy, i interviewed his widow and she said he always felt burdened that he had to do well because the hopes of a lot of other people were behind him and now i realize that is what jackie robinson did every day and he did it with dignity and strength , he was a incredible man and a great player. >> you are incredible woman. it is a honor. thank you so much. it is a privilege to speak to you. i am so lucky. how lucky we all are. get her book, you will not be disappointed. it is a love story to her late husband and our great country. on that note i wish you a good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks, tank you
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