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tv   Tainstvennaya Rossiya  NTV  July 6, 2023 4:25am-5:01am MSK

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17 million square kilometers four climatic zones 9 time zones what do you know about this land of your land? each of us is inside our own little world. and what are miracles behind it? but are you always able to understand the nature of what you see? humanity has been fighting for centuries, but the answers to the questions are not getting closer. there are events that can forever change the life of the entire planet or simply destroy life itself, and there are secrets from the disclosure that depend on whether humanity will survive the next time it happens. the beck disaster on the territory of our country in 1908
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, a huge cosmic body was supposed to crash into the earth, the assumption of scientists. after his fall. our planet. it would plunge into darkness for many years, and after the darkness left the earth would return in its development hundreds of millions of years ago, when intelligent life had not yet originated on its surface, but something happened at the place of a terrible impact on the earth. the inhabitants of the deaf taiga witnessed an incredible explosion that destroyed something flying to the ground. all that's left after weird in the shape of a butterfly there were trees near the river under the stone tunguska , people began to call the mysterious cosmic body flying to the earth by the name of this river. mankind knows it under the name of the tunguska meteorite. film crew of the program. mysterious russia will try
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to find out. what happened that day. what forces saved the earth from destruction and what the so-called tundra meteorite actually was. our journey will be long and difficult , we go to the site of the explosion of the tunguska meteorite to try to find those who remember how it was. we will try shed light on key issues. did the tunguska meteorite reach the earth? and if not , what prevented him and where did he disappear to, maybe he was shot down with the help of mysterious yakut boilers, about which we learned during the previous expedition. you are sure that we will be able to find a real fragment of the tunguska meteorite, but for this we will go hundreds of kilometers from the place of the mysterious
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tree emergence. and you will be able to make this journey with us and see with your own eyes the fragments of the most mysterious celestial body. the journey begins right now vanara, a place that is located in the very depths of the krasnoyarsk territory here. no, roads, you can only get there by plane, the population is only 3,000 people, instead of the deaf living their own lives. you would never have known, but a little over 100 years ago. here an event took place forever, inscribed vanavara in the history of the planet earth almost at the epicenter of the explosion of one of the most mysterious and inexplicable cases of the so-called tunguska meteor on the morning of june 30, 1908
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, a huge fiery cylindrical body appeared in the sky in central siberia, accompanied by thunder peals , it moved to the north direction. according to the descriptions of eyewitnesses, there is no trace of smoke at 7:14 over the southern swamp in the forest of the river under kamennaya tunguska, the body exploded, the force of the explosion, according to some estimates, reached 40-50 m of tnt from that moment. until today. people are trying to unravel the mysteries of what happened in the taiga, just 60 km from silov. after all, having exploded, a huge celestial body did not leave itself. not a single trace. and nothing is a crater, not pieces of any kind at all there are no excavations. this was the secret
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of the astronaut. georgy buckwheat was a member of one of the expeditions that went in search. the so-called tunguska meteorite, moreover , for many years. he collected data from scientists , hypotheses and assumptions about what could happen in the sky on the tunskaya and none of these hypotheses explains a single phenomenon that accompanied the tunguska phenomenon, the sky shone the night sky over europe . so it was possible to read a newspaper without light. well sort of clear explosion, colossal force in a lot of dust has been ejected into the atmosphere, it glows, well, the fact of the matter is that the glow was not indicated before the explosion, when there was nothing yet. as it turned out, it all started a few days before the meteorite fell on june 27 , 1908, people throughout europe, the european
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part of russia, and also in western siberia , witnessed unusual atmospheric phenomena , silvery clouds, bright twilight , and a british astronomer. william deneen, recorded that on the night of june 30, the sky over bristol was so bright that the stars the entire northern part of the sky was practically visible had a red tint, and the eastern green glow of the night sky, i don’t explain it in europe, however, today we managed to get acquainted with experts who claim that they managed to get closer to unraveling some of the mysteries of the tunguska meteorite. in any case, they are sure that they know where to look for the fragments of this celestial body, and these fragments, in turn, can help shed light on other questions. they
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can be located several hundred kilometers from the famous tunguska fell out at the village. to answer these questions. we will have to visit the site of the vanovar explosion and try to find the fragments in front of your eyes to a completely different part of the krasnoyarsk territory, and for starters, we are going precisely for fragments of the meteorite. this is so called when the name of the left bank of the yenisei is the left bank of this place. we were told by a local resident that it was here at the beginning of the century, that is, the 20th century, that something so big was falling, there was no big stone of the commission. i will fall. you know, we've come here. families came here and began to look at really very interesting trees. yes
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, there will still be yuri use the code name without specifying where we are. he does not want crowds of tourists and curious people to go here, growing pieces of a meteorite for souvenirs and in this way. just destroying it for science. even our film crew. he doesn't really understand what this place is. we traveled at the direction of the research and now we fully trust him as a flood leader. nobody was here. no one else is alive and no one else will be no one else themselves do not rush. well, what i'm saying is that this should be a reserved place. so to stay forever should be on the way to the place where we will see with our own eyes fragments of the so-called tunguska meteorite yuri explains to us this forest still keeps the memory of that grandiose fall very clearly visible. this is your business, that these edges are on both sides, and
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something led, apparently, and scratched. at least the earth, at least. well, i want to say that we will start from here and further, but with one of the main evidence for the presence of meteorite fragments here. yuri thinks these are the mutants. these are trees of different types, growing one from the other, the first thing we saw was this giant birch and the trunk that grows birch. but how is this possible and most importantly, and here is the tunguska meteorite, and the fact is that cosmic matter fell out, and cosmic matter decoded the genetic code of plants and trees grow by themselves. maybe, then, the birch will come out of the pine. here next there will be a giant lyre-shaped pine, which a lot of words. many peaks further there will be eight or nine trees fused together like this. or let’s say those fused to the very top will go from sleep and the birch
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is simply completely, as if they were a single mass in nature, this is impossible in nature. this is precisely the cosmic substance with the contribution of the cosmic substance to our latvian land. this is exactly the effect we get. i'm talking about the violation of the genetic fruit of plants, whether all mutated trees, or in itself the ominous atmosphere of these places for a long time frightened away from this forest of local residents, perhaps that is why a fragments from lay down. the meteorite is only known to have been elected. the point is that this is the place this is the place. we just kind of mothballed it now in the southern part of this cut off everything to start and there will be large fragments of this particular cosmic body. was it a meteorite fall? great thrower? the celestial body exploded or was shot down, and perhaps our earth was visited by an extraterrestrial spacecraft only 19 years after what happened before vanavara. i was able
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to get. the first explorer of the tunguska movie. his name was leonid kulik, he set out to find the remains of an exploded celestial body - it was already the month of june, at least on the contrary, he arrived in the month of april. this is how i waited in june. in the month of june, he did, there the fruit went down the chamba river to the mouth of the khushma , he had one horse and this with a friend with a friend. they have arrived. that's just before the epicenter epicentes, which became the eyes of the first researcher. the picture shook with its grandiosity and revealed many mysteries. what happened formed swamp swamp? here that is, you see, here is a radial tore out the scaffolding. this is how kulik determined that there was an epicenter here and fallen trees, burnt
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fallen trees. that's all, and i, we weren't there, we weren't, and we didn't find a hole, and we didn't find any fragments either, there weren't any fragments , i searched for a long time, and he had instruments, if there was an iron meteorite, they would have found it right away, and so there are no fragments on leonid kulik’s vika , no one has been able to find fragments of the tunguska meteorite until today , not only the researcher himself did not live, but neither one witness to the fall of a mysterious celestial body on our film crew managed almost unbelievably here in an accident. we found this woman tatyana ivanovna , a living witness of kulik's first expeditions at that time she was still a girl. but she can no longer remember how old she was, she even remembers her current age with difficulty. for
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90 years, 25 june gave birth to them , only one thing is known for sure - she was born after the fall of the tunguska ballet about this grand event. her parents told her and tatyana ivanovna is one of the few who heard about it. first of all, the memory is already greatly reduced, but after a while the woman still manages to recall some interesting details. this is deer. they ran away. when they started this moonshine, there were only berries. fire, fire, quickly went out, it’s easy for fire to survive only moss, but did not touch the trees. sounds weird, though. evenka insists, moreover, it turns out that tatyana ivanovna's father
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was one of those who, despite the prohibitions of shamans, nevertheless agreed to lead the researcher kulik to the place of the fall of the mysterious celestial body, ivanovka, being as a little girl, accompanied them on this dangerous expedition. that is, she was at the site of the explosion of the tunguska meteorite. even 80 years ago. uncle. lyonya remember school. i asked what i called, and i was already landing, and the landing was called somehow there more than tatyana ivanovna could not tell us anything about older women, her daughter explained the matter to us not only at the age of tatyana ivanovna.
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they cooked there, but here they didn’t lead me much fences and it was not allowed to talk about it. you see, since we didn’t have a shaman, you said, senior the brotherhood is olga match god there is something angry, something must have let in flint , a huge fire bird or a huge fire god. this is how the evenks describe what came to earth a little over 100 years ago and was called the tunguska meteorite. strange as it may seem , there are similar writings of their neighbor nations. yakutia, only we are talking about much more ancient events, almost mythical film crew of the program. mysterious russia has already visited yakutia, here we investigated the authenticity of the legends, and the mysterious tekut cauldrons built by no one knows who buildings, where even in winter it is warm in summer
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, the legend of the yakut. they talk about strange aliens who left these same cauldrons with local ethnographers. he told us what happened when he tried to translate ancient tales into modern language with legends. it turns out that to strengthen some wheat on a giant disc-shaped ship, uh, which the sun’s messenger turned day into night, the ship landed on upper vel and near the fats of an ancient pale volcano , the legend of a homeless failure behind the ship descended a giant vertical structure, which with a whistle flew the mouth of the volcano all these, stunning imagination of the ethnographer. drawn from the national folk eposalanchoe. it describes the whole mythical history of these places due to the birth of peoples. the legend says that a huge
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underground city was built by the alien gods. from which nothing was visible on the surface except the entrance , they are located inside domed structures made of unknown metal, these structures are called surcharges, and the inhabitants of yakutia are sure that the boilers can be found and seen with their own eyes even today on the territory of the republic usa yakutia has a place called the valley of death. the august river flows through this valley and the name has never happened. do
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they really? the film crew of mysterious russia went to the remote taiga of the krasnoyarsk territory in search of a solution to one of the biggest mysteries in the history of mankind , the mystery of the fall of the tunguska meteorite. we got to the village of vanara, the nearest settlement to the place where the mysterious celestial body fell. today , the descendants of those who saw the fall and explosion of a meteorite live here with their own eyes, which is amazing none of the local residents suffered evenks.
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they say that the shamans learned about the fall of the tunguska meteorite during the stone in an altered state of consciousness and warned everyone, supposedly shamans, they can even fly into space and draw information there, but how is this possible, really livensky shamans. great-grandmother had such unique abilities. she lived with her family in childhood, when she was not even a shaman. she performed an operation on herself, cut off her lower limbs up to the knee, because they were affected. after that, she received the name honderagd shaman. she walked on her knees, without legs, in all the picturesque case it is rather about the physical capabilities of the body and the incredible strong spirit, the example given does not prove in any way that the shaman can
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communicate with the cosmic information field. however, there is another explanation of where the shamans could get information about the danger, but it can only be allowed if we accept the version that the tunguska meteorite was an alien ship , the space ship plan worked fan. i considered. for real ground flights on mass georgy grechko decided to check. could a potential spacecraft come to us from one of these planets, the calculation was carried out based on the date of the explosion of the tnguska meteorite on june 30, 1908, and such a flight of the first calculated flight with mars was as if this ship was flying with oil. he wouldn’t have flown to alexander, then they thought the swiers didn’t
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work, 30. and then they thought that he flew smaus quiner past venus , looked at her and returned to earth coincides with june thirtieth, that is, the spaceship hypothesis . she still stays. so, if we take this version as the final one, then we can also assume that the shamans received information about the time and place of the landing of this alien ship. the information was indeed transmitted to them in an altered state of consciousness with the aliens themselves. in order to free the landing point from people as much as possible. this version is confirmed by another testimony of this person. he himself had not yet been born into the world when the described events, but remembers well the stories of his mother.
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and here, where the whole village still walked and buried, so that they would give a cow, it seems that in this case we are talking about the so-called cosmic substance, witnesses of alien ships around the world often describe a light gelatinous substance that falls to the ground. after an unidentified flying object can be seen in the sky. unfortunately, no one has yet managed to take any samples of this chair, because at the slightest touch. he either turned into ordinary water or just evaporated. so what did fall from the sky, what was it? how it looked like the mother said, how the type of jelly was bad and as if jelly, the cow of the village disappeared, then, as they do, they went looking for and dug the earth deep, that some kind of dishes had come, they dragged it normally. that
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is, it looked like water or jellied meat, or like jellied meat a good meteorite. was it actually an alien ship, one more question remains. where did he disappear to? why, after the explosion , there was no trace of this ship left, moreover, what caused this explosion, no matter how it's strange for the last question. georgy buckwheat has a possible answer , the astronaut himself participated in one of the expeditions to the sub-stone tunguska, and here are the conclusions he came to, whatever it was, but it did not reach the earth. well, you see, here's a meteorite making a big funnel. here's an arizona meteorite. there, it means that there are kilometer craters, here is the kocheinsky meteorite
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explosion, which was an air wave bypassed the entire earthly chance. smoothly seismic cost the globe, that is, a colossal explosion. there he was rated like someone 2.000 atomic bombs dropped on hiroshima and nothing of a crater and some pieces of nothing at all here are not such daytime ones, there is nothing under the microscope where and how the body disappeared on tunguska and most importantly, where did such a huge power of explosions come from ? the tunguska meteorite was shot down right in the sky, but by whom did i clearly get the impression that at that time on earth there were two everything or once one high and it was our account, but primitive. and those
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highly developed representatives they understood that we are still here, our civilization cannot yet to protect the earth under, say, a meteorite of suffering , they built boilers, and that is, they put installations on the earth that can destroy meteorites. here was flatulence flying, which we are talking about the very boilers that we learned about in yakutia and most likely stood on the surface of one of them according to legend. the same period when an unknown cosmic body flew to the earth, exploded in the area under the stone tunguska. in yakutia , the valley of death also sounded several explosions at the same time. boilers were exploding. one way or another, so as not to fly to earth from space, but the surface of the planet. it did not reach because of the explosion, or rather because of the exact hit from the weapon.
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which the yakuts from ancient times call huge cauldrons 15 km from the center lying uprooted trees that lay in different directions, this is when we arrived, we were waiting for funnels we were waiting, i don’t know, scorched lands. there's something more surprising to see that there is ordinary land and usually grows does not grow in the epicenter, although around a million trees uprooted. see and here are the rings. here is a ring from 908, and this tree was burned, but did not fall like that . this is the clearest idea that nothing fell to the ground, and the astronauts themselves did not explode on the ground, setting off on
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an expedition to the epicenter of the explosion, hoping to find something more than evidence of an above-ground explosion of an unknown object, most of all he expected to find. a real flying saucer, or what's left of one . no, no, wait. eh, the term you fly, a saucer, you didn’t suffer. and i thought that if this is interplanetary ship, it would be interesting to find it. eh, maybe it didn't crash somehow. there, perhaps, there was someone or something there, or at least some fragments can be found, according to which the structure can be restored there. that is, i wanted to find the cosmic. we also expect to find something that has been preserved after a grandiose explosion in the sky on tunguska, but the members of our
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film crew are in no hurry to guess that it could be the remains of a planetary ship or still a huge stone of a meteorite the collision with which should have destroyed moreover, in search of space artifacts, we are not going at all to the explosion coefficient, experts from krasnoyarsk convinced us that it is useless, because for more than 100 years in the tunguska no one has managed to find anything interesting fragments of a cosmic body must be looked for with everything else elsewhere. after all, they were blown hundreds of kilometers away and it seems that we have a chance to support one of these fragments in our hands. why does the fall and explosion of an unknown cause more than 100 years ago still excite humanity? why do scientists in russia abroad stubbornly continue to search, trying to understand what happened on june 30, 1908 in
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the light of the rest of the mysteries of the tunguska, this question seems to be the most ice researchers understand, most likely in 1908. our planet miraculously escaped death, so that a meteorite comet or an alien ship would not fly from space. all of humanity could end its existence in an instant if an unknown body crashed into the ground, and suddenly they fly by. if you believe in the calendar of may on december 23, 2012, we decided to figure out what the arrivals and went to where, as confidently, the krasnoyarsk researchers. jat fragments of this celestial body we go further along this hollow, so we will go further and then we will make excavations there. and i think that today we will dig up the pieces, some explained to us that we are the first and last
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journalists who will see the place where the fragments fell with their own eyes a researcher. by all means they want to protect these fragments from the encroachments of tourists or laymen along the way. they explain and show us signs of the fall of a certain cosmic body. in normal forests do not have this normal. i mean there is no money in the contribution of cosmic matter , i emphasize cosmic, because the contribution you must not act for nine seconds. and where there are anomalies, there is an anomaly, if these anomalies are confirmed by space photography of the destruction of the earth's surface. here, where it is destroyed, there is such a side a kilometer there kilometers here, there is not. before us are the unique phenomena of a birch growing directly from a pine, the researcher claims that this was due to a genetic failure, which was caused by space matter along the way. instead of splinters. we saw
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several other strange trees with similar anomalies. it was as if they were showing us the way to what height the birches do not grow from the locality, that is, from this space waste. it gives such a powerful growth, in the end, the researchers brought us to this large clearing, however, the word clearing is applicable to this area, but this is not the main thing. that now experts have no doubt that the strange stones in the earth are not actually local rocks, the only way they could get here was by falling from the sky, cometary matter, local rock cometary space matter. not here, locals. it's completely sandy. it looks like these researchers
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are sure the tunguska meteorite. this is a comet. all other versions are rejected by the very fact of finding its fragments. it was not a cosmic quran, which, however, does not contradict the version that the comet could be shot down by boilers when approaching the earth at a critical distance. at first glance, pieces of a comet look very strange, however, as it turned out that the appearance of this fragment can confirm the theory of georgy grechka that this celestial body flew to us from mars, the last analysis. uh, rovers americans american rovers, and analysis of this stuff. they are almost identical. first analysis. here nelya grigoryevna did it in her laboratory.
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a piece of rock from mars is unbelievable, but it seems that right before your eyes , a fragment of a comet that fell to earth more than 100 years ago, a comet that could destroy us, was really removed from the earth, but the tragedy did not happened and today, most likely, these stones no longer pose a danger to the earth if this comet began to plow the earth rose into the atmosphere , shot down by a beam or a power plant our planet has not yet been invented by man such a weapon that could
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prevent a huge comet from the earth. take another look at your eyes. our expedition extracted from the earth. these stones , the trajectory of the confluence coincides with the trajectory flight of the tunguska meteorite. in the surrounding forest, traces of the impact of cosmic matter are observed, the same substance. judging by the descriptions of eyewitnesses, it also fell out in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sub-stone tunguska, the composition of the debris, the researchers assure, is identical to the composition of the martian surface. so it looks like our planet was indeed saved from total annihilation due to a collision with a huge celestial alien comet or meteor, but there are still many unanswered questions. who built and left us a weapon that destroyed the danger and, most importantly, from work for this system the next time the earth
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is attacked by art again. it seems that we are only at the beginning of the path of knowing the amazing and incredible, and we still have to find out who and for what purpose protects us from complete destruction. and why the territory of our mystery was chosen for this, be attentive to everything that happens near you, because the truth is often closer than you think.


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