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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 20, 2023 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] what conditions must western countries fulfill in order for russia to return to the grain deal ? i decided to talk about it. although i understand that they are risking their career with their reputation, but no one should be
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above the law. how is the investigation different? among women hello welcome to the information service of the ntv television company in the yuliya bekhtereva studio in the crimea as a result of ukrainian drone strike killed a child , said the head of the region sergey aksyonov , the authorities of the republic promised to provide all necessary support to the girl's family according to the latest information. the drone hit a settlement in the northwest of the peninsula. as a result of the attack , four administrative buildings on the site were damaged. now all specialized services are working. western countries from the very beginning of the grain deal were not going to fulfill any agreements, vladimir putin said
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at a meeting with the government stressed that the united states and the european union used the agreement for their own enrichment of 70% of ukrainian food. as a result, they settled in the eu countries and only 3% went to the poorest state, although the deal was concluded precisely in their interests. in addition, the west prevented the free transfer of fertilizers, humanitarian actions should not be subject to any restrictions, according to vladimir putin, russia is ready to return to the grain deal, but only on its own terms. the first is the withdrawal from the substation of supplies of russian grain and fertilizers to world markets the second should be removed all obstacles for russian banks and financial institutions that service the supply of food and fertilizer. in particular, we are talking about their immediate connection to the international banking system of settlements. we don't need some
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promises. on this score, some ideas. we need these conditions to be met. third , deliveries to russia of spare parts, components for agricultural machinery and the fertilizer industry should be resumed; further , all issues with the fraction of ships and insurance of russian export supplies of food is provided. all food supply logistics. further , unhindered conditions should be provided for expanding the supply of russian fertilizers , raw materials for their production. including should be the restored work of the ammonia wire, togliatti odessa which was blown up and destroyed clearly by order of the kiev regime. the head of state added that the share of ukrainian grain on the world market is less than five percent. our country can completely replace these volumes, both commercially and gratuitously, meanwhile in
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the international waters of the black sea. where the grain corridor recently passed , a special regime began to operate, all ships that appear in this zone will be considered by our country, as potential carriers of military cargo, also the day before, vladimir putin discussed with government members the introduction of artificial intelligence. the president noted that russia is among the world leaders in the use of digital technologies, but it is necessary to develop further, the head of state instructed to allocate funds to the country's budget to support specialized research centers. also according to the president. it is imperative that companies that receive state subsidies use neural networks russian military personnel thwarted an attempt by neo-nazis. crossing the dnieper according to the ministry of defense , ukrainian saboteurs crossed the river in high-speed boats, but they were discovered in time by intelligence. after that, the militants came under fire from our units one more
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boat. in the area of ​​​​the antonovsky bridge, they destroyed it with the help of the latest domestic drone, a similar model appeared in the special operation zone only a few months ago, but it has already shown high efficiency and has undergone a deep factory modernization, taking into account the wishes of the fighters, it does not do without engineering know-how, and on the front line, military personnel often remake combat vehicles with its own forces, for example, partially changes the design to defend against enemy drones a. sometimes techniques find new uses on the pitch. boy. sergey pikulin, saw. this is not for you to cut springs so that the car is lower or bore the engine to increase power in the garage with these guys' homemade friends. well, you can’t name it in any way, at least a field design office desk. they hold the ground. here it is , here it is, here it holds and holds the racks to strengthen the base. on what, according to the given
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earlier, there were simple tools, and without them then there is none. she will fall on it will twist. this is an ordinary multi-purpose tractor. the workhorse of our army under the cart and evacuation of personnel is towing equipment. now this men in the field made changes to the design of a formidable weapon and installed it here. the s60 anti-aircraft artillery system - is it as difficult as attaching it to a passenger car? helicopter blades, and , accordingly, with the condition that it fly. right now we are entering combat positions in the reality of kilometers, mainly working on manpower . the enemy knows these calculations, i
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fear. usually this anti-aircraft gun is based on a wheeled chassis, but until you bring it you will deploy it all the time. here they drove up, worked out fire on a new position. where usually hangs at unloading, they have a first-aid kit with a set of screwdrivers. he checks the oil level in the car more often than drinks tea with his colleagues, for whom this is the s60 anti-aircraft gun . but for the pass, a family member called it that. here is the daughter. i have an average lerochka, so you can name lerochka a name, a lot depends. well , of course, he helps you. as your wife’s daughter, you are already protecting her there, somewhere it dripped right away, well, for repairs. probably all of us here are either an engineer or a technician of some
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kind. and this is another remake called there is a cart and an external resemblance, but instead of a machine gun, a tank grenade launcher is automatically indispensable for infantry support. i had to remove the drying wheels, i had to on the frame itself. time now, he, as part of the 155th brigade of the eastern military district, the unit showed its high efficiency for the eyes of the deserving officers called the detachment ntv south donetsk direction. in baghdad, hundreds of protesters broke into the swedish embassy set fire to the building, the diplomatic mission employees were not injured the ministry of foreign affairs and cancer condemned the actions of activists
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investigation and find the leaders of the riots to disperse, the protesters in the police used water cannons and stun guns, according to international media, the demonstration was organized by supporters of an influential shiite priest. they held it on the eve of the action of passing the koran in stockholm it is expected to take place today the day before the swedish police allowed to publicly destroy the holy book of muslims and burn the flag and cancer in response to this decision and the reaction will be required from their government to expel the ambassador from the country the scandinavian kingdom, in addition, they called on muslims who live in sweden to stop the planned manifestation, as swedish journalists said, the action was organized by two people. one of them is an immigrant from the muslim republic who, at the end of june, burned several pages from the koran near a mosque in stockholm. hearings were held in the us congress on the corruption case of president hunter biden's son,
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the high-profile case of the heir to america's first person and its partners received from foreign firms, including from the ukrainian energy company burisma, this was stated by the criminal investigator of the tax department. according to him, there is also evidence that biden jr. not only received kickbacks, but also did not pay taxes and that's it. it was at a time when his father served as vice president, under the barakean they planned to interrogate hunter 3 years ago, but the fbi received an order not to approach him, the republicans are expected to be dissatisfied and require the appointment of a special prosecutor in a corruption case. moreover, their leader is donald trump, he has already been introduced and is doing several things at once. well, you can bring serious accusations against a politician this week aleksey veselovsky double standards on the american justice of the tax service for the first time gave public
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testimony about how the us department of justice slowed down and interfered with the investigation of tax fraud by the son of us president hunter biden gary shapley, who told congressmen about inheritance pressure already known for special agent joseph from eagler, democrats and representatives of sexual minorities , the performance on the capitalist hill was the second kamint in his life. i decided to talk about it. although i understand that they are risking their career and reputation with their work, but no one should be above the law. i was the lead investigator on the hunter biden case. and so does my colleague. i don’t understand what happened to this investigation, according to the agents who interfered, they were already at the initial stage of the investigation. some witnesses were forbidden to ask uncomfortable questions. especially those that dealt with joe biden and his business interests in his son’s transactions, of which there were many over 5 years. four of which biden was vice president of the united states , his son and other relatives received from foreign representatives, about
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$ 17 million, of which more than $ 7 million from ukrainian burisma, where hunter was on the board of directors 3 million from romanian businessmen , millions from china and a number of other countries invested, with most of the transactions taking place after joe biden came to the country for a visit. and the money is biden were transferred through shell companies in the hunter biden investigation. it was completely different from all other cases that i have been involved in during my 14 years of service in the tax department at every level, they made decisions that helped our object, for example, they did not approve of us opening the contents of a hunterbyte laptop. some interviews did not allow searches to be carried out as early as april 2020 . we were ready to hold them, but they were postponed to november so that the presidential election would end, and then the searches simply canceled some of the contents of the laptop. the presidential son was shown by republican majority taylor green when she found out whether hunter biden really paid prostitutes from bills in his company , indicating that these are expenses for golf clubs or lawyers, usually most lawyers
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do not provide such services at the time. green ended, but her exhibition of hunter biden achievements was unstoppable. she clearly wanted to demonstrate everything that the investigation was hiding. hunter biden , codenamed athlete, began in november 2018 with a case that the internal revenue service opened in regarding a foreign porn site. here's proof that hunter bidens filmed pornography. do we really have to show this to the democrats in the committee, of course, they didn’t like it. after all, it turns out that if hunter biden hid bills for prostitutes under fictitious expenses and he was not accused of falsifying financial statements, then why are they going to judge donald trump, who is threatened with a prison term in new york for recording payments to a stripper as payment for legal services. 30 months doj fbi tax work whether not
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only to cover up the crimes of the biden family, but to continue the persecution of president trump, this is called a two -faced system, but in fact this system , which is conscious and systematically persecutes everyone who is close to trump, because it hates trump in this regard, a new accusation, who are preparing to show trump, special counsel. smith on the investigation of the january 6 riots, when trump supporters stormed into congress, by the way, by the way, for biden. it's no coincidence that the same week when the republicans in the house of representatives is holding a very important hearing on the case of the politicization of the master of the hunterabiden investigation. on the same week. joe biden's political ally, attorney jack smith, is attacking his archenemy, but indicting trump, and they could be brought as early as this week , probably the most serious he 's faced so far. electoral votes. may threaten the former american president
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with twenty years in prison aleksey veselovsky vladimir vopritsky valeria polukhina ntv usa the international gymnastics federation has allowed russian and belarusian athletes to participate in their competitions starting next year, but only in a neutral status we are talking about three sports of artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, as well as trampolining. in every discipline. our country has strong representatives and the decision of the federation gives them the opportunity to participate in qualifying competitions before the olympics in paris, in particular in the european championships, where russians have not been allowed since march last year, nevertheless, to talk about the fact that the doors were opened for our and belarusian athletes to participate in competitions. it is too early for sports officials to prepare a list of strict rules for admission, what it will be and when it will be published is unknown, while the federation clarified that the decision on the participation of russians and belarusians in the summer olympics in paris remains with the international olympic
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committee. in russia, again and by force , a discussion flared up about what kind of life model a woman should choose to sharpen disputes. added a statement by the minister of health mikhail murashko he said that women are increasingly making a choice in favor of a career, and only then think about having a child , the minister called this practice vicious, at the same time , special support programs for workers are being developed in our country. moms, including for those who plan to open their own business. one of these projects is called mom entrepreneur. he has already helped dozens of women to start their own business, some of them met our correspondent vladimir bogomolov opened a coffee shop in order to drink coffee herself in the mornings and in general i drink it, of course, and in the morning and in the afternoon, in the evening it’s good to love coffee and anastasia volochenko’s business was born, the mother of five children started with an ordinary uaz in a family car
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they installed a coffee machine to move from a cramped salon state support helped to the spacious pavilion . a business woman with many children applied to participate in an educational project. mom is an entrepreneur and won a development grant of 100,000 rubles. anastasia is developing a coffee shop in her native village, volga region of the samara region and invest in the business. also the eldest son and her husband. the family reacted well, a happy wife, a happy family, a husband, generally supports in everything. and i say, he threw the idea with a car, and he equipped everything for me there. he completely built a coffee shop. let's go daria stepura came to the program with her development, such transformer wheels are designed to be installed on a wheelchair and the stairs cease to be an insurmountable obstacle at the intensive. mom entrepreneur made a splash, and her
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invited to work on the creation of a mechanical brush. for the prosthesis, daria has been involved in several projects since her training, without forgetting her main wheel. transformer. i didn't have a name and the name just came from my mom's name. and we drove on and i launched an autonomous commercial organization, the contours of opportunity, and now i continue to move further in the direction of my developments, which need to be packaged and filtered. the rest are excellent, the second half for july , training under the program mom entrepreneur will be residents of the altai and krasnodar territories of the republic of karelia and the chelyabinsk region demand exceeds supply competition four people per place, to get to a five-day training you need to meet a number of services, social significance creation of jobs financial calculations. as a matter of fact, we must
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understand whether we will realize this idea or not. here is the motivation of the participants, because they fill out their own business cards and a business project. among the teachers, successful business women as students are women with children who have either he doesn’t have his own business, or he is less than a year old in the program of master classes and consultations, lectures and even business. with a bachelorette party, and often yes, entrepreneurs without experience, but commits a lot of erroneous actions. yes, then you have to go back. and here, just the same. so i want to understand, yes, that's how you choose the right place, yes, how to hire professionals. and what task should they set this year ? free of charge within the framework of the national project, small and medium-sized entrepreneurship program has been operating for 10 years. 7,000 women. took part during this time. in our project, 250
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women are the winners of the program this year, plans to train one and a half thousand women and cover 64 regions of russia vladimir bogomolov mikhail chernov dmitry belgiychuk with usa naprutchikova irina tchaikovskaya ntv television company with this we say goodbye to the audience of central russia until the meeting. for 799 rubles. tonic women's seltex for 399 rubles. the halva card opens the door to the world of fantastic shopping, even during the period of discounts
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in general, the weather is stormy along the calm edges in kamchatka and on the islands with almost no precipitation and during the day about plus 20 near baikal to plus 26 and also without precipitation and in east siberia there is more sun than rain and there is not a little heat in irkutsk in krasnoyarsk up to +27 in tour even more in western siberia, the temperature is also high. and not only in yoga, but also in the north, but 20 clone embracing will be handed out to everyone. rain with thunderstorms. the weather is dangerous, especially because of the squalls of wind in the urals near it , the weather is also thunderous. the atmosphere is very unstable and literally weird in places. here's what's extraordinary. the tornado was walking along the kama river the other day, despite its formidable appearance, it behaved quite peacefully to anyone and, without catching anything on the european part, today the rains will go to the northern regions in the northwest, and in the center the rains are not very strong. and even the gaps in the clouds will take advantage of the temperature and rises to + 23:00 on yoga rains with loads in the kuban near the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bazov and in the volga , but in general there is a lot of sun and moderately hot up to plus 30 in st. petersburg short-term rains and


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