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tv   Lesnik  NTV  July 14, 2023 8:25am-10:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] about the weather for today hello in the far east, the weather pleases the northern regions in yakutia with rains and coolness, which significantly reduced the fire hazard class, and the resort mood on the coast has come to the magadan region is moderate 15-20, but in the center under 30 there is a lot of sun with southern regions in dangerous proximity to the chinese cyclone, heavy rain in the south. primorye on saturday they will show up in the khabarovsk territory, the amur region. today. it’s still dry there and up to plus 30 baikal is just as good summer day in siberia epic confrontation of heat and cold on southwest by 10° warmer than usual in the north. so much colder. it is not surprising that the processes everywhere are bright in places, stormy , for example, at risk they will meet the middle of summer with snow, and in the south, the retreat of the heat goes under the roar of not only thunder, but also hail, showers and wind will also be very noisy. all this
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will have to be you. from tomsk to the regions of yoghuryumyanskaya in the urals and nastya is now not so furious and he is the hajjars in yekaterinburg , ideal plus 25 for the european territory , almost all the news is positive in the south behind the elements in the center time is running out anomalously cold weather in the north in the northwest, as it was milky heat, a very quick cyclone will remain a fly in the ointment, which will pass with heavy rains up to 40 mm of precipitation can fall along the don and black earth in places, and in st. petersburg today + 23 rain in places in moscow too, but already plus 20 further more today at 20:00 on ntv in sportmaster , the prices are halved in the mobile application on the website and in stores, but if you don’t know about films.
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watch kinopoisk subscription until the end of summer for free, what is the cure for cystitis is the most profitable in terms of price is not simple and malar is more profitable up to fifty percent, not simple treatment of cystitis without overpayments premiere strengthening the walls of the vessels
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of angionorm, keep the vessels normal.
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for a long time, do not twitch, they will go.
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we're leaving the money.
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well, now to our artiodactyl friends. more fun with salt. i don't have maria adds salt says it's more useful, well, nothing got used to over time. so have you seriously decided to withdraw the offer, she gave consent . i didn’t forget that he has a husband. well, yes, if that's it, let's go with her. well, look len and you. haven't
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formed a relationship yet. for what? no, you know, woman, they don't
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like certainty, you know, otherwise they leave. right there here everything is written in the role , everything is even distributed as it should be ded moroz snegurochka boris ivanovich i like this idea. come on tomorrow. get to rehearsals. and i will personally take this case under control. now. i'm sorry in my area which i don't know directly. liza and i came running to you oh, here are the teeth, so let him find out who bullied the piglet lyon and you
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come to me tomorrow i received a signal from these e, from black mud. and there, too, there are similar cases of attacks on livestock. if this pack of wolves has bred, it will be necessary to organize shooting, nothing to organize. this is a lone wolf. we'll see each other now. tomorrow everything tomorrow will never leave you. seryozha in paradise guys. sitting happy new year. we must start learning the poetic new year's tales of my essay tomorrow at your disposal. we have to meet at the club for a rehearsal. gleb you will play where moroz is no artist, but i'll make you artists according to the system i forgot, well, it doesn't matter. in library work, she
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helped me pick up fairy tales. i will kill with my own hands you will be about me a gala concert in honor of leonid agutin tomorrow at 22:05 on ntv cop wars today at 20:00 on ntv on
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ozone everything for your beauty very profitable big sale of clothes on ozone sneakers ultimate shop for 599 rubles. sundress children's shark for 499 rubles. sergey jewelry alcor for 1999 rubles. this is a juicy party, setash, non-alcoholic rushed to everyone. by the way, these specialists from scratch practice practice practice and practice and start learning for free kristi, the choice is obvious, finally a big bed, finally a big sale in
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ascona, only until july 16, up to 70% discounts on beds, sofas, mattresses and pillows for a healthy sleep booked so quickly. where to stay? no
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interest pay with ozone card cashback up to 25% discover free in the ozon bank application. crispy and juicy crusts choose your package from 169 rubles. say you saw a juicy summer
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sale on frying pan. let's not. what if someone knocks, who knocks? are you? i never knocked, you always never. can you repeat the repetition? now i will repeat to you, repeat
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always. why come here to talk like that.
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wait for me, can you slow down a little? maybe there too? our relationship. why do you need something in your passport? she is with you and everything is fine, where to hurry? not that
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said. you've settled in well, you've also cleaned up my share with a kruchuk, right? what are you, who do you take me for? your cuff was he invested, then burned.
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then he wrote in black. then he died. rot or maybe it was you who made him drunk, and took the money, business, opened it and that's it. you have chocolate. won such a mansion otgrohal. and i don't need your truth, i need my share. do not come to me for a week,
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i will find you myself. i still have to deal with my wife and write me a receipt, what kind of debt receipt. i'm not a sucker to take your word for it. if you want to betray me receipt, your cops will go, and they will capture you. so go ahead and write. most importantly, do not forget about how you
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flunked the collector. smirnov and what about valyukha, let's go? i'm an artist, found in the house, nothing to eat. it was going to be boring to rehearse. you are a woman valentine life. they're here
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like that. she's also spiritual. let's go. well, you need to wash this thing, i’ll wash it so little it doesn’t seem like it. what is this, by the way, but the legal wife is lucky, but my house is not, where sunday afternoon hangs around in the club. all new year's rehearsals. i also just wanted my. let's go on business. well, not to stupidity to us, i
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mean. how did he say in every joke? yes, with the opposite. yes, we will go on tour around the world with this fairy tale. a start
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you can even black dirt fairy tale written by me in the classical poetic form, many talents. the plot is simply clear and accessible to our olkhov audience, which means that they will kill. well, let's get down to business, otherwise the snow maiden will soon melt, because the snow queen who
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will portray my yura is understandable. the plan has been drawn up. this is what i did, what i said, the third nyura distributes the lord to the artists texts roles, come on and finally the first turn to the tale in the first reading. you can only next time. i will ask you not to be late, otherwise you will miss my instructions and you will not find the seed in the role. maybe it will be enough
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to drink yura tea already in such quantity . there is nothing else. it was you who told me, he is this one , there are no bad roles. a different mechanism for the development of pain is the same no matter what caused the pain, if there is pentalgin , a universal remedy for various types of pain due to the combined composition pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is was not, regardless of the causes of its
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occurrence. the halva card opens the door to the world of fantastic shopping, even during the period of discounts and sales, any purchases will become even more pleasant with a 10-month installment plan and a cashback of up to 10% rub. sber megamarket how to apply to different educational institutions, throughout the country where documents are accepted , here you can easily create a package of documents, select five universities of interest and send documents to several specialties in each to do the right thing is easier than it seems public services digital
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economy 4 days of insane discounts in stores. karla has 10 times more vegetables than regular noodles. hurry up the life time. choose the power of natural water, the benefit of minerals, the freshness of gorshtau, natural anti-stress. formula x5 club launches withdrawal gates. let me show you, accumulate single points at the crossroads and at pyaterochka. choose your favorite category from cashback up to 20%. you need a useful m-m and a cake, multiply the points. and spend it on your ass. convenient truth. run conclusions. gate. multiply benefit your sber business. for each type of business, special services for retailers more information about customers
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, comparison of performance with competitors, search for the best location for a retail outlet. open an account in the world and use useful services for free forever business today 16:45 on ntv sawing a tree is long exhausting and hard, especially if you are far from home, the world of honest prices presents you with a battery-powered chain saw for years, trimming boards, trimming branches, cleaning bushes. it's far from complete list of works for which it is capable mini-saw is an indispensable assistant, during construction, repair, work on personal plots, caring for trees and shrubs, light weight and ergonomic shape of the handle allow you to use it for a long time, without feeling, fatigue and discomfort , a special casing provides additional protection when work in hard-to-reach places and limited space the electric motor with a copper winding has a sufficiently high power for such a small chain of this saw
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has been designed to cut wood quickly, smoothly and with the least amount of energy. call and order a cordless chain saw branch and get a reliable and loyal assistant. cop wars today at 20:00 on ntv, a person with prolonged anxiety often hears advice. or , for example, do not be nervous. thanks for the advice. it is necessary to sleep it is easy to say, but in fact , anxiety can be treated. afobazole by the end of the first week helps to cope with anxiety , anxiety and the song associated with them . afobazole anxiety can and should be treated. find out everything about anxiety on the all-russian portal of the territory of the pussy and dot rf and that's it. and do not even persuade me and in the black mud and mitrofanovka people again find the corpses of livestock issue with its director. i
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have already decided to give the order for the shooters. everything, listen to the disappearance of the entire livestock. well, you don't need to shoot. hear me please, no need. it's not that it's just one wolf, you know? i will find one. and now lenya, you hear me, misha, for now. you will look for this one wolf, all the others will cut everything along head, skanda in general circles. and what will i tell people as i tell them. i'll watch you think about the people you need, give me 2 days, please, 2 days, but there are no christmas trees. i don't have those two days. all question closed. goodbye, goodbye. there are no more toys. oh
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, and here comes my grandfather. i hide behind the tree, my grandfather will not find me. it's me, it's me snow maiden my stop, stop well, where is the truth of life? well, in my fairy tale , the snow maiden, santa claus
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ivanovich needs to be hugged quite a bit. snow queen
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they 'll kill each other.
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fists won't do anything. what are you? boris ivanovich is what yes, nothing will have the right to educate his wife. and we will put the body by march 8, too, like me, tishka wrote.
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come full tank. stepan nick well, give it back, i have everything in the case of free money. no, get a loan from the bank. take him once, give him, he will not peel off his neck later. and most importantly, he began to blackmail, nit. i supposedly harnessed for you all. now give me the joy of life. maybe scare him to shut up late? i give him a receipt.
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how much does he owe for what? lately if it weren't for me, i would have long ago died under the fence, forgot, or what, when you spent your entire share or remind remind i remember that every time you are with your nose yes, if you remember, so come on, work out,
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understand the food. clip you ask the bitch, i touched you at least once with my finger, and tell me, did you really live badly? i didn’t give you something, i got drunk, he was dragging around , or maybe, i gave little money to blame, i’m sorry, i’m sorry little cap, please, i’m to blame.
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i'm sorry, so why didn't you wait for me masha i did everything here just for you. i'm all in the house. i only get into this war for you. but i love you. masha well, you remember. when you found the baby, you lost it, but i almost went crazy. i plowed three shifts. every day, the doctor dragged himself to the clinic and paid to get out of the way. i will never love you.
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let me go stepan, you don't need anything. i will leave everything. i won't take anything home. let me go means. and you wouldn't suffer. they will look for me in such a way that you give me food, collect
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a backpack, we find hunting. why did you run away? forgive me, please, the cops will come, you will say you left, you don’t know where,
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understand? did you know? to the hunting lodge he moved, there and sits waiting for something. get him down and hand him over to us. as then the collector filled up, and i
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do not subscribe to mokruha. and i advise you to do the right thing. kolya,
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the cops haven't found him yet. understood. and you clearly i love you, but it's all because of me,
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i'm to blame for everything. lord, what is this to me? where is he in the forest? you didn't understand me. you understand me, go home, i'll do everything. habitual things are recommended to be applied daily for three months. era today at 16:45 on ntv why is a credit savings card, the most profitable in the country, a new one starts every month
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interest-free period of 120 days, make purchases. give me my money back. so again and again free forever superstar of nine eight percent. apply online or allocate and benefit every day. why did you buy doshirak in a sheet 15% more than ordinary noodles and also saw 10 times more vegetables in it, where you will be left alone with pythons. start learning for free on netology.rf master for 159 rubles. application today at 20:00 on ntv every year in may, we remember and honor the memory of those who, at the cost of their lives, led the country to a great victory for all fronts and behind the soviet people. every day
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he worked for a common future. one of the most significant awards was the order of the patriotic war. this order. the brightest symbol of military history, courage, fortitude and love for the motherland , one of the few remaining in the legacy of the future generation of the imperial mint, minted the order of the patriotic war on commemorative methane free of charge for every russian. you pay only 299 rubles. the delivery medal is covered with pure silver. the highest awards are stamped on the medal memorable dates and the inscription great victory preserve the history of the great patriotic war for future generations. call and order a commemorative medal by a free phone number or on the website of the order wow dot rf. kingfisher premiere today at 16:45 on ntv to put your face in order at home without the help of a professional hairdresser without cuts and irritations, and also to remove
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hairs from your nose and ears. now it's easy lemax introduces three-in-one electric cordless 4d shaver lemax razr is a rotary razor for face trimmer at the same time beard trimmer and nose and ear trimmer are the perfect gift. for every man, the effectiveness of a razor. lemax raiser is 20% higher than analogues three, rotating heads provide a fast and high-quality shave eliminates even the toughest stubble in just one stroke. this eliminates the risk of irritation while the metal mesh. protects skin from contact with blades. you will forget, what are cuts ? the lemax razer electric shaver is suitable for both dry and wet shaving. it is not to be afraid of contact with water. perfect work without wires and batteries on one full charge, enough for 60 minutes of continuous use easy drinking and easy cleaning. whether you need
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to tidy up your beard or trim your temples, this is easy to do with the beard trimmer attachment. the trimmer will allow you to trim your hair without direct skin contact with it. you will cut your whiskey, mustache and beard, do its edging and modeling yourself without visiting the hairdresser, but that's not all nozzle trimmer for the nose will carefully and efficiently remove unwanted hairs in the nose and ears, without trauma and irritation of the mucous membrane, lamax raiser is the best gift for your man. call and order a three-in-one electric shaver lamaxer at a very competitive price for one thousand 999 rubles. but if you call right now the razor will become. yours for one thousand
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499 rubles. hey, what are you up to, don't get excited! maria sent me. here i go you brought gave to me. so do not be afraid, except for her, and no one knows me that you are here and will not know until we resolve the issue peacefully. i already lose it
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nothing. here's what you don't understand. because she told you honestly. no dear, you won't be forced to be nice. well, what's next? sooner or later you 'll get caught anyway, and she'll be prosecuted. who will benefit from this for you or her? let her go stepan let her go as they say with you or what? we
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love each other.
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now you have it. shoot okay. you give me your word,
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i didn't see you. where?
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you're great, how did you find me? no so do you want how many years have passed? already five years.
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you will let's listen i said that well, in general, money he won't give you. do not wait. i myself will fall for a penny on him without a breath. these are the things of styopa yes, i got it so much.
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they won't give you much. yes, it sounds like it's hard to say. maybe it's
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right? yes, of course, right? he will never come again, i promise. simorodok premiere today at 16:45 on ntv
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lusya has been in for a long time, but people don't know about music. listen to yandex music in a yandex subscription until the end of summer for free. what is the best medicine for cystitis at a price
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of up to 50 percent? did here, that's it. now you can sleep peacefully no, that's it
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purely. we do not shoot with such, it hurts dearly. tracks, not a lot. andrei petrovich well, we have finished, you can carry. let them take it away. come on , we'll sit with you the wife of the murdered man, i'm with you . why transport? what are you doing here? here
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the investigator wants to talk to you. thank you why did he kill him? why can't it be? what can you shut up shut up tell stepan zaimka left, we had a fight. and gleb said that he would talk to him and left in the morning. and when he returned
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he said that we would not see him again. what is your relationship with this? consequence
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conducted me. i went to teach. and yegor, my science has gone, he wants to make valyusha warm up to the noise . don't tell your mother. talk and get 10 percent cashback for
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grocery purchases. with the support of the payment system the world to the 55th anniversary of leonid agutin on ntv, a big gala concert of tears, i will always be with you.
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tomorrow at 22:05 and here you are, advertising makes no sense, but there are cheap air tickets. the halva card opens the door to the world of fantastic shopping, even during discounts and sales, any purchases will become even more pleasant with a 10-month installment plan and a cashback of up to 10% for health and well-being, you need to walk at least 10,000 steps a day. you don't have that option. a compact home cardio machine has all the features of a full-fledged exercise machine, yet takes up the space of an ideal solution for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle of an exercise bike. work out when
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is easy to carry around and even take with you to the country, watch tv. read books. listen, study music, when and where it is convenient for you without compromising the family budget. call and order a compact home exercise machine. belly 3.99 rub. but if you call us right now, this simulator will become yours for only 1.000.99 rubles. the offer is limited. call by phone or order on our website a branch damaged the roof a small leak can grow into a big problem and cost you tens of thousands for repairs liquid rubber fix pro three in one in a couple of minutes will close any crack, seam or leak without special skills of tools and assistants, liquid rubber. it is an innovative material that combines the properties of rubber sealant and adhesive to form a flexible waterproof seal. it completely
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my everything gleb that undress. in the murder of stepan milov so, you claim that you didn’t shoot the dead man, but he did, that’s exactly how it happened and where is the logic. well, i'm already
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explaining to you once again, when ivanych is great hello. well , tell viktor ivanovich the interrogation was instructed to bring me the protocol. i'm in charge. you have no right to be here. let's not be about the rights of detainees. i wanted to get acquainted with the protocol, can i? not only with the permission of my
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direct superiors. i will do so. have you seen this kind of work? i had two friends from school, semyon and stepan semyon, through my fault, lost this money along with him. and i had to soak styopa myself. i'm tired. earned
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on the hunt is it possible? right now. volkov hits. here's what you do. you have to quit all your affairs and go get gleb and the pre-trial detention center first, calm down believe me, i'm doing everything i can, but the facts are facts against, firstly, they say that there was a fight between the style and the milovan on the eve of the murder and the milovana herself claims that the same as gleb shot him out of jealousy, is that fact or not? you can't argue against them, you understand me? i beg you. answer the question. why aren't you investigating? why are you? yes, i have no right, damn it, my friend everyone knows this, so the case is hand-made by another researcher here without options. right? the lion is your friend because of you all the belarusians have tore. and you. and if i got into such a mess, you would get a job too. tell me, you wait, honestly, tell me do you believe what plum and kill. yes, i do not
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believe. listen to me carefully. oh you must check your rumors. shove yourself these facts, you know where? are you deaf, or what?
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come sit down. let's go hunting. hello lara, my life , i haven't seen each other for a long time. not to see me for so long larisa well, how young life is. it's none of your business, would you go away, drunkard, i don't pour in debt. take it off kindly. she's on your neck. i 'm not asking for a loan, i have money. well, i
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discovered lyoshka wolves in the forest, they never
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lie. laziness well, what are you rushing about? well, sit down , offer to finish your tea and go to bed. all of you are sitting there with criminals in the same cell. not for what. the guys from the organs quickly close. well, dronov what do they say that a friend has the right
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to intercede? masha mash lenya come in. listen, i
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need to talk. going well, uh, semyon dumakov and kolya ivanishchenko from mitrofanovka, right? why do you need? okay thanks, lenya, how is he? didn't kill your husband. understood. egor
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and where is your gun? i say
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9:49 am
hard job, especially if you are far from home, the world of honest prices presents you with a battery chain saw, eyelid, pruning boards pruning branches cleaning bushes. this is not a complete list of works that it is capable of. the mini-saw is an indispensable assistant during construction, repair, work on personal plots, caring for trees and shrubs, light weight and ergonomic shape of the handle allow you to use it for a long time, without feeling, fatigue and discomfort, a special casing . provides additional protection when working in hard-to-reach places and limited space the copper winding has enough power for such a small size , the chain of this saw has been designed to cut wood quickly, smoothly and with the least amount of energy. call and order an eyelid cordless chain saw and get a reliable and loyal assistant. cop
9:50 am
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9:51 am why can a corpse? did i agree with the district? thank you i will try. there were no conditions for a creative person, only a staff did not have time.
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it's not evening yet. where to stand who else? man, what do you need? what do you want? yes? this is our forester zdarova guys documents. ask him for documents, but nothing, matvey that this roe deer was gnawed by wolves. and we found. well, do not disappear good man. well, tell me what you are, well, yes, that's it, that's how it was and that was the match. i see there were wolves with guns. yes? no. well,
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what do you want on your paw? ivanishchenko nikolay he is the best let's go, let's move away.
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why everything is very simple ionischenko, nikolai, i must find the one who killed milovanov, otherwise my
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friend will sit down. look for me i don't care. so, you'll have to sleep on the bunk , i can not. i'm more enough of me you can you can. a lot of money and i'll take you into business equal work. you have no options. kolya calm down, we don't have much time. drink drink i know i heard this tooth, if he had a bite of business, then there’s still one wolf without options.
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so either we him or he us? thu tomorrow at 8:00. hello. keeps the news there. listen, i was talking today, look milovanova, so milan had two friends. so since school, one dumkov died last year from drunkenness, and
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i met the second onishchenko today in the forest. did you find out anything that you haven’t seen a bold man since he was imprisoned? liked very much weird. he twitched and did not look into his eyes. he knows there what he saw, he knows and is silent. and what will you give him? wait, what to punch him in the face, to be honest, i would have punched him with great
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pleasure. it's clear.
10:00 am
why did you shoot your questions? tired, i'm tired guys. possible connection of russia to the construction of a new capital of indonesia and a common atmosphere at the forum of asian foreign ministers, where sergey lavrov participates wandering mortars work of a cornflower at the forefront of the process in london in court will assess the actions of the authorities during the pandemic


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