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tv   Za granyu  NTV  April 15, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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cash first payment only in a month, money will always be up to 3000 rubles. for any purpose, get an ozone card and pay anywhere, beyond. the rivalry between two men from the vladimir region for the love of one woman ended with one of them being detained on suspicion.
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my brother and the murdered man seemed to be on normal terms, that is, they could rest peacefully, that is, they could, as it were, break their fast, their conflicts would mainly arise because of ksenia, this is, so to speak, my brother’s beloved, because of whom i believe, what is all this and happened, she was simultaneously dating my brother and subet, and not only that, she could still live with them in the same house together, even so, who met her first?
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unpleasant, under what circumstances did he introduce you to ksenia? he told me, katyun, this is my girlfriend, so i love her, well, i would like to celebrate the new year with you, as it were, with my girlfriend, well , basically, well, my brother, i’m okay, like mo, well let's celebrate, we celebrated like a new year, then one of my children, i have seven of them... asked, as it were,
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mom, give me some money, how would it be, so i reached into my bag, at the moment when ksenya had not yet come to my house, i had 6,000 in my wallet, after that , how i reached into the bag, so that i could give my son money, there was 3.0 in the wallet, she robbed you, yes, i’m telling ksenia, ksenia, i’m saying, why are you doing this, i’m saying, here she is, i didn’t take anything, then there is , as it were, well, i’m not me, as if i’m my own thing, like that. she didn’t confess, she didn’t return the money, but did your brother believe you that she stole the money? no, i didn’t believe it, was that the only incident that evening? no, what was left on the table, we sort of finished eating it all, and as if i went to lie down, i had a bracelet on my hand made of a medical alloy, that is, similar to a gold bracelet, so i kind of, well, took a little nap in the morning, probably somewhere - in the area of ​​p... i woke up, looked, i
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didn’t have a bracelet on my hand, i asked ksenia, i said, you didn’t see, i said, the bracelet is mine, she didn’t, she didn’t see it, then after a while i drank water in the kitchen , ksenia approaches with my bracelet and says: look, she says that i found it, supposedly in a boot, do you think that she stole this bracelet from you while you were sleeping, and then returned it being scared of something, no, not scared, my opinion is that , that she saw that he did not provide any jewelry value, she... tried to somehow bring him back, well, supposedly found him, yes, supposedly found him, and you didn’t try to dissuade your brother from having a relationship with this woman, i talked to him and said more than once, that is, i told him, look who you messed with, i say, she stole money from me, i say, she tried to steal my bracelet, i say, i don’t know what else to expect from her, i say, maybe it’s not worth it, he, no, i love her, such blind love, blind, yes, in principle i understand why, because he didn’t have such strong love. never, and
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this is his first girlfriend, so to speak, yes, he has no family, no wife, no children, and how old is your brother, 33 years old, and ksenia is 28, did she charm him so much? you know, i still can’t understand why she fascinated him, why, and how in general a man looks at her, because besides my brother, ksenia had a lot of men, every dog, every cat, every neighbor living near the villages knew who ksenia was, and my brother knew it, and that didn’t stop him either, he continued with her meet, but it happened.
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relationship with her, that is, as if, well, alas, your brother, what kind of person is he in general, he is kind, he never deprived his nephews of anything, that is, if he worked, earned money, that is, let’s say, he organized birthday parties, i bought them there, well, sweets, salaries, bought toys there, all this, of course, was before meeting ksenia, after meeting ksenia he was replaced, he simply became unrecognizable, well, you say that this is his... first love, in fact, he probably dreamed of being with her to create a family, about children, he dreamed, dreamed, and it even happened that ksenia even faked that she was supposedly pregnant with his child, he really wanted children, and he really wanted them, our mother died in 2017,
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her last words were, he says, i can’t wait for you to have grandchildren, and what happened to mom, oh, mom? she died from pancreatic cancer, stage four, very quickly... she was burning, as if she had died literally the next day of her birthday, how did you find out that your brother was suspected of murder? on the eleventh of march, a mutual friend, so to speak, kseniy of my brother called me, said that your brother killed a man, of course i was shocked, and i say, this cannot be, he says, yes, now the police seem to have arrived there, then there is everything, as it were, putting on handcuffs, according to the investigator, that the murder occurred at 11. or at 12:00 on the day of march 10, but what struck me most of all was something else, on the eve of march 10 , a mutual friend of ksenia and my brother called me and said that allegedly my brother had beaten ksenia, so she now ran to our village, yes, that
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is, to moment of the crime ksenia was there, your brother could have knocked down ksenia, they had conflict situations when my brother... raised his hand against ksenia, but the murdered man raised his hand against ksenia. do you know any details of the murder? well, i know that my brother allegedly scored killed with fists to the head, and i think that this incident could have been provoked by ksyusha herself, why? because this was not a one-time incident, that is, when she provoked him, that is, and, as it were, called the police and ran away. how did she do it? you know, i’ll tell you honestly, she probably gets some kind of buzz from this, the fact that she shows such interest, as if, yes, that they are fighting for her, that they are fighting for her, i suspect that she could still do this ksenia, ksenia herself, ksenia herself, as throughout the village
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there are rumors that she beat her uncle to death, that she beat her mother repeatedly, and for beating her mother, for killing, as you say, her uncle, she suffered something? nothing, no responsibility, nothing, but how is this possible, like this. pavel, what do you think of this version? there is an archetype of women who enjoy the fact that they manipulate men and, in fact, force them to do things that they would not even do in any way, i do not rule out the fact that she is experienced the manipulator is an experienced person who could set her up, one gets the impression that she and... the obvious culprit of all this, the instigator, maybe even so to speak, anna, but on the other hand, catherine’s brother, in a fit of jealousy, anger, could have lost control over himself, he could go berserk with jealousy and beat his opponent to death, most of the time such crimes
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are committed out of jealousy, there was just a situation, there was a motive, and the fact that catherine’s brother could not allow such situations before does not say about what in one wonderful moment, yes, he could not control himself. it turns out to be a suspect, it’s easier for them to accept the fact itself when they, well , somehow maybe shift the blame onto someone else, and there’s blame in their minds, so maybe, well, it’s just some kind of psychological thing, you’ll always protect the person whom you love, who is dear to you, if he is somehow guilty, as they say, he must answer for his action, but without ksenia all this would not have happened, under what article was your brother detained? article 111, part four: application grievous bodily harm resulting in death
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due to negligence. did your brother recognize his wine? yes, i admitted it. and he himself called the police, called the police to the crime scene. you think he might just be covering for the woman he loves. i am sure of this, that he is shielding her. your brother’s beloved assures that in a fit of jealousy, he is capable of the most terrible acts. in the studio of ksenia pshenitsina. "hello, ksenia, hello, have you recovered at least a little after the tragedy, it’s very difficult for me, i lost a loved one because of some freak, i lost a loved one, he is lying in the grave, this one is sitting and just being a nonentity, a nonentity, this is not a person, this is an animal, she started this mess, she is trying to get rid of her brother, this will not happen? i also wrote a statement to the police, i wrote about the beatings, i wrote everything, i filmed these beatings,
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i finished, no, i didn’t finish, well, continue, this man is spreading some gossip about me, i don’t know how much the murdered man was her loved one, since she constantly called my brother , darling, come, let's meet, yes it is complete nonsense, i called him, then i told him, leave me alone, he caught me everywhere, no matter how you came to the store, constantly...
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yes, he was constantly walking around, always dissatisfied, constantly scratching his fists, sitting, pinching, constantly aggression what he expressed, he beat you, of course, he beat me, he beat me everywhere, i’ll tell the little ones more, he dragged me by my hair everywhere along the road, dragged me along the asphalt, in the house, in my house he beat me, all the neighbors asked him , don’t touch, all the neighbors were on my side, all this happened before the eyes of the neighbors, before their eyes neighbors, they saw it all, it’s just that my... never rushed at a person, he had to be brought very strongly and brought to a state
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of aggression so that he would raise his fists at someone, and you gave reasons for jealousy to catherine’s brother when you were together, did you cheat on him? yes, he cheated, i didn’t love, i don’t love, and i won’t love this man, but why did you live with him, he became attached, i didn’t understand how to leave him, well, how did he force you to live with him, or what? no, they didn’t force you, you told him to leave, he just told him, go ahead let's go our separate ways, we'll just stay friends. to which he answered me, not to me, that means, to no one, these were his words, these are lies, but where did you live, in whose house, we rented houses in the middle of nowhere, then we moved out of there, lived again with our mutual friends, and why didn’t you just leave him, you have your own living space of some kind, of course, i have my own house, why didn’t you leave, i left, he returned, he came to you, lived with you, besides yours, lived in mine at home, yes, when we... with him, i told him, please pack your things, have you have a sister, you have an apartment in
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davidovo, but he didn’t leave, well, he started, when he didn’t eat something, he immediately, i’m not going anywhere, he suggested to me, let’s go to davidovo with you, i say, i i’m not going anywhere with you, well, i don’t want to just go anywhere with you, and i don’t really want to live with you, but he loved you so much that he couldn’t let go, well, he loves you now, because i don’t know, that he has some kind of cockroaches in his head, or something, i don’t know how to say it, but a man, preoccupied, or something, obsessed with some kind of love, some kind of stupid i made it up to myself, your brother really pursued ksenia, no, it’s a lie, how they quarreled, a conflict arose between them, my brother left ksenia, some time passed, personally it happened before my eyes, there was a call from ksenia, come, i love you, back and forth, i say, it’s not worth it, i say, don’t, don’t go, but when she called, she said, that is, you’re talking about the fact that it’s important that ksenia herself returned
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your brother, it was in front of me personally, this ringing. talk to a person in the presence of whom you do not want, you you are trying to kick him out, but you call and invite him, he called, then i blocked him, i stopped calling him, he again through our mutual friend, he tried to find me through her, elizaveta, do you believe ksenia, is she a hostage of these? relationship or provocateur? was the man really pursuing her or was she looking for a meeting with him? i think the hostage, most likely, she was unlikely to seek a meeting with him, i believe her, because there are men who can really effectively run after a woman, hold her back in every possible way and not listen to what she tells them, that is , you tell them, everything goes by for them, they are just on their own wavelength, it is useless for such men
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to say anything, because they will still stand their ground until something bad ends , what to do? if a woman is being pursued by a persistent boyfriend or admirer, where should she turn? if this turns into the form of threats, the form of beatings, then naturally you can contact the police and then there are already certain articles that can influence a person, somehow limit him in his actions, called him and took him away to the police, but they put him in prison, i asked them to take action with him, he constantly beat me, hit me specifically in the head area or... the body, there is not a living place on my body now, my chest is all over, firstly , all blue, now the beatings have just faded from my face, because i smeared myself, i was treated for sinus infections, i walked around in a bandage, in the village i had to cover my face with a scarf so that it was not completely visible, my lips were all like this, they were all broken, when he started
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beating me with his boots, he knocked me down by the hair, beat me, yes, he knocked me down by the hair to the floor on... at first he hit me with his left hand, they asked him not to touch me, he didn’t hear it, apparently he didn’t understand or something, i don’t know how it was that someone asked not to touch me, my mother stood up, and the dead man, the one who also stood up for me, he beat me with a beating in the area of ​​the right side of the face, head, ekaterin, he was like that, it happened in my house, well , the beatings were removed there, they say the beatings were removed, i kind of disagree here, because he was killed. beat ksenia, no, not once, he never laid a finger on me, he only beat ekaterina’s brother, yes, throughout this entire period time, he beat me, with the murdered man, how long ago did you meet, 2 years ago i met him, the deceased offered me help, took me to his neighboring village, he has his own house there, i packed up the things from my house, moved, well, to the deceased’s house,
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we lived in his house, for some time i and you lived as a couple, but we lived as a married couple. like family, he loved you, he loved you very much, i looked after him, he looked after me, we didn’t have any loud scandals or anything, everything was calm for us for some time now moment the accused also lived in our house, he felt sorry for the deceased with you, but we blame him for the fact that it was winter outside, there were severe frosts, the deceased felt sorry for the accused, that he would freeze, he... he was hungry there, cold, but for how long did you live with two men under the same roof? well, the accused lived with us for 2 weeks, before the tragedy you all lived under one roof, i, my mother, and the deceased and naturally the accused were in the house, the tragedy happened in your house, and the tragedy happened in my house, i found out about the death of the deceased only
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when the police took me, i was not in the house on the day of the murder, i only found out. from the fact that i was brought to the police, the accused himself, and where were you at those moments? i was with my friends after the accused beat me, i jumped into my shoes, i ran away, i went to my friends, on march 11, 24, i learned from the police that a murder had occurred in my house, i was not in the house, i have all the witnesses, all the neighbors, all the relatives who can do anything... will ksenia agree to undergo a polygraph test, the most interesting after a short advertisement, you don’t need it like that, you need it like this, like that, like that, i understand, like that in mega.
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akmal. this is akmal. who will be next? mask - anniversary fifth season. beyond. this is beyond the bounds. today in our studio, the sister of a resident of the vladimir region detained for murder wants to prove that her brother is not a criminal, and not a victim. happy love, ksenia, we met one of your friends, this is what he told us. seventy-two-year-old nikolai kachanov recalls: on march 10, twenty-eight-year-old ksenia pshenitsina knocked on his door late at night, the woman was excited and she covered her face with a scarf. and she came running here to me and said: i ’ll sit for a while, i’ll leave by bus. senia
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stayed with him until 12:00 noon. well as a suspect. nikolai admits that he was surprised when a few days later the woman showed up on his doorstep again. she came to me when she was released, shedding tears here, how i loved him, that is, everything that died, i mean. i say, what will happen to this cottage in this village, she says, the deceased, he says, he
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signed everything. on me. ksenia, what kind of gardens do you have? were you on your face when you came to this man? they accuse me, when he beat me, he began to drag me in half, my face was all scratched. why did he beat you? his jealousy went away. and the murdered man witnessed how the accused beat you. the murdered man was a witness, my mother was a witness. they asked the accused not to hit him, that no one went to the police, not you, not your mother, not anyone.
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signed because he has, well, a child of his own, his wife, well, he no longer lived with his wife, they were divorced, that is, it turns out, because ekaterina’s brother, the child was left without a father, yes, the child was left without a father, he only had his mother, grandmother, ksenia, and how did your mother feel about the fact that you were cohabiting with two men under one roof, well, your mother didn’t feel particularly good, she she says,
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you need to make your choice, who you will be with, it’s impossible, there are two people in the house with you in the same roof, she says, you need to decide, my mother spoke wise words, or dead, to which i answered, i made my conclusion, this is natural in favor of the deceased, but they still continued to live with two men, and , by the way, you had intimate relationships with the deceased and the accused, we did not engage in intimate relations with the deceased. the accused tried, i said: no, i’m sorry, but somehow i don’t want to, how did you all get along in the same house where you slept, for example, i slept in my room, on my sofa, the deceased also slept in a small room, where i slept, he had his own sofa, and my mother was in the hall, well, in her room, and the accused, when i went to bed, he lay down on the sofa with me, and you yourself hoped build a strong relationship with someone,
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start a family? to have children, and i hoped, i thought that we would succeed, all this was in favor of the deceased, that you lied to my brother, that you were pregnant from him, when they brought you to clean water, nothing about it? he himself said that he was infertile and he could not have children, these were his personal words, when we were sitting in my house in the kitchen, he told me that i could not, and to be honest , have sex with he was not very good, uh-huh, from the gun you are from him, from the gun to he was shot by the deceased, and what kind of incident is this, and you shot with it, who shot whom with a gun, tell ksenia, the deceased shot. in my house, with a gun to the floor, he wanted, well, so that the accused, well, wouldn’t beat me, but the accused, he wasn’t even afraid of that. olga, you don’t get the impression that ksenia just likes to be this
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femme fatale, the center of attention, over which two, i can’t say it any other way, males fight. of course, for her this is the norm of life, here the question was that why didn’t she... she called the police, but didn’t report it to the police, because for her, in principle, beatings have become the norm of life, but with such psychological moments, the norm of life is the desire to move it further, because beatings, hair pulling have already become, shooting, and already there are no these impressions, there are no these emotions that all these participants feed on, and you want all the time... more, this is already on the edge, but if, as ksenia claims, that only my brother beat her, yes, then what can i say? about those women who lost their husbands, thanks to ksenia, who tried in every possible way
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to destroy the relationship, let’s talk about this, did you even have relationships with men before this deadly love triangle? i had a man, i lived with him for 7 years, i gave birth to a child from him, that man died, so you have ksenia? a child, yes, i have a child, he now lives here in moscow, with my ex- mother-in-law, he is a boy, a girl, how old, 7 years old, why not with you, and i was deprived of parental rights, for which i gave up when i died, well, my first husband, who i lived with him for 7 years, my common-law husband, we weren’t married to him, we didn’t take good care of the child, yes, i gave up, i stopped caring for the child, i just started going for walks, now you miss the child, i really miss you, right? i will be restored to my rights, now all this will calm down, it’s all death, it’s very difficult, i go to my house, i can’t go into the room, there’s a pool of blood, that’s it, this reminds me, i go into two rooms, there ’s still blood in the big room, and on the palace where
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i died, there are a lot of meadows there, why don’t you clean it up, you can’t, the investigative committee told me when it arrived, don’t touch anything for now, i don’t touch anything in the house, his son, are you at least visiting? yes, i came to see him, he comes, they are in the village, they have a dacha there, well, again, the village is in markovo, and she and ksenia have a chance of being restored to parental rights? it is problematic to do this, for a long time you need to confirm your ability to work, income, proper conditions, there must be a conclusion from the guardianship authorities, again this is done through the court. ksenia, come on let's return to the tragedies, from whom did you learn about the death of your loved one? i learned this from friends.
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conflict between the accused who died because of me, my mother asked the accused to leave the deceased alone, that is, not to beat him, not to touch him, to which the accused answered my mother: move away, otherwise i will put you next to me, she said all this too, and also in the police during an investigative experiment, your mother told you some details of this fatal beating, she said that the accused threw the deceased off the sofa, pushed him, he fell to the floor, the deceased and the accused struck him six times in the head area, as his mother said, there wasn’t even a face there, there was just meat, after the accused was detained, he didn’t
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try to contact you, no, we, we crossed paths with him , i was already at the police, they interrogated me and they just brought me to the accused, we crossed paths with him, but they didn’t let us, well, we weren’t allowed to talk, he didn’t say anything, he said. but he left on the stage, ekaterina, did your brother get in touch with you after the arrest? yes, he only said two words to me, katyun didn’t will be released, he wrote me a small note when... i gave him the sezo package, we have this note, let's see, the kitten received everything in full, thank you very much, i love you, details later, sorry, ekaterina, what is your my brother asks you for forgiveness for not listening to me, i repeatedly warned him that this would end very badly someday, and the neighbors and, as it were, in the village, in the city, they said that ah... before it’s too late, get away from this woman until
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trouble happened, but he had blind love, he didn’t see anyone else except her, ksenia says yes, that he was stalking her, that he beat her, everything is there, yes, but i can’t understand, as soon as he leaves her, i direct him in the right direction of life, i i’m applying for a job, she’s right there, she came in the month of february, at the end of february of this year, she came in the car of the murdered man, their mutual friend was driving, she came to my house, she had a shovel in her hands, call me my brother, i say , ksyusha, leave my brother alone, you ruined his whole life, ksenia, it happened, it happened such, i came in, yes, i wanted to talk to the accused, to which ekaterina carried me three-story high, get out of here, get out of here, you’re finished, there were too many insults from the outside.
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yes, they examined me in my presence, the investigative committee came, i went with them to the house, my colleagues also visited the crime scene, let’s see, this is the hall, everything happened in the hall, this is how it is, this is the kitchen, here , here there’s a pool of blood right on the carpet next to the bed, who slept here, whose bed, and here my mother actually slept, but there for now the moment the deceased was sleeping, brother ekaterina pulled him off the bed and began to knock him down. a puddle of blood, here it is, right here it is,
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the whole palace is covered in blood, what the accused murderer himself told the investigators, footage of the investigative experiment in a couple of minutes, great guys, i came to get sewn up, i’m tired of being a fool, fuck you, stronger than an oath, boy, now with us, we are on the street. we are alone in this city, people, do you think your boys will save you when you drown, stronger than fear, older, who? am i, are you immortal or what? it's scary when your son is here, stronger than the pain, but what are we going to do when the batch starts? here you are like, yes, stronger than tears, you’re a liar! you've driven your mother crazy, i'm sorry,
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the boys aren't apologizing, what are you doing, bitches, they've all got the earth in their hands, the boy's word, blood on the asphalt, come on guys, let's give our word, the boy's word, the boy's word, the boy's word, the boy's word, the word boys, the most anticipated television premiere of the year, today at 23:00 on ntv. mask: new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. a person with long-term anxiety and often hears advice. calm down, don't be nervous. i need to sleep. but in fact, anxiety can be treated. new. afabazolret with a gradual release of the active substance allows you to take only one tablet per day. afabozole anxiety can and should be treated. somewhere near. close by all the time. i won't be able to live if i don't catch him. the shadow ticked,
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seriously? how long ago has this question arisen? in order to defeat this azamat, you need to think like an azamat. earn like azamat, i know how to beat them, i’ll just take it, when the jury announces the points, i won’t announce them all, guys, i’m not bothering you, no, uh, ostana, ostana, stars, alexey will fight to reach the finals chumakov and the napoleon team, i am for the matogoleev, there is no other like it, and astana, on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. what is it? beautiful, right? meet me, this is zhenya, just some of my own soldiers, somehow you are younger, i imagined you differently, kuat decided to take over the entire business in the cemetery, yours too,
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come on, like in the good old days, no, the old times are over, ivan makhovikov, where? this has taken us to the wrong place, nikolai kozak, are you going to fight, vladislav kotlyarsky, i’ll kill you, you bastard, arseny robok, give me one day, i’ve decided everything, hot spot, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, beyond, this is beyond, a resident of the vladimir region lived with two men at once, and then one lover was detained on suspicion of murder. alexey, after everything you heard, what impression did you get? based on everything we have just heard, i still assume that ksenia could. perhaps, even if he was not the initiator of the crime itself, at least the accused could still take the blame
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himself, because he loved her madly. the village head believes that if ksenia is to blame for anything, it is her frivolous behavior with men. in our studio irina fedotova. hello, hello, irina, did you know that in your village the woman is calm cohabits with two. men at the same time, yes, they knew how they felt about it, well, it’s immoral, you’ll make a remark , but without it there’s no point, but what can you say about the men of ksenia, about the murdered man and about the detainee, about the murdered man, a normal, adequate person, 49 years old, worked, separated from his wife, then he started dating ksyusha, ksyusha, that’s all, but the killer was inadequate, he kicked her, my daughter ran after them, because we had a playground next to the house where ksyusha lives and where i live, so he ran for i went for a ride, there
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was her nearby, he beat her, he just kicked her, in my street, in front of everyone, in front of the children, there was a playground, can you imagine, there are children there, someone called the police, they called the police, the police will come, put them in jail for 5-6 days and release them, from whom did you learn about the murder, i was walking from work and the police arrived, i said:
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a criminal case has been filed on the grounds of a crime provided for in part four of article 111 of the criminal code of the russian federation. the investigator inspected
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the scene of the incident and appointed necessary forensic examinations, witnesses are questioned, investigative and other procedural actions are carried out aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident. evgeniya, it seems to you that a woman can deliver blows of such force that would lead to death. punches. here you understand, the situation is already so complicated. and the testimony differs, on the one hand, we just heard that kicks were inflicted, now it turns out to him that these were punches, so we can definitely only talk about the fact that a certain number of blows to the head were inflicted, of course this can cause death, but we must not forget that these are two men, here are the physical capabilities and a woman is capable of this, a woman is capable of inflicting blows if she knows a certain physiology of the human structure, understands... yes, to deliver these blows, where the most painful places are, and the person to whom the blows are struck is in a helpless state, that is, if this person is taller, for example, ksenia, stronger than
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ksenia, then it is much harder for her , a man should if she could have resisted her, at that moment she could have suffered some kind of damage, including what she is talking about, perhaps this was the cause of the fight and blows were struck, but we don’t know the role of the weapon, i also wanted to if we pay attention, we understand that there was a gun. perhaps it was used and they struck, perhaps there were these shoes, boots with special ones, probably, and some kind of reinforced sole, could she put them on, strike, could the accused do this in this situation, that is, here himself really need to look at the traces of their interaction , the relationship with each other, including what injuries ksenia has, they must be correlated in a certain mirror format. can't you rule out her guilt? i can't. irina, do you admit that ksenia could have beaten her lover to death? no,
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ksenia couldn’t do this, because ksenia ran away, she was beaten... killed by a killer, she had a face, that’s for sure, like a balloon, blue, she had streaks, you know, when i saw her , i was just in shock, i also say, ksyukha, who are you like, you know, you couldn’t even see her eyes, how she was beaten, and before ksenia had ever been seen in fights, and they had clashes with her mother often, ksenia, you beat your mother, i didn’t beat her, i she just gave me a slap once, i asked her to...
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she hits me just for the sake of it, without doing anything, she hits me hard, well, in general, yes, she came with bruises many times, and what did she say when she came with bruises, ksyusha came , angry, she took it out on me, she’ll break her head, or something else, it’s all not true, i i never hit my mother in the head area, i only hit her once in the face, ksenia, well , you talk so calmly about the fact that you beat your mother, this is your mother, the woman who gave you life. you beat her, calmly say, well, yes, one time, how can you raise your hand against a mother, she led an inadequate lifestyle, she asked her, help her, everyone offered her help, she sent everyone away with three cheerful letters, she always said, my life, i do what i want. svetlana, did ksenia’s mother ever ask you for protection? yes, many times, she came to us at night, ksyusha kicked her out. have you tried to talk to
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ksenia? it’s useless, she doesn’t listen to ksyusha to anyone. i do not rule out that he could take the blame himself, in fact, i do not exclude this, but in fact the status of a witness is a rather precarious status, because this person could be a provocateur. svetlana, what do you know about ksenia’s relationships with her men? open relationships, there were not always men in one number, but several, it was as if in the order of things,
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they had rows with the murdered man, they had rows, too swore. they correctly said that she provoked, they fought, sometimes she also came with bruises, well, that is , it seems to me that ksyusha could bring any person, even a super calm one, to a fight, to a scandal, they could fight among themselves at any moment, so her man, and she liked it, but who do you blame for what happened, well, to be honest, in such a situation as it turned out here, everyone is to blame, but who killed, well, ksyusha? enough physical and moral strength to kill. as part of the investigative experiment, the detainee told how to where fought a resident of xenia. let's get a look. he fell, then i kicked him once, twice, three, four times, then again. first like that, then a couple,
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three hit from above, then again a catch. anna, does it look like the man is telling the truth? yes, i continue to adhere to my opinion that the investigation is on the right track, and ksenia, despite this whole situation that we heard today, which, of course, we all, to put it mildly, do not understand, yes, this love triangle, living together, which indicates, well, as i believe, inability to take responsibility for one’s actions for one’s life, at a minimum, and i believe that the investigation is right, and indeed... the materials of the case will confirm the confession, a person cannot incriminate himself and tell how it all happened exactly, because in fact, this is then verified by an expert examination, we heard the speeches of the investigative committee representative, these were initial speeches at the time of the crime, and by the way, catherine’s brother, as it was said there, had already been convicted before, so it is quite possible some kind of relapse. ksenia, once again i’ll ask you
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the most important question: are you not involved in the murder of your lover? i am not involved; i was not in the house on the day of the murder. you even agreed to take a polygraph test, right? yes, let's see how it was. twenty-eight years old. ksenia pshenitsina, using a lie detector, intends to prove that she was not involved in the death of one of her cohabitants; she was not at home at the time of the crime. polygraph examiner mikhail bogomolov asks questions. on the day your partner died, you saw the suspect hits him at least once? yes. were you in the house at the time of the murder? no. your lover died because the accused beat him. yes, did you personally take part in the murder of your lover? no, your lover died because you beat him? elizaveta, do you think ksenia is answering
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truthfully? it is unlikely that such a fragile girl could kill an adult man who is older than her. pavel, do you think ksenia might be hiding something? well, it seems to me that she is not telling some part of the information. for what purpose? she could have witnessed this and been a provocateur at that moment, been there and not separated it. how long does the killer have to wait and can ksenia herself be held responsible? all answers immediately after the advertisement. during a routine medical examination at school, doctors discussed notes in her medical record too loudly, she heard that she was growing up in a foster family. my medical card and everything was written down there, after such news the girl began to quarrel with her adoptive parents about any reason, this broke me very much, she dreams of meeting her blood relatives for whom she had
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that one of her roommates was killed by her other partner. ksenia, did you deceive the specialist in anything? no, are you ready to hear the verdict? yes, we have polygraph examiner mikhail bogomolov in our studio. hello, mikhail. hello. michael. how did ksenia behave during the inspection? you know, in general, ksenia is very i was very worried, in principle, the situation itself is very exciting, plus psycho. the emotional state of a person, it must be taken into account, she had something to hide, at the end of the test she calmed down, which she undoubtedly had to hide, and it can be said that despite the fact that her version of events sounds quite logical and memorized, nevertheless there are parts of lies . mikhail, we are really looking forward to your verdict, ksenia did not take part in the murder itself, she did not directly strike the blows. but ksenia is deceiving us about that
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moment that she was not at home. was she there? yes, if you believe the reactions, then after all, she was at home at that moment. i was not in the house on the day of the murder, she saw how the murder took place, it was the murder itself, the very moment of the murder, she did not see, she saw the beginning of the fight, that is, either the person subsequently left the room, that is, she was at home, but the beginning of the fight i saw, but the moment of the murder.


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