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tv   Itogi nedeli s Iradoi Zeinalovoi  NTV  April 14, 2024 7:00pm-8:21pm MSK

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the fact that the world has approached the red line and is only miraculously holding back from the last step has already become such a familiar feeling that it in itself becomes a threat, the same as the willingness of politicians not to be afraid of a nuclear bomb and discuss options for its use, and discusses all this ... with academic coldness: yes, the struggle for world order is underway, yes, it is being waged by the great powers, yes, their club includes those who call themselves the free world and those who call themselves the global south, yes, some are repelled by ideologies, others do not hear each other from the real state of affairs, and discuss not what the opponent says, but their perception of his words of intentions, and this coldness itself is incredible, because they do not describe headquarters games, but the fate of entire countries of peoples, this is how they explain the beginning of wars, and answers. to terrorist attacks and military strikes,
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but this demonstrative coldness becomes exactly the point where the blow is struck in reality, this is how iran now explains the purpose of its night attack on israel, we launched hundreds of drones and missiles, we wanted to see the blow, we saw it, the goal operations achieved, why? because even before the attack , tehran explained that if the un security council had reacted to the missile attack on our consulate in damascus, we would not have had to move from words to... despite the fact that all this time he demonstratively stayed away from the war, although he accused of planning the gas operation on october 7 and financing hamas, that is, iran , evaded the big one... and maybe
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will try to evade it now, and he could choose right now, exactly what he always chose, an asymmetrical response, a loud officially a bloodless attack, the main purpose of which is to demonstrate capabilities. ksir announced the response of the brave aerospace forces to the crime of the evil zionist regime, which attacked the consular section of the iranian embassy in damascus, killing a number of ksir commanders and military personnel.
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will be much larger. sahal stopped this attack in a most impressive manner. together with the united states and other partners, we were able to defend the territory of the state of israel. very little damage was caused, the result of an impressive performance by the israel defense forces. that is, now everyone is reporting good luck. iran showed what it wanted and saw what it wanted, that is, the positions of all its neighbors in the region, who, despite all the hostility towards tehran , did not interfere and announced the closure of their airspace for a retaliatory strike and the israelis, their... allies except
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jordan, which not only declared its readiness to repel an attack, but itself shot down flying drones, the position of israeli air defenses, because the iron dome was working at full power, and the very power of this air defense, because the iranians stated that hackers were able to hack its entire night, that turning on and off its systems, and the fact that at the same time israel was attacked by all iranian proxies, and also indicatively to no avail, also a demonstration that the system was built, controlled, orders were carried out without question, hamas launched missiles, hezbollah launched missiles, the houthis attack in the red sea. a very well- coordinated series of attacks by iran trying to send clear signals to israel. iran knew very well that most of the drones would be shot down. several launches were carried out from the territory of iraq and yemen, none of the objects reached israeli territory. over the past few hours , dozens of rockets have been fired from lebanese territory in a northern direction, but there have been no casualties. israel defense forces fighters struck hezbollah targets throughout lebanon. iran used a very, very, very small part of its. arsenal, if the israeli regime
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tries to retaliate, it will suffer even more, if the americans make the stupid mistake of carrying out aggression, they will lose iraq, they will lose syria and any country, american bases are located, they will regret this, that is, netanyahu tried to provoke iran, iran will now try to provoke israel, promising a strike of incredible power and on real targets, and ayatala plays in contrast if the white house still reproaches netanyahu for the fact that before the bombing of the consulate he not only did he not consult, he didn’t even inform him, the iranians warned biden 2 days in advance through the swiss embassy, ​​where, how they would hit where, they demonstratively hit exactly the base from which the f-35 took off, bombing damascus, that's why... now, when the israeli war cabinet meets and decides to respond in the next 48 hours, first it has to answer a call from the pentagon, then from the white house, as cnn reports, until the result of these calls, netanyahu heard biden's next demand: don't do this, the americans will try at any cost
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to preserve the post of chief arbiter in the middle east, which was so difficultly taken from the british, precisely because this is the oil route, which, according to the carter doctrine, must be preserved free at any cost, even at the cost of i... there must be an israeli response, but it must not be proportional, it must be much stronger, because when deterrence does not stop, you must teach the enemy that any benefit he hopes to get from his attack, there will be much less damage caused. among the many goals that israel should consider is the ability to destroy the taran nuclear weapons program, otherwise history will know who to blame. if the united states wants the world economy to decline, if they want oil exports...
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it is iran that may be the main threat to their ostensible calm and well-being in the region, not even because of its nuclear program, not because of its peaceful nature, which scares israel all the time, but rather because now in today's circumstances. iran is becoming the center of gravity for the rest of the muslim world. and it was the arabs who heard that israel, even during the attack, gave orders to attack in lebanon, even during the attack, bombed gaza. and maybe now abu dhabi, and riyadh, and doha they now understand the eve of the well-being of the entire region that they have been building for so long. after all
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, a continuation will mean one thing: it will not even be a blow to the stock exchanges or the price of the net, it will most likely provoke the growth of extremist sentiments throughout the region. this is a big gift for netanyahu because the world and the united states will be distracted from the carnage that netanyahu orchestrated in the gas sector and will focus on the confrontation with iran, so i don't think he's really interested in de-escalating the situation. the question remains if biden finally says that escalation is not in the interests of the united states, then as a result israel will have to retreat. and the fact that biden is now trying to keep netanyahu from retaliating against iran, and ayatala is limiting himself to statements of power. it can mean something simple: netanyahu’s multi-move has been calculated, everyone is trying not to fall into the trap that has been laid. is biden, in the midst of an election campaign , interested in starting a regional war, or fighting with iran, or starting a war in the entire region? and in persian everyone in the region understands perfectly well that the leaks themselves
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that the white house asked for advice on how to destroy the coalition that netanyahu built from the far right is already a bad signal, and not only netanyahu, it simply adds instability to the entire region. that is, the game is not just tough, it is a clash of words that mask reality and the reality that words build in response, and this is already called provoking a third world war in a region for which even less is enough for it to burst into flames and set fire to most of the world, everyone understands that khaminai is not calling for attacks throughout europe, but all of europe is filled with refugees, namely from muslim countries, which have their own score to settle with israel’s allies, everyone sees how biden is trying to persuade... netanyahu, since there were no victims of great destruction , there is no reason to expand the scale of the war. recognize everything that happened as your victory and stop discussing plans to strike iran’s nuclear facilities. will israel hear him? in principle, maybe not even because netanyahu will be able to find words to save face right now.
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rather, because he understands that right now the answer that the americans are ready to negotiate without going to war to protect israel lies in the plane where they will not invite fire, but solidarity is an ally. will demonstrate, and this is an accelerated procedure, the beginning of the adoption of a new aid package for israel, speaker johnson will no longer be able to delay, for him this will also be saving face after all the words. in congress about the need to support allies, but the same package includes assistance to taiwan and main assistance to ukraine, because of which all discussions were postponed, in this situation zelensky understands, on the one hand, what is happening in the middle east is much more important for the americans, they are ready for any expenses there, assistance to israel is their largest item of expenditure for supporting allies, this is accepted by default under lyndon johnson and does not change, despite any changes in either american or israeli politics. on the other hand , zelensky can bet that it will not just be accepted under the middle east package that
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for which they did not want to vote, and kiev will finally be given, if not 60 billion, but as much as they consider sufficient to continue. in this situation, it is more important for him to see something else, namely the continuation of support for his ally, despite his words and deeds, despite the fact that he does not listen to the americans, because if israel does this, then kiev may consider that it will allow it. but this is where zelensky’s main mistake may be, and this is not about the fact that ukraine will be forgotten in the middle east, no, it’s about the fact that the israeli the question is special for americans, it is about the israeli lobby, which has been working for years in washington, and about the money that biden needs in the elections, it is provided by donors associated with israel, and most importantly, it does not take into account american religiosity and the dream of control over jerusalem, and this has always been a serious factor, because all together it means a simple thing: in the middle east , americans consider their interests to be vitally important, in ukraine they may begin
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to doubt, even with all the statements that it is there that the battle for world order is taking place, even with all the words said that russia cannot be allowed to win, otherwise america will lose power. why? because there are words, and there is their material expression, and this is not in favor of zelensky. oil transport routes have always been more important for americans than any valuables. the whole order is based on this. anatoly in donbass figured out if there on earth, reality is determined not by words, are those who continue to repeat ready, the russians cannot be allowed to win, this will destroy the authority of nato and america, change the course of the game if it is going into a hot phase on several boards at the same time, because zelensky’s allies cannot help but understand that yes, we are delivering massive strikes, but this is also a response to strikes on our civilian targets, just like our svo became a response. in response to threats, they may not be as spectacular
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as artillery and tanks; for a whole day of duty they may not even fire shots, but every launch of a buk missile is a thwarted large-scale prepared kiev attack on our rear areas. buki - medium-sized anti-aircraft missile systems range is the basis of the russian air defense system. which in the past week alone destroyed 1,700 ukrainian drones, 25 hymers hurricane missiles and 12 guided bombs. shot down atakoms, shot down himors of all classifications, guided by coordinates, by thermal signatures, shot down the storm shadow cruise missile, everything without problems, the main thing is the coordinated work of calculation and desire, and also the soldier’s ingenuity, how to hide, for example, a huge machine in a field, when ... she always hunts, the work of our air defense systems is very reminiscent of a game in hide and seek, constant movement with changes
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in the base area, firing position, forest belts and even captains, and regardless of whether there were launches or the beech was simply scanning the sky in search of a target, it will change its location, necessarily, at least once every 2 hours, one division is capable accompany destroy. 36 targets simultaneously, and the crew can transmit the coordinates of the target to colleagues with short-range air defense systems, when, for example, there is no point in spending an entire buk missile on a regular reconnaissance drone, this is a layered air defense system, which does not shine for ukraine even with supplies from the west. in the same patriot installations, the american attempt to make a universal weapon against all air targets obviously failed. in this footage, the ukrainian armed forces are trying to shoot down our drones with expensive and valuable missiles. they even succeed, although in fact kiev is hitting sparrows with cannons, but
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ukraine no longer has time to shoot down russian daggers, iskander calibers, which of course fly after the drones, or it has nothing to shoot down with. this week, our retaliatory strikes defeated two kharkov tanks, one of them the largest in ukraine. we hit our tets-3. the last one that was alive. a thermal power plant was destroyed by high-precision strikes. in the lviv region and trypilska tes in the capital region, it’s just the entire power plant on fire, in these frames the turbine shop is already on fire. the station that supplied three ukrainian regions at once no longer exists, they reported even in kiev. at the moment, the station is at zero level, it does not work at all, it is completely destroyed. all intended targets were destroyed by air and sea ground-based weapons, the most important thing for the ukrainian defense industry energy sources, like last week and the week before last, are successfully knocked out by our missiles. another one flew. we were waiting for the right
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moment, said the russian president. kiev mistakenly believed that everyone would simply forget about the attacks on our cities. i want to emphasize that even for humanitarian reasons, we did not carry out any attacks in the winter, meaning that we did not want to leave social institutions, hospitals, etc. without power supply, but after a series of attacks on our energy facilities we were forced answer. first of all, we proceed from the fact that in this way we influence the pkk, the military-industrial complex of ukraine, and directly. in zaporozhye, the workshops where leopards were repaired were destroyed; in kharkov, a tank factory and a train with fuels and lubricants that had already been met by military tankers were destroyed. in the sumy region there was a strike on a weapons storage base, in odessa on
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a railway bridge along which trains with equipment were going to the front. about russian accuracy and concentration of missiles on... they are now trying to knock russian missiles off course instead of air defense even sorcerers and magicians, and zelensky, as if ignoring reality, but already emotionally directing his hands, is raving about new counter-offensives. we have a new counter-offensive plan, and this counter-offensive must bring results. after these results, if russian troops cannot hold territory, they will leave. it seems that the ukrainian president is trying to convince himself of the reality of his own plans, because even the ukrainian commander-in-chief syrsky, who said on saturday that russian troops are seeking tactical success. yes, the wording is cautious, but this is the first time at such a high level. the ssu recently lost another village in the avdeevsky sector, where our
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center group is breaking through. here is the russian flag in the center.
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over the past week, the russian army has improved the situation along the front in all operational directions. the total losses in the ukrainian armed forces, according to our ministry of defense, are 6,500 people, 17 tanks and 130 field artillery pieces. here, the crew of the anti-aircraft gun based on the old zil doesn’t even try to save the car after the first arrival of the kamikaze drone. taught bitter experience and empty promises of their own commanders, they simply cannot evacuate wounded soldiers from scratch.
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confirms the attack, but as before, the head of the mission does not specify who launched the drones. in such conditions, a functioning station is monitored by russian specialists. on thursday, the head of rostekhnadzor visited the nuclear power plant. scheduled visit in connection with the transition of the fourth power unit in driving modes. the normal situation can only be affected by external influence. this is if kiev, taking advantage of western silence, attacks the station with something heavier than drones. anatoly. question: what will happen if ukraine loses? and boris johnson can formulate that if putin captures kiev, this will be the first defeat of nato in the european region in 75 years, but
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it is already clear that everything can go according to the principle: if you don’t like the combinations on the table, turn the whole table over, you already need to see how he formulates american conservative: russia has presented the west with a dilemma: watch it achieve its strategic goals or prepare for escalation. the likelihood of nato deployment increases now s... america and its allies have put their viability on the line, if they lose, it will be worse than a vanity crisis, that is, those who are trying to get money to continue appeal specifically to the middle east and its threats, which is why sikorsky announces, if the americans do not do everything they promised to ukraine as an ally, do not continue to supply it with air defense, their authority will be in question, that is. dancing through the iconomist and through the poles sends a clear signal: no negotiations, so many words have already been said that it’s time to take it back it won’t work out without losing face, and at the same time
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they announce that they do not exclude the transfer of their laser weapons to ukraine, the creation of which they announced six months ago, and this is precisely about the fact that ukraine remains a testing ground for new types of weapons, and about the fact that the words about war as a good investment means simple, these weapons from... are tested in real combat, explaining the struggle of democracy with authoritarian putin, now you need to not only hear the austrian chancellor, it’s the west that has united, but the world majority does not agree with him and does not understand why the ukrainian crisis is being inflated, because this war can become larger -scale and uncontrollable, peace will not be achieved without russia, that is, he is trying to balance on the brink of convincing the europeans that there is another side and other arguments, despite the fact that germany also announces: the restoration of ukraine, no matter the outcome of the conflict, already requires almost 500 billion. european budgets will not support this. and france, amid macron’s loud words about sending nato troops only for these
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in less than six months, it has already bought 600 million euros worth of gas from us. and politics assures us that this is the highest figure in the eu compared to last year. and the conclusion is that the allies can hardly afford even such a fantastic development of events as a victory for ukraine. then they will have to fight for ukraine. continue to pay, because all the russian seized assets are not enough to restore it, that is, perhaps this is the explanation why words about support at any cost do not become a reality, why ukraine is given exactly enough and exactly enough to be able to continue, but valeria olyokhina tried to understand why all these words of the statement do not take into account the main thing, with all the deliveries of weapons, with all the voting in the european parliament, which refused to approve funding for the eu council on... ukraine will not be given new patriot systems, kiev does not have enough people for fulfilling everything his allies say. yes, zelensky is not a politician, but
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the worst thing is that he has never learned to play politics over the years, and this is his willingness, unwillingness to understand that politics is the art of the possible, for this he pays with other people's lives. now it’s enough to twist your face into the asphalt and the military commissars can take the forces away according to the law, this week the deputy. it is said to receive consular services, but this did not frighten the overseas ukrainians; on the contrary, they launched the yauhiland flash mob, that is, the draft dodgers show their lives outside of
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independence. for evaders who failed to escape, fines have already been introduced, money can be written off from personal bank accounts, and that’s not all, property is next. first, the ukrainian authorities decided to cancel evaders' driver's licenses, and then went even further. and now they will confiscate everyone’s cars, or rather mobilize them for the needs of the bsu, in the event that a citizen has more than one car registered, and no matter what year, class, whether it’s his own or a company one, whether it’s a passenger car or, say, a tractor, one of the vehicles will now definitely be taken away , it’s like they were running after the draft dodgers, so all these, now cars will run after cars and how someone will pay off, someone will hide, re-register and so on, this will be such chaos, this will be the chaos of war. calls, they immediately strengthened control at the borders, now it is prohibited for teenagers who are 16 but not yet 18 to leave the country, they are also a mobilization resource, the publication figaro, referring to the military of the armed forces of ukraine, writes:
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now we are already switching to women and are destroying the nation with everyone accessible ways, children, we will simply give everyone away for meat, i just don’t understand where we are going, not all of them, so the deputies, two assistants to each of them , received a reservation, among those who will not be touched by people in uniform, also business employees holdings and enterprises that included in the list of strategically important ones, including restaurants and a traveling circus of ukraine.
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“the time of quiet diplomacy is over, he will no longer ask for the air defense systems kiev needs , politely continue to bang his head against the wall, how the khuleba was going to knock out the help of the allies in a new way, he did not specify, but germany announced the day before that it would supply another patriot system, the head of european diplomacy, barel, is also trying to stir up eu countries regarding military assistance to kiev. some may say that this is very expensive to support. ukraine, but if we don’t support ukraine
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we will allow it to fall in the face of russia.” to discuss its so-called peace formula. it is planned that invitations will be sent to more than 100 countries, but the swiss media note that the success or failure of this conference does not depend on the number of participants, the fundamental issue of the presence of the russian country. moscow’s position was voiced by the president this week. the idea is being promoted to hold some kind of conference in switzerland, we are not invited there, moreover, they think that we are there.
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nothing to do. but at the same time they say that nothing can be decided without us, and since we are not going there, this is generally some kind of nopticum, they say that we refuse negotiations, they don’t invite us, they say that we refuse, but it was it would be funny if it weren’t so sad, but once again i want to emphasize that we are for it, just not in the format of imposing on us any schemes that have nothing to do with reality. the reality is that ukraine is losing territory, people and expensive western equipment, they themselves say kiev political scientists admit that without russia any summits, forums are just shakes in the air, 100 countries come, zelensky speaks, iermak speaks and they say: our plan is the border of the ninety-first year, everyone says: wow, how cool, we support, hurray, and what's next? russia said, we are ignoring all this, so the question is about the value of this forum, i believe that
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if the forum sets its goals... its search for peace, a formula for peace, then it is necessary that this be a dialogue. zelensky refuses dialogue, refers to the decree banning negotiations, who signed it himself, also stated that he was not familiar with the details of french president macron’s idea to send foreign troops to ukraine and asked to explain whether we were talking about a border or training mission in ukraine. macron , meanwhile, started talking about transferring the french economy to a war footing, and he himself immediately promised to lay the first brick for the construction of a gunpowder production plant.
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and here you need to not only hear former secretary general robertson declare that if ukraine loses, our enemies will determine the future world order, that is for us, this is all that is happening about the threat on the borders and people in donbass, and for them it is about
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the undermining of american power, for us this is the expansion of nato, a threat to the existence of russia, but for them not expansion, a threat to the declared words, because the question is who is ready for what in this situation remains unanswered for now, but already... it is clear that this is precisely what kiev is playing on, it clearly continues to build on the israeli experience, with demonstrative repetitions, it is happy to protect democracy, we are the only country that is fighting for you in the region, because netanyahu and zelensky declare almost simultaneously, if we are not there, the entire western world will be next, we are your outpost, but clearly from the entire israeli experience zelensky learned what he wanted to learn, operations on foreign territory, which the mossad never admits and never denies, after which he...
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isis, this is already becoming very similar, not even to an undercover operation, to an operation to cover up the obvious, a brand is used that does not require evidence, just like it was used for many years after 9/11 under the patriot act.
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for a loan with tinkof before the end of april, make all payments on time and we will return the 5% rate in cash, we approve your plans, tinkov, i'm erada zeynalova and this. the results of the week and now we need to see how the sequence of actions is changed when stoltenberg declares that ukraine’s strikes on military targets in russia are legal, this is part of its right to self-defense. he doesn’t want to see that kiev is striking non-military targets, and these strikes are pursuing a completely different goal, the destruction of normal life in our border areas. the same thing when pistorius, as bloomberg writes, states that putin promised that he would not stop in ukraine and would attack europe, as hitler promised, that it will not stop at czechoslovakia, it is clear that the most terrible words are chosen
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specifically for the german ministers, it is not clear why pistorius not only comes up with our non-existent plans, but gives non-existent quotes. yes, here you can just hear putin, the west’s statement about russia’s aggressive policy, nonsense, this is to justify spending on ukraine, but here you also need to see how they are trying to drown out the obvious in words, ukrainian attacks have really moved to a new level, kiev no longer hides. not just shells border city, plans and carries out terrorist attacks on our territory, already looks almost like an operation to divert attention, then just as now, after the monstrous attack on crocus, it is still constantly repeated, this is isis, that is, the same isis that has not been easy to follow all this time observed, and which went deep underground, not showing itself in any way except for rare forays somewhere in afghanistan, now suddenly there is just a wave of statements that the games... the champions league are under threat, and the olympics in paris, and the championship
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world cup, an attack is being prepared on america, all on new internet platforms, or with reference to western intelligence agencies. that’s why olim yusupov decided to figure out what kiev’s allies will do when we collect enough indisputable evidence that kiev was behind the attack in crocus, because an attempt to blame everything on kiev’s allies probably still seems like a convenient way out, because on the one hand it’s they are now trying to avoid reputational damage. otherwise it will turn out that they are helping a terrorist state, on the other hand, they are trying to repeat the successful maneuver when the americans declared a global war on terror and allowed themselves to violate all the laws of the world, from the invasion of iraq, without un sanctions, to drone strikes around the world, with the death of civilians as collateral damage, but they cannot help understand, this may not work, precisely because they were unable to force kiev to stop after the terrorist attack in crocus, and every next... attempt at his terrorist attack is a reality that nullifies all words about his
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non-involvement. blowing up an ex's car sbu officer vasily prozarov in moscow became notable news not only in russia, but in ukraine. prozorov worked for the security service of ukraine until 2017, after which he fled to russia, where at a press conference he admitted to being a russian spy. there is no need to recall for a long time examples of how the sbu successfully acted as a traitor to the ukrainian people. on december 6, 23 , the odious ex-detat ilya kiva had an unsuccessful walk through the forest near moscow, having received a bullet in the chest and a control bullet in the head, not so long ago they almost killed another traitor, the former.
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denies by default the accepted norms of the fight against russia. russian intelligence services regularly report on crimes committed and prevented, traces of which lead to kiev. and this week the investigative committee opened a criminal case into western financing of ukrainian terrorists. according to the troops, the money went through the notorious ukrainian gas production company burisma holdings. in the united states itself, the company was accused of corruption and a serious conflict of interest when hunter joined its management in 2014 biden and his father is jobo.
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russia knows that the terrorist attack in moscow was carried out by isis militants, we know that it is isis, we warned russia about the impending terrorist attack, everything else is noise. but what seems like a distant noise in washington, in russia is daily work for the intelligence services; according to their report, this year alone they prevented 27 pirates in transport, energy, and defense factories. in all cases, the attackers were associated with ukrainian intelligence or the army and operated throughout the country. this is footage from belgorod. we are working, this is from bryansk, i arrived on the territory of the bryansk region to plant an explosive, in whose interests it is acting, a unit of the armed forces of ukraine, and this is in the crimea, and i was contacted by an sbu officer who introduced himself as anton, and i had to
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establish surveillance of a serviceman of the black sea fleet for its further elimination. the entry point into terrorism is remote fraudulent schemes, with their help they recruit sabotage perpetrators, lure out money by promising to return it, demand to commit crimes and simply extort huge sums, ukraine itself has instructions for anyone, who wants to embarrass, that is, deceive the russians, they freely surf the internet, from camrusnet, you just take them and fool them, there is nothing complicated here, you just take them and fool them, but in an organized manner and probably under the cover of the same sbu, whole people are doing this.. they are called offices there, they began to appear en masse in the fourteenth year, journalists, investigators, including western ones, already reported on the alarming scale of criminal networks. last year , several shadow call centers were demonstratively closed down in ukraine, but this was clearly indicative the action concerned mainly those who worked against countries friendly to kiev, for example,
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the czech republic. according to russian banking experts, as of the twenty-third year , almost a thousand call centers operated in ukraine, 90% of all machines originated from them. calls to russia, every year russians are deceived in an amount ranging from 55 billion, this is the estimate of the russian ministry of internal affairs, up to 150 billion rubles, experts say. and again, the auxiliary structures of the so -called offices penetrate into russia itself. this week, law enforcement officers came to such a branch. communication means are all here quickly. this there was a virtual communication center, here they coordinated work with ukrainian offices using special equipment and replaced it with
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the same method of warfare as any other, except that officially non-military means were used. we remember the words of kiril budanov, who said that he does not rule out terrorist decisions. we know that some russians were killed because they were targeted by the ukrainian authorities. ukrainian politicians are being killed for allegedly collaborating with russia, and this those unconventional ones. methods of warfare, which is terrorism. the scale of the illegal activities of the ukrainian special services, from fraud on an especially large scale to direct acts of violence, seems to allow us to talk about a full-fledged new front against russia, in addition to military and information, now it is also terrorist. alim yusupov, total week, ntv television company. and further, because you just need to continue the chain, from how the nationalists rejoiced at the death of people in the house of trade unions in odessa 10 years ago, to how they rejoiced the death of people in... crocus is already so joyful that they are discussing that there is a flood in siberia, that water is rising in the neighboring regions of the orrenburg region, that
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people are being evacuated, and this is just a reality formed from words, no one has been punished for odessa, so they accepted by default that this was possible, and how the inhabitants of donbass were called colorados, dehumanizing those who died under shelling, turning words into reality, so now, this dehumanization is already about all russians, yes, we will survive this and we will not pay attention from... everything, equipment, rescuer, backup housing, budget in an attempt to minimize the consequences of the disaster. yes, first of all, we need to help
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people survive it, and then help restore housing or get a new one, but then we will need to clearly answer the question: could this have been avoided, or even what should and what could have been done, how, who, to make it happen? prevent? and the answer to this question will already mean what to do next, because every year floods and forest fires, and almost... happen simultaneously and requires large human resources, incredible budget expenditures, it has already become commonplace, yes, the authorities are doing everything possible to help, but people actually end up without the latter and are forced to start living from scratch, which is why the issue of prevention is so important. nikita gusenkov went to the disaster zone to understand what is being done now to save and help, and whether it really could have been avoided and whether it can be avoided by working on the mistakes, because everyone understands how difficult it is to restore.
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more than 10 thousand residential buildings were sunk in 39 regions of the country. the tense situation is in altai, in the volga region, in kuzbass, in the tyumen, omsk and kurgan regions in the south of the urals, where orenburg and orsk suffered the most, where due to the rampant nature of the disaster , a federal emergency was declared. everything that is on the ground floor - a kitchen, a bedroom there, some household premises, everything that equipment that could not be dismantled, everything flew away, here... there has never been such a water level at all, that is, well, there is an excess , well, really 2 m. the scale of the disaster is visible even in photographs from out of space, the main river of
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the ural region overflowed its banks, the water level rose to 12 m in a week , instead of the prescribed five, a stormy stream demolished houses, this is what was left of one of the cottage villages: this area was the first to receive the blow of the elements. san, unfortunately, this is your home, it’s very bad, but san, you can’t do anything, people from flooded areas are like that. they took it out in amphibious vehicles, entire streets went under water, along with everything that their residents were unable to save, it took almost 3 years to build, i was thinking of putting a roof on this year, everything there is nothing to bet on. on tuesday, alarming news began to come from the regional capital in a city of half a million, the city embankment, the private sector was flooded, the water level rose 30 cm per day, already in the middle of the week it exceeded the critical threshold, we have a boat with a motor, we took it for fishing, yesterday - here, that is, this is the kuznechny district, people were also taken from roofs, from windows, someone simply, that is, we put a boat, people come up, ask for help, shelters in the water
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at the so-called strongholds, where equip the teams. local residents set up field kitchens, they are simply partial to thermoses, bring hot tea, drinking water, make sandwiches, in such a situation you don’t want to stand on the sidelines and wait for all this to pass and walk around there just to take pictures with your phone, you want to somehow to help my grandparents in one village , they took away the course of the chicken coop, transported it, maybe their farm, their whole life is in this, they pulled out a cow, over there they are transporting a bunch of dogs, we have a cheerful company, they frolicked and... and got out themselves, and then returned again to save their neighbor’s pets from the icy water. he is shaking, sausage, but he trusts, good, good, he lies down, here are the living ones, they saved someone, he drowned, from the corrals there are bones, calves and cows, now we will try to pull out the dry hovel, we pull, we pull, we pull, and also bulls, horses and even a camel, an inhabitant of one of the orenburg boarding houses, in
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the flood zone here, in addition to a private zoo , there are flooded factory stations, a horse farm... a farm and a dog kennel. we really missed you . i miss you, yes. this is a rescue an operation on a scale not just of several regions, but of the entire country. when emercom teams were sent to several dozen regions, when 100 tons of humanitarian aid were collected by residents of tula, drinking water was brought from neighboring bashkiria, udmurtia, nizhny novgorod and sverdlovsk regions. when the paramedics and nurses of the orenburg emergency hospitals gave up their days off and vacations and went to help those who remained in flooded houses. delicate, fragile. the girls got together in an hour and a half without further ado and are ready to save people, that is, priorities are placed strictly, the main thing now is to save people, therefore, first of all , residents of dangerous areas are notified and evacuated, including forcibly, when high water comes, victims are searched for, those who are cut off by floods or cannot leave their homes, on boats are rescued they deliver food, drinking water, dry things, fuel, generators are removed from
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flooded areas, this is the main thing now, further assessment will follow. damage, calculation of compensation for victims and mandatory clarification of all the reasons for what happened, which is why in in the flooded orsk, the prosecutor's office is already working on the very dam that was supposed to protect the city, but was the first to leak, it was completed 10 years ago, the budget for the dam cost almost a billion rubles, but even then the supervisory agencies were missing 50 million, as it turned out, some of the construction work was simply not completed; the investigative committee opened a criminal case due to negligence and violations during construction and operation. a huge mass of water pressed on not a dam, but on earthen shafts, this is, well, in fact, it’s not a dam, a billion ruble dam doesn’t cost 10 km there, today the task has been assigned to specialists, which means looking at the construction and design of a real dam, there is an order from the president, there will be a report, the flood situation is under the special control of the president, reports on the progress of work, the rescue operation and putin
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receives support from people every hour, we have connections to kurgan, orenburg, tyumen, we have connections almost every day, but nevertheless the situation changes hourly, in some places the water has not yet arrived, in others it has not yet left, but now it is necessary think about restoring housing, first of all housing, and infrastructure, of course, so don’t delay, please prepare for this in advance. the president emphasizes several times that we need to work proactively and have all the funds in the budget to help the victims.
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ki in the affected areas of the altai territory, where a state of emergency has been in effect since the end of march. more than 200 settlements fell into the flood zone in tatarstan; rescuers are evacuating residents of flooded villages in the tomsk region. there, with the help of tnt charges, they hide the ice on still frozen rivers. in the kimerovo region , outbuildings were carried away by the current due to a river spill. this is how people waited for help on the roofs of their houses. the first time there was so much water, it was just a nightmare. they tied the greenhouse, the greenhouse doesn’t matter. they are preparing for record values ​​in the tyumen region, where water levels in rivers could hit a historical maximum next week. the causes of abnormal floods are snowy winters, sudden warming in march and frozen soil, which is why melt water does not go into the ground, flooding everything around. big the wave continues to spread across neighboring regions in the trans-urals, floods affected two dozen villages in the kurgan region. attention,
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forced evacuation has been announced. wednesday in particularly dangerous areas. they announced evacuation and grouping, rescuers intensified in kurgan, where they had been preparing for the strike of the elements all week. the water is coming from the south, the level in the tobol river was growing every day and began to threaten the regional capital, where, according to forecasts, the most difficult days are only... our city needs to somehow hold back the water so that it doesn’t flow, flood no houses, nothing, we need to help. nikita gusenkov, results of the week, mtv television company. yes, now i really want to believe that we will all quickly cope with this disaster together, that new technologies will help prevent and avoid, but it is in such a situation that a lot becomes clear, not only about people, but also about technology, about the fact that without data from space much is impossible, which is why, when lukashenko comes to visit us on cosmonautics day,
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members of the expedition to the iss from russia and belarus are invited to the meeting of presidents, and for them the time scale, from gagarinsky we went to today’s space experiments, the most direct thing, they don’t need proof of words, why do we need to maintain the status of leading space research at any cost. powers for them, space is about cooperation and security, now without space it is impossible to solve a single problem at all; they are effective on earth, this is an increase in defense capability, this is modern new materials, medicines, this is logistics, movement, in general, this is where you can’t point your finger, there are applications for space technology everywhere, so this topic important, we...
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it is in the field of high technology that all words become reality, big politics, because it’s not just that now the largest taiwanese semiconductor manufacturer announces that it is leaving the island and opening factories in arizona in the twenty-eighth, and this clearly means simple, that the american forecast may come true before the thirtieth year there will be a big war in the pacific ocean, that is , semiconductors have so far been the main trump card of a safe conduct in taiwan, now chinese technology is approaching taiwanese. this is no longer a deterrent, and taiwan understands that the americans can sacrifice it in the game, it no longer has a trump card, there are satellite photographs of the model of its capital, built by china in inner mongolia, just as there is a model of seoul, and kim
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is defiantly looking at it carefully in the official photo. let's quickly watch the advertisement and try to understand if the current deputy general of nato, joan, assures russia, china and everyone else are making massive attempts to undermine american power. america needs... european allies so that it is not defeated, as far as xi understands that he can be provoked, because foreign affairs is already an article with a summer motive, when reagan defeated the soviet union, gorbachev was there, ready for a liberal world, blue gorbachev, he more like stalin, we are not talking about a coup, but we need to create the preconditions in china for the emergence of another leader. there is a mask on the show, the anniversary season is incredibly strong, the chip is on the chip, the chip is driving,
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“i am irada zeynalova, and these are the results of the week, and now we need to ask a question, if they constantly repeat that there is a struggle for world order, that the worst thing for those who have dictated it so far is the loss of control of power, to independently play those who is considered a threat to this whole order, then there are russia, china and iran and their allies, how they will try to prevent this, because the answer, which is already on the surface, they will try to split those who are called the “global” and the world majority, it is clear that they will try to start a game around money, because that the first main target for them will not be us, but china, despite the fact that now, according to game theory, which the americans always start from in all their strategies, it found itself in a superposition when the main player tried to destroy us, but could not, time plays against him, and china not only benefits from our switch to the eastern markets, but it continues to build a system of connections around the world, while its main enemy is the americans behind... crises in europe and the middle
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east, but in foreign affairs there is already a policy article with the concept of a new cold war. the main motive is that the rivalry between america and china does not need to be managed, it must be won, there is no need to be afraid of aggravation, we need to deal with it toughly, we need to rearm the army, deprive china of its economic levers, expand a coalition of anti-chinese allies, and the conclusion: we must play as reagan played with the soviet union, with severe pressure according to the behests of brzezinski. as far as this concept. depends on who will be in the white house next year, but not by how much. trump was the one who declared a trade war on beijing. biden, in fact, simply continued what he started, passing laws on how to put pressure on non-market people in the market. methods, why? because he thinks he can, but sived understands the difference between words and deeds very well, he understands and how the americans are trying to play, because if during the cold war, all these years after it, they considered nato expansion to be the promotion of an idea, and it had nothing
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to do with american security, its approach to our borders destroyed precisely this security, and therefore the author of the theory of our containment, ken, called america's biggest mistake happening, but now the same thing could happen in a new round with china, and it is unlikely to tolerate approaching its borders, it may have more strength than the soviet union during the cold war, it has a powerful economy, despite all the talk that it is now going downhill. ksenia nikrasova just watched how, as a result of lavrov’s visit to beijing, china, without explanation , refused to purchase grain from america in australia in favor of ours, and this totaled more than 2 million tons, how... xi is going to france, serbia, in hungary, as in parallel with lavrov, american allies are flying to him for negotiations, trying to understand how tough he will play further, because he always preferred the asymmetrical an answer, not the same as the iranians, but also delayed in time, and he knows that he is also
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teetering on the brink, they will try to push him with words to real actions, they tried to change the speed of the game, and xi understands how nato was created during the cold war, together american soldiers are buried, including those who participated in battles with the japanese during the second world war. kishida was not embarrassed, but in his homeland the example was accused of betraying the japanese people, including for this laughter during kamala haris’s toast to heroshima, who raised her glass not v
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memory of an american bomb dropped on the city in honor of the local baseball team. i raise a glass to my beloved san francisco, giants. i don’t have a glass, and neither do you. the white house chefs prepared a sumptuous state dinner for the important guests. biden announced the expansion of the military alliance between the united states and japan and the creation of a joint missile defense system. having sworn allegiance to the americans before the us congress,
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fumio kishida promised washington to provide all possible assistance in their fight against china and russia, which the japanese prime minister suddenly accused of nuclear weapons. again, not a word about washington’s responsibility for the deaths of civilians in jeroshima and nagasaki. russia continues to threaten the use of nuclear weapons, which has heightened global concern about the real possibility of another catastrophe. this reality requires greater coordination between japan and the united states than ever before. as i often say, today's ukraine can become tomorrow's east asia. the states have already created their own ukrainian scenario for asia actively rehearse during naval exercises. near the chinese borders this week, the united states sent an aircraft carrier strike group led by theodore roosevelt to the east china sea, and by the end of 2024 the americans plan to deploy medium-
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range missiles in the asia-pacific region, including the philippines and japan. the fact that aggressive us actions lead to war is also understood by the filipinos, while the country's president marcos, joining biden and quisidi, discussed washington at the first trilateral summit. how to contain beijing, in monila, local residents tore the portraits of the meeting participants, and at the same time the american flag. in the usa we are used as american pawns, the usa plans to increase the number of its bases in our country to 22, they are deploying all their equipment here, bombs and planes. the us is putting the philippines at risk, they are making us a target. the states offer manila their support in their territorial disputes with china. in exchange, the americans want to turn the philippines into one of their main post-freedoms. in case of war with china over taiwan. for the same purposes, washington arms australia with nuclear submarines . the white house no longer hides why the aucus block was actually created. i think that in practical terms, aucus will have the potential to have submarines in multiple
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countries operating in close coordination, and this will play a big role in a number of scenarios, including a standoff scenario in the taiwan strait. according to experts, this statement by campbell only confirms, in the event of a military conflict, the decision to operationally use submarines will not be in canbera, but in washington. the united states is actively inviting japan to join the caucus in the biden administration . consultations on tokyo's partnership with the bloc. seeing how the states around china are gathering their allies into a fist, beijing does not rule out a forceful scenario in the taiwan issue, while the peaceful development of bilateral relations is a priority, the head of the prc stated this at negotiations in beijing with the former leader of taiwan, a meeting that has already been held here called historical. for the first time in 75 years on chinese territory there was a conversation between two politicians from opposite sides of the taiwan strait, but it was a tough handshake.
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artificially flooded with cheap chinese world prices, when the world market for goods, the viability of american and other foreign firms is called into question. if on the last visit. the press explained elin’s absurd statements by the use of mushrooms in a yunan restaurant that could
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cause hallucinations. this time, the head of the american ministry of finance chose sachuan cuisine, which is famous for its spiciness, as indeed are the current relations china and usa. in beijing, elen was shown the imperial academy, next to which the temple of confucius is located, a clear hint that in relations with the middle kingdom the states should show more patience, against the backdrop of how washington intends... to escalate, beijing is getting closer and closer to moscow, china and russia will respond to any attempts at double containment with double counteraction, what in china is called standing back to back. this general response formula was proposed by the chinese foreign minister at a meeting with sergei lavrov. the head of the russian foreign ministry arrived in beijing even before elin’s departure, and this visit became even more revealing, as they say “feel the difference,” wrote users of chinese social networks, clearly demonstrating the screen. it’s not possible for the states to convince
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their closest allies to abandon the smuggle, ignoring the pressure from washington; the german chancellor is flying to beijing for a three-day visit; the fact is that scholz is not ready to sacrifice the prosperity of his country to the interests of the american authorities, the newspaper writes politics, especially given the difficulties , which are now. the german economy is experiencing the consequences of the sanctions imposed against russia. ksenia nekrasova, especially for the results of the week. but it turns out that we ourselves need to understand that no matter what concepts the big players are playing with now, we have our own experience and our own interests. we understand perfectly well that now everyone has begun to compare what is happening precisely with the times of the cold war, but for some reason no one remembers that it was never cold and now they are arguing that there are two. the powers did not face what they saved the balance of power, they remembered containment, but more than
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200 conflicts around the world were precisely the price of the struggle for this balance then and the test then, by the battle of this containment, something has changed now, it is unlikely, which is why it is interesting to hear how the american fund trillion dollar black rock announces that in less than six months we have grown by 15%, this is more than 10 trillion dollars, and he is not just behind the american gunsmiths and the purchase of ukrainian... lands, in principle he manipulates and globally all processes in the economy in politics, and as bloomberg assures, america and europe are faced with the fact that they need more than 10 trillion for rearmament to counterbalance russia and china, they must increase defense spending, we can consider that they are starting an arms race, they never stopped it, they just kept on their printing presses until now, but the ricards economist is already announcing that america spends more on interest on the debt than its own defense... needs and the conclusion may be simple: only in the years under biden, who so insists on order and rules , neither
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there is no order or rules so much that it is blazing all over the world, the americans can only continue to sell weapons. on which their trillions grow, and what they call the american order cannot be brought into order. here we can talk about the boomerang effect that hit those who play against us, and against china, and against iran. you can even now choose which strategies will work better in the new cold war, kissinger and the balance of power, or brzyzinski’s idea of ​​maximum pressure, but it is clear that it is no longer possible to exclude ourselves from the general battle for world order if we want to preserve both... ourselves and our interests, why? because we still need to remember what it cost us to decide to end the cold war voluntarily, bloodlessly, because to us it seemed like a logical and common victory, after which only happiness awaits everyone, but this was considered our weakness and they declared us losers, there were those who declared themselves winners
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generously, of course not, with losers this is not at all necessary, fukuyama has already explained, end of story, the rest is written by the winners. therefore, our dream of a free world in which there will be no wars, in which our opponents will become our friends, will help us build a new country, ended very painfully, you are no longer a great power, you are a gas station country, and the collapse of the soviet union, which brzyzinski considered extremely unlikely, turned into a common tragedy for the vast majority of its inhabitants, and such a desired freedom, in which they believed so much, and who were so intoxicated, from freedom from censorship and from ideology turned into from the law, from culture, from the state, which became absolutely helpless, and could neither save, nor protect, nor support, and his words had nothing to do with our reality, and our planning horizon narrowed to simply what we would eat for dinner and whether we would eat at all, and reality after all the words became racketeering, poverty, hunger, wars on all national outskirts, load-20
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feelings of hopelessness, this was all our life, watch the premiere tomorrow on our channel. series, the boy’s word, it’s all there, in case anyone forgot, and it’s clearly possible that the series is so fiercely discussed be considered evidence, it is true about reality, it reminds some of what it meant to survive in the nineties, it explains to others why this cannot be allowed again, we paid too dearly for allowing ourselves to step over the edge, to do that someone’s words and doctrines as their reality, and the main thing is that this is why we must not allow them to rock and cause us to quarrel again. to follow the lead of those who are trying to drag us around the national outskirts and make us doubt what we are doing, look, this is good vaccination against many things, including nostalgia for the past, we have immunity from it, and we will and must therefore build the country and build its future, only together. these were the results of a week that, as always, has its own heroes.


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