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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 10, 2024 4:00pm-4:45pm MSK

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the level of the ural river in the orenburg region has exceeded a critical level. she walks quickly right here instantly. more than 700 people were evacuated from dangerous areas. in our house yesterday it was like this, now it’s waist-deep. the most difficult situation remains in the zverennogolovsky municipal district. the water level in the tabol river is indeed constantly rising. the situation in the kurgan region is regarded as relatively stable, however, residents in all settlements in the floodplain of the tabol river are being urged to evacuate. heavy snipers they work at a distance of one and a half to 2 km to the target, but if we are talking about urban development, the distances are minimal, about the work of snipers of the pacific fleet in the southern donetsk direction. report by sergei pikulin. the european court of justice ruled to lift sanctions from the co-owners.
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the most energetic efforts from government officials. in the orenburg region, the disaster zone is now not the surrounding area of ​​orsk, but the regional center. over the course of a day , the ural river rose in the orenburg area by almost a meter. the critical point has long been passed and the water still remains where it was dry yesterday, today there are stormy streams. above the abandoned ... the number of flooded houses in the region is approaching 13 thousand, yesterday it was about 1000, people continue to be taken out of dangerous areas, more than 7,500 people have been evacuated, most have gone to their relatives, the attempt of these people to take things from a flooded house ran into a barbed wire just press the wire against the thorn.
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sandbags and patching old dams, sometimes the holes have to be sealed when water is already gushing through them. the ministry of emergency situations plane delivered 3 km of water dumps to the region. it's so airtight sleeves made of durable material, filled with water, serve to block rivers. not only private houses, but also apartment buildings were sunk. residents of orenburg say that... the sun barely rose, the entire male population of the sun rose to do public work. mikhail chernov from a city in distress. the water is rapidly rising, a little more, it can come to their homes. yes, we were on duty here all night in the morning, guys, we’re working with de se, we started delivering them like tlinging. is there a chance?
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hope dies last, is here now they are building a dam to protect the cottage community, we have to hurry, the water is coming quickly, there is a new microdistrict nearby, which is also under the threat of flooding, the fields next to the new buildings are no longer there, overnight everything was swallowed up by water, people are constantly measuring its level, they say a little more, and the water the urals will flow along the asphalt, there is a dam there, it is already starting to overflow, we need more land. now we are filling up the dam, but there is not enough land, we are buying the land for money ourselves. the day before , sirens were turned on several times throughout orenburg alerts about evacuation from dangerous areas were broadcast on television. the water level in the ural river has exceeded a critical level, which means that new areas of the city have been flooded, mainly villages and dacha communities located along the ural itself and its tributary, the sokhmary river. the kuznechna microdistrict is also called old.
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the center of orenburg, now several streets have gone under water here, the name is like a mockery, the first lake street. while sergei was shopping for groceries and his wife was waiting at the second floor window, water came to their house. literally from it’s sunk, just now, for about half an hour, maybe the water is rising right before our eyes, yes, now yes, their neighbors, the pensioners ponovs, also hoped until the very end that the water would not come to visit, it’s coming quickly, right here instantly, it’s not clear from here or from there, the water floods more and more territories, entering houses where only yesterday it was dry, as the residents of this street say, in just 24 hours the water has risen by more than... 20 cm. the dacha areas on the city outskirts are now even deeper in the water . it used to be possible to talk like a neighbor at the store, now sitting in the boats. why don't you take the film to the store? no, vitali will go to the store. instead of waterway roads. the best transport is one
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that can take a neighbor in tow. they stormed the water obstacles and approached them tactically. for coprals, this is the call sign of a fellow soldier, while he is at war, he must be saved. property in his home, an operation with air support. atlas corporal, pass eight houses, look, if the fence is not in the way, turn right, i’m about to fly off to reload, accepted. rescue of laptop and furniture completed victory, when a truce with the water element will come is unclear, no one here doubts that after the level rises, the water will easily capture new territories. mikhail chernov, igor akimov, ekaterina kostyukevich, nikolay datsun, ntv, orenburg. the water is coming. in the tabol river in kurgan, but slower than before, the peak is expected in the second half of the week. much depends on how these discharges will be in the reservoirs of kazakhstan, upstream . in the growth of the tabol river, there are many so -called bottlenecks, they slow down the speed of the wave. water level under kurgan
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exceeded 9 m. in a good situation, the river will rise to 11 m, in a bad situation up to 14. the scale of evacuation depends on these values. according to media reports , hundreds of thousands of people can be removed from the disaster zone according to plans. our correspondent olga zinkova reports from a settlement that was one of the first in the kurgan region to encounter high water. according to regional authorities, the most difficult situation remains in the zverennogolovsky municipal district. we are now in the village of the same name and we see that the level in the tobol river is really constantly rises. houses on the first coastline have already been flooded, people have been evacuated. the day before, the ministry of emergency situations officers went around the yards, warning about the danger.
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kazakhstan and chelyabinsk region, we were evacuated at night. that's it, we moved home there higher up, spent the night, then came here again to see how the situation would be, well, well, as you can see, how yesterday it was arriving in meters, now it is arriving in centimeters, the village of zverennogolovskaya is located about 120 km from kurgan, it one of the first to take the blow of the elements. behind the flooded the bridge is located by two more large villages, ozerny and prorovny, which are no longer accessible by transport. today, rescuers will launch a floating conveyor on which they will deliver people to... designed for transporting people or rescuers, as well as passenger equipment, from the place of flooding, respectively, to safe areas, as well as for some kind of emergency evacuation of the population from flooded areas. with the help of this floating
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vehicle, you can transfer one personal unit of equipment and 40 people. wave floods are expected in the regional center itself. city authorities held a meeting for representatives of homeowners' associations. companies, according to forecasts, the city center and apartment buildings may be flooded. the chairman should convey this information to residents and tell them how to act in the event of an emergency. during the dangerous period , several bridges and sections of roads in the city were closed, and for safety reasons, planned hospitalization in hospitals was canceled. olga zenkova, artemy epifanov, valeria proskurikova, ntv television company. in some regions only preparing for the arrival of big water. tyumen region, the situation is still stable, but may worsen sharply by the end of the week. in the region , dams are being urgently strengthened, preventive evacuation has begun, several thousand people may have to leave their homes, local authorities have called on people to collect documents and the minimum necessary things, for this purpose the ministry of emergency situations employees are visiting houses in the altai territory. the population is asked to be prepared, the rivers there
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began to overflow two weeks ago, they have not yet caused any major problems, however there is still snow in some places and rain is in the forecast, so troubles are possible in the risk area. also tver, kostroma and kemerovo regions. in the next few days, the water there may rise above dangerous levels, houses remain, and houses remain flooded in bashkiria and the chelyabinsk region. to other topics. for the first time in the history of american justice , the parents of a fifteen-year-old teenager who staged an armed attack on a school in michigan were sentenced to a serious prison term. he himself was previously sentenced to life in prison. behind the announcement the verdict was followed by literally the entire american media. this problem - shootings in crowded places - worries millions of people in the country. the year was a record 38 attacks in which four or more victims died, a smaller number of deaths are not
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included in the statistics of mass shootings, but if we count as a whole, then in the twenty-third year 48,000 people died from gunshot wounds in the states, a medium-sized city, 132 people a day, calls to limit gun sales are breaking the constitution against even more powerful... the circle lobby in this light, the sentence to the parents of a minor criminal was overlooked, undereducated, looks more like a half-measure, a mutual guarantee. olga leonova, about the finale of the show trial. the chronology of the events of that terrible day at oxford high school, michigan, is reconstructed minute by minute. during the big break , fifteen-year-old eaton crumbley entered the school toilet with a backpack, a minute later he found himself in the corridor with a semi-automatic pistol in his hands and began shooting.
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above the sane, though the motives for his crime so remained unknown. last december , eaton crumble was sentenced to life in prison without parole . at the trial, the teenager tried to shield his parents. i tried to do everything so that no one would stop me, neither at school nor my parents. i didn't tell anyone, they didn't know what i was going to do. therefore, they are not to blame for what i did. meanwhile, the father and mother were arrested after their son.
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november 30, 2021, it is impossible to express the heaviness and sadness that lie on my
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heart. losing a child is unthinkable. my heart breaks for everyone affected by this. i understand that my words will not bring comfort. i understand that they won't ease the pain, and frankly, they probably just don't believe me. however, the relatives of the murdered schoolchildren believe that the terrible story taught this family nothing. the remorse they showed had nothing to do with accepting responsibility for their actions, sure they were sad that people died, sure they were sad that their son was in prison, it’s sad that they are also in prison, but that’s not what’s important, it’s important to admit your mistakes. the verdicts of a district court in michigan to the parents of a criminal, the first in the history of the us judicial system. in fact, it establishes collective responsibility for the act committed. maybe in the future. this precedent will help prevent another tragedy like the one that happened at the oxford school. since the federal laws
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regulating the circulation of weapons in america cannot be changed. olga leonova, ntv. well, denis talalaev is with us. business news. further. denis learned today that the european union court has decided to lift sanctions from businessmen mikhail fridmin and peter avian. both have been under european sanctions for more than 2 years. and why after 2 years? did you make this decision? egor, the court considered that the sanctions were introduced erroneously, but the truth is that these sanctions have now been lifted from businessmen, it is too early to say. the european court of justice ruled to lift sanctions against co-owners of alfa group mikhail fridman and petr avin. he concluded that none of the reasons why businessmen were included in the sanctions lists was not sufficiently substantiated. the court also considered that mikhail fridman and pyotr avin did not demonstrate support for a policy that, quote: undermines and threatens the territorial integrity of ukraine. also , the court did not find confirmation of another thesis
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with which the eu authorities justified sanctions against mikhail fridman and petr avin, that businessmen provided material... assistance to government decision-makers in russia or received benefits from such persons, but so far the sanctions have been lifted from the founders of alfa group hypothetical, because the council of the european union, in theory, can challenge this court decision. mikhail fridman himself has already told rbc that he is satisfied with the decision of the eu court. mikhail fridman and pyotr avin found themselves under eu sanctions almost immediately after the outbreak of hostilities in ukraine, already on february 28, 2020. a month later, it became known that they...
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rusal shares were becoming more expensive, inspired by rising world prices for aluminum, and today elvira nabiulina said that the peak of inflation in russia has passed, which means the moment is approaching when the central bank will begin to lower the key rate. i left about 40 minutes ago inflation statistics in the united states in march turned out to be worse than forecast, and this reduces the chances that the american federal reserve will soon begin to lower the key rate. and therefore. the dollar against the euro began to rise in price sharply, but on the russian foreign exchange market all this turned into the fact that the dollar is now rising in price to the domestic currency by 49 kopecks, but the euro stopped growing and went below the 101 mark. sberbank took part in the open innovation forum in skolkovo, where today tomorrow they will talk about high-tech areas and
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technological sovereignty. the first ban of the rrf board alexander vidyakhin spoke about the future of artificial intelligence technology. sells products with artificial intelligence otsbera and that the bank’s goal for this year is to make such services available in 80% of regions, in the near future, continued alexander vidyakhin, in russia it is possible that industry ai-clusters will appear based on the most active regions. egor is all about economics. yes, thank you, denis talolaev with business news. vladimir putin
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held a working meeting with the head of the ministry of labor today in the kremlin anton katyakov. the minister told the president about the development of the social treasury system. it combines information about all payments that a citizen is entitled to and assumes an automatic accrual format without submitting an application. separately, kotyakov reported on the work of the ministry in donbass. let's start our meeting with the activities that you and the ministry are carrying out to achieve the goal.
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for example, for svo participants it was reduced to three working days, while all stages of passing documents are displayed in personal citizen's office, viewers in the capital, then the release awaits today in... moscow, and we will continue broadcasting for other regions of central russia. the development of domestic
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science in the context of national development was discussed today by the head of government mikhail mishustin and the president of the russian academy of sciences, gennady krasnikov explained and noted that domestic scientists well understand the challenges facing the country of technological and economic sovereignty, therefore modern russian... research is aimed primarily at practical impact and a high-quality result, we began to work with new territories, we created associations of the southern regions, which included not only crimea, but also included all our new territories, these are danitsk, lugansk, zaporozhye, kherson, which and most importantly, there is experience of interaction here, that is crimea is divided into ...
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lottniks, a facility for preparing the launch of unmanned boats, as well as a storage base for weapons and ammunition of the fsu, where more than three dozen d-20 howitzers were located.
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directly on the front line , progress is being made in all directions russian divisions. all enemy counterattacks were repulsed, the total losses in the ssu exceeded 950 soldiers. in the south donetsk directorate, our forward detachments are covered by so-called heavy snipers, these are those who hit targets with large caliber weapons. in general, i have to be in the field, priority targets, observation posts and the command staff of the armed forces of ukraine, ready to work, green, this is koschey, the call
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sign is not because of his appearance, several times he generally got out of such troubles that his colleagues joke, maybe the secret is really in the chest, in which there is a hare, a duck, and so on, along the chain until the needle itself. according to kashchei, a modern sniper, a universal weapon, can hit. targets or aim at them, calculate the enemy, also adjust artillery, observe. heavy snipers work at a distance, one and a half to two kilometers to the target. the number of fighters in the group depends on the tasks assigned. now snipers work in twos or threes; if we are talking about battles in a populated area, then they often attract a cover detachment, these are usually attack aircraft, which, in case of detection. snipers can either recapture them, or evacuate the wounded, when there is dense construction around, the distance is reduced to a minimum of 200-300 m. and the third
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house, range 820, you see, i observe, you can work, without such guys it’s not easy for assault troops to advance, they can’t do without a couple of snipers. sergey pikulin and aleibzhanov, ntv, south donetsk direction, special operations. ukraine's attacks on russian refineries pose a threat to global energy, as stated by us secretary of defense lloyd austin, who has now publicly voiced what was previously hinted at to kiev behind the scenes, this had previously become known from leaks in the american media. since the beginning of march, american and ukrainian drones have attacked several oil refineries in the nizhny novgorod, samara, and ryazan regions of the krasnodar territory. attacks could have a domino effect on the global energy landscape. frankly, i think it is better for ukraine to strike at tactical operational targets, since they can directly affect the current hostilities
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. meanwhile, the united states transferred a new batch of weapons to ukraine, 500 machine guns kalashnikov, machine guns, grenades and more than 500,000 cartridges confiscated by the americans when transporting these weapons by sea in the years twenty-one and twenty-three. the cargo was intended for the yemeni houthis, and the sender was the islamic revolutionary guard corps. this new supply is little consolation for kiev against the backdrop of the multi-billion dollar supply stuck in the american congress. this week , the british foreign secretary came to washington for the second time to beg for money. david cameron met with donald trump the informal leader of that republican wing, which has made the ukrainian issue a bargaining chip in the fight against joe biden, and so far is winning this fight. alexey veselovsky reports from the states. over the past 4 months, this is the second visit of the head of british diplomacy, david cameron, to
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washington, pursuing. the same goal: to persuade republicans to allocate money to ukraine as quickly as possible. in december 2023 , the british minister left the american capital with nothing. now, it seems, he has nothing to boast about again. i didn't come here for of teaching someone or telling someone what to do to interfere in the political process in the united states. i came as a great friend and defender of this country. i think that providing additional assistance to ukraine is in the interests of your security and your future. with his december visit, cameron made an even bigger mistake, he published an article in which he compared the slowness of the republicans in helping kiev with the western policy of appeasing nazi germany in the thirties of the last century, for which he received a spanking from the american right, he compared you with those who appeased hitler's policies because you do not want to vote to support ukraine, that is, you appease putin. i really don't care what david cameron says. i think it's rude name calling and i
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don't like that kind of language at all. david cameron is better off... on monday he held talks with donald trump. the british foreign office said it is common practice before elections to meet with promising us presidential candidates, but did not provide details of the conversation. but cameron's meeting with speaker of the lower house mike johnson, who for several months has refused to bring the ukraine aid bill to a vote, never took place. say it went according to a version of that same kiss from marzhari taylor greene. the speaker did not find time to meet with the briton. it turned out that the press conference following the results of the new trip was exactly like the previous one. both in content and even in appearance. unless the british diplomat has changed his clothes since december. what i talked about today in capital holne is that assistance to ukraine is not only a matter of european security, it is also in the interests of the security of the united states.
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the state allocated billions of dollars in tranches to the united states; most citizens do not want that to ukraine when things are not going well for themselves. today it became known that the white house’s current request for assistance to ukraine for $60 billion is actually an advance, and then, allegedly, the biden administration intends to ask congress for another $100 billion to kiev. i'm just trying to understand the total request volume for this war.
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took about 2.5 years to break even. during this time, the nazis killed 40,000 jews there and deported about the same number. on the night of april 10, 1944, soviet troops , after a short artillery barrage, attacked the enemy. in several directions and by 10:00 am the city was liberated. today, in honor of the memorable date in moscow, kstella, the hero city of odessa , wreaths and flowers were laid in the alexander garden. the ceremony was attended by delegations from odessa itself, as well as from the kherson region and lugansk people's republic. muslims celebrate one of the main holidays in islam , uraza bayram. it marks the end of the holy month of ramadan and strict fasting. a holiday that for followers of islam personifies the desire for moral improvement and purity of thoughts and actions. this is stated in vladimir putin’s congratulatory telegram. our
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correspondents fatima dadaeva and nakhit babaev will tell you how the celebration is going in moscow and other russian regions. the cathedral mosque of moscow, as well as the adjacent the area was crowded with believers. thousands of people came here this morning to celebrate eid al-fitr, here are among the visitors. i saw, among other things, diplomats from several muslim countries. before the start of the namaz prayer, the supreme mufti of russia, ravil gainuddin, addressed the believers, he noted that this year. peace be upon you, the mercy of allah almighty and his
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blessings. the service itself began at 7:00 am moscow time. eid al-fitr is perhaps one of the main muslim holidays. it has been celebrated since since the time of the prophet muhammad, from 624. the holiday marks the end of lent. it is strict in islam, lasting 30 days, during which you cannot eat or drink during the day. truly, the month of ramadan is the month in which every act of a believer is multiplied 700 times. therefore, every believer is in a hurry to do a good deed, so that allah almighty will forgive him his sins and grant him, his family, his relatives, mercy. and how eid al-fitr is celebrated in the north caucasus, my colleague fatima will tell you. festive ritual eid prayer prayer in the heart of chechnya mosque.
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devout muslims celebrate the day of the end of strict fasting. after the collective prayer there is a short sermon. zakiad distributes special alms for the needy even before the holidays. during the holy month of ramadan, bread was sold in stores for free. about 350,000 people received food packages in chechnya. 20 needy families moved into new apartments. palestinian refugees were not ignored either. financial assistance to every family, and after ramzan kadyrov’s call to pay off debts in order to help insolvent buyers in food stores in the republic , a large-scale charity event began. 15 132 the owner of a small store says goodbye to debtors who could not pay for months; relationships with customers are built on trust, because they have money. no, they don’t have enough, some of them
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don’t have pensions, they don’t have children’s pensions, their salaries are not enough for them, so we give them a debt. eid al-fitr is a generous holiday, believers give each other gifts and set the tables. according to islamic tradition, there should be no hungry people on this day. and deprived of attention. a charity dinner and ftar were organized in the karachay-cherkess republic. about 2.0 people gathered. how many people are here? is about 2,000 approximately e spent i mean for products and so on - somewhere - well, hundreds of kilograms of meat well somewhere around probably almost tons of meat here in general if you take then well the whole pilaf e vegetable meat with vegetables - then well, fruits, vegetables and so on, very well. there’s a lot of everything, too much to list. albina
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dutaeva’s table always includes khychiny, a round flatbread. with different fillings, served with butter or sour cream, from drinks susap, a traditional mountain drink prepared on the basis of ayran. alcoholic drinks are taboo. holidays not only in chechnya, but in neighboring regions are officially declared days off. people can go as guests and congratulate each other. well, for those who are at work on this day, all that remains is to take advantage of it.
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spring is a time of cleansing, take lymphotransit. lymphotransit helps cleanse the body and remove toxins, as well as reduce swelling by accelerating lymph movements. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. your spring update. so, on european territory there is no stability in the north, there is a cyclone, precipitation, first an increase, then a decrease in temperature. in arkhangelsk tomorrow it will be +6, and in a day it will be +4. the decrease is taking place in the north-west, in the daytime it is still above +10, in kaliningrad +16 there is almost no rain, in the center there is little precipitation, the situation can hardly be called a cold snap, the temperature has left records, but... on the volga it is warming more slowly than it happened in center, tomorrow maximum 21 in penzi, and rain in the region is larger, in the south a strong wind remains a spoonful of honey in a sunny barrel of honey, in the sochi region it is cold, so only +16, but in the whole district + 20-25. in st. petersburg there are rains,
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windy +10, in moscow +19, no precipitation, on friday light rain and about 15°, cold nights in places up to 1°. thank you, well, these are the main news for this hour, see you in the next news releases, order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest and get super cashback in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atms, no it’s just profitable, alpha is profitable. an endless country over which the sun never sets, the bewitching nature of russia, is now in your hands, on the new tinkov black cards, have time to get a tinkov black debit card with a limited design before april 14, get free service forever, tinkov, one of my friends has become very popular on
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