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tv   Chelovek v prave s Andreem Kunitsinim  NTV  December 17, 2023 4:20pm-5:01pm MSK

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will deviate from the norm by 7, or even eight degrees, compensation for severe frosts in early december. the thaw is on the doorstep, so the precipitation will turn into sleet and even rain to eat up colossal snow reserves after heavy snowfalls. in the north there will not be a real thaw, but the frost will remain very slight and there will be little snow. in the south, the main bad weather is today, but in the krasnodar territory precipitation may still be heavy. dangerous accumulation of wet snow there, on the don. in st. petersburg tomorrow. zero, precipitation, snow and sleet are light, the thaw has just started in moscow, tomorrow 0 + 2 and light sleet, everything about the weather, you can’t give up sweets, take aliedjim, the natural aliedjim complex helps reduce appetite, cravings for sweets, and also, to maintain normal sugar levels, alejimalar is recommended by the russian diabetes association. how to maintain normal sugar levels, take it.
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the natural aligjim complex helps maintain normal sugar levels and reduce appetite cravings for sweets. aliedjim evalar recommended by the russian diabetes association. my name is andrey kunitsin, this program is a man in the right. hello. garlands as weapons of mass destruction. this formulation was prompted by unofficial statistics of fires caused by low-quality electronic products. a huge number of manufacturers gives rise to competition, in which everyone tries to offer the lowest price. savings, of course, on the safety of materials. what does this lead to? i figured it out.
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risks. from harry's acrid smell, which she is still standing over the ashes, she feels sick. in the chest there are ashes, burnt children's things, fragments of dishes, the passport of one of the adults, which for some reason was almost not touched by the fire. oh, this is my brother, even whose guardian i am now considered to be disabled. maria is unsafe, now homeless, left on the street with her husband and four children, the new year's garland flashing on the tree. ruined their whole life, a large family almost died in a terrible fire, oh, they remember the terrible details of that night with tears, late evening, the adults are watching tv, the children are sleeping in the next room, in the living room the already decorated christmas tree is blinking festively, this tree stood here, we decorated it, the children turned everything on just once, the fire instantly engulfed the house, we had to escape through the windows.
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first the eldest spoke up, then the middle one, then i let the youngest down, then, then i came down, the house that had been built for several years burned down in an hour, there was nothing left, just a few family photos on the phone, pictures of a happy family, all this remains in the past, how to live in the present, the spouses don’t know, while all six of us were sheltered by neighbors, we live nearby, the family is... close to us, our children are basically like home, when this happened, of course, we took them in with us. the fire victims are grateful to fate that they survived , only the head of the family, sergei, was injured; in a hurry, leaving the burning house, he broke his leg, a similar story in the krasnoyarsk territory ended in tragedy, for kristina pleshkova, it was the worst day in my life, i have a son constantly when remembers the fire, constantly comes up , says: mom, mira, says died,
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i didn’t even tell him anything, he just comes up and says: mom, mira, says, died when the fire started, one-year-old mira and her two-year-old brother yaroslav they were playing in the room, christina was busy in the kitchen, the bright garland that decorated the curtains in the nursery suddenly began to smoke and flared up, konstantin mikhailov rushed to the aid of the neighbors, he was lying on the sofa on the bed, he was starting, well, breathing, i grabbed him too, and ran sew it into the garage.
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a power surge, moisture getting on the garland, now extraneous sounds appear in the mode switching unit, and it begins to spark. during our experiment, the case did not ignite, it only melted a little, but we continue
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our research. at this stand we will test the fire resistance of the materials from which the garland is made, and at the same time we will check whether our christmas tree will light up. the artificial tree did not catch fire. impregnated with a special fire-resistant composition, the garland itself flared up instantly, and intensely burning plastic began to drip, if such a drop fell on curtains or paper, a fire could not be avoided, perhaps this is how the fire started in this moscow high-rise building, two weeks ago, due to a faulty garland, children died here, a nine-year-old boy and his four-year-old sister suffocated in the smoke , in russia , new year's garlands have not been produced en masse for a long time, they are mainly imported... often counterfeit from china, the price of ordinary household ones ranges from several hundred to several thousand rubles, it is clear that the quality of the products is very different, bulzipa maslova izorska decided to save money, she really regretted it, her grandson came running and said the tree was on fire, but
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she pulled it out, and it was already on fire along the ceiling , well, in about 50 minutes there was nothing, the house was completely restored a few months later, neighbors and friends helped, relatives, but the price that the maslov family had to pay cannot be compared with the cost of the luminous ribbon. there was a fire here, this room was burned out, even the floors here were burnt down to the concrete, but now, that is, it has already been restored here, in principle the house is already suitable for the wife. was there a safety certificate for... it is unknown, the fire victims themselves did not even ask this question, the store also could not answer, now at the moment there is no one, well, that is, you are now violating, no, we are not violating, why so
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right away, i don’t i can , i can’t find him here now, look for excuses, the entrepreneur did not, he himself offered to meet to help the injured clients, unfortunately, what happened, we are the first thing you need, that the children in the kindergarten need something to wear, you can rely on us, count on us , go to store, come to me, the family is happy for absolutely any help, the repairs were done on credit, there is not enough money even for the most necessary things, sue an unknown chinese manufacturer, the lawyers dissuaded them, the case, according to the lawyers, is hopeless. sergey liskov, roman skiba, anastasia mikhailova, ntv television company. disconnect the garland from the network when leaving the house, even if you are going to be away for a few minutes, repeat these steps before going to bed, and, of course, do not trust children to install the product, the rules are banal, as well as the consequences of their non-compliance.
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remember the german family from hamburg who asked for asylum in russia, we talked about them in the last issue, the parents feared for their mental health. the health of their daughters, who were forced at school to think about changing their sex, secretly left their homeland and turned to the ministry of internal affairs for help. we, as promised, told how this story ended in our telegram channel. if anyone is interested, type “pvp” in the messenger search engine. so, after the release of the story, several more citizens wrote to us there germany. all of them also hide their children in our country, because they simply have no other option to escape from the german juvenile justice system. what ’s good for a russian is also not bad for a german, even in the russian outback in winter, in severe frost, a hat with earflaps warms me, look at the steam coming from under it, in russia you have to work a lot physically in order not to freeze, the frosts are severe, but i’m used to it. andrekh has loved russia for
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eight years now, ever since he and his wife received sexual education, which in germany begins in kindergarten and continues in
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school, then representatives of the jugendamt knocked on their doors. according to the law , department officials can take a child away from their parents if they believe that he is being raised in violation of the principles of tolerance, and prohibiting children from attending sex education classes is, according to german officials, nothing less than a crime against free childhood. sexual education of children. starts from kindergarten, in kindergartens there are even adult sex toys, which in russia are sold in 18+ stores, and for children in kindergartens they force you to play with these toys and practice, there are even books on sex education in schools, this is a satanic book, schoolchildren should not read it. a year ago, these images spread all over the world; social services in the city of bremerhafin removed a child from a muslim family because the parents did not share non-traditional european identities. values, the child was handed over to be raised by a same-sex couple, and this is far from the only example. 3
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years ago a huge scandal broke out in germany. the authorities were forced to admit that for 30 years, a respected psychologist helped pedophiles adopt children, and he did this with the full approval of officials. thousands of children suffer every year, taken from their parents and placed in the care of companies, composite families or groups they lead. adults, this kind of thing turns into a multi-billion dollar business every year. it is difficult for a reasonable person to understand what is happening in europe now. still in germany, same-sex marriages have been allowed since 2017; every year, more and more people want to enter into such a union. in this this week, members of the european parliament actually legalized parental rights in same-sex couples throughout the eu. no more moms and dads, just a faceless one. numbers in the parents' column, it's not even that
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they force children to change gender and think who they really are, a boy or a girl, here the emphasis is on completely destroying a person's personality, so that the child does not understand at all, who is he, a person, an animal or some object, you can even marry your car, you have no definition of who you are, this is the complete destruction of a person, they they create robots that do not understand who they are, robots that can... life from scratch in a foreign country turned out to be difficult, at first they rented a room in
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a hostel, for some time they even lived in an old minevan, then a german family learned about the breadth of russian souls, good people, having learned the history of the fugitives, helped in whatever way they could, this house where you live now, whose house is this? well, not ours, not yours, not ours, just friends, it helps, and we can live here, just pay a minimum. thank god there are good people, who, well, are trying to help us, of course , so we are very grateful, margarita, what will happen next, two, this concerns my country, i will not remain silent, like the kiev terrorists tried three times to silence it, i ’m telling you, not animals, don’t you believe me, that she knows about pugacheva’s escape, he said it verbatim, verbatim, show me straight away, let my hair stand on end, that we don’t know, having run away.
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pay less peas corn global village 67.90 pyaterochka helps out, you sleep with the cache, and you sleep with it too, we all sleep with kesha, they are so different, but still they are together, we decided to kill him, you’re kidding, i ’m an accident, they’ll burn him all, kesha has to die, why, just look
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at the news now, hurry up for the sale, a new smartphone for 2,999 rubles. hello, a gift is waiting for you in the megaphone, buy an infinix with communication and get a second smartphone, a gift, only in the megaphone. whatever you want, fulfill a dream, change the world or know yourself. psb has a loan for any purpose. no office visit. psb, punk for real. petelinka - clean products without harmful ones. additives highlight your beauty. be irresistible this winter. everything for makeup from your favorite brands is already waiting for you at wildberries. large liquidation of the vascona collection. beds, sofas, mattresses, pillows with unprecedented discounts until the new year's price increase, only until december 24. at vtb the interest rate on a savings
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account is 16%. and buy your wedding faster. class. and everything will work out. vtb. pasha, we need new year's garlands, a christmas tree, headphones and a frying pan. megamarket, new year's sale. buy a set of bed linen for only 1,999 rubles. reckless, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. a woman intuitively feels whether you have what she needs, just one glance is enough. real masculine energy drives you crazy, attracts and attracts like a magnet. tankatali premium is a natural remedy for men that gives bright and unforgettable sensations. maximum sexual energy, maximum
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confidence, maximum endurance. the power of a man is the ability to subtly sense subtle signals, give confidence and awaken passion in order to experience everything together palette of sensations. stancali premium, you decide how events will develop. with age, under the influence of stress, poor nutrition, even a real man experiences a moment of self-doubt. tancatali premium contains natural ingredients that support male energy. and the main secret is in the legendary malaysian root tankat, which has been used for centuries for male attractiveness, this natural aphrodisiac increases physical stamina, fills with male energy, pleasure can last as long as you will want it, and even more, when the goal is desired and so close, nothing should
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stop you. tankatali premium is a symbol of male success and maximum sexual energy. get tankatali premium now for free. find out how by phone: 8800 2009 456. all conversations are confidential. new year's mask december 31 at 20:24 on ntv. they said that the nato one does not burn. it’s burning, it’s burning so hard that you can put out the horseradish, from afar, a river flows, 579,51,579,5629, calmly, the citizens are all
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their own, this is a reckless driver, a legend of a criminal case... sochi, yes, i can do this, nikita ponfilov, i’m worried about your forest, reckless, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. people continue to help the german family. a local farmer, for example, provides foreigners with a can of milk once a week. oh, very sad. but griesbach is trying to resolve the issue with its legal status. for 8 years already, there was a moment when they even wanted to deport the family, the tourist visa had expired, temporary asylum was not provided, the spouses began to blog on the internet, talk about difficulties,
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for residence, let's return to this story already in the spring, i hope there will be good news. broadcasting on the internet,
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nudity, frank communication with virtual clients and no less frank private shows, this is the definition of a webcam business, which is known today even to residents of the deep provinces. it is from there that every week we receive news that causes a wide public response, and it’s not even about the piquantness of the content being distributed. and it’s just in the details of organizing such streams, they don’t have blackout interiors, fashionable underwear, beautifully displayed light, there are children, often relatives, when the attention of the audience is more important than your own child, mom, mom, mom, give me the phone, already the phone, from here,
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i sent it straight in this direction, said: son, yarik, go there, there, yes , i didn’t say that, what difference does it make how you sent it,
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you sent it, and you think you’re a good mother after that, a good mother, yeah, i ’m raising children as expected, ekaterina goes online regularly, in revealing outfits, sometimes without, it’s important, this is a live broadcast and the action of the model in quotes, of course, can qualify as... certain of his genital organs, and if he does this for the purpose of selling and making a profit from it, then this can already be qualified as a criminal offense. for several years,
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dmitry pan from st. petersburg tried to bring his ex-wife to justice. the man’s anger was caused by the fact that during the frank online broadcasts , their common son was in the next room, but law enforcement officers did not see a crime in arina’s actions and issued a fine for improper fulfillment of parental obligations. deprived of parental rights, but failed here too . internet broadcasts, even if frank, are not a reason to take away a woman’s son, the court ruled. article 77 of the family
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code does not work in this case. the child is not in any danger, psychological trauma does not count. this cannot pass without a trace if the child observes the mother showing her breasts or doing some other usually unacceptable things. the child may also have a distorted understanding of reality, how money is obtained and what is needed for this. you can do something else, and there may be a feeling that money is only obtained through sexualization, and indeed the topic. sexualization has a very bad effect, i repeat, on the psyche of children. but igor alekseev from ufa managed to get his daughter’s place of residence determined with him after he saw his ex on the local news. from the police? do you have any personal identification documents, but you don’t have any documents with you. operational video with a test purchase in the ufa brothel, then maria was selling her body in a real apartment on
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outskirts of ufa, now virtual. from an ip address registered in the netherlands, her ex-husband managed to deprive her of parental rights. i like the way he prepares the soup, yesterday, he cooked the soup very tasty, we shot this footage a couple of years ago, the legal battle greatly undermined igor’s health, two strokes, the third almost brought him to his grave, now he himself requires constant care. if we ask about dasha, will he ever remember? yes , i don’t remind you, of course.
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who is the girl with while her mother is at work? it’s not clear, because what maria is doing now is illegal. ekaterina istula decided not to tempt fate in the presence of prosecutors , she took the path of correction, deleted the streaming application on her phone , they decided not to take her children away from her for now and... observe her behavior on the internet, delete my account, so i click, look, delete mine profile, delete my profile, continue, that's it. radmiraznaev, svetlana merezhe, alena volkova, olga kemenchazhi and boris globo, ntv television company. there is such an article in the criminal code: distribution pornographic materials, stop the epidemic of popularization of the webcam business without
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using it for me. it seems impossible, she is excited about online models extremely rarely, which is an amazing fact, there are gigabytes of evidence of illegal activities, all of them are practically freely available. new year's eve is the most financially intensive distance for most. they are swept off the shelves, it’s necessary and not very important, but it will definitely come in handy for a gift. buyer rush in shopping. visible in the halls, what is called unarmed at a glance, what is happening today behind the walls of real stores in various marketplaces is causing concern even among doctors. uncontrolled, unconscious purchase of goods on electronic platforms in its modern form has the form of a mental personality disorder and this disease is very difficult to cope with. recently , daria has been counting every penny. her love for beauty led her into debt. daria.
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an experienced shopaholic cannot live a day without a new blouse or dress. i bought it at such a discount, it’s just such a pity, well, the money no, but come on. now you have to save on literally everything. the diet contains only natural products, no frills. first of all, it is necessary to satisfy the credit hunger. i got millions in loans, i had to sell my apartment, my relatives, i live with them, gave me a part of the closet. of course, these are not all my things, you see, i love everything like that. bright, flying, juicy, these are all the very, very necessary things. its main enemies are not boutiques and shopping centers, but marketplace applications, the phone is not goes silent, notifications about discounts light up on the screen every now and then, everything here is thought out to the smallest detail, the smart feed will adapt to your preferences, the bright interface beckons you to click the “buy” icon. work on marketplaces happens from all sides, this
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is visual, this is text, this... this is not just a love of virtual shopping, addiction along with alcoholism and drug addiction. with the advent of online shopping services, falling into the pit of chapagalism has become
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much easier. doctors say aneomania, an obsessive desire to make purchases, is already it's time to add it to the list of mental disorders. when treating shopagalism, first we need a conversation, then we find out how far. in the salmin family, only the husband worked , he has two children, a mortgage, a car loan, their financial plans did not include buying dresses on credit for hundreds of thousands of rubles, but marina could not stop, every hour her online basket was replenished with new goods,
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i i wanted a new thing, i think we’ll sort it out somehow, then we’ll pay for it later, but now i need this purchase, i want clothes, how come i’m not in new clothes, my husband saw when you brought it home, that he... was left, the husband packed his things and filed for divorce, now everything worked out, yes, yes, what did i do later, when the place in the closet on the balcony you didn’t do anything to make everything work out, i poured my whole soul into it, i try not to go to the marketplace for these at all, they didn’t communicate for about a year, during which time marina realized. there is also such a community, here everyone knows the marketplace application, it’s better not to open it, everyone admits he’s addicted
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from shopping, i constantly want to buy something, that is, i am in this constant state of needing something, free time that i could spend on self-development on some kind of homework. i spend it on the fact that i sit on marketplaces, scroll through products, in this narrow circle, under the guidance of a psychologist, they discuss their shopping cravings once a week, they cry and laugh together, they understand each other like no one else, each bag needs a shoe color , i need a handbag, and i need jewelry for the handbag, this is the dress i already i put it on yesterday, but i need a new one, this is how we got ready today, and my husband, two days in a row in one, 1991, kaliningrad, a murdered girl was found on the fire escape of a residential building, this is not a resident of the house, how did she end up here, soon a new crime occurs, they began to develop a version that
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a maniac had appeared in kaliningrad, what role did a video recorder play in this case, a luxury available to a few, leggings 20 rubles a pair, this is a robbery and a commercial stall at the beginning. places of work i can offer fish from the pond, today at 17:00 on ntv. reckless, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. he's getting better and better. interest per annum on the deposit is the best interest in savings. deposit with a favorable rate. apply literally with one button in the mobile application. savings with prime is more profitable. make it, make it, make it, make it.
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final sale of the year. tube f-78 for 1,499, new year's blanket peacock for 499. apple juice for 439. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet. cool y. opening only for megaphone subscribers. at vtb the interest rate on a savings account is 16%. and the wedding buy it faster. class. and everything will work out at vtb. wow, build any photo you want out of bricks with the mazobrick infinite photo builder. we order mazobrick with discounts at wildbris. this year, russian lotto is giving away as much as 2 billion. celebrate the new year as a billionaire.
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erif clothing with discounts up to 67%. invest in your country with a reliable vtb broker and the vtb my investments application with a robo-advisor for portfolio management using professionals. reckless new season tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. a country of greatness and power that had no equal in modern stories. the state that was our homeland. she, where all our families come from, is celebrating her centenary. we have something to
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be proud of. we are a victorious country, we are the first in space, a country of universal equality, a country of great culture. this country is no longer on the map, but it is in the heart of each of us. in honor of the centenary of the ussr, the imperial mint has prepared a memory for every russian. medal: the medal is absolutely free for you, you only pay for packaging and delivery, keep your pride in a great country and pass it on to your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, call and order a commemorative medal using the toll-free number or on the ussr100let.rrf website. meeting point tomorrow at 14:00 on ntv. and who knows what he’s blinking about.
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not only women give, men are also subject to a manic craving for new things. artyom allocated a room in a communal apartment for his outfits. he himself lives in a rented apartment; he has furnished his own living space like a closet. everything that i buy all the time. and what doesn’t fit in my small apartment in the center, i bring here. and this collection is still constantly replenished. yes, that is, all sorts of different things. i could probably rent out this room there or something. but i have to store my things here 300 i had
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credit card debt due to the fact that i was buying, buying, buying everything. artyom ’s dressing room is truly impressive, some kind of fashion house, well , here is a collection of hats for different, different looks require different hats, and such hats, wow, and feathers on it, yes, yes, yes, yes, feasting on the hat , and such hats, well, because that’s all. free time when i'm alone,


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