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tv   Goryachaya tochka-3  NTV  April 17, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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hello. hello, are you coming to marinsani? yes, well,
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or rather, to her husband, excuse me, who? we work with him together. for some reason she didn’t come to work, there was no one at home. it’s strange, we agreed to meet with her yesterday. her husband is having another crisis. what crisis? oh, sorry, i'm a drug addict. he practically survived the previous breakdown for a whole year. well, alas, it’s quiet, it’s her phone, well, maybe she just forgot it there, no, don’t hang up, call the ambulance, call the police quickly, but what?
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it happened that you call quickly. listen, let's go find out where it is investigator, i can’t hang around here all day, i’m in trouble, my husband was sleeping in the other room, drunk, i don’t know anything else, it’s local now. they’re working, our guys just left,
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uh-huh, well, there’ll be news, i’ll call you back, what did you want, panic, it’ll happen today, how long can she hang around here, she won’t be there today, you ’ll be called to another investigator, what kind of mess is there anyway, it was impossible to say in advance, it’s impossible, they killed in panic, what did they kill? what do you think? don't know. or you can call the investigator to whom koridu spoke. i don't have his number. this is bad. must be find out details. looks like she dug in the wrong place. such people don't just die. should i give you a ride? no, i'm on mine. and, i skated on one myself for 4 years after my service.
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come on, it was nice, listen, let 's get together in the evening, a friend of your director, grab a chat, he'll be in the city, no, well, he won't go, come alone, there's something to talk about, it's about 8 o'clock, come on, don't say goodbye. how many times have i told ivan that vodka won’t do any good, but where can it go? a...
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pasha, what have you done, it’s not me, i swear, it’s not me, pasha, it’s not me, it’s, i couldn’t, from prosecutor's office, who came, shabalin, he's there on the street, wait. dima, great, hello, zhelevich, what do criminologists say, it could be an outsider, it’s unlikely, everything is clear as day, the murder weapon, the hammer was lying
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next to the body, the handle is full of prints, ivan has blood on his hands, in general, a classic, window , who broke it, your novikov, thought she was still alive, tried to help. why did you climb out the window and couldn’t call the group properly? i thought she was still alive, you thought, in the wrong place i thought, okay,
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we’ll scatter marina’s affairs to navashchenko and kalyvanov, but they will need your help, marina shared her work with you, of course, i will help them, right? were there any suspects? well , if there were, she didn’t tell me, oh well, but i just didn’t have time to tell her, in the chopper that guards the cemetery, another guard disappeared, what do you mean another one? one of them was hit and killed by a car, and in the morning kolovanov asked me to tell panceva that another one had disappeared, he was taking care of him, well, let kolovanov do it, but you’ll keep an eye on him, he’s a bit weak as a wednesday, he might end up in the wrong direction, but... this is strictly between us, i understood , i understood, well, yes, i know what he
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needs from you, but so far it seems like nothing, we met with him at the police, they called his fake blacks, and what kind of person is he, well, what is he per person? he’s a difficult person, the men didn’t accept him, he’s stuck with the veteran council, he’s so businesslike, you’re doing everything wrong, i ’ll teach you everything now, we sent him with advice to hell, he either went to school with the mayor, or in kindergarten they were sitting next to each other on the pots, in short, he has connections at the top, without such connections there’s no way to get to such a sweet spot sit down, okay, what do you think? he also works on the grip, well, i don’t know what, i don’t know, everything can be clear, okay, that’s it, yeah, come on, bye, zhen, two of our people will come to you, about work, they’ll tell me something, yes,
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okay, thank you, go ahead. free, belyaev, they came to you from voronezh, sit down. my last name is kolvanov, i’m leading the case of the disappearance of citizen polikarpov, do you know him? the voice is gone. i know, why did they take me? take your time, do you know when you saw polycarp for the last time? i do not remember. and i will remind you of this. on the ninth you stopped by to visit polycarcum, your fingers are everywhere there, well, fortunately you are a well-known person for organs, what can you say? that's right, it was just
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a matter of business, i stopped by senka's and had a little drink. here, the third one, who was with you? there was a third one there in the car, but i don’t remember. you drove more than 100 miles, don’t remember with whom? well, we ’ll come back to this, what happened next? we drank a little, then where's the floor? went with you? no, he stayed at home, and we left, i left, yeah, don’t lose your mind, you’ll tell me now, you have something urgent, i’m busy, they killed her in a panic, she was detained husband, no damn news, her affairs are conveyed to you, ikula vashchenko, first-hand information, i understand, well then i’ll turn up here, move forward to you, come on? the problem is that yes,
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where would we be without them, and i’ll tell you how it was, they drank, they fought, there were two of you, polycarpov , one, you overdid it, you buried the body, so, no, boss, you stayed at home, alive, healthy, you’re wet to me if you don’t sew it, that ’s what you’re doing wrong, first we ’ll send you to voronezh, we’ll check your little one, if someone has left a decent legacy, and you remember who was with you, so that the time won’t be boring pull alone, that's it, i left.
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oh, the bosses have arrived, we’re from mikhailovich, great, i told the guys in a nutshell what’s going on with us? i understand, well, let's go, let's talk. in short, work from 10 to 10. yeah, first i’ll put you on different shifts with our boys so that they can explain to you what’s going on? wait a minute, i’ll work, when are we going to decide with the shush? with whom? with shusha, with his sheep? but have they really lost their shores? and shushi, who is this? well, he’s spinning around with a grip, he’s so healthy. wait, mikhalych said that you are on topic. and he said that you will deal with them,
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we also have questions for them, so, i won’t deal with anyone, that’s understandable, you came here only because of this, that’s right, why don’t you throw your tongue in vain, well, we understand you, first you need to take a closer look, everything’s wrong with the work is it clear what about the money? well, we ’ll decide that now, katya, we’re going to the store again, well, grandpa got generous and poured in some money and said, i can buy whatever i want. for a long time, how do i know, 2 hours will be enough for you, but i don’t think so,
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katyusha, i need to go to the service center, let’s meet here in 3 hours, and if grandpa calls, he’ll ask where i am, i’ll figure it out, katya, your shopping is driving me crazy, okay, go away, i’m not going anywhere, but to be honest , i’ll be a little scared, why? well , i’m used to you always being somewhere nearby.
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on leningradsky. yes, oh, great, good health, zhela pavladovich,
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spend a lot of time, of course, have a seat, eh? listen, did you panic? yes, but what does he say? yes, nothing new, everything is the same, i don’t remember anything, but i definitely couldn’t kill, but this won’t affect anything, tomorrow the conclusion will come on the prints, so the matter will be revealed, well, everything is so, everything is so, but as they say, there is a nuance, what, the matter will be noisy,
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“i could try to persuade him, i mean, but he, as a former employee, must understand that it will be better for everyone, but it will work out, it’s an attempt, not torture, he still faces lifelong treatment, otherwise everyone will benefit, you’re right, let’s try, i’ll give the command to talk.” with him, goodness, it is a real pleasure to feel the taste of coffee. jardin colombia medelin from selected arabica beans, which have revealed their aroma in the author's roasting, filled with colombian passion,
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10:22 pm
year, the passengers thank me, i’m doing a good job, it turns out that if i hadn’t tried then, it would have been the same i didn’t understand that this was mine, just like that, dad, be a taxi driver, it starts with yandex pro, allergies, i wanted to sneeze on it, i’m a zodok, i help adults and children up to 24 hours, available on the yandex market. mask: new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. do you know mikhalych? i'm fucking mikhalych and i know which one are you interested in? which one will they give us? well, guys, you’ve never seen anything like this before, once i pressed the pipe for everyone, how it is, zhenya will show you,
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in short, here’s a button, if something happens, press it and the police will come, that’s it... that’s what we have weapons, and that’s all, what do you mean, give me an injury at least or a gas man, we don’t have a license, so for now you’ll get by, okay, show everything else yuryevich, i have to go, come on, let’s go guys, well, let’s go, or something, let's go. well , it's great that you need something, i'm looking at you i’m not very happy to see me, i
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’m listening to you carefully, okay, it doesn’t matter whether you ’re happy or not, i’ll tell you something, you didn’t say on the phone what you want, you want to find katya, but you know where she is , i know, in moscow, well, i also know that in moscow, but moscow is big, and i know specifically. that’s why i came, let’s do this, i’ll help you , you help me, why do you need her, yes , there are some questions for her, let’s find her together like in the good old days, and i ’ll solve my questions, you’re yours, no, the old days are over, you shouldn't change your mind, call or stop by, i’m in semeluki, pervomayskaya 37.
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good afternoon, how can i help? hello, i’m viktor anatolyevich. how can i introduce you? ekaterina podolskaya. ekaterina podolskaya to viktor antolyevich. of course, yeah, we'll have to wait a little, please sit down, okay, thank you.
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how can i help you? well, rather, it’s me who can be useful to you. hello, viktor anatolyevich. we don't know each other, right? no, although we are fellow countrymen. let's. straight to the point, i can help you solve all your problems with boris kimych, i have no problems with boris, which is also good, but i have, you see, he got himself another woman, it’s a lie, i know his every step, i know who you
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are, you can... tell the old idiot that his number didn’t work, that’s all freely, listen, he didn’t send me to you, yes, i lied, but i had no other choice, he wants me, i kill you, or leave us. open it.
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i didn’t kill her, i can’t even imagine how hard it is for you now, pasha, i couldn’t do it, i know, van, we’ll figure it out if you help us, like with someone you walked with yesterday, come on, remember, remember, with one guy, they started with him, then he himself, what kind of guy, an acquaintance, i don’t know, he called me by name, he says that he’s an acquaintance, i don’t remember, his name is valerie, i think he offered me a beer for the meeting, well, away we go. well, it’s clear what
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we were talking about, remember? no, he said that he also worked in our system, uh-huh, you recognize his face, yes, i probably recognize him, pasha, i couldn’t do that. you know, do you believe me? van, i believe you, but the examination clearly showed that no one but you could have done this, you understand what this means, you think about it.
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great, great, we need to talk, let's go. well, tell me what you wanted? what happened to the panic? why should i answer you? is this proprietary information? i understood you? well , excuse me, i’m on edge, just sit down,
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the prosecutor’s office is handling the case, but they’ve already solved it, it’s a clean house, her husband, a former major from our group, was detained, after being wounded he was disabled, well... he had problems with his head, he was in a bind , got drunk and hammered it, well , there is more evidence there, you can’t dig through it, but what do you think, yes, i don’t think anything yet, but i will dig, so it’s important for me to know what you and i are talking about they told her in private, i can’t tell you, you don’t trust me, i’m sorry,
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damn, i’m listening, boris kimych, where is she, i ’m calling her, she’s not picking up the phone, shopping? take it in your pocket, after all, someday you will drive me crazy, yes, yes, but i thought i already did, carefully, it’s
10:34 pm
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my friends decided to relax where there is no connection, where can one go from this connection? hello, nowhere, lyusya, nowhere, because the megaphone can pick up even here, the megaphone is the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage and speed, why did i come? according to muryshev for about 10 minutes, then start, listen, get out, oh, get out, why are you so angry, women don’t like it, what are you doing, there’s nothing wrong with your head, you have a bad habit of disturbing me from dinner, what’s the matter, that’s enough , you know very well, i say, a drinking man is a disaster
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in the family, they do such terrible things, cool down, you need him, otherwise sparks will fly, valentin, i very seriously, stop messing around, otherwise, otherwise, what? why then did you leak your pants on my tail so that i could do my legs, i wanted to warn you, i warned you, measures have been taken, the guards, what prevented you, which guards, yes those same ones, they crushed one, the other evaporated, there was no other way to do it . i give you my word, i don’t understand what you mean,
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i didn’t lay a finger on anyone, pasha, don’t blame everything on me, i cleaned everything up after you, while everything is calm, if it’s hot, i’ll let you know who, hello, am i on the ad about? i've been driving for a long time, i've already passed it, i understand, thank you,
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hello, great, russian, great, old, how are you, yes, it's fine, i'm just bored out of my mind, there's nothing to do, i understand. listen, i wanted to ask you, did you tell lena where to look for me? no, i don’t even know your address, he was waiting for me near the cemetery, but this? well, listen, we talked to him about work, yes, but what does he need? well, it’s okay, i sent him, i did the right thing, i didn’t want to tell you, you ’re friends, like, he and i are not on the same path, well, we haven’t been friends for a long time, okay, in general,
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let’s make connections, hang in there, let's. i'm listening, who is it? um, this is zhenya molin, we met at the police station. well, shall we meet today? come on, come on, i'm waiting for you. come on, okay.
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since you haven’t moved out yet, maybe you can live here for now, otherwise if you leave, they will come here. next time, just call the cops right away, no, that’s not my option, okay, think about it, is it good
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that you’re not sleeping? spirit.
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you see, what a thing, here a man appeared in the city with a lot of money, immediately some kind of dirty business began, to the point of catching up, so, although you are not from outside, you are also already in the know, he is half he crushed the cities under his control, bought some, squeezed out some, had to leave, some suddenly died. immediately everyone stopped believing each other, it’s unclear who is on whose side, and which side are you on, if i understood the grip strategy correctly, after the churny ones
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i’m in line, so i’m for myself, and you, i’m also for myself. well, let’s drink to this, and tomorrow, sober, we’ll discuss what we should do with all this happiness.
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hello, why haven't you picked up the phone for so long? i'm sleeping, what happened? is it okay, are you home? you're a fool, where else should i be? i don't know, i'm in the last time we talked, it seemed that you, ruslan, i have to get up early for work tomorrow, let’s talk tomorrow, what’s up with you? nothing. that's it, good night, i wish it would all be over soon, that it's over, i'm tired of hiding from him, i'd rather be with my little blackhead, everyone would be fine, why do you even need me? what do you mean why? well, there are so many girls around? free, without children, well, yes, but i love you.
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hello, great, you're asleep, no longer, what's wrong? can kolya come over? and what happened? she didn’t spend the night at home, so how can you imagine that? can you imagine what i'll say? awoke? what? shall we delay breakfast? yes, how do i know, come up with something. i wanted to call you last night. if she’s not there, i don’t know what i ’ll do with her, i’m sad, i beg you, don’t go crazy, okay, it’s difficult for you, okay,
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i’ll come, come, zhek, come on, good morning, great, who -that? there's a friend who got his wife, yeah, and mine, as they told her, that i wouldn't get out of the stroller, he ran away, you woke up a long time ago, yes, a long time ago, i already managed to go for a run, i can't do without it, otherwise i'll get rusty, yeah, handsome, yeah you sit down, what are you standing at the same time let's discuss it, right? i need to go, then we’ll discuss everything, listen, but you’re fishing, but not really,
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well, it’s not scary, i have the tackle, let’s rush out of the city tomorrow morning, we’ll discuss it there, well, let’s get in touch. who are there guys, hello, svetlana mikhailovna, hello!
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10:56 pm
i, hello, hello, what did you want, i ’m getting ready for work, i’ll come in, why, i need to talk, there’s no other time, i grew up asking to check whether you’re at home or not, i was convinced, call, report, that’s all, i saw you i arrived. so what
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now, i won’t take it. let's go, tell me what we'll do. will you tell him? i said i won’t take it, no need to lie,
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tell him the truth, were you asked to check on me, am i at home or not? “you arrived, i’m home, no, this won’t do, who will be better off if he finds out, you, tell him yourself, i’ve already tried, i can’t, well, can you do this behind your back?” " "close it behind me,
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but there can be no question of burying the murderer on the same day as the victim, shabalin from the prosecutor's office, they came to me, night, healthy, dima, sit down, yes, yes, but what's wrong, vanya, my conscience is tormenting me , you see, i have bad news, for example, a smeared mark was found on the handle of the hammer, which does not belong to panchiu, in there was someone else at home. dim, how long did you work for me? 5 years, you live in the same place, that ’s right, well, they promise to improve it.
11:00 pm
i'll sort it out, don't worry.


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