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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 17, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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an element that knows no barriers, the tabola level in kurgan has reached the mark, a dangerous phenomenon, evacuated, an entire microdistrict and the situation in the orenburg region, the water in the village of kuibyshevo is gradually draining, it has already dropped by 60 cm, but what is happening in other areas? relationships with the fbi, apple, google , why didn’t he settle in the usa, telegram creator pavel durov gave an interview to tucker carlson. this is not a childish question; a scandal is erupting in britain around hormone therapy for teenagers, and planes float and furniture flies. it hit dubai. powerful
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hurricane. this is the program today in the studio of dmitry zavoisty. hello. evacuation. more and more flooded houses are at critical levels. big water in kurgan. this morning , the tobol river in the city area rose to dangerous levels of more than 8.5 m. and continues to rise. in some places by tens of centimeters every hour. this is what the flood looks like from a bird's eye view. in the dead of night, authorities announced an urgent evacuation in one of the micro. districts, there is so much water that it began to overflow over the dam, which the residents themselves had previously built to to protect themselves from flooding, kurgan residents receive messages on their phones about the need to collect documents, valuables to urgently leave dangerous areas, entire streets are under water, and outside the city, streams flood highways, the current demolishes greenhouses, sheds, and even a powerful all-terrain vehicle cannot cope with the current. anton tal, in more detail about what... the situation is now in the area
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of ​​​​large-scale flooding, the more water appears in the vicinity of kurgan, the more often eyewitnesses publish such records. reports of flooding are coming at these moments from different areas, but they are united by very similar content. it’s a little creepy, of course, it’s still a long way from our house, but the neighbors already have water in their garden, there’s already standing water, it ’s still raining. the situation is aggravated by the weather, it is raining, weather forecasters expect further precipitation, people who find themselves at the epicenter are taking out the surviving things from their houses and rescuing animals. you see, the pillars are already in the water, the tobol was much lower than these trees, everything went down there, but now it seems that this never happened, people’s soroyushki are already completely in the water up to the roof, against this background the evacuation continues, there are settlements... areas where
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the situation is particularly difficult, for example, it is expected that in the holiday village of tulip, in the coming hours the water will rise to a level of 11 m. the embankment that was erected there to stop the flood will not help, but in those places where there is still a chance to gain time, they continue to build a fortification, it’s the dam, the dam is being strengthened, in kurgan it was announced that a regional emergency situation had been introduced , more than 13 thousand people were evacuated, rescuers deployed 16 temporary points... placement, between those in the ministry of emergency situations publish forecasts according to which more than 60 settlements may be affected by floods and 18 thousand people are at risk of ending up in the disaster zone. much has been done in terms of prevention and preparation for floods. a huge amount of work has been done, we really hope that we are calculating correctly, and today we will talk about this more, about the threats that lie ahead of us and... we are working correctly, now
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more than 400 people are working in the areas affected by the flood, these are rescuers, local volunteer services, amphibious all-terrain vehicles are used, strengthen the coastline with sandbags. the current is already good, just like that, that’s all, but here you can’t get through. meanwhile, evacuation has been announced in tyumen, people are being taken out of dangerous areas. it is necessary to take documents and essential items. anton talpa and dmitry ananyev. ntv. the respite that the elements gave to the residents of orenburg was short-lived. over the past few days, the sakmara and ural rivers have seemingly been retreating. more and more messages were coming from orsk about houses freed from water. but nature again shows its strength. hydrologists note an increase in water levels. so, sokmara rose by 58 cm in a day. in the region, entire villages turned into islands. they found themselves cut off from transport.
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messages, as well as from basic communications, electricity and drinking water. our correspondent mikhail chernov was able to get to one of the flooded villages and learned how the residents there resist the flood. now you can’t get to the flooded village of kabankino, while the urals are receding, the sakmara river , on the contrary, suddenly began to grow, flooding the villages downstream, like a mountain river, the stream sweeps you off your feet. we have to take a detour, a 120 km detour along broken dirt roads, two watchboats and kabankino on the horizon, everything is flooded with water, streams cross the only remaining road, threatening to completely cut off the village from the mainland . at the school stadium and adjacent field. as if the sea had overflowed, flood waters had filled everything around, right up to the school building itself, to the neighboring mosque, the tall one over there, the main sila postman gulnur ibragimova now does not take off his fishing suit, the water came in at night, the post office the car barely had time to pass, literally
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in the morning there was a puddle somewhere on the front, while we were drinking tea, the water was already at our gate in the courtyard of the dominos. the first guy in the village, the ministry of emergency situations has not yet arrived in their village, because for now he, the main village rescuer, is taking out the things of everyone in a tractor bucket. this is how they overcome water barriers here, the water has occupied the entire village, you can’t get through, you can’t get through, everything was flooded in a matter of hours, sheds with a cat and houses, furniture barely had time to be raised, now the residents of silk are cutting off gas and electricity in order to it didn’t work out, this didn’t happen, it was the first time that water came into the house, the first time like this, it’s also stormy here now. surrounded by water, if growth continues, part of the local cow farm will also have to be transferred to higher premises, but the main danger is
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losing feed. mount silasa, flattened corn is stored nearby as long as there is access to forage, but if the water rises higher, it will no longer be possible to get close to the forage. this line for the production of butter is cheese, 30 tons are processed here every day milk, or rather processed, now the equipment is washed and prepared for preservation. while sokmara is heating up, the urals are slowly calming down; in orenburg itself , water is leaving residential buildings, exposing
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flooded furniture. the instrument is his wealth, self-taught musician daniil vazhdaev, an internet star, this is how he played czardash in a flooded house a week ago. now the water in the house has subsided, the piano has become soaked from moisture, but is still functioning, not the oldest classic, fashionably speaking, the water in the house has almost subsided, and this is already a reason for joy. by profession he civil engineer, music, hobby. daniil equally perfectly selects soviet classics and popular melodies, for example, from fort bayart, modern from his favorite belly alish. it happens anywhere in the shopping center , well, if there are instruments, i go up and play. carefully photographs the consequences of the flood, everyone here is waiting for the arrival of the commission, which should document the damage, the piano is not the only loss, well , an electric boiler, a gas boiler, a water heating boiler sank there, if you can soon walk in the house in slippers, then on the street until i’m still on a rubber boat, the water is receding, but
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the depth in some places is still under 2 m. the water in the village of kuibyshego is gradually receding, it has already dropped a little more by 60 cm and it will be possible to walk in rubber boots. here they don’t make plans for the future just in case, nature is capable of surprises, besides the unexpectedly overflowing sakmara, there are still many rivers in the area, so forecasting is a thankless task. mikhail chernov igor akimov, nikolay datsun, ntv, orenburg region. in the flood zone, rescuers provide residents with all possible help. they rescue pets from water captivity that people did not manage to capture during an urgent evacuation, and sometimes they carry residents out of their homes practically in their arms. regional authorities help with money.
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so the guys responded, came and now they are doing what is practically impossible for a woman to do, even for one family, huge words of gratitude. well, it’s impossible to contain it. the situation with large-scale flooding in neighboring kazakhstan remains difficult. the next 10 days there are forecast to be critical. number of evacuated residents exceeded 113. president kasym zhamart takaev called the floods the largest climate disaster in the republic over the past 80 years. the head of kazakhstan arrived in one of the affected areas. region talked with residents at the operational headquarters, in addition to discussing current affairs, they touched upon the topic
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of the russian language, takaev emphasized the tolerance of his position on this issue: the strength of my profession, i studied many languages, worked abroad, but now it’s not about me, it’s about according to our constitution , the state language is kazakh language, the russian language is used according to the constitution as an equal state language, performs the functions of the official... inspected the development of advanced weapons systems and robotic complexes, the head of the ministry of defense was shown more than
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thirty samples of equipment, including robotic transport, which will be used to evacuate the wounded, as well as delivery of food and ammunition. shaigu emphasized that the vehicles are very welcome in the army and gave instructions to the developers to finalize them as soon as possible and send them into production production. there is nothing more valuable than human life, which means that we need such a machine. as quickly as possible, yes, as quickly as possible and as much as possible, yeah, and as cheaply as possible, today we need to ensure the evacuation of the wounded from the front line, do it as safely as possible, as quickly as possible. the head of the defense department personally got behind the wheel of one of the new products. in addition, the minister was shown equipment for organizing the life of military personnel in the special operation zone, field baths and kitchens. shaigu instructed to simplify the procedure as much as possible acceptance of advanced weapons. now , during a special operation, our military is hitting the enemy in the krasnogorovka area,
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infantry attacks are supported by attack helicopters. the mi-28, k-52, and mi-8 operate in one team. on board is a search and rescue squad that can evacuate the wounded and, if necessary, give a tough rebuff to the enemy. unique filming in a report by alexey ivliev took the ntv film crew on one of the combat missions. the situation on the line of combat contact is as follows. that our assault units are attacking positions everywhere ukrainian nationalists, and all types of aircraft are involved, for example, this handsome mi-28, also known as a night hunter. charging heat traps, which, when triggered, should carry away missiles launched at helicopters, which means that on the last flight the crew of this alligator used them, but more than to protect the traps.
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the fighters of this elite unit are often called air bodyguards; every day they perfect a quick landing from a helicopter, and if suddenly the ukrainian nationalists manage to shoot down a night hunter or an alligator, their they are ready to carry out the combat mission - the evacuation of pilots - at the cost of their lives. we are conducting training on defending around a helicopter to evacuate a wounded person, both on board and in the event of a helicopter. they are like a shadow, combat helicopters are only accompanied by mi8s, today
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we are working in a troika. at a low altitude, on a low-level flight, we fly in close formation with two k-52s. these brave guys are ready to come to the rescue at any moment as a strike group pilot. responsibilities are clearly distributed: there is a medic, there is a machine gunner, but in general everything the generalists are ready to replace each other, now that our infantry assault troops are attacking in different directions, they are working around the clock. maybe two or three flights, one is stable. this group has already saved pilots, but , fortunately, it is necessary to carry out evacuation operations extremely rarely, the most intense minutes of the flight. i didn’t have one on this business trip, i hope there won’t be one. now the combat mission of the attack helicopters
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is to strike at the enemy’s manpower in the krasnogorovka area, where fierce battles are taking place.
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this was stated by the official representative of the british prime minister. it is interesting that the prime minister of belgium himself called the closure of the conference unacceptable and unconstitutional, but the decision was made by the mayor of brussels. he ordered the closure of the conference hall where the event was to take place due to, quote, a threat to public safety. there is a police cordon at the entrance, no one are allowed at... the participants of the event did not violate anything, they did not plan any street actions, they were only going to discuss socio-political processes in european countries,
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the prime minister of hungary viktor orban, the former prime minister of poland mateusz morawiecki, the british right-wing politician nigel farage, the french conservative were scheduled to speak eric zimur and other public figures, politicians, scientists and publicists. the british financial times indicated that the ban on the conference was quoted as signaling a growing is being tested by apple and google, which, according to him, is capable
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of censoring everything that is accessible via mobile phones. both american companies have made it very clear that telegram will be removed from the app stores if it does not adhere to the rules they have defined. durov also said that the idea of ​​opening an office in the states was against him. and do business there, he refused after the attack on him in san francisco. the second reason was too close attention from the intelligence services. fbi officers came to his home, accompanied him at the airport literally until they tried to bribe one of the telegram engineers on the plane, they wanted to control the messenger policy. after the events of january 6 at the capitol, we received a letter from, as far as i understand, a democratic congressman who demanded that all information be released. what they call a rebellion. the lawyers advised me to ignore it, but the letter looked very serious. it read: failure to comply with the request would be a violation of the american constitution.
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it's funny that 2 weeks later we received another letter from the republicans, which stated that if we hand over any information to that side, then we will violate the american constitution. thus, we received two letters from which it followed that whatever we did would be a violation of the us constitution. carlson admitted that he also opened a telegram account, a ten-minute fragment of an interview with pavel durov was posted on the channel, and the full version is on the website of an american journalist. in the uk , a scandal related to the issue of gender disorder in children is gaining momentum. a group of doctors has criticized moduno hormone therapy for teenagers who experience experiences associated with one's gender. doctors say that there is no evidence of the effectiveness of taking hormones, a reaction.
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disorders. these disorders were and are being treated using the method of hormonal carpet bombing, children suffering from complex mental disorders , prescribing transtherapy to teenagers with consequences unknown to medical science. we cannot prescribe powerful drugs to children without evidence that they are clinically effective. we don't do this in other areas of medicine. the report states that since real the consequences for the body, freezing of puberty and... hormonal therapy at a young age, doctors do not know, naturally, and children do not understand what they are doing, teenagers and young people noted the lack of reliable accurate information about medical intervention, they noted the need to be informed about any risks of side effects. thus, a medical experiment is currently being conducted on thousands of children in britain, the consequences of which can be anything: infertility,
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deterioration in physical health, we have become witnesses that ideology influenced the provision of medical care, while medical care should be based on the normal principles of pediatrics, the physical and mental health of the child. and the ideology is such that in maternity hospitals doctors are afraid to call young mothers women, people with breasts are invited to a momologist for examination, this trend also carries away children in gender-specific schools.
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waiting lists for an appointment, his diagnosis is gender dysphoria and dysmorphic personality disorder. we wrote to the request clinic and to we were asked to wait for an answer for six months, and so on several times, so we have been waiting to see a doctor for 5 years. one could be happy for frankie that since he did not end up in the gender hormone therapy clinic. however, his diagnosis requires the supervision of a psychiatrist and supportive therapy, but with free psychiatric help for adolescents, things are bad in britain ; queues are crowded and long-term. more than 270 thousand children and young people referred to child mental health services in 22-23 are still waiting reception. at the end of march, england's only public gender identity development service, based at the
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tavistock clinic. closed following a lawsuit involving keira bell, a former patient who had her breasts removed at a puberty block clinic at age 16 and had her breasts removed at age 20. soon keira regretted what happened and returned, as far as possible, to her biological sex. she went to court, demanding a legislative ban on drug treatment for gender dysphoria children under 16 years of age. many complaints were made against this clinic, both... from former patients and from some former employees, and the claims were consistent with the conclusion of the report: hormones were prescribed to children without a real understanding of the consequences. this clinic has now closed, but two regional branches will open. in addition, there are many private clinics where they do the same thing, so really nothing will change in the approach to children with psychological problems until the ideology of the state changes. georgian
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the bill on transparency of foreign influence, in other words, on agents, is increasingly heating up the situation in society. disputes surrounding its adoption resulted in new unrest in the center of tbilisi, with clashes with the police near the walls of the parliament building. activists tried to block the entrance to the parliament building, the most violent ones threw stones and bottles at the police, one officer was injured and had to be sent to the hospital.
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in the emirates, for a non-trivial reason, the country was covered by rain, business news marina pimenova. marina, i have economics for you, climate issue. are there any forecasts when the disaster will calm down and the airline’s operations will be restored? dim, well,
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i can’t answer for the weather, but emiraid airline passengers will definitely not fly anywhere from dubai today. there was a flood in dubai, which, according to some reference books, is almost the sunniest city in asia. arabic. from the night from sunday to monday it rains, while local residents and tourists post videos of flooded streets, luxury shopping centers and airport platforms, local meteorologists talk about a record amount of rainfall for 75 years old, and one of my friends sent me this morning these pictures of what a vacation in dubai looks like now, today is the sixteenth. the head of the russian tour operators association, maya lamidze, says that currently approximately 2,500 russian tourists cannot fly from the emirates, and this is almost half of all russian tourists who fly to the emirates on average every day. on the website of dubai international airport, some
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flights to moscow have a canceled status, some were delayed for 7 hours. there is little evidence yet that the situation will return to normal soon says, for example, emirates airline announced that it will not check in passengers departing from dubai. at least until midnight. transit passengers are reported to have no problems. naturally, it is not easy for russian tourists to get to dubai now either. one of yesterday's aerofot flights to dubai was redirected to abu dhabi. today's flights are seriously delayed. on the sheremetyev website, for example, it is now indicated that the flight, which was supposed to depart today at about 3:00 am, has been postponed to 11 am. the russian stock market begins trading in positive territory, winning back yesterday's drawdown. but metallurgical shares continue to fall in price after new us sanctions. the dollar and euro rose to noticeable heights yesterday, it seems they are quite comfortable there. the dollar is now 94.50, the euro 100 and 41. vinpromtork did not rule out that
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russian wines may become more expensive due to increased excise taxes. and this, as reported by the agroexpert portal, was stated by deputy head of the ministry viktor evtukhov. the price increase, according to eftukhov , will probably be insignificant. from may 1 , excise tax rates on... on weekends, russian the wine company, as rbc wrote, notified distributors that it was increasing prices from 7 to 35%. and one of the reasons for vobrau durso was named as a change in excise tax rates. nine more russian winemakers announced similar plans. obraudso president pavel titov, in a conversation with interfax, said that wine prices will rise also because logistics equipment components are becoming more expensive. together. however, according to pavel titov, raising excise taxes is a useful measure that will support domestic producers. deima, that's it that's all i wanted to say. thank you, marina pimenova with her economic review. developments will be discussed in the next news releases on ntv, as well as
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right now on our website and telegram channel. thank you for being with us, all the best and see you soon. about the weather for tomorrow. and its cold steps in kazyl, which are not really impressive. it is getting brightly warm in the southern urals, in the south-tyumen region, and as for the rains that are not needed there now, the forecast is for the tyumen and kurgan regions. here is kurgan +18.


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