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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 21, 2023 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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russia is building a unique infrastructure for liquefying gas, then alexey prokin watched as vladimir putin set sail across the northern seas to the place of work. the soldiers of the terek brigade continue the glorious traditions of the turkic cossacks for exactly a year in the ranks. now they are fighting in the direction of solidarity. how effectively will ilya tell in moscow the first forum of veterans has passed its details in mikhailanenko's report. and also in kaliningrad they seriously tightened the requirements for sending goods across russia. why on the way socks connected
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a kaliningrad grandmother to her grandchildren in another part of the country may have customs , will alexey chebotarev tell? welcome to the information service of the nkv television company in yuliya bekhtereva's studio mortgage at 2% will become available not only to residents of the far east, the state program will also be extended to young families who live in the arctic zone , vladimir putin said this at a meeting on the development of the region , president vladimir putin ruled it in murmansk, where he is on a working visit, the minister also stipulated today. e about the arctic mortgage. i think that such a measure can become a serious support for citizens living practically in the zone. we know the result of this preferential mortgage at two percent in the far east, it really played a role. hmm, 73,000
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russian families improved their living conditions. e, using the use of mortgages and in order to extend it to young families living in the arctic zone, that is, for them. uh, preferential, the mortgage rate will also not exceed two percent term i propose to establish such a measure until 2030. well, earlier the president participated in the launch of a new floating plant for the production of liquefied natural gas analogues in the world. it does not have this only part of a new grandiose energy project , there will be three such plants under construction and special gas carrier ships that will be able to supply fuel to consumers along the northern sea route year-round. all this will significantly reduce costs and ensure a low cost of gas alexey prokin
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transmits from the murmansk region. first in the world in general, it always sounds proud, but the employees of the center for the construction of large-tonnage offshore structures multiply their sense of belonging to the most important domestic undertakings by the weight of their own products. these are hundreds of thousands of tons of a gravity-type base with technological decks, the scale of which vladimir putin estimated one of the largest floating structures that man has built and is almost impossible to imagine, but it is so that all these structures will soon overcome a thousand nautical miles and begin to produce liquefied natural gas grand beautiful very. high-tech, well, and largely thanks to intuition that an energetic person is happening and an energetic person is gushing out with all sorts of ideas that at first glance, even experts are perceived as fantastic. well, actually, yes, the law of physics. it
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works like the law of archimedes, yes, but it doesn't matter when you build one. the hulk cannot not sink, however , the manufacture of gravitational foundations does not sink - this concrete structure at the base of the plant itself itself a large-scale enterprise. not to mention the superstructure of the lng production deck, this is the cooperation of hundreds of high-tech industries. to build these structures throughout the country, including at this moment, about 80,000 people are working 17,000 jobs . created only here in the murmansk region. with us, uh, specialists came from the vostochny from the cosmodrome. when even then they worked here from kaliningrad, the guys also come, the president begins a new century in the development of lng production for whom about this today, more and more experts are talking about the future of world energy.
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how it all will work, the assembled plant, as it is, is sent to watch by the sea, clings to the seabed and begins to produce liquefied natural gas itself in this is a balanced compartment, that is, the balanced compartments will be filled with water, and it will sit on prepared grounds. then a fleet of lng carriers using the same liquefied natural gas as fuel will deliver it to customers, lng is one of the cleanest types of marine fuel. so the arctic project spg-2, in addition to being very technologically advanced and very environmentally friendly from here from murmansk beyond the urals along the northern sea route to the kara sea, into which the gdan peninsula juts out in the region of the omsk bay. it's hard to imagine, but these structures weighing 600,000 tons, each set off on a journey whose length is 2,000 km. the difficult path will take about a month, but the project itself opens up great opportunities for russia in the promising lng market
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, it is almost impossible to get around the plant for the production of belokamenka plants on foot. vladimir putin moves around the territory on an electric car. in this workshop, the production cycle begins. here, the blanks of metal structures are being prepared further along the route of the head of state, intermediate assembly of decks takes place, and finally, the technological assembly of modules, the preparation of a concrete platform takes, well , a little less than 2 years, the production of technological modules is also 24 months, and the connection process itself takes from 9 to 12 months. discussion of the possibilities of loading the center for the construction of large-capacity offshore structures became the main topic of the meeting president and the management of the enterprise, lng trade is growing by 6-7% per year, and gas reserves in russia and production technology, lng, even in harsh arctic conditions , makes it possible to claim a fifth of the world market. lng production projects are certainly important. uh, because they give
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a complex effect for the entire economy. e, allow us to win back the share we need e-e in the global lng market allows us to develop related industries. and the first project was a successful work, if now there is every reason to believe that the second artik spb 2 will also be implemented on time and with the required quality, and on the gdan peninsula, which is becoming the most important logistics center, marketers can also talk for a long time and in detail, the key thesis is that competition will ensure year-round supplies, st. petersburg northern sea route. one part will go here. she transshipment complexes in murmansk will transship the lion's share of the volumes that will be produced by floating plants in kamchatka, and the fact that all this plan is destined to come true, says at least the fact that here in belokamenka, where now builds these impressive buildings six
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years ago there were only the sea and the hills. alexey proykin anton peredelsky georgy frenzy and anastasia city tv company ntv murmansk region. russian servicemen successfully repulsed the attack of kiev militants in the dverechensk direction. as a result of the battle , the neo-nazis lost an entire platoon and lost significant parts of their equipment, retreating into the cancer threw five fortified and the same number of observation posts. these positions came under the control of our units, meanwhile, under the solidarity of the russian troops. inflicted massive strikes on the points of temporary deployment of ukrainian military nationalities oppose. including fighters and storytelling brigade terek in enemy trenches. they work from rocket and cannon artillery. ilya advent visited the front line. after night work, the soldiers of the terek brigade have a respite of just a few hours, the position of the apu in the solidarity direction must again be thinned out with jet fire.
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fragmentation shells of 122 caliber cover several targets at once. in these frames, one can call an exemplary mortar the calculation of the enemy’s bc and the artillery, but these are already working positions, that is, the enemy and we need to hit them with the fact that the cossacks’ position is immediately visible. here is special. with respect to acting military traditions. tell me why not in a helmet, after all, a firing position. prayer smacks of an orthodox amulet icon, the fighter wears and at the heart. the leader of the orthodox troops. therefore , the horse is the same volunteer as everyone else in the terek brigade, while he aims a multiple launch rocket system at home, his wife and children are waiting. in my family. everything is fine.
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uh, there are families here that need help. here, too, someone's wives have these materials, and how they should have been helped. well, it’s our duty at this moment, almost above us, the air defense is shooting down enemy drones ; according to the cossacks, we have to act quickly on fire, after such a daring work, and we are in a very open place, it can fly in. well, literally in a matter of minutes from here, you can just see how the enemy processes the outskirts of the solidarity itself. the fighter answers this cannon artillery. time to run the batteries. the call sign of the bank has been charging here for half a year already, and in civilian life the teacher, physical education with six years of experience , said on vacation, and the children write something. how are you there? that how they miss waiting for sending drawings of the letter. ah. now i'm
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also waiting for the paper to arrive, something was passed. i don't even know if i'm dating. yes, faster. now the guys are working with a reduced powder charge, because the target is only 14 km away. this is about half of the maximum range of the guns, they hit with a high-explosive fragmentation the accumulation of enemy infantry is not allowed to bring up the front line reinforcements. these are priority goals. after all, the enemy advances in the direction of solidarity precisely with small assault groups, but often hyacinths and counter-battery fight among the targets hit, not only soviet models. as such, types of artillery, and foreign production. three sevens are caesars, and the performance of the brigade speaks and awards 46 state awards. if only it is 175 species more than 50. cossacks are represented by the state hail in just a year existence first as a battle, and after that , the brigades of the cossacks, tyrik have already earned themselves
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a fighting reputation. they went through the operation and under the coals for nothing and the kherson region ilya adventin ntv donetsk people's republic kiev began to use cluster munitions, john kirby, a spokesman for the us national security council, said at the white house that ukrainian nationalists use shells in an effective and acceptable way. judging by these words, washington is not at all concerned that many allies of the united states ammunition was not supported at all. the main thing, as it was noted at the briefing, is that kiev should not be left without weapons on the eve of the american media reported that the militants began to use american cassettes will not be repased in the southeastern section of the front line in an attempt to break through the well-fortified russian positions in washington assures that the supply of these shells is a measure of forced weapons, which
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the nationalists sent to the west to ukraine are rapidly losing according to the new york times. only the counteroffensive first. they lost twenty percent of military equipment, the arsenals of nato countries are empty, it was recognized. in the alliance itself, moscow has repeatedly noted that the transfer of cluster bombs to ukrainian nationalists jeopardizes civilians and only prolongs the conflict, as vladimir putin noted earlier, russia has never used such ammunition, but reserves the right to mirror actions. the first forum of veterans of a special military operation opened in moscow, a meeting of participants in military operations, actions with government officials, volunteers , patrons of art, and the clergy organized a fund defenders of the fatherland, which is engaged in targeted assistance to soldiers of their own and their rehabilitation , the foundation is seeking legal medical and psychological support today at the forum to discuss the systemic problems faced by those who return from the zone
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of armed conflict mikhail chabanenko, talked to the participants. the hall of the generals of the victory museum, pictures of the busts of the great military leaders, and here the participants of the current special military operation gathered. those who offered a lot of effort in the fight against modern fascism. first forum of veterans own first, these people had a front line, then they were wounded for several weeks, or even months of hospitals. who else but they know what kind of support and help. now the state can provide those who returned from the war zone, social payments , further employment, just some of the issues that require a special approach. here he shares his problems with those proposals that allow them, first of all , to socialize and actively participate in the patriotic education of young people and in general in the social life of our country. they came from different parts of russia many of them saw each other only on the front line, and knew nothing about the fate of each other, and
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here in the victory museum unexpected meetings. and here the mobilization of the lugansk republic at the forum, work in conjunction with representatives of various departments, deputies and even heads of regions, was joined by the heroes of russia who distinguished themselves in different companies on key issues. this is an inclusion or, more precisely, the return of the guys after the war to normal civilian life. this problem is not easy. i myself as veterans about i know this, i had an exhaust, and you come past the car. i lay in another car questions that are heard more often than others relate to the payments they have, but not infrequently. as noted by viktor zotov ramenny near lugansk, there are differences between a volunteer contract soldier and a mobilized one , bring the entire legislative base under a common denominator, because in order to
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avoid differences between mobilized volunteers, there is an accelerated procedure for obtaining. veteran status, compulsory insurance the representatives of the ministry of defense accepted statements at the forum and promised to deal with each of them on the quality of rehabilitation centers. and it is important that these centers are not far from home. now many have to travel or fly to moscow for help to apply for a prosthesis. here is further good, and how much i have been using for weeks, i am learning, so to speak. no, i will have a bionic long training. but i think i'll cope with this, all the worst is already behind help. psychological legal, finally employment after being injured on the first forum of veterans invited the chairman of the paralympic committee.
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pavel rozhkov, there are stories when combat veterans were included in the national team, each of today's guests will become a kind of forum delegate, in his city he will convey to the local authorities all the details and discussions of plenary meetings, so that the attention of the participants in the special military operation and its veterans remains heightened, both at the front and in the rear sending goods to other regions of russia the fact is that there is a special economic zone on the territory of the region, so the goods that arrive there are not subject to fur taxes, so that enterprising citizens in the region do not abuse this, they introduced restrictions on the weight and cost of goods that are subject to further transportation. and because of this , a lot of incidents have already arisen at the customs office. alexei chebarev understood. so with the involvement of dog handlers using x-rays and even opening the package, they now check inside russian shipments with personal belongings at customs at the kaliningrad airport return return from the rulers. yes,
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of course, not that it is not compliance, but the client by and large. when he arrives, he also cannot, uh, guaranteed to assert that this product is a product for personal use . the special economic zone covers the entire kaliningrad region with its tax and customs benefits. this means that for most of the goods here , duties and vat on the rest of russia are not fully or not paid at all. because of this, things from the eurasian union from kaliningrad come conditionally imported, of course. you can send them from the region to other regions, but there you can check that the cargo transferred for delivery does not exceed the norm without duty import, that is, it is not heavier than 31 kg and not more than 1,000 euros. this computer is a good powerful one, and nowadays a scarce car costs much more , while documents confirming that it was brought here from another region of russia or a country of the eurasian union means to send it from the kaliningrad region. yes, at least i won’t be able to do it myself, but before the change in the law on the special
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economic zone, the chance was just the rules for the work of delivery services with goods for personal use were not fully prescribed for the departure of individuals, selective extremely rarely fell under strict customs control. moreover, when transporting a delivery service, they were used to form large groupage cargoes, which are difficult to check. now they pack each shipment separately and in front of the operators mail or courier service. they check the correspondence of the contents of the inventory with the data on each item, the sender and the addressee, the client comes very conveniently, he can create an invoice on his own in the application. or we can stick and create an invoice and also enter the data all this orally, that is , write nothing to fill in long forms. no need. that's it, very convenient. the only thing you need to wait until we do. this society aims to change the rules to combat gray schemes, when under the guise of parcels physical list, other regions sent goods, and even their parties without paying duties. and in general, the authors of the changes consider clear. clear rules have only made it easier for courier services to work with private senders , while carrier goods for personal use can also move. here is
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an opportunity before. let's just say it's a little overdone. now it is directly provided for by law. so the company uses it, but this is in theory, but in practice now it happens and so this man received in kaliningrad through the express delivery service the part for the car is not what i expected, but to make a return to the seller from another region without leaving the operator's window. the addressee cannot be a legal entity. this means that there is no shipment to such a recipient, goods for personal use will not be accepted for delivery, and then either the customs identification procedure is not the easiest, or negotiate with the seller. they are a formal return method. send him the detail as a private person. that is, on the go, to develop that very gray scheme to alexei i will give dmitry sitnikov ntv kaliningrad i am on this we say goodbye to spectators of central russia, see you soon. men's
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, short in the south with loads, there will be sunny cities, vladivostok, magadan-chita in the center of eastern siberia, an anticyclone. so precipitation can hardly be seen there, but to the south, a cyclone from mongolia can cause short-term rains, but western siberia will be the leader in precipitation here front after front passes and in the south loads of heat, moderate up to 30 will reach only in altai in the southern urals after night showers. the weather will improve a bit on average, loads will still thunder, the temperature is in the range of 22-28 °. on european. the areas with the most rainfall are in the north, as our restless cyclone moves there , thus centering. its rear, therefore , you should not expect much warming, but with clearings up to +23, it is still possible to give even a big day to the south, the air is warmer. there, the atmospheric pressure is trying to grow, but at the junction of heat and coolness, as usual. the weather is never calm. so, without precipitation and will not do. definitely sunny weather.

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