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tv   Vozvrashchenie Mukhtara-2  NTV  July 10, 2023 5:30am-6:16am MSK

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it is very difficult for old people and they kill for pensions, and here apartments are at stake. and tell her to not be here anymore. i'll call you later. don't you realize that your life is in danger?
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you say no, you don't need anything. this is what i wanted to ask you. it's you don't come while to me temporarily temporarily. and what happened? it 's me, then i'll tell you that well, i told you not to come. already
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worked. yes, great device. thank you in the evening i will return the briefcase with instruments and books safe and sound.
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nonsense. in general, colleagues, granny the right code is poisoned by kristin's poison, as they say, here's your grandmother and st. george's day tin milk was really poisoned. i apparently carried on with a syringe in the lid. the main thing is that the witnesses
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do you think that i poisoned the milk, in the meantime, we do not think anything. we're just talking there are facts, it needs to be explained, i don't know how to explain it. tell me, you bought this milk in the store. well, yes, this is low fat content, and in the morning i bought groceries, brought them in and left. or maybe it was aunt pasha who poisoned me, so that later everything is on me dump. why well, she has her own calculation, she has views of this apartment. yes, she wants to marry stepan petrovich, so that her grandson gets the apartment later, and she
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blabbed to her neighbor. i registered as individual entrepreneurs in order to visit him several times a day in your presence.
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yes, please. according to the assassination attempt, not petrushkin, that they managed to find out something , an examination was installed on the syringes found in the car , murzintsev's poison, uh, a jar of poison was found in the apartment, but no fingers. do you understand that human life is at stake. so you need to carefully not understand everything under a subscription not to leave. well, what versions do you have ? murzintseva has a motive to get rid of the old man, but in case of poisoning, she is the first suspect. these are the arguments. her defense, in general, made an impression on murzintsev, a prudent person could go to the bank. here i also think that this is possible, that's why they appeared. uh, the doki thing without fingers, that is, it poisoned the milk
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, scattered the entire doki so that everything points to it. yes, well, with the murzins. while everything is clear. let's talk about the mousetrap. by the way, she also has a motive to get rid of. it was quite enough for her to convince petrushkin of the criminal thoughts of the murzins, so that the agreement was dissolved. yes, and in principle, this goal has been achieved, and the mouse could have thrown a syringe and a jar of poison. eh, nothing is impossible. although it is difficult, but, in principle, she could hire someone to agree, in general. uh, hmm , fingerless evidence. this is more like a stand given only for real or training. yes, i agree, it is necessary to understand carefully so as not to accuse an innocent person of what the company thinks. well, it would be nice to drive the morning route of murzintseva from the store itself to the petrushkino house. well, we can determine, uh, places where the murzintsevs could plant material evidence and look for witnesses, but if they planted it along the road, and not in the yard,
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it means she had to get out of the car. so and she insists that she went out, that she insists that the morning stops at a newsstand to buy a newspaper for parsley. says he's leaving the car in minutes five to ten, and to throw it into the syringe, this is quite enough. i wonder what gives a tip in this way. it seems that i ask you to save up facts, because without the facts of truth , we have not established them. what stops here could not, this place is
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an overview. do you think the camera can reach here? well , an attempt is not torture? stepanovich, where are you? so okay, now we'll be robbed, yoshkin let's go.
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yes, we've been fooled. and what's this? a walkie-talkie from where you know so books, then about a radio transmitting device. listening to the walkie-talkie, can you push well? let's push the briefcase. it's almost new. at about 6:30 p.m., the head of the statement was
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heading down berzarin street, two unidentified persons approached me and used a stun gun, using the created electric field, which caused temporary paralysis. the muscles of the lower extremities were stolen a briefcase with books and special equipment in the form of a bug one piece worth 15,000 rubles. yeah. what to do, sit sit sit? well, how is it that a police officer could not stand up for himself. so after all, there were robbers with a stun gun. it is clear, well, they caught the bastards, no. and that mukhtar could not help? he's not strong, but at least you remember their faces, can you touch them?
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yes, i did not poison, i did it. well, honestly. well, why don't you believe me? i
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didn't sleep all night, i thought. when you think that i wo n’t be able not to come to you, i won’t say anything.
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nothing. i'm just offended that you suspect me. i don’t think bad until the police prove it. i will not break the contract with you, do not worry. petrovich is real
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so guys, now let's talk about the case of poisoning, what we managed to find out yesterday, i didn’t see murzintseva’s car, and i couldn’t see, and here is e on the pictures from the cameras of the external surveillance of the bank. it may not be clear, but it is still clear that some comrade is spinning around murzintseva's car. here are the colleague's photobots. come on, give kish a look at your tormentors. so after all, this is somehow similar to baranov and bykov, old acquaintances. well, let's go to the address? some clothes of the suspect, so that the fly does not get bored.
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hello vidal, he came out here recently with his friend, his friend with a briefcase with black, where did the hooligan go there? you see that a man is working, so they are a bottle of beer thrown in front of the nose. and where can you get this bottle in a bag, please, i'd rather do it myself. that's it thanks.
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stand militia books
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didn't know that the cop got exactly no chance, so brothers rabbits, as they say deservedly. worries here is an infection here is an infection. what to do? such
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a complex device i bang the ground. works did not understand. yes yes. hello, i'm coming to you mikhailova. it's clear
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your phone is mine. my name is sadovsky innokenty stepanovich i am an expert forensic specialist very nice. can i pick up your phone for a while? why, well, something need to check? allow t what facts?
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stepan petrovich is a wonderful person. he was an honored builder and was a deputy. he is a man, you know. we know this very well. i've been taking care of him for two years now. and suddenly tonight i realized that i don’t have anyone closer in all of moscow. this is your statement. yes? i was with him today and we had a heart to heart talk. we even cried, he does not believe. can you call him? i think it's important to move on to new facts. maxim andreevich will explain everything now, we made printouts from the surveillance camera, which located not far from the kiosk, about which we were told some man was spinning.
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i didn’t see anyone near your car, do you know why? why? because the place where you put your car is not visible from the kiosk , you understand that i hired a person who threw it in my car was not at all
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necessary, it was just enough to light up. i guess who is it? who is a very bad person. i did not know then that he was married, that he had children. he said he loved me and promised to marry me, of course i was in love, like fool. he said that i was the light in his window, that he would definitely get a divorce, that we had to wait a little more, but the wait dragged on.
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yes, last year i posed the question point-blank. i said either he's getting a divorce or he's not interfering with my private life, right? well, right, right, but he got furious and started shouting that he was not going to change anything, that we would live the way we live, that he provided for my life. i should be content. in short, you have started some more conflicts. he threatened me with a weapon, then he began to follow me. he pissed off all my suitors. at first it seemed who he was, well, he threatened that they would either put him in jail or take the business away. cool well, in general, i could not stand it. i went to complain to his superiors. well, he calmed down to inherit, and there he stopped, for example, yermolin did all these nasty things, but if these are his
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intrigues with poisoning, then he must understand that you really face a real term. something must have provoked him to such serious actions. you know? we quarrel , we do some rash acts. well, can you be specific, please. well if specifically a month, and he wants me to have an abortion. yes, i have a request for you. you can wait in the hallway for a couple more minutes. okay, thanks. it's good that you're here
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please find out if you are working for the captain, denis vladimirovich yermolin, please pay attention, i have important information. here is murzintseva's phone, he is bugged. how do you know i found out with the help of a bug, and then i checked opachki in the phone is installed on a spy program that runs at this moment of the connection so it turns out. so way no one nikolaevich robbery citizen sadovsky disclosed. this is a good report to hear. it's all thanks to mukhtar, he led us to the robbers, just the moment when they tried to sell the property of our victim, including the anti-bug. well done, mukhtar, and everything is clear to our victims. and that they figured out the poisoning of petrushkin, and here no nikolayevich
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story is rather strange, but apparently he framed murzintsev. uh, police officer. yes, captain, we checked yermolin mitino police department he really often calls murzintseva. and besides, he watches every step and even listens to her mobile phone and possibly secretly visits her apartment. well, what is the motive of his behavior is the girl's favorite. so he wanted to imprison her, or something, but murzintseva is expecting a child from him for an abortion, she does not agree. well, think about what a bastard and at the same time a police officer, well, there is evidence of his behavior, only caught red-handed in illegal actions, but you have already developed a plan to report. do you know that yermolin listens to the phone. so they talked with murzintseva and found out from her information that he might know. yes based on this, we have modeled a situation that will force yarmolin. uh, well, do
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some more new actions. well, what kind of situation is we delaying and allowing her to make only one call. she will call yermolin and say the following. emotions so that he believes that well, as they say, no fluff or feathers. why am i suspected of preparing the murder of petrushkin, but this old man whom i am courting, but you know. well, and i say, you are nonsense. some kind of setup. well, yes, we favor these pasha arranged. can you imagine, i recently found some unfamiliar jar with some kind of powder in my car in my car, but of course i threw it all away.
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can you imagine, you bastard, what kind of plant, no , tomorrow we will search my apartment and of course everything will fall into place, but i beg you, denis i was given only one phone call to make. i really need a lawyer, a good lawyer. help me, please, well, you have connections denis please, i beg you, can you help me? thank you sun for now. she consulted me, but for starters, you can thank me for the keys to your apartment. well, sorry, i'm not tidied up there. okay my god. it doesn't matter. well, the main thing is that yermolin pecked. okay guys time waiting for you so much call. let's take kiche to that merchant, he wants to return the antichuchochek. well, stepanych as
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they say, you are due for delivery from the guard, we'll figure it out, the main thing now is to hand over the bug without claims. don't worry, he's at least in working order, only now presentation listen pavlovich understand do you think he will come? yes, i'm sure, yes does his black deed. ok, bye. we are waiting for his
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dirty deed, i'll pokimar come on. well, let's lie down, dear, come on, come on, let's get acquainted. she fattened
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the starving philip kirkorov was then very thin and very shy and helped boris moiseev to go on stage after a stroke. the storm was cheerful borya was a funny composer. irina grigulina. i decided to reveal my very personal secrets , the first and third were the most beautiful, the second was terrible. and fourth husband. why did she endure for years? bullying husband, tyrant, that i'm a star? and he no one how many times started everything from a clean slate. mi unsuccessfully tried to become a mother, and who is her father? the only pokhor, will soon stir. you are pregnant irina gribulina and her secret is worth a million. i will never
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come back to you on saturday at 19:25 on ntv, roman shilov does not have a job, and the resort only shoots, a little, the heat is all around. the authorities are driving a wave of shilov's time. stop. this is already a political question, and colleagues are still fruits.
6:04 am
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then mukhtars. yes, please come in. hello. good morning. have a seat fly a seat. well, tell me how the detention went, yermolin, there was no resistance, as mukhtar saw, he immediately glued his paws together. well, yes, plus the surprise factor. well , of course, he did not expect to see us. on a bad score, he was on the verge of being fired more than once. so , prepare materials for verification in the service of your own security, and there we will be able to initiate a criminal case. yes, you know you need meet petrushkin. explain the whole situation to him, of course, i think, and you should also invite him to kill with you.
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stepan petrovich i'm expecting a baby.
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and with aunt pasha how are you how does it come, how did she save my life, and to live if i don’t no no, i decided so. here it is agreed. see tomorrow and how to understand it? and so
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i'm not intimidating, but the pulse is a steady fly, well done secretaries, because they are usually the most knowledgeable. or at least that million. national projects of russia are presented earlier, we talked about universities kaliningrad vladivostok pskov krasnoyarsk rostov-on-don arkhangelsk stavropol yekaterinburg kazan tomsk novosibirsk samara st. petersburg and other cities of our motherland, we ourselves have been everywhere , talked with scientific students , applicants and graduate students and learned everything about the authoritative scientific educational research educational institutions of the country. life is in full swing in them
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largely thanks to the national project science and universities, which helps to develop the scientific, technical and socio-economic life of russian universities. universities for those who think about their future and the future of their children. today we present to you the state university of industrial technology and design. incredibly demanded specialists are trained there. in st. petersburg, went to my colleague or karula and tony volodya in russia, more than a thousand universities and every year half a million school graduates decide what to do how to live on? and where to go to study my universities a project about advanced universities and unique professions about the present and future of russia, because the future belongs to the present,
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st. petersburg is a large luxurious and especially valuable diamond in the crown of the russian empire the city of works of art is glorified by great poets, writers, artists and filmmakers every year millions of tourists come here for the aesthetic pleasure of history and knowledge, and also st. in pushkin's poem, it is called the bronze horseman; a one and a half ton rock, a pedestal in the form of a wave, was dragged here. for almost a year, several hundred people peter i was not only a great sympathetic, but also legislative fashion after his reforms , bows, lace, dresses, with a neckline appeared in the wardrobe of his subjects. here is such a fashion revolution in st. petersburg
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and a monument to dmitry ivanovich mendeleev. a mosaic panel of his table of chemical elements was created next to him. true, over time, these elements have become much larger, by the way, dmitry ivanovich's nose and shoes shine, as students diligently polish them during the session, in the hope of getting an a. sixteen-year-old schoolgirl from moscow where to go to study for her main question today in past seasons, they already got acquainted with the basics of biomedicine at the university of nizhny novgorod, archeology , restoration, urban studies at the university of veliky novgorod, the turn in the educational and enlightenment process tony st. petersburg state university of industrial technology and design. who does not like a beautiful thing, beautiful clothes are even more interesting to watch how they evolve. but in general. yes, i try to follow and somehow
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track trends. and what in general, but now returns or a new one appears, in general , people used to always laugh at leopard coats in leopard prints. and now it's really a classic, therefore, i believe that the leopard is the future of the future. his students transformed the territory of an ordinary residential building lika rula, actress, singer and teacher, unofficially, fans of the musical theater call her the queen of russian music. she shone and shines in costumes
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of different eras on the most prestigious stages of the country in the mamma mia zorro projects cinderella romeo and juliet monte cristo count orlov and chicago lika was born in almaty graduated from the sverdlovsk theater institute worked in the smolensk drama theater 20 years ago took root in moscow lika plays on the stage of the chekhov moscow art theater in the drama center. or quarrels in the moscow opera, voice films and cartoons tour a lot. and now for the sixth year she has been called the great vladimirovna rulla, the master of the acting course at the state institute of theater arts. non-standard, probably, the semantic design of your own life. it is very important how you design it, how you you model how much you fill your life with beauty and meanings. this is also a kind of design. lika, together with her husband sergey
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, is raising her daughter maria. masha is now in a period of self-determination to follow in her mother's footsteps or do fundamental science. she likes to speak. i like to do some exact sciences. she likes to study languages. i think just uh public university of industrial technology and design. it is so versatile and there are many interesting things in it. enticing. i think we'll consider him as a candidate for admission. the famous actress of teachers, the mother of a 15-year-old daughter, lika rula, and the sixteen-year-old schoolgirl toni volodina came for information, experience and impressions. st. petersburg state university of industrial technologies and design is one of the leading universities in russia to learn how to create incredible beauty.


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