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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 7, 2023 8:00am-8:25am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] edita and cravings for sweets ali jim evalar is recommended to the russian diabetes association around kiev pechersk lavra sweden's last attempt to convince turkey not to block the country's accession to nato will sergey succeed in the development of events after the burning of the koran in stockholm russian manufacturers
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of fishing goods have improved their products in conditions hello welcome information service of the ntv television company in the studio of yuli bekhterev artillery attacked, then assault groups went into battle. they cleared the dugouts and shelters, as reported by the ministry of defense, such decisive actions were a complete surprise for the opponents, many threw down their weapons and surrendered, those who turned out to be resistance eliminated the calculations of self-propelled artillery guns in the red liman direction, but they did not destroy
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the enemy firing positions of the opponents. suffered heavy losses, success, managed to achieve thanks to special tactics, our fighters made a mortar rain, the military fired volleys one after another others used high-explosive fragmentation and active rockets. this made it possible to increase area of ​​destruction and firing range. ammunition flew for 10 km or more. the goal task comes, well, it takes about 3-5 minutes somewhere. we arrive right away . in the same place , we come to the worked-out places, someone immediately works. the task for us is different, it turns out infantry on infantry. we work on dugouts we work with cumulative shells dugouts we hit infantry with fragmentation and rocket projectiles with thermobalic shells like this one trick that our mortar crews use. soldiers from
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the republic of tyva serve in them and communicate via radio in their native language. in case of interception , the enemy will not be able to understand their negotiations. the ukrainian government declared war on its own people, so in the canonical uoc they commented on the situation around kiev of the pechersk lavra on the eve of the commission of the ukrainian ministry of culture, in fact, carried out a raider seizure of several buildings of one of the first monasteries. russian officials entered the territory with the support of the police law enforcement officers used force against the believers , broke the locks and sealed three buildings, including the one where the residence of the primate was located. now the ministry of culture. without a court decision, it requires the monks to vacate two more buildings before july 10, the ukrainian authorities intend to expel the clergy of the victors, if they do not come under the control of raskolnikov and the shrines of the lavra, although this is sent to the european museum and the vatican, the canonical ukrainian orthodox church urged believers to protect the lavra with a call
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to pay attention to international human rights organizations appealed and the russian foreign ministry department condemned the desire of the kiev authorities. and destroy the largest denomination in ukraine and for the alleged ties of the ukrainian orthodox church with the moscow patriarchate. european farmers are preparing for a new crisis, and all because of ukrainian grain in an interview with journalists, farmers said that large food producers began to buy ukrainian raw materials more often, how much cheaper they are local, although they do not meet high quality standards if european agricultural enterprises lower prices , to compete, they may go bankrupt. they called on the eu to pay them compensation commensurate with the loss. however, in brussels they are not yet ready for this; they keep repeating that agricultural products with ukraine should be sent to the poorest countries in africa and the middle east. but in fact , it leads them to the market of the old in large volumes.
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sveta, this was confirmed in austria by local farmers who demanded that the european commission send food to where they really need it, and polish farmers asked to ban imports, frozen raspberries. the initiative was supported by the ministry of agriculture to help the farmers of the authorities will be redeemed. some of their products are expected that today in istanbul the prospects for the black sea, the deal will be discussed by the presidents of turkey. ukraine in our foreign ministry has repeatedly stated that there are no grounds for its extension. the department noted that ukraine has turned the agreement into a commercial project to export grain to wealthy countries. well, at the next nato summit, sweden will not be able to join the alliance, this was stated by secretary general of the organization jens, stoltenberg noted that turkey will not have time to ratify the kingdom's application until july 11. however , it cannot be said that ankara is in a hurry with this main claim. all the same, according
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to the turkish leadership, sweden is harboring terrorists from the kurdistan workers' party , the situation was aggravated by the recent action in stockholm, when a migrant publicly burned the koran . the swedish authorities decided not to stop on the eve of the local police received three applications at once for holding in stockholm and helsingborg manifestations with the burning of the religious books of the koran, the bible, and the torah, and the application for the narrowing of the koran came from a woman who wrote that she wants to do it as soon as possible against this background of the last negotiations in brussels on joining sweden in nato initially had little chance of success, as jensa stoltenberg stated. even if turkey agrees only to apply for membership in vilnius. they still won't make it. here are the ways for a positive decision at the summit, where turkey would agree to russification, but there is still
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it will be necessary to do the work ratification will not happen by monday, but we can reach a political solution , however, there are big problems with the political solution, the last action with the burning of the koran and the arab refugees by salvan mannik caused outrage all over the world, but not in sweden the problem in muslim countries, they are in the swedish democracy. local politics were celebrated, and the government came out with a condemnation only a few days later, acknowledging that all these actions could be offensive to muslims, salman namid himself is now afraid to go out, is under guard and promises not to burn anything else, and raku has sent a request to interpol for his extradition . a religious thriller called sweden wants to join nato against turkey surprises with plot twists. and while the denouement is near nato themselves in vilnius in a week of clarity. still not too clearly manifesting itself as the negative characters of the swede, who provoke both turkey and the rest of the islamic world, sweden has made changes to its
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anti-terrorism laws, but allowed the actions of the kurdistan workers' party (pkk) render useless the steps taken by stockholm to join nato are the dictionaries of jop erdogan in a recent conversation with the dutch prime minister, during which the turkish president called the burning of the koran crimes everyone should understand. that our friendship cannot be won by supporting the terrorists, giving them the central streets and avenues, our position , our expectation and the promises made to us are known. we stand on the same principles as a year ago a year ago before nato in madrid turkey signed a tripartite memorandum, which was called a kind of road map for finland and sweden to join nato . finland mastered this road, remaining on the alliance on april 4th. but swedish democracy took a different path. now all hope is in the hair of the americans, the united states fully supports sweden's membership in nato and the point is simple, sweden will make our alliance stronger and will have the same values ​​that
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we have in nato and we look forward to. looking forward to your next day swedish premier membership it's just that we both understand that the meeting in vilnius in a week is a very good time for sweden's membership, but only turkey can make turkish decisions . what for sweden, which does not fulfill its promises, to expect nato membership? just a pipe dream, and then everyone, of course, remembered the amazing ability of the turks to bargain to the last. what will be the price of swedish membership for turkey? nato that 's the question experts recalled the grain deal that the turks lobbied for, and new york the times hints that in ankara, along with kurdish activists, they are waiting for another gift of american f-16 fighters. the newspaper quotes a recent conversation between biden and erdogan. i spoke with erdogan and he still
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wants to work on the f-16 issue. i told him that we want to make a deal with sweden. so let's make a deal, finally , according to the newspaper, the representatives of the alliance are afraid that turkey will resist to the end. and this will drive the situation to a standstill nato officials fear that the process of sweden's accession could drag on for a month, what will be the symbolic victory? putin and the defeat of the alliance, the nato secretary general said that on july 10 he plans to meet with the turkish president and the swedish prime minister in order to overcome differences, but apparently, sweden vilnius is unlikely to get off with an apology for burning the koran, the stakes are too high, primarily for the alliance , which expects to use the swedish infrastructure the united states has long been open about the fact that they intend to use swedish and finnish resources for operations in the arctic region, by the way, the minister of defense, sweden, paul joson has already stated that he was ready to transfer
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dozens of swedish military units under the direct control of nato as soon as the kingdom enters the alliance, sergei-kholoshevsky natalya markevich boris felchikov. european bureau of ntv in the center of moscow, there were two major fires at once. the first one began in a business center near the belorussky railway station, acrid smoke quickly covered a four-story building where there were creative studios, about 10 people were locked inside, three were evacuated, the injured were sent to the hospital in serious condition. they inhaled carbon monoxide. one of them later died. she tverskoy boulevard flared roof. manor of roman-korsakov. there are several upscale restaurants there. including cafe pushkin , a total of more than a hundred visitors were evacuated, no one was injured according to the preliminary version. the fire started in the kitchen due to the explosion of a gas cylinder , the fire was given an increased rank of complexity. russian manufacturers of goods
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for fishing have learned to bypass western sanctions networks at enterprises, they assure that no one will be left without a catch, because boats gear and echo sounders. we do not worse than abroad, and moreover, in many respects, domestic equipment even surpasses foreign ones. what exactly did ilya advent throw a bait. yo-my, damn it, booklets of rudd have gone, and according to a good fishing tradition. we immediately release our catch back home already. it can be said that fishing on the istra reservoir took place, good feeding is bearing fruit on floats, another bite at the same point of the load, a potential catch, on istra can please even sophisticated fishermen. in last years. there are far fewer poachers here. the fish was able to grow up. here you can already meet 7 kg per zander. well, for your presentation there. this is approximately
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such a sudak here. uh, pike, there, uh, not infrequently there for three. uh, well, actually the fish got a lot bigger big trophies, best tracked with a sonar. we have a domestic device nearby there are differences. depths we see on the echo sounder. here it is 2 m, and just now it was six, that is, large fish can come out here from the depth to feed. here is something we look for. the only one in the country the production of echo sounders is located in zelenograd on the market, this company for more than 20 years , the enterprise has gone from here to the development of 2021, it sees 7 1/2 times farther. yes, and this is already a highly intelligent system that itself adjusts the signal frequency to the depth and broadcasts the results in real time. this is a russian product, not in words the body of the sensors board and the program code. all local designs. in 2022 , more than 35,000 haots were produced here. this year, the capacity will more than double stimulated sanctions. we are from this
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we first benefited, felt the departure of foreign manufacturers and, along with this, service support and so on, prices for their products began to rise, therefore, in this part. naturally, we have taken all the necessary steps to offer our service to customers as openly as possible in comparison with western counterparts. our devices work more stable and longer in the harsh russian climate. bottom option if desired and skill. maybe, in the literal sense, to help catch fish. if a nearby fish is interested in nastya, then the device will show how she approaches or looks at the bait and when the fisherman starts playing with the bait. he will see the fish attack the bait and will know. what moment you need to hook to catch fish there are domestic rods on the market. we are the only one in russia at the st. petersburg production of feeders or bottom gear . feeders up to 4 m long are produced here. the design of domestic fishing rods. according to the developers
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, it takes into account the specifics of our reservoirs. well, in russia, fishing most often occurs in large bodies of water and often nuts, and in europe there are small lakes such them light rods. and we have rough tackle, so that it throws far, so that the current holds, so that at the same time the fish also do not leave , the elasticity of the tackle is provided by russian carbon fiber. the handle is also our main competitors of russian rods now , chinese, in order to occupy more niches of the market. here, by the end of the year , spinning rods will also be launched. we have more than 60 boats in the country. this is the name in ufa. here they make water crafts from pvc materials. the seams of the inflatable frame of the boat are not glued here, but they are welded much more reliably and with stations imposed on russia to get away from glue in the production of boats - this is a significant advantage also
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in the production of boats. our tank coefficient is declining. well, almost zero, in addition to boats, life jackets, tents, sleeping bags and backpacks are produced here, there are only about 200 items among domestic inventory. our fishermen also have electronic tackle, a mobile application for biting, a guide, where you can find out everything about the rules of fishing on some lake or river, for example, here on istra forbidden catch. white-eyed, bersh and sesame, and conditional pike perch is considered legal prey only from 40 cm. now the application database contains all the reservoirs of the moscow leningrad astrakhan smolensk and sakhalin regions, but by the end of this year the developers promise to add 30 more regions ilya adrian andrey tikhonov alexander yutyukov maxim zabelin and vladimir sharykin ntv kazan officially launched the largest international motor race , participants of the silk way rally set off on a nine-day journey along a difficult and long route during which time they must
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cover more than 5,000 km. from the urals to moscow who is participating in the competition this year and how did the last preparations go, will pavel rybachenko tell? control weighing for all participants of the race, no matter what he drives , that motorcycle or truck , the organizers allocated 3 whole days for preparation for the international rally silk way during this time at the sites of the kazan akbar from the arena. participants have to go through a lot of procedures from registration and filling out dozens of documents to a detailed check of cars before the start of the rally, absolutely every car passes the entrance technical inspection specialists check literally everything from the presence of seat belts, fire extinguishers to the inside of the car, so that during the race there is no temptation to artificially increase the power of the car, engine parts seal the cars for inspection by technical pilots, navigating mechanics for medical members of these procedures. crews. the rules will pass over and over. there are rules on the mood prep routine that doesn't affect riders already anticipating. i would like it in my classification
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of trucks. at least get on the podium. well first place. of course, we are still dreaming too early, but last year we had the fourth position in the general classification. and today, of course, i want to improve. in any case, the struggle on the sections of the role promises to be hot not only because of the scorching sun , 98 crews have registered to participate in the race this year , representatives from 23 countries will meet at the international tournament. yes. he's like a long distance. the most important thing is stability. i have experience racing in china and if i'm lucky i won't errors, then using the gas command. i think i can finish this race well and the last time ever a snowmobile, and i introduce our
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friend and i realized that russia full of memories of the adventures of the italians russia this year the silk road was laid through 13 regions of the country, each will be equipped with seats for viewing rally, so that residents of the regions of the country can see, as well as bivouacs and cars of participants, their off-road passages, be glad to listen to the sounds of engines, because on the tv in the monitor e computer on the phone anyway not that live will not replace anything. and here we are creating the first point of attraction for them to such an opportunity. in the heart of kazan on the eve of the start on the millennium square, the grand opening among the guests of russian foreign minister sergey lavrov is something that is already 13 times, if i'm not mistaken, it's
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real. today's start in kazan speaks of how important it is for all our neighbors , all those who live on this vast eurasian continent, to feel belonging to a common cause. shared fate, even more so through sports after the concert, a tradition, the passage of all participants through the arch of the starting podium, while at low speed the first stop after the start in kazan ufa further magnitogorsk orenburg samara saratov volgograd lipetsk and finish in moscow in just one week on off-road and high-speed tracks through the sands of brody, the crews will pass through russia more than five thousand kilometers pavel rybachenko. stanislav skrypnik, ntv television company on this we say goodbye to the viewers of central russia until
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about the weather for today yakutia is news that they are really waiting for in yakutsk today, still dry at 30, and tomorrow there will be no thunderstorms and plus 22 heavy rains, but in the fight against fires, any means are good in the khabarovsk territory in the amur region, where the fire issue is also it rains sharply locally and does not make the weather and in the daytime up to 28 days for primorye of transbaikalia the good news is that the period of heavy rains ended in vladivostok already without precipitation and plus 21 and sunny in chita, but 29 is coming to an end bacchanalia with rains and in in the irkutsk region, the temperature will go up today in irkutsk 24 with a little rain tomorrow without precipitation and up to 28 further a band of sunny weather in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory, then a band of formidable weather or western siberia and again the sun in the urals unites all these


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