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tv   Utro  NTV  July 6, 2023 6:30am-7:41am MSK

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see further in the morning, the best thing is to listen to the chronicle of the emergency, we will analyze the incident in the first transmission. it seems that movers in nizhny novgorod found a way to increase their income several times the day before we talked about how to transport three house plants for transportation. instead of the initial 3,000 they demanded 19. but
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today the customer announced the amount of 60,000 rubles. although the emperor accepted an order for 400 frightened women. i signed the press chime price list without price, then we will write it down, then i will say, stuttering with fear, irina only has time to calculate the losses, but she is afraid to aggravate the conflict against her three hefty men. they are the loaders who called for help with the move, and then staged a pogrom when the customer refused to pay as much as they want about them. this is the voice of mikhail korotaev, who is in charge of this operation, he is behind the scenes. and only for a moment he is shown on camera the most expensive loader, if these are countries, then nizhny novgorod so exactly 60,000 rubles. this man demanded for delivery, which was supposed
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to cost four and a half because this amount first on the phone and called the dispatcher. irina believed when the loading had already taken place. well, almost everything is already prepared. she is such a challenge for 9 hours. i pretended that, well, as if everything was in order. i transferred these 9,600 to a personal card. and i will also have 23 cubes at 2.500. i gave you the golden amount, i was scared. the gazelle was 15 cubic meters. i say no money. no. he says, well , these are your problems, in short, you can’t get anywhere. they entered the three of me the door was open and jumped out of his apartment. just what was the scheme, as they say, the worker almost without refusal, they probably name one amount, and after loading it increases it five times, or even 20 more. entrance go pressure blackmail threats are the main tools to force shocked customers to pay, mostly victims of single women. i'm standing in this garage in russia, uh, there are five men walking with their parents, six men, and
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well, and i'll be honest, i'm just afraid to say that i won't pay. no, it's getting faster. we are leaving. let's go faster. well had to pay, then work like that further overestimated. naya 10 is cheaper, who will bring it, but people switch again for 7,000, it seems, but in the end it turned out 50,000. what's the problem with people thinking it's in the car? well, not a single korotaev, trading in this way, artyom vasiliev, about whom we have already talked about, earns no worse. my fear was just fear. i even called my neighbor. i asked her for money to mentally put pressure on me directly. he didn't leave my plywood. all completely destroyed. the sofa itself. here is the middle. this, well, that is, i don't the middle was broken, the wheels were broken, the loaders, led by vasiliev. they recognized him after the story aired, they threw him out and broke the furniture of the pensioner in the afternoon in front of the whole yard, when ta could not find the announced amount of money, no one knows how it would
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have ended. do not come to the aid of the neighbors. they also helped us with the move. whoever drove in from behind, everyone knows the culprit of the accident from the driving school. but it seems that this rule has an exception, which are even written in the traffic rules a million on these odds, as if the family also has loans and that's it. the rest is worse than loans. you need to appear in court, because there was an accident with a crash into you, there is nothing to worry about. at this crossing, the truck of our long-distance truck into one car transporter. the video shows that he did not take any action. there was not even a trace, braking is full
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of dummies, our profile complains when you are carrying 15 million of responsibility for the entire load. thinking about how to ride, how to keep your distance? well, why did a professional cross the continuous line because there was a crossing very broken right, very, very, and i carried, as it were, a load, therefore, in order not to damage it, i changed lanes to the left. proximity to the car carrier i have already rebuilt two articles of the code of administrative offenses to our profile for continuous and slight harm to the health of the driver of the car carrier and damage to the millions. well, and that the company will calmly file a claim against me so that i pay the company because of this accident, so things won’t go to court, because he had time
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to do something at least something with his twenty years of driving experience from an unambiguous i will refrain from evaluation. hello sergey , you don't need an introduction, at least for a regular audience, the first programs. so , straight to the point. always as it was, whoever is behind is to blame. isn't it more often, yes, according to paragraph 9-10 of the sda, the driver is required to maintain such a distance from the vehicle moving in front that they avoid a collision, so usually the one behind is to blame. however, this rule is not universal, since there are other rules of traffic rules, for example, paragraph 8.1 of the traffic rules, which states that when making a maneuver, you should not a danger to traffic is created, as well as interference for other participants. this is exactly what we
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see on the video. the collision is preceded by a rather sharp maneuver of the truck. and what's wrong with the truck already in its lane, when it catches up with the car transporter, it crosses a continuous marking line. she's not in vain drawn. this is already a violation of traffic rules. yes, and before starting the rebuilding, the driver had to look in the rear-view mirror and make sure that his intended maneuver was safe, as well as the absence of others. cars he could it’s good to create interference, but the car carrier doesn’t slow down at all, it flies at full speed, but for the car carrier, another rule applies here , paragraph 10.1 of the sda, in case of danger, reduce speed to a complete stop, and for this he had a couple of seconds but to speak like this by eye, but not maintaining distance. it's premature here. after all, the truck suddenly appeared in front of the transporter. perhaps he has. there was simply no time to ensure a safe distance, but an expertise is needed to answer the question. did the driver have the technical ability to avoid a collision is not accidental; now the cassation
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instance has appointed a forensic examination, which will dot all the a and you yourself. what do you think? who is to blame, someone alone or obyutka. i think that the truck driver is to blame, it was he who made an unsafe maneuver suddenly, being in the way of the car transporter. or , as we say, lawyers created an emergency situation that turned into an accident in its development . however, it is better to wait for the final decision of the court. and if i double the damage in half is not necessary, yes, and in general there is such a thing as the law does not contain the law, however, if there are any violations of the rules in the actions of each participant in the accident, the courts very often lay the blame in percentage terms, for example, 30% to 70 sergey thank you, thank you, your convincing speeches on the air of the first broadcast can already be printed as speeches by your famous colleague professor koni, i will be glad to see you again in the studios of our program. the best for today 20:00. the big premiere of the new
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puzzle series she was dragged into a cruel game, where big money, but she will put it together. in any case, these things. i won't quit. see in today's series a cryptologist deciphered an interesting surname. important materials yavila is the case from the very beginning. i lost half a group. do you want me to just sit and watch everything from the side of the puzzle premiere today at 20:00 on ntv good morning about the weather today in primorye it will rain in small portions. a zone with very heavy
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rainfall leaves the islands gradually. weaker rain. at baikal, the influx of sunlight increases and the temperature rises in chita already plus 26 these shots were taken not in the south, but in the northern latitudes the anomalous heat turned the yakut reservoirs into resorts, there is a reason to rejoice, but the fire does not give rest, serious rains have appeared in forecasts. only a day later today in yakutsk +27 and sunny, meanwhile, the irkutsk region has become almost the wettest place in the country. up to 35 mm of precipitation has already fallen here. and ahead of at least 20 more today in irkutsk again rain and only plus 19 in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory and western siberia precipitation is much less and much warmer in krasnoyarsk and novosibirsk 30 in the urals even more in yekaterinburg chelyabinsk possible rain atmospheric front. walking even. in the russian north and northwestern regions, it will come close to the center, so it’s better to grab umbrellas today, but most of the european
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territory still remains under the anticyclone umbrella, it will be sunny on the volga and in the south, and there the heat goes to records in krasnodar and astrakhan + 38 in the black sea resorts. everywhere for 30 very warm water. it’s even a pity that the weekend everything will change st. petersburg +26 and light rain from moscow without precipitation until plus 30 on friday heavy rains with thunderstorms. the morning continues the best we tell auto stories on glavbuy a healthy dish by sergey molodyov, we will discuss the news of show business. before the impound lot in the nizhny novgorod region, the bailiffs took the debtor's car in an unknown direction. another package building, the owner of the car is forced
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to sue the bailiffs early in the morning at 7:00 am, the bailiffs arrived and blocked my car with their cars ekaterina vlasenko from nizhny novgorod had a disagreement with a business partner then i filed a lawsuit and, on account of paying off the debt , the bailiffs arrested her car when they handed me such an act of seizure. there is nothing written or indicated here. not in what condition the car is indicated here is the address of the parking lot where my car should be before the impound. in nizhny novgorod , the car never arrived, but it turned out that in the krasnodar territory the car was supposed to be in a car impound, but it didn’t get there, for what reason? ekaterina's business partners from krasnodar were appointed responsible for the safety of the car. she filed an appeal to the court and obtained a decision on the return
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of the car , the bailiffs of the state had to pick it up from the owner herself from krasnodar. they called ukraine and said that you can come for her and pick her up. looks like the keeper in charge kept the car's bumper shattered not very neatly. she is also all scratched and it is clear that she rides. why did someone drive her car ? use of
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yabny bailiffs, we intend to apply to court on bailiffs, as well as on the responsible custodian. good morning. this is live food and i sergey molodev medical education struggles in me with a love for
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delicious food, which, however, can be enjoyed without consequences, the recipe of the week , this time a spicy eggplant appetizer, besides them we will need garlic, dill. chilli pepper lemon olive oil sugar, water, and salt chop the eggplant into slices . chili pepper garlic and dill lemon sugar and salt in eggplant until golden brown, remove excess oil with a napkin marinade add some water to assemble appetizer lay eggplant dill garlic in layers. it turns out, very tasty in moderation, spicy appetizer, which also looks very elegant. in addition, it is useful low-calorie
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rich in trace elements and antioxidants that help us prolong the youth of sugar. it's literally a teaspoon. yes, and the roasting was very short, so we boldly turn on the green light for appetizers, real live food. bon appetit and health we wish you and blogger olesya embert 40 years ago the hearts of millions of people around the world conquered by an 11-year-old girl who single-handedly tried to stop the cold war and prevent a nuclear one in july 83. samantha smith arrived in the ussr, who was personally invited by yuri andropov, that the american school managed to see everything in 2 weeks, how she became a symbol of children's diplomacy, and how do they keep their memory, huh? nci that forced adults to listen to the news of show business the name
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of a ten-year-old schoolgirl from maine first hit the newspapers in november 82, when she wrote a letter to the new soviet general secretary yuri andropov with a question. does he want war? a? if not, how is he going to prevent it, when 5 months later andropov answered her and invited her to the ussr so that she could see with her own eyes that the russians want peace, a crowd of teleporters had already gathered in her house, and when the girls returned from a trip in the summer. her name was on the main evening show of national television, so at the age of 11 samantha smith became the most popular child on the planet, whom samantha so wanted to save her parents flew to moscow on july 7, eighty-third she saw the kremlin laid flowers at the grave of the unknown soldier and the burial place of yuri gagarin and visited the subway marveling that it is so beautiful with real mosaics and giant chandeliers. for this, the family went. in artek, those four days that
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samantha spent in the camp. she did the same thing that the rest wore a uniform, went to the formation of exercises, went on excursions, swam in the sea, sent a message in bottles and sang. may the sun always be modest and shy, but very smiling friendly. she immediately made friends. she was sad to say goodbye to them, when later an american journalist asked her, but what kind of soviet children are they. she answered you exactly the same as we were waiting for samantha after artek, she visited leningrad in peterhof, in the hermitage, in the opera and ballet theater in the local palace of pioneers. she learned about the history of the blockade and read the diary of tanya savicheva, then again went to moscow, visited the bolshoi theater circus toy museum, and at the olympic center in krylatskoye she saw the training of gymnasts with the girl , the first female conaut met. valentina tereshkova but the meeting with andropov did not he then was already seriously ill, but he gave samantha a lot
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of gifts, including two photo albums, and later on her trip, many of these photos were included in a book that she wrote with her parents about her trip. fly away from moscow, she wished that the children of the whole world would never think about the war and shouted in russian. let's live samantha smith died in a plane crash 2 years later, when she was just 13 years old , a local airline plane in which she was flying with her father overshot the runway. none of the passengers survived that day samantha was returning from the filming of the series lime street her tina career. just starting to gain momentum, she also worked on television interviewing famous politicians. i am also interested in what they are going to do in order to maintain peace, a charming, talented girl was waiting for a rich exciting life. now she would have turned 51 of her memory. and immortalized both in the soviet union and in the usa in artek there is an alley
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named after her 85th soviet postage stamp with her portrait was issued. whose samantha smith named flowers are precious stones of the street, mountain peaks and even an asteroid even 40 years old. later, people still remember how , at the height of the cold war, a simple child helped open the iron curtain and show that ordinary people live on both sides of it, who equally want peace . roman shilov doesn't have a job . the resort only shoots up a little, it's hot all around. a sea of ​​problems. and why do you have three corpses, they know how to work bosses, it’s time to drive shilov’s wave. stop. it's already
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the question is political, but my colleagues still want to make a statement. cop wars all summer today i will not stay today 16:45 for tenderness.
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hmm what is the correct hotel or inn? book immediately on their twill and get 50 percent cashback and cancel at any time . ribbon chocolate ice cream. online from 169 rubles. sberbanquet. it's cheaper here. you can relax on your vacation at the cottage. you can redo it in a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bdeeds, and with a dream to go home an action, we are giving away 50 travels in russia super prize from 100 million tickets at the post office and on circulation this sunday. buy
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a dreamturion and dream big, plan a national lottery travel with daily rent on avito safe accommodation is checked so that without surprises payment is protected payment to the owner after settling 24/7 support. if , nevertheless, there are a couple of questions left with a safe armored vehicle. everything will pass as booked snow sausage with it a delicious breakfast cooking for the family cream in it and meat tied great for tenderness and taste, what is a favorite joy for the family, too delicate taste and smiles sale discounts on new appliances and free recycling of old ones. for example, the refrigerator, now in a convenient application, quick recorders, everything important on the main screen, your status, the number of points,
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as well as many nice offers that you will like, all the comforts of boyle are now in the application. 20 years ago, our whole family became clients of alpha insurance and moved to another planet, we easily arrange insurance for traveling around the country and pay for the policy in any convenient way alfastrakhovanie connect to the services of the future for peace of mind in the present. mom needs. find a hotel and buy tickets for a plane train or bus, break out for a rest before breakfast.
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and i saw in front of me a self-sufficient , absolutely stylish, very fresh woman beyond the bounds of goodness. and it would be evil that we are now fashionable folk all the water at 13:00 on ntv remind everything. what was the name of why to get me? get ready, who got shot this time? they don’t need to guess right away
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that you will forgive, that you need to know this. and ruben maryan, a lawyer, here the question came up in the rule, the airline arranges additional document checks.
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here, our viewer flew from moscow to turkey before registering for a flight or during check-in , airline employees checked the validity of the passport for passengers, and if it was less than four months, then they were not allowed to register. this is why he writes. here is a person waiting in line took longer than usual and are there laws for such checks, why are they carried out by airlines, because, well, uh man it seems that in turkey, the border guards may not pay attention to the validity of the passport, if only the airline employees arrived , as a rule, they are required to check the documents of passengers, if they did not let foreigners into the country due to problems with documents , the airline receives a large fine, and you will also have to at their own expense to deliver passengers back so that they don’t keep them at the airport , because of course and checks documents, do they even have to check documents, well, the laws of most countries oblige airlines to check documents for entry to other
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states. well, for example, in russia this obligation is enshrined in article 6 of the law on order. at the same time, airlines can check not only the validity of the passport and the presence of a visa, but also, for example, medical documents if they are required by the country of destination, for example, these now well -known vaccination certificates or test results for coronavirus as a rule, airlines use a common database. uh, hmm the subject is called it contains information about travel documents visa requirements, and how many days you can stay in the country. what medical restrictions apply? well, other information , carriers , travel agents, airport operators have access to this database, and passengers also have, for example, an interface. the airlines in it comes from this information base and can be used completely free of charge by anyone, anyone can
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sufficiently keep this upcoming trip and passenger documents, if carriers can contact ground services in the country of destination to get advice, then they do this in the database, for example, it is indicated that the validity of a passport for a trip to turkey must be at least 120 days. this is how the entry rule is written, of course, they are constantly changing and errors periodically appear in the databases. therefore, sometimes the airline incorrectly interprets the requirements. i recommend that you study the entry rules in advance on the website of the ministry of foreign affairs of the government's border service, the consulate of the country of destination. and if necessary, request information from our consulate. well, save all these screenshots of the printout of the letter. and if there is a dispute moment there is a chance to prove your case and be sure to demand a refusal of permission to fly. i mean, i personally do. there was a case they didn't want me. they say to let them on the flight, so we can’t allow you to have one passport there, it’s written here that the visa was canceled in the old passport. well,
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they didn't like this story. i say, and you offer me to burst into tears and leave, or somehow you will be refused. uh, i had to draw up. hmm, i had to, uh, force me to call the elder, otherwise it turns out that i myself didn’t come and didn’t fly. they didn't let me in, paper must be signed with a seal there with the basics. why didn't they let you on the flight? because then i asked, how can i sue you ? well, that's why i was later allowed on the rails, which i strongly recommend to everyone to do paperwork. remember last year’s harsh may days, when going to barbecue was equated with a crime against humanity after such a fu. it’s not surprising if this year russian barbecue picnics will be especially stormy for a year
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, because in two it’s actually not embarrassing that the barbecue index. and there are economists. so this one grew by as much as 15%. after all, since the twentieth year, nothing has become cheaper. well, except for the ruble, of course, even the prices for barbecues and skewers and those flew up above the smoke from barbecues due to the shutdown of workshops during quarantine, world reserves of metals decreased, which pulled prices at the beginning of the world, you, and then russian in general, so as not to disrupt. remember such an expensive and responsible event as may kebabs how to cook accurately and without long fuss. this is the main spring dish. what unappetizing flaws examination revealed these are the buckets with store-bought meat for barbecue and which of
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the creators of all sorts of fashionable barbecue gadgets does not simplify the work of culinary specialists, but only blows smoke into their eyes. ah, the most tender kebab converge all the profile, is obtained from pork neck muscles. little work is done in this part, therefore they do not coarsen and are not riddled with veins, and the fat content of such a cut is high, so it is only important that it is juicy. make sure the professional butcher explains that, along with the neck, they don’t chop like this and slip a cheaper spatula. that's how i sold it. i naturally i'll earn a pretty penny more. but, probably, it will be wrong and so we scapula from here from the neck. separated but, if you take beef, then the neck, on the contrary, is not suitable for barbecue, the neck on beef is a moving muscle that is ideal. how to cook how to stew, but you can't fry it. it will be tasteless for you, but beef tenderloin rump or apple is so juicy called the outer part
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of the thigh on the fire, you can cook without problems. the main thing reminds the expert to make sure that the cut of any meat is not dark, if you will see blackness here, and it turns black as quickly as possible in the first place. accordingly, all this meat has already stagnated, if you take it to the living room, for example, it should be pink and beautiful. and the owners of barbecue cafes, of course, know about this, but the most unscrupulous of them still go for penny meat to such warehouses of delay, one of which in a village near moscow sniffed out the correspondent ruslan violin right on earth where the dogs just ran around, pieces of floating meat, which is already tasting a fly, the seller leads potential customers in the cold store. not a hemorrhoid at all. no, wide pigs for beef,
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lamb. there is even venison for gourmets. rabbit meat. the prices are appetizing all for 100 rubles. in addition to chicken, it is 35 rubles. for a kilo. doesn't want a girl between us. you even i won't even say how overdone. there is a very expensive restaurant and we go, that we didn’t notice the same thing, that the meat with the smell of kommersant is ready, to reveal a proven recipe. we have already found out that it is not necessary to overdo it with the marinade. moreover, you don't have to use it. in as seasoning synthetic vinegar. after all , this is a potentially dangerous substance that has nothing to do with a healthy natural product, and to find fresh and tasty meat. the main thing is to carefully consider many veins such as fatty veins. here you can see everything. and to buy such buckets with already prepared pieces for shish kebab, take a risk
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, the owner of the warehouse on delay explains that the producers of shish kebab semi-finished products and the owners. cafe its regular customers soaked onion spices, garlic some herb basil or something else. yes soaked overnight remained. that's how much meat correspondent ruslan violin bought for 5,000 rubles. all these expired bags would go to roadside cafes and high-end restaurants, but we will send this meat for disposal. saving, perhaps, hundreds of people from at least serious food poisoning, it is even scary to imagine what would happen to those who, without suspecting anything, began to gobble up pieces of meat that were actually disguised by a fried crust, green from old age. but to choose meat is, it turns out that half the battle is properly fried, too, science. the smoke from the fire comes at the moment when
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the essential substances in the wood are burned, such smoke is saturated with the chemical benzopyrene, which belongs to the first class of danger. the same poison is found, for example, in car exhaust or factory smoke. benzopyrene is fat-soluble. this means that any fatty foods, for example, sunflower seeds, can absorb it if they grow on a gassed highway. that is why the amount of benzopyrenes in sunflower oil is strictly controlled and barbecue can also to absorb, which are cooked on firewood, which was not given how to burn out chainsaw fuel does not decompose, even radioactive substances have a half-life. and it's not nasty to destroy benzene rings. you need such an ultra-high temperature, you can create ultra-modern garbage incinerators, in which they destroy the carcinogen, and in the human body , of course, it doesn’t get so hot, therefore, benzopyrene accumulates in fatty tissues and can begin
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to damage. dna chains provoking oncological diseases first of all in in this case, we are talking about a tumor of the gastrointestinal tract. it could be the darkness of the stomach, colon cancer, so that the benzopyrene does not soak the meat. you need to know three important rules, firstly, the barbecue skewer should be at a distance of 12 cm from the coals, and this is approximately equal to the width of the palm. secondly, if not purchased coal, but firewood or brushwood is sent to the brazier, then they must burn out to the state of coals so as not to exude acrid smoke. in this italian village, it’s clearly a little rushed , everyone’s eyes are watery within a radius of 20 m from the brazier, but another opportunity to cook a ton at once, but the meat is simply not there, the smoke corrodes my eyes and it seems my clothes are narrower. it will not weather, but if you cook for yourself and a small
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company and let the coals burn out, then the barbecue will be absolutely safe. and by the way, exactly, so it doesn’t matter at all whether these branches come from cherries or from apple trees. coal no longer exudes a specific smell to distinguish. burn time only. by the way, oak burns the longest. and thirdly, the coal in the grill must be allowed to ripen so that the meat does not burn and bake correctly, the coals should be, and with white gray hair. the main charm of barbecue is that, while observing a few important rules , experiment with recipes? you can endlessly find your favorite skewers of fish meat or vegetables. yes, the process is trickier than it seems at first glance, but in order for the long-awaited may weekend to succeed and leave a pleasant aftertaste. it's worth putting in a little effort. i am shocked,
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it turns out that the russians not only extract oil, they bathe in it. this is so unusual water, as if slightly oily, god instantly becomes very velvety a pleasant feeling, if you want i'll show you the trick. look at the water, it looks like black, right? and if you draw ordinary water, stay in the pool for more than 15 minutes, a big load on the heart is not advised, but you can relax here for at least a few hours, at least all day , there is a hotel on the territory.
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to cook and of course to try. oh, i did not expect that they would meet me with that aul. no wonder the adygs say that a guest is a gift from god for them. i thought i just came to cook something. salam alaikum. here is the meeting.
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hey aluran what a beautiful angel name angel a nothing that i'm an italian accent mom of four her cheese is famous all over the area every month. she cooks over 300 heads. so a voluminous basin with fresh cow's milk
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is placed on the big fire, as soon as the foam appears, it's time to add whey. each housewife makes from the same milk, according to a family recipe it is impossible, while it should be done slowly.
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this is the whole art. i really like it you know what they say? yes, you can always look at three things. yes, how fire burns, how water flows. here is how you will form and is born. tenderness here with a knife.
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daniil stroykovsky oncologist, head of the chemotherapy department of the 62nd moscow city hospital good morning, your doctor's program is on air and we are talking about righteous medicine with the right doctors here and today we have
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a wonderful doctor alexei dmitrievich paramonov in our studio, doctor gastroenterologist director of the clinic , who works in the field of evidence-based medicine, and today we are dispelling myths. one of such important frequently encountered myths is the myth of people's weather dependence. dmitrievich tell us, please, is there really weather dependence is a question that is not easy to answer. it would seem that. well, you and i know a lot of good doctors and most of them write on their blogs that copper does not exist, why do they write this way and why do we discuss it anyway, because the patient comes. and he says the weather is changing, from that, it's cold, the sun. the sun came out and set. my head hurts, my joints hurt, and sometimes the temperature of
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some even rose a little, there is 37.2. yes, my heart is beating. uh, well the most diverse manifestations can be e, which means that meteorological dependence exists in the same patients. uh, well, thousands, if not millions, we've seen everyone move on. e to the question. why do good doctors claim that this is not the case, but, because there were studies, he is evidence-based medicine is interested in absolutely amazing things, including what he believes does not exist , e.g. thousand. uh, articles from all over the world, though most of them for some reason are from europe germans they are very worried, but they really
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have developed this topic of back pain orthopedics. they are very worried about how changing weather affects back pain. uh, did great enough research. eh, and found that it affects that this is how the weather changes dramatically, and yes, the lower back hurts more. well, when they began to disassemble, and what exactly influences atmospheric pressure, temperature difference there , the wind speed, each of these individual factors, turned out to be unaffected. but all together. here, if you say that here, uh, divided into two groups, there is good weather , bad weather, and at rest the weather hurts more on but the same germans from the university of munich decided to take it seriously. and to take all these one and a half thousand articles to do a meta-analysis, that is, combine them all by the mathematical
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method, but it turned out that they applied fairly stringent quality criteria to these articles and out of one and a half thousand it turned out that only 36 can be combined methane analysis, all the rest turned out to be of insufficient quality methodology or few patients or disparate groups or some other reasons. and what did they find out. they found out that there really is a dependence on, but what star needs, but with an extreme temperature and above 40 °. here are some extreme things like that, they really fixed that there is an influence, but it seems that there is no domestic influence. on but what will we answer to the patient now they are looking at us and saying, well, it hurts me and i think of something, no, it does not. i
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believe that this is simply a flaw in the methodology of medicine. now why because that ivan ivanovich hurts? so, by the sea , semyonovna is different and it’s very hard for us. these are the heterogeneous symptoms to investigate and unite someday. maybe we will accumulate enough information. this is big data artificial intelligence. it will help us to somehow classify and understand these incredibly diverse symptoms. uh, here these connections we are not all of you. yes, we want to do quality work. well, not always. we can do this and we must believe the patient. that is, he hurts, then he hurts today. we treat symptoms. well, that's all, if i'm sick. we give painkillers if it's high, uh, high blood pressure, we give an extra blood pressure pill, uh, and often these
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patients, of course, have anxiety. uh, often they need the help of a psychotherapist or some kind of medication, uh, to reduce anxiety. uh, and then the general well-being improves, and some may be. just not enough iron. yes? we now, uh, often see. uh, here's a latent iron deficiency that shows up in incredible numbers. uh, symptoms completely heterogeneous, and from migraines to dry skin, er, and many people. this is also related to the weather. although this connection may not be obvious, therefore, yes, from the point of view of science today we say that it is obvious in the connection. we have not yet proved, but at the same time we believe the patient. we treat the symptoms and try to understand for each individual patient what these symptoms are associated with. many thanks
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to alekseemevich. and here we are trying to debunk the myths. we don't always succeed. and, it happens that evidence-based medicine has not yet reached a way to debunk myths. good morning everyone and have a nice day. pain can be a different mechanism for the development of the will one it doesn’t matter what caused the pain, if there is pentalgin universal remedies for different types of pain due to the combined composition pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence, pentalgin will do without pain in the evening. i don't want this man to have been once and he has a child could kiss
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precipitation goes to the islands gradually weaken. rain. at baikal, the influx of sunlight is increasing and the temperature is growing in chita already +26. these shots were taken not in the south, but in the northern latitudes of the yakutian reservoirs, anomalous heat turned into resorts there is a reason to rejoice, but the fires do not give peace, serious rains appeared in the forecasts only a day later today in yakutsk +27 and solnechny , meanwhile, the irkutsk region became almost the wettest place in the country. up to 35 mm of precipitation has already fallen here. and ahead of at least 20 more today in irkutsk it’s raining again and only plus 19 in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory and western siberia, precipitation is much less and much warmer in krasnoyarsk in novosibirsk , 30 in the urals, even more in yekaterinburg chelyabinsk rain is possible atmospheric fund. walking. in the russian north and northwestern regions, it will come close to the center, so it’s better to grab umbrellas today, but most of the european
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territory still remains under the anticyclone umbrella, it will be sunny on the volga and in the south, and there the heat goes to records in krasnodar in astrakhan + 38 at the black sea resorts. everywhere for 30 very warm water. it's even a pity that the weekend will change again in st. petersburg +26 and light rain with a mask without precipitation and up to +30 on friday heavy rains with thunderstorms. something tasty with yulia we return the cottage, to the house dreams, we connect a smart speaker, we will visit the educational festival agutinvest. today we will make a cake that can be made in advance, you can make these cakes, for example, a week before this cake should be served, because four
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stars out of five the exact name and detailed characteristics, as always on our website www. tek. the morning at the krasnaya polyana resort in sochi begins unusually with even more energy of rays of joy and bright mood. talented children were added at this point on the map. their brought together a unique educational forum. leonid agutin 4 days ago, about 5,000 creative people climbed to a height of 960 m above sea level to conquer, surprise , learn to sing, dance and share knowledge. this is the fourth day of the fourth educational forum. leonid agutin a lot of master classes, each lesson is aimed at revealing the talented potential in anyone and the participant is a master class. saydai, perhaps among
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the little lovers to play with light there are future artists and a designer with shadows and paints, meanwhile, the parents of the young genius began to play. my secrets, how it looks at 100% this is a master class for parents, they always need strength and energy to raise creative children. keep the smallest girl with us, my beauty, and our young participants are excellent at charging and in a hurry to break away between classes to the maximum and educational forum and they yes agutina created not just an educational star, but so that both children and their parents can have the most useful time the whole family, children need attention and parental love more care
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our parents need to devote time to children. a lot depends on this, because the child is formed up to 6 years. one of the most important events of the forum is the preparation for the gala concert. the finalists of the vocal competition of the fourth form of leonid agutin will be able to perform there , inspired by the young leonid agutin arranged a cool interactive for guests and participants of the forum
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leonid agutin prepared a few more surprises for the participants. in the meantime , educational programs do not stop for a minute, you can do vocals. or pump your body, how can you earn on your knowledge? and this track is a professional competition in the life of a gifted child to learn our form. agutin's evening was sweetly diplomated by actor dmitry and his colleagues. to prepare a monologue from a russian or soviet film i learned to dance.
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church vain offense cinema learned to think out of the face. you know what huge in the morning under the sun it will move full straight to you and here is the very long-awaited surprise from the presidents of the forum a musical gift of a song leonid agutin who sounded in films with you.
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26 for yakutia, such a high temperature is abnormal and precipitation is still in short supply, while in irkutsk rain all day again and only plus 19 in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory and western siberia has less precipitation and is much warmer under 30 in the urals; in some places higher pressure is more likely in the sverdlovsk and chelyabinsk regions. in the european part, rainy cyclones unfolded in the north-northwest, and its atmospheric front will come close to the central region in the western regions, it is possible that the eastern rains are still sunny and warm everywhere, even hot, but not as much as in the south, where in places it is under 40 and dry in st. petersburg +26 and intermittent rain in moscow without precipitation and up to plus 30 on friday, thunderstorms and heat retreat. can't refuse sweet. take oli gin natural complex oli jim helps reduce appetite and cravings for sweets, as well as maintain normal sugar levels. oli jim evalar is recommended by the russian diabetes association. how to keep your sugar levels
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