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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  July 20, 2023 1:25pm-2:00pm MSK

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from there, the court sentenced him to 22 years in prison for poisoning dozens of people, he sat down in the cars, a tipsy passenger and offered to try his drink, the victim lost consciousness, the criminal took away jewelry, watches, wallets and disappeared. but, after the meeting with voikovsky, only a few remained alive. why, upon the fact of the death of some victims of vygovsky, criminal cases were not even initiated , tamara simonova will tell in court for consideration of this case, they are easily one of the few victims. who goes to the meeting even after 15 years 36-year-old alexei vukovsky, whose victim was their only son during this time they never said they were sure. he doesn’t even remember them, which means, well, a serial poisoner of several dozen human lives, but to see him in the corner after 12 years he spent in a strict regime colony. with a smile on her face, it was very unpleasant to restrain natalya pahomushkina in the meeting room already. could
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say nothing, or maybe you will raise the dead of my only son. you were younger than my son. and now you've already crossed his turn, when he died at your hands, the investigators established the involvement of alexei bykovsky in another twenty-two facts of poisoning, which he committed when he was a little over 20, now in igovsky he got tattoos that look out from under the cuff and the ability to ignore what is happening around. and earlier, he actively used his sociability and ability to rub himself into trust. he bought a neuroleptic in a pharmacy in 2008. sales of such drugs were not yet limited mixed with alcohol, and then in the train car chose the victim. it was supposed to be a lonely sitting man with a bottle in his hands or in a bag, who theoretically would not refuse to drink for an acquaintance bykovsky sat down to the passenger, and then used sleight of hand and a note. give another either newspaper or
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an object. uh-huh cover up, another or a store noticed. no, this was a note, often vygovsky offered to drink from his flask. where he also mixed in advance, the potent substance pretended to drink himself, and then treated the parrot, when he lost consciousness bykovsky robbed him and a twenty-three-year-old brother was hiding from the place. olga semina became one of those who were hooked by the poisoner man to the house, and his heart failed right in the train, as we survived it all. it was terrible. it was scary. he was only 23 years old. he left a wife. he left a child. ah, the whole family. we were just in shock. what is even possible? calculate the poisoner for a long time could not, according to the descriptions of eyewitnesses, the man was completely inconspicuous, then the operatives began to check the cameras of station atms and noticed a suspicious client. which for a long time selected the role of the cards.
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it was not difficult to figure him out from the video recordings, and when bogovsky was detained, they found him with a neuroleptic and a flask of alcohol. everything came together according to the version of the investigation, accused in the period from 2007 to 2008. when traveling on the trains of the moscow railway, he added to alcoholic products to his fellow travelers, without their knowledge a life-threatening medical mixture , the purpose of his atrocity was the theft of other people's property, but even despite this the number of victims. in ugolkovskiy. there is no murder article, like 15 years ago. he is accused of robbery and causing grievous bodily harm, which negligently caused death, in order to prove new facts of poisoning , the investigators studied almost fifty similar archival criminal cases, we will carry out an enormous amount of work to restore the events in it, contacts with the relative of the victims and witnesses of the crimes. the chronology of the last hours of the lives of the dead people was analyzed more than 50 details of telephone connections.
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as a result, the investigators managed to find out the identity of the man bykovsky, his involvement in the poisoning in the first criminal case, denied that he was not on the recordings from the surveillance cameras, but there was more than enough evidence of guilt if the court took into account 22 new facts of poisoning, otherwise alexei vygovsky would already have 44 lives and possibly dozens more victims who simply did not report what had happened, meanwhile the relatives of the victims hope that the term for the serial poisoner will extend yeah a life sentence it is quite realistic considering what he did tamara simonova from morozov himself and nadezhda zybkina telecompanenko tv moscow region. in social networks, they are vigorously discussing the incident that occurred in a nightclub. in barnaul, this institution is called blueberry. there , a young man attacked a girl who was relaxing with her friend. he hit him in the head with a bottle. at the same time , the victim says that they did not know each other, which could have caused such aggression. how does she feel, the victim will tell about this alevtina marchenko, who studied
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recording surveillance camera in the club. reflexively, clutching his head, blood floods his face in his eyes. horror, she asks to hurry the ambulance, of course, alena did not expect such an end to the evening on the eve of her twentieth birthday. oh, don’t touch it with your hand , please, while the girls were providing first aid, the attacker was detained by the help of friends and employees of the institution, the man, it seems, didn’t try to resist much. here's what happened a minute before, alena lounging on the couch singing karaoke. to her from behind, with an even step, a tall young a man, silently brandishes a bottle aiming at the head and strikes, then calmly leaves in the same way. i remember the moment of impact very well. it was probably the worst pain i have ever experienced in my life. i covered my head with my hands and fell for my
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friend. i hid, but i did not lose consciousness. after that, the state of adrenaline rush shock set in, and i immediately wanted to run out into the street and ask why he did it later. sergey, that's the name of the inadequate, answered. and just like that, so what? for a long time dreamed of getting a new experience, so to speak. well, of course, the story turned out to be a little more linear and richer that day, alena, in the company of her friends, made a raid on the institutions of the city and invented, at the invitation of her friend , they sang songs in this bar, danced everything, as it should be in the morning, noticed the lonely depths that were watching them. i see the tokens are already over , i need to buy new ones to sing. i go to the bar at this moment my girlfriend. she starts dancing on the dance floor and patted the way she dances beautifully and this young man. he came up behind on the right side and asked me if it was your girlfriend. i say "no. he offered me and my girlfriend to retire to
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the toilet of the club. as alena sergeyem says , she was not rude; on the contrary, she amiably explained that she had no intention of getting to know each other closely and did not suspect that a man could be so offended and immediately take cruel revenge, this is a bottle. yes, but they told me that they didn’t crash, by the way, the aggressor later told the operatives that the girl still provoked him, allegedly named a person of non-traditional orientation. alena confesses. and now she feels very bad, her temperature has risen , probably the concussion has already removed the beatings and intends to get punished, the police began checking the attacker. and levtina marchenko danila baklanova valentina lyubimov in the ntv barnaul television company the residents of the kazan high-rise building were divided into two camps, the reason for this was the incident on the playground, the guys were playing, but next to them the neighbor's dog was running for a moment, the dog knocked down one boy and either bit him or scratched him, but the child was injured by the owners
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there was no animal on the street at that moment and the guys were without parents. everything was filmed by surveillance cameras from the scene transmit dinarus. not a single one, not even seven , no one was in place, and the child was almost left without an eye on the footage from the surveillance camera. the big dog knocks a six-year -old child to the ground and throws himself in his face. everything happens right on the playground among the poor, as a result, the child is in the hospital. where the doctors said that just a little more and he would have lost his sight at that moment on the playground. there were six children and an adult dog there were no parents or owners of the animal nearby, they all live in the same house. and now they are divided into two, irreconcilable camps, some blame the irresponsible owners of the dog, who is on her own , the other frivolous parents who let the children go for walks alone. naturally. shocked. especially for those whose children at that moment were nearby, alena's daughter was also on the site and, according to her, she experienced a terrible
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fear, they came running good, crying, the dog often walks, before that there were also comments. they said the dog didn't bite. not pay attention, the picture is really creepy. a big dog without a leash and a muzzle can attack children at any moment. now they are not released. yes, and they themselves walk with other dogs with caution. i, too, am afraid. of course i'm shocked. for example, my grandson is a sick boy, my son arrives by car, and they go to the playground for a walk. i'm afraid, for example, now after this incident, the owners of the dog, who rented an apartment, hurried after the incident to move out of harm's way and from angry neighbors. although in the claim to them, not all. many stood up to protect the dog and its owners, who there on the site had no money from a single adult. yes, they all walk on their own, and then, well, apparently, we all watch too.
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the only thing they wave it. no one knows what provoked it, in general there are no dogs, aggressive. that's how much we live here, well, not here. well, i like it, nothing. she is so very many people claim that it was not his aggression and the grounds for such a position are on the full recording from the camera, which not everyone saw it can be seen that the boy is a few minutes. literally did not give the dog a pass ran. he ruffled her, stroked her, looked into her eyes, pulled her, by her hair, it is possible that at some point the animal received such intrusive attention, or got tired, or the dog decided to actively join the game and knocked down a six-year-old boy, scratching his face at the same time, what actually happened, and for what reason they are already figuring out in the controlling bodies the minor was the cause of the bodily injuries following the attack of the animal, he is an adult verification is being carried out. the supervisory authority will assess the actions of the dog owner, for example, compliance with the requirements of the law in the responsible treatment of animals
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, explanatory work is already being carried out with parents who sent their children to walk alone and with the owners of the dog, from the point of view of the law , violations were committed, nevertheless, the owners of animals to them. now they face a fine, because if the children’s self-distribution is a purely personal matter for the parents, then similar things are prohibited in the cities in relation to pets. no matter how friendly the pet is in words this case, when a child was injured in private it would seem the situation is bright. an example of why this is not possible is dinar usmanov ildus salavatullin valentin lyubimov idoyana shlyupkina ntv kazan television company, further the well-known showman in barnaul, the host of the wedding, was killed next to the restaurant. vadim kutuzov was hit when he stood up for the girl. why no one even tried to help the artist will tell about this after the advertisement. the restaurateur, the owner of the football team and the godfather of the lyubertsy organized crime group of 11
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authoritative moscow region, was hiding behind mask of nato imitsa and businessmen, statesmen, law enforcement officers and where is the king of the thieves' world
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today at 20:00 on ntv tryndets you my name is shilov on saturday at 19:25 on ntv live again we continue our release of an emergency vadim kutuzov , a well-known showman in the city from a wedding presenter, a non-conflicting very world beloved person, so friends and acquaintances are called about him. he himself died, perhaps due to the indifference of those around him, as far as is known. he stood up for the girl his opponent. hit kutuzov. vadim fell to him
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, no one approached him for several hours of video from the crime scene in the visa story. into the knockout the well-known showman in altai, host vadim kutuzov, spent several hours lying on the pavement of not his opponent, nor the employees of the night cafe, did not even try to help the victim, only in the morning one of the passers-by called an ambulance. and as i understand it, they performed it, but it turns out a procedure such as, probably, most likely an ecg, that is, they checked if a person’s heartbeat, after which the drug was squeaked, was removed and it was simply covered with a napkin. that is how he raised it. how many quoted death elena lives in a neighboring house, woke up from screams and the sound of a siren a situation that one has to observe all too often is recognized she is from an institution that the locals call nothing more than an eatery. once, a decent area of ​​​​the city has become one of the most restless friends and relatives of vadim kutuzov still cannot understand how the showman ended up in this
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area at all. after all, he made good money and could well afford even an expensive restaurant. the only thing known for sure is that the man heard how the drunk visitor insults the girl and decided to stand up for her. lech will hit there at every beginning insult, and my son only had time to wash his head, then he got hit on the head. he even had his hands in his pockets. he was not going to fight the suspect had already been detained. pavel malikov, a visitor to a bar with a bad reputation , has already had problems with the law. he even has an unexpired conviction for stabbing a teenager several times in a drunken stupor, the suspect has already been convicted of malicious infliction of grievous bodily harm to a minor and sentenced to three years in prison on probation for this crime. he committed at the same place near the cafe, the little one was sent into custody. however, the mother of the deceased, as well as the locals, have no doubt that the bar employees
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who showed criminal indifference also deserved punishment for compiling in danger, after all, in fact. vadim does not even have a fraction of a chance to survive instead of calling an ambulance or giving him first aid, the bartenders poured new portions of alcohol to their customers ; oh, not surprised, people are fighting and robbing, straight stop starting. here, between the house and the wall, everything starts and people here find wallets, empty people are located just a stone's throw from residential buildings, they have long dreamed of getting rid of establishments, because of which they cannot sleep at night, they are afraid to pass by, returning from work, and the games of children in this area, in general, under a strict ban, have changed a few names a little, but the contingent of visitors has remained the same residents. they say that they have already contacted the police in the prosecutor's office. but the reason to close the alcohol business. it was not found, because every evening they are forced to watch how drinking establishments open their doors to regular customers daria call valentina lyubimov danila baklanova alexei lobachev and dmitry salnikov tv company.
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ntv and what do the defendants in the criminal case think of those who died after consuming their products , and the defenders of the prosecutors are talking about the leaders who delivered a batch of surrogate alcohol to yekaterinburg, 44 people died, the survivors lost their sight. they suffered from severe poisoning. so what did the defendants say in their last word ? julia knows facing the worst thing that can happen in a child's life, the death of a mother, the schoolgirl was 12, and she carefully keeps everything related to her loved one an album of children's photographs and drawings written by her mother's hand. the woman died due to poisoning with surrogate alcohol. oksana and her husband were celebrating the holiday and not suspecting that dangerous poison was thrown in the composition of the alcohol that was on the table. after taking a few sips, both of them suddenly felt bad. mom died on her eyes recalls vika says that
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it is hard for her to breathe, that she is and bad, then she said that she was blind, we soon called. i just said i got up, she says, i'm blind, that's why i'm dying anton, and that's it. this is her last words were resuscitation. everything came several ambulances, the system was already lowered. she was already a resting apparatus anton shugarin, still reproaching himself for the fact that on that ill-fated day they bought alcohol, which they were sold on tap. after drinking a counterfeit man. suddenly he felt a sharp pain. and then, he says everything was like a fog. he survived miraculously because dubious alcohol was sold in yekaterinburg at the local market. at a low price of only 100 rubles. for half a liter in the list of the dead. as a result, 44 people were among those who received a lethal dose of methanol. if pensioners found them already dead at home , normal people were two pensioners who were on me, defendants in the case of counterfeit alcohol. seven people, sellers of dangerous products, suppliers and intermediaries, according to investigators, illegal business organized
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fifty-four-year-old entrepreneurs nadir mammadov and 42-year-old. meng avetisyan, according to the detectives, a man who worked in the market mixed technical alcohol with water that made me up, which, i have nothing to do with poisoning and people don’t see the death of people in the mass poisoning of people. everyone, as one assures, did not know how poison turned out to be in the party of alcohol, the seller, pensioner tatyana vasilyeva, hides her face in her last word. an elderly woman tells got a job at a grocery kiosk. and supposedly. i didn’t even suspect that the alcohol-containing counterfeit, which she traded from under the floor is deadly, then there was not a single day, not a single one. no, i say, i have never worked in trade ever. do not decide for me, please, svoboda , give me any other punishment during the searches in the case. the detectives seized canisters and
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bottles with the remains of a dangerous substance. until september 2021, the scheme for the illegal circulation of alcohol created by the defendants did not fail, as they purchased and sold products that did not contain a critical amount of toxic impurities. well, then entrepreneurs. apparently, they decided to minimize costs, they launched into illegal circulation a batch of alcohol containing methanol in life-threatening concentrations, the state prosecutor asked for real terms of five to ten years in prison for all the accused. julia facing. valentin lyubimov and anton lukyanov ntv broadcasting company but that's not all, see below basic instinct. why can't he close a single check in a rescue shop in chelyabinsk, what happens here at night? what the neighbors who live through the wall are talking about. and, of course, cctv footage. that's it, you'll see it after the ad. there are
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they became only additional services, but whoever checked the institution did not close it, but again, about what is happening in the salon, the neighbors. what called through the wall? i put on a festive tunic, on which there was no free space left from orders and medals; the veteran of the great patriotic war, the hero of the battle of kursk , grigory vaganov, recalls the terrible years of famine and exhausted battles in his 98, remembers everything in his lifetime. he had seen a lot, of course, but he did not even think that in his old age he would have to fight a new evil. every day , behind the course of the sun and beyond the walls , sounds that are not at all childish are heard. and so all night. it turns out that the massage parlor is so accepting clients for wellness treatments. he really began to consume more drugs. yes, it has become more, yes, yes, dad!
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well, a lot due to the fact that such a disgrace is going on next door, a salon is going on, without windows, without doors, it opened here a couple of years ago from the first days it gained notoriety among the residents of the building, hearing the groans at night, the neighbors themselves gasped, turned to the police. and here is the result of a tour of the establishment of chelyabinsk operatives from furniture, some jacuzzi beds right in the bedrooms, well, and others. attributes of the sweet life on the windows impenetrable curtains, in general, the situation speaks for itself. but this is not so bad sometimes, and it comes to drak, and there are schools nearby. children and it’s just scary, what if they get it, the residents are afraid. for example, from a recent dissatisfied service. the client throws stones at the salon.
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these are also curious shots and girls with bags one after another leave the entrance and for some reason follow into the bushes, then fights, then scandals , then showdowns, then priestesses of love come out and provide services in the car to the first entrance. i already have tenants. they're just screaming. it says that it’s impossible at all after 6 o’clock there are a crowd of girls coming here, they all go there for a change, because after that jeeps arrive, expensive cars , the public is gathered by ads in social networks and newspapers, the benefits of masseurs are shown in all their glory on the spot for conspiracy, no signage, the entrance group is dotted with surveillance cameras. visit strictly on call last spring. the salon was already closed, and the owners were held accountable, but after a few months. break everything first dumb defense. now the district residents are waiting for the fact that after the clarification of the circumstances against the noisy neighbors, they will initiate a criminal case. diana komandovalentin lyubimov
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yes, i'm on shlyupkin and alexander tutarinov ntv television company that's all for today more news on our website in the chapan tv telegram channel, feedback works there. if you need help you are facing injustice. report, tell about emergencies in your city. our editors are in touch around the clock. leave your contacts so that we can call, but i'm marat sedikov thank you for your attention, see you on ntv
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well, it's safe to say that the operation went well with you. god, as it is now, i would be more careful in predicting the condition, stable serious. we can see her. a minute no more. hello dear.

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