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tv   Vozvrashchenie Mukhtara-2  NTV  July 14, 2023 5:20am-6:10am MSK

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well, snakes or that huge passages dug in the ground are clearly not water, but some other creatures. serpents one day they will be present at the death of mankind, it is also said in the apocalypse. i know that fiery snakes are in revelation. theologian there is written about dragons about the ancient serpents together for what our distant ancestors might have done when they conquered the earth to be. maybe it's not too late to find a common language to stop destroying the planet, which actually belongs to them in the same degree as to us myths and legends about snakes and dragons remind us that man is not the only inhabitant of the earth. he needs to reckon with those who exist
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nearby, including on the territory of our mysterious russia, be attentive to everything that happens around you, because the truth is closer than you think.
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and we expected that the table would be exquisite. well, you could try on this occasion. soon everything will be different here. well, let's drink to our joyful event, because of which we all gathered here, after all , this does not happen every day. i'll just say. behind us and our common future. still,
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you need to cook better, so we tried to bring a drink. what are you, a mother?
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at this place, a man lying unconscious was found, neither money nor documents were found with him, that the victim did not come here himself, they either brought him or brought him, probably to him, although i understood there were no traces of this man around. no, well, in an insignificant conscious state of these poisonous substances, some
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car stopped for a while, then abruptly jerked away. and what kind of car? maybe she remembered some details? well , he just said the car is big and black and that's it. nothing more recently , cases of poisoning for the purpose of robbery have become more frequent , the unconscious victim is thrown out in a strange area, having previously taken away money and valuables . what if this is one of those cases? and besides, i would like to know. about what poison? so i can immediately say that we are dealing with a man who is well off, what does this mean? i looked on the internet such watches cost ten thousand dollars no less the question immediately arises. why robbers? unless, of course, we are dealing with a robbery they are not taken away. well then, this is not a robbery of something else, and yet a wallet of documents and a mobile phone. they disappeared anyway. there is nothing
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left. there is only one person from the store. i see the discount card number, then it can really help when the client fills out the questionnaire for the discount card. he says last name, phone number. there other exactly the address of the store here is excellent. let's leave. yes, you are right, all data about regular customers is stored in system. here is the one you need sergey boris ivanovich address. i'm sorry, but the buyer filled out the questionnaire inaccurately. didn't leave an address. only cell number. a cell phone is also useful to us tell me, the system does not save data on purchases made for the last week and
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i can immediately tell you that today at 16:15 our client bought a bottle, wine bottles of vodka and a pack of chewing gum curiously. and there is also a list of his previous purchases, you need it.
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at least eat, thank you, found out something about the victim what? i got everything data. now we have sergeev's address. why did i install a home phone? unfortunately, no one answers there. not alone, judging by this list , some other woman obviously lived with him, bought a female novel of an apartment for removing cosmetics. listen, they didn't call, they could call
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the duty officer. i'm to goodness quickly. thank you good morning you are concerned about the rural analyses. do you need not rural, but rural? yes, this works for us, but now it's out. so you can tell me everything, uh, i 'm in this business too. very nice love krasovskaya specialist in toxic substances, well, i can tell you right away that there is a problem with your tests. well, in the sense that the poisonous substance is unknown to us, but i can say for sure that this is a very powerful fast-acting interesting, very interesting. but if you want, you could do something. determine what effect
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this similar cardiotoxic psychotropic drug has. in general, let's say a profile. well, what can i say, in this case we are faced with a paralytic form of exposure and partly this substance resembles the most toxic kind of arsenic. yes, but these are not husbands, i'm afraid. i could not help you in any way. yes, i will definitely call you back. all the best. so we have the name of the victim and her address remains to be determined. what to do sergeev before he was poisoned, well, in my opinion, everything is already very clear he was drinking with someone. well, most likely, these were the same alcoholic drinks that he bought. well, then it turns out that an acquaintance or even a well-known person could poison him and find out everything about his life.
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petrovna and what happened to him, and forgive me, please, we have no right to disclose such information, you are your neighbor's good. you know, of course, well, but you can say he grew up before my eyes. where does he work? and in shock, of course, he may not have enough money to work. he also received an inheritance from a relative. i
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bought another apartment. he wanted an expensive car repair there , he also bought what kind of car? and this is what i don't understand. you know so black. the big one lives alone, of course not, she lives with her mother. well , he never had a father. but his mother is his closest friend. where is now you don’t know where his mother is, they went out together yesterday. hmm, i heard a slap, and then they were talking about something here in the dressing room, unfortunately, i didn’t hear what, uh? please tell me, by chance you don’t know, but to whom exactly did they go? this, i don't know. you know returned very late returned, of course i heard. as the door slammed. today guys. i didn't see them. so. well, maybe mother, she just didn’t hear the ringing on the phone, no one answered the door is locked. wait guys. however, there was no
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habit of leaving the door open, of course, never like that. well, as far as i understand, vasilisa , we need attesting witnesses, if you don't mind, guys, dear, he's already gone like that. now, well, not only the china is gone, as far as i understand, because here , too, something to look for. at least one photo where i saw. of course, this is it, and look at this set of cups of teapots, very good excellent. so lyosh, take a survey of the inhabitants of the house. perhaps weeks of a person or people who came here to the apartment, uh and checked, i'm max on you sergeyev's colleagues are good. i found an antique dealer's business card. it may
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be interesting so. and here we have another certificate of the investigator's certificate. wow, contracted military personnel receive regional measures, support for the status of a veteran of combat operations, exemption from land tax, compensation for housing and communal services, vouchers to a sanatorium, vacation twice a year.
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forgive me, please, you work in the housing office, that 's not how people cannot remember that the housing office is in the past. and now you need to say dz good good, tell me who i can talk to about boris sergeyev. and what exactly? the fact is that your colleague was the victim of a crime. you know like this.
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i can't say right off the bat, but it looks like the real thing. of course not, he was a salesman. he worked there for someone else, but as an investigator it was never very interesting. well, what were they to find out. why did an employee of the sphere need to pretend to be an investigator has been working for you for the third year. what kind of relationship does he have with colleagues? only with pavel ivanovich , gossip girl, but sergeev was sometimes late for work, and the parliament did not like it all, he was an old school man. that's all, obviously. a what is the name of this idiot.
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i mean the last name, he was once friends with sergeyev’s mother and when sergey lost his job he set him up in odessa why is it that this is my personal opinion, but it seems to me that when a lot of money fell on sergeyev ivanovich while we are interviewing witnesses collect all the information. so, because of what you had a conflict exclusively and his fearful irresponsibility, knowing how, is not interested in anything except himself and he does the work
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later, sleeves. so it was not easier to say goodbye to him and find another worker. i, to unfortunately, there is not a boss here, but our boss is more like it. he knows how to impress women. and besides, he is a big cunning, although he seems to be a simpleton. that's how it is, and who do you have to work for him at this time. yesterday, for example, there was an accident on the heating main , sergei is responsible for the site, and where he is not, of course . the accident on which date it occurred the signal was received then to wait for the brigade. was going to spend last night or
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celebrate some event. i can only say one thing, that if he noted something, then didn't invite me. clearly, tell me , you know that sergei kept old porcelain at his house. i once was at his house , i remember, they have soviet crystal . it was exactly the same in the closet as i have about porcelain, i'm sorry, i don't remember. as for the residents, no one saw anything suspicious in the entrance. well, let's say he went somewhere by car. it is still standing somewhere, but the porcelain has disappeared in the apartment, strangers have visited, respectively, most likely we are dealing with theft and disappeared since yesterday
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i didn’t see, in general, one could be suspected of being a moskvoretsky, but according to him, he was at the scene of the accident until 8 pm in general , it doesn’t even bring down where he could get it. i'm that level, you managed to figure something out. i 'll talk to the worker all agree that sergeev looked animated, but he didn't even mention where you were going to go okay guys. let's also find the same windbreakers mass loss of fingerprints. that's when they work out, then we will understand where we should go next yes there are only two groups of prints in the apartment fingers. his mother, but in her absence
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it is difficult to say anything. you understand with you on the phone this is what we managed to identify by composition, but , unfortunately, the final formula is still unknown. but the second case clarified a lot, that is, a young woman with similar symptoms was taken to the hospital a couple of hours ago. i think i know who it is, maybe take a look. here is this photo without money without documents. so what
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did you say about the poison, where could it come from, how was it made? well, in any the case is not at home on the knee dear colleague. yes i think the person who made it is very into following chemistry. tell me, what do you think, in what area can this chemist work? well, at least about the chemical weapon , the manufacture of drugs. uh, maybe funds from the freight in fact. i think he's somewhere like this very close to chemical weapons. yes, well, here was some kind of technique that was incomprehensible, i don’t know. you see, he must be a professional.
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tell me about sergeyev's mother need to be fingerprinted when can i drive to your branch by car. i can give you a lift, you know, and we bring lunch to dinner. yes? uh, i just wish you'd stop by and share your opinion, it's very rare nowadays to meet a man who would be so professional, agreed love. well , maybe a professional will leave all these ceremonies with you.
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you know, but this is very strange, firstly, the participants in the incident are two people, some ordinary worker and a pensioner. that's where mercy say and how they met the chemists, and drove him to the point where he poisoned them. i don't understand because it's a shameful theft. why well because the person who changed his mind about this stuff, well is supremely talented. and that there are few people who just buried their talent and are doing a completely different thing. for example, my ex-husband is now selling
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cars, although he defended his thesis. why defended for the sake of god excuse me, i don’t think that this is a sore subject for you, you understand? i absolutely do not hide the fact that i got divorced a person who would be close to you in spirit, therefore. no, e hmm and married, but you know, well, loneliness is hard to bear. you see, there is no one to go to the cinema with, because we have detectives with you. she
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works comedy. you know, i love it very much, too , today there will be a premiere of one such comedy , i don’t mind. great she is always there your country your home your family the traditions of your people together on
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the channel unknown russia and russia in a new way a new channel in the package of ntv channels
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unfortunately our criminal has no prints left a second group of prints. e, found in sergeyev’s apartment belongs to his mother ali without a moskvoretsky, it was confirmed that he had nothing to do with the incident. i look it was not possible to find out something the body found. random passers-by could not find other witnesses so guys. we need to come to grips with the victims to find out who their relatives heirs who could know about porcelain and so on? lyosha you hide the information max and you talk to the antiquary business card, which we found in the apartment. maybe he knows something fine. well, yes, i have such a service. but i assure you this is not at all what you think the terrorist was acquired absolutely legally with your permission. i would like to know the details, who and when sold
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the service to you. i am the owner of three no, four days ago the owner. in the sense of boris sergeevich yes, we have an absolutely officially concluded contract. show once here, please, here is the contract here is the receipt, so there can be no question of theft here. i didn't think porcelain could be worth that kind of money. here you go, now you know, as i understand it, that you gave the seller the entire amount in cash, just say so, but how sergeyev explained the sale of surprises. well, he said that they remodeled the apartment. uh-huh that they are going to completely change the situation and the service does not fit there. that 's how you work two or three hours later than i
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did not have much work today, i'll go home and read a book. are you toxic ladies?
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are you sitting here for me? i'm studying nearby, but
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i decided myself. well, i'll go and watch a comedy, i'll have fun, a comedy turns into a movie. if you get scared, hold on to me. lyosh porcelain was bought by an antiquary in a completely legal way 4 days ago, however, notice the money received for him by sergeyev. we didn’t find them in his apartment and
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he didn’t put them on his bank account, it’s suspicious, right? just two years ago. dush, as far as i know marriage is not a crime. you are ready to listen. yes, come on a year ago, sergei married him again and again the same scenario - marriage, then a divorce, then the sale of an apartment that she had privatized in advance and registered for herself. uh, but only this is no longer a contact in a communal apartment, but a normal separate two-room apartment. so so, and sergey lets in a rumor, and a suddenly appeared inheritance to justify a lot of money.
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well, it turns out something like this, wait, well, his mother, well, she is not so young, to put it mildly, that doing such tricks is more convenient for young girls and tony each of them succeeds. wait, and i'm a husband that i'm a husband where they looked at an apartment in moscow - this is a lot of money. well, how did they allow themselves to get around like that, but i i don’t know how, most likely, they were simply forced. give up one's own living space investigator's id i'm sure he didn't have it by accident. i will now go to stepanovich and ask him to make inquiries, and the husbands, for sure, sergeev found a way to put pressure on them about forest fires arise through the fault of man. stop and defeat the fire. a strong vocation, forest firefighters of the rosleskhoz guard, 90 years
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on guard of the forests of russia, doctors a business where he laundered illegally acquired money with sacks and why did grandfather hassan leave the crime throne to him in super law? number one
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new film from the documentary cycle authorities today midnight on ntv and the duck with apples? yes, my mother, do you know what recipe she sent? simply amazing, i don't have time.
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who will you read? no need to urgently sacrifice.
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anton blablepov hooliganism while drunk petty theft one is 60 the other is 63 years old, both ex-husbands of sergeyeva, and both after a divorce from her, as if sunk into the water, and, perhaps, their they killed to protect themselves from claiming the apartments, even if that way they could not disappear without a trace. we must try to find them. we bought an apartment. now she is ours, but someone lived on the track. we do not concern the things of the former tenant in the trash. all the best.
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no relatives know, no friends either. oh, doggy, please, remove the doggy, why bother him? you are anton lagalipov, who lived in this house. and you who is a cop, i don't talk to people like you. this is why why because one of you took my apartment if you sergeyev, then he is not an investigator at all, but his certificate is a fake. that sergei
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forced you to marry his mother? well, he said, he said that he was investigating the crash and promised that they would put me in jail again, but he has witnesses, and i don’t want to go to jail. i lost all my health there. he just took me by the throat, they say, from him. single mother. marry her, and i kept her as if in the way. and how he wanted, and they have a small apartment. well , and so on and that you believed him. hmm well, he didn’t pour grassy swore that he would leave me behind if the collar was off. that's how i got caught. not i managed to come to my senses, like a little wife, kicked me out of the apartment. and that's where i am now, and you didn't resist. well, i tried, but he
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started threatening me again, and then he beat me. well, what could i do ? one more thing on the last day. sergei could get information about the tenants there , a privatized apartment or not, but is the tenant lonely or does he have a lot of relatives and what is his relationship with the law? we need to understand who he's been interested lately. well, actually, both of sergeyev's husbands lived in other areas. uh-huh to be friends with colleagues from other
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version. she needs to work. you're only sorry that sergeyev's notebook and cell phone disappeared. nothing we can break through the list of his calls through the cell phone company and it will be immediately visible. who did he talk to and how often?
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he gives me flowers to shoot the theater. about work, you talked to him. after all, he also works in misinformation, as they said, but how else could he complain a little about the drunkards of the former prisoners, from which there are only problems. well , there are probably a lot of them on your territory, of course, when we were walking around our area with him. i even showed where they live. curiously, could you describe the route that you walked most of all . sergey, you were interested in the old apartment building, which costs a lot of money, so it turns out. he's got himself another victim. it seems to be there, but there is one difficulty . decent people live in this house, no drunkards and no one with a criminal. five old men live there. general former captain of the arctic ships , scientist physicist, ex-editor of the soviet newspaper, and engineer. well, three of them immediately disappear. uh,
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the general's family, relatives. uh, the captain privatized the apartment and, uh, bequeathed it to her granddaughter, and the editor just got married. max, we 're looking for a serious poisoner, from what you said, none of these people are right for us. wait, cache, and physicist. well, except that he was engaged in some toxic substances. and who knows, it’s unlikely, which means you need to request more detailed information and more once check all the tenants. i don't understand anything. who lives in this house. for 38 years i received an apartment from them, in which i worked. in all papers, but it does not exist.
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now, i don't know where you got that name from, but you were right. your non-existent scientific research institute - it was a cipher for the designation of the kgb poison laboratory for clever. something such poems at school big changes at the behest now do not break grades do not fake a diary do not forget parents at home can be collected in one message, and learning formats have become more flexible and technologically advanced only teachers remained indispensable,
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thanks to him, children have responsibility, perseverance and self-confidence. become a teacher. choose your university to be a teacher.rf. the teacher is forever. a pack of criminal proceedings has been initiated against you, of course, the confagen must be destroyed, shilov's time to go. stop. this is already a political question zhek and what did you do on them together if you knew exactly the location? i would have schmalnul out of a fly, especially since the wind is suitable cop wars today at 20:00 on ntv in the joints without harm for the stomach helps to reduce joint pain without hurting the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid
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relieve joint pain without hurting the stomach, and also normalize the level of uric acid. and now about the weather on friday and today, the chinese cyclone threatens with heavy rains to the south, primorye. then it will go to the amur, but so far it is dry there and up to plus thirty in the same warm sunny company, transbaikalia unexpectedly, magadan region, there is a sea of ​​sun and heat under 30. well, the coast in southern siberia is following the process of heat retreat in omsk has 32 more in tyumen 23, just in these places and the heaviest showers with thunderstorms with dangerous winds in the urals, thunderstorms are no longer crushing temperatures more pleasant plus 22-25 for europe. territories three good news one not so good in the north in the northwest. another warm sunny day
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begins. the whip in the center in the south is also warmer, this element will calm down, and everything would be fine if it were not for the cyclone that will rush through the north of the southern district and the black earth region, so it promises up to 40 mm of precipitation in places. petersburg today plus 23 short rains in moscow too, but already plus 20 yes further more. nail fungus interferes with wearing summer shoes will not allow nail fungus to spoil your summer bezul the most profitable medicine or treatment for nail fungus and zalar fungus treatment without overpayment. what medicine for nail fungus is the most cost-effective mesol evalar more profitable up to 60% evalar fungus treatment without overpayments? i guess. i have no right to obstruct your search. i just don't understand what i'm being accused of. and tell me, please, do you know a certain boris sergeev well, in my life i have met several
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sergeev is a very common surname. do you know, we are interested in boris ivanovich sergeev, who worked in this area in some way, the neighbors saw how people similar to him came to you several times and poisoned you, however. how is his mother? and it is necessary, ah-ah-ah, what a misfortune? by the time you left , your fingerprints were preserved on the surface of the apparatus with which you made the poison. well, maybe it's enough to be selected, after all, we already know almost everything. can you imagine a certain sergey the researchers brought you some kind of accusation and began to live out in yours. that is,
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how to understand this introduced himself as an investigator? he thought i was a poor unfortunate man. the old man and for me there is no one to intercede.


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