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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 15, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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what do double standards lead to? results of the meeting convened after iran's attack on israel. emergency level.
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mission in damascus, our permanent representative vasily nebendze announced this at an urgent meeting of the un security council. our diplomat noticed that western countries did not even mention the root causes of iran’s harsh actions. official tehran, meanwhile, declares that after the demonstrative strike it does not plan further actions, unless, of course, israel itself provokes them. but the military cabinet in tel aviv is eager to fight began to prepare his response, but immediately encountered opposition. our main ally, why in the middle east game it was washington that found itself between a hammer and a hard place, our us correspondent alexey veselovsky looked into it. the united states condemned the iranian strikes on israel, vowing to continue to support its main middle east ally, but at the same time, washington said it was not seeking escalation and did not want the conflict to escalate into a major regional war. white house national security speaker john kirby repeated this is in every way, in the american way. we
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will obviously be vigilant to any potential threat to our forces in the region, but president biden has made clear, we do not seek war, we do not expect escalation, and we certainly do not expect war with iran. trying to keep israel from retaliating, biden immediately after the iranian attack called israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and asked him to regard the results of the raid as a victory for israel, saying that almost all the missiles were shot down in the air, and those few that reached their targets.
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in the face of the iranian threat, we will build a regional coalition, we will make iran pay when it suits us, and most importantly, despite the desire of our enemies to harm us, we will unite and become even stronger. and gantz is not the only one calling for a tough response, the finance minister. there is no time to hesitate, advocates of a tough reaction are calling on, but the israeli cabinet of ministers, assembled on sunday evening, has not yet made any decision. we consider all options, but act calmly and openly. we are working very focused, very responsible, and i am confident that we will find a solution that will protect the people of israel. official tehran from his country gave. understand that he did not intend
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to cause the maximum possible harm to israel, according to iranian authorities, they informed the countries of the region in advance about the preparation of strikes. in addition, the missile attack was allegedly planned to avoid civilian casualties; american targets in the region were also not considered. the purpose of our legitimate defensive actions is simply to punish the israeli regime. we don't aim at americans have their bases in the region. our response did not involve attacks on civilian targets. our armed forces did not take aim. to economic sites and densely populated areas. the iranian mission to the un issued a statement calling for the incident to be considered over, but if israel still decides to respond, iran reserves the right to take tougher measures. washington was also warned. quote. this is a conflict between iran and the rogue israeli regime that the us needs to stay away from. on the council un security, iran's representative amir saed iravani recalled that his country is not just like that. in response to repeated military
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aggression by the israeli regime, in particular to the april 1 attack on iran's diplomatic facility in violation of article two of the un charter , it is armed.
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did not exceed 1500, residents of thirty-three regions are suffering from floods, this is reported by operational services, so in the tomsk region 140 houses have already been flooded, high water has come to seven villages and garden communities, more than 80 residents have been evacuated, in the capital
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region, the tom river exceeded the dangerous mark by 14 cm; on the outskirts of tomsk, the level rose by almost a meter in a day; due to the flood , the earthen rampart at the entrance partially collapsed. at the exit from the city, water from the river literally swept away a section of the road and the ridge into the lake. the tamyachi people fear that such a powerful stream could easily wash away an entire village downstream. ice jams interfere with the smooth passage of water. the day before, sappers blew them up three times ; 350 kg of explosives were used up, but so far there is no water flowing down the drain. according to forecasts, in the case of the most more than a dozen settlements may find themselves in an unfavorable situation in the flood zone in the region. in buryat. that night, water came to 11 houses on the left bank of the selenga river in the volginsky district. it is considered the center of russian buddhism. more than twenty residents, including six children, were evacuated. the danger of flooding has appeared on four rivers in the novosibirsk region, in omsk due to the terrain, a second and even
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third wave of flooding is likely. this was stated by the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov. he is now in person checks the readiness of the regions of siberia and altai for possible natural disasters. flood. from neighboring kazakhstan, especially its northern part, from the frozen waters, two reservoirs there were filled to the brim, 108,000 people were evacuated from dangerous areas. in the capital of the kurgan region, the peak of the flood is expected to arrive in the last 2 hours, the level of tabola within the city limits has increased by 15 cm, approaching the mark of 6.5 m. according to the governor’s forecasts, this directly threatens the flooding of the right bank part of kurgan. the authorities continue to persuade residents the most. dangerous areas to evacuate in the city , sirens are constantly heard from the kurgan region , reporting by olga zenkova. from a bird's eye view, in the middle of the flooded tabola, this island looks uninhabited, but local farmer pavel kachitkov and his 15 sheep have been waiting here for 3 days and nights for the water to recede. suddenly
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it all crept up, there was an old village here, and thanks to this hillock they were saved. his hermitage and farm are located a few kilometers from the village of gledianskoye when the water began to flow. he opened the pens, released animals, with a tent he took the highest place, here he lives now, they laid out a sheepskin coat as it should be, all the sweatshirts, everything is there, there is a phone, there are chargers, the house can now only be approached by boat, in the room there is water under the windowsill, damage - then it’s big there, and of course it’s big, like a small one, now the stove will have to be broken down, all this will have to be done anew, the firewood has floated away, the hay has also floated away, local residents bring drinking water and food, but pavel refuses to leave, he’s waiting for the water. .. will go downstream, she this is what he does, capturing the shores of villages along the way, forcing residents to abandon their homes, some were driven out of their homes by the elements during the day, others were taken by surprise at night, there was no silence during the day, it got dark, the night began , all the sirens were loud, everything was as if it were war it started, here is a house flooded, there is water in the house, there is
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water, there is water in the house, valery is patrolling the houses on his fishing boat, making sure that there is no looting, feeding the dogs that the owners could not pick up during the evacuation. three streets were flooded here, local residents are counting the damage, even those whose water did not cross the threshold of their home were affected, for safety reasons in the villages. they turn on the electricity, the meat reserves disappear, maybe 10 kilograms, for now i threw it all away, well, maybe there won’t be any light for another week, the leftovers can be thrown away. the greatest damage, of course, will affect those houses that are located on the first coastline; for example, the owners of this house will have to dry not only furniture, but vehicles. in the kurgan region , they have been trying for a week to do everything to minimize consequences of the flood, the banks along the tobol are strengthened with clay and sandbags, water-filling dams are deployed, 2 km of filled branches will protect against flooding. and the residential sector in the regional center. here the results of the work are clearly visible. the water came close to the houses and flooded the entire street, but
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tons of brought soil held back the elements, and behind the man-made barrier, all the yards remained completely dry. the speed of the current is very high, i think, 7 kilometers per hour, because it was coming very quickly, scary, to be honest. local residents organized themselves we were on duty, now we are still on duty, because now the water will still stand for a long time, god forbid, the dam does not break through. situation , dozens of temporary accommodation centers have been deployed, not only residents of flooded houses are taken there, but also those in a potential risk zone. felchers are on duty in shelters, vaccination against hepatitis a has begun, and the peak of the flood in the region is expected at the beginning of this week. olga zenkova, artemy epifanov, valeria proskurikova, ntv television company. in the orenburg region , the evacuation of the village of nikolskoye has begun, it is located not far from the capital of the region, almost 1,500 people live there, water has already flooded 37 houses. three neighboring subjects are directed to the location. the urals began to decline for the first time since the beginning of
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the record flood. centimeters are counting, but rescuers and local authorities hope that the peak of the floods has passed. water levels still remain at maximum levels, so there is no talk of returning people to their homes yet. however, now residents are ready to even patrol flooded housing in boats. our correspondent mikhail chernov found out that orenburg residents really have a reason to be. they joke, there used to be a grant park microdistrict here, now there is an archipelago of the same name on the ural sea, among the flooded waters of the urals, their houses are like islands, the residents were evacuated, but some remained, to protect the area from uninvited guests, hunters of other people’s property, here they ask at the entrance , where you are from, there are guys who stand at the post, check, if we understand that they are not from here, they cannot answer even a basic one, like the address where they are from, we turn them in the opposite direction, paddle just in case yourself, depth... and in general it’s somehow calmer with him. they move around their water-flooded microdistrict in large
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groups, so that if something happens it is easier to apprehend the looters; there is no schedule as such, sometimes every half hour, sometimes every hour. so, all night long. lights flashed in the distance across the river, they galloped off to investigate, or rather, swam. the abandoned houses have scenery like something out of a horror movie. fresh gatherings, river trackers, were found quickly, further. chase. the uninvited guests disappeared into the darkness, but the goal was achieved, the property of the neighbors saved. well, it seemed, yes, that there were some reflections, so it’s not clear whether it was from the sun, maybe someone was shining just like that, well, it would be worth checking. the island natives know by heart every five native lands, although now their native waters. the depths are different everywhere, here in the entrances, for example, there is a shallow. the water did not enter the apartments here, but the entrance was flooded. even people are in a hurry. they didn’t have time to take things out, here’s someone’s bicycle, in their squad, welding engineers, doctors and managers
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and their faithful companion sam, the eldest in the squad, by the standards of a dog's life, they are 7 years old, practically approaching retirement, their sleep is short and restless, sometimes a couple of hours a day, but employers understand and let them go on duty, they asked to take time off from work and people help, that is, they understand the whole situation and let them go accordingly, because the situation is basically such a stalemate for us. they help the big land as best they can, recently they brought a generator, the developer gave it to us, and at night we charge, at night and during the day we charge all the generators, these lights, telephones, they also promise to bring dry toilets to the astrovetians, when all communications are cut off, any benefits of civilization are considered a luxury, especially sleep. sometimes a couple of hours is enough, we’ll sleep everything, and then we check during the day, and at night we check, during the day we help people remove everything from the first floors, lift furniture, equipment, and how can they sleep here, if? the bed is on the windowsill, residents of the first floors sleep either in cars or with neighbors above.
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fortunately, the water has not yet entered the apartments here, but the local residents made thorough preparations just in case, for example, they raised the beds to the level of the window sills. the furniture is lighter, brought higher, mold grows on the landing and in dampened apartments. the basements are overcrowded, everything is standing still, that is, mold is already starting to form, everything is on the wallpaper, everything is damp. at the end of duty, either a late dinner, or a very early breakfast, no gas, no electricity, but... the smoke from the fire creates coziness, tables, coal and meat are being brought from different ends of the yard, their apartment now has a stunning view, and there’s someone lamenting on the horizon. the elements have brought them together, now it’s like in a village, everyone knows each other, everyone greets everyone, strangers are only looters, those who are at least a flood everything is for profit. mikhail chernov, igor akimov, nikolay dasun, ntv, orenburg. pets are among the most defenseless in the face of the coming flood; volunteers come to their aid in the flood zone. a touching rescue story took place in the suburbs
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of orenburg. oh-oh-oh, here he is, here he is, now, now, he's ready, yes, yes. now, now, now, now, wait, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, let's go, let's go, let's go, a dog was locked in a private house, as can be seen in the footage taken by volunteers, the water rose above the second floor, the dogs held on to the floating furniture with their last strength, and he had no chance of getting out of the water captivity on his own; he managed to get the animal only after a volunteer broke the window, he was the one who warmed the dog in the first minutes of the rescue. there are now dozens, if not hundreds, of such stories in the flood zone. next, a short advertisement, after which we will talk about the heroes who destroyed the german leopard in the northwestern military district zone, the capabilities of the glanas system and when we will be able to use them in full, and ntv also gives its word boy, a great premiere on our channel.
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spring. it is profitable to retire with a savings bank. for pensioners - a free savings card, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. the boy's word: blood on the asphalt! the most anticipated premiere of the year today at 23:00. you are watching ntv. we continue the release. the soldiers who knocked out a german leopard tank in the special operation zone were given a well-deserved reward. at the headquarters of the moscow military district, certificates for cash payments received artillerymen and military personnel of special forces units. thanks to their well-coordinated work on the battlefield of the kupin direction, the myth of '. victory and invulnerability of the vaunted nato technology. the foreign vehicle was first hit by an attack drone, and then finished off with artillery shells from the msta gaobitz.
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everything was recorded by drone operators. the heroes themselves say that they did not immediately realize that they had come across a german leopard, since the distance to the target was more than 15 km. from the first hit, the fast says exactly what they say that there is some kind of armor there, it’s all armor. the first leopard was shot down, yes, i was very shocked. but at first i didn’t believe it, until the video showed how it was burning, i already saw everything, everything, i understood, everything, they are here, which means it’s time to beat them, money certificates were presented to the fighters from representatives of the business community, these payments are in addition to those awarded to the ministry of defense for personal destruction or capture of enemy military equipment. well, now to the news from the special operation zone, russian su-34s were destroyed command post of ukrainian national formations in the southern donetsk direction, the crews of fighter bombers struck with unguided aerial bombs weighing half a ton. the projectiles are equipped with a universal planning and correction module that allows
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launching without approaching the line of combat contact. according to the ministry of defense, the target was successfully destroyed and the crew returned safely to the airfield. well, to make the sky truly safe, our air defense works, they also shoot down with soviet beeches modern nato rszz. i saw how the work trip goes on. as a rule, when communicating with soldiers on the front line, without seeing their faces, you try to determine where they come from by their speech or behavior, but don’t go to grandma here, buryats. here is chevron in its native language , translated into russian, combat forward, this is the air defense unit of the twenty-ninth army, covering the sky in the southern donetsk direction. kedar mehvod. came to the special operation zone as volunteers, following his brothers, in civilian life he worked as a firefighter, now his colleagues are putting out fires enemy targets and do not allow themselves to be knocked out.
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they worked for us, at this moment you need to start the equipment in time to start moving, there already in the moment you do everything automatically, chick-chick-chick, when you already stop, well, as if you are already realizing that what could have happened, the beech complex for service seventy-nine. years, of course, it was modernized many times, but it is unlikely that the engineers who developed modern rzso for the armies of the north atlantic alliance could have thought that it was the soviet development that would click them stuffed with electronics rockets. they shot down rszzs, in particular hymers, they shot down cruise missiles, they shot down aerial bombs, that is, different, different variations of shells, different variations of cruise missiles, and this is a system. captures, leads, hits targets even in motion. if our air defense or anti-aircraft guns are working, then as a rule
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there is practically nothing left from the downed haimers, there are scraps of downed missiles lying about 200 meters away, but this is the surviving part, this is the engine, this is the actual warhead of the haimers, it is not detonated . the sappers will most likely eliminate it on the spot, since they shot down the missile far from a populated area, they are destroying it with an overhead charge, no one has canceled the destructive elements, the spread is huge, so everyone is an enemy. this is what nato-style missile clearance sounds like. since the line of combat contact has shifted, it is time to reach peaceful settlements. the ukrainian armed forces can only use long-range systems from foreign aid, but our air defense does not give them such an opportunity. sergey pikulin and alyaridzhanov,
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ntv. south donetsk direction. iran world stock exchanges reacted, they were closed over the weekend, business news marina piminova. marin, when it comes to the middle east, the world oil market most often reacts more strongly than others; what about prices now? it may seem strange, but oil is getting cheaper. in the first hours of today's trading , world oil prices were still trying to rise, but now they are quite... going down and losing about half a dollar. iran launched about 300 missiles and drones towards israel, the market is not very scared yet, although it would seem that this is the very escalation to middle east. the iranian strike was the first attack on israel by another state in more than 30 years. in addition , iran is the third largest oil producer in opec. and here it is always customary to remember that iran can block the strait of armuz, through which approximately 20% of the oil consumed in the world flows. but
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the relative calm of oil prices is explained, firstly, by the fact that the iranian attack had no serious consequences, and secondly, investors seem to have factored such a development into the prices in advance, for example, on friday oil added half a dollar. goldmansax analysts say that now 5-10 dollars in oil prices is exactly the premium for the middle east risk. thirdly, the most important thing for the oil market now is how will israel respond? and as, for example, analysts from the dutch financial group suggest. this answer will be limited, precisely because the iranian attack did not cause significant damage to israel. the russian stock market has been growing slightly since the morning, but the shares of rusal and norilsk nickel are falling by 2-3%. this is affected by new sanctions. in the usa and the uk has banned imports of aluminum, copper and nickel from russia. because of it , russian metals will not be able to trade on the london metal exchange and the chicago mercantile exchange. the oil calm seems to have rubbed off on the foreign exchange market; the dollar and
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euro are rising in value. only three, a little more expensive by 15 and 20 kopecks. the daughter of the french aschen sold its shopping centers in russia, as rbc writes, the sitras company has already closed the deal, it managed forty shopping centers, this is a watercolor in pushkino, volgograd and taglyat, and also the troika shopping center in moscow. in addition, according to the statements, the company owns the order zone of the auchan hypermarkets. according to the register, the trading company became the new owner of sitras.
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the publication of the world's first state platform of services for car owners using glanas satellites will help drivers, in particular, find a stolen car, and it will also be possible to send a signal to emergency services in the event of an accident. the application is not limited to roads, for unmanned aircraft it is planned to create a digital sky, as it will work on the ground in the air, found out nakhit babayev. sochi, a driver in a car fell off a fifty-meter cliff. everything, everything, boxes, boxes, boxes, everything, everything, let's go, let's go, guys, let's go, in a normal situation such an accident would end fatally, at night there are few people on the road, the car is not visible, but thanks to the eraglanas system, information about the accident is already a few seconds later i was at the rescue team. the essence of this system is as follows: every car has a smart, compact device installed, the cos button, as we call it, and this button is activated in
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moment... automatic accidents in a matter of seconds - exact satellite coordinates are transmitted to rescue services. the system operates throughout russia, the signal is transmitted via satellites in the cellular communication zone of all four country operators. and here is an important figure: 90% of calls through eraglanas were not duplicated through other channels. rescuers will learn about an emergency thanks to this small device. it can be installed on almost any car. on new ones they are installed at the factory, if, say, a mobile phone can break or even fly out in an accident, this device will withstand any impact. in addition to automatic mode, there is also manual mode. in addition to informing about an accident, a variety of situations, well, let’s say you witness a fire, you are driving along the road and see a fire, you press a button and the coordinate is also sent
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to the 112 service and provides the most rapid response. today , almost 11 million machines are connected to eraglanas. system operator roglan listening to you. hello, this is a test call. the call is recorded in the system, the coordinates are determined like the city of moscow, azerkovskaya embankment, near house 14. thank you, everything is correct. actually so. i specifically timed it, they answered in 11 seconds. the world's first government platform of services for car owners is now being launched on the basis of eroglonas. drivers will be able to be warned about the situation on the road or, say, will be helped to find a stolen car. there is already a monitoring system.
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will be for unmanned and small aircraft, which will become part of the seamless digital sky project, this is essentially the rule of traffic in the air, they will unite everything that flies at altitudes from half a meter to 500 km, from drones to paragliders. push space means the removal of horizontal seams, that is, starting from the ground infrastructure, from the lower levels, passing through all stages of the airspace by air, reaching low orbits, high space, this is the removal of horizontal seams, when today you have a ban on flights outside direct radio visibility, and we allow drones to fly further by 1.2-300 km, all technologies, of course,
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are domestic, but what is more important, this is no longer it’s just import substitution, but import advance, the path to russia’s technological sovereignty. nakhit bobaev, irina lemkina, pavel kacher and ilya opoleichuk, ntv. the most anticipated television premiere of the year will show for the first time on the federal television channel the sensational series of recent months, the word of a boy, blood on the asphalt; after going online, it broke all conceivable records of popularity and gained a multimillion-dollar army of fans. this film work is still being discussed, and many actors woke up famous the next day, becoming new idols of the generation. main the roles were performed by ivan yankovsky, sergei borunov, nikita kologrievy, ruzil minikaev, leon kem.
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i would pay 3 rubles for a horn, a car, so our road, we are on the street, we are the only people in this city, for those who have not yet watched the series, our premiere, a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in this event film, those who have already seen it, get it again unforgettable impressions, so, the guy’s word on ntv today at 23:00, skip it, that’s all for now, thank you for being with us, see you, hello, about the weather for tomorrow, over the south a whole galaxy of cyclones stretches across the far east, there will be rain everywhere in the north
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of the amur region of the khabarovsk territory, wet snow may be mixed with the rain, thunderstorms are not excluded in the primorye region, this time the weather will be more fortunate in the coastal areas, the islands generally have carte blanche, the sun is warm, the south -sakhalin. tomorrow +18. in the south of siberia there are no such values, although the weather is controlled by an extensive anticyclone, but it is still cool and rainy in places, and this same anticyclone makes adjustments to the weather on european territory. he's blocked in the north scandinavian cyclone. as a result, the kola peninsula, arkhangelsk region, komi, karelia and the northwestern region will find themselves in the rear, that is, in the coldest part of this vortex. in murmansk in naryanvar the snow is below zero again. in the north-west in veliky novgorod it is about plus. eight rains, similar weather on the shores of the baltic in the kaliningrad region. the volga region and the black earth region are also under the influence of frontal sections, but a warmer air mass is already coming from the west. from kursk to tambov +13-18. even more warmth ready.


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