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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-6  NTV  July 25, 2023 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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chinese dad,
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how beautiful is it here? please pass. ladies
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and gentlemen, at the end of our tour, i would like to draw your attention to the work of the artist skobtsev, the portrait of the baroness. the artist was in love with the daughter of baron fontraus and wanted to marry her, but the crow refused the artist in the hand of his daughter, then the artist painted a portrait of his beloved, put all the bitterness of broken love into this work. the portrait is rightfully considered his best work, however, the baron did not appreciate his talent and refused the picture, saying that it would bring misfortune. ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much. now you can take a walk around the estate and see our expositions. please tell me, did this portrait bring misfortune. well , you can say yes. skobtsy began to drink too much and
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committed suicide. they are long before his death. the last owner of the estate saw this portrait, she could not take it away from the portrait at all and bought not only it, but also several of his other paintings, but the truth was that the portrait did not bring him either, the bolsheviks shot him happiness immediately after the revolution. thank you, thank you goodbye to you, come. thank you we have free space thank you very much. thank you mademoiselle,
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each painting has its own story during a short excursion, you can’t tell everything in any way. and what do you especially remember, i liked the portrait of dranes. here is the class. what technique can you learn art school. yes, she can look at paintings by artists for hours , i understand you work here. yes, i'm an art critic here several days a week, but mostly in the hermitage. and my dad works in the police. it's noticeable nikolai very nice with to get to know you.
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she lives with her grandmother, why her mother died in a car accident. no, nothing, tell me you have breaks. between excursions or free days? well, yes, it happens. but the predators probably work around the clock right? well, yes. well, thank you. i think you guessed it. glory
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ended with fingerprints. let's move on to the body of death supposedly occurred. from being hit by a heavy object in short, the old woman went up to the closet, turned her back to the uninvited guests. then her i came doubt so uninvited. she herself let in, the front door is not damaged, no signs of breaking in are visible, judging by the pictures, the old woman could have valuables. i wonder just what kind of remember the classics, what was the old woman-value-monger look for his despicable metal. those great well, what, while the magic took the allocation, they told me
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the murder, but here is my skull, so look, i'll have to ask the neighbors upstairs in the yard. in general, let's go explain the victim hit this right temporal bone. and to hook the tablecloth turned the aisle. medicines immediately you will not remember, uh-huh. here is the casket stood, but now it is not visible. there is a golden ring and a watch from a former life. she didn't sell them. and what else? and also a figurine. what is a bronze figurine? she
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was here on the table. clearly nothing more. wait. what is 15 today? she retired yesterday. no one else usually visited her. no, just me and my nephew. 10 years ago, since her husband died hmm children, she had no left she alone. she did not interact with her neighbors. well, yes, age 84, whatever one may say. although several
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times a man came to her. so solid very well dressed. and who is i do not know. and the other day i saw my nephew, nephew. say what was his name? pashka pashka loginov , the drunkard, kept coming to her to borrow money . who says i want to get married. it's lying to pay some kind of fine. she sergeyevna was not very fond of talking into the room. well , i thought if something happened, she
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gave me the keys a long time ago. here he tells you, tanya , the keys. you never know how she had a presentiment of some values. what are the values ​​of a pension? yes, a painting, but paintings are expensive, you won’t say who the author is, well, it seems to be her uncle painted in the twenties. so oh , she sold three paintings. you know how to live now on our pension tatyana stepanovna, please remember well. remember, you talked about some special signs about a man, maybe we need to leave. everything, almost ready in a few days you will receive a picture.
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how is he? yes, it seems that they played nothing all day today. it was cheerful. here is the medicine offended all pharmacies. see how he sleeps peacefully. it doesn't seem to be sick. news my girl hurry up to get ready. god forbid
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the market is running, let's have dinner together. hello it's all right. i will do everything as agreed. yes, everything will be as you said. yes, well done. well, what will please,
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lord detectives, what versions? well , the examination found fresh fingers in the apartment, anna sergeevna, some of them are not in our file cabinet, others belong to her nephew pavel loginov. he stuck us a couple of times on trifles. i called him, no one answers. well, you’ll have to go, that another neighbor showed that in addition to the missing casket with a ring, a rather heavy bronze figurine was also missing, doctors say that she could serve as the murder weapon our old lady is retired and has lately sold several paintings. how much did they cost? not yet known? in general, you need to find a buyer. start with antique shops and galleries. in our city, it’s unmeasured just what are we going to search everything. that's six months of work. if necessary, that means everything, but for now , start with those that are in the area where she lived, killed. thank you, everything is free, that
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you all go to him parasites, what is smeared with honey, or what? look, you've spoiled the whole ladder, then the op is standing, then the fight. i'm from the police, that loginov lives here. you didn't see him. today, my eyelids would not have seen this bastard. today was expected. listen here in the seventh apartment pasha loginov lives you have not seen him. listen, you still need to shoot a terrible one. i tell me pasha loginov is needed in the description. as it is said that he drank what was yours, and hid thirty pieces of silver and disappeared. okay, here you see an empty place, and before there was
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a portrait. excuse me for disturbing you, because there was a situation for these, i didn’t immediately you'll figure it out. well, yes, here, and then the portrait disappeared like a knock on the priest. that's why i called you right away and did the right thing. what's a portrait? well, the picture, that's what the portrait of the baroness was called. there is such a cute girl drawn. she sergeyevna was very fond of this uncle. she could stand and stare at it for hours. wait. what did you say the painting was called, a portrait of a mutton. there was such a beautiful girl in a red scarf. and her eyes were so beautiful. as alive, thank you. well, that's another matter. by complete uh-huh, well
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man, why? yes, i make me to him, as the scripture says. you can't listen to all the reasons. and help you can repeat. i saw pashka yesterday, in my opinion, he was with the money and now he returned it to us for a long time, we asked him, what is it like vodka, and then he left and that's it, where did he go. and we know he's been playing around lately. we do not approve of this, a drunken fool will never be police captain nikolai dymov understandably. how can i help, we are investigating a murder that happened in your area. anna sergeevna loginova was killed. she did not bring you pictures.
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well, now i'm listening to you. he was a very interesting artist. well, a cop. this is just a gift of god, believe me, there are not so many good copyists, and then at the beginning of the last century, our director bought several works, say a picture of the portrait of a baroness. she didn't bring this copy of a famous painting. hmm wait a second. i checked. we have a list of loginov's works that anna sergeevna had
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. this work she has. well, we didn't buy it. tell me how can i see the owner of the gallery, lord, he will only be on monday. uh-huh so call him. i will give you a phone. let's go guys. take your order. hi, how are you? as good as it gets. yes, not quite with us, or something, with you thoughts run faster. well, let's start working on another murder of the century, louder as always. masha please make it louder in the museum of the estate of count usoltsevo, there was a daring attempt to rob an unknown person into the forest through
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a drainpipe. he entered the second floor through a window in the museum building and tried to steal a painting by a brush. skoptseva was talking about the night landscape. the attacker has already made an incision on the canvas, but the alarm frightened him away, the criminal managed to escape from the scene of the crime, museum employees and security guards testify that the criminal is a classmate, my security guard. listen, by the way, to the portrait of the baroness. and the copy was in our murdered old woman, what are you talking about? no, i just visited the gallery in which anna sergeevna brought loginova's work. there are lists of purchased paintings, the portrait of the baroness does not appear, and the neighbor remembered that this particular painting had disappeared. well, maybe you sold it to someone else? why there is a proven place, hardly
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whether a lady at her age would look for another buyer, some strange theft. this is a museum. look, the criminal managed to climb in through the window. it is necessary to cut the picture, and then only the alarm went off. and no, well, really nonsense. somehow it turns out, the old woman was killed and a painting by a famous author was stolen, then the museum that evening. uh, they wanted to steal a painting by the same author, look, maybe he's popular in the west. odnoklassnick works there as a security guard. he can go and talk to him. are you going out? why forgive me
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today we need to be early give me why can't you, i really can't. this is very good.
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they said that it can be cured, but an operation is needed, it can be done in germany, but it costs me so much they will never earn. i thought the ex-husband would help, but he himself is broke. like this. yes, this is a problem. listen, i wanted to tell you, i almost forgot. do you remember the shrinkage where we met? yes, that's just what i remember.
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actually some kind of connection. apparently there is. you know the murder of an old woman. yes, what are you? yes, like this true, this is a copy, but brilliantly executed. listen how strange it is. a few days ago, a very wealthy german visited the estate, he was accompanied by a man, the owner of the gallery. i even worked with him once, it doesn't matter. i immediately noticed that he was very interested in skobtsev's paintings, and suddenly, just a few days later, someone was trying to steal
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the landscape. well, well, what's the unfortunate of me? remember, you told us that in the picture lies the curse is spreading. yes, yes, maybe . where is everyone? what's going on, and i almost found my nephew. he really didn't show up at home for the second day. in general, friends. they said that he yesterday lit up with grandmas put down. since
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then no one has seen him. well, well done guys? what can i say, did we work productively to hide the apartment? yes, take an apartment and let's go to open the apartment. opala m.
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do you think a wino can be a buck? what bucks? please go through the news
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come on, tell me, mata hari you are ours nobody sent me. i haven't seen my classmate for a long time. his name is tolya. he works as a security guard. manor. we haven't seen each other for a long time. and he, by the way, even at school looked after me. what's next? that's all. ok, come on, tell us already, we walked around the estate, looked at the hall where the kidnapper goes to the forest. by the way, they have a very cozy atmosphere there, a tape recorder or masha. well, it seemed to me that the guys alone get bored there, and sometimes they invite girls there to have fun. and i assume that there were guests there that ill-fated evening, although the guys, of course,
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did not admit this. after the theft, they were interrogated in detail. i either say, i need to go out. well, wash your hands, i went down the corridor and saw another room. i looked there and there computers monitors. well, in general, everything you need to control the alarm. so there is such a simple program that someone could easily turn off the alarm, some with whom they drank had fun to their health. that's right, but that's not all you've done, haven't done. oleg georgievich investigated the difference, it was caught that a german came to them a month ago and the director of the museum sagged in front of him like an adult , so this german, as soon as he saw skoptsev’s painting, he couldn’t take his eyes off it. so maybe a german came specially for her , they said that one of the germans accompanying this. someone called zhukov ugu maybe this is
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the same gentleman who bought paintings from our murdered german, of course, not a killer, but why did you come to find out you need to go to the museum, please. she fattened the starving philip kirkorov , then very thin and very shy, and helped boris moiseev to go on stage after a stroke . irina gribulina. decided to reveal my very personal secrets to terrible were the first and the third most beautiful second four. why did she endure for years? the mockery of her husband, the tyrant, was he jealous that i was a star? and how many times did he start everything from a clean slate , a jock comes into your forehead, and then you woke up from a heap, as you tried unsuccessfully for years to become a mother, and
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who is the father of her only daughters. soon you'll be moving, you're pregnant and her million-dollar secret. i will never come back to you on saturday at 13:00 on ntv, the testimony is clear . we are all living people, can you go to the toilet? or someone distracted you, it could be. theoretically, yes, practically no, we were not distracted, and the alarm could have closed from the rain or the computer crashed. okay, let's go. hello, can you tell me, where did the landscape go? is she refurbishing? thank you please.
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hello, how are you cool men's sofa? it wasn't exactly. well done, silicon, okay, come
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here. here, look at the photograph and the sketch , this man appeared in your museum. hi all. well, is there a museum? so in the museum, a german who recently visited the museum turned out to be a descendant of that very fontrauch, whose daughter is depicted in the portrait. he, it turns out, is the most famous collector. but what is the most interesting thing, as the director of the museum said? the woman depicted in the portrait is his grandmother. imagine, as soon as he saw the portrait only about him and spoke, in short, the german fell in love with grandmother. but if he fell in love, then we can assume that it was he who bought the copy written by the login order to the gallery, to which the murdered woman brought her paintings did not
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arrive, but he could find out about this copy from other channels and buy it directly. no, he can not such to be a german famous collector what kind of copy? this grandmother is not only the original. so who will be sold to him from the museum. right? what are you laughing at? this is our national treasure, which is why i think that the german organized this kidnapping. well, or we have someone helped organize. to do this , they had to steal the original portrait correctly, but even the director of the museum is convinced that it was the night landscape that had to be stolen. he doesn't know all the details, but i'm interested in him. oh , georgievich didn’t dedicate the investigation. it seems to me that the protection of something is not agrees. okay, i'll call the conniving branch. let them work with them. one of the commandments of the samurai is to divert the attention of the enemy and lull his vigilance, wait. are you saying there will be another try? i have a different version. but what if
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they wanted to steal and they stole the portrait of the ram, and everything else is just a distraction, wait, she hangs in the museum, as if alive, untouched, but if i carefully examined the frame, wait. you somehow want to say that the original was replaced by the phobias of our murdered old women. no, if you overdid it maybe, but i persuaded the director of the museum to conduct an examination of these two works. well, referring to you, well, thanks, i'll be friends, cyril, find out through the administration if anyone has registered a copy of the portrait of the baroness for export abroad. okay. what if the nephew was killed, there really is nothing here. yes, i also think that if he drunkenly flunked the old woman, this is too much. it just seems to me that whoever stole the copy of the baroness' portrait had a much more powerful motive. wait. but what if the samurai is right and the museum really the original was replaced with a copy, then it turns out, do you remember the neighbor said that they were
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very expensive for sergeevna, a picture for my uncle. well. she did not want to sell it, so she was slammed, because she simply interfered with the order. or vice versa, they decided to steal a copy. she came home ahead of time and found him in his apartment, then he had nothing left. you understand how to kill her, then a nephew appeared, saw the corpse of money, and everything was frightened. man, running away is also an option. in general, loginov will get this nephew from under the ground made. and tomorrow officially call the owner of this gallery, zhukov, he must know who was interested in the portrait of the baroness and its copy. clear? so just come on in. your order has been fulfilled.
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he's in the suburbs. the cookie had to work. and what do you think, while the trust has entered while the contact has been established, so you take this into account when you give out rewards to the teacher. you will deliver oh. away
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look no where there is not me no, no way at all. well, what kind of firewood is here? hello, what's wrong with this? it's clear.
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a copy of loginov's portrait of pronessa someone restored it. zhukov did not restore, but registered a copy for export abroad. well right on a ton copy, thank you very much. well, you see from the management reports that the beetle is going to send a copy to munich correctly, and he himself should appear at work on monday. we urgently need to find out which flight he took the ticket well. and what about this nephew with a login to you, he admitted his murder. no, he confesses, he refuses everything. well
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, besides drinking, i guess. also addicted to drugs. in general, he does not remember what happened to him, a may be lying. i'm sorry. trapper listens i'll go. come on, wait . shocked. well, why take this zhukov? don't look. come on, tell me how are you? how to advance the investigation? yes, it's moving slowly. do you remember what i told zhukov, of course i remember. well, here he is with us in the case of the murder of anna sergeevna loginova. what are you? kostya yes, zhukov is one of the main suspects, who would have thought. well, wait, i don’t understand,
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could he really kill a person, for the sake of some kind of copy , it’s not so. he's just on the case. robbing the museum where you and i met. yes, what a robbery they didn’t rob anything, the fact of the matter is that zhukov stole the painting portrait of a baroness. and now you have a copy made by the login in your museum. m. there are more nuances in this case. it most likely had an accomplice. while the accomplice distracted the guards. zhukov committed a robbery. so it could be. someone and a minister maybe, well, or some beauty, huh?
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maybe you said to repeat now, well , we should all suspect. you know, my circumstances, of course. listen, you suspect me, i don’t suspect you if your friends get through life.
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what if it helps you? well, everything. till tomorrow. we deafly, yes, they guarded all night. zhukov never showed up at home. slava yes, we also have a golyak. okay, let me call again. the sellers came, but he was not. listen, i'll go take a look. i remembered something happened, where your master mr. zhukov will not be today. he
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leaves after lunch. so show me his office. i want to watch it urgently. i'll show you the office, but you understand, it's still not mine. cabinet. i don't want trouble. nikolai, it’s spring, i wanted to tell you that i just found out that zhukov is not flying to munich, he is flying to istanbul. i don’t know exactly when the flights are in an hour and a half, my son doesn’t know the mile number, i’ll definitely call you back and explain everything, okay? i will definitely call back. now i can't speak. the plane will go. he is also the biggest not only that
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called. zhukov flies to istanbul in one and a half to two hours for the guys in general. let him leave the apartment outdoors, bullets to the airport. and we'll pick up an expert. okay let's go. well, it's my fault. come on, you can’t check all the flights right away, i bought a ticket at the last moment, but apparently i suspected something , and i chose istanbul, because i don’t need a visa to turkey, and i took a ticket to munich to avert my eyes. yes, cunningly invented do not say anything. just in case, i contacted the guys from customs, they will detain him until our arrival, and the expert i hope will confirm the authenticity of the painting . absolutely
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good afternoon . excuse me, mr. zhukov. hello, criminal investigation department. and what's the point? you are accused of murdering anna sergeevna loginova, as in every picture of skoptsev portrait of a baraness. allow the murder charge. this is nonsense now. the expert will give us an opinion on the authenticity of the picture that you were going to bring. in the meantime, please come with us. okay, please just keep in mind i might miss my plane.
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i won't say another word without a lawyer. your actions are illegal. i'm exporting a copy, as i registered, but the murder is some kind of wildness. yes, not so, it's wildness that a neighbor identified you from a photograph. she saw how you entered anna sergeevna and your fingers were there
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also found this way. so what, what call to the phone. who is asking her? don't you know? she flew to germany today with her son. you know your son needs an urgent operation. thank you very much and left your fingerprints there wonderfully. yes, i appreciated her paintings that you were identified in this illegal on the day of the murder. so that's how we got your community, and she's already testified. she said that you are the organizer of garages she also said that when anna sergeevna refused to sell you a painting, you killed her, what? yes, until spring everything she lied to you everything, i really helped steal her painting, but i didn't kill anyone. why why? think old woman sold me
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a painting for two grand bucks. this is crazy money for her. why did i have to kill her? listen that when he left anna sergeevna's, his apartment was already on the threshold. i met some drunk. he saw that she was in good health. go it. find him. he'll confirm when i left her. she was still fucking alive. well, loginov is gone now, spin around hmm and here tell me, please, kolya, and who is this spring bregovic, where did you dig it up georgievich? i think i know how it all happened, but that's a completely different story. so tell us, please. when baron fandraukh saw his grandmother's portrait in his estate. therefore, zhukov volunteered to help, it is extremely difficult
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to need an accomplice. the guide in the local begovic was ideally suited for this role. she is beautiful, she is educated. the most important. she needed money, and a lot of it, to have her little son operated on. struck up a friendly relationship with the guards on the appointed day. she stayed with them for the evening and faithfully entertained them for a while. she is in the restroom. the alarm went off. the bugger entered the hall and changed the portrait of the baroness. on a copy of our murdered old woman in time between works of some 15 years. therefore, the chances that a minus would be noticed were small at that moment, in order to
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divert suspicion from the kidnapping of the portrait. then she came. oh, that's why i reported the information when he leaves. so why are you sitting, you need to arrest this bregovic to return this priceless painting to the museum. why did they already do their job in germany, the killer, anna sergeevna took. i think that after zhukov's testimony of the login, it will not get out. this is correct. this is no longer our headache. let the guys from the antiques department do it.


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