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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 26, 2023 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] burning points the latest news about forest fires in the mediterranean and how the tourist flow reacts to the fire from the evacuation of the wounded to the supply of supplies, unmanned know-how from the kaliningrad region, as well as native shores who have already taken advantage of the state resettlement program or start everything from scratch. this is the program today in the dmitry factory studio. hello start with impressive or even admiring its main characters. news, tula military doctors. showed the highest level of skill in the special operation zone right on
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the front line, a 30 mm shell that did not explode was removed from the soldier's body. very, it seems collected ran minutes after two cars exploded completely. everyone then we were evacuated. you evacuated her car , then they did not provide first aid. about the fact that it was not a bullet stuck in his leg, but a shell from an automatic gun, a fighter. only found out after surveys in the field hospital, despite being close to the front line there, the most modern equipment medics made 3d models of the wound in order to accurately determine the damage and the position of the ammunition. this is necessary, to
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avoid detonation, the operation was carried out in body armor, observing special precautions due to the department of the surgeon. for a while, everyone who was not directly involved in the operation was evacuated. the operation to remove unexploded shells in the world is carried out by a few russian military doctors dared to take such a step in field hospital and once again confirmed not only the highest skill, but also real courage, the fighter himself is already undergoing rehabilitation in rostov. a drone designed to save the lives of russian soldiers was developed in kaliningrad about a self-propelled transporter that can be controlled remotely from a shelter. he is able,
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for example, to evacuate the wounded forward to deliver ammunition. now the invention is already being tested in combat, and before being sent to the areas of the special operation, a test drive of the novelty was carried out by our correspondent alexei chebotarev glove compartment to store the charger here, the battery is on the compartment here, blocks, well, there are secrets of the universal platform among themselves , the creators call it a tank and this is largely justified, given how without compromise a small transporter rushes through any obstacles. they felt the limits of the limit, he is generally some kind of tumbler here. it is interesting that this is a platform, but even what, it turns out, is beyond its power, it cannot. to lead astray the true conveyor can carry cargo more than twice its own weight of 160-170 kilograms
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accelerates up to 20 km/h. confidently controlled at a distance of 2 km. further, depending on the terrain , the battery life is up to 5 hours. such a technical task for the inventor was formulated by the marines of the bolt fleet, participating in their sherilli. for several years he was a hail driver. in one of the divisions, he maintains a strong connection with his former colleagues, but his teammates in the club helped to bring the idea to life, mixed martial arts into the baltic bears to enter from the sports carpet. and ringa decided to support the fighters on the front line in this way. many, yes, comrades who, sadly, of course, died and are in the zone of their hand jumped off their advice asked, well, not advice, but that it would be necessary to bring ammunition to bring the wounded from e. from the line of fire along the most dangerous paths targeted by ukrainian artillery, water, ammunition. basically. now our fighters carry compact, inconspicuous and passable front-line transporters. today
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it is not in service, but the soviet army was such a lover of russian technology always with luaz-967 is remembered with a special feeling , a small, but powerful all-terrain vehicle, which even swam to control it in the firing zone, the driver could lie down. pomil is more likely to claim that his invention has become as massive. however, the athlete, marine and graduate of the department of motor transport is sure that if his design is released at least in a limited edition, it can eliminate the need to risk the lives of hundreds of russian fighters. i would like to be noticed by the government, uh. uh, because the guys are in great need of such platforms. that, that the universal platform is not a toy has already confirmed. this is a tactical training operator without problems. he brought the conveyor into the building, the signal confidently passed through several thick concrete walls, along the narrow corridors the caterpillar drone reached the conditional wounded and evacuated him to the safe zone on the street. now the universal platform is literally being tested by combat. in the next morning. after our filming, she was sent to
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a special military operation zone. well, its creators are already starting to design next generation transporter. it will be more powerful and will be able to unload on its own. this is necessary to deliver everything you need to the hottest areas of the front line and fly to the battery dmitry sitnikov ntv kaliningrad minister of defense sergei shoigu brought the russian military delegation to north korea at the sunna international airport, they were solemnly met with the participation of the honor guard company of the korean people's army in the morning by the head of our military department welcomed the minister of defense of the republic on the way from the airport to the russian delegation greeted banners with greetings at the ministry of defense noted that the visit would help strengthen military ties and become an important stage in the development of cooperation between the two countries, our delegation arrived to participate in the celebrations dedicated to the seventieth anniversary of the victory of the korean people in the patriotic liberation war. she, as kim jong-un said today, brought eternal indelible shame to the united states and
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prevented a third world war. the korean leader laid flowers in the morning on the eve of the holiday. obtain russian citizenship in in the krasnoyarsk territory alone, and 17,000 people took advantage of the new opportunities. doctors , farmers, teachers, engineers are removed from their homes to start everything from scratch. civil war in tajikistan for state employees on the table hard times in search of a better life, the surgeon advised his father and went to cold siberia, he told me my father. well, choose from the fact that there is siberia
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of siberia there, uh, people are very kind. in general , i felt. uh, that i'm somewhere in a foreign country and so on is possible. in general, the sensations were, uh, well, as if in my own house and moved from one room to another. this is how it felt after moving to the krasnoyarsk territory under the state program, the doctor began working in achinsk interstitial hospital. here, the firda has fallen into the usual labor rune in terms of severity, of course, if heavy medium. eh, we usually don’t have heavy ones. only purulent complications. we have sepsis - the most burns and frostbite. so gradually firdavs went from an ordinary doctor to the head of the department of purulent surgery. the state program for the resettlement of compatriots is designed for those who ended up outside russia after the collapse of the soviet union hyphen, if veronika shcherbina started life in russia from scratch
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in kazakhstan, she had twenty-five years of experience from the status of a teacher of the highest category . her husband suggested that she leave kazakhstan for russia. drop anchor in a new place. it turned out to be easier in kuzbass, and because the younger brother has been living here for 12 years. and what brought me here, probably, was a craving for a culture that was not even related to my native culture. i don't feel myself. here, a stranger among his own among strangers. everything is very organic for new compatriots. after moving, they can also provide housing from the employer. it all depends on qualifications and demand. employee in the labor market support measures are divided into federal and regional federal support measures - this is the compensation of expenses for the payment of state duties or the compensation of expenses for moving to the place of residence, there are regional measures. this is an example of compensation for the cost of the field with a voluntary health insurance profession. training compensation for the cost of renting or renting housing and the payment
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of lifting allowances the program to promote voluntary resettlement is intended to solve two problems at once: shortage of personnel and demographic decline in different regions of the situation with these indicators is different territory of priority settlement. the far east from buryatia to the primorsky territory, where compatriots are welcomed not only with open arms, but also with a solid package of support measures in other regions and the requirements for immigrants are higher and support is not so extensive. but moscow and st. petersburg do not take part in the program at all. the siberian doctor, but with tajik roots, rashida is building a new house today, together with her son foundation and a spacious hall is being planned to gather a large family at the firdaus for six grandchildren, but there is still a lot of work to do - a new family nest. only the shape of goodness shrugged my future family nest , so to speak. vladimir bogomolov vlada kopylovskaya viktor melnik vladislav fishermen svetlana zakharova and yevgeny matveev
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ntv krasnoyarsk television natural fires around the turkish resort of kemer do not pose a threat to hotels tourists continue to rest there, said a representative of the association of tour operators of turkey our rescuers , amphibious aircraft of the ministry of emergency situations of russia, help turkish firefighters to defend the resort areas from the fire threat, work in difficult mountainous terrain and with heavy smoke, the situation in three regions of the country, including the resort of antalya, remains difficult forest fires. poorly amenable to extinguishing, where a high temperature of about 45 ° is steadily kept, extreme heat persists in almost the entire mediterranean. in tunisia , the day before, the temperature rose to plus 50 °. except turkey algeria south, italy and greece, forests are burning in croatia and in
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portugal, fire. the greek authorities have already approached the capital of lisbon and continue to spread quickly around its surroundings due to strong gusty winds, the greek authorities called the situation in their country close to martial law, but at the same time the country continues to receive large flows of tourists about the features of this difficult european summer, nikita korolenko’s report has already about 30,000 local residents and tourists were taken out by the greek authorities and the areas of the country captured by the forest fire. this is how the most massive evacuation takes place in the eventful history of greece, and apparently the scale of the operation will only grow. the heat has not dropped below the 40-degree mark for several weeks, and in the southern part of the peloponnese , a temperature record of 46.4 ° c was recorded in these parts, and according to our data, the heat will weaken, but in the near future. we still need to be in a state of constant readiness. i understand perfectly well that my words may seem banal, but they are sincere, they describe what i experienced for last days. now we are at war, completely focusing
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on fire, especially affected. the island of rhodes is a popular place among european tourists , the fire area there was more than 34,000 hectares. this is almost a quarter of the entire area of ​​the island. my whole life is destroyed by money - it doesn't matter, but here was my whole life. i live here now we have nothing. i cried when i first saw it. that’s it, it couldn’t stop roaring and i’m not the only one firefighters are trying to localize 82 forest fires in different regions of greece and are already carrying loss in the south of the island crashed a canadian firefighting plane with two pilots on board the authorities announced the start of a search and rescue operation in the meantime, and civilian casualties have not yet been reported. in neighboring italy, the situation is no less difficult, while the north openin is suffering from a storm, languishing from the south, engulfed in forest fires, the fire got so close to the city of palermo that residential buildings were damaged, and the local airport had to
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be closed for several hours. everything is delayed because of this fire on the mountain. we should have been in the 4:00 am flight to the plane was rescheduled for 11:30. in the mediterranean sea , dozens of natural fires are raging in six regions of algeria at once, despite the evacuation announced by the authorities, the victim could not escape by this hour. we already know about 34 dead ailii, that's all that's left of the restaurant. there was a coffee corner. here's the veranda during the fire. a man died here and died soldiers in an eighty-year-old man told us that in all his life he had not seen such a fire , neighbors warned us. we barely had time to jump out, as the fire already covered everything at once after the fire. we have formed a commission and psychology nurses to help the villages affected by the fire, our role is much wider than psychological support, turkey is also on fire, and three areas
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are engulfed in fire at once, beloved by russian tourists, antalya and also monisa and affected by the february earthquake. province, how romansh turkish firefighters are helped by aviation of the ministry of emergency situations of russia water and about 800 tons of water were thrown . the peculiarity of today's fire was that water was taken from the sea. he was thrown right there on the mountains near the hotel, the beach area, we separately note that southern european resorts are particularly affected by the fire; airlines are canceling flights . the prospects for summer holidays for tourists in these regions were called into question
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. in russia , genealogical research is rapidly gaining popularity to find out your family tree bit by bit. facts of the life of ancestors. and, if you are lucky and unravel the secrets of a century ago, the work of search engines often resembles a real detective, how they restore family history, alexey prokin observed his story , we will start in veliky novgorod here in our small motherland and the place of strength of our hero is the rich history of the family, andrei smekov, whose roots, as it turned out, are intertwined with the roots of the tree of the first rurik. at first , the entrepreneur, who has been living and working in moscow for many years, surprised me a lot with my grandmother for a year, and according to my father's mom, dad, and that her father was a nobleman, he was an officer in the tsarist army, genealogical research. andrei ordered 5 years ago to go on a historical journey. i decided in memory of my father. he painted
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icons at the end of his life for novgorod churches. and so it happened that ah, the circle is closed, yes, and the icons that he painted for the novgorod churches. these temples were built by his ancestors elena ufimskaya ekaterina guskova restore the glorious history of the village of maksimovka in the samara region and the heroes of this story bit by bit pilots alexei khabarov alexei voronov and vladimir komarov died during training missions and are buried in the local cemetery. where did you need to start? first of all, we went to the cemetery and saw that there were already graves in a terrible state. here, but communicating with teachers who were before me at school. they said that we had a very rich archive of documents ekaterina russian language teacher elena professional history decided that the thread that connects the present with the past should not be cut off elena and ekaterina searches led to the archive of the navy in gatchina where the documents of some pilots from the second
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reserve aviation regiment and the school of naval aviation pilots andrey from crayons were kept. i traveled along the path of my ancestors. almost half the country, but the very first pages of family history are always stored in these books, and the investigation always begins with attempts to make out the ornate handwriting, their compilers are the classic triad, and the archival documents that we look at are metric books. and the revist tales, that is, the tax empire , are all confessed murals. anastasia utkina heads the archival search department of one of the genealogy centers in the country now there are 40 cases in work, most of the customers are trying to establish kinship in order to claim the inheritance, but sprawling trees. such as this grow more and more predominantly. we deal with christian genealogies. this is hmm, since the majority of the population of the russian empire is still peasants, before now it often happens to me, but it happens, uh, it happens that there are also nobles. and
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it happens that the customer does not even suspect that he had nobles in his product . in general, all from different parts of the former russian empire, that is, one grandfather was from ukraine , his grandmother was from leningrad, the other grandfather. he was from the far east , to which he also moved from somewhere in the crimea in the third grade by hand in calligraphic handwriting, writing down the names of grandparents in notebooks leonid since then, he has established 220 direct ancestors. in fact, everyone who decides to study family history is surprised. how much can you learn about your own ancestors, because, despite many trials of time historical documents that help to return the past, 80 percent of family history has been preserved, inscribed in the context of the country's history, it turns out significant and weighty and figuratively, and that's in the literal sense of the word, but the first and. the main thing that everyone understands when they find out who their ancestors were. i'm not alone here
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at the genealogy center, answering a question. why is it important likes to quote mark twain who said everything we own is placed on the tip, needles, everything else was handed down to us by a long line ancestors alexey prokin mikhail chernov alexander chunov alena antonova and nikolai prague ntv television company this is the program today we are following the development of events. and a lot of other things are very possible for children , clothing for the zones, clothes for school , april, a blouse for 299 rubles. dress g499 rub. pants for 499 rubles. only in alpha bank.
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online 15% more than regular noodles and it also has 10 times more vegetables to wide. asked if i can work people with real experience, we will distribute 100 million rubles. entrepreneur nationwide money will get the best stories. tell us about your business on about the weather for today hello, in the far east, a whole network of cyclones is operating, the largest in area in chukotka, the most terrible of baikal without precipitation only in kamchatka and in yakutia, she would like more rain to fight fires , the high temperature in yakutsk today adds oil to the fire, + 27 the same amount
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of heat sakhalin took in blagoveshchensk 30 great weather to explore this farthest largest mysterious island of ours to discover the beauty of its god, enjoy the silence of the sea air from the heart , admire the almost untouched nature. well, now about the weather in siberia in the east. the rains are distributed fairly evenly in the west, autonomous regions will be flooded, and in the south and in the urals, too, almost without precipitation and everyone will get about cuzco from a warm pie almost everywhere the temperature is above normal, especially in the north. top tends to temperature and in the center the european territory of russia is already today up to +25 tomorrow all 30, but the scandinavian cyclone does not sleep, so even the money will not go anywhere small waves of heat will break in the near future to the north-west and it has not yet gone to the north today, 22:00 also with rain , but the heat goes along the hot corridor across the middle volga from the south from krasnodar to saratov for 30 on the way all 40 and while heavy rains with loads of hail are possible the republic

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