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tv   Segodnya  NTV  August 9, 2022 11:30pm-11:50pm MSK

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kozyrey, well, we'll put you in the federal security service of russia, you're under arrest. let this sin be on me, but i untied your hands, remember. you once said that this is your war. it became easier and calmer. all the will of the almighty, but i did what i had to do, i will not stop now. the family is safe. not in poverty, but i also did not disappear. only you can stay here for a long time. you know, but now looking in the
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mirror in the morning. i don't want to spit on him. facing the wall hello and it was intended. there is at least some evidence that
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kovalev collected money sent them to moscow that he participated in, the so-called tender. well, it's bad, because he had already made a fuss and presented demidov's arrest as his own development. and now , for sure, he is waiting for the ministerial chair. they are a ministerial chair. allow me to go. refused ukrainian corn zelensky proposed not to let the russians to the west. steven seagal started donbass and joe biden. missed again. this is the program for gorzhantsev's studio today. hello at the beginning of the situation in the special operation areas. as reported tonight in our
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the ministry of defense shelled 14 settlements in the donetsk people's republic. in addition, in cherkasy, ukrainian militants set up a stronghold in the ambulance building and mined all approaches to it. in kramatorsk, neo-nazis equipped barracks and firing points right in the hospital, and medics and patients are used as human shields earlier the military department spoke about the situation with mercenaries in the ranks of the ukrainian troops. their number is steadily declining according to the defense over the last weeks of the special operation, too. we have over 300 militants, while the agency records the outflow of foreigners from ukraine for almost 4 weeks from july 8 to august 5 as a result of offensive actions of the russian armed forces and units of the people's militia of the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, the number of mercenaries in ukraine decreased from 2.741 to 2192 people. at the same time, over the past week, another 175 soldiers of fortune arrived in ukraine , including 81 militants from georgia. at the same time, the
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number of mercenaries arriving does not cover the losses in their ranks over the specified period. reliably. the destruction of 335 foreign fighters has been confirmed. another 389 militants. on one's own. mercenaries left the territory of ukraine in ukraine , poland is in the lead among the destroyed militants. there are also citizens of canada, the united states and romania. the ukrainian military is minimizing roads on the outskirts of the solidarity in the dpr right on the roadway. they are planting german anti-tank mines. lugansk scouts managed to find one of them today, and the day before , in mariupol, russian sappers found a whole ammunition depot under the bridge, retreating to isa were going to to arrange a powerful explosion, but before anton had time, the crowd examined the dangerous nakhodka, this is one of the roads leading to mariupol, very close to the position of the ukrainian military retreating. they mined everything around within a radius of several kilometers. they tried to blow up this small bridge, but now the russian sappers have not had time
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to restore order here, for i assume that this was created in order to hamper the movement of our troops and possibly cause some damage, but i think it would be minimal. but there would be no road a sapper who has already turned out to be here, assess the situation and find explosive shells from the cron under one of the spans in these boxes, and everything is almost in a combat position here. hundreds of artillery shells left by the ukrainian military during the retreat, which is almost 2 tons of tnt in the event of an explosion, the wave would be felt within a radius of 10 km, the risk is very high. after all , it is unknown. how long have the shells lain here, and in what condition can it happen that, from the slightest touch with the work, the detonator explosion this amount of ammunition will not save, no protection rising, but it never interferes with work. that is, i am always focused on work. that is, i see, but the projectile, and the situation begins to
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surprise, or even other wires. and after that, how do i finish the job. we are starting slowly, of course, in their work, not without surprises, the enemy mined an ammunition depot with special explosive devices without the ability to extract the fuse itself, there are still stretch marks and so-called lampreys with a wide radius of destruction everywhere. all approaches to this structure and to this masonry, all access roads were mined with anti-personnel and anti-tank mines. they were also set to non-removable minus a very high number. so right now, we can't even say for sure. how many of them are here in the end, after looking around, checking the surroundings, the sappers are preparing shells. not everything will be blown up for destruction and not immediately, otherwise the fragments will scatter for several kilometers. however, in any case, traffic on the bridge will be suspended during the work of the military. to avoid casualties among civilians
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population. anton crowd and stanislav skrypnyk ntv donetsk people's republic today foreign journalists visited industrial enterprises of the lugansk people's republic where they are now in full swing establishing a peaceful life, launching and expanding the most important production for the region. including a new coal face our correspondent. andrei shamin also visited the enterprise and saw them, which especially impressed the reporters and recognized them. what problems do local businesses face? many foreign colleagues concluded for more than one month of work in the donbass, for example, he came under fire back in march of this year. the hand says, still not healed miner hits, of course. here now the war e is not over yet. well, calm people continued to work for them. i think this is a very wise coal for the donbass, just like bread for kvass. so they say here, without rubles, the industrial sector would also be in
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energy, but everything works, that's what they showed their western colleagues today. we have arrived here. see how the republic copes with difficulties and how the russian federation can help growth and the economy in the difficult situation that it is in, as well as see what will happen in the next couple of weeks, when the referendum is held hastily tried to bind how to economic sanctions in order to work uh the way we are currently working. we seem to have everything in order to infect prey , it is necessary to invest funds to increase the volume. or let's say, and including, if it used to be coal, the mines of donbass were in private hands, now the founder of one government of the luhansk people's republic , the leadership of the state-owned company does not hide the difficulties and one of them is the cadres of shatura juice control. l means at the moment the company employs 1.100
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people at the front. there are 430 people from this mine. well, the total was before february, so 1,500 people. here he worked in september at the dolzhanskaya mine and is being launched. a new coal face, and in order to minimize costs, the germans, the french, the italians and even the arabs watched with interest the way the production sites in the lugansk people's republic are now arranged. well, the lathes of the sixties mine aroused the greatest interest. dolzhanskaya has seen different during her work. here, 45 million rubles were raised to the surface. the purest brand anthracite is a feature of the regions in that the boilers of thermal power plants and the stoppage of production are tuned to coal of this particular brand. coal, which is shipped here every day, first of all goes to the domestic market of the lpr, that is, could turn into an energy crisis. miners. in the literal sense, they give the republic of coal and
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in return receive heat and metal, if western sanctions have affected the coal industry to a lesser extent, then here is a small dairy enterprise in belovodsk. hit seriously equipped . we bought a german line, we have a german line, but it was serviced in ukraine, and that is, we are now working on old stocks. uh parts, yes interchangeable uh, at the moment. we cannot find these spare parts, that is, we cannot service our equipment by western colleagues from russian interviews. media more often evade. but the update from al-rabiya, on the contrary, does not hide anything. you know, this is not the first time i have eaten. here. i see how things are moving forward. maybe not at the pace that should go. well, in fact well done of course, i myself come from damascus. i know that this is such an economic crisis after the war, so to speak, or after some war of action, so that life goes on. these
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are big pluses right now, a film crew from damascus is preparing a report on the difficulties, aspirations and achievements of donbass, and already tonight the audience al-rabiya, learn about everything in arabic without distortion andrey shain alexander stefaniuk and elena terekhova ntv lugansk people's republic and today it became about one more trip to donbass. it is known that the region was visited, the popular actor steven seagal, according to available information, the star of action films visited the village of elenovkom. i watched the destroyed building of the pre-trial detention center where ukrainian prisoners of war were kept on the night of july 29. it came under rocket fire, then 50 people were killed and more than 70 were injured. in addition, segal spoke with captured fighters of the battalion, azov, who are recognized in russia as a terrorist organization, as the head of the dpr denis pushilin said, the actor is now filming a documentary about the war in the donbass lebanon refused ukrainian corn take
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broke the agreement with the supplier due to the delivery, which was delayed for more than 5 months this was announced by the embassy of ukraine in lebanon dry-cargo ration - this is the first ship that left odessa in the framework of the so-called grain deal on board, 26,000 tons of corn on the way of the crew. i had to change courses. and now he awaiting further instructions in the turkish port of mersin in the middle of the sea. from sony, the first ship with ukrainian grain that left the sea humanitarian corridor after the conclusion of the so -called food deal between russia and turkey of ukraine on july 22, in just the first week of the agreements, more than 10 ships left ukrainian ports. western countries should forbid all russians to find out their territory, volodymyr zelensky said in an interview with the washington post newspaper, in his opinion, the most important sanctions are the closure of borders, because the russians are taking away land that belongs to someone else, so they should live in their own world until they
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change their philosophy from the point of view of zelensky , this measure should apply even to those russian citizens who left the country in protest against the actions of the authorities. whatever the russians are, send them to russia, he added, the president of ukraine also called the sanctions already imposed against russia weak and demanded a complete embargo on the purchase of russian energy resources. the truth about the refusal of russian transit. through ukraine to no interview, not a word. and zelensky’s overseas colleague again made an unfortunate mistake, which social media users are discussing today, joe biden, again tried to shake hands with an invisible interlocutor, the incident occurred at an official event with the participation of republican senators, the host, the white house shook hands with one of the legislators, and then extended his hand. void, after standing, so a couple of seconds. biden rubbed his chin puzzled. and this is not the first time that the leader of the state salutes the invisible, but earlier the american media published a video of biden's unsuccessful
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attempts to put on glasses during a working visit to kentucky. this famous music was heard today in st. petersburg on the spit of vasilyevsky island , dmitry shostakovich's 7th symphony sounded today, 8 years from the date of the performance of this great work in besieged leningrad, the musicians and the audience addressed with a video greeting. vladimir putin, the president recalled. on what difficult and tragic days this music sounded live broadcast of the concert shook the world behind it was the first 11 most difficult months of the block, but people found the strength to give a big real concert to fulfill a new strength. her musical themes poignantly told about the hardest trials about pain about the great speed,
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but they contained the main truly prophetic assertion of victory and this strengthened the faith of the leningraders. all the soviet people, all those who fought against nazism in the triumph of humanism and justice. first, performed by the all-russian youth orchestra under the direction of yuri tower, there the honored guests of the concert were veterans and blockade. and that's all for now sports news i give the floor to my colleagues from match tv find out how your lot will not be, join winline and try your luck by getting a freebie up to 10,000 rubles. and what kind of free bet will you get? time of news match tv specially for ntv in artyom
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tikhomirov studio another rpl club will change the main trainer. sergei yuran is leaving khimki, now officially the specialist managed to work in a club near moscow. about half a year. this season. khimki scored seven points in four rounds, including a draw with zenit but despite these results, the leadership of the moscow region club. decided to break the contract with yuran his successor as head coach. khimki called the coach of the russian national team nikolai writers, august 10 kicks off. the first all-russian spartakiad in summer sports is among the strongest. athletes in in total, more than 9,000 athletes will take part in it, representing 12 regions of the country . the golf tournament will be held on the fields of one of the clubs, the dmitrovsky district of the moscow region. there was a training session today. here we have 75 participants from eight regions. and here is a personal team tournament. uh. before. we had spartak of schoolchildren and spartak of youth - this is
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spartak of the strongest athletes in russia, it is successive in relation to the previous ones and all the strongest athletes really gathered here. we we hope that the quality of the game will be the highest match won the uefa super cup which for the first time in history will be held at the olympic stadium in helsinki will officially open the international season in europe opposition to the winner of the champions league real madrid will try to make the opening team of the last draw of the europa league eintracht from frankfurt spanish grand unambiguous favorite of the future meeting in favor of the galaxy with says their composition. yes, more powerful than that of the opponent, madrid finished last season with a double gold, winning not only the main eurocup but also the championship of spain with its championship ambitions. even after a long vacation. real madrid retained similar ones, during the tour of the united states, the team of carlo ancelotti managed to play against juventus and barcelona in their best squads, losing. only the catalans we then minimal in great shape fit the match and
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top contender for the ballon d'or, karim benzema , who won the super cup, would surely secure the prize. but the game conditions of eintracht raise questions, the germans remain a capable team surprise, but she has serious problems in defense. in the first round of the bundesliga, the eagles in their field were simply destroyed by bayern losing 1.6. so the success of the reals of the future meeting is more than likely. and you won’t earn much on this bet, another thing is the overall performance of the team, quite real four or more goals in the match for the super bowl will multiply your bank by 2.5 times. in the most prestigious tournament in south america, the copa libertadores quarter-finals stage two completely brazilian pairs at once in one of them for reaching the semi-finals fights full-time, with and atletico mineiro, the current winner of the tournament against the brazilian champion atlético, which is well known to russian fans. hulk in the first match by the forty-eighth minute led 2:0, however, the players failed to keep this advantage.
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fullneuros on time, remembered that it was they who defended the title and saved the game, both swords did not score from the set pieces, and the second time was already compensated by the second half, in the end 2.2 and nothing is clear in this confrontation. although, according to the bookmakers, he speaks in the return match. fullneuros. his win will almost double your bet . well, literally in a few hours , flamenco and carinthesis will continue in the dispute for reaching the semi-finals. here, the obvious favorite flamingo club from rio de janeiro won the first match with a score of 2:0. moreover, corinthians did not help, neither yuri alberta nor fabian balbue. having fallen last season for zenith dynamo, respectively, in the second match, the carinthian players will simply be obliged to score it quite within their power, just like the flamingo to catch them on the counterattack and distinguish themselves, proceeding from this very promising is the bet that both teams will score at odds of 2.59 is the best time to start betting with winline. now the bookmaker gives
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