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tv   Osnovano na realnikh sobitiyakh  NTV  July 18, 2023 12:20am-1:16am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] today, during the arrest of a particularly dangerous criminal for many years, who was on the international wanted list, the head of the department for economic crimes and combating corruption of the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs in st. petersburg, a police colonel of the cosmonarians, died, instilling courage and high professionalism. he entered into open negotiations with an armed criminal and voluntarily became his hostage in order to eliminate the threat to the lives of the residents of the house in which dramatic events unfolded from the crime scene with you was anchor correspondent yulia novikova and now about the events of the past day. go work
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said. good is ready for further service. you have closed all the questions in the chapter, but not everything else is in working order. thieves in law the kings of the underworld closed a separate caste where they were afraid of strangers, and the legends of power and fabulous wealth envied them only what was sometimes thrown to journalists by the press service of law enforcement agencies. not a written rule, what's real the thief to give interviews to the central television is zapadno and not according to the concepts is well known to everyone
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and everyone. for the vast majority of their true life has always been shrouded in the sinister mystery of their faces, if by chance they flashed in the frame, then only in the criminal news bulletins. behind the walls of punishment cells , the loners of indoor prisons know much more about them than their personal dossiers with red marks on running. extremely dangerous. i look everyone straight in the eye secret masters of organized crime are written in blood and cost many life. in this documentary detective we will open one of them and this mystery will have a woman's face. over yerevan, drowning in flowers , a marble bust rises alone on a granite pedestal. who knows that here lies the queen of the mafia, the real godmother of all the thieves of the soviet union, who was once afraid of all moscow departed sinister glory, only the name
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kalina carved in granite remained for a long time. they didn’t know anything at all, and yet it was she who stood behind the most high-profile crimes, the middle and end of the era of socialist realism. there were practically no such women with such criminal talent. that is why. uh now uh, very much attention. in general, riveted to this personality, because well, perhaps, except for sonya's golden pen. uh, well, we don't know such bright figures of female figures that could lead the entire thieves' movement. if they were men, and then that she did not receive the status twice in law. it's only because she was a tower. mysterious and unsolved murder antiques gold diamonds, currency through her hands, countless treasures flowed into the thieves' common fund, well, those who did not have free money could turn to the same potassium mikhailovna to solve their any problems in acquiring
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some kind of acute shortage, including a jewelry car, and that's all, anything antique that was. well, you can’t call gray the same thing that they could come to people who had to get rid of or sell? uh stolen the same stolen paintings antiques. something else she was the brains behind the underworld. she planned the most daring crimes and helped famous thieves in law miraculously avoid prison all over moscow, this is kalina lady, you know very well. oh, apparently very talented such brains before now she would be in law already in order to start cooking. i think she was already an oligarch in this life, i don’t doubt it, because she had the brains of a non-soviet person. she knew how
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and where to create an atmosphere of prosperity. and most importantly talent he had a great connection with the public. she could fix so many structures around her. she knew how to please people. she came to me. that's how she entered under the skin, like a person who simply conquered every official. he's just a stunner. well, what do they say about him, a charming girl did not defend at all. yes , in the lovers of the legendary queen. the mafias were the two most ruthless and authoritative mafiosi. one of them is vyacheslav ivankov, who is also the famous thief in law yaponchik. there is an opinion that the king of all kings of crime is his it was the queen kalya nikiforova who did it. she is also kalina. she is also the godmother, the mother of the mafia or just a mother. she was a half-wife, firstly, and she was smart, firstly, she built this network very accurately. e vorovsky criminal with e, official power, she
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introduced people who are officially involved in the fight against criminals from the female. she was smart, she very accurately brought together the right people. thieves, uh, official people remained thieves. she was bisexual. she worked and pulled on others in that sense too. of course she was a mother. she drives was so very, talented very effectively. even her only son victor was crowned, received the untouchable status of a privilege and the title of thief in law at only 23 years old. see the knee of the cranes for the merits of your mother. i can't honestly say, i just can't. uh. i think that all the same , of course, there was authority, mother, well, victor himself was a very not stupid person, very high intellect and such organizational skills. therefore, i think that after all , yes, the mother factor took place. the coronation of a very young victor was unthinkable
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violation of the unspoken rules became possible, only thanks to the untouchable authority of kalina herself, that thieves were pickpockets. they are robbers killers ugh, or some other, by the way, with brushes. no, it was not welcome. yes, that is, robbers are robbers, but somehow they were thieves to get into difficult, given his mother's connections, talk of some kind of financial fluctuations, perhaps due to. to whom he was given such an honor
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, a dalash woman. that is, she managed a number of complex fraud operations. she invented them completely trouble-free and , as we say, the mother of all thieves, that is, and here is vitya kalina - it’s like gratitude to her for almost a quarter of a century on her trail. eat with your left hand, they were able to catch everyone from her entourage, but they couldn’t take her in a big case. they were afraid of kalina nikiforova. to utter a word even during interrogations stubbornly silent everywhere as in a criminal offense, than it was interesting to people who freely have so free money, because they had connections, so and uh,
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in. the elite named kalina nikiforovye, or as she was called by the inner circle of the elect, potassium in the eighties thundered in the underworld throughout the soviet union and he was called the godmother of all thieves. in the most dangerous , authorities turned to her for advice and help, and the famous vyacheslav and vankov , nicknamed yaponchik, gave her his heart at all . kale was not only his accomplice, but his ivankov treated her as an unspoken common-law wife tenderly and there was, in general, a feeling of roman, she was washed, very beautiful, the most beloved woman, the most beloved woman, kalina nikiforova, and became. well, perhaps the same well-known and most respected. uh, among thieves, in law. e women precisely because she is because she is in yours. here. today, for the first time, we will tell you how to stay in the shadows.
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the legendary queen of the mafia kalina managed to save her beloved yaponchik from a well-deserved punishment and we will find out the real verdict on her personal case was the only time, and the knee was no headlight , but i don’t know, thank god there and unfortunately, here, but more than she got me in the colony, it already says a lot about the fact that she understood where she could go return dexterous, cunning. kalina had a sophisticated mind. this made a strong impression even on experienced detectives whom she often introduced around her finger only once, she went to jail, but quickly got out of there when she got married. it's good that she stayed in moscow because when the nursery rhymes in the article were condemned. in general, people in moscow could not even live. they lived 101 km. so she stayed in moscow
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moscow area of ​​the kursk station in the seventies one of the places of attraction of the criminal element. pickpockets hunted here, stealing the purses of the former who were wandering here , looking out for rich business travelers. professional gamblers here , the robbers outlined the future victim in order to take them later to the gop-stop. here, according to official data, the railway station eatery under the guise of a simple barmaid. kalina began her secondary career over time kalina nikiforova was overgrown with rumors and houses , since there were almost no survivors who knew her well personally. and most importantly, no one has yet seen the materials of the only criminal case in which she received a term. here they are nikiforova potassium mikhailovna july 15, the forty-fifth year of birth, a native. baku education, secondary without a party, not convicted, worked as a barmaid in a restaurant at the kursk railway station. this is a brief biography of potassium from the materials of the criminal case, which was
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opened in the summer of seventy-five. and even here is the official document. there was a mistake from the very beginning. kalina nikiforova managed to deceive even the investigation and pass off a false biography at face value. today, a long hunt for a real queen of the underworld of one sixth of the land, her restless fate, evil love and terrible death will be told by the surviving witnesses and participants exciting pursuit of the godmother of all thieves frank for the first time. how was it really? for the first time, the materials of the operational file elusive kalina, as a simple barmaid, took possession of countless treasures of gold and diamonds. why the most dangerous thieves in law were afraid of her, who and for what ordered her only son, and how she managed to fool
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the detectives around her finger, we will find out in just a couple of minutes, until they shouted about their superiority. we created, launched, implemented no, talking back to ourselves. cop wars tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv looking for a job closer to home large selection of suitable vacancies big clothing sale. can get up to 5 million at the branch and
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is that hmm, the family moved during the war in exile. and so, uh, plean mikhailovna, uh, was born, uh, in 1945, not in emigration, but in evacuation, of course, however, given the thick fog that always shrouded the figure of the queen. mafia is a caveat. forgivably , the bottom of these ancient baku streets is clear , making their first steps the future lady criminal empire. born to a poor jewish family. she was born in baku and it should be noted that this is very. uh, how well it would have worked out on her criminal biography, because baku at that time. well, then uh, in the later post-soviet period, it was a very international city, and therefore with a large number of thieves in law who helped her later in life, and who crowned her son victor well, this is a little later, then closer to the fifties. uh, the family
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moved. e in the suburbs because they wanted to give mm. e daughters. uh good education. well, after all, it seemed to people that moscow education. well, that's probably right. yes, here in moscow closer to the capital education could be better and really. here it should be noted. what did many people say? uh, the generation of kiev is very high girls, but she is not exactly. she was not only pretty, but she was very smart. she showed good results and even predicted scientific activity. uh, uh, but, unfortunately, she didn’t follow in these footsteps,
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the person is very curious. here, if you take pen, she is sonya golden pen of the soviet era would have been smart, beautiful, a wonderful feeling at school. eh, excellent. everything worked out and hmm and although the parents wanted exactly the jews, dad and mom. i don’t remember, i didn’t even stop by, the last name was nine, they wanted her to go to college. what did she say? no , i don't want to study, surname. well, she once met me and described, but i don’t remember, but damn jap, something so warm, or warm, grew up in poverty, and therefore, probably, she immediately understood that in order to get out of this you need to get out of this, well something do. yes, beautiful and smart. kalina chose the most reliable strategy for climbing to the top of prosperity, a profitable marriage, a knee,
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married hmm well, how would er, well, then it was called, although a processor of the price of stones. yes, well, they led her, let's talk. uh, yulia nikiforov, uh, it happened, but it happened at 6:10 in the third year, because she was a young, pretty girl, otherwise she completely found herself such a profitable party. it was a very respectable jeweler who was practically a grandfather. but he was very wealthy person. she married the son of wealthy jews, with a future jewess she married a very rich elderly jeweler, who, in general, was fit and not even in all the roundabouts, her husband was much older.
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well, very much let's say, if she was 18 there, then he was about sixty years old, but uh, that's why we are talking. many say that it was, so to speak, such a marriage of convenience. uh, well, sama ah, a certain headlight said that this is it, this is a marriage of love, well, usually married to antiques wealth that you whom, above all, this they themselves are the person of this no longer young man, unconditionally, and she knew what she needed. and what is she ready to exchange her young life for, because in order to make a start in order to
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pass some first step through the most serious, she had no other choice. she was to study a poor family and dreamed of always being very rich and rich, as she could become she could or save all her life if she worked, let's say, for some even some. well about the job that gave her some savings, but this is hardly the easiest. it is fortunate to marry a man and the dream came true in july 1918. the soviet government, by a special decree , established a state monopoly on the trade in platinum, gold and precious stones. now to mine. only state-owned enterprises could process precious metals and stones into the private jewelry market went underground, but the legal trade in jewelry did not disappear ; it went in parallel with the illegal circulation
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of jewelry. resale of pre-revolutionary treasures and works of art reworking of old products buying up stolen goods, if a-a criminals, uh, stole valuable items, then often enu had to simply remake them in order to sell them in a different form. naturally, he that the photos of all these cases? all this uh. so to speak, it fell into the hands, and the police were looking for jewelry from this photo, of course, it was necessary to turn to jewelers. it was, so to speak, a closed class , it was quite difficult to get into it, and therefore yes
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here the connections were internal even jewelers, at that time there was a profession, so to speak, well, let's say, assuming wealth. yes, that is, this is the very gold. this is a piece of jewelry. these are also connections, yes, because, well , where rich people invested their money in gold, therefore, naturally, such a prestigious profession was needed that allowed them to accumulate some kind of capital. here, as it is more he was already almost a new age. that is, for a long difficult life, he accumulated this capital, and here in the biography of kalina nikiforova, the first inconsistencies begin, a number of experts unanimously assure the elderly husband was a jeweler , others insist yulia nikiforov was by no means a jeweler . mom was not a jeweler. composers but trust these statements.
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how do you understand difficult? no, of course, this, of course, is not true, but where did this come from, you know? uh. it's like e himself, but nekiforov. uh, some kind of victor too exactly hmm spread the legend that he was the son of the famous composer yuli nikiforov e. here, although i, frankly, in general, such a composer could not find me something that is superfluous there, but it’s not even known. that's why the legends they are often expressed out of nothing, and the jeweler's name was yulia nikiforov. although victor was a great dreamer, he, somehow, of a creative nature, also did not look at what young yegor was in law. he was very creative . he always said that my dad
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is a famous composer there or yulia nikiforov in fact, it was here, as if the phenomenon asked questions, we came to me for some reason, but to the point, or something at all. and you are, damn it, the word. husband is an officer, right? this is how it was. yes, the money going to us prepare the guys. we have an overdose of an urgent kind. it's all of us in general such a knock-knock. we have an ambulance driver. yes, everyone, who needs an ambulance ambulance tomorrow 14:00 on ntv cop wars tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv it's time to extend osago millions of motorists
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is such a supportive measure. the question of whose child in relation to the only son of kalina viktor was of interest to many on both sides of the law, the son whom she gave birth to and constantly walks . . uh, so, uh, as it were
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yuryevich uh, because it was yuri nikiforov , there is a reasonable objection to this to give birth from an elderly jeweler, young kalina could hardly, she could not. i think, to conceive from him , not because we are too old, but she was a girl who knew how to build a perspective, and to give birth from a person who is about to die, but in the end he was worth it. i think that there was another one, his dad was he was not from this world. although there were already rumors that he was a tire and a jap, and from whom else exactly was the rumor? rumors are rumors, but the fact that ivankov, who is also the famous thief in law yaponchik, somehow in a special patronage of the son of kalina is an indisputable fact, even if vanka wanted to make him his heir to his status. he must be consistent. his case was such a suspicion, after all, that you were not just like that. and
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what is not? well, maybe even cheese, so they just don't talk about it, because practically at that time, none of this seasons had the right to have a family. it was such a law to understand what kind of family it was impossible for me. well, maybe someday it all changed later, but at that time i will say. this is my child. i got a family, he couldn't afford jap just counted him adopted son and loved. so tell the woman. he naturally well otsilis and to her child. whatever really was kalina's first husband, a rich jeweler or a wealthy musician, their family life? there was a happy house, a full bowl, a comfortable life, a talented child, cheerful good-natured always. when i saw it for the first time, i thought, probably, very intelligent educated people always greeted me later, oh, at the ritual with their head and thought some professor's
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son, but soon everything changed yulia nikiforov died. the young widow stayed with with a young son in his arms and an impressive inheritance, the spouse died, and the robust man began to possess definitely quite large by such standards. uh, by the standards of the sixty there seventies. hmm state. moreover, illegally, that is, in cash, somewhere there were nominees, like everyone else, in general, who are all the time large and quite wealthy. well, naturally. a man who could be satisfied and live to the end of his life. all possible adventures to increase the amount, well , jewelers at that time were really wealthy people, she had her first capital girl. she was revs. so, she somehow managed to find a way out. it was already in
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moscow, of course, because, uh, she found outlets for those people who got her a job in the beryozka store. what was it like to get into the beryozka store at that time. well, it was just something to ban. here is the limit, i must say e she, well, she entered she was very lucky very lucky to go to the beryozka store, it ’s like going to the golden palace of your own to go to the stores beryozka appeared in the ussr by decree of the council of ministers of 03/23/61 and immediately became islands of the west. well, in abundance in the calm sea of ​​soviet reality, with its queues and shortages in birch trees , there were no queues, price tags were only in foreign currency. yes, they are intended. they were exclusively for foreigners, ordinary soviet citizens of the first
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birch were simply not allowed in, it was implied that they did not have currency in the sixty-fourth year, checks appeared, depositing econombank and certificates. outside, messenger. now the happy owners, checks and sports nomenclature of families, diplomatic workers, pilots and long-distance sailors could get their hands on checks in foreign currency rubles and spend it at their own discretion. to serve them, the beryozka store chain was expanded in 1967. there were already 55 similar trading enterprises in 18 cities of the ussr . i don’t know how the younger generation imagines what a beryozka store is . but this is a store. and, uh, like a trading place, where you could buy everything on a currency cell. it was an analogue of uh currency. so these currency checks were received by people who worked abroad. there, everything was divided by one who
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worked in social security, who worked in african countries, who and the most profitable was in cap countries. it was, of course, an amazing place, it was, of course, very prestigious and profitable to work there, but i worked abroad. some international panels built the aslan dam there, provided medicine to afghanistan, and so on diplomats, ambassadors, that is, they worked abroad and received dollars for it, but the currency of the brand was pounds, swiss francs, dollars, canadian dollars, they issued so-called certificates, that is, the promise of bargaining took all the lulutu. well , the soviet union took away the budget of the evolution of what our specialists and i and a have earned a lot of them, and there is a diploma of sales representatives around the world. that is , there are hundreds of thousands of people, and m-m received the so-called certificates instead. eh,
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certification there corresponds to one ruble of three to five 10, but this meant convertible so-called rubles. that is , it is essentially a dollar in an era of terrible shortages. just when the concept is there to buy conventionally jeans or there is a balloon jacket in person. he it was almost impossible, only speculators or berezka stores where people had access. it was such an oasis of capitalism. this is beryozka, the structure of the soviet deficit, the obo system. wild people who understood that in order to live beautifully , dress decently and eat normally , some schemes must be applied. and everyone had their own opportunities, but the most colorful opportunities were, of course, for people who
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worked and were celestials of the birch, or the beryozka store. it was the center of happiness, when the first time a person got into birch. he experienced this state that you experience a war veteran in that you can buy everything. it was just all sorts of selfish stories, but they were taken from life with victoria lazich, a representative of the soviet elite, she lived in a house at the patriarchs and worked. in the architect's house she moved in high society. her friends were the daughter-in-law of the minister of internal affairs of non-shchelkovsky and her daughter. leonid ilyich brezhneva galina a on the manners and habits of the soviet aristocracy victoria edvardovna. knows firsthand my friends. diplomats, when they pressed, and my friend showed me. here they come from a certain country. here we have maltium. how many whole is the package with a certificate that we can buy birch trees. she here she is, i don't need anything. and, well, maybe go
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buy something, and then sell it to someone, because, well, there is a certificate, but practically the same goods that we all brought. we have everything, but we just need money, and now we read some of them, when diplomats became speculators. it was churches because involuntarily, they had to somehow buy it all and asked, who needed what, someone needed, for example, uh, to sheathe another with dewood , they wanted something else for household purposes and friends asked me to give you the money. you will go and buy me there, you bought something according to the list. it was a wonderland, of course, how kalina nikiforova was able to penetrate into this wonderland and dig in there until now. a riddle is given to mrs. kalina nikiforova , who by some miracle got into a birch tree, but in order to work in birch trees it was necessary special permission from the kgb because practically where there was always some kind of
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movement of foreign goods or where some people came who came from abroad. with these. uh, you can say uh different series of certificates. they were under close scrutiny, their phones were tapped and everyone was knocking on each other, and everyone was watching each other and for sure, of course, that mmm someone got her this job and didn’t just get into this structure. that is, i think it was worth getting into the structure there. well let's do it, uh, provided that the zhiguli is in the car. it cost, uh, six thousand rubles, and the volga to rub thousands there , the conversation went for hundreds of thousands in order to find a job in this birch, well, in the birch system. that is very much. this is a huge bribe. well, birch. i repeat,
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uh, most likely, she got a job. she's not even likely, but 99.9%, she's settled. uh, through this hmm through the jeweler, as it were, a jewelry mass. if i can say this, because it would be impossible to get settled in any other way, but not only through the jewelry store there, of course it was off the list. uh, let's say, uh, a list of those served by her husband. uh, yes, that is, there was a connection. uh, well, that's how she got a job there. she is different, otherwise there, dad get into the beret. i will repeat the priest to work - this is something transcendental, there were spinning around the birch, criminal elements, underground millionaires.
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tsekhoviki-volitional fartsovschiki, speculators, kalina immediately plunged into the shadow trade. she went there, as far as i understand, a saleswoman, but only a saleswoman. they somehow begin to revolve in this world, there and diplomats and turkish armchairs and rich people are simply not criminals, because here i am not far from me there hmm alive next was birch e. i started walking around and it’s always just that you can buy such crap clothes in the country. and, of course, people who knew that even with giants came there. there you could buy these checks. yes , there was some kind of operated coefficient. i won't call now, i don't remember. what ratio of the ruble to these checks could chekin buy and these checks are very good, so she, on the one hand , made acquaintance with official people with on the other hand , she introduced them to criminals, because
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others loved to steal and wanted and knew how to decide everything in the distant money. as they say, it means that money must be made, then money was done very well. they say that it was in birch trees that the paths of kalina nikiforova and vyacheslav ivankov, who would soon become a japanese thief in law, crossed for the first time. so let's say, that is, she knew constantly the customers. after that , you know, in addition to the check. uh, the checks cost one ruble there, but it could be sold at the exit of the resellers' birch. here stood her resellers under every birch. that is , it was possible to sell it there, conditionally, it costs fish. for 13 rubles. yes, a check, that is, 13 cents and people personally received checks. they wanted more and you get rubles, which, in addition to there, could be an apartment for cars on jeans in tape recorders. vouchers travel to rest. well, that is
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, a man comes out, uh, a document is bought up in a birch tree and approaches him. don't you want the sellers? i want to agree on five ; money and scars remained in the hands. you’re a smart one, who was one of their company , more than once, vanko also participated in events. uh, in the so-called operations in uniform, a policeman and a policeman came up. what are you doing here? currency fraud currency trading? yes, fuck life, then shoot all the questions. well, naturally. it was a man disguised as one of their companies, throwing these checks
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money and you are ready with checks and with currency they gave enough. well, of course from the goods. there were a lot of options and they gave very good income. although maybe e knees and it seemed. eh, well, not what it seemed, maybe i wanted more. maybe i don’t argue with this, but still, she was certain until the age of 76, when she nevertheless slept, and now let’s open her criminal case again. ne kiforova, kalia mikhailovna july 15, 45th year of birth, a native of baku, secondary education , non-party, with no criminal record, worked as a barmaid in a restaurant at the kursk railway station, barmaids at the station and a saleswoman in birches. it's like earth and sky,
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maybe she really started her way in trading from a restaurant on kursky street, but everyone who personally met with kalina nikiforova and studied her biography unanimously affirms that the legend of the ufedchitsa appeared in official documents for a reason for nikiforov’s currency fraud, and then she received an offer that cannot be refused. and just then such a case appears, operational, where, uh, it means, uh, specifically it exists, and i held it in my hands . naturally. so, where did it say that kalina nikiforova e, so e nickname julia why did the butterfly threaten her knees where did the speculator pasha blue, who became her, throw it off, how she was able to become the queen of the mafia and robbed those who left for israel for permanent residence and why the most dangerous authorities were afraid of her, see immediately after the advertisement. zdrasterom, he says,
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well, what do you have the official version of revenge of the werewolves in uniform really chief butts for chairs in the ministry yes, i beg you to be more careful. i'm the most accurate. you know you don't know anything. so. maybe i 'll tell the soldering irons, sincere confession. this is good, but what is the real reason tomorrow only 20:00 on ntv own sber business for each type of business special services for retailers more information about customers in comparison with competitors search for the best place for a retail outlet. open an account at the door and use useful services for free forever sberban. business x5 club launches benefits. let me show you the crossroads
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houses. travelers turned to nikiforov's knees with a request to provide them with checks for goods in birch trees to implement the scam. kalina attracted partner pasha blue , it was decided to carry out the deal away from prying eyes at the house of nikifs shvartsman and the crowns brought everything acquired by overwork. about 5.000 rub. received 34 coveted certificates. satisfied with the deal, the men immediately went for scarce gifts, since the beryozka store was nearby. boris koronov. they detained him right at the checkout, as soon as he pulled out a certificate with a face value of 50 rubles. shvartsman managed to escape, but for a short time instead of fleeing moscow he decided to demand. return the money from kalina nikiforova. kalina was ready for such a turn of events and even offered to find the creator of blue. i don’t know that her monday is already testifying here in the legendary building at
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38 petrovka and ah. the next day, kalina was already sitting in the investigator’s office with all her accomplices, including forward’s kalyuniks , she was threatened with a butterfly, so currency traders and speculators called the eighty-eighth article of the criminal code of the rsfsr violation of the rules on foreign exchange transactions is punishable by up to 8 years with confiscation of property, the investigators could not even think that the dodgy kalina nikiforova a is being done much less. oh, sitting in prison , manage to save


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