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tv   Lesnik  NTV  July 21, 2023 8:25am-10:01am MSK

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chukotka in other areas of rainfall is short in the south with loads and sunny cities, vladivostok magadan-chita in the center of eastern siberia is an anticyclone. so precipitation is hardly noticeable there, but to the south, a cyclone from mongolia can cause short-term rains, but western siberia will be the leader in precipitation here front after front passes and in the south of the thunderstorm heat, moderate to 30 will reach only in altai in the southern urals after night showers. the weather will improve a little on average , thunderstorms will still rumble. temperature within 22-28 degrees in the european territory, the most precipitation is in the north, since our restless cyclone is shifting precisely there in this way the center of its rear, so you should not expect much warming, but when it clears up to +23, it will still make it and rains are not big , the air is warmer to the south. there atmospheric pressure is trying to grow, but at the junction of heat and coolness, as usual. the weather is never calm. so, without precipitation and will not do. definitely sunny weather. only near the black sea in the south, mostly
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about 30 ° in astrakhan to 35 in st. petersburg is stable plus 20 and short rains in places in moscow today it is unlikely to rain and the maximum temperature is plus 22 cop wars today at 20:00 on ntv it's time to extend osago millions of motorists do it on sravni and receive gifts. buy osago or other insurance on sravni and win a car. if insurance, then compare on the site and in the application and i will tell you why moscow coffee houses are a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class. a taste of pleasure i recommend moscow coffee houses. premiere today 16:45 on ntv the causes
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of these health problems can be bad blood vessels, the drug angionorm improves microcirculation. reducing the risk of blood clots, removing inflammation and strengthening the walls of angionorm vessels, keep the vessels normal.
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you have a letter. well, what about picnics? well let's see. so what was allowed? i don't have a permanent source of income without a job.
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i wanted to shoot some money from you, i want to marry like a brother. come on, on whom on whom i have one for thin, or what? wait so find out from school. from what class? i arrived immediately glue. let's get married. she is a jerk. i burst into tears, can you imagine, the application was submitted
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well done listen a. i thought how you came to me without money. i thought you were well paid in war. a little normal. so there are grandmas, fuck. it was cool such a wedding that i only remembered for the rest of my life, it's clear when. hello,
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my brother, genka has arrived. say your job offer still stands, of course. let's go straight. now let's go to skurat, we'll arrange everything. good afternoon. by the way, this is gen, you can come to matveyevich, i want to say hello, because he is my special forces. i saw how your guys work.
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hi but you didn't. it turns out sami barely pull. come on , it didn't work when we tried it. well, what, are you starting this hurdy-gurdy again? you give him good opportunities. well, i wanted vaska to come here now.
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he has a business, maybe yegor, i met him here, trees, green for the new year, he is ready to pay money. maybe we'll sign up.
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listen, here you need to sign an act, and a forester joint raid by the police. sign so not laid out. did not have. well, the authorities demand a countdown from me, then i will not bother signing to sign. let's go through. are you an ideological one? still work like this, let's work they do. sorry i'm in a hurry.
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sorry antonov but it's up to me to decide if i can draw it up or not? i mean what's the matter? raise your voice to your wife. get the consent of the forestry director and come. let's think. let's immediately get from the minister
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work permit, assistant forester, state you better at all. goodbye, be healthy. tell us which is the most luxurious restaurant in town. we live once.
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composition pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence, pentalgin will do without pain cop wars today at 20:00 on ntv ozon delivers with love 20% discount on white coal, a convenient sorbent at the right time. look for different discounts up to 5 million chips and choose sets of vocals for just one ruble online get a free debit card for life, the same children's designer with a discount of up to 60% sber megamarket
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booked so quickly we will find where to stay transparent conditions on a gazprombank credit card grace period is always 180 days without interest and every 2 months. it starts again. and also free service and cash withdrawal without commission up to 50.000 rub. per month.
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stop guessing. check your credit potential at sberbank online and find out the available amount and conditions for all loan products from sberbank we historically we defend our borders with our people, and those who need our help, although our enemies spoke different languages ​​​​and had different weapons. the goals were always the same to destroy the country to take away our freedom, but we always bravely and steadfastly resisted in the battle history remembers everything. and to keep the victory, we were helped by the strength of the unity of the people, you are the courage of the troops, bringing victory closer.
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as a person on parole , you do not have the right to carry firearms . it is clear leonidovich svetlana ivanovna you haven't been here for a long time. new here as before.
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not my competence, but i can accept work without the right to bear arms, well, why should we climb to run? no, not necessarily.
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great well
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, so nothing. with a beer there will be a lot of people. listen gen. of course, i understand that it was necessary to consult. let's.
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yes well, now we have this beauty, and then look. well, they'll take the money, don't worry, lord. let me introduce tonya
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, the first beauty of our school, the first beauty in our city. daughter, believe me, in my experience, a woman is never to blame, it happens, only a man, for sure. this is me to you as a senior school friend, a friend said, i join the pure, true, tonechka meet these are my friends. denis is a shark of the real estate business, affectionate fluffy victor is engaged in a useful
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and most importantly good deed, a good deed. yes, he builds the houses of the prosecutor of our city for people. for what for acquaintance for beautiful ladies, and the truth, let it bite, and you thought everything in science , mining business processes, well done to my school. listen yegor maybe he said it. no
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means no. till tomorrow. what we are doing peace,
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and we will continue dinners without us.
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hallelujah, what's the pin code here? and it looks like you don't remember the correct answer. if a simple question turns into a quiz. may help for lunch for lunch, it helps to improve brain function, restore memory and concentration . i also want to rest on ntv to make my head work. i choose a trip and leave. i fly away, i swim from the mountain, i move out, and the zones. open up and relax. book profitable
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tickets, hotels, tours. on ozone wow you will say when you see it. juicy summer sale on, buy the best way air mattress with a 32% discount 15% more than regular noodles. and i also have 10 times more vegetables fight the symptoms of varicose veins by the severity of pain and acts on their cause. i forgot to pay not to forget. make bargain purchases through sbp on the network magnet milk so much, what we want, then we make
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cottage cheese, fresh cheese, real strength, green everything for your beauty, a very profitable set of cosmetics lux make-up for 399 rubles. silvermeis necklace for 699 rubles. launches a profitable gate. let me show you at the crossroads and in pyaterochka choose your favorite categories with a cashback of up to twenty percent, you need useful hmm and a cake. convenient truth. run the gate pressing profit 16:45 ntv sawing a tree is
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long and exhausting and hard, especially if you are far from home the world of fair prices presents you with a battery chain saw, two pruning boards pruning branches cleaning bushes. this is not a complete list of works that it is capable of. the mini-saw is an indispensable assistant during construction, repair, work on personal plots , caring for trees and shrubs, light weight and ergonomic shape of the handle allow you to use it for a long time, without feeling, fatigue and discomfort. case provides extra protection when working in hard to reach places and confined spaces copper wound motor has enough power for such a small size the chain of this saw has been designed to cut wood quickly, smoothly and with the least amount of energy. call and order an eyelid cordless chain saw and get
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a reliable and loyal assistant. today at 20:00 on ntv cheers red teeth. finally got a good job. tonechka wake up, get out of the car we leave. everyone has arrived, wake up. we have already arrived that we did not raise a hand
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to excite. now i’ll make you hot coffee and you’ll come to your senses. you still don't know what kind of coffee i can make. here, and then we will definitely take you home. wow cool, cool, let's go with you to the second floor. it’s even cooler there now , let’s go on such a tour of the second floor. let's go let's go. there. yeah, fuck her, it's all right. and this is
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our unique handmade bed and the program of our excursions includes a free test drive of this bed. it's like you more like. so let's to our mutual pleasure, let's end our evening. you
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are a future prosecutor. listen, look, come in the third try.
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tolya well, all right, get excited, like a little one for a wedding. okay girl. she herself drank with us, went to have fun and money.
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we gave money, so it's generally, if she didn't want to, she wouldn't go, my friend, you know, hold on. what if it goes? we'll expose her worse as a whore. and shame on the whole city.
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tony, if you forgive me, forgive the fool,
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tell me what happened. you don’t mean anything to me, i love you, i will always love you and i cherish you, i don’t have anyone. and i also have to answer rody in
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full to answer in full. everything will be fine, don't worry, i'll celebrate the wedding. and you can have a honeymoon trip without a wedding, let's go, only you and i are right, wherever you want, that's where we'll go. now get dressed. come on, whatever you think. there is no one in the morning.
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well, when did it happen? whoever did this , the three were with one skin, studied, bastard. well , what are we going to take for injections of gratitude? that then there were no tricks last name first name? balushkin andrey patronymic arkadyevich well, as i understand it. what, then you took a shower?
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and changed. what are you? no. fiancé means so while the relation is not formalized. you're an outsider, so you got up and left the office. left the office have you decided girl? put an honest man in jail. what kind of person? polushkin andrey arkadyevich, the investigator of the prosecutor's office decided to earn money, or maybe you even
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say what it is . you take your fiancé. and she went out of here. a you will show up again. i'll go to jail for libel. it's clear.
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talk with age, changes in vision can change the usual things, then the background was created to nourish the restoration and preserve the youthfulness of the eyes , it is recommended to use it daily for 3 months, then the background is now in a new package specifically for course use. today at 16:45 on ntv, transparent conditions for a gazprombank credit card, the grace period is always 180 days without interest and every 2 months. it starts again. and also free service and cash withdrawal without commission up to 50.000 rub. per month. buy a juicy summer
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sale on, buy spaghetti makfa pasta for only 45 rubles. your business. for each type of business, special services for retailers more information about customers in comparison with competitors finding the best location for a retail outlet. open an account in the world and use useful services for free forever ntv unique offer of the summer season. for 799 rubles. comfortable beautiful and incredibly feminine dress is perfect for any figure and will become an indispensable thing in your wardrobe especially for the most beautiful ladies with mouth-watering forms. we have expanded the size range to the sixty-eighth size. you will not find such a dress in a regular store
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cardio lifestyle is a simplified model. cyclist. practice when it suits you and where it is convenient without prejudice to the family budget, regular exercises on a home cardio simulator increase the body's endurance and help reduce the number of extra pounds, but that's not all. if you want to strengthen the muscles of the chest, back and shoulders, install the exercise bike in front of you . it is suitable for everyone , regardless of age and fitness level . even people with disabilities musculoskeletal abilities with the help of a special mechanism. adjust the load optimally for your physical condition and exercise in comfort rubber feet guarantee stability during training. on any surface , the simulator will not slip and will not scratch the half-cardia, light and compact. it weighs only
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2.5 kg and easily fits on a shelf in a wardrobe; it is easy to carry and even take with you to the country. see tv. read a book. listen, play music, when it suits you and where it suits you without prejudice to family budget. call and order a compact home exercise machine for only 3.99 rubles. but if you call us right now , this simulator will become yours for only 1.000.99 rubles. the offer is limited. call by phone or order on our website leomax.
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a lot of money
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andrey andrey well, apparently, just welding. remember yourself when you were young. andrey
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well, let's drive our city people? eh in general, do not return the deposit to him, if he
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is so smart, let him go to court. yes, i can't do it anymore. arkady petrovich, something has happened. you are asking me, well done. do you know that andrei is in a coma? at night they broke into the house and broke the head. who and i wanted to ask you, who is this not a robbery? so listen to me carefully.
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in general, we fooled around with her. not quite what's next? and what more money they gave home sent, she left you. and we andryukha passed out arkady petrovich andrey did not touch her with his finger, true, he invited her to a table , he later hello to you home, but he did not touch her. in general shut up means so
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returned. though it's unlikely anyone else has been asked to do this. delve here this seems to be true. you're late boss, fuh rogozin pinned down. yes, if aga ran for vodka for skiing, do you want to come with us, maybe we'll wait? so find out you're gearing up for joint raids with the police. i will not conduct any raids with the police, especially the high cost.
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nothing, but the guard who was on duty at night says that the taxi arrived at 5:00 o'clock , he remembered, but he says a light foreign car. so let's dig in that direction. and yet arkady petrovich sergeevna has not yet accepted a statement about rape. so medical she doesn't have a certificate. of course, i don’t know, but maybe what happened to your son, maybe it
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happened because of her? listen to me carefully captain. my son is not here. yes, there was a girl, she herself went with them from the tavern. andrew did not touch her. someone stood up for her for this creature. it seems that a bulldozer drove over it. surely this selivanov has it? you don't need to be reminded that the issue
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of simorodok premiered today at 16:45 on ntv , it's time to extend osago millions of motorists do it on sravni and receive gifts. buy osago or other insurance on compare and win a car. if insurance, then compare on the site and in the application. own sber business for each type of business special services for retailers more information about customers in comparison with competitors finding the best location for a retail outlet. open an account with sberbank and use useful services for free forever business today at 20:00 on ntv
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there is no time. so, come on antonina where i know you were called yesterday. babushkin's what are you doing? you were invited to go with the men. herself no one forcibly dragged. and what happened between you then, let it remain good between you? there is no longer an investigator. he said everything was just selivanova. i don’t know what kind of conflict you had. maybe it's just resentment that drives you. but after last night, you 're trying to accuse people of rape. so closed the topic further to tell someone
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about what happened. antonov gena big boy and where is he now? i don't know. so sit here and wait for the sailor to eat. okay, come on. don't be afraid of anything from me.
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that's all because you went with me. if i went alone, everything would have passed on the ointment a long time ago. i have a headlight whose room.
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please. we have children rushing about with the currency. and how to raise money there is nowhere to take, the hunting season has not yet begun, the sawmill is still standing. there is no work. whoever wants to work has a job, so this is the boss in the city. and we absolutely cannot go to the city. how can we drink such things, and in the city, how not to drink? matthew look, please, please let go. there is a law, we will
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not draw up a law. you know, no, it's okay to live. and how do we do it? get out lyosha protocol. and where is he giving you a verbal warning?
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stand stand
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why is a credit savings card the most profitable in the country every month a new interest-free period of 120 days begins? make purchases.
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cop wars today at 20:00 on ntv when everything is not easy. more than 50,000 movies, series and shows online cinema premier there is always something to watch, it is 15% larger than regular noodles and it also contains 10 times more vegetables. we didn’t have time to bake pancakes, so they have already cooled down
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healthy for much longer. and who does not like family vacations in nature or in the country, the unique aroma of freshly cooked barbecue, but in the fresh air. it instantly cools down with a thermal saucepan, the kebab will remain hot and appetizing okroshka, beetroot gazpacho soups, without which you can not do on a hot summer day. this is a real magic in your kitchen - a thermal saucepan does not require special care. delight your loved ones with fresh and delicious food, and that's it. it's no hassle. order a set of thermal pots. the magic of taste at a price of 3.99 rubles. call us right now and we will give you a discount and a set of four unique thermal pots will be yours for only 2.99 rubles. but that's not all when ordering. you will receive free shipping. call by phone or order on our website lemax. bark branch
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damaged roof a small leak can grow into a big problem and cost you tens of thousands for repairs liquid rubber fix pro three in one in a couple of minutes will close any crack, seam or leak without special skills of tools and assistants, liquid rubber is an innovative material that combines the properties of rubber sealant and glue, forming an elastic waterproof seal. it completely blocks the penetration of moisture, closing any currents , the pipe flows, the roof flows under the screws , the hose and the exprodrive are torn. three in one solve any problem, three colors, black white and transparent, do not throw away, cracked pot. just apply liquid rubber and a pot to the crack. but as new, liquid rubber is safe for people, animals and plants. call and order xpro 3 in one for only 999 rubles. but call us right now and get a second balloon as a gift. call by phone or order on our website leomax. i've been
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free all day in the morning, right? pour no thanks will not come true. well, your conscience is starting to bite. yes there was there was a newcomer, how is he there? even if he gets out until the end of his days will you walk? do you know who its like that? carrots andryukhin father said it was necessary. how smart you are, yes well, then it's understandable. why are you booing?
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it's ok. avengers calm down, you, calm down! just bought more diapers. yes, you went yet because of you we will amuse consolation. it was necessary to remove a normal girl and that's it. come on. i thought that yes, not the place you thought there. listen, there is something to do to give. come on, give it up.
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here is a service weapon shooting in a residential sector, and as a result, the css will be whitewashed for you for the loss of service weapons, and also shooting. i think not a full official will be discharged. and your friend, a sailor , is sitting somewhere right now, eating vodka and having a special training snack with him. what do you have? and you started to shoot so hit. what proposals did we
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discuss with our neighbors, brother. he works as a forester in our area. what brother brother he had a student was a student graduated. i got a job as a technical forester in our area lives. there's water in the vestibule of the instruments, it's great. and most importantly, listen. can not hear anything. silence, listen, you can stay for a couple of days.
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and what is it all of a sudden? yes, i want to be alone to think, so you turn out to be a philosopher. tovic, when are you left alone? you also think at home, well, listen, thinking is sometimes useful. i don't understand. okay, come on. uh-huh, i see someone, antonov sang with his teeth.
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but when i saw three, on the street, the main thing is that they are such pretty friends, comrades. wait, you might once, he ran away a long time , you talk a lot, if we take the villain there. if not , find out where i'm going to go. let's go
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laziness on twitch you are not in a hurry, not that yes, i have a shutter on the vertical the client does not look.
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where are you brother? what are you, golf coat? grukov captain, brother? i ask where he has the right not to testify against himself and his relatives. we
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need your brother. well, yes, in the city like. what did he say? if you see your brother or find out where he is,
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inform me right away, otherwise you will sit behind me. you take, do you want to plant? well, let me be afraid. i was already sitting there, but only then i will go out and you will wait. look with a match. you're a different brigade worked here, but for me
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drum which brigade works old new to me the most important thing is that the state commission does not foul me, when i publish an object, the old new one will fire everyone in the core of the phoenix, damn it, workers, how does the quarterly bonus receive, this is not the first, yo-mine. how about serving lunch? so not a damn thing will fix the freaks about them. so i still didn’t understand where the hydride insulation was, where the facing brick was. who are you gone. why are you side on the object?
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nicknames captain kryukov so you're talking about andrey right? about so what happened? prokudin killed? as
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he spoke calmly. how many were there three? dealt with two. well , one, as i understand it, there was fittings in the coma of the second floor. she lay well. i also
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returned six to one family, but then i didn’t have time. just a plank.
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well, as an option, i won’t go without a tunic. what a thin woman, why should she break this life? i love gene, you're outlaws, now you understand? denis what's wrong with you? trouble at work
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don't tell your mom. not a word to mom and get 10 percent cashback for purchases of products kingfisher premiere today 16:45 on ntv transparent conditions, by credit card gazprombank grace period is always 180 days without interest and every 2 months. it starts again. and also free service and cash withdrawal without commission
9:51 am
up to 50,000 rubles. per month. this is our usual ivanovo morning. i want more of us , i really want more of us, this is our purely smirnov problem. so how do you get past here? i want there to be more of us these are my best evenings of the pokrovsky evening. i want there to be more of them, because there is nothing more than happiness. it's our birthday and we've got a surprise for you. our app product to choose from for just one ruble delicious point one year together kingfisher. sawing a tree is exhausting and hard for a long time, especially if you are far from home, the world of honest prices presents you with a cordless chain saw, two trimming
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boards, trimming branches, cleaning bushes. this is not a complete list of the works that it is capable of. the mini-saw is an indispensable assistant during construction, repair, work on personal plots, caring for trees and shrubs, light weight and ergonomic shape of the handle allow you to use it. for long periods of time without feeling, fatigue or discomfort the special guard provides additional protection when working in hard to reach places and confined spaces the copper winding motor has enough power for such a small size the chain of this saw has been designed to cut wood quickly smoothly and with the least energy consumption. call and order an eyelid cordless chain saw and get a reliable and loyal assistant. cop wars today at 20:00 on ntv hair length is not allows you to make interesting hairstyles styling
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in the salon is expensive, and the extension also harms the hair . just wrap the chignon around the bun. and almost any hairstyle is available to you, a chignon will literally merge with your hair blond brown, black dark brown or dark chestnut, artificial hair of the highest quality and very simple care order a chignon intrigue from la max of everything for 999 rub. and you will get a second chignon absolutely free, but call us right now and you will get a set of ruby ​​passion jewelry, but that's not all just a bottle today. luxurious perfume may be a gift, the offer is limited to lemax purchases with a plus.
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who's there yes, do not be afraid.
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hang on with him. valyusha vitamins , eat your vitamins yourself well, it’s good
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that you’ll save money. and the fact that i called something there, people in the village found out that we want a baby. well, now what are you a book of some kind? yah you. let's go let's go. genochka
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we must leave, but they've already come to life so they're baking. i can't
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do that, you know, i don't want to. i'm sorry, this is my fault.
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he came running at night, all sitting on the ground, he said they wanted to kill him, they demanded it in the corridor.
10:00 am
i continue the glorious traditions of the turkic cossacks of the terek brigade for exactly a year in the ranks , now they are fighting in the direction of solidarity, how effectively they will tell. what can touch a stern fighter on the front lines with a package or a letter from home? how the field mail works in the special operation zone will tell sergey pikulin? russia china is preparing to resume visa-free group travel when they are launched. as well as in kaliningrad , they seriously tightened the requirements for sending goods across russia. why are kalinin knitted socks on the way


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