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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 16, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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the flood is covering new territories, urgent evacuation has been announced in ishim and kurgan, and the head of the ministry of emergency situations, kurenkov, has arrived in the region. water detective, why did it flood?
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meeting with the head of the election commission center, ella pomfilova, she presented him with a presidential certificate. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program today, its presenter is nikolaeva and igor poletaev. spring floods are covering new territories in eastern russia; urgent evacuation of residents is taking place today in two districts of the tyumen region, which fall into the flood zone is the kazansky district and ishimsky, a total of 15 settlements. in the morning, regional authorities recommended that people take documents, belongings and medicines with them, and schoolchildren were transferred to distance learning. roshydromet promises a lot of water, the likelihood of a dam breakthrough or overflow is growing, through them hundreds of volunteers are participating in... barriers, the height should
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be at least 10 m, but there is no confidence that the dam will hold back large amounts of water, residents are asked to go to the points temporary accommodation in advance. necessary take documents, essentials, do not put your life and health in mortal danger. in the orenburg region, water left a thousand residential buildings and 1,200 in one day. estate plots, the water level in the urals, near orenburg is steadily decreasing, people are gradually returning to their homes, many have lost their property, their housing requires repairs, the provision of material assistance to victims continues, about 30,000 people have already received payments, the total amount exceeded 560 million rubles. mikhail chernov hands over the place events, yes, it’s up, now 1 2 3, why their area was under water is a whole detective story, the rent microdistrict separates it from the flooded neighboring villages. a high and strong embankment,
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old locks under the railway, pipes 3 m in diameter, laid in the sixties, who opened the valve at what moment is a mystery. at 8 a.m. , someone came and opened the floodgate, perhaps they say that the people who live here are from this sheepskin town. at the same time, in the sheep town itself the level practically did not drop, but water rushed into the lease flood, until they realized what was happening, a dozen streets were flooded, the floodgates were blocked, but not completely, then they were covered with sandbags, passing them along... 300 of them along the chain, the level rose so rapidly that people didn’t even have time to take their cars , some drowned in the garages and in a few hours the water spilled all over the street. alexander vasilyevich, 74, says that there has never been flooding in their village, mountain rivers began to flow here. and the water flowed like such a river that it was scary to watch, we have never seen such a river here before, it’s just, well negligence is the negligence of whoever is responsible for these gateways. yes, this is
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my parents’ house, i grew up here, now it’s been a generation in his childhood home, they simply didn’t have time to lift the furniture high, much less take it out, most of the things ended up in the water, the sofa, all of it was raised on pallets, it was all lifted , that they could raise, today alexey was finally able to find a kitten in a flooded house, at the time of evacuation it hid, after a while it got out and exhumed itself, it was hanging on the carpet, you could even say so, here i am now i saw it, went in, shouted it, he was sitting in the corner... he took it, in this house everything is floating too, they didn’t have time to take almost anything, there was furniture in the water, a refrigerator, a washing machine, these sofas, everything, a chair, everything, everything came up here . after the story of the opening of the floodgates , local authorities and the railway management came here, the mechanism was welded, the railway workers are now looking after it, but here is a new misfortune, the water came from the other side of the village, through the sewer wells, now the residents are hastily building a dam, even women are doing anti-stick work with children, are you helping? yes, yes, help, i
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tell you, of course, mother of many children svetlana resnykh came to work with an assistant, there is no one to leave with, the flooded kindergarten is closed, they are still looking for a place in the new one, i brought pies for everyone. who are the men to have a snack, well, at the same time, help too, in the center on the outskirts of orenburg the water is decreasing, but slowly, people are sitting on the upper floors until the last, like the staff of this cafe, who lived on the second floor for several days, together with the children, cut off from the outside peace. the place of the car is now parked boats, the elite cottage community of nezhenka has never been flooded , this time the water rose by more than a meter, flooding everything around. the damage from the flooding has yet to be calculated. well, we have a refrigerator, a freezer, the furniture is there, anna says, on the flooded basement floor there was the entire kitchen along with the appliances, some people had their first floors flooded, others their basements and basements were completely flooded, here the water rose almost to the ceiling ,
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it’s impossible to go any further, due to the unprecedented flood , loss of property, people’s nerves are on edge, ambulance doctors say that the number of calls in the flooded village has increased significantly, in large numbers, but without stopping at all. at the request, we swam several kilometers away, let the buzz from the attic, the dog was forgotten in the dacha, from raspberry street, on the roof, yes, there the door was open, they asked us, we swam there, took her, at first she didn’t give in, she was so scared, so happy and
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the sheltered juju was returned to the owners by the volunteers’ piggy banks, plus one good deed in this series of mutual assistance, the story of opening the floodgates, is still an exception to the rule. michael chernov, igor akimov. the current flood has become a record in scale for many decades, this assessment was given today by the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov, who is in kurgan, more than 17 km of dams were erected there to protect against water, however, the level of the tobol river is rapidly growing and is approaching 8 m, which already much higher than the critical shore part of the mound, where gardening societies and dachas are located, is already partially under water. report by olga zenkova. the entire suburb of kurgan is flooded, the village of menshikovo is a 20-minute drive from regional center, cars are drowning in the water of several streets, bales of hay are floating into the abyss, it was a farm of a family of bulls, the cows were taken higher, they themselves saved the house from the flood, we removed the doors, we laid the doors at the level of the window sill, then all the things and everything else went there. this is what their
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rooms looked like in the morning, and this is how by the middle of the day, within a few hours, water had made its way through the cellar into the bedroom, into the hallway, into the kitchen, and it felt like grandfather’s land underfoot. surfaced, these are the fishing suits in the kurgan region that are now being snapped up on the streets with water above the waist, and such banditry helps to enter the house and save at least some property. a storm wind drives large waves of water from the flooded tobol into the village, the mole family leaves the house in a hurry, men take out equipment, women collect small things and animals. we spent the night at home today, we were afraid that they would evacuate, but somehow i didn’t want to leave home, well, that’s it.
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that it was scary to be there, but we survived, we begin to explain that guys, this is not 2016, because two reservoirs simultaneously discharged 1 billion 300 million cubic meters, and this water is rolling here, the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov has been working all day today in kurgan, he assessed the operational situation from the air, the water level in the tobol river is rising,
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rescuers are constantly strengthening and increasing the height of the dam, almost half a million sandbags have already been laid out, this is 105,000 tons of soil, from looters, firstly, her paw is broken and secondly she is blind, the dog cannot see her at all, where is she now, most likely to an animal shelter, volunteers ask not to abandon animals during the evacuation with small pets, they will be taken at temporary centers accommodation, and for those who are larger , five care areas have been organized in the city, along with the animals you need to bring a supply of food to which they are accustomed, there is enough attention and care here for everyone, the cat's name is fill, he is 3 years old, we have arrived. to live in one place, they kicked us out of there, they said we couldn’t be with the cat, we came to the cat’s girlfriend, brought her, and there the wild cat was not
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given, she fought, so she was forced to take her to a shelter, we hope that everything will pass soon, we’ll take our beloved pet home, about that, those who are waiting also dream that everything will end soon low tide in temporary accommodation centers, here, of course, everything is thought out, three hot meals a day and a clean bed, children's play areas for schoolchildren, felchers are on duty at each point, their attention is especially... important for the older generation, this is a difficult period for them, they worry about their housing, about their property, so we support them all here as best we can, try to be there for them, and encourage them. 13,000 people now live in temporary accommodation centers; three hundred residential buildings and more than 600 household plots are flooded in the region. in the city embankment is submerged in water, walking areas are closed to pedestrians. flows have already captured the tyunin highway, this is a major street leading to suburban villages and the road to kazakhstan. olga zenkova, artemy epifanov, valeria proskurikova, ntv television company. vladimir putin today expressed the hope
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that everyone, all parties to the conflict in the middle east will show reasonable restraint and will not allow a new round of confrontation. it is fraught with catastrophic consequences for the entire region, the russian president noted. vladimir putin discussed the current situation with the president of iran over the phone. ibrahim raisi noted that tehran's actions after israel. the airstrikes against the iranian diplomatic mission in damascus were forced and limited in nature, while he emphasized iran’s disinterest in further escalating tensions. putin and risi noted that the reason for the aggravation in the middle east was the unresolved palestinian issue. they did not speak about the need for an immediate ceasefire in the gaza strip, relief difficult humanitarian situation and creating conditions for a political and diplomatic resolution of the crisis. vladimir putin also congratulated all muslims of iran on the recently celebrated muraza bayram holiday. today
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, chairman tsikala pomfilova presented vladimir putin with a presidential certificate. he won the election with the support of 87% of voters. the certificate was handed over by the head of the central election commission in the office of the head of state in the kremlin. allow me. thank you very much and to all your colleagues and
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paratroopers, the command post was destroyed ukrainian forces in one of the industrial hangars near the city of chasovya. having received a combat mission, they took up a firing position and struck. from the calculation of the target coordinates to the first salvo, as a rule, only a few seconds pass. sergei pikulin visited the artillery positions. army trucks are our everything. now the weather in donbass is when there is still impassable mud under the wheels, and there is already dust in the back that creaks in your teeth. we arrive at the right place. let's dismount. between plantings we make our way through dry growth. accompanying warn to follow next. the closer to our positions, the more unexploded ukrainian armed forces shells there are. what usually arrives? yeah, fresh arrivals. but the main threat is , of course, enemy drones. and here any bad
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weather is the best assistant for our rocket artillery. the scaly wind makes the work of our artillery a little safer, because the main headache that can’t work in such weather conditions is small drones and kamikaze drones. this is one of the most experienced crews of the rszzo, together from the very beginning, there were injuries, but no losses, as among personnel and among equipment. akim, the driver, says the main feature of his car is... without a barbecue, that ’s what anti-drone nets are jokingly called, he says, subjectively, it’s more convenient for him, it’s better to dig the pit deeper and don’t skimp on camouflage nets, it’s easier to get into a forest plantation somewhere there than with these grates, here i think it’s easier to get in without these bars, you'll break more branches, hit something else, tear something else off, while you're doing it, another task will come to you and
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this, i think, makes everything more complicated; the main targets are the enemy’s manpower and equipment. this is footage from our drone, hail is covering the whole square, now that our infantry is moving forward, these crews have almost no time to rest, they work at night, such is the 24x7 artillery support. sergei pikulin and yaleriy bzhanov, ntv, yuzhnodonetsk direction of the special operation. a unit of operators helps guide artillery to targets and adjust fire. volgograd fighters in the northern military district are armed with modern superk reconnaissance drones. they can stay in the air for more than 4 hours and transmit information over a distance of up to 100 km. they fly in any weather, be it strong wind, rain or snowfall. these drones are capable of tracking enemy drones in the sky. omar
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magomedov saw footage of the destruction of the babayagi. south donetsk front line. together with a group of operators we hide in a dense forest belt. preparations for departure begin with the onset of dusk, this time was not chosen by chance, the enemy’s daytime drones have already gone blind, and for night drones to work it is still light, the fighters need to meet the so-called half an hour of clear skies. everything, in fact, the board is ready. it only took 5 minutes to assemble the drone. the supercam s-350 reconnaissance aircraft has unique electronic warfare capabilities. it is made of composite materials and is able to conduct observation literally, hovering on...
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from a machine gun, hit, hit, the enemy is cunning, moves, changes points, does not allow us to concentrate on the same place, we constantly need to change the location, break through the re enemy, change the height, there are many nuances that need perform to hit the enemy. several reconnaissance officers are on guard for enemy drones at once, a camera with thermal imagers helps track an object in the night sky, calculating the flight path of an unmanned bomber, operators warn our fighters...
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rare footage from the front lines of women and hars fly over our positions, komikad drones fly out to intercept, counting operators have hunted down the immortal stalingrad for more than ten confirmed cases of destruction of both the drones themselves and their operators; behind every successful special operation there is teamwork. fighters from different units and branches of the military. omar mogamedov, rabadan bagomedov, ntv television company, donetsk direction of the special military operation. today it became known about the detention
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of a ukrainian agent who blew up the car of former sbu lieutenant colonel vasily prozorov in moscow. russian special services presented operational footage of the arrest. as the fsb reported, he is a forty-year-old citizen of russia; after the start of the special operation, he went to ukraine, where a year ago he was captured and recruited by the sbu. on the instructions of the curator, he returned to russia to conduct surveillance on prozrov. he also received components of a radio-controlled explosive device from his curator. this is what the detainee said during interrogation. in february, i was given the task of just keeping an eye on the car, which i did. then the task changed. and i was told to assemble a bomb. mmm. my curator helped me with this, with the help of instructions, he explained, i assembled it and on the ninth, at approximately
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2:00 am, i attached this bomb to the bottom of the car, the homemade bomb went off on 12 april, prozorov received minor injuries, as reported by the fsb, the detainee may be charged with terrorism and treason. today is the anniversary of the murder of ukrainian writer and journalist oles buzina in kiev. he was shot dead on april 16, 2015 at the entrance of his house with five shots at point-blank range. buzina called himself ukrainian and russian, supported bilingual ukrainian culture, criticized russophobia and sharply opposed kiev’s military aggression against the residents of donbass. back in november 2014 , the journalist wrote: ukraine is gradually plunges into the reality of a new dictatorship. buzina offered to accept. laws prohibiting neo-nazi organizations in the country from promoting nazism. 2 months after the murder of budena, the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine announced that the crime had been solved and the suspects were detained. quite
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predictably, they turned out to be right-wing radicals andrei medvedko and denis poleshchuk, but no punishment followed and the criminals were soon released. after zelensky came to power, the journalist’s mother asked for help in investigating the murder of her son, but zelensky refused to cooperate with her meet. moreover. former defendants received government positions. this is the program today. and further in our issue. the volume of investment in the russian economy grew by 10% last year. prime minister mishustin held a strategic session of the government. olaf scholz flew to china in search of support for the german economy. he will tell you how berlin is trying to develop cooperation with beijing against the backdrop of the european union’s policy of reducing dependence on china.
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15% discount for fashionable ones. transformations: choose clothes, shoes, accessories for ozone, use the promotional code spring, it will be added to the existing discounts, everything for your looks at even more attractive prices with the promotional code spring. indoal ford evalar is a natural remedy for female breast health, more profitable than its analogue 50%. indol forte evalar - quality guaranteed to gmp standards. hot spot, new season, today at 20:00! on ntv. this is the program today. we continue our release. the brix countries are seeking to create their own independent financial mechanisms, and this is increasingly worrying the west. sergei lavrov announced this today at a meeting of the united russia general council commission on international cooperation. russia currently chairs brix, according to the minister, and is interested in countries
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using the union more widely. the german chancellor concluded a three-day visit to china today. before the trip, he promised to protect the interests of german businesses, which, according to berlin, are being discriminated against in the chinese market. but olaf scholz had to solve this problem very carefully, since germany, weakened by sanctions
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against russia, cannot afford a trade conflict with the prc. in addition, scholz , at the negotiations in beijing, tried to attract the president of the people's republic of china to the side of the west regarding the conflict in ukraine, and suggested that he support the so-called formula.
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from the crisis, the chancellor will have to learn to juggle, writes the political publication, taking into account the pressure from washington, which requires germany to turn away from china and brussels, which insists on reducing dependence on beijing and calls on eu countries to introduce additional tariffs on the import of chinese goods. scholz tried to find a balance in all this while walking with the head of the people's republic of china through the flowering garden, the state residence. mister chancellor, welcome to china. as long as both sides remain mutual in the spring, when everything returns to life, until respect, seek common ground while maintaining differences, deepen exchanges and achieve win-win results, they will certainly move forward steadily.
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german business also insists on the harmonious development of relations with china; without china, the export-oriented german economy is unlikely to survive at all, especially since it is already virtually paralyzed. the gdp growth forecast fell.
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sanctions against russia, refusal also from china, germany is experiencing the consequences of those introduced by germany’s main trading partner, would become fatal for berlin. last year , germany adopted its first-ever strategy on china, indicating that it sees beijing as both... a partner of a systemic rival, the new document emphasizes a course towards competition, but as this visit of the chancellor to china showed, making economic sacrifices for the sake of political goals , berlin is not ready. sidin pin and scholz discussed the situation in ukraine on the eve of their visit; the german chancellor promised to convince beijing not to support moscow. the position of the chinese authorities has remained unchanged. the prc is not a party to the conflict, but for his decisions, according to sidinpin, need to pay attention to the world. and stability, rather than pursuing one’s own interests. ksenia nekrasova, maxim zaichenko and alexander gusev, especially for ntv china. the volume of investment in the russian economy in 2023 increased by 10%. mikhail mishustin announced this at
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the strategic session of the government. as the prime minister noted, special conditions are offered in industrial technology parks for small medium-sized businesses. the government is launching new financial instruments for private investors. many citizens can receive passive income from.
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well, leaving russia is not so easy, you also need to get permission from the russian authorities, besides, working things are usually sold more expensive than broken ones, this also applies to banks, and we with gifts, where did all this come from, you’re retired, on vtb pensions the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% per annum, together everything will work out, an austrian bank that has repeatedly promised to leave russia,
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the financial times clarifies that in the texts of the announcement the bank talks about its goals expand the customer base many times over and achieve stable double-digit revenue growth. according to the financial times, after her request to the austrian office. the bank's chief executive, johan strobal, demanded an investigation and received a response from the russian division: they said the job descriptions mistakenly used a template that had not been changed since the beginning of hostilities in ukraine. and now the austrian raiffeisen emphasizes that the vacancy announcement does not correspond to the bank’s plans for the future and that the bank is still considering options to sell or separate the russian business. the russian rifazen bank is not under sanctions, and as it was written a year ago. the usa and great britain may
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lose about a third of their exports, as bloomberg and the kommersant newspaper write, citing sources, these are internal calculations of the company itself, they, as bloomberg points out, disagree with the opinion of most western analysts who said that sanctions against russian metals will not have an impact significant influence on supply and demand. previously usa and uk. the mood of investors even the imf, it improved
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went into negative territory for a day, was unable to raise the forecast for the russian economy and now expects it to grow by 3.2% this year, that is, the rate is on par with the world economy, the ruble has dropped noticeably today, the dollar has easily risen above 94, and the euro has broken , again broke through the 100 mark. today, yandex announced that it is launching neuro, a new service in which searching for information about... or with neural networks, it is reportedly capable of answering questions that usually require studying several sources from the internet, the user can set neuro additional questions, he will understand that the conversation continues on the same topic, and asking questions, they say, can be done without particularly choosing the wording, i had a real question, i was watching the champions league match and i was wondering why arsen zakharyan did not take the field, then i didn’t find it and actually went to neuro in the application and directly asked the question exactly in the form that came to my mind. why wasn’t arsen zakharyan included in realseed’s application? so naira answered, because
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he was injured, at that moment i even such a magical shuffle happened, i felt that neira managed it and gave me exactly the answer to the question i asked, and it cost a minimum of effort. you can also add pictures to the text request, for example, take a photo of a board game and ask for an explanation of the rules. the service is available in the appendix with alice in yandex browser, today it became known that the genre is an interview with tucker. pavel durov, the creator of the telegram messenger, decided to continue, saying that as the leader of a politically neutral platform, he must communicate with journalists, representing different political views. and so, pavel durov clarifies. in february, he gave a three-hour interview to a journalist with liberal views, it is not known who, and on the same day he spoke with the american journalist tucker carlson, who is known for conservative views. pavel durov added that it was a video format, which is a rarity for him, and that the interview will be released very soon. at the beginning of february, tucker carlson arrived in moscow and managed
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to admire the ideal, in his words, cleanliness of the kievskoye metro station and admire assortment. one of my friends decided to relax where there is no connection, where can i go from this connection? hello, i'm going nowhere, because the megaphone is bursting even here, the megaphone is the
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alena repina will tell you in more detail, we are leaving this column, yes we are leaving the column, this is the demolition and it turns out to be a huge room, a wonderful kitchen, living room, and with three panoramic windows and one window to the river, i love my job, when will i get a chance to ask the price for a hundred-meter penthouse on shore. the rooms in the pinthouse are small, so i really want to demolish this wall, yes, three rubles will turn into two-room apartments, but what, from april 1 this can be done up to two times faster, although, alas, we are talking about speeding up paperwork, not repair work. the most housing inspectorate is obliged to accept the project within 30 days. previously, the deadlines were not specified, in practice they looked like, how many days it took, from one and a half to 3 months. if you think that coordinating redevelopment is hell. then we have good news: on april 1, amendments to the housing code came into force, which seem to facilitate the approval process, the technical standards are
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the same as before: no, you cannot attach a balcony to the apartment, move the kitchen into the room, remove the load-bearing wall or break the ventilation duct, all prohibitions retain the actions, but if you have made a project within the framework of the current rules, then it will become a little easier for you to register it, you don’t need to go to the rosreestr, the housing inspectorate will do it for you, the housing inspectorate will... independently send it to the rights registration authority, that is, it’s to the rosreestr , for applicants this will be a reduction in time, making the necessary changes, and also the fact that these actions will be done for them by a government agency. previously , it was not necessary to enter new data into the russian register, so there were easily apartments on the market that actually had one the layout has been agreed upon, but the extracts from the unified state register of real estate in the drawings and diagrams show a different layout, this could confuse the buyer when selling, now. all updates will be displayed in an extract from the unified state register, so if you are thinking of combining a toilet with a bathroom, building a dressing room in the bedroom, or carrying out
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other improvements permitted by law, then you need to develop a redevelopment project, obtain permission from the housing inspectorate or local government, and carry out the work , order a new technical plan, send documents to housing inspectorate or local government authority, wait for the commission’s act and here is the main difference: order an extract from the unified state register and ru in the other documents section, upload a technical plan, and after drawing up the act , the mozhelinspectorate will independently send it to the rosreestr, and after making the necessary changes, they will send the relevant information to the owner about the fact that everything is registered and he can sleep peacefully also makes it easier to combine.
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don’t you need to coordinate with your neighbors, what else is not necessary? and there is no need to prepare a draft architectural solutions, because this is also there, well, roughly speaking, there is a redevelopment project, it’s 30 sheets long, roughly speaking, but depending on the object, and if we went through reconstruction, then there was a completely different project, it consists of six volumes of documents, how the new norms will work, let's see, fines for uncoordinated redevelopments remain the same: 2,500 rubles for individuals and 40-50 for legal entities, and either approval of the redevelopment is ... in number or bringing the apartment to its original state. alina reipina and irina savateeva, ntv. powerful downpours
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hit dubai. at the local airport dozens of flights have been cancelled. the runway and the area near the terminals were completely under water. footage taken by eyewitnesses gives the impression that dubai airport was flooded by the sea. city blocks turned into seething water streams. transport movement along some of them is very difficult. well, what kind of weather to expect on the european territory of russia will find out right now the time of the short weather forecast on ntv. and irina polyakova joins us, irina, but we didn’t have enough rainfall. yes, that's for sure. what strikes us now is something else. what's on the russian plain has contrasting weather, all seasons at once. the contrast between north and south is almost forty degrees. and usually, at this time of year, according to statistics. the difference is only 20 degrees, the fact is that now the south is too overheated, it’s warmer there, or rather hotter by 10 degrees, in the north everything
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is blue, almost the same 10 degrees colder than it should be. and the southern summer is gaining strength along with the fire danger. the main heat for the rostov region, for the kuban up to thirty and even higher, the republic of the north caucasus is also on the hot list, and this southern heat will be able to seep into the black earth on the middle volga, in tambov, in saratov tomorrow +224, well, now you will see a blue stripe - this is an atmospheric front with rain, so the southern heat from golovsky will not reach the very center yet, it will only reach one day on friday. well, now about the cold anomaly, this is north-northwest, frosty snow in the north, snow in the north of the leningrad and vologda regions. the rest in a few seconds. the wind will change tomorrow, the reliability and responsibility of uralsip bank will remain unchangeable. prompt resolution of issues, an individual approach and a favorable offer when opening an account for a business, uralsip bank gives free service for 3 months. and
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the capital, here very cold st. petersburg, is. the probability of wet snow during the day is maximum +4 in moscow, it is still noticeably warmer +14 and light rain is likely at night and on friday morning , heavier rain, possibly with a thunderstorm, this southern warmth will try to get through to us for one day, then these night +3 - this is in the city center, in gardens and vegetable gardens near moscow frosts are quite possible, this is a turn, in general, a common thing for spring, colleagues, yes, perhaps, perhaps, well, thank you, this was the weather forecast from irina polyakova. the russians who set a world record were met at the krasnoyarsk airport. they made the world's first stratospheric jump to the north pole. at an altitude of more than 10 km , the stratonauts left the plane and were in free fall for about 2 minutes, opening their parachutes when about a thousand meters remained to the ground, or more precisely to the ice. participants the groups stated that they dedicate their achievement to russia and its role in the development of the arctic. about
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how it was, alexander kanevich. exclusive footage was filmed a minute before landing at the north pole. our cameraman pyotr polikov, the only member of the media, lived there for more than a week with the polar explorers in anticipation of the record jump. and here it is a historical moment: pilot cosmonaut mikhail kornienko lands exactly in a given area. he prepared for this jump for several years, both physically and mentally. the most experienced, the most correct person to come. congratulations. thank you brother. congratulations. from the first steps on the ice you can see how difficult it was for the paratroopers during the jump, but most importantly, they did what they wanted. everything came perfectly. the navigator was not mistaken, we fell well. well, it’s true that my face was a little frozen, in my opinion. yeah, since the mask is blocked, the glasses are blocked, you can’t see. i had to take it off
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while flying. one of the tasks of an astronaut is to wait, yes, to be able not to break down while waiting, because crews are also constantly transferred, rotated there due to objective reasons, therefore, here this is generally a normal situation, on the appointed day everything went, as they say in aviation and astronautics, clearly according to the flight cyclogram, the sky that day was clearly for them in every sense, according to the altimeter readings it is clear that
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they achieved their goal, the height is exactly 10 5 m, although... from the point of view, the stratosphere at the north pole begins a couple of kilometers lower, the russian parachutists decided not to lower the bar they initially set for themselves. a lot depended on the navigator’s crew, a small mistake with the choice of landing point and the record might not have happened, but as they say in such cases, everyone did well, and the people did it, and the technology did not let us down. the jump was not easy, of course, it took a lot of mileage. i really think that in the area of ​​the north pole in such harsh conditions, well , you know what the temperature is there, this equipment, it holds, it feels like we did it, it took us a long time to get there, russia has
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the soviet union records. there’s a bunch at the north pole, here’s another one, not my record, we don’t care 10 times, but behind the country, it’s important that this is not just a jump for the sake of it. record thanks to him managed to test equipment and equipment developed in russia, something was used for the first time in such harsh conditions, but expert conclusions will come later, for now only emotions. once or twice, i really liked it, it’s very beautiful, excellent views, rivers, meadows, i don’t know what else you call it here, a lot, yes, yes, yes, but i expected it to be just a plain, there is so much picturesque here around, one of the participants in the record jump, a pilot instructor.
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good afternoon everyone, this is probably not for me, like this, although they themselves say that they fought, first of all, with themselves, with extreme conditions, simultaneously proving to the whole world that russia was the first at the north pole, even if getting there required the stratosphere. alexander konevich, anastasia medvedeva, olesya selivanova, vladimir bogomolov, pyotr polikov and artemy chinkov, ntv television company. krasnoyarsk, murmansk, north pole. these are the main news at this hour, watch the series hot spot right now. 23:00 on ntv premiere of the series the boy's word blood on asphalt. but we, igor poletet and aina nikolaeva, thank you for your attention. total good luck to you.
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thank you if the field is me. well, i’m healthy, if i fell again, touching, head high, all the strength of spirit that i carry forward with my brain, i walk the road, i believe that i’m ready, i believe that i’m ready, no luck. oh, how much strength, to understand neither tomorrow nor yesterday, the beast is clearly meeting, to calm down and swam to besiege the violent king.
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