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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-6  NTV  July 27, 2023 4:55am-5:41am MSK

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liked? a primary, but i understand. and you yourself understand this, this is the same. in general, the word is the police.
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musya musenka don't be afraid, don't be afraid she ran away. go home. alina alina take the cat again
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, you will run around the basements.
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take well, two shots obviously the killer wanted to make sure he killed, for sure, when the murder took place a few hours ago, the details after the autopsy to me when tomorrow
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the door was open. she's lying there and bleeding. so hard so far. it is necessary that the trunk is nowhere to be found, but something tells me that it must be clean, that they lady lives. you didn’t see anything below, didn’t hear anything, but the man found her. he was not at home in the evening. was returning from work. sees the door is open. okay, go upstairs neighbors, chat. can i have a good talk with a friend? women would like to ask you a few
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questions. so we met on the stairs, we greeted each other in general, she has recently been living with us for six months, tell me a. maybe you saw some of her friends or admirers, i don’t know, i didn’t see anyone, but your son, maybe he saw something. denis denis yes, he i can't see anything except the computer. mom , he studies at my university, he entered without money, and now he is engaged in scientific work. thank you. excuse me, can i call
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from you? yes, of course, let's go to my room, come in please. tell me, did you go anywhere tonight? no, i was sitting at home preparing a paper on psychology. fine.
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good view from the window maybe you saw someone when you smoked? i already told you, i didn’t see anything, i didn’t see anything. but if you suddenly remember something. try not to disappear. worry. let's drink a glass, no-no-no, we are not kind,
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bitter relatives sent. tell me how your neighbor lived i can’t say much. but she lived only six months. well, they said that no one went to her nonsense. let's go to europe.
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are you with me? in what sense is a girl? i invite you to the bright lights of a luxurious life, and you doubt? yah you. okay, let's go to gurov, i need to go to pick up a book from him. so killed. 37 years old lived one came to st. petersburg from tolyatti six months ago worked as a social psychologist in a crisis center. well, more precisely, the samurai will tell you when the neighbors arrive. they say that her parents from novosibirsk will come to wish quietly today . no more clues. well, the neighbor who
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found her says that some man came to her, we made an identikit, but so far no results. listen it is necessary to find him, then again capercaillie will hang and you will talk in more detail with your parents about this alina, where she lived. what she was doing, the more we don't know, the sooner we'll determine the motive for the murder. well, it looks like he did, because he acted like he didn't understand that makes the door left open, the light is not turned off on the weapon, nevertheless taken away. hello everyone. great. well, i can’t yet. at work, she speaks well of alina, but the girl was not at all simple. she and her colleagues had distanced themselves in revelation by not entering wisely. why such mystery? maybe her boyfriend was married, huh? great well, what news, so, uh, both shots were fired from the same weapon, the deadly one was,
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the second one killed did not resist, did not fight the killer and the neighbors did not see anything. not really, by the way, the guy from above, what do you know, he just doesn’t want to talk. where did you get it from? yes, i talked to him. he somehow behaved strangely all the time, averted his eyes, was nervous, and the courtyard is very clearly visible from his window. just perfect. it doesn't say anything yet. pass denis please centered personalities book. would you like tea? no thanks. i have a seminar anna vladimirovna pavel sergeevich didn’t say anything about work, he hasn’t said anything yet, but don’t worry, he will definitely find you a place; now he only has trouble with book publishers in the states, my son could not even think that science would begin to bring him generous dividends. these are words, well, i know what
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i think. i still want to go to the university to check on this kid. why yes, it seems to me that he is not finishing something. there may be several reasons for this. even those that you do not suspect. no. slava, i feel something is wrong, right here is the inner voice you want a joke about the inner voice. which man lost? in the casino at roulette, he lost everything, there was only one family ring looking at him. hears inner voice. bet on red and win back everything. and what do you think, and the inner voice says, i'm sorry i made a mistake.
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boy hello hi, please, a cup of your wonderful green tea is made, masha, please make a cup of tea. new business yes young woman. oh, where did you get this suspect that looks like pavel sergeevich gurov. he teaches psychology at the university. recently, his father had an anniversary. so he was there. so, come on, tell me more about this city. elena petrovna has recently
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try to remember, because now is important. she was so happy. you see, she decided to move to st. petersburg after a seminar in moscow, called us on the phone and said that she would now have one. everything is fine. i was so happy. i thought, well, she finally had a personal life. this is an old story. in tenth grade when did you learn? she had
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an affair with one boy. it was the love of a lifetime. boys from a not very prosperous family . we were shocked. from this friendship, there would still be a family of drunks, well, ali went crazy in the sky her too. we waited in horror. here's what will happen. but it all ended abruptly. he abandoned her. and why? i still don't understand.
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he was at all. not of this world. these are now called workaholics, and before just crazy. in the evenings, he worked part-time in a psychiatric hospital. well, i got him a nurse. it was a pity, though, boy. and in his free time he sat in the library. then olya left. she entered the pedagogical institute and got married. but not for long. do you know what her husband was?
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good guy but not the eagle she had other men. obviously alechka is a monogamous only one pasha and loved. do you know how his fate turned out later? no, i don't know that he left when he finished school. at that time , many people left our city. so the wife of the secretary of the regional committee left, then a terrible tragedy occurred.
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the wife could not bear it for a long time. some time lay in our clinic. she had schizoid syndrome. then she left, apparently determined to start life from scratch. tell me if you know this person.
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fine. yes hello, criminal investigation department, what alena zvyagintseva was killed yesterday did you know her? where did you meet alena zvyagintseva? half a year ago in moscow
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yes in what respects sometimes met and only yes and rather old-fashioned. i'm sorry, i have advice. you will allow me to attend.
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excuse me, you are not from the fifth group, yes, then you cannot help but know, i know denis, of course. you know, i have to give him the disks. and who are you? i'm his buddy, clear girl. you have no idea what our meeting means to me. really not? i'm serious. i have a creative block. my hero meets with the heroine. and what to do next? i don't know what the intrigue is and get caught here. you are just this over. and you are a writer. i'm not that i'm not a writer. i am a tv flashlight. there, among other things, television specialists are different from the writer, as watch the radio. here is the barrier. wait
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, where are you? i ask you not to leave. if you leave millions, just hundreds of thousands of russian-speaking viewers will not know what happened in episode 10. i beg you. and what will happen next in your scenario when the hero meets? then he will ask her for her phone number. no, she will refuse, of course, she will refuse, but, but at the same time, he will say, let's go to a cafe, have a cup of coffee, she will agree. may i please? i want to turn to
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the creativity of kafka. to his world of despair, horror and hopelessness the fact is that this world was not born in an empty place, it grew out of the author's personal tragedy. before us is the clearest example of the oedipal complex, which had its tragic effect on kafka's relationship with women. imagine a similar situation in the life of a mother and son. and although he already almost 40. he still can't fix his personal life. the subconscious fear of his mother makes him hide all of his very difficult relationships with women. nevertheless, every day there is a growing desire in him , a growing desire to escape from her control. and she has the opposite reaction. so, if one of the participants in this drama suddenly suffers from psychopathic deviations, then
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a third person becomes a victim. the woman with whom the son meets thank you lecture is over. student, i especially liked the parallel he drew. yes, it is precisely such parallels that allow us to develop abstract thinking. this becomes especially interesting when you consider that a real murder was recently committed. why did you meet with alina secret?
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features if it is not there, but it can be worse. whoever does not prepare, for distant difficulties, immediate troubles are sure to await. do you read confucius? under other circumstances, we would have talked to you. i am now interested in one topic, a young woman was killed. where were you last night? worked at home. yes, my mother. she was at home all evening. i would ask you not to leave the city anywhere. okay, leader.
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by the way, he promised to help him. well, although the guru so soon there will be a wealthy person. maybe even get married in their front door. find work marinochka you have no idea how you help me for what you say, but do you have a pen? hold leave me your phone number.
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if you don't leave me a phone number. please tell me
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what's new? yes, we are sending a request to novosibirsk and that gurov and alina are both from in novosibirsk, they had an unsuccessful romance at school, but you will meet six months ago in moscow, they renewed their relationship. and so i had an idea, i want to check the past of our professor, whatever one may say, gurov is still the main suspect. especially since the neighbor peter lied to us in the evening, he saw an honest man from novosibirsk, let's say, more precisely. on the one hand
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, by the way, about appearance, do you know that most schizophrenics make the most winning impressions georgievich i was right denis hinted to the guys from the group that if one thing works out for him, he will soon get rich. i think he was going to blackmail gurov because he should get a lot of money for the book dreamer now have a cup of tea.
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well, why don't you believe me? well then, explain why denis did not tell us that he knew that the gurus entered kalina, he saw him perfectly, and peter can also write it down there. well, unlike denis, peter told us. maybe he did not want to substitute his teacher, and you can earn money on any hack?
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i'm going now. you don't have trouble everything is fine. excuse me i have to go. urgent business. dinner later when i get back.
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everything will be fine. listen to paper. how much does he pay for his car for three, and when is the money? ai listen in a couple of days tell him to wait a week. yes, i'll take it, okay, you say, well , that's it, bye. bye.
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not at all what i expected. he still had a family that his parents almost deprived of parental rights, but he himself was absolutely clean not a single drive. a man made himself without any patronage of support, only relying on his brains and diligence, i respect such people.
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hello please introduce yourself. hello, i killed polina zvyagintseva. why did something happen between you? is it so important. however, you know , i can name a thousand and one reasons why a man can kill a woman. i have one of them. well, i keep listening to him. well, you probably came to her in the evening, quarreled,
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lost your temper and fired the whole clip into her right. everything is important that it was i who killed my cowardice indecision by betrayal, but you did this 20 years ago. do you think so? of course i knew that nothing from our relationship good will not come out, but he could not refuse them. alina even moved to st. petersburg. where did you get the weapons you bought? then he threw it away. and where i don’t
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remember memory lapses , it will be very difficult to prove the opposite. look, i don't want to answer your questions. can it be good? sign the protocol. now you are led to the cell and you will have time to think. i'm so tired.
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well, can the case be closed? yes, but in my heart it’s somehow disgusting that you’re not here, and georgievich will be worse and worse than silk, maybe . i don't know mothers. no why man ruin your bright future found killer.
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yes, the city came with a confession. no, maybe we're overcomplicating things. i was in a family of drunks at the anniversary of my father, anna vladimirovna gurova was sitting next to her mother, a charming woman.
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pasha is innocent. he didn't kill anyone. it's me. killed her. she vladimirovna how do you explain the fact that gurov's mother was ruined valentina stepanovna who are you to him? tell me
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my husband was the secretary of the regional committee. in novosibirsk we lived well. but one day he and our son went by car. and they crashed. i'm dead got to the hospital. nerves, he worked there as a nurse. you can't imagine. how did he take care of me? this, of course, is hard to believe, but then he really fell in love
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with me. he was 17 years old, and i was almost 40. it happens. and husband and son, we tried not to advertise our relationship, because public opinion was then completely different than it is now. then he has a career. that's why i pretended to be his mother. and when pasha's mother died, of course i effectively married his father. by that time he was not quite asleep. and had little idea of ​​what was going on. and how did you find out about alina after a trip to moscow, he
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became completely different. i know him too well, he became completely different and stayed to follow him. i saw it was alina alina again she could take everything from me. and i could not lose my family for the second time in my life. you understand? i just wanted to talk to her, just talk to her that day, i went. i was at the house. i saw how pasha left her. i just wanted to be alone with her to talk to her and that's it. listen i will not you
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listen i will not listen to anything thank you by chance. well, you should. yes, you came to me in vain, i can not help. let me talk to you. i am alina god, i beg you. leave it. you are still so young , everything is ahead of you, he does not love you. he lives with you and pity. don't you feel it?
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