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tv   Sledstvie veli  NTV  July 24, 2023 4:20pm-7:00pm MSK

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and the brand of the social network needs a new x, according to the mask , it fits, because ilya can mean anything about the economy. all thanks to denis allaev with an economic review. the viewer of ntv in the capital is waiting for the release of today in moscow, and we will continue to broadcast for other regions in the central part of the country. more than 2,500 tourists evacuated to corfu due to fire greek authorities can't cope with natural fires. there was enough fire on the island. in the vicinity of the mountain pantocrater and spreads immediately along the southern and northern slope, agricultural. lands. destroyed, there was a threat to local residents and tourists on the island at once three new hearths, there are not enough forces to extinguish. former minister. the defense of the country said he will cope with a natural disaster, without russian aircraft. the be-200 amphibian will not work and urged the quote to bow their heads and ask for help. end quote natural fires in
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greece in a week. it has taken on an unprecedented scale. only in rhodes emergency service. evacuated about 19,000 people, authorities. they say it's the biggest in the country's fire evacuation history, greece has not experienced a heat wave in the past, and so on sunday a new temperature record was set. in the southern part, the peninsula. klapanas, the temperature exceeded the mark of 46 °. parliament approved a controversial judicial reform on second reading that sparked widespread protests across israel and is now awaiting a third reading. if the new law is passed, the courts will no longer be able to change the decision of the government. in the event that they are deemed to be beyond reason. thousands of policemen came out on the street that night again, again using water cannons, protests engulfed all major cities, countries, even the us president said that the israeli
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prime minister should not force the reform, because this would lead to a split in society . they installed a cardio simulator for him, but last night he addressed the citizens no worse. hinting. what a dialogue on controversial reform. it's still possible. that's what we'll talk about later in our issue. the lc is already preparing for the heating season, they need to restore the infrastructure after the shelling of the psu, the expedition of memory in the kuban is looking for the remains of the red army soldiers who liberated the caucasus from the nazis, who are black breeders and how do they save pets from them in russia? what i love
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gribulina secret for a million on saturday at 13:00 on ntv program today we continue our release in russia, it is necessary to create a state program for the rehabilitation of minors who have suffered from the actions of the kiev authorities about this today, following a meeting of the parliamentary commission investigating ukraine's crime against children, said deputy chairman of the state duma anna kuznetsova, he said now it is important to develop a legal status for such victims and establish a rule that will help create an appropriate state program help children need not only recovery, but also psychological support on an ongoing basis, said kuznetsova separately dwelled on the need to tighten control over the transfer of minors from orphanages. to third parties by proxy in this way. according to her , hundreds of children were taken out of the new regions, oh, fate, of whom nothing is known now. in view of this, we propose to take the next step in this direction, namely, to tighten in this direction in a special manner with colleagues, we have worked out, including dna analyzes other decisions and including a court decision. on a date, they also decided to approve the criteria by which children will be recognized as victims of the actions of the kiev
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authorities. create a unified register of victims. the liberated lisichansk in the luhansk republic is preparing for the heating season , the city infrastructure has suffered greatly from last year’s shelling by nationalists, and even today they sometimes hit the water supply facilities of the power industry, but this does not stop the utilities, which step by step returns the townspeople to their usual life and real conveys. if now and a good drink to try. well, filter it. and how far to restock for a family of three . victor has to keep 780 liters at home every two or three days. but a year ago during the battle. one could go to lisichansky for water only during calm hours, and often one had to pay a terrible price for a sip. she tore
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it in half, dropped it, even now the path to the source is relatively safe, because the soldiers regularly hit the city with rocket and cannon artillery in such conditions, and stable communications, unfortunately, is out of the question. an open tap provides water to about 30% of the houses in lisichansk. the thing is that the city now feeds only one water intake, the second one is planned to be completed by the fall. after that, the percentage of subscribers connected to the water supply. should increase almost twice the most difficult situation with water in the western part of the city. she is closest to the front line. that's what we supply. uh, already, probably, there is now to play, we put them, that is, we don’t deliver about we are redistributing 12 water carriers of 10-cubic meters we have already made wells of technical experience we have raised problems with electricity it is more difficult to solve in the city the enemy is trying to knock out
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substations. as soon as they are repaired. it's good that batteries are not in short supply, but they are expensive on the market. two large ones for 600 rubles are enough for victor for a month. perceptible. yes, of course, the tangible gets 10.000. pension pensioner. my daughter does not work anywhere, while we are now without electricity , about half of lisichanskaya is now, but electricity is supplied bypassing the old ones. destroyed highways. there are two solutions. which one will shoot first? well, i think by uh the beginning of the season, that is, the city will be with electricity. but almost everyone does. there is already gas here, which, together with electricity , will help build a heating system by analogy with the proverb. prepare your sleigh in the summer , 14 block-modular boiler houses, each with a capacity of up to 6 mw, have already been deployed throughout lisichansk, this volume is enough to provide heating in about 2-3 high-rise blocks. now all these objects are undergoing
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the first launch tests in parallel in city. the heating circuits in residential buildings are being closed by builders from the region of the chief of tatarstan in more than 40 apartment buildings, they will replace the roof, which was pretty cut by arrivals, windows, heating units and even communications. accordingly, here are traces of moisture. well, of course, this electricity cannot be given, because, firstly, it must be dried and before it is given, it is necessary to make an audit to complete the work, the builders are planning much earlier than the heating season, which this year has every chance to pass without stoves bourgeoisie. ilya lyadvin. grechkin ntv lugansk people's republic in the krasnodar territory , a large search expedition is being completed, its whole remains of the red army soldiers who liberated the caucasus from fascist occupation
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, such excavations in the region take place annually. this year, the operation took place, especially large-scale ventilated 80 years ago in july 43, soviet troops broke through the blue line with great battles. this was the name of the chain of enemy defenses, which for many months seemed impregnable. there on the taman peninsula thousands of soviet fighters remained, 46 of them this year discovered the ground, located by the troops on the expedition in memory of svyatoslav in the city of the order. deprive the soviet military aircraft , the search engines learned a few months ago it was necessary to wait for the farmers to harvest before starting excavations. you know, he's around here on the field somewhere. here, and then i came to him simply by indicators for the third year in a row, search engines have been working in the krymsky district of the kuban from spring to autumn forty-three years. here were the hardest battles breakthrough blue enemy defensive lines. the losses
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of the red army were considerable for 3 years. the search engines found the remains of eighty soldiers found a tank, more precisely, fragments. it's probably a t-34. and now the plane is even still after so many years. i just help local residents, that is, memories of grandparents, then lead to such finds 80 years ago. here it was not a field, but swamps, and falling the plane could go to a decent depth along aluminum fragments. found on the surface, they installed the model of the car , the search engine already knows where the fallen ones are the plane knows that this il-2 remains. the most important thing is to get his il-2, the legendary soviet attack aircraft, a flying tank, the germans called it the black death. this is not a forced landing. this is a fall. the il -2 probably did not explode when it crashed, although it assumes that it was only going on a mission, just the swampy area was not allowed to be tinted with ammunition, the aircraft engine went five meters deep, in the end it was raised. the number on it has been preserved
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. the archives will be able to find out and the fate of the pilot suggest that there was one on the plane a man, perhaps he managed to jump out the found attack aircraft with the first modification without a cabin strelka in a rural cemetery 46 soviet soldiers are buried with military honors, the search engines managed to return only one name private dmitry alexandrovich besedin born in 1910 from these places kuban he was drafted in june forty-first a year later the family lost him as it seemed forever. dad was two years old when he went to war. yes, he was also looking for the missing private besedin , who was identified by a note in a soldier's medallion. that's great rarity. brought back to life, in fact, here is a person whom we didn’t think for a long time that we would see, oh , exactly 80 years ago. here, in the vicinity of the entire caesarean, there were heavy battles
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after the war, monuments to the mass grave were erected in the village. 477 soviet wars for more than 30 years, that search expeditions were going to the kuban, it was possible to discover and raise the remains of about 25,000 soldiers. despite the fact that there were several times more dead , not everyone was able to find and bury them in search teams. it remains for many years svyatoslav order maxim ekaterina belousova and alexander novikov ntv television company krasnodar territory. in vladivostok today meets the sailors from the middle kingdom, the warships of the chinese navy arrived at the port after joint with our military exercises after a short rest, the russian chinese sailors will go on joint patrols in the asia-pacific region mutual understanding without the difficulty of translation sergei tsingin. at the main military berth of vladivostok, chinese ships moored in a queue, foreign guards and destroyers have impressive dimensions, and up to four
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combat units. commanders of russian ships settled in svoboda, prudently , gave way to the guests on the shore, compatriots from china met representatives of the chinese consulate general in vladivostok , the pacific sailors prepared a welcome program, and the solemn reception began when the ladder was lowered from the side of the destroyer tsskar. this is the flagship of the northern fleet of the chinese navy hospitable russian land of foreign sailors according to the old russian custom. with salt, and the military band of the pacific fleet, according to all the rules of the protocol, first performed the national anthem of the chinese people of the republic, the melody of the russian musician is well known to the current visit of ships from a neighboring friendly country. far from being the first visit to vladivostok this time, it became a kind of respite after joint exercises in the sea of ​​japan. although the current exercise under the leadership of the joint operational headquarters. we used forces and means to jointly
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maintaining the security and stability of strategic maritime lanes and east asia major russian chinese maneuvers. north of the interaction began in the middle of last week in 4 days, the sailors of both countries completed two dozen combat exercises from the russian side, large anti-submarine ships participated. admiral tributs and admiral panteleev , as well as modern corvettes heroes of the russian federation aldan tsigindzhapov and the thundering crew of the latter, the day before, acted as a conditional intruder ship, despite the requirements relieve. the speed he went to a dangerous rendezvous with detachments of ships in his direction were fired flares, and then, according to a pre-written scenario, open warning machine-gun fire. no less successful and spectacular were the episodes with the participation of naval aviation , anti-submarine aircraft, fighters of both armies imitated an attack on warships, but by means of deck artillery. it was promptly repelled during maneuvers by russian and chinese sailors, who learned to quickly
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detect and destroy unmanned aerial vehicles. aircraft, the result of the exercise strengthened the friendly relations between the fleets of both our countries and our peoples as a whole. i wish all russian and chinese sailors to successfully complete all the tasks set and achieve the desired results for russian and chinese ships. it remains to work out joint patrol actions, but before this crew it will provide an opportunity to relax and gain strength in the far eastern capital of chinese sailors. an extensive cultural program awaits, chinese military sailors will extinguish in vladivostok 4 days. then the foreign ships will head for the base in tsindau for the little pacific oceans will remain in their native harbor for the time being, despite a rather intense combat training plan , there is a weighty reason to rest on sunday in russia to celebrate the day of the navy
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sergei tsidin maxim mintsev tv company, entovaya, vladivostok environment. vladimir burmatov according to him, such animals can harm the owner themselves, yes, and other animals, and in addition, the legislator has developed a mechanism that will save thousands of cats and dogs from the so-called black breeders, we are talking about those who breed purebred animals for sale, but as soon as a pet, for one reason or another, cease to be profitable. and then they immediately throw it into the street, will it be enough to legally regulate the keeping of animals. answers said to hit babaev, we redeemed by the black division in st. petersburg. this is the father of the disease. completely similar biographies here for all dogs. they were taken from unscrupulous breeders who used animals exclusively for breeding, some stories shock the attention. the picture is not for the faint of heart just recently 12 dogs from the kaluga
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region we bought and they are all 9-11 years old in one girl. we started combing the dog, and maggots crawled out of her. milana opened this shelter a year ago with her friend, girls find it on ad sites dogs are redeemed, treated and placed in new families by the activities of breeders. yes, and nurseries in general in russia are not regulated in any way, there are no requirements, and accordingly, punishment for violation of these requirements is not necessary at all. even something to understand in the breeds bought two dogs or two cats. and now the breeder. in russia there is a cynological federation, which organizes training courses, exhibitions, sports competitions. now the structure of the organization includes more than 25,000 kennels of purebred dogs and accordingly, all information about their
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activities. we receive them here and process them, and duck to those violators who neglect the principles of responsible dog breeding, responsible breeding, sanctions are applied by the decision of public bodies, up to and including exclusion from our organization. the phenological federation is a voluntary public association and other levers. they have no influence, but there is federal law number 498 on the responsible treatment of animals, which prohibits throwing pets on the street, however, essentially no punishment. for this violation simply. no requirement is that individuals cannot take and voluntarily. just leave the animals outside. they are obliged, either to transfer them to third parties, that is, to actually carry out the transfer. ownership or transfer of an animal to a shelter, however, within moscow and many other regions, the situation is complicated by the fact that shelters simply do not accept animals from individuals and we are faced with a situation that law 498 tells us how a person
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should act, but at the same time we do not have corresponding responsibility, and since there is no punishment, then you can do whatever you want. elena zoodefender in the winter of last year. she found out in their house. an irresponsible neighbor settled in our house, uh, a breeder lives, who, as used material, throws out cats already in terrifying, and the state of cats. according to the defender of animals, they are kept in poor conditions, walking under the windows. you can even hear them scream. the breeders tried to talk and called the police to no avail. neighbors say women are not always here lives. she only sometimes comes to feed the animals, they don’t want to talk to us, until she copes with the breeder, she doesn’t succeed, and the volunteers can only pick up the discarded cats. who is to blame clearly unscrupulous people who think only
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about how to make money on animals. and what to do in a good way in order to resolve the situation that has developed is the introduction of a unified system, state registration and the second is, of course, the introduction of appropriate sanctions in the code of administrative offenses either at the federal level or in the club of each of the subject of the russian federation, in order for law 498 to finally work, defenders believe that only legal changes are not important enough to develop a culture of handling pets. in the meantime, there is neither this culture, nor effective methods of punishment for breeders of four-legged animals, one can only hope that such animal rights activists as yulia milana or elena on hit babaev will find them anyway prutchikova ivan lakes vyacheslav spiridonov pavel kacher and anton malaekoedov ntv well now about the weather in the central part of the country five cool wave of july heat, so no. will she learn from rino polyakova in contact with us weather studio? well, what is the forecast for the near future?
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july, hopeful by all calculations, is finally rehabilitated a bit . details in a few seconds , the natural medicine ginkoum is aimed at protecting against blood clots, reducing blood viscosity and improving memory. in summer, the risk of blood clots increases blood viscosity, thereby preventing the formation of blood clots gingcum from the company valar natural protection against blood clots. so, a pleasant forecast, in the second half of the week the weather decided to return high-quality summer to the center of russia, however, only for 2-3 days and before that another portion, rains with loads with gusty winds today and tomorrow, especially tomorrow, when the rains will be strong and capable of flooding. i repeat. there is such a threat for all the central regions, but in the black one tomorrow there will be ups if in the center
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plus 30 will be attached this week, then in the chernozem plus 35 it will be so in the crimea and in prezuv, but for now it will be about thirty in the case of tomorrow +28 in astrakhan 34 rains, strong in the south will remain in some places in the caucasus in dagestan well, in the north, the northwest is dense under the clouds, cyclones. this means that even there are no small yes moderate novgorod region in some areas, strong air temperature does not plan an impressive rise. in st. petersburg tomorrow +24 rain, most likely in the evening and in moscow with rain. we will also reach 24:00, and on thursday at 30. yes, thank you, you were weather forecast from irina field. that 's all for now, go to our website see you soon.
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so are you serious? yes, written off tomorrow at 12:00. so your conversation with your aunt didn't work, honey. siran, you decided to drive me crazy. don't mess with her, she can't be trusted. why don't you listen to me not your doggy? what are you even wearing? listen sairan i'm serious, you can't predict the result this time. you don't know what could happen. you will dishonor yourself . do you understand why i stupid? you don't even have social media. what
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will you do iran will start a page, if it is necessary for work, i will start it without problems. you are still so funny, how will you get promoted, who will subscribe to you, dear? what's the difference to you? i mean, what kind of people is it none of your business, it's a problem. these are empty hopes, empty ones do not know whether they will take you or not, it turned out well in the pictures. as you yourself said, it means there is something to see. listen. don't fool me. i don't
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want you to work there ferid? why are you so harsh? i don't understand? what are you afraid of? in what sense? what am i afraid of, what am i afraid of, i don’t understand why you react so sharply to the most ordinary work, but i don’t understand why you say so to everyone and everyone. i want to be famous, so that everyone knows me, i want everyone to see me. well, what's going to happen? because you think it will make you
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significant. you won't work there? i forbid everything very simply point how well you said, i forbid, and i want and i will do everything very simply firit, what are you talking about? how can you believe the words of this eccentric defne? you didn't even sign a contract with that man, what are you even thinking about, that's why i 'm telling you that i'll see him. tomorrow ferrite, in your opinion, if you are so sure that they won't take me, then what are you so afraid of? i don't understand. tomorrow i will go. yes, i will talk to him. he will refuse me the contract will not. i'll be back home nothing like that. because of what you say, you will now have coffee with everyone who offers you some kind of job, so here's
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the thing. ha ha, what's the deal? no i do not i want to discuss this topic with you more will not. okay, i don't understand what you're trying to do. i still had some doubts, but you helped me to be convinced. thanks, i'm warning you for the very last time. are you going to work there? okay, so i don't know yet if they'll take me or not. but tomorrow i'll go and listen to what they offer me. okay. you can come with me if you don't want to, don't go, but you won't stop me. okay, look at that walnut lady. you cracked the shell lady and in istanbul, too, to be someone, just know
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so instead of being stubborn, better look for a common language with me. yes, i brought you some food, thank you sultan how do you feel better your head still hurts and
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does not go away? what's the matter? look, if this is something long, let's save it for later, tell me tomorrow, no, that is, if it wasn't something important, and i wouldn't even try to speak. what skulls is he that there with ferrite? today he asked me very strange questions about you. after that, when i did not answer him, he began
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to press. specify. what questions yes he said that everyone in the mansion has secrets. said he started pressuring me to tell. what did you say? don't know.
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what did i tell you, you didn’t see or hear anything, and you will forget about this castle and close your eyes. come back to the other side. do you hear me?
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fine. how are you doing? okay, i understand, okay, tomorrow at 12 noon. well, thank you very much.
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good night. what happens sairan nothing happens place and time tomorrow i bay meet. why are you going to a meeting that you're going to say no to? man what are you afraid of fried or what do you expect from this meeting? you are talking nonsense again, i do not expect anything, i am not afraid of anything. then why
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don't you get off this topic? why are you exaggerating? i just do not want. i don't want, you know, you don't want everyone you meet to see my wife. understood khanim. in fact, he is a successful businessman. he has his own brand for charity. i didn't tell you that a stranger called me and offered to meet. i didn't tell you sairan, but he is just such a person, he he saw you and he liked you. he is one of those men. who makes appointments under the pretext of work. are you sure what you say, i 'm married to you. why would this man make an appointment with me? just because he liked me. i made inquiries and rummaged. people judge by themselves, they say, this one and, again, you are transferring the arrows to me, why do you have such distrust of people? why
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do you invent in your head a thousand scenarios are interesting to you. this house was taught by relatives. i was taught not to trust anyone, not even my father. what your father did wrong does not mean that everyone is like that. siran, i don't trust anyone. i don't trust anyone around me. i don't trust people. clearly you got another answer, which bravo got . okay, we'll be late for dinner, get dressed. do you
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want? if i go down you can come in daughter good evening.
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he's got a headache, he won't be able to come down to dinner tonight. if you'll allow me, i'd like to be with him. we can have dinner tonight in our room, tell me don't hide it. i thought he should rest. please forgive us this evening. then
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tell him to cook what you ask tell him, if he is still awake, to look at me after dinner. spouses should always support each other. sometimes spouses adjust no, nothing is more important in this life than family, behave. that's how it always is. thank you. the
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do this so that you don't feel bad ferrite? because you would do the same for me. something told him that you were sick, that you wanted to come down for dinner, but i asked you to stay in the room. you are on the way down the stairs fell and hit her head. why are you suddenly we are with you? didn't expect then that means you've already canceled tomorrow's appointment. after all, your husband is against it, because
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sometimes one of us. good evening, i brought food, because the jelly got sick, and latif let carlos go, so i brought it. i am dasha feka xanim i said thank you. bon appetit. thank you. i 'll change in the meantime. i want to ask you something, just
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don't be mad at me. on new year's eve, i asked you not to be angry. i'm just asking, don't get mad, okay. you are deceiving me siran we made so many bets you think i don't care about my winnings, or what? are you lying to me in the first place? yes? no, i don't even think about it. so why don't you comply? it's not that i don't do it. and i'm just not ready for it yet. okay, tell me when you're
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ready. but i feel like i've waited too long for a regular kiss. it's just ugly of you to break a promise, that's why i say it. of course, therefore. then if tomorrow everything goes well, if you help me, i will carefully consider the proposal. i something will think. for the evening you're talking about tomorrow. ok. i'm looking forward to it. just don't let me down ferid, okay, i didn't agree, but i'll think about it. just look. i
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just hope you think. if you want, i can not think at all. okay, wifey. okay, think about it, think about it even free time. what are you doing? look, now the whole jacket is covered in red spots. okay, come on over here. i'll check if it will wash
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or not. yes, don't worry. she's spoiled. you don't know how to wash her jacket, it may shed. she's spoiled by a lot of chatter. come here me i will wash. i'm actually a seiran karhan challenge. so i love this. here, only you will lose again. just don't ask for help, okay?
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yes, you do know who you contacted. where were you? i can't leave the table that my head is splitting. new year you are with me, he is somehow strange, as if he does not
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respect. he begged off. he has dinner with his father. we need to be careful with both of them. okay, calm down. how can i calm down. we will deny everything.
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as long as it's not forgotten, okay? okay as you say.
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after all, you felt bad, i already better called me grandfather. how come from the living room i still have a lot of work to do? well, good luck. thank you, everything is in order, son, you look not very good. i won't
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keep grandpa waiting, of course. i thought you'd come later. and i thought that
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you would fall asleep, so you came early at that age, you don’t go to bed early. why did you yourself see so much happening. don't want to shorten the days, go to bed early. how do you feel? are you better now? grandfather from iran said. do you have a headache? the head just doesn't hurt like that, what happened, huh? is something bothering you? i don't know, grandpa.
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i haven't been very good lately. i'm glad you have a wife. she will help you when the going gets tough. you don't ask her about yourself, what, i didn't understand where you got me from so well, you know, ask try to look at yourself through her eyes. you know, i always saw her eyes, compassion for you. that's only if she's mad at you.
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we cannot be on our own forever. we have greed. there is a desire for its own boundaries. and if we add to this all our mistakes? one will be very difficult. i understand, grandfather. only you advised. be afraid not what's on the surface. from what is hidden. what if it's on the surface? maybe
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destroy everything around? how do you know, maybe it will be better for you? if you feel better. thank you, you came i saw and immediately told you. now go back to your wife.
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the discount will make the purchase of products significantly more profitable. get a debit savings card and get as much as 10% cashback. pay for purchases and win free products for
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the whole year. slivushki we knit tender sausages with meat and cream in them, delicate taste and smiles of slivushki knitting, delicate taste and smiles, you can pay online with any phone with a sticker or by attaching the phone to the tinkoff pay terminal, issue any tinkoff card and choose your payment method online with a tinkoff phone sticker. our whole family became clients of alpha insurance and moved to another planet. we easily take out insurance for traveling around the country and pay for the policy in any convenient way alfastrakhovanie connect to services future for peace of mind. in the present for 30 years. you choose innovation, for example.
5:25 pm
sberbank presents the lowest loan rate of 4% in the first month. stop guessing. check your credit potential at sberbank online and find out the available amount and conditions for all loan products from sberbank of the main directorate of own security, my soul, or what? your slav nikolaevich is giving me trouble. i already know, anyway, now my hands are untied. tomorrow i will arrange such races around the city all over the city cop wars
5:26 pm
we will defeat us, there is no other way out ntv is there an ideal washing machine, we gave it to test, an updated washing machine reton one of our potential customers, i'll tell you a secret, if she likes reton, we will give it. you have been testing the updated reton machine for almost 3 months as an impression. i am delighted, i thought it would be as an addition to the main washing machine. it turned out everything, on the contrary, bed linen, tried. this set has already been washed three times. please note the color is saved, what else yes almost all jeans, t-shirts, socks , children's underwear. this pocket, my daughter is not even allowed in cars. she is very delicate shoes or downy jacket tried to wash and shoes figurine. i say that you will appreciate the water consumption minimal works silently to wash something no need to run the whole cycle, for example, a couple of towels or underwear . and what about all the customers who did not fit into the washing machine? you
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were about to take it to the dry cleaners. yes, it was also washed with the help of the tone and it and the covers on the sofa. by the way, here he is let's go show that ringtones handle, and you doubted. oh , i forgot, i also risked washing the orenburg downy shawl before with my hands, you were afraid. oh, we checked carefully, as before through the ring. and now i will surprise you, look. how much your washing machine consumes almost 3 kw and this is not yet a full load, and now the updated tones. here, well, let 15 w be 200-300 times less. i don't even know how it compares electricity saves water saves. yes, i also noticed that my detergent takes half as much reminded the place practically does not take up, so chusova should be put in her purse on a country trip and that's it. yes, that's what we planned. i would of course keep it for myself. if you can, and you said that if you like it, you can buy it. i really liked it. and how much does it cost, the price is very democratic, but we, of course, will just give you this machine. oh thank you. call and order an updated washing machine
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and tone. the price will pleasantly surprise you. and i think that in a year you will save much more than it costs save time and money along with new rhyton. i decided to leave early. why didn't you say, you should have warned me to change, i wouldn't have wasted a lot of time and hurry up. i didn't just call you. i have a serious conversation with you, something is wrong . i wanted to. i see that it is not. don't date him. be honest, why are you so nervous? remember your family. i don't want
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him to get hurt, don't worry, my family and i won't touch the ferrite. i swear, i swear to you, i promise. thank you where were you for a long time, and i took care of the sweater could listen to you. did the lady really wash it?
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went to the hall, i’m going on business and i’ll come, don’t leave without me, we’ll go together. look, he’s a coward if he didn’t come, he was scared, you won’t believe it. he's super tall. i didn't expect him to if it was just about height. why did you make me wear blue? me at home. what to do let's go?
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let's not be aggressive. remember what happened last time is normal. talk and we'll go home. are you seriously what a coward are you both what to be afraid of? i'm thinking about you. allah allah do not be afraid, do not. i won't beat him, but i have to teach him a lesson, not ripened. if
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not for him, then she would answer my calls and agree to meet, i'm serious. you do not give her a full life and give. if
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i know that everything is fine, she will not be happy with him. they shouldn't be together. saw need more time and you 'll be behind her when the time is right. well, yes, of course, and when that time comes, and on february 31, noobs. do you even hear what you're talking about? tell stories to others. let's go and see for yourself. when the time comes, you tell me yourself, well done. i thought you couldn't do it.
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ferrito syran hello hello dear. what are you doing? nothing ferito? i am waiting? he left in the morning and has not returned yet. and you have plans. yes, yes, we were supposed to meet, and in the morning he asked me to wait for him. well, i wouldn't wait for him, but you know, if he promises, he comes. something i'm not sure, no , he'll definitely come, he'll come, but we'll be late.
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listen, as you know, i went and i can give you a ride. no. i've been waiting so long. you go, i won't delay. i don't think she'll come, of course she will. she could have come for a long time. i told you she was not easy prey. first, let him come, and then we'll see, easy difficult. what difference does it make, what do you know? how many of these girls? i met, but i 'm telling you, she's different, seriously completely different.
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well, i thought you weren't coming. i am surprised. so how can i help? you can not see the singing.
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in general, expensive sardel. you are no longer sawn down, that you are staring, you are not seen. i said i understood, in my opinion, there is no point in continuing the conversation better. let's pretend that it just didn't work out.
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the end will come. you understood the dacha. okay, don't get mad.
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where are you going?
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listen, that's not going to work. i have to go. i have another meeting. i thought she would come.
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and you have a meeting. yes, i decided to stay since she kept me waiting. hello, i'm efahan.
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is free. i beg you, don't do anything, we'll figure it out, okay then? uncle don't come here, so calm. you don't have
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to do anything. we will decide. don't worry, you're sure we won't go against your word. let go of it all forgot you. what do you think about, for me, the main thing is that you feel something, if honestly, i do not know. emotions
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have always been more important than thoughts, people themselves choose where to go and where to be, sometimes an inner voice screams at you. don't do it. anything is possible. only i can listen to my feelings in this moment, and i'm never wrong. listen to your heart. to be honest, i want to participate in the project, it just works out. if i refuse, i will betray those who need our help. i can't do that. in my head.
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i have something. thank you. here is the amount you see, this is just the beginning. i'm in general. i don't want to make it look like i'm inflating my worth, but im aware of the situation, i
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can't accept. such decisions are one in your family then your family. you wanted to talk to the erter, but first talk to me. you apparently
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misunderstood. tell me which hand? open the door, i say open the door.
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uncle leave us, i'll talk myself. calm down for a minute, calm down. today i helped you, but next time i won't be able to. ok.
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allah and you good good, pentalgin extragel contains a special component for better penetration into muscles and joints haemorrhoids.
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ambulance tomorrow at 14:00 on ntv cop wars today at 20:00 on ntv three reasons to take a big combo at a delicious point shiny turquoise purple buy a big combo and collect a collection of glasses. you get a special status, increased income on accounts and deposits, free maintenance of the tinkoff black card, and much more. subscribe to tinkoff pro and get the first month for free. he is such one valuable gifts to refrigerators gifts to refrigerators in
5:54 pm
yes, yes, i really liked it. hi what so happy. i told you, just buy him africa now, by this age , almost all men, what are you whispering about? i want too. come on, and mine disappears all day in the garage with the men. as you say , it is called to try once than to hear a hundred times. for yourself and women for their men
5:55 pm
designed by switzerland also by calling right now you will receive professional advice. remembered. and remember, it's better to try once than to hear a hundred times what you will definitely rate call right now and we we will try to create an individual offer for you. do not doubt. join those who have already
5:56 pm
experienced the simple trick and leave your feedback for those who still have doubts. call, don't hesitate. irina gribulina a secret for a million on saturday at 13:00 on ntv, a branch damaged the roof a small leak can grow into a big problem and cost you tens of thousands for repairs fix pro liquid rubber three in one in a couple of minutes will close any crack, seam or leak without special skills of tools and assistants, liquid, rubber is an innovative material that combines the properties of rubber sealant and adhesive, forming an elastic. here is the permeable seal. it completely blocks the penetration of moisture, covering any shadows. the pipe has flowed, the roof is flowing under the screws , the hose has broken, it will solve any problem, do not throw away three colors, black white and transparent, a cracked pot. just apply liquid rubber and a pot to the crack.
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see how the new liquid rubber is safe for people, animals and plants. call and order xpro 3 in one for only 999 rubles. but call us right now. and get a second balloon as a gift. call by phone or order on our website okay, don't worry. you so i can't burak you can call sarter good now. wait, someone's calling. reset, hear reset. listen to me, you won't see him again. you block him, wait, something happened. what's happened? you
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don't talk to him anymore, you don't see him anymore. saw, are you stupid, what can he do? me like you don't understand how you can be. how can you communicate with someone like that? i sang, i will come to you, and then i will be very calm. are you me? don't tell me well, you said you're not yourself. come on, let's talk later so that i never see him next to you ever again. i
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will be in your life in yours, i forgot you. i have my own path. i just don't believe i don't believe it. only hurt yourself, do you understand me? fool something happened?
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what happened to you? calm down, it's nothing. hey, what a question we talked calmly, the brother is nervous. something else it happened? no, i was just a little scared for someone. can you tell me what happened? we met with him, but then he hit me, and they immediately arrived. they didn't do anything to him. then we talked to him in private and everything and
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everything. we are home. seiran is waiting for me. but i will show them. i will arrange this for all of them, he will regret it, they will all regret it, there were as many as 10 cars 10, what would
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you do, you don’t give a damn. do you understand me? i didn't close anything. don't even ask me. i don't whine, what are you up to, huh? look , there's nothing we can do about this situation. we'll tell you clearly. everything is khalisu age, and in front of him arhandbai these guys, it’s not a joke to joke
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, a very serious body arrived. do you hear? thank you please. thanks iran where have you been? where necessary, mind your own business, yusuf was allowed to ask questions. i'm not here for work, but for the sake of a friend, she's here again began the choice. you have already done. so just live your life. okay, are you jealous of
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the merciful. allah give me strength, i would not advise you to be stupid with this girl, you hear, i'm not your husband. sir, i don't usually do stupid things. all of himself is such a businessman, but i don’t know if he will risk a large amount of money. no, he decided to go to bed, so he saw in you. something i'll call you back, ferrite
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came. well hello. are you early? i'm sorry, i wanted you. that i called wrote, you could not answer. at least you found what you wanted, everything is very difficult there. i what were you thinking? if
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i could come. was with his girlfriend hmm or lost track of nose time, iran let's call daphne. and if he hasn't left yet, we'll set up a new meeting. come on late. i went to him myself. i'm not in the mood for jokes right now. cyran i told you i
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'd go. i warned you, yes, and i offered you to go forward with me. yes, you see, you yourself knew everything very well, but you said and what difference does it make to say and do these different things. how could you even go there alone? we wanted to go together. calm down , he yells at you and it’s okay, you still listen to him, but do everything he says. now you've got it all figured out. kill hold back.
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what's happening? aunt don't go? our deeds for you do not touch. we climb you into the room with questions. calm down. im not your wife. kindly respect me. ah, so, it means that, as that is, his wife, he should not respect his tongue because of the two of you. and so the whole family suffered. leave, we just got back from the hospital. you already forgot, that's enough already , go away. and don't break in here again, so you understand me? aren't you ashamed to come to dinner, like give!
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how long have you been here? what is it? he told you something, he makes some strange hints and began to be rude to me. we already discussed. what to do we will deny. i don't
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know, they fought, but obviously because of something else. with age, changes in vision can change the usual things, then the background was created to nourish the restoration and preserve the youthfulness of the eyes, it is recommended to apply it every day for three months, then it is now in a new package specifically for course use. we did it together. only thanks to you we have created stars, exciting news enjoy. thank you thank you
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cop wars today at 20:00 on ntv tuk-tuk-tuk, this is a sale knocking leather bags and backpacks from 3.000 rubles. run stylish clothes for everyone from 550 rubles. sberbank presents a credit potential service. plan your dreams. find out in advance the amount and conditions for all loans available to you. calculate the credit potential in sberbank online right now and apply for a loan. at the lowest rate in sberbank from four percent for the first month. with a discount on the next purchase, a magnet, and this is where they
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the main thing is to forget irina gribulina secret for a million on saturday at 13:00 on ntv every year in may we remember and honor the memory of those who, at the cost of their lives, led the country to a great victory on all fronts and in the rear of the soviet people. every day he worked for a common future. one of the most significant awards was the order of the patriotic war. this order, the brightest symbol of military history , courage, fortitude and love for the motherland, is one of the few remaining in the legacy of the future generation of the imperial mint, minted the order of the patriotic war on commemorative metal free for every russian. you pay only 299 rubles. the delivery medal is covered with pure silver. minted on a medal. the highest awards are embossed with commemorative dates and the inscription great victory, save the history of the great patriotic war for
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future generations. call and order a commemorative medal by a free phone number or on the website of the order wow dot rf. cop wars today at 20:00 on ntv hey well, what is there? ready or order? if you want, i can fry the meat for you. well, i can make a salad with beets if you want. i don't want thanks then you want. now i will wash my hands. burak are you really an idiot, didn't you think that ferid could show up? well, let him come. we don't laugh here. please, burak let the sarte
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go. if you are so afraid that he will come? let's go to a cafe then. yes, i don’t want to, i don’t want anything, i don’t want to go to any cafe and i don’t want ferid to be found. here what? you don't want to. and nothing happens quickly. yes? i don't rush you. and then how will it go, i'm suffocating, is it clear to you? i want to be alone tell the sorter to leave. finish dinner
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is cancelled. esamin wrote to me calling me to walk near your house, maybe you can give me a ride. let's go to a restaurant together. i don't mind, okay?
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6:19 pm
hmm, even when dad is not at this table , for some reason, tension still reigns. well, how is aga related to stress? this tension is because of you mom. and why our aunt? you brought her into our lives. and she fucked up my wife. i have my own head on my shoulders and no one
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powdered anything for me. what's happening? so i went alone. how did it go alone? and so. i had to go alone. all it's because of you. shouldn't have been brought into our family. i warned you. okay. if there's
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a problem. why do you bury everything like that, what if the project is good, it is, but no, nothing that would be more important than the happiness of these. why well and how? i acted please, do not quarrel, please. in general, do not worry, i signed everything
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comedian just do not pay attention to her. how could you do this to us with iran, are you
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so naive, or what? you can speak calmly. do you even know that they deceived you like some kind of fool? well how do you know if you weren't there ferrite? i told you let's go together. do you remember? so why didn't you come, what could have happened to you and suggested how it would be better so you went to my evil. you allowed yourself to be fooled by them only in order to later blame me for all your troubles. bravo wifey. bravo went because i wanted to, not for you. you just took and signed. you thought for a second. is it necessary at all? i didn't think about it when i married you. and then why think? here it is hard again as always. i married you because of my dad. come up with something new. if
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you knew how to listen with me, i signed it at the behest of my father. maybe then and now we will find out his opinion. sairan let's call our father kazym now.
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yes, and wait, wait, my daughter is much smarter than you, i tell you. kazim's father, she signed the contract without thinking. how can she even know what exactly she was handed over to sign? son, well, that i should just sit at home doing nothing, like you. she should sit in a mansion and look at the sea as her hubby let it study it's what suits you that your daughter's photos will be published in magazines in newspapers on the internet about everyone who is not too lazy to gossip about her. it suits the papers.
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only because of you. do you even remember how you wanted to become, thus without regrets. and if she can't get her revenge, i'll figure it out, don't worry. now let me talk to my daughter, i want to listen to her. answer. i'm dad here, don't be afraid, everything is fine. i'll tell the karkan and discuss everything with him in detail, okay? so thank you.
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your father didn't take much from us, did he?
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where are you in the club?
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what are you thinking about again? i'm still worried about the seiran signature then it was not worth supporting it, for which i could that i basically had no other choice. agree, but think for yourself, he wanted to humiliate my daughter through me. i agree, yes, but would i let my daughter be humiliated, no, i can only i, only i. do you need anything else?
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look at the christmas present. zero woman gave me not the best gift, even a terrible one. just terrible. you said how you celebrate the new year, so you will spend it. it's like this you don't appreciate anything. you only like giving orders, if you respect your wife, she blossoms. and if you exploit, then get it. i'm not the only one and i exploit it as if you didn't use it. i'm tired of arguing with you. why are you a saint or something, and aunt go go go.
6:31 pm
there is nowhere else to put off your vacation august 12 is the last chance to win a trip. play your dreams this sunday and dream on a grand scale with a super prize of 100 million. national sbermarket lottery. i yes and give give, yes , they fly from restaurants. tai-da supermarket food, favorite and give yes we will deliver free hot
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food supermarket we force from cafe restaurants free of charge in it 10 times more than in ordinary noodles. you have a date tonight, whipped up with her juicy chicken, enticingly fresh vegetables , and an incredible light sauce. here, yes, lunch basketent for 300 rubles. in kfc and rostix restaurants, a daily solution from vtb is possible to make your home comfortable in one step and without a commission with vtb online get a free debit card for life vtb fondar antifungal drug with a unique flexible nozzle with just one click to use it hygienically and economically for an accurate hit and active action in the lesions of the fungus, get ready for the summer with discounts in the pharmacies of your city.
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details on the site but i haven’t tried the meat-cutting meat cutter from our farmers, we take the meat, chop it in the old-fashioned way, add fragrant spices, and simmer all things in the oven for a dog of juiciness and taste, and tasty chopped really tasty. wow, when you see a juicy summer sale on , buy polaris home appliances with discounts of up to 60 percent. national sberkarta lottery is a 10% cashback on products.
6:34 pm
the main directorate of its own security and my soul, or something, prison nikolaevich got me in trouble. i already know, anyway, now my hands are untied. tomorrow i will arrange such races around the city all over the city. it's time not to plant cop wars. and we will win, we have no other way out today at 20:00 on ntv
6:35 pm
i have been waiting for your call for so long, everything is fine to call, and i decided to have dinner. khatija how are you doing well? you don't worry too much about problems with the house, do you? i decided, that i don't need it sometimes i hear some voices in my head, but i don't listen to them. you are so good. thanks for calling.
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i can’t believe that you decided not to fly for me , work is more important, and i also said that it’s not so simple at all, we have seen a lot of difficulties and we’ll figure it out. so no.
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a self-respecting man is not fit to make
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a scene ferid. bazaar, what did you say? and the end of the deal is the signature of the lyre. you understood me. if sairan wants to terminate without problems, sairan does not play any role in this transaction at all. so the deal is over. to discuss working
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i won't repeat the questions. if you ever go near my wife again, i can't vouch for myself. okay. you're walking on thin ice, you can fail. i'll talk to him about the idea.
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easier no, it didn't feel any better at all. i
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can't understand one thing, why did you slip the documents to sairan? what are we with you? nothing bad will happen. listen, believe me.
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who are you? why should i believe you? you tell me who i am from here i don’t trust my own. and why should you if i see him next to iran, at least one more if you're guilty, do you hear?
6:43 pm
to a nightclub watch at 19:00 on ntv in almost half of russian regions, the resettlement of emergency housing will be completed ahead of schedule this year, prime minister mikhail mishustin said that among the government's priorities is to improve the lives of citizens in small towns, where about 40 million people live. they fled from fire and smoke. the current evacuation was the largest such operation in history. countries, travel agencies around the world report massive refusals of trips to greece, the main news of the day at 19:00 on ntv and on the website and in the application right now. narrow zero on ntv pelmeni caesar 169 99 magnet price, what you need sbermarket launches a new
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category here cheaper means for teething dentinorm baby with a 20% discount. unlike gels, they act 24 hours a day. order a savings banquet. coupon 5.05.0 is cheaper here on wednesday two chiki-pi you for the price of one in the kfc application dasha on tutu you can find a hotel and buy tickets for a plane train or bus tutu break out for a vacation, not something you can quit, like your vocaluga lessons. so, do not study for free at netologiya.rf, slivushka is obligated to have meat and cream in it, delicate taste and smiles quality hosting without alcohol. unreal german knights therefore the knight is a quality symbol holstin, non-alcoholic, german quality spercar kart will make the purchase of products
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significantly more profitable. get a debit savings card and get as much as 10% cashback bonuses from every order in the supermarket. pay for purchases and win free products for the whole year with a savings card. benefit every day. made a free month subscription to read and listen so as not to stop at the most interesting place. switch from text to audio in one click litress, even i am konstantin ivlev. i don’t know how to improve this taste in a tasty point they use 100% chicken breast meat, so you feel wu chicken and nothing more. try chicken snicks at delicious and dot 1299 today at 20:00.
6:46 pm
i told you, just buy him africa now, by this age, almost all men, what are you whispering about? i want too. come on, and mine disappears all day in the garage with the men. as you say, it is called to try once than to hear a hundred times. what you will definitely appreciate is a modern complex, which men order for themselves and women order for their men, developed in switzerland and created on the basis of natural ingredients . you can
6:47 pm
call the free line right now. also calling right now. you will receive a professional consultation of specialists on the action and application of the modern complex of a man , we repeat especially for you. remembered. and remember, it's better to try once than to hear 100 times what you will definitely rate . call right now and we will try to form an individual offer for you. do not doubt. join those who have already experienced prostate and leave your feedback for those who still have doubts. call, don't hesitate. irina gribulina secret for a million on saturday at 13:00 on ntv
6:48 pm
what do you sultan? i told you 100 times not to come here. she asked me to come to you. if you don't like something, complain to her, and i just follow the instructions. okay, sorry.
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let's talk, but next time you can call or write to me personally. i do not want to see the sultan tell me, i can punish her is not necessary. i do not like her. that's all. as far as i remember, we told you. but i see you don’t understand this, just as you don’t understand many other things, but let’s put it this way. to me, she somehow offended you in front of you. no then closed the topic of djing, it cleans you up. but you do not have any right to indicate where and on what questions i send the sultan. and you are also obliged to respect her. why did you call me? i'm
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listening. sit down. you have to back out of the deal. he is my husband has the right to vote, although this deal, except for me, nobody's business. i don't understand, and what does this have to do with it, but if you are afraid of a reaction, khalis, yeah, i 'll talk to him myself. he allowed me, my father will allow me, and
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now he's here, so i'm talking to me, you think you can just go to him like that. you just enjoying his favor in this house there is a rule that you must follow without question. if you're done with the questions, i'll go. okay , i said what i wanted and i hope you understood me . no deals. oh, i'll go crazy as soon as i come in, she immediately begins to resent, what again, who
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is indignant? whoever tsyran her husband walks until the morning, she breaks down on me. as much as possible with others, she is a sweetheart, and with me the witch is so no sultan. she's not a witch, if she 's mad, then there's a reason, tell me jealousy in it is so much jealousy that i'm shocked. it's just that you generally heard what you yourself said just now, what kind of jealousy, whom she can be jealous of, and most importantly, to whom she sees how close we are to her. this is where he takes all his anger out on me. allah what nonsense are you talking about? get to work.
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was waiting for someone. no, just you. great , great since you've been waiting for me. did you do what i asked? i could find out over the phone. if
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you knew how to communicate normally, then you wouldn’t come in. enough. i'm tired of your nonsense. the games are over, do you hear? so you are everything did? and i didn't think why? and what did you tell me that the seyran marriage was fictitious, that you wanted to see me so often, yes, and that then you offered me a meeting and talked for hours about seyran, and told me to move on, which is serious. you're mocking me, you're mocking me. what's the matter? you didn't mind. you said it would be better for you and me, and then you got jealous and wanted me to be jealous, yeah. do you play very dangerous games? pilot, you don't realize it, but you're
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only making things worse for yourself. you yourself wanted honestly for you some joke that lilo will never have any relationship with him. do not even think about it. if you start dating someone, then obviously not with this freak, either you yourself will get rid of him, or i will do it my way. calm down , the family, sarters, is not even close to ours. you don't have to have problems. i somehow persuaded him not to do anything
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bad to you. do you're completely out of your mind. who are they anyway? yes, i will bury them all. you understood me, understood white, you will call him and say that it's all over now, you will say, what he told you, ferid, but you will no longer meet with him in the saw. only over my corpse. and it will start to appear. just tell him that ferid will break his whole face. you understood me, the trees drank everything, who he is. at least you know him to let him into your life. you
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are completely stupid, you have dak shaitan and your friendship is so good that you call him and say that you are quitting, you understand everything. and what did you find in it, huh? i won't see him next to you again. the pilot never warn you. you understood.
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don't miss tomorrow. if you are a man then you tell me the truth right now, you didn't give a damn about me or my family when you took this job, i haven't decided yet. i think she will agree to evil, you don’t have plans for the future with me, and if you don’t , then i’ll have children, don’t hurt yourself for the sake of it. you don’t have your life with iran this is my king, what is your sister capable of premiere tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv
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the power of beauty the power of family the power of tradition the power of movement
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fierce battles are going on ukrainian militants are gradually being squeezed out of the fortified area improve engineering communications. how successful will tell. the battle for the caucasus this year marks the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the krasnodar territory in the kuban , another large-scale search expedition on the ground has ended, i remember the battles of the great patriotic war about this svyatoslav gordon the new look and improvement of russian cities the prime minister arrived to discuss in primorye


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